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A-lways trust your children to God\'s care. B-ring them to church. C-hallenge them to high goals. D-elight in their achievements. E-xalt the Lord in their presence. F-rown on evil. G-ive them love. H-ear their problems. I-gnore not their childish fears. J-oyfully accept their apologies. K-eep their confidence. L-ive a good example before them. M-ake them your friends. N-ever ignore their endless questions. O-pen your heart to their love. P-ray for them by name. Q-uicken your interest in their spirituality. R-emember their needs. S-how them the way of salvation. T-each them to work. U-nderstand they are still young. V-erify your statements. W-ean them from bad company. e-Xpect them to obey. Y-earn for God\'s best for them. Z-ealously guide them in Bible truth.

Tarikh: 07/03/2010 21:44   -   Oleh: LAURA   -   Membaca: 42   -   Kategori: Cerita
