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  ఈవెంట్స్     ఎగతాళియైన     కథలు     ప్రేమ     వంటకాలను     రిఫ్లెక్షన్స్     సైన్స్     సంఘము     కాంటెస్  

అత్యంత ప్రజాదరణ పోస్ట్స్ - పేజీ 16

arrow right Black and Gold Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes Which God gave me to hold He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black, And all your joys in the gold." I heeded his words, and in the two boxes Both my joys and sorrows I store But though the gold became heavier each day The black was  as light as before. 

With curiosity, I opened the black
I wanted to find out why
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole
Which my sorrows had fallen out by. 

I showed the hole to God, and mused aloud,

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arrow right L’expèrience de Paul [1] (Pasteur Josuè Matthieu)

W 1 L’expérience de Paul — Quelques versets de l’épître aux Philippiens Série. [1] L’expérience de Paul [1] (Pasteur Josué Matthieu) Le croyant n’a pas à se soucier de  l’orientation à donner à sa vie. S’il garde la Parole et s’attache à elle, sa vie est orientée ; comme la boussole se tourne toujours vers le pôle, quelque secousse qu’on lui donne, ainsi la piété, quelque secousse qu’elle subisse, se tourne toujours vers Christ. Il y a des moments où la boussole paraît avoir perdu sa direction ; elle est comme affolée, mais tôt ou tard elle reprend la même direction. La foi connaît aussi des orages ; mais, lorsqu’elle est vivante, le cœur se tourne toujours à nouveau vers Christ. Les jours faciles sont peut-être plus orageux que les jours difficiles, plus dangereux pour la foi, parce qu’ils laissent le cœur s’orienter vers d’autres objets que celui qui est présenté à la foi, Jésus dans le ciel. La valeur de la piété du croyant se mesure au poids que la présence de Christ dans la gloire a sur son cœur, si son cœur est animé du désir d’être arrivé dans son repos.

Dans l’épître aux Philippiens, l’Esprit de Dieu se sert de la voix incomparable de Paul pour exprimer quelque chose des expériences de la vie chrétienne ; c’est le livre de l’expérience. Le péché n’y est même pas nommé. Paul dit : qu’il me faille passer par des souffrances, par la mort, qu’importe ; ce ne sont que des incidents dans ma vie. La mort sera peut-être une souffrance de plus ; j’en ai connu beaucoup d’autres de toutes sortes. S’il faut passer par la mort, tant mieux ; cet incident me rapprochera du but que mon cœur poursuit. Paul est devenu un vieillard, mais il n’a pas perdu son temps dans sa vie, longue, mouvementée, chargée d’incidents, une vie d’expériences. Le nombre des années ne fait pas nécessairement la valeur des expériences ; mais chez Paul, nous avons et le nombre des années, et la profondeur et la richesse des expériences avec Christ. Dans la variété et la hardiesse de son ministère, il a déployé une plénitude d’activités ; dans sa vie avec Dieu, il a acquis une profonde richesse intérieure. Paul servait au dehors avec puissance, parce qu’au dedans il vivait continuellement avec Dieu. Quel homme heureux ! Nul n’aimait les frères comme Paul, nul n’eût donné sa vie comme lui. Réalisons l’amour et le dévouement pour les frères, mais aussi, et avant tout, une vie avec Dieu, aujourd’hui, à cette heure, dans la solitude avec le Seigneur, source de la vie, de la force, de la lumière, de la vérité, de toutes choses, sinon nous fléchirons.
Dans une telle vie, nous trouvons, plus brillant qu’ailleurs, le reflet de la vie de Jésus. Jésus a fini tout seul, Paul aussi ; le Seigneur n’a jamais été plus solitaire qu’aux abords de la croix, comme aussi Paul dans sa prison. La vie de Jésus n’a jamais été aussi belle qu’à la croix, la vie de Paul n’a jamais été plus belle que dans ses dernières heures, quand tous l’ont abandonné, le trouvant trop fidèle. Tous n’avaient pas renié le christianisme pour retourner dans le monde ; mais tous trouvaient que le chemin de Paul était trop étroit, qu’il persévérait trop longtemps, jusqu’à la mort, à porter sa croix. Ils s’étaient fatigués, ils ont préféré s’arranger autrement. Le cœur naturel de l’homme veut bien de Dieu quand Dieu l’arrange et le guérit ; mais lorsque Dieu l’engage dans la mort, il dit : non, je ne veux plus de toi, j’aime mieux le monde sans Dieu qu’un Dieu qui me fait passer par l’épreuve. Tous, nous sommes mis à l’épreuve ; «chacun sera salé de feu» (Marc 9:49).
A suivre.

