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arrow right Vitamin C - The Most Common Health Food Supplement

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid was first isolated from lemons in 1932. The C in this very important vitamin is debatable and may stand for citrus, cold, or collagen for the following reasons.Fruits found with the highest concentration of Vitamin C are citrus fruits, rose hips,  cherries, papayas, cantaloupes, and strawberries. Common vegetable sources are red and green peppers, broccoli, sprouts, tomatoes, asparagus, parsley, dark leafy greens, and cabbage.The most important function of Vitamin C is the formation and maintenance of collagen, the basis of connective tissue, found in skin, ligaments, cartilage, vertebral discs, joint linings, capillary walls, bones, and teeth.Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin. It blocks the oxidation of water- soluble molecules, which lead to the creation of free radicals, the culprits responsible for making our bodies prone to cellular injury and disease.A most popular disease associated with Vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. Lack of Vitamin C in the body impedes collagen formation, causing reduced health of the tissues. Early symptoms are poor resistance to infection and very slow wound healing. In addition, many medical problems have been found to be associated with low blood levels of Vitamin C. These are common infections, colds, depression, high blood pressure, arthritis, vascular fragility, allergies, ulcers, and even cholesterol gallstones.The RDA for adults is 60 mg. Only 10 to 20-mg. of Vitamin C are required to prevent scurvy, and there is more than that in one portion of most fruits or vegetables. For most people the minimum dosage is between 100?150 mg. daily.Vitamin C is the most commonly consumed nutrient supplement and is available as regular or chewable tablet or as time-release capsule, as well as in powder, effervescent, and liquid forms.Lorna Mclaren has an informational website http://www.123-nutrition.com where you can find out all about health food supplements and vitamins.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Top 10 Ways to Turn Clients Into Raving Fans

Do you find great joy in being a coach? If so, you will find that your enthusiasm is contagious and will attract clients. Be sure to develop a superb and supportive community. Enlist them in building a practice and in supporting you as you go down the coaching road. Embrace  change. It is your constant companion as you build your coaching business.1. Be someone that they really enjoy as a person and as a vendor.2. Call your Client each quarter to ask if they're having any problems or challenges with their organization.3. Continually improve your product or service.4. Keep your client informed about future changes and upgrades about the product/service they bought.5. Keep your client informed about what the media and other clients are saying about your service/product.6. Educate your client on making the most of your product/service.7. Do the unexpected, again and again.8. Create a "special client-only" club or group that gets extra things e.g. autographed books, audio tapes, and special invitations - anything worthwhile.9. Be 6-24 months ahead of the competition - and stay there.10. Use high tech, low tech, no tech to keep your name in front of your clients. After all, they are the ones who will bring you the business.--Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print free of charge, as long as you include my full signature file for ezines, and my Web site address (http://www.schrift.com) in hyperlink for other sites. Please send a courtesy link or email where you publish to sandra@schrift.com. Thank you.About The AuthorSandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who want to

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arrow right The 7 Keys to Business Success

Do you run a business that seems to run you? It does not have to be this way. There are 7 keys that can improve your business results and help you achieve success with much less stress.1 Take ChargeThe first key is to realise that success will not just happen, it is up to  you to make it happen. Successful people claim to be in control. They refuse to be victims. They accept responsibility for the results their business achieves and take the blame themselves if things go wrong. When we are in control we can choose what to do. We can't always control the situation but there are two things we can control ? our attitude and our skills. We can get stronger, we can get smarter, we can get better at all the skills we need to run our business. We can take charge of ourselves and our business and change the results we are achieving.2 Know Where You Are GoingWithout having specific goals, business owners often find working in the business becomes an endless drudgery. If being in business is not exciting, enjoyable and rewarding, then why be in it? It is exciting and rewarding for the few who are really successful. The difference is that they have a clear idea of where they are going and each day they can see their business making progress towards their clearly defined goals.If our goals are not clearly defined it is easy to become like the mouse on the treadmill. We can expend a lot of effort going nowhere. All we can do is react to the pressures the business creates. The second key is to decide where you are going. When you know where you want your business to go, you can determine what needs to be done to get there. Doing these things creates excitement and enjoyment. Instead of struggling on with meagre rewards, we can make progress towards success in a steadily growing and entirely planned way.3 Spread The WordYou will never succeed by keeping your business a secret. You need to spread the word to let people know about your unique products or services. With many small businesses, there is a tendency to be reactive. If sales slow down, you decide to advertise to address the situation. When work picks up, advertising is stopped. The result of this approach is haphazard advertising which produces haphazard results. Rather than haphazard advertising, a planned advertising and promotion strategy can be applied to address specific goals.Instead of one broad objective of "getting more sales", strategies can be developed in three areas. Firstly strategies should be developed to actively encourage word of mouth and a system for generating referred leads. Secondly, planned advertising approaches are needed to generate a steady flow of new enquiries. Thirdly, strategies can be developed to increase the value and frequency of purchases from existing customers. Marketing must not be left to chance. The third key is to spread the word, by developing planned, consistent and effective advertising and promotional systems and strategies.4 Do What You Do So Well They'll Come Back And Bring Their FriendsThe difference between the truly successful business and the average business is that successful business' leaders live, breathe and preach quality, where the average business' leader only pays lip service to it. There are many companies that have built their reputation on the quality of the service they provide as much as the product they sell. Even if we haven't been, I'm sure we all know the reputation Disneyland has for the quality of the experience of a visit there. The title of this key is a quote (paraphrased) from Walt Disney. This man lived and breathed this attitude and accepted nothing less from his employees. The outworking is that standards and procedures are established so that employees know what is expected of them in every situation, particularly in an interaction with a customer. Delighted customers come back with their friends.5 Train Your People To Do It Better Than YouWhen we start a business based on our own unique skills, we have a difficult choice when we get too busy to cope with all the work our expertise has created. We need to spread the load by employing others to do some of the work. This is the critical point in the business' development. If the business owner gets this right, the future of the business is assured, but if it goes wrong, the business is doomed.Many business owners wish they could clone themselves. They are unable to find anyone who can work as well as they do. Usually there has been some resistance to this move, but eventually the need becomes obvious. Business growth is always stifled by the owner hanging on to the work they enjoy. Having made the choice to grow, the key to unlocking this potential is to train the new people to be better than yourself.6 Keep The ScoreThe greatest danger in a growing business is for the owner to lose control. This fear causes many to choose to stay small because they do not want the worries of growing too big.WHAT YOU MEASURE YOU CAN IMPROVE!A business' performance needs to be managed and controlled. So many business owners worry about getting the work done, but they don't measure results, they don't keep score. Keeping the score indicates how well the business is going towards achieving its goals. If performance is behind expectations, steps can be taken to improve. If the score was not kept, no one would ever know that performance was substandard, and the goals would quite likely never be reached.7 Celebrate Your VictoriesRegeneration of our physical and emotional resources comes when we celebrate victories. One of the problems we have in small business is that we think we are too busy to take time off to celebrate. Even if we just get away from the business and relax, we come back rejuvenated and are usually able to tackle our work with a renewed vigour. Imagine how inefficient it becomes, using a battery powered machine, if we keep on working harder and harder to get the work done and never stop to recharge the batteries. If we don't stop at times to recharge our batteries we keep working hard but become totally ineffective.When we plan our future and set goals it is easy to determine when to celebrate. Without goals to achieve, we can keep on working until it becomes a drudgery. Celebrations put excitement into what we do.ConclusionImplementing the 7 keys to unlock the profit potential in your business could be what you need to end the frustration you feel from trying to build your business but seeming to take one step forward and two steps back. These are the keys to freedom from the daily grind of business pressure, the keys to gaining the rewards you deserve from the efforts you put in. It is up to you to take hold of the keys and unlock the hidden profit and excitement that is the potential your business holds.© 2003 Greg Roworth, Progressive Business Solutions Limited.Greg Roworth is a business consultant and author of "The 7 Keys to Unlock Your Business Profit Potential." With over 25 years practical experience in business ownership and management, Greg has, over the last 12 years, worked with hundreds of small and medium size enterprises, assisting the owners to grow their business profitably and at the same time reduce their stress levels. His successful business development program results in development of a business that works so well that the owner doesn't have to.Buy "The 7 Keys" book online at http://www.progressivebusinesssolutions.co.nz or check out the list of free resources and quality business building articles on our Free Resources page.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 7 Online Banking Success Stories

