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arrow right Why Web Pages Appear in the Wrong Location after Uploading to my Website?

If your are a new web designer, you may face a common problem after uploading your web page to your web server. The problem is that the web page appear in the wrong location on your website, and will not be accessible when you type its address in the browser address  box.There are two ways to create a web page at your website. You can either create the web page on the server using the server html editor application, or you can create a web page on your home computer and then upload it to your web server using FTP (file transfer protocol) software.The first method is rarely used, because it is not very practical. It lacks the flexibility of of home computer. The second method is widely used. With the use of ftp software, you will be able to upload your webpage to your server.The problem is when you ftp to the server, and you are granted access you end up on the top directory (/) which hosts all your files website and others. You get a screen with all of your folders, sub-folders, and single files under the main (/) directory.Now you get a link at the top of the screen that says upload file. When you click on the link, a box will open that lets you search for the file you want to upload from you home computer hard disk.When you choose the file to upload to your website and continue with the step by step process, you end up successfully with the file on your web server storage in the top directory.Please note that the term directory and folder are used interchangeably, but refer to the same object. Now your file is in the top directory (/).Now you will be surprised that, you can not access the uploaded file from the internet whatever you type in the URL box. The reason is when you type the URL of your website, you will access the (/www) directory which is the top directory of your website.All the web pages of your website are in the (/www) or in a sub-directory of (/www).Here is the solution to this problem:When you get access to the top directory, you click on the /www folder icon in the list. Now you are in the website home directory (/www/) where your home page is.Looking at the top, you notice it says the current directory is such and such. So, when you hit the upload link, make sure the the current directory is where you want to upload the webpage.For example, if you want to upload a web page to the sales sub-directory, you click on the /www and then on the /sales folder icon in the /www list.This is where you end up: /www/sales as your current folder. Now you click the upload link to have your web page end up in the correct folder /www/sales/.In summary, your web page will end up in the current directory of your web server space. The initial directory to a get once accessing your account is the top one.After that you can change the current directory to any sub-directory under you website directory, where you need your web page to end up.Article published by George Chamoun. Join my list for tips about HTML coding, web page design, and website building. Get your free 7 part HTML tutorial. It is free, and you can unsubscribe anytime. http://www.HowToUseHtml.com

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arrow right Better Web Site ROI: Efficient Online Business with SEO, PPC, Split Testing

If you're looking for better web site ROI, chances are, the web is only one part of your business, you have a specific budget for your web site, and you want the site to not only carry its own weight, but why can't it make you some extra dough, too?The corporate situation:  budgets need to be closely watched, and tech people can't get carried away with unnecessary frills.My own experience making money online and becoming and SEO expert was more guerilla than corporate. In 1999, I knew enough web design to get by, and I learned about getting good search rankings and free traffic while flying by the seat of my pants. By early 2005, I'd learned how to get tens of thousands of visitors per month, and had made more than $20,000 two months in a row.As it turns out, web design itself doesn't bring in or increase profits... at least not the graphic kind most people think of. Ironically, the flashy flash web sites everyone