    Pasteur Josué Matthieu

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arrow right Blessings Great and Small

Here in the Arizona desert where shades of browns, grays, blacks and muted greens at first appear to dominate the landscape, I live and expand my appreciation for God's canvas. Just today before day relinquished its light, on the horizon where the mountains loomed in  the distance, God painted a sunset, its beauty taking my breathe away. Wispy, swept clouds, delicately brushed, completed the Master Piece; some things defy words, remaining in crevices of the mind, long after miracles have passed and moments acknowledged. 

I am reminded too of springtime when the mountains burst forth in the brightness of sunshine as they are enveloped by wild flowers that have been sprinkled there not by accident or by the hands of man but by God and His glory. 

Too, I marvel at the giant Saguaro Cactus that stands tall and proud and the ever yielding variety of colors from the Bougainvillea. Tasty fruit from the Pomegranate the orange and lemon trees linger on my pallet as I think of their contribution in feeding humanity. 

Today unlike so many yesterday's that have skipped by unnoticed, I paused to reflect on a gift so often unopened, by we who are given greatness beyond measure by God the giver of all gifts great and small. I stopped, accepting this wonder of wonders and asked that my eyes be opened to minute blessings sent to me daily. I want not to miss the smallest of blessings for in doing so in the future I may reflect back, seeing them as they truly are, my Biggest, Richest Blessings. 

Every landscape scattered across our nation, our world our universe is unique in and of it's own self; like each individual person we have our own gift and purpose, we have our own contributions. God has given to us that we might give back of ourselves and brighten the life of another. 

As I reached over and felt the warmth of my husband's hand, saw his eyes upon me and heard the words,

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arrow right Build me a Temple

Build Me a temple that Holy and new, Build Me a temple to dwell in with you; Cleanse this new temple from all previous sin, Open the doors wide place My love within; Invite My Spirit to dwell in this place, Let Him come in to fill every space. This  temple I need is not stone or brick, 

Not made of wood, canvas, or stick; 

The temple I want is the one I gave you, 

So long ago when you were brand new; 

The temple I ask is the body you wear, 

It's a temple you have that is always right there. So build Me your temple that Holy and new, Build Me a temple to dwell with you;

Build Me a temple and you will see, That together forever we'll always be.

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arrow right Vampire Wepon in Flyff

Welcome toGoldceo, hope you have a wonderful time in game. We got the information in other site for Flyff players, hope it can help you more or less. It has not been mentioned but supposedly there is a cs item that will remove soul link so that the item(Flyff Penya) can  be sold later. But since they are the best weapons in the game we bought anyone will be selling them anytime soon. But the soul link basically just turns the item into an event/reduced item.

Someone who actually has an ancient/vamp weapon(Flyff gold) let us know if you can actually literally see the soul link like you see with -10 of a reduction. Poka in v14 forum we was talk abaut koren have this scrol but aeonsoft/gala dosnt tell that in v14e, we will have any scrol what will be un soul linking. Also we do not see any of this scrol in cs shoop. Any one was testing upgrade and then trade.

Thanks for your reading. And hope you like it. If you need any help, please contact with our customer service and we will do our best to help you.  


Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: ప్రేమ   »   80 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 15/01/2010 05:02   »   ద్వారా: aajj

arrow right Parfum pas cher - Grandes Marques Parfum prix discount - Parfumerie en lign

MisterParfum.com est un site de vente en ligne de parfums, eaux de toilettes, eaux de Cologne, coffret cadeaux et autres produits beautè à prix rèduit. Avec plus de 450 marques de parfum et plus de 5600 produits en stock, MisterParfum.com est le site de rèfèrence  pour la vente de parfum sur internet. 

Vous retrouverez un large choix de parfum pour hommes et parfums pour femmes au meilleur prix, pleins d'idèes cadeaux pour toutes fêtes et cèrèmonies, et toutes les marques que les enfants prèfèrent. 

Nous avons ègalement sèlectionnè pour vous les 20 parfums les plus demandès et les plus achetès pour rester à la mode et dècouvrir les dernières tendances au meilleurs prix.

Vous trouverez aussi quelques best-sellers du monde entier encore indisponible en France comme les marques ABERCROMBIE et HOLLISTER (dernière nouveautè !!!).

Venez visiter Misterparfum.com pour faire plaisir et vous faire plaisir sans vous ruiner.

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arrow right The Winner

I was watching some little kids play soccer. These kids were only five or six years old, but they were playing a real game - - a serious game _ two teams, complete with coaches, uniforms, and parents. I didn't know any of them, so I was able to enjoy the game without the  distraction of being anxious about winning or losing - I wished the parents and coaches could have done the same. 