You have seen their ads and you may have wondered if they are worth a second look. What am I talking about? Online banks! Also known as internet banks, these are financial institutions who provide the majority of their banking services over the internet. Typically, online  banks offer consumers high savings rates, low loan rates, and a mix of other services. Let's look at 7 winners in this fast growing field:1. E Trade Bank Part of E Trade Financial, the discount internet stockbroker. E Trade Bank offers checking accounts, money markets, and certificates of deposits as well as a VISA credit card.2. Netbank Along with offering checking and money market accounts, Netbank provides mortgage and home equity lines of credit to customers. With tie-ins to affiliated companies Netbank also offers Auto, Homeowners, Condo/Co-op & Renters Insurance and Life, Health, Long Term Care & Dental Insurance.3. Virtual Bank VirtualBank, a division of Lydian Private Bank, is a federally chartered bank regulated by the Office of Thrift Supervision. The bank offers checking, savings, and credit card services to customers.4. Ever Bank This leading internet provider of banking services offers the most extensive, and varied services of any online institution. Ever Bank offers business and personal checking accounts, mortgages, home equity loans/lines of credit, reverse mortgages, a VISA credit card, and world currency accounts. This latter category is for investing in Deposit accounts and CDs denominated in any major world currency.5. Emigrant Direct Part of Emigrant Savings Bank which traces its roots back to 1850 as a service provider to Irish immigrants. Emigrant has $10 billion in assets and more than $1 billion in net worth. It operates as a full service bank through 36 branches in the New York metropolitan area, and through EmigrantDirect.com. Emigrant offers only consumer services online; their high paying savings account is a chief investment vehicle.6. ING Direct ING is a global financial institution of Dutch origin offering banking, insurance and asset management to over 60 million private, corporate and institutional clients in more than 50 countries. ING offers mortgages, loans/lines of credit, savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and money market mutual funds through another division.7. MetLife Bank Yes, MetLife. A division of insurance powerhouse Metropolitan Life, MetLife Bank offers savings accounts, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, mortgages, and IRAs to consumers.If you are banking exclusively with a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 7 Tips On Getting Ready To Put Attraction Marketing Into Action

Attraction marketing is about making a customer for life not just making a sale. It's about connecting your passion in business with your perfect clients and customers and giving them a enjoyable experience with your company. People like buying but they hate being sold  stuff. Attraction marketing is based on alignment with Universal law and the principles of positive energy not on struggle, lack, and resistance. When using the principals of attraction marketing you are leading not selling. You need to give value and be of service every step of the way without giving away the store. These 7 tips will get you ready to put attraction marketing into action.1. Begin with the end in mind- what are your big vision success intentions for your business? This is where you would look at what you REALLY want to create with your business in the next 5 years, it's more than bottom line, its inspirational to you.2. Get very clear on what you really want your business to do for you? Look at the amount of income you want, what your life will feel like with a successful business. What benefits will a thriving business bring into your life...?3. How do you want to be of service and what contribution would you like to make in the lives of your clients and customers? It doesn't matter if you have a service business or product business, the clear intention of being of service positions you for success from satisfied customers and their referrals.4. What are you most passionate about doing in your business? Where you have passion you have confidence, enthusiasm, and success. You are magnetically attractive to your customers when you are being passionate about your work.5. What are the solutions you really enjoy providing for your customers? When you are clear on the solutions you enjoy providing you are giving your customers a greater benefit. Your passion about delivering these solutions gives your customers an edge in solving their challenges and using your solutions for lasting effect.6. What is a clear definition of your different client niches? Having specific and clearly defied niches does not limit your audience, in fact it broadens and deepens your pool of customers and makes them much easier to market to. Clearly defining your niches is as much about who would be a perfect customer in your mind as it is about their characteristics, demographics, psychographics...7. Take stock of where you are- has success been a struggle for you? Do you seem to have the same resistance and road bocks? Does it seem like you have a self imposed glass ceiling to your financial flow? Are there any beliefs you hold about your own success that are getting in your way? You will need to become aware of these and dissolve them before you can become an attraction magnet to success on your terms.©BZ Riger-Hull. Powerful solutions for Small Business owners, Self Employed Women, Professional Women in midlife... so you can THRIVE in your Business, Bottom Line & Life. Free Teleclasses for small business and self-employed success, monthly Answers & Resource call for attraction marketing. Visit http://www.allowingprosperity.com She is a certified Strategic Attraction Coach, Prosperity Guide, and Author of The Soul of Success. mailto:BZ@allowingprosperity.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Traffic Tips To Get People To Your Website