raves about often prevent you from getting free traffic. Search engines index sites based on text- they can't see flash. If your text is in graphics without alt tags or in flash movies only, you'll never get free traffic.There are loads of web designers out there who want to get paid to make you a beautiful web site, but don't know the first thing about helping you make more money. In fact, though independent web designers have to know enough business to survive, corporate designers may never have had to learn anything about running a business or getting good ROI via their web sites.To get better web site ROI, naturally you have to lower your investment and/or increase your profits.Where do the profits that lead to better web site ROI come from?Traffic (free or paid) Converting Prospects Selling new products to previous customersHere are some review questions for your business:Are you getting free traffic from good search engine rankings? If not, why not? Maybe your website isn't search engine optimized. Maybe you aren't adding to and updating your content. Maybe your internal linking and/or navigational structure is suboptimal. Are you running multiple pay per click campaigns and meeting your break even figures for most of them? Are you dumping the ones that don't work? Are you tweaking your web sales copy and running split tests to see what increases your conversion rates? Are you staying in touch with previous customers, offering them helpful tips and resources, and finding out their other needs? Are you designing new products and improving services based on that feedback?Those are just a few questions to help you see which way lies the real road to better web site ROI.Now here are a few suggestions:1. Get more free trafficAll traffic can be converted to sales profits. Free traffic means better web site ROI. So search engine optimize your web site. Ever had a keyphrase review for your business sector done? If not, get one. This is one of the three major factors in writing your web site sales copy.2. Only do profitable pay-per-click advertisingMake sure you have a clear plan in place for every phrase on which you bid. Know what conversion rate you need for each. Send each phrase to specific and different web pages, and monitor your success rate. If you can't tweak conversion rates high enough to profit on a pay per click phrase, ditch it! What cuts into your web site ROI more than pay per click advertising at a loss? And don't fool yourself into thinking it's branding. There are much better ways to do branding, and lots of them are free.3. Convert more prospectsHopefully you already have a most wanted response (MWR). Perhaps you've developed customer profiles and/or modeled customer acquisition and retention phrases. However you group your prospects, make sure you split test your web copy to develop the most powerful sales pages possible. Your traffic cost for each phrase shouldn't change much from month to month, so improving your conversion rates will lead to better web site ROI.4. Encourage Community and Get FeedbackDon't be afraid to let your customers talk to each other. Use forums to help them and find out what they need. The best way to stay in business, sell more, and increase ROI is to know what they need and give it to them. Remember, it's easier to keep a customer than to get a new one. Use polls, articles in your e-zine (e newsletter), and free offers to motivate them to answer your specific questions.ConclusionThat's obviously not every detail or tactic you could use to work toward better web site ROI, but it's plenty for most people to start with. If you need help or have any specific questions for me, contact me either via my pulsemed.org website, or through my SEO blog at http://top-ten-search-engine-ranking.blogspot.com/.Since 1999, Brian Carter, MS, has reached more than a million visitors with his websites. His PulseMed.org ranks in the top 1% of all major websites. He maintains a blog about web marketing at http://top-ten-search-engine-ranking.blogspot.com/. His second book, The Web Site Marketing Success Manual: How One of My Web Sites Made $21,638.49 in a Month, will be available in July, 2005.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Buyer Beware: Web Hosting, Registration, and Site Building All in One Packa

