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Arrow right Phantasy Star Online - GameCube

How to get the Musashi

The Musashi is a special weapon for the hunters to get it beat the dragon boss of the forest on hard mode after you kill the dragon on hard mode it might leave a red colored box that says special weapon go to the tekker and let him examine it and it turns into the Musashi.

Trap Cheat

If you hate it whenever your character slows down in the presence of a harmful trap, causing you to be hit by it, just hold the R button before you get to an area where you suspect traps will be. You wont slow down.

Very Hard Difficulty Mode

Finish the game using normal difficulty in both episodes. Reach a level of 20 online to get the online hard mode.

Create a chair in lobby

To create a chair in the online lobbys, this is what you need to do. While standing in the lobby, press X, hold it, then press A. A chair will appear, in the color or your section ID. Press A to move forward, and the control stick to turn. To make the chair go away, press B.

Duplicate items online

Enter a game online and drop the item that you want to dupe. Get someone to stay in the game and turn off the GC Then turn it on again and enter the game the item should be there and you should have one in your inventory.

Dressing Room

You get access to the dressing room if you successfully clear all of the areas in the 1p mode.

Get Ultimate Difficulty Mode

Finish the game using very hard difficulty in both episodes. Reach a level of 80 online to get the online hard mode.

Avoid walking near traps and enemies

Normally, you cannot run when near a trap or enemy. To avoid this, press Start to display the main menu. You may now run again

Avoid mine field damage

When in a level with a trap mine field, hold Start and run through. You will not get hurt.

Fun with Traps

If you hate waiting around for Rappys to get back up and you are an Android, set a fire/explosion trap by them. Run to the other side of the area. As soon as they get up to run, the trap will go off and you can grab the items. If you are being attacked by multiple enemies, herd them into a group then run away from them. When you are about 10 to 15 feet away from them, set a trap and turn back towards the enemy, so that the trap is between you and the group. Fire a shot at the trap to set it off (like the preset traps in most levels). The effect of your trap will still go off, but you will have a bit more control over it.

Slip through block and laser blocked doors

This trick requires a Saber, Brand, or no weapon at all. Go to a corner of a blocked or a laser blocked door. Face the corner, then start attacking. Keep doing this, and you will eventually slip through the door. This trick is useful for getting to new places early. Note: This trick is difficult to execute.

Ice Break

When you are frozen by an enemy, trap, or Boss, move the Analog-stick Up and Down, or Left to Right very rapidly to break free of the ice. This works very well when fighting Bosses with Ice Element attacks such as the Gol Dragon or Sil Dragon. This trick also works in battle mode.

Unlimited number of MAGS

Note: At least two controllers are required for this trick. Make multiple characters and enter cooperative mode. Have one character drop his or her MAG and the other pick it up. Go back and recreate the person who dropped the MAG and go through the process again until you get as many as desired. Note: You can also do this for Meseta.

Specialized MAGS

Being able to equip Busters to level 1 Force and have them learn Megid is simple if you have specialized MAGs. Put levels of only one type on a MAG and when equipped, it raises that stat by 400. Every stat level on a MAG puts up the corresponding stat by 2 points. Since all MAGs start with 5 levels on Defense, it is the only stat that can truly be maxed.

Getting Al or Pal Rappies to appear

You must have access to the second tier of quests in order to do this. Select the Fake In Yellow quest and go through the first three areas with Rappies, killing them off. Once in the fourth area with Rappies (where you meet the doctor in the Rappy costume for the second time), there should be a huge amount of Rappies dropping down. Drop a Telepipe and examine them all to see if any of them is an Al (or a Pal under the ultimate difficulty setting) Rappy. If not, enter the pipe to town then quickly return to the area. The Rappies will drop again. Repeat this procedure until eventually one of the normal Rappies turns out to be a rare Rappy. It is recommended that you have the ability to use Ryuker when doing this, as it is cheaper then going back and forward to pay for Telepipes (350 each). Before the room that you usually teleport to in Forest 1 without the quests, there will be three Rag Rappies that drop down. If you are level 13+, one of them can turn into an Al Rappy (a Blue Rag Rappy).