Let's talk traffic and how to get it. Your website has at most, 10 seconds to grab the attention of your visitor, so you need to have something "interest grabbing" above the fold. That's a newspaper term for what people see when looking at the top part of a paper. With more  than 50 million websites out there, your viewers will demand topic specific information that will make them bookmark you, recommend you to their friends, and make them return over and over.An easy subscribe method on your site is a must. If must have an easy way for people to subscribe or you are literally throwing away customers; something you can't afford to do in these competitive times.Building a list is one of the single most important things you can do to survive and stay alive in business. One of the easiest ways to build a list is to offer something free to all subscribers. Offer value and people will stay with you for a very long time. If you don't have a large list of your own, then barter or buy advertising with someone who does have a large list with the same target market audience as you.Take your list, no matter how big or how small and ask your subscribers to refer 2 people to your site. Offer them something of value for helping you. Explain to them that you are trying to build your list so you can improve your site so that it will be more beneficial to them. We are all just ordinary people out there and many of us are happy to help others. Make sure there is a link on your site for people to forward your site to others with one click. Think, how many times has a friend sent you a site to look at. We all do it.Don't forget to always include your website at the bottom of every email you send. Make sure you use it in a sig file at any webboard you join. Same for newsgroups. Consider sending funny pictures out to friends and relatives with your sig file in the email. As they forward your email to others and they refer to others it will explode. Make sure you have a very effective sig file. This allows you to keep building and building.One of the most important things you can do with your website is to make sure any link that goes away from your site is set to open in a new window. This way your visitors do not leave your site and don't have to try and find a way back once they have finished at the other site. Your site must be as user friendly as possible.Getting your website link on other websites. Links to your site will affect your search engine rankings. The higher your ranking the more visitors. It's that simple. But not just any link will do. You need quality links that also relate to your business. Avoid link farms. Search engines will view your site negatively if you are in link farms or god forbid, webrings. Don't link with just anyone. Go for quality.A free site that will help you to get and exchange quality links is Ken Evoy's SiteSell. Free is good and they make it very easy for you. It one reason I return to their site over and over. Have a look http://value-exchange.sitesell.com Consider exchanging banners with these sites. It a benefit for both of you.Get listed in ezine directories and search engines. Submit by hand and not by some mass program. Many of them don't work properly and search engines are starting to ignore them. Start with http://www.dmoz.org as they feed a lot of other search engines. Then hit the top five.Get Google traffic. It's not that hard. There's no special trick. Simply go to http://www.google.com/webmasters/ and read their recommendations and then make sure you implement them into your site so that your site is properly optimized. Set aside some time every day...15 minutes to an hour and work on optimizing your site correctly.Want to get into Yahoo the free way. It's easy...visit here http://submit.search.yahoo.com/free/request It may take a month or more, but it will save you a lot of money. If you are in a hurry and time is money then used the paid listing. It by no means guarantee that you will get it and they will not refund your money if they reject you, but if you have done things right you should be ok.If you can write articles do so. If you don't then put appropriate articles on your site for others to read. Either will bring you traffic. Archived articles that you have written can bring you traffic for years to come. This is an effective long term strategy and will help to establish you and your credentials as well.A popular ezine directory like http://www.ezinehub.com will give you some insight on what ezines will accept your articles and submitting to ezine article sites will give you even wider distribution. Make sure all your articles include a small footer at the end, about the author. This should be kept to 4-5 lines and has to be as effective as possible in order to bring you new visitors.Jean Sutherland has successfully run her own ezine for over 6 years and has a subscriber base of 35,000. Her ezine is geared to people doing business online and beside offering free software, it also provides traffic & marketing tips, informative business articles, free ebooks and computer tips for those trying to work online.http://www.emailpromotions.net http://www.spasoftheworld.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Free Targeted Internet Traffic

Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows  exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow.Pass on a free e-book with your contact details inside. Encourage others to add it to their websites and offer your branded e-book to everyone. As part of your introduction include your website and a message stating that the e-book is free and is to be passed along, so long as nothing is changed or altered. This includes your bio, contact information and links to your site. Cannot write? No problem. There are thousands of books available for you to co-brand and start your viral trail.Free Traffic and Joint VenturesSetting up joint ventures may be the most powerful free method available to increase targeted traffic. Joint ventures are simply colorations or partnerships between two or more people or businesses. It is not essential that the partnerships even be in related businesses, though helpful. Just about any combination will work. Obviously competing businesses are not a wise or practical option for a joint venture. That still leaves plenty of other partners. There is no limit to what can be done with this marketing technique. The venture can be as simple as trading client databases, or it can be an elaborate cross promotions with contests and giveaway. A joint venture is only limited by the creativity of the parties involved. If you have the right partner this will do wonders for your credibility and, the know, like, trust, buy formula for success.Free Traffic and Meta TagsMeta tags are very important. I am not an expert on tags so I highly suggest you research Meta tags optimization techniques. To have a Google spider find you and have you listed will do wonders for your traffic. Never pay to have your site listed, there are too many ways to have it listed. Too often these pay sites will not do what is promised or what you could do with a little effort.Free Traffic and Offline Marketing TechniquesTo maximize your online presence you have to go offline and bring foot traffic to the web as targeted web traffic. Here are a few low cost offline marketing techniques that will give you added visibility and translate to a more powerful web presence. Turn your automobile into a mini billboard. Place bumper stickers and magnet signs on your vehicle. Leave a business card wherever possible. One suggestion is to leave it with your tip at a restaurant. Hang flyers on high traffic bulletin boards, be sure to leave a pull tab. Change your body into a walking billboard for your opportunity and products instead of someone else's. How often do you promote Nike, Polo, Guess, or a professional sports team? Start promoting yourself and get your clothes embroidered. It does not have to be anything fancy, a good descriptive url will work.Free Traffic and Your URLOne last tip. As I mentioned before, I get traffic from posts that are over a year old. Once something is on the internet it is there for good. The url you promote should be permanent. This is important because anything could happen. What if you are no longer with the same company? All previous links to that business are now useless. If you have one url and it either links or redirects to you business opportunity and products you simply have to change the link or redirect page. You will always get a hit when someone clicks on your link.I hope you enjoyed the article and wish you all the best with you business venture. I am sure you are well on you way to becoming a successful internet marketing professional.No matter what opportunity or product you promote via the internet you do not have a business unless you have customers. One way to increase sales is to increase your customer base, this means more visitor traffic. If you are not interested in free web traffic, congratulations, you must have deep pockets or all ready have more than you can handle. For those who are interested in free web traffic, read on.Just getting large numbers of visitors to websites is not enough. These visits have to turn into sales. A chance or uninterested visitor is little better than no visitor. Every site needs targeted visitors. Your site needs people who have seen your message and have had their interest peeked. With a targeted market approximately 3 visitors for every 100 will make purchases. Without targeted visitors this conversion rate drops significantly.Throughout this article you will encounter numerous ways to increase your web traffic. This traffic will be well targeted free leads, all through online marketing methods.Do you like to be sold, or pushed into a sale? Like most the answer is a definitive NO. One of my mentors has instilled in me the importance of building relationships as apposed to selling someone. Once the person gets to know, like, and trust you they will be more willing to join you in your opportunity or buy product from you. Remember, know, like, trust, buy!Free Traffic and Message BoardsRelating this principle to free internet marketing, I suggest you visit message boards. These boards are so effective that I still receive requests and referrals from posts made over a year ago. Visit various boards post messages, meet people, ask questions, share your wisdom, and words of encouragement.Suggested tips to keep in mind when posting to message boards. Remember you are there to build relationships, you want people to know, like and trust you.Do not spam:- do not post the same thing over and over- post something meaningful and relevant to the conversation- do not advertise unless otherwise specified- do not participate in negative postings about others (criticize or flame)To make the most of message boards and insure highly targeted traffic to your website:- select boards that pertain to your product or opportunity- get your name out and popularity up, post a response to a question or simply post a question yourself- include a signature file with your name and URL, no email. This can be placed in the profile page. It is a good idea to set-up a second email because, you will get spam- spend one or two evenings a week posting on several different message boards- be genuine, helpful, and try to learn a few things- HAVE FUN and MAKE FRIENDSFree Traffic and Traffic Generation SitesTraffic generation sites can be good and bad. Most are not worth your time, however, there are a few good ones, so choose with care. I recommend Traffic Swarm. This site is better than most because people select a site from a list in topics they have selected to view ads from. An ad is then chosen based on a tag line and a short description you have written. If the visitor wants credit for their selection you have their attention for a minimum of 20 seconds. After that they may click another site without penalty. Again this is that target traffic so necessary to success.Free Traffic and Viral Marketing exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow.Pass on a free e-book with you contact details inside. Encourage others to add it to their websites and offer your branded e-book to everyone. As part of your introduction include your website and a message stating that the e-book is free and is to be passed along, so long as nothing is changed or altered. This includes your bio, contact information and links to your site. Cannot write? No problem. There are thousands of books available for you to co-brand and start your viral trail.Free Traffic and Joint VenturesSetting up joint ventures may be the most powerful free method available to increase targeted traffic. Joint ventures are simply colorations or partnerships between two or more people or businesses. It is not essential that the partnerships even be in related businesses, though helpful. Just about any combination will work. Obviously competing businesses are not a wise or practical option for a joint venture. That still leaves plenty of other partners. There is no limit to what can be done with this marketing technique. The venture can be as simple as trading client databases, or it can be an elaborate cross promotions with contests and giveaway. A joint venture is only limited by the creativity of the parties involved. If you have the right partner this will do wonders for your credibility and, the know, like, trust, buy formula for success.Free Traffic and Meta TagsMeta tags are very important. I am not an expert on tags so I highly suggest you research Meta tags optimization techniques. To have a Google spider find you and have you listed will do wonders for your traffic. Never pay to have your site listed, there are too many ways to have it listed. Too often these pay sites will not do what is promised or what you could do with a little effort.Free Traffic and Offline Marketing TechniquesTo maximize your online presence you have to go offline and bring foot traffic to the web as targeted web traffic. Here are a few low cost offline marketing techniques that will give you added visibility and translate to a more powerful web presence. Turn your automobile into a mini billboard. Place bumper stickers and magnet signs on your vehicle. Leave a business card wherever possible. One suggestion is to leave it with your tip at a restaurant. Hang flyers on high traffic bulletin boards, be sure to leave a pull tab. Change your body into a walking billboard for your opportunity and products instead of someone else's. How often do you promote Nike, Polo, Guess, or a professional sports team? Start promoting yourself and get your clothes embroidered. It does not have to be anything fancy, a good descriptive url will work.Free Traffic and Your URLOne last tip. As I mentioned before, I get traffic from posts that are over a year old. Once something is on the internet it is there for good. The url you promote should be permanent. This is important because anything could happen. What if you are no longer with the same company? All previous links to that business are now useless. If you have one url and it either links or redirects to you business opportunity and products you simply have to change the link or redirect page. You will always get a hit when someone clicks on your link.I hope you enjoyed the article and wish you all the best with you business venture. I am sure you are well on you way to becoming a successful internet marketing professional.About the author: Jason Paris is an internet entrepreneur, a leader in the Robert G Allen Mentors to Wealth Team, and a Mastermind group participant with Mentoring for Free.For more articles and tips on how to build a serious home based business and work form home visit mlmwealth.blogspot.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Link Building Strategies

Well, an effective link building strategy is not building some 50-100 back links with sites with 'X' PR. It is more of getting links from the informative websites that is visited often by the people who could be your future customers. In broad sense the websites related to  your focus industry.Link popularity refers to the number of links pointing to and from related sites and is an extremely important method of improving your site's relevancy in search engines.There are three types of links that will increase the link popularity of your site; internal, incoming and, to a lesser extent, outgoing links.Let's take a look at each one in more detail.Internal linksInternal links are amount of links to and from pages in a site. Cross-linking your important related pages is recommended for a better search engine visibility. This assists search engine spiders to find and index your most key pages faster, particularly if some pages are hidden deep within your site.Site mapsSite maps or sitemap are visual models of your site's content that enables users to find exact content or page on your website. Site maps are like interactive table of contents, with links leading to most or all the pages on your website. Site maps are organized hierarchically, breaking down the site's information into progressively more specific subject areas.Incoming linksIncoming link popularity refers to links pointing to a site from other related sites. In addition, there are two types of incoming links:1. Linking from your own sitesCrass linking as we discussed above is very much recommended for a better crawl of your site by spiders. You must select keywords that describe the site you're linking to. You have to do this because some of the major search engines, such as Google, place a great importance on the text used within, and close to, links.2. Linking through other sitesThere are two ways of finding sites to link to yours. The best way to get other sites to link to yours is to ask them politely. And the best way to find likely candidates is to ask web sites that link to your competition. To find out which sites are linking to your a particular competitor, visit a search engine such as Google and enter,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Pokemon Sapphire - GameBoy Adv.