Starting out in any type of online marketing or Internet business can be confusing and overwhelming. There are so many different aspects of a start-up: domain name registration and purchase, Web site host purchasing, and of course, the "building" of the Web site itself.  This leaves many consumers looking for an easier way to purchase everything in one place, both to save money and to save time.This has led to the rise of

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arrow right Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms ? Pa

A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way. (If you're  looking for parts 1 and 2 of this article, you can find them both at http:// www.mambomoms.com/articles.html)5) Get moderate exercise on a regular basis. Of course, you should get the go ahead from your doctor first, and you will likely need to wait longer if you've had a caesarean birth, but most new moms can begin a gentle fitness program very soon after their baby is born.Exercise is definitely one of those things that most of us feel obligated to do and few of us seem to enjoy. In fact, for many moms, having a new baby seems to be a great excuse not to exercise. After all, you're legitimately busy, sleep-deprived, and probably a bit nervous about leaving your precious bundle with someone else while you head to the gym. But wait! Who ever said you had to pump iron, punch a bag or jump around in a fitness class for an hour to get your exercise?The whole key to sticking with a fitness program is to choose an activity you enjoy. If you enjoy hiking outdoors, why not invest in a baby carrier so you and your baby can do this together? There are all kinds of baby trailers on the market now so your baby can join you on a bike ride or even a cross country ski outing if these are activities you enjoy. If swimming is fun for you, why not offer to take a friend's teenager to the pool. She can sit close by with your baby on the pool deck while you do a few lengths, and then you and your baby can enjoy a leisurely lunch or cup of tea while the teen gets a chance to play in the pool in return for helping you out. Yoga classes for moms and babies are also popular now, and this can be a very enjoyable and relaxing way to spend time with your baby while you exercise.For the new mom who wasn't active before pregnancy, gentle forms of exercise such as taking a stroll are ideal. If you can find another new mom close by to share this time with, your walks will become a pleasant activity that you look forward to, instead of part of your dreaded post- natal fitness program. If your health unit or community nursing program offers a drop in program for new moms you will be able to connect with other moms there. Or perhaps you've stayed in touch with a mom you met in your pre-natal classes. As you start to feel more energetic you can increase the length and the intensity of your walks. Ans if the weather is bad you can always walk around the mall and enjoy the sights.Gentle dancing or rocking while holding your baby is also excellent exercise that both of you can enjoy. When your baby is fussy or tired and nursing her doesn't seem to be helping, why not put on some music and introduce her to your favourite dance steps? She won't mind if you don't get the steps right, she'll just enjoy being close to you while you move, and you'll get the fitness benefits. Most babies will enjoy dancing with you even when they're not tired and cranky. As she gets older your dance dates will probably be greeted with giggles and squeals of delight.Remember though that moderation in your exercise program is the key. Even if you bounce back quickly from your baby's birth and are feeling very energetic, be sure to start slowly and increase your exercise level gradually. Too much too soon can set you back by causing you to feel exhausted later on in the day. This can lead to grouchiness or a bout of the baby blues, neither of which will motivate you to continue exercising! Remember the old adage, "always leave 'em wanting more." This should be your fitness mantra in the first few postpartum months. In other words, stop before you've had enough and you'll be more likely to continue with your fitness program the next day.6) Wear your baby often. Using a sling or carrier to keep baby close during the day will make your baby happier, plus it will give you a little extra weight to pack around as you do your daily chores and activities. It may not seem like much, but as your baby grows you'll be increasing the amount of weight you're carrying while you go about your daily routines. And that adds up to extra weight loss for you.Instead of using a stroller when you take a walk, put baby in the carrier. Instead of putting her in a swing or rocking seat, rock her to sleep in your arms or in your baby carrier while you stand and gently bounce to and fro. When you go to the grocery store, carry her in a sling instead of putting her in the shopping cart. In fact, if you're lucky enough to live within walking distance of your grocery store, you can even make this a daily outing to pick up a few items each time. Your baby will enjoy the extra closeness of being in a sling or carrier as you do laundry, tend the garden, or even take some time out for a hobby like bird watching. Babies in our society seem to spend so much time strapped into various pieces of equipment. Most will love the opportunity to be closer to the person they most adore-you!The bonus for mom is that extra weight to carry equals extra calories burned. Over the course of a year this can add up to significant weight loss, in a very healthy way for all concerned. Depending on how often you carry your baby, and how much she weighs, you can easily burn an extra 100-200 calories a day just by carrying her along for part of your day. Anytime you're on the go, try to carry your baby with you and you'll be getting the benefit of the increased calorie burn that comes with packing around an extra 10, 15, or 20 pounds.And there you have it, six painless ways to lose those extra pregnancy pounds effortlessly and without stress. Remember, your baby won't be small for long so try not to get too preoccupied with weight loss. If you eat well most of the time, get some moderate exercise on a regular basis, and follow the rest of the tips in this article series, you'll get back in shape with hardly a second thought.Susan Peach is a retired La Leche League Leader, a dance and fitness instructor, and mother to two teenage boys. She is also the creator of Mambo Moms, a fun and gentle Latin dance based fitness program that helps new moms get back in shape while spending quality play time with their babies. Find out more at http://www.mambomoms.com

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arrow right Simple Plans for Social Eating and Travel