KIreek's Soul Eater

You can do this only once per difficulty setting. To get Kireeks' Soul Eater, you need to play "Dr. Osto's Research" quest. Then, after you get the information at the end, talk to Sue. If she asks your name, say "No". After you finish that quest, go to the "Unsealed Door" quest. You will meet Sue again. Talk to her and listen to what she says. Then, complete the quest. Next, go to the Waterfall Tears. After defeating Anna, continue on to Cave 2 (same quest) and you will eventually meet Kireek. He will greet you, then you will have to fight him. After you defeat him, go to the "Black Paper" quest where he will try a rematch in Cave 1 of this quest. Note: You are in the dark in this battle. When you defeat Kireek in that battle, you will meet him again in the "From the Depths" quest. In that quest after you separate from Ash, go back to Ruins 2 (in this quest) and go as far west you can. You will confront Kireek for the final time. It is recommended that you equip some armor, shields, units that can withstand Dark/Draw/Shadow or whatever that weapon is made out of, or use Razonde (or Zonde, if that is all you have). When you defeat him you get to keep his weapon for your accomplishment.

See Flowen

Defeat Olga Flow with a Red Weapon and then go back to town via a Telepipe. Return and Flowen will be there. Note: This is where you get Parasitic Gene "Flow" on Ultimate.

See Red Ring Rico

Defeat Dark Falz with a Dark weapon then go back to town via a Telepipe. Return and Rico will be there. Note: This where you get Red Ring in Ultimate.

Defeating Dubchics

Notice that they return to life. After killing a Dubchic, a brown orb with yellow rings around it should fall to the ground somewhere in that area. Destroy it and all the Dubchics will be destroyed

Defeating Garanz

When you are in Mine 2, you will probably encounter a Garanz. When he shoots his missile, run behind him and he will eventually kill himself. Note: You can get extra experience when this happens

Defeating Gol Dragon

You should be about level 15 if you are a Hunter and have Resta, an Autogun, and Monofluids to restore your MP. When starting the fight, keep shooting at any part of his body. When he is up in the air and is about to land, get away from him or the rising floor will hurt you. His first attack on the ground should be an elemental breath attack. It consists of a fire breath (the weakest one), an ice breath which freezes you (the most dangerous as you can easily die while you are frozen), and a lightning breath which paralyzes you for a short while. When he does the breath attack, walk towards him until you are under his attack and shoot at one of his body parts. He should eventually take flight again. If he starts spinning in the air, then he is using his elemental ball attack. Like the breath, it consists of fire, ice (still the most dangerous), and lightning. During this time, try to evade as many as you can and heal if needed. After this, he will land again. Keep repeating the previous steps until he roars and goes underground. When he re-appears, there will be two of him. Fortunately, one of them is a mirage but it can still hurt you. You can tell if one is a mirage by killing it. When a mirage dies, you will see a bluish flash and it will disappear. The mirages also have a lot less HP. If you kill a mirage, the real one will be by itself again. Just keep attacking and evading as best as you can until it is dead.

Defeating Pofuilly Slimes

It takes a long time to kill a Pofuilly Slime. Instead of having to hit it once waiting for it to pop up again, use a paralyzing or freezing weapon

Defeating Volt Opt

Volt Opt is more difficult than in the Dreamcast version of the game. If you are an Android, you will get shorted about 8 out of 10 times that he shocks you in his first form. Kill the center thing that hangs off the ceiling. Once that is down, shocks stop occurring more often. Shoot Volt Opt in the monitors when you see him. When the poles appear from the ground, find the red pole and take it out. If not, you will get a nasty shock that could short you out for awhile. Repeat these steps with 10 Monomates and 10 Dimates and you should be fine. Once his first form is done, he will become a huge red robot and have multiple attacks (but no more shocking). He usually starts by turning his missile pods towards you, and fires them after three seconds. You can avoid the missile by running around Volt Opt (get a 3-hit combo in before he fires them, then run). He will then turn his laser sights on you. Do another 3-hit combo and run. Keep running and when you hear him powering up, he will drop a huge pole on you. He does this three times. Yet again, you can avoid this by running. He will chase you with the laser sights twice. After that, he will heal himself by about 40. During this time, attack him heavily. He will then switch over to his front and shoot a floating ball at you. Do not stop running or you will be imprisoned in dirt wall while he charges up to do his ultimate attack. If you get hit with this ball in multi-player or online mode, call someone over to. They can get you out by attacking the dirt walls. Repeat this to defeat him and get good experience.