Changing glitch block (Japanese version)Go to the fifth city and Surf on the route that has a sign on the water. Next to it is a glitched block. Swim back and forth and it will change.Pokemon that cannot be capturedThe following Pokemon cannot be caught:203. Bulbasaur204.  Ivysaur205. Venusaur206. Charmander207. Charmeleon208. Charizard209. Squirtle210. Wartortle211. Blastoise212. Caterpie213. Metapod214. Butterfree215. Weedle216. Kakuna217. Beedrill218. Pidgey219. Pidgeotto220. Pidgeot221. Rattata222. Raticate223. Spearow224. Fearow225. Ekans226. Arbok227. Nidoran (F)228. Nidorina229. Nidoqueen230. Nidoran (M)231. Nidorino232. Nidoking233. Clefairy234. Clefable235. Paras236. Parasect237. Venonat238. Venomoth239. Diglett240. Dugtrio241. Meowth242. Persian243. Mankey244. Primeape245. Growlithe246. Arcanine247. Poliwag248. Poliwhirl249. Poliwrath250. Bellsprout251. Weepinbell252. Victreebel253. Ponyta254. Rapidash255. Slowpoke256. Slowbro257. Farfetch'd258. Seel259. Dewgong260. Shellder261. Cloyster262. Gastly263. Haunter264. Gengar265. Onix266. Drowzee267. Hypno268. Krabby269. Kingler270. Exeggcute271. Exeggutor272. Cubone273. Marowak274. Hitmonlee275. Hitmonchan276. Lickitung277. Chansey278. Tangela279. Kangaskhan280. Mr. Mime281. Scyther282. Jynx283. Electabuzz284. Magmar285. Tauros286. Lapras287. Ditto288. Eevee289. Vaporeon290. Jolteon291. Flareon292. Porygon293. Omanyte294. Omastar295. Kabuto296. Kabutops297. Aerodactyl298. Snorlax299. Articuno300. Zapdos301. Moltres302. Dratini303. Dragonair304. Dragonite305. Mewtwo306. Mew307. Chikorita308. Bayleef309. Meganium310. Cyndaquil311. Quilava312. Typhlosion313. Totodile314. Croconaw315. Feraligatr316. Sentret317. Furret318. Hoothoot319. Noctowl320. Ledyba321. Ledian322. Spinarak323. Ariados324. Cleffa325. Togepi326. Togetic327. Mareep328. Flaaffy329. Ampharos330. Sudowoodo331. Politoed332. Hoppip333. Skiploom334. Jumpluff335. Aipom336. Sunkern337. Sunflora338. Yanma339. Wooper340. Quagsire341. Espeon342. Umbreon343. Murkrow344. Slowking345. Misdreavus346. Unown347. Pineco348. Forretress349. Dunsparce350. Gligar351. Steelix352. Snubbull353. Granbull354. Qwilfish355. Scizor356. Shuckle357. Sneasel358. Teddiursa359. Ursaring360. Swinub361. Piloswine362. Remoraid363. Octillery364. Delibird365. Mantine366. Houndour367. Houndoom368. Porygon2369. Stantler370. Smeargle371. Tyrogue372. Hitmontop373. Smoochum374. Elekid375. Magby376. Miltank377. Blissey378. Raikou379. Entei380. Suicune381. Larvitar382. Pupitar383. Tyranitar384. Lugia385. Ho-oh386. CelebiHM listHM 01 (Cut): Cuts down small bushes. Found inside the house to the left of the Pokemon Center in Kanazumi City. HM 02 (Fly): Can fly to cities: Found in the town with the sixth Gym. HM 03 (Surf): Can Swim. Found in the house left of the fourth Gym. HM 04 (Strength): Allows you to push some rocks. Found in the town with fourth Gym. HM 05 (Flash) Lights up dark areas. Found in the cave on the island with the second Badge. HM 06 (Rock Smash): Smashes some rocks: Found in the house to the left of the third Gym. HM 07 (Waterfall) Allows you to climb waterfalls. Found in the cave with the Legendary Pokemon in Rune. HM 08 (Dive): Allows you to submerge under the ocean. Found in Tokusane City after beating the seventh Gym.Poke-NaviThis is a useful item with multiple functions. Map: This will display a map of Houen. You can move the pointer with the D-pad and can also press A to zoom in. Poke-Info: This will display information about your Pokemon stats. These may show how much of a chance your Pokemon has of winning a Pokemon Contest. These can be raised with Poroks (the berries). Trainer-Dex: This will show information on all of the trainers you have fought. Hall Of Fame: After defeating the Elite 4, you can see your Pokemon that defeated them in the Hall of Fame.Gym tacticsFirst, try using Kyamome or a Water/Grass starter. Then, try Water/Fire starter Grass at level 20 to 25. Finally, try Sandshrew with lots of Ground attack.Recommended starting PokemonThe best type of starting Pokemon (in order) are: Water, Grass, and Fire.Pokemon ContestIn Pokemon Contest houses, you may enter your Pokemon into a contest for a chance to win a medal. However if you enter without any Porok level ups, you will have a very low chance of winning. The way to raise this is to go out and find the trees with berries on them, then press A. You will then receive 1 to 4 berries. If you now go to a Pokemon House, you will see small gray machines on the right. The empty one on the top is for multi-player. For now, find a house in a city that only has a man at the bottom. Go to the other side of the machine and press A. You will then be asked to pick a Porok (berry) and throw it in. The spinner will come down and start moving. The objective is to press A just when the spinner hits your arrow: Circle Within A Circle: Direct hit (much faster)Circle: Near hit (slightly faster)X: Miss (slower )The faster you (and your opponent) get the spinner moving, the better. Once the meter at the top hits the end, it is over and the results and the fastest RPM the spinner was moving will appear. You will then receive a Blended Porok. The level of it depends on how fast you got the machine going. The average appears to be 11. Next, open your Special Items Pocket and go to your No41 AlakazamNo58 Graveler > No59 GolemNo74 Machoke > No75 MachampNo76 Clamperl > No77 Huntail/No78 GorebyssThese Pok?mon evolve with stones:No20 Lombre > No21 Ludicolo (by water stone)(only in Sapphire)No23 Nuzleaf > No24 Shiftry (by leaf stone)(only in Ruby)No61 Skitty > No62 Delcatty (by moon stone)No89 Gloom > No90 Vileplume (by leaf stone)No89 Gloom > No91 Bellosom (by sun stone)No153 Vulpix > No154 Ninetales (by fire stone)No156 Pikachu > No157 Raichu (by thunder stone)No138 Jigglypuff > 139 Wigglytuff (by moon stone)Most Pok?mon evolve between Lv 34 and Lv 50BerriesWhen there are berry plants blooming, water them, save the game, then turn the Game Boy On and off. when you continue the plants will have berries. Places to get berries: Pretty Petal flower shop, Berry Masters house, Lilicove (from the gentleman), and Sootopolis (from Kiri).Note: plant berries in the berry masters garden sso you know where to find them.Azurill, Pichu and IgglybuffTo get these pok?mon, you have to get a male and a female from each. Azurill>Marrill can be found on route 117. Pichu>Pikachu can be found in the safari zone, Igglybuff>Jigglypuff can be found on route 115. Give a Marrill the sea incense from Mt. Pyre, the Pikachu the magnet from the Trick Master and the Jigglypuff the Silk Scarf from Dewford (the house right next to the boat) and leave them at the day care. After a While you get an egg, let it hatch and you've got them!Glass flutes & glass secret base itemsThis are the workings of the flutes that you can get in the glass workshop.250 steps: blue flute: awakens pok?mon500 steps: yellow flute: snaps pok?mon out of confusion500 steps: red flute: snaps pok?mon out of attraction (love)1000 steps: white flute: lures wild pok?mon (i think that you have more chances of getting items from zigzagoon/linoone if you use this flute)1000 steps: black flute: wards off wild pok?mon6000 steps: pretty chair8000 steps: pretty deskShiny/weird colord pok?monYou can find a shiny wailmer on route 132, where you also can find a horsea. You can find a weird colord golbat in the sky pillar, first floor.Shiny VolbeatThe way I found Shiny Volbeat is on Route 117 which is on the south side of the route closest to SR. and JR. Anna and Meg and closest to the water.Mystery Events ClubAfter defeating the fifth gym leader,go to the Pokemon Center in Petalburg city. Then go inside the Pokemon Center. Talk to the man standing beside the PC. He will ask you for your new profile. Type in MYSTERY