It's one thing to stick with your diet regimen when you're at home, in control of the contents of your refrigerator and your portion sizes. But what about going out to dinner with friends? Worse, how do you stay on track when your dream vacation has you seated by the  dessert cart at every meal?Eating right when you're out of your comfort zone can actually be easier than when you are at home, so long as you think smart and plan ahead. Focus on these simple tips to help you enjoy your dinners out on the town without compromising your weight loss goals. Simple PlansIncorporate meals out like any others. Don't skip meals beforehand. Plan. Don't be afraid to call ahead and find out what the specials are going to be and figure out a couple of choices. If that's not an option, ask someone with whom you're comfortable sharing your dietary concerns to help you. Tell him or her what foods you can eat (or what you cannot eat) and ask the person to fill a plate for you. Or second, walk up to the buffet table(s) beforehand with no plate. Just take a casual stroll around and see which foods are being served. Then decide if you would like to ask someone else to place your selections on a plate for you or if you would prefer to get them yourself.Eat slowly. Not only will this help with your digestion, it slows your eating down so that you notice sooner when you are full. Set your eating utensils down while you chew. Have a sip of water between bites.Have fun along the wayEating out is a way of building relationships, to enjoy the company of others. Unfortunately, for those of us looking to cut back on what and how much we eat, this can make previously enjoyable dinner dates a dreaded and avoided task. It doesn't have to be this way. Opt for a restaurant with salads and low-fat menu choices instead of a place with all deep-fried batter-dipped menu items and heavy desserts.Another option is to choose an old favourite and split it with a partner. This way, you won't feel deprived and your portion size will automatically be limited. Not only will your waistlines be smaller, but so will your bills!Avoid temptationThere is no law that says you must have a basket of bread, butter and oil before a meal out. If it is on your table when you are seated, request that it be brought back to the kitchen.Set yourself up for success when you order by requesting they leave off the oils and sauces. Request that your meat and vegetables be steamed, not fried. Order a salad (with light or no dressing, on the side) or side of veggies instead of fries or mashed potatoes.It's all in the portionsRestaurant portions are significantly larger than actual portion sizes; a half-size will more than adequately replace your normal meal size. Most restaurants offer half-sizes (at smaller prices). If these are not listed on the menu, just ask, and your request will more than likely be accommodated. Alternately, you can request your doggie bag in advance. If they don't offer to package half your meal for you, decide for yourself (before you begin eating) what an appropriate portion size is and wrap up the remainder.There's no rule that you must order your meal from the entrée list. Peruse the appetizer menu for attractive (and smaller) options. You can also create a delicious and unique meal by combining various side dishes.Drink plenty of water before you leave for the restaurant, and while you wait for the food to arrive. This will help fill you up and prevent hunger-inspired indulgences.Request your salad (and/or soup, if it's not creamy) be brought out first, and dig in. By the time your food arrives, you should be able to more rationally determine what portion sizes are appropriate, and if anything needs to be avoided.Do not order dessert until you are completely finished with your meal. You might be too full to eat dessert and remember, even if everyone is splurging on the dessert menu, you don't have to join in just to be part of the "gang." Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea to end your meal. Or ask someone to split a dessert with you if there is something you really want.Distract yourselfVacations should be a time to indulge oneself and have fun. Though it does lead to eating out more often, it also removes many of the day's temptations. For example, you won't be wandering over to the kitchen when you're bored, or overindulging at the grocery store and then feeling "obligated" to eat what you've bought.Spend time in the pool, on the sand, and at the shops, not at the restaurants. Most vacation hot spots are ideal for eating on the go; you can pick up a small meal from a roadside vendor and eat it while walking the boardwalk and enjoying the sights and sounds.Don't make food about suffering. If the smell of saltwater taffy engulfs you, treat yourself-to one. Having a small amount will indulge your craving without compromising your diet.Try making a rule like, "If I eat, I need to enjoy a fun activity, too: a walk, bike ride, swim, tennis, putt-putt, etc." Then coordinate daily "pairings" or events with meal planning. Life, including vacations, does not have to be all about food. Nor does it have to focus on food.Don't stress outWith the right approach, eating out can be a pleasurable experience. Remember, a successful diet is a lifelong lifestyle modification. You need to be able to incorporate healthful eating out activities into your routine.Vacations and meals out are intended to be pleasurable. If you do go a little overboard, it's important not to beat yourself up over it. Forgive yourself and get on with life. Simply use that experience to learn where you can improve the next time you are in that situation and then add some extra activities to your schedule. Swim some laps. Walk or jog. Leave your wallet in the trunk and go to a mall for a shop-walk. Take a tour. Visit a museum. Enjoy a park and feed the ducks. Just get out, focus on something else and enjoy life.I hope you enjoy this article. More can be found in my FREE ezine health-hotline@getresponse.comFran Watson

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arrow right Weight Loss With Ionamin: Gentle Plan, Mighty Results