The teams were pretty evenly matched. I will just call them Team One and Team Two. Nobody scored in the first period. The kids were hilarious. They were clumsy and terribly inefficient. They fell over their own feet, they stumbled over the ball, they kicked at the ball and missed it but they didn't seem to care. They were having fun. 

In the second quarter, the Team One coach pulled out what must have been his first team and put in the scrubs, except for his best player who now guarded the goal. 

The game took a dramatic turn. I guess winning is important even when you're five years old -- because the Team Two coach left his best players in, and the Team One scrubs were no match for them. Team Two swarmed around the little guy who was now the Team One goalie. He was an outstanding athlete, but he was no match for three or four who were also very good. Team Two began to score. The lone goalie gave it everything he had, recklessly throwing his body in front of incoming balls, trying valiantly to stop them. 

Team Two scored two goals in quick succession. It infuriated the young boy. He became a raging maniac -- shouting, running, diving. With all the stamina he could muster, he covered the boy who now had the ball, but that boy kicked it to another boy twenty feet away, and by the time he repositioned himself, it was too late -- they scored a third goal. 

I soon learned who the goalie's parents were. They were nice, decent-looking people. I could tell that his dad had just come from the office -- he still had his suit and tie on. They yelled encouragement to their son. I became totally absorbed, watching the boy on the field and his parents on the sidelines. After the third goal, the little kid changed. He could see it was no use; he couldn't stop them. 

He didn't quit, but he became quietly desperate futility was written all over him. His father changed too. He had been urging his son to try harder - yelling advice and encouragement. But then he changed. He became anxious. He tried to say that it was okay - to hang in there. He grieved for the pain his son was feeling. 

After the fourth goal, I knew what was going to happen. I've seen it before. The little boy needed help so badly, and there was no help to be had. He retrieved the ball from the net and handed to the referee - and then he cried. He just stood there while huge tears rolled down both cheeks. He went to his knees and put his fists to his eyes - and he cried the tears of the helpless and brokenhearted. 

When the boy went to his knees, I saw the father start onto the field. His wife clutched his arm and said,

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arrow right SENEGAL :: Le Pouvoir judiciaire

Le pouvoir judiciaire est gardien des droits et libertés définis par la Constitution et la loi. Le pouvoir judiciaire est indépendant du pouvoir législatif et du pouvoir exécutif. Il est exercé par le Conseil constitutionnel, la  Cour suprême, la  Cour des Comptes et les Cours et Tribunaux.
Le Conseil constitutionnel connaît de la constitutionnalité des règlements intérieurs des Assemblées législatives, des lois et des engagements internationaux, des conflits de compétence entre l’exécutif et le législatif, ainsi que des exceptions d’inconstitutionnalité soulevées devant la Cour suprême.
La Cour suprême est juge en premier et dernier ressort de l’excès de pouvoir des autorités exécutives.
Le champ des compétences de la Cour des comptes est défini comme le contrôle juridictionnel des comptables publics, le contrôle de l’exécution des lois de finances, le contrôle du secteur parapublic et la sanction des fautes de gestion.
La Haute Cour de Justice est la juridiction chargée de juger le président de la République pour haute trahison, le Premier ministre, les ministres et leurs complices en cas de complot contre la sûreté de l’Etat

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arrow right Flowers on the Bus

We were a very motley crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer 33 years ago. During the early morning ride from the suburb, we sat drowsily with our collars up to our ears, a cheerless and taciturn bunch. One of the passengers was a small grey man who took  the bus to the centre for senior citizens every morning. He walked with a stoop and a sad look on his face when he, with some difficulty, boarded the bus and sat down alone behind the driver. No one ever paid very much attention to him. 

Then one July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled short-sightedly down through the bus before he sat down. The driver nodded guardedly. The rest of us were silent. 

The next day, the old man boarded the bus energetically, smiled and said in a loud voice:

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arrow right Surviving 81st Floor of World Trade Tower Two

September 11, 2001 (Tuesday) - For all victims of the terrorism tragedy in the United States of America. * A testimony of God's hand of protection amidst tragedy * by the Editors of Religion Today Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, began like any other day for Bethel  Assembly of God deacon and Sunday school superintendent Stanley Praimnath of Elmont, Long Island. He got up early, took a shower, prayed, got ready and headed for work. The drive was uneventful. The train ride was the same. Yet, this day he would see the hand of God spare his life.