EVENT IS EXITING. The man will say,"You know the secret saying! So that means you are a member of the MYSTERY EVENTS CLUB. You will then be able to access the MYSTERY EVENTS icon in your main menu.Ulimate Pokemon Battle TeamTo use this you have to start off with TreekoSceptile, Kyogre, Manectric, Tropius, Hariyama, Kecleon.The reason that this is such a good team is because you have an electric, water, fighting, fire, and two grass (grass pokemon are the overall best type because they have the least amount of weekness's and alot more pokemon are weaker to grass pokemon than any other pokemon)Trust me if you get all of these pokemon to at least 65 you are garunteed to win against the elite four and any other hard challenges.Rayquazza- seemingly impossibe, or is it?Rayquazza is a large, green dragon/flying pokemon, is one of a kind and very difficult to catch. To get to Rayquazza you need to have won against the champion Steven, then go to Pacifilidog town and surf east. There will be a seemingly endless barrier of rocks, you want to be at the top barrier, follow it along and you will come to a gap (finallly) it is above the female swimmer who seems to be patrolling up and down. Follow the rocks around to the left then go up and BEHOLD the sky pillar! Make sure you have the MACH BIKE as you will need to cycle at top speed over bits of cracked floor. After all that stress you will be out in the sunlight and will be stood before Rayquazza it is very strong and is extreeeeemly hard to catch, I recommend you save your MASTER BALL for this mighty beast and treat it well, thats all I got for now, hope I helped and keep gaming!!!Legendary PokemonThese are ALL the legendary pokmon available in Pokemon sapphire and how to get them.1.Kyogre-you need to go to mt. pyre and get the blue orb. then when you get to sootopolis and it won't stop raining, go into the cave of origin and catch Kyogre2.Rayquazza-After you beat the elite four, go to pacifidlog and surf east. go around the rocks and find the sky pillar and use the mach bike to get to the top. "BEWARE!" Rayquazza is at level 70!3.Latias- after you beat the elite four, just walk around. she'll show up. then it is easy. she will run away each time you meet her, so use sleep. then whittle down her health and use a ultra ball(or a master)WARNING each time you change a route, so does she. But her health doesn't recover, so it takes time. Watch the pokedex and be patient.4.Latios-trade from ruby (Latias' brother)5.Groudon-trade from ruby****JIRACHI***** The rarest pokemon of all! the only way to get it is to reserve pokemon collesseum then transfer it to your gameboy with the link cable. JIRACHI is like the mew of ruby & sapphire. The best move, DOOM DESIRE is its' alone! It is like future sight but is steel type and twice as strong!Orange AltariaGo to the fifth floor of the Sky Pillar and save the game. Go to the ione rock and circle around it until you find an orange Altaria.Catching RayquazaI caught Rayquaza with an Ultra ball on level 70 in the Sky Pillar. It is very hard to catch. I reccomend that you save the game before battleing Rayquaza so if you accidently kill it or if it kills you you can shut the game off and turn it back on so you can try to catch it again. Same thing for Kyogre who is in Cave of Origin. So you never run out of tries.Note:You need to beat the champion before catching Rayquaza.Dragon Moves EffectsSome dragon moves have effects witch are not described:Twister: may cause flinching.Dragonbreath: may cause paralysis.Unlimited Master BallsFirst get the masterball after you beat the elite four, then go out and save your game, turn off the game boy and then turn it back on, go into badges menu then go to your pokedex, then give a pokemon a macho brace, then take it away and give it a masterball, save, and when you log bak on u will have unlimited masterballs.Minusle and JiroxyGet a female plusle and a male minun give one of them a soothe bell and the other a macho brace, then give them to the daycare couple. If they like each other use the mach bike to speed up your steps then the old man will be standing out by the fence talk to him and he will giv u the egg, walk 1500 steps and it will hatch into a Minusle.The god pokemon Jiroxy is made when you breed a Deoxy and a Jirachi, first u need to gett'em then take them to the daycare couple and leave them, if he says they are getting along then use your mach bike again, ride it for 10,000 steps and it will hatch into a Jiroxy after he gives it to you. It knows Double Slap, the "Desire" move, Super Flamethrower, and Super Vine Whip.Move CombosHere are some move combos for your pokemon.(Encore+Mirror coat/counter)Use encore to make your opponent repeat its last move for 3-6 turns.Then use mirror coat if it used a special attack,or counter if it used a phyical attack.(perish song+a strong move+destiny bond)Use perish song so both pokemon faint after 3 turns,then use a strong move to make it faint. Then use destiny bond when it's the third turn.(Focus band equipped+endeavor+attack that always goes first)Before you do this combo,make sure you have focus band equipped.Use a pokemon with a bad speed score,so the opponent goes first.After your opponent attacks,if you are still alive(because focus band MIGHT leave you with 1 HP,you could also use endure)use endeavor to make your opponent's HP the same as your's.Then use a move that always attacks first,such as swift.Hint: Pokemon you should haveThe pokemon you must catch are: swapert, hariyama, jirochy (throgh game shark or codebrecker or a breed), laitios and laitias, all three rigis, rayquass.Kyogre Recommended MovesThe best moves for kyogre are : Surf, Water Spout, Ice Beam and Thunder.Rare CandyYou can find a rare candy in route 114. There is a waterfall. Climb it and there will be a rare candy.Secret NuggetThe Secret Nugget is found near Fallabor. It's in a crater. First Use Fly to fallabor. You will be in front of the poke-center. Walk all down untill you are against the Mart. go left untill the girl with the azurill. You will see a green house, next to a crater. In that crater you will find a nugget.SwampertThe best moves for a Swampert are: Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, and Muddy Water. Muddy Water is not essential, but with the other three moves and a decent health bar you can defeat the Elite Four with only one pokemon.Easy-to-get-AshesWhen you find the glass-maker's house outside of Lavaridge, use lots of Max Repels to keep Pokemon away from you while you gather the ashes for the glass items.Catch a pokemon always!When you through a pokeball at a pokemon hold down l,r,a and b. Then wait until the first shake of the ball then release. You're almost certain to catch a pokemon!Best PokemonAt the beginning of the game, you should pick Torchic for your first pokemon(and it's not because i have a lv 79 blazikien in mine) you should do this, especially in sapphire,(because you get Kyogre), because in the elite four, these two pokemon, when leveled up real good(it will be easy), will rock the house! Teach your blazikien these moves; double kick, blaze kick. these are fire and fighting moves. use these against Sidney(fighting move), Phoebe(fire move) Glacia,(fighting move, and some electricity if you have a strong electric pokemon),and with Drake, use fighting moves, and ice moves. Kyogre should know ice and water moves. Use the ice moves against drake.for the champian steven;skarmony;blaze kickclaydol;any water moveaggron;double kickcradily;preferably blaze kick, but a wayer type move will do.armaldo;water moves, but you could use double kick.metagross;blaze kickthese are also preferable pokemon;manectric;electricblaziken;fighting/firenintales;firekyogre;water/iceglalie;icegroudon,flygon,swampert,golem,sandslash,donphan; ground(My favorite types are water, dark, and dragon.)Hope you like my insight.