You know you have will-power. You can change a diaper while on the phone with an important client and then fix a fabulous, healthy meal for your family and your unexpected visitors while arranging your tax receipts. Only a master of willpower could do these things every  day!But where it comes to weight-loss, will-power isn't always enough. What can you do if you're squeezing a diet and exercise into your busy day but the needle on the scale won't budge?Enter IonaminIf you're on a program to get to a healthy weight, you should consider talking to your doctor about Ionamin. Ionamin contains the drug phentermine, an appetite suppressant: it encourages changes in your brain chemicals to make you feel less hungry. By taking the edge off, Ionamin can make it easier to make healthy food choices, which in turn can make exercise easier. Ionamin works like training wheels on a bike, making it easier for you to get the hang of things until your new healthy habits stay put on their own!Phentermine is everywhere - why is Ionamin special?Phentermine is the name of the chemical found in a number of different products. Adipex, Phentercot, Teramine, Fastin and Pro-fast are all brand names for drugs that have the same active ingredient, phentermine.The active ingredient in Ionamin is also phentermine. In Ionamin, phentermine is trapped in a special "resin" that releases the drug slowly, to reduce irritation if you have a sensitive stomach. Some patients also report that any side effects they experience when starting the drug are less abrupt and easier to manage.I like the idea of gentle weight loss, but will it help someone who has a lot of weight to lose?Ionamin is designed especially for someone like you. In fact, you're an ideal candidate if your Body Mass Index (or BMI, which measures your height-to-weight ratio) is above 30, or if your BMI is above 27 and you have risk factors like diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.It sounds too good to be true! Why isn't everyone on Ionamin?Before providing you with a prescription, your doctor will ask about your medications and health history. Your doctor may suggest a different medication if you have health conditions including heart disease or lung problems.In addition, Ionamin works very similarly to certain antidepressants. If you're already on certain antidepressants (called MAO inhibitors), you won't want to be using Ionamin on top of it.Lastly, speak honestly with your doctor if you've had past difficulties with alcohol or drug dependence. There are reports of some people who've gotten over a dependence developing dependence on phentermine products, so you and your doctor should find a product that's less likely to put you at risk.Ionamin and Daily LifeOnce you're on Ionamin, you'll want to check in with your doctor regularly. If it doesn't seem to be helping weight loss within the first few weeks, ask ask her if you need to change doses or drugs. Side effects like very mild stomach upset or jitteriness are normal for the first couple of days, but you should let her know if you have them for more than a few days or if they get worse. If you have serious side effects like chest pain or shortness of breath, see a doctor immediately as these may be signs that you need to stop taking Ionamin right away.After a few weeks, you'll be ready to take off the training wheels; you'll find at this point that your diet feels more like part of your daily life and your diet will take off!Copyright (C) Shoppe.MD and Ian Mason, 2004-2005Ian Mason, owner of Shoppe.MD, your source for health news and Ionamin online.Ian is a fat-to-fit student of health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Rumbly-Grumbly Tummy After Gastric Bypass

If you've been enjoying life after gastric bypass surgery you will know exactly what I'm talking about. That rumbly-tumbly stomach growl that's more bark than bite. It's the inactive tummy talking, the lower part of the stomach that was bypassed. And it growls at the oddest  moments seldom accompanied by hunger pains. My inactive tummy is particularly talkative at bedtime, I think it remembers the refrigerator front bedtime binges from my previously life.Remember the surgical diagrams you studied before surgery: a tiny stomach portion we call the pouch was separated from a larger portion, which is the inactive or bypassed stomach. In the gastric bypass procedure the stomach is left in place with blood supply ? it is still and active organ yet no longer a reservoir for food. In some cases it may shrink slightly and the muscles may atrophy, but for the most part it remains unchanged. In fact, the "inactive" tummy is quite active. The inactive tummy is an around-the-clock chemical factory keeping your body in balance.And for all it's hard work what do we do? We don't feed it. No wonder it's talking!The lower stomach still contributes to the function of the intestines even though it does not receive or process food - it makes intrinsic factor, necessary to absorb Vitamin B12 and contributes to hormone balance and motility of the intestines in ways that are not entirely known. So when you hear that rumbly-tumbly stomach growl you can smile happily knowing your body is hard at work keeping you chemically healthy and well.Kaye Bailey © 2005 - All Rights ReservedKaye Bailey is a weight loss surgery success story having maintained her health and goal weight for 5+ years. An award winning journalist, she is the author and webmaster of http://www.livingafterwls.com and http://www.livingafterwls.blogspot.comLivingAfterWLS is a no-nonsense resource for people Living After Weight Loss Surgery. Our community is growing in numbers even as we are shrinking in pounds. Together we support one another in this lifestyle, that it turns out, is NOT the easy way out.Fresh & insightful content is added daily, check in often. To subscribe to the LivingAfterWLS monthly newsletter

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arrow right What are Fats?