Easy power up

Whenever you enter a Boss room, you will get charged up in defense and attack. You should see one or more red rings glowing around your Mag or shoulders. There also should be red and blue symbols to the right of your HP/TP bars. Get to a Boss warp, such as the Forest boss (the dragon). Before you enter the Boss warp to the room, use a Telepipe or the spell Ryuker. Go in the warp and defeat the Boss. After that, when you are back in Pioneer 2, you should see the Telepipe that you created. Go back through that and enter the Boss' lair again. The Boss will not be there, but you will still get charged up. Quickly find the warp and take it to Pioneer 2. After that, immediately enter the area that you want (caves, mines, ruins). When you appear, you will still be charged up. This should work with every Boss under any difficulty setting. This is an easy way to have the advantage while playing through the levels.

Cheap Kills

If you are having trouble in a room, try running out of it and go back in. Some monsters will probably go into a dormant mode and allow you to get off a hit or two before they retaliate. This is especially useful against Garanz.

Refill Health

If you are a robot in the game, you can refill your health after receiving damage from an enemy. Find a safe place to rest and remain in that spot for a least a minute. Your health meter will go up a little bit at a time. If you are playing as a Froce or a Newman, you have the ability to refill your TP. Find a safe place and wait for it to go up. If your short on money or just do not want to pay the 10 Meseta to heal, go to the Hunter's Guild. Once there, talk to the person behind the counter. Then choose and start any mission. Once the mission is loaded, your HP/TP are fully healed. Talk to the person behind the counter again, and choose to cancel the mission. Note: This is useful if you want to do an area again, such as the Forests, without having to reset the game. Once you are ready, talk to the person at the Hunter's Guild that is behind the counter. Choose "Load", then quit any mission and all areas will have been reset.

Fighting Invisible enemies

Use the environment to help you. Enemies such as Sinow Zoa can easily be spotted by their reflections on glass or water, as well as the targeting system. However, that can be unreliable at times.

Dodging De Rol Le's Energy Balls

After De Rol Le has shot his timed mines onto the raft, go to the upper right hand corner of the raft and face directly to the corner at the edge. Do not move until De Rol Le is done with the energy balls. This works about 80% of the time. If you are online, this may not work because other players may do the same thing. It only works if one person is in the corner.

Resta Dodge

If you time the technique Resta correctly, you can avoid almost any attack. The trick is to just cast Resta before your enemy attacks, but long enough that you can gain life; otherwise you will just get hit.

Easy Meseta

This trick requires an empty file and two controllers. Create a new file, give the character any name, face, color, etc. Return to the player screen and select multi-player. Have the new person drop the items. You should get 300 Meseta some Monomates, Monofluid, and a Mag. Keep repeating this until you can buy the item you want.

Easy Level Gain

If you want to gain some levels without much effort and are around a 25 to 40 level range, try going the forest levels under the hard difficulty setting. You can usually get about 8,000 experience points from it.

Find someone who has played the game longer than you have. Ask them if they can give you a high powered Mag. With this Mag, you can start using weapons from the Ruins (if it is at a high enough level). Also, you can join in a multi-player effort. If you are a Ranger, you will have an easier time then a Hunter. When a teammate has weakened a monster, aim and go for the kill shot. You should move up levels easily. Since Hunters are naturally stronger than Forces and Rangers, they have an advantage. To gain levels quicker, defeat the Caves 3 boss. Hunters can use an effective Sword or Partisan against him by hitting all of his parts. After that, talk to the Priciple and go to Mines 1. You can now do a great deal of damage on the Mine 1 enemies. They are weak. The only three to watch out for are Sinow Gold, Sinow Beat, and Granas. The basic enemies in the mines area give about 15 to 22 experience points. By the time you get to Mines 2, you should have already gained a couple of levels. Mines 2 also offer a great deal of experience.