(And girl gamers; GIRL POWER!!!!)Cheat The Safari ZoneBring a Poke'mon that knows sweet scent(A move that attracts pokemon) In the Safari Zone. Go in the grass and use sweet scent and a pokemon will appear with out eating up your 500 safari zone steps!Deoxys & JirachiTo get Deoxys and Jirachi without having to get 'Promotions' and 'Game Sharks' you have to do this. Get all 8 badges. Then press start (go to menu) and go to your Trainer card. If you look next to your name you'll notice that you have a small yellow star there. Well to get Deoxys and Jirachi you need five and to get five you need to do special things. So far I've found out that you have to: *Get all 8 badges*Get full Pokedex(200 pokemon)*Beat Master rank in all contestsRare candyTo get a rare candy. First you go to Fortree city. Go to the right and you will see a girl. Go over and you will see two trees. If you cut both trees go to the back and take one step back. If you press A you will get a rare candy.Blue ElectrikeAs soon as you walk out of slateport city on the north side, go to the grass on the left and start searching.Easy way to catch kyogreFirst make sure you have at least 40 ultraballs. Then make sure you have a Shedinja at at least Lv25. If you don't have one then read the cheat in this section which is on how to get Shedinja. Shedinja should know a good move which has an attack power of atleast 30-40. Then go and fight kyogre but before fighting save the game. Before using Shedinja lower kyogres HP by using a powerful pokemon first then let it faint or change it with Shedinja. even though shedinja has 1HP kyogre cannot harm it as it knows only water and ice attack moves. then when Shedinja lowers kyogres HP till it's hardly visible use the ultraballs till u catch it. Now u have a kyogre with no pokemon fainted. Do the same when u battle Wallace's Miltoic.BerriesGo to lilycove go a bit past the move deleter's house.There will be a man in brown every so often he will give you a berrie.Man that gives berriesIf you go to mossdeep go a little bit past the move delters house and there will be a man in brown talk to him every so often he will give you a berrie.How to get latias againFirst, go to pacificlog town then surf all the way west.You will see two rocks.Go to your pokedex and go to latias( you must have her in your pokedex)Then go into the summary and off your gameboy(press the start,select,A and B button)Do this for 5 times and then surf up and down the rock.Latias is sure to appear.Best moves for KyogreThe best moves for Kyogre are : ice beam, hydro pump, sheer cold and thunder.Get a masterball to catch KyogreWhen you face Team Aqua in Lilycove city. Don't talk to the woman at the submarine, yet. done in the bottom right hand screen should be a teleporter. Go on it and it'll take you to a place full of them try out each one until you get to a room with four poke-balls. get the back 2 and you will get a NUGGET and a master-ball.How to get JirachiBeat the pokemon league and look at your trainer card and there will be a star beside your name get 5 and you will get JirachiI have figured out 3 so far:Beat the pokemon LeagueGet all the decorationsBeat master rank in all competitionsChimechoTo find Chimecho, go to Mt Pyre (route 122) on the top floor (outside) Go to the far right where is a patch of grass. Search in there. After AGES (*yawn....zzzzz*) you should find a chimecho. Strangely enough, I would find them more often when my enemy team was there. But that's probably just a coincidence.Easy LatiasGo to Lilycove and talk to the kid who says he came from Kanto three or more times.Then head east to route 121 and keep searching in the grass.Eventually the legendary beast will appear and he will be yours on the pokedex.Note: You must have beaten the elite four first and seen it on your tv.The Berry DudeWhen you get to Lilycove city, if you go all the way over to that house where the cove part starts. There is a man in a blackish suit that walks back and forth around that area, if you go talk to him he'll explain about this weird 'berry to a T' thing. Then every so often he will give you a berry, it may not be much but eventually, he'll give you rare berries, and you can sell them at high prices. And some of them also have good effects on Pokemon. So, have fun talking to a dude that gives you weird berries that remind people of their past and future. Even if you don't know what your future holds.Catching JirachiTo catch Jirachi you have to get 5 stars next to your name on your trainer card.To do that you have to defeat the elite 4,win all five contests and have their portraits drawn,win 50 battles at battle tower,complete your pokedex,and defeat EVERY trainer in the game.Then go to the space center in Modseep and talk to everyone in there. One of them will tell you the number of the flight.If it is flight 100 he may let you on the rocket and you will encounter Jirachi in space.Or you will just encounter him in the wild after you get 5 stars but try the rocket thing first.Orange ZigzagoonYou can find an orange zigzagoon on route 116. I found it when training for rustboro gym. (I named it zigaorange) About shiny and weird colord pokemon, I think you have to be extremely, EXTREMELY lucky to find one, or they can cary from game to game. for example, I spent over 300 hours at the game and I still haven't found a shiny swablu.Starter tacticsHere some tactics for who's starting (over) the game:Starter pokemon: My favorite is Mudkip: it's only weakness is grass, but Torchic is also good, because it's evolvd forms are good against gym leaders and the elite 4.Then your other pokemon: catch a Ralts. it'll take some time searching but eventually you'll find one. the best way is just to run around in the first patch of grass by the small pond to route 102 and run for every pokemon exept Ralts. you can also run in to a surskit. those are very rare, so catch that one too. your first ralts should have sychronize as it's ability. if you don't do anything with the ralts and keep searching the same way. you should find another ralts quickly, and it's ability will almost always be trace. you know when it has because it says:Wild Ralts appeared!Go! MUDKIP! (for example)Wild Ralts TRACED Mudkip's TORRENT! That way.Trace will copy special ability. Then, deposit the ralts with sycronize in the pc. the rest is easy:catch a zigzagoon. his ability is pickup and you will get great items from it.catch a poochyena.train them all to lv 10 before battling trainers.catch a taillowcatch a shroomishwhen you get in dewford, catch a sableye in granite cave: it's only weakness is bug.replace it for poochyenayou have to get a water type if you choose treecko or torchic as a starter for SURFing later in the game.Get items very fastIf you've been smart, you kept a zigzagoon/linoone at all time in your party because of the pickup ability. It can also learn many tm's and hm's, like surf. But now to get to the point. If you have a strong linoone in your party(with strong i mean that it can faint any wild pkmn in 1 slash), store all other pokemon in the PC, go to route 102 and cath 5 zigzagoons. weak zigzagoons get items more fast. Then, go to all sorts of places and train your linoone. in the fiery path and other caves and tunnels, the zigzagoons pick up items very fast and often. Items you can get: Ultra ball, Super potion, Rare candy, Kings rock, pp up, full heal, full restore, nugget, revive, and maybe some other things i forgot. in previos pokemon games, pokemon can evolve different with a kings rock, but not here.look out with rare candies: the exp. points will be brought no zero, so don't use one on a pkmn that is halfway to the next level." />

