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Arrow right A Different Kind of Christian

A worldchanger is someone who is committed to do just that, change the world. A worldchanger is not someone who blends in. A worldchanger sticks out! A Worldchanger stands up ready to make a difference. A worldchanger goes beyond the usual expectations of Christianity. A worldchanger finds the most intense demands that Jesus places on Christians and doesn\'t shy away but goes after then passionately and does whatever it takes to get the job done! She is not just doing it because her parents make her or because the youth pastor bribes her. A worldchanger has been radically, completely, and totally changed by a relationship with God! Christianity is not some boring thing that a person halfheartedly commits to just because they have been in church their whole lives. You are not hanging on to your parents Christianity. A worldchanger had found Jesus for them-- not just for mom and dad or just for the pastor. And because Jesus died for them, they are ready to give their lives for him. Christianity. is not just lip service. Worldchangers have a fervor to seek God with all of their hearts, and to do everything they can to let the world know that God is real and that he is alive! Worldchangers are not stuck in a bunch of boring rules and regulations, but they have the fire of the living God burning inside them! And they just can\'t keep it inside of them. Worldchangers are serious about learning the word of God and then taking that word and applying it to their lives. Worldchangers are constantly changing and becoming more and more like Jesus. Worldchangers develop a vision for their community and do everything they can to take the living Christ to a lost and dying world! Worldchangers are sick and tired of a watered down, namby-pamby Christianity.! They want the real thing and don\'t care how hard it hits them or what parts of their lives they have to change. They are sick and tired of the attitude that lukewarm Christians bring into the church, and they are ready to do something about it! They are especially ready to attack attitudes in their own lives! A Worldchanger loves the Lord with all of his/her heart, soul, mind, and strength and loves his neighbor as himself. Write this scripture down. Carry it with you! Begin to pray over what you have just learned about a worldchanger.

تاریخ: 07/03/2010 21:44   -   توسط: LAURA   -   بار مطالعه شده است: 52   -   دسته: داستان