Go to the Forest (under the hard, very hard, or ultimate difficulty settings depending on your level). Enter a room which has a Monest (or Mothvist in ultimate) and killall the Mosquitoes without killing the nest. Once the nest stops spitting out mosquitoes, return to town via Telepipe or Ryuker. Return. The nest will spit out more mosquitoes. The experience given varies depending on difficulty, but the ultimate mode mosquitoes give about 230 experience points each

Play in multi-player mode with a group of either high levels or low levels. Play through the game as you would in solo mode. Many of the monsters are harder to defeat, and you will get five points extra experience per how many people are on your team. By the time you complete the game you should be at level 20 or higher, depending how many monsters you have killed. Note: When you make it to hard mode, you will start finding special weapons earlier because your luck points are being evaluated as a team and not individually. Then, when you play in solo mode you will be able to pass through it without problems.

Use a weapon that can confuse an enemy. Use it on a Honest and when the little fly things appear, they will be confused and will kill each other giving you the experience.

When you fight a Pofuilly Slime, use Barta or another Ice technique on it. The enemy will duplicate into two. You can then make a copy of the copy (you can only make one copy of the original). You can create a total of six Pofuilly Slime. The copies will give you double the experience of a normal one. If your gun has a name with "Master", "Lord", or "King" you will be able to equip a bullet that takes experience from an enemy on all your shots. Some guns also have other abilities.

Easy Materials

Get a character that can easily kill monsters in the Normal Ruins. Take him, and go through every Ruins under the normal difficulty setting. You should be able to find, on average, five materials. Def Materials and Mind Materials are more commonly dropped because certain creatures seem to drop them more. This is also a good way to improve lower level characters. Take all material found and give them to that low level character in Multimode.

Easier Boss battles

If you are having trouble with Bosses and want to avoid going through the enter level again after dying, use this trick. Use a Telepipe or the Ryuker technique at the entrance to the Boss. If you die, then you can just go over to the bank and find the teleport that you made. Go through it, and you will get back to the Boss. To kill the Bosses from the forest, cave, and mines faster, you can use weapons like the Saucer or use Rares such as Slicer Of Assassin. Keep using hard attacks, and in about ten minutes it should be dead.

Hunters Guild missions

If you successfully complete all the Hunters Guild missions, you will have access to all of the missions all over again. If you complete the mission again, you will be able to keep playing it repeatedly.

Weapons from monsters

If you obtain a special item such as G-Assassins Arms or Bomma's Right Arm, go to the Unsealed Door mission. Talk to the person standing to the right of the portal to the principal after all missions are complete. He will turn your item into a weapon.

Finding rare weapons

The best place to find rare weapons are at the Dragon (Episode I) under hard mode. You can find such weapons as Crush Bullets and Musashis. Its recommended that you enter hard mode at level 30 or high to be effective. If you are level 20 or higher, choose the hard difficulty setting. Then, go to the warp and go to Forest 1 and 2. Over here, you should be able to find a very special weapon. If you do not find it here, you will most likely be able to find it in the caves. Once you have it, go to the Tekker or the person that reveals what a unknown item is. Take it to him, and he will probably be able to figure out what it is. Most likely, you will not be able to use this item if you just turned level 20.

Blind enemies

In a level such as the Mines, are Sinow Beats and Golds. Try walking against the wall of a room. If done correctly, the Sinow will act as if you went out of the room and will warp back to their starting point. You can then simply kill them from there, and they will not attack.

Duplicating Items

I did not create this method. It works, many people can verify that. Here are the basics of the new dupe method:

1) Don't ask me why, just make sure you have only two things in your Item Pack. A monomate, in case you have to sell during the trick, and the item

you want duplicated. No meseta either.

2) Go to the shop. The annoying lady that tells you about the Tekker's is crucial to the method. You need to talk to her/lead her over to the armor

shop. Just keep talking to her, let her walk a bit towards you, talk again. It is hard at first, but you will eventually get the hang of it, and it

will become very easy

3) When she is close enough to the Armour Shop, quickly turn to the armor shop and hit A. Hit Buy. The woman's text will appear as well.