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance - GameCube

Random character selectHighlight Shang Tsung (for player one) or Quan Chi (for player two) at the character selection screen, then hold Up + Start. Alternate costumesAfter the appropriate costumes are unlocked in the Krypt, press Start at the character selection screen to  access the new costume. Versus mode skill selectPress L2 before either player chooses a character. Background FMV sequencePress Triangle at the main menu and a movie screen will appear. It shows the story leading up to the start of the game. FatalitiesFatalities may be done from anywhere on screen. Note: 1, 2, 3, 4 represent the attack buttons. Note: Press the stance change button at the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Backyard Baseball 2005 - PC

Championship game stadiumTo get the field that you play the championship in, simply win the world series undefeated (by going 4-0 in the series) and then create a new coach and team then choose that field as your home field. (this is the stadium where you play the all-star  game at also, it is the one with the hot dog holding a bat, behind the center field wall.)Barry DejayEnter HOOPS as a new coach name to unlock Barry Dejay.Mike PiazzaHit a grand slam.Pedro MartinezThrow a shut-out.Mr. ClankyComplete Mr. Clanky's coaching box.Baseball Darts Mini-gameScore a 40 or better in the fielders challenge.Aquadome StadiumHit a homerun into the water at Frasier Field, Steele Stadium, and Gator Flats.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Dino Crisis 2 - PC

Dino ColiseumSuccessfully complete the game once. The Dino Coliseum allows you can fight against all of the dinosaurs from in the game in a coliseum arena.Extra Dino Duel dinosaursPurchase Rick, Gail and the Tank for the "Extra Crisis" games. Another set of dinosaurs will  appear at the character selection screen for purchase.Unlimited ammunitionSuccessfully complete the game after collecting all eleven Dino files. The EPS Platinum card will appear at the save game screen. Unlimited ammunition will be available the next time the game is played.Triceratops and CompsagnathusPurchase all the other characters and dinosaurs for the Dino Coliseum and Dino Duel. The Triceratops and the Compsagnathus will be unlocked in hard mode.Buying charactersThe following characters and dinosaurs can be purchased for use in the Coliseum or Dino Duel.Get the third Energy Key Card earlyBefore leaving the jungle, you can retrieve the card from the shallow stream. This way you will not have to make a return trip after finding out that it is needed.Counter-attackWhen killing Raptors with Dylan's Shotgun, you can save ammo by waiting for the Raptor to jump up in the air towards you. When it is in midair, blast it away. This move only consumes one bullet instead of the standard two or three.Twin submachine gunsInstead of investing in the heavy machine gun, purchase the Twin Submachine Guns, and upgrade its amount of ammo. It is more convenient than the Heavy Machine Gun because of its dual target capability. When using submachine guns, do not hold the button down. Only use one shot at a time to do more damage and save ammunition.AllosaurusWhen dealing with the first Allosaurus on your way to the facility when you are first using Regina, purchase the Flamethrower and go to the ledge that leads nowhere towards the west. Every time it approaches you, burn it. This way, it can be killed easily and you will get a large No Damage bonus.Blue raptorsWhen playing as Dylan buy the electric weapon for 18,000 points. When you encounter the blue raptors, fry them with about five shots.When you kill the raptor you get 7,000 points. When playing as Regina, use the Rocket Pod Launcher which will require ten shots. Note: Buy the gold card -- it doubles all points.Make Ultra Raptors appearMake a combo with at least 20 hits. Exit the area. Enter an area where Raptors usually appear, such as the Jungle. You will instead be greeted by two Ultra Raptors.Easy moneyWhen you get to the part where you see the first helmet person, stop. After the intermission reload your ammunition using the PC. Go out the way you came in. Shoot the raptors and keep switching screens so that more raptors will appear. Keep killing them while trying not to get hurt. After awhile, exit through the same gate. if you did not get hit, you will get 6,000 or 2,000 extra points depending on your combo and how many you killed. Stock up an ammunition and repeat. You will soon have enough money to by the EMP gun and ammunition. The raptors will stop appearing after awhile -- go to a different place and do the same thing. When you get the third energy disc, go back to your boat. Fight off the sea creatures, and go to the third energy plant. When you arrive, there will be a group of the sea creatures with the long necks. Purchase the heavy machine gun and it will take only one shot to kill them. Do not get hit and exit the room after killing all that appear. You should get 20,000 or 30,000 points. Repeat this in all the rooms from there on until you go underwater in the energy plant. You will have enough points for whatever you want for the rest of the game. If not, just return there and kill all of them again.Saving moneyInstead of buying the best Recoveries, buy the Hemo Pack and the Small Med Pack. This will save money. When you have enough money, buy the Armor. It will stop the bleeding.Counter a sudden rear attackTo counter a sudden attack from behind, instead of pressing [Turn Around], just press [Aim] while auto aim is on. This will save time.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Ace Combat: Distant Thunder - Playstation 2

Different Plane On Introduction ClipYou know how you get the F-22 on the introduction clip after the screen that says ace combat distant thunder, well you can change that. After you have completed the game, go to free mission mode and choose the plane you want, get it up on

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Devil May Cry 2 - Playstation 2

Unlock TrishTo unlock Trish from Devil May Cry in Devil May Cry 2, beat Dante's Hard Mode.Lucia's Second Secret CostumeTo unlock Lucia's second secret costume, beat Lucia's Hard Mode.Lucia/Dante Must Die ModeTo unlock Lucia/Dante Must Die Mode, You must beat Dante's Hard

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Enter The Matrix - Playstation 2

Cheat CodesEnter the following codes in the cheat section of the hacking utility. Attention ! : To open cheats type: CHEAT.EXEBefore every cheat number, enter: CHEATCode - Result:7F4DF451 - Infinite Health 1DDF2556 - Infinite Ammo 69E5D9E4 - Infinite Focus FFF0020A - Fast  Focus Restore 0034AFFF - Max Firepower FF00001A - Turbo Mode FFFFFFF1 - Invisibility 4516DF45 - Enemies Cant Hear You 13D2C77F - Bonus Test Level D5C55D1E - Multi-player fighting BB013FFF - Low Gravity 312MF451 - Taxi Driving 7867F443 - Faster logosMorpheus Secret MessagesIn the Hacking engine, instead of using

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...