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arrow right Little Girl

There is a beautiful crystal castle it sits on a hill and watches the land The soul owner is a beautiful little girl She plays in the garden has everything she needs and lives in happiness One morning she looked into the mirror and saw a stranger It was a  woman
and she realised it was
herself, all grown up
In the background
scenes of her future life
flitted before her
She looked deep into the woman's eyes
and what she saw made her want to cry
She had never seen or felt
such pain
The woman stared at her
and could not understand
why such a happy little girl
would have reason to cry
The little girl said

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arrow right Christian Bears

A minister was walking through the woods and came face to face with a huge bear. He fell down on his knees and prayed, "Father, please make this bear a Christian!" While he was praying he heard a big "Thud". He opened his eyes to see the bear right in front of him  on his knees with his paws held together as if in prayer. 

The minister let out a sigh of relief, and then he heard the bear say,

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arrow right A Letter To Patrick

Dear Patrick, I was then an only child who had everything I could ever want. But even a pretty, spoiled and rich kid could get lonely once in a while so when Mom told me that she was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I imagined how wonderful you would be and how we'd always be  together and how much you would look like me. So, when you were born, I looked at your tiny hands and feet and marveled at how beautiful you were. We took you home and I showed you proudly to my friends. They would touch you and sometimes pinch you, but you never reacted. 

When you were five months old, some things began to bother Mom. You seemed so unmoving and numb, and your cry sounded odd -- almost like a kitten's. So we brought you to many doctors. 

The thirteenth doctor who looked at you quietly said you have the

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arrow right SENEGAL :: Autoroute à pèage

Construction d’une autoroute à péage entre Dakar et Thiès. Le projet d’autoroute à péage Dakar-Diamniado participe au réaménagement du territoire et à l’érection de nouveaux pôles de  développement économique et d’habitat.
Objectif principal
Décongestionner Dakar en assurant un déplacement rapide des biens et des personnes pour sortir et entrer dans Dakar et améliorer la mobilité urbaine dans l’agglomération dakaroise.
Situation actuelle

     Dakar, c’est 30% de la population (2,5 millions d’habitants) sur 0,3% du territoire (550 km2).
     La région de Dakar abrite 80% de l’activité économique en plus des fonctions administratives et politiques.
     Des besoins accrus de logement.
     La ville accueille 100 000 à 125 000 nouveaux habitants par an.
     Une circulation presque impossible aux heures de pointe.
     Une circulation globalement difficile le reste de la journée.

Bénéfices du projet :

     Réduire considérablement le temps des déplacements entre le centre de Dakar, sa banlieue et les villes voisines de Rufisque et Diamniadio grâce à des infrastructures modernes, sécuritaires et hautement efficaces.
     Accroître la sécurité routière et le confort des usagers empruntant le réseau routier.
     Favoriser un étalement de l’habitat vers l’est afin de réduire la pression immobilière et les problèmes de saturation au centre de Dakar.

> L’ouverture à la circulation du tronçon Patte-d’Oie–Pikine de l’Autoroute 

Pour informations complémentaires :
Projet Autoroute à Peage Dakar-Diamniadio 
Tel : (221) 33 889 44 89   
Fax : (221) 33 823 63 70 
Email : apix@apix.sn 
 > www.autoroutedakardiamniadio.com 
 > www.apix.sn

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arrow right Pla Lat

Pla Lat (3-Flavored Fish ? Thai)Posted by WingsFan91 at recipegoldmine.com 11/15/2001 4:43 pmA traditional treatment for fish that simply contrasts sweet, hot and sour flavor elements. Again this is traditionally cooked in a large deep wok, though unlike pla jian it is  cooked at very high heat. Therefore I caution you to use a large skillet or an electric deep fryer (though I have yet to see one of them that gets the oil hot enough for the full effect of this recipe). First the simple part: deep fry about a pound of mackerel or whiting, preferably with the heads on, in smoking hot peanut oil until the skin if crisp.Place it on a serving platter.Sauce2 tablespoons chopped shallots (purple onions) 1 tablespoon chopped garlic 1 tablespoon prik ki nu daeng (red "birdseye" chiles), sliced 2 tablespoons fish sauce 2 tablespoons palm sugar 2 tablespoons lime juice 2 tablespoons fish stock In a small saucepan, saut? the garlic and shallots in a little oil, then remove and set aside. Pour off the oil, leaving only a thin film on the pan. Return half the shallots and garlic to the pan, and add the other ingredients. Stir to dissolve the sugar and then simmer to thicken the sauce.Add the remaining shallots and garlic, stir until heated through, then pour it over the grilled fish. Special thanks to - Muoi Khuntilanont.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: వంటకాలను   »   76 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 19/03/2010 00:00   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...