4) Now, select an item. Quickly hold left, and hit A several times. The camera should switch to the Green Item Shop.

5) Now, there should be an item screen, and a buy/sell. If you hit the A and the buy/sell disappeared, hit B once, then A, should be fine, if not restart. Anyway, if done correctly, Hit B once, and one of two things will happen.

(1)-The buy/sell will disappear leaving only the Items window. Wait a few seconds and then hit A.

(2)-The Item Window will disappear leaving only the Buy/Sell. Wait a few seconds, and hit A.

6) Now, you SHOULD be able to walk around with the item screen open. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE GETTING HERE, fool around with it until you can walk around, then go to 7.

7) Now, walk to the Bank. For this trick to work, the buy menu has to have your orange stripe moving as you walk...you know what I mean, changing the selected item etc. Talk to the Bank Lady.

8) The Deposit/Take will pop up. Select Take, and the take item screen will be behind it. If you move up and down, you can faintly see your line move. Anyway...Hit A once...and you will select it. A YES/NO will come up.

9) Now, hit B, B, A. This will bring you to a meseta/item screen.

10) You can now walk around. Hit B once, to bring up the Deposit/Take screen, or if that was up already, don't hit B. You should be able to walk around. If not, start over.

11) Now, hit Start. You should select both Item Pack and Deposit. Both will be open.

12) Open them both. Hit A when selecting Item and Item to open. Select the item you want duped.

13) Hit up and down etc, until NO and DROP are selected. Hit A. WARNING! IF YOU DE

14) The item will drop. Now, hit Start to close off the item screen. Then, in your still open deposit window, hit your item, and then Yes or deposit,

or whatever.

15) Hit B repeatedly, to exit out the windows. Then, pick up your item. Go to the bank, and Withdraw the same item.

Congratulations! You have successfully duped an item. Only one item is dupable per time. Good Luck, and if it doesn't work, re-try.

Twin Swords

For anyone who finds a twin swords weapon and is a hunter, these are some of the best weapons in the game. They have a great attack power and 5 attack-combos.

Red Ring Rico and Flowen

To find our mystery heros, you must beat Olga Flow/Dark Falz on Ultimate, go back to their dark sanctuary (Without reseting) and find them just standing there.

Phantasy Star Online's WMDs.

By reading the title of this cheat, you're probably confused. Let me clarify it. The weapons of mass destructions are weapons that are so powerful that its just ridiculous! You get them from Olga Flow, the final boss of Episode II. Don't think you're in the clear just yet: You need to beat him on Ultimate. If you beat him with anyone but Oran, who has a mere 30% chance of getting it, your chances of receiving it are reduced to around 7%. Kill Olga Flow with Oran, and if you see a special item called 'Parasetic Gene FLOW', use it on any MEGA powerful sword (A regular sword) to transform it into the Dark FLow, with an ATP of +900! For Rangers, I wouldn't leave you in the dark ;). You can use it on any shotgun to make the Dark Meteor. Any Force can use it on a rod to give it some dark powers!

These can only swing once (no combos), but I don't think you'll need it.

Get Rare Weapons and Armor

Okay, for this you need a human who can cast magic and a room with a monster or two. You also need the spell Ryuker and the difficulty level of Hard, Very Hard or Ultimate.

Once you've aquired these prequisites, find a monster that can turn into a rare monster:

Rag Rappy: Al Rappy

El Rappy(Ult): Pal Rappy

Hildebear: Hildeblue

Hildelt(Ult): Hildetor

Blue Slime: Red Slime

When you encounter any of the creatures to the left, use Ryuker and teleport back to Pioneer 2. Go back and see if there's a change in appearance. If there is, you found a rare monster. Kill it for a rare weapon or Armor. IF not, try again. Some monsters change from Very Har to Ultimate, so (Ult) means they can only be seen on Ultimate.

تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   -   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamba   -   بار مطالعه شده است: 1   -   دسته: جامعه