Fat is fuel. That is basically what it is. A solid concentrated form of fuel. They have more calories than proteins or carbohydrates. Here are the basic forms of fat.Saturated FatsThis type of fat comes from animals and vegetables. It is only needed as a form of energy and  because of its structure it is readily absorbed by our own bodies fat cells.Monounsaturated FatsThese kinds of fats are found in Olive oil, Peanut Oil, High-oleic safflower oil as well as others.Polyunsaturated FatsYou can find polyunsaturated fats in cold water fishes, seed oils, and vegetable oils.Trans FatsThese fats are manufactured fats. You can make these by transofrming unsaturated fats through heat and hydrogenation. These types of fats are thought to cause harm. They can lower your metabolism, decrease your testosterone levels, and raise your bad cholesterol levels among others.Commercially produced foods contain alot of trans fats. Especially baked foods. To identify if the food you are buying has trans fats, look at the ingrediants and look for the terms hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated.Avoid trans fats at all cost. These are BAD for you. You should eat saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats in their original state which is to say unrefined or unprocessed.Essential Fatty AcidsYou need fat to live. This is why they are called 'essential fatty acids'. They help with the production of hormones, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as improve your skin.They also prevent allergies, help the immune system, and improve your mood.The types of fatty acids are the omega acids. Omega-3 and Omega-6. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in Salmon as well as other deepwater fish. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in seeds, legumes, raw nuts, oils such as grape seed, primrose, soybean and sesame seed oil.When you diet make sure to include the Essential Fatty Acids.Steve writes for mylivingrx.com an Online Pharmacy.

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arrow right Internet Marketing: Secrets of Writing Keyword Rich Articles in Six Easy St

Determining keywords is a critical step in writing articles online for effective public relations strategy. If your articles, blog, eZine, or website do not contain related keywords, surfers will be unable to find your articles when they conduct searches.According to Sharon  Housley the formula is a little tricky - you will need to locate terms that are popular and relevant to your article.

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arrow right Review of A Classic: Finneys Invasion of The Body Snatchers

To keep it simple and basic: Jack Finney's Invasion of The Body Snatchers succeeds first and foremost because it's a great story. If there was nothing else to be said about it, just that it's a great story, that should be more than enough to keep it on the bookshelves for  the next generation to enjoy as much as the last.However, as with most of Finney's work, it's not just the story that makes Invasion of The Body Snatchers timeless, it's also the storyteller. Reading Finney is like sitting out on the front porch, watching the neighbors come and go, and talking about how your day went. There's a hominess, an honesty, that lends credibility to every word. Add his sense of humor and obvious intelligence to the mix and you'll follow him into the strangest, most bizarre events without question.Critics have called Invasion of The Body Snatchers an allegory for everything from the McCarthy hearings to the Cold War. It was published in 1954, a time when such connections were easy to make. However, in correspondence with Stephen King, Finney said,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Best Freelance Job Boards for Writers

How many times have you checked out a job board to that either it no longer exists or that there is one or two jobs listed. Out of the hundreds of job boards on the Web today, how do you find those containing projects that you are interested in and qualified for.I have  recently surveyed over 300 freelance web sites and these are the best boards for freelance writers. The benchmark that I used for judging the board was the number of legitimate projects (as opposed to "business opportunities" ) and requests for submission being posted every month. I have only included ones posting 30 projects or more a monthThe very bestI picked Guru This huge all-inclusive board connects independent professionals (a.k.a.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Success Lessons from Baseball - Enthusiasm And Excitement Can Make The Diff

I remember, about 35 years ago, reading two books by Frank Bettger, the baseball player, about how enthusiasm made all the difference in his life. His books made a difference in my life at the time and are still well worth reading and re-reading.Probably the most famous of  his books is

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Using Bodybuilding Supplements To Build Muscle Mass!

OK, first let's get something straight here...If you think that buying a shake or taking a few pills will all of a sudden make you huge, then you are mistaken.No supplement will help you if you are not training and dieting correctly -- they will just give you very expensive  urine. All aspects of your program have to be in order for you to get the maximum benefit from sports nutrition supplements. From my experience, supplements enhance your program by:1. Adding an element of convenience: Using food supplements like Meal Replacement Powders and whey protein help to eliminate the common problem of 'not enough time', by providing you with an quick efficient way to get your required nutrients each day.2. Increasing strength and decreasing recovery time: Using vitamin and amino acid supplements help to minimize the negative side effects of weight training and speed your recovery.The Benefit of ConvenienceThere are many 'old school' trainers and bodybuilders who profess the uselessness of supplements. They are constantly preaching that they don't work, and that you don't need them. Well, to tell you the truth they are correct, somewhat. Remember that not too long ago there were no supplements. Bodybuilders built huge physiques without meal replacement powders, creatine or prohormones.There was no such thing as exercise 'machines'. They used multi-jointed, compound free weight exercises that not only increased their muscular size, but also make them incredibly strong. So, if you look at that way it can be done and you don't need any supplements. However, the decision whether or not to use supplements should involve the consideration of other factors that may come into play when speaking of dieting today. The first of which is time.Many people today just do not have the time to live, eat and breathe food. Very few people like to cook, and even fewer cook on a regular basis. When was the last time that you actually had six meals that you actually cooked yourself? Many of those who are against dietary supplements continue to preach that you should get all the nutrients that you need from your diet. 'Eat a balanced diet and you will get all the nutrition you need'. Well, 100 years ago that may have been true, but today this type of advice is questionable.The fact is, most people's idea of a good meal is restaurant or (even worse) fast food. To ask someone to eat specific amounts of protein, fat and carbs seems like an impossible request considering that most people can't even get their minimum requirements of good fat or fiber. Experts will continue to spout 'eat a balanced diet,' while Americans feast on nutritionless fast food and sugar. Not only do our bodies have to deal with the ever-increasing external stresses of everyday life, they also have to combat nutrient-depleting, tissue damaging exercise.If I did not have the option to supplement my diet with whey protein, I probably would not have gained as much weight as I have. Now, I'm not saying that the whey protein is why I gained weight, but it did help me a great deal.I am usually very busy and I just don't have the time, nor the desire to eat six, planned whole food meals per day. Supplements like meal replacement powders and whey protein fill in this gap for me.I typically have three real food meals and three protein supplement meals -- that makes up my required six meals each day. When I'm away from home, or not able to get an adequate meal, my MRP is always right there when I need it. It gives me a quantifiable amount of protein so that I can keep track of my nutrient intake. In my opinion, this is much better than just grabbing something and then trying to guess at how much protein, fat or carbs you just ate. Getting in all of your required meals and nutrient amounts is crucial to your success.My mass diet requires a very high daily protein intake -- Over 300g per day. Just to give you example of how much that is, here are some examples of what 300g of protein is equal to:Tuna -- 50 oz of canned tuna (the average can is 6-8oz.), which is 1,750 calories and 25g of fatChicken -- 38 oz of chx breast (equals about seven 6oz breasts), which is 1,313 calories and 38g of saturated fatBeef -- 43 oz of lean ground beef (about 2.7 pounds of meat), which is 3,214 calories and 215g of saturated fatEggs -- 50 large whole eggs, equals 3,750 calories and 250g of saturated fatEgg whites -- 100 egg whites, equals 1,600 calories and almost no fatPure whey protein -- 15 scoops of EAS Precision Protein, equals 1,500 calories 7.5g of saturated fatIt is very possible to get this amount from eating whole foods only -- But it will take work. Also, as you can see from the above numbers, getting all of your protein from regular food will also bring a lot of unnecessary elements like extra saturated fat. Yes, our goal to gain mass is to eat a lot of calories (including fat), but your main fat intake should consist of unsaturated fats that are liquid at room temperature like olive oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil and safflower oil. Whey protein supplements will help to give you the extra protein without the fat.Increased Strength and Decreased RecoveryIn addition to a whey protein supplement, I recommend that everyone should be taking a multi-vitamin, plenty of vitamin C, and glutamine. Creatine can also be added if you are over 18.Multi-VitaminWeight training increases the body's need for many minerals like magnesium and selenium. The multi-vitamin ensures that I am not deficient in any major essential vitamin or mineral. Deficiency symptoms include muscle weakness and suppression of the immune system, muscle cramping and fatigue.I always take a multi-vitamin without iron, because grown men do not need additional iron. We get enough from our food. Men and postmenopausal women should never take iron supplements unless they have iron-deficiency anemia, which is only diagnosed by blood tests. The body has no way to eliminate excess iron except through blood loss. Women who menstruate are protected from iron overload, obviously. Iron is also an oxidizing agent that can cause damage to the heart and arteries, and is a major risk factor in arteriosclerosis.Vitamin CVitamin C essential to prevent free radical damage, which is accelerated after the heavy trauma of weight training. It is also essential is helping to repair connective tissue which helps decrease the amount of time you are sore. I train very heavy and extremely hard. When I train my legs, I am usually sore for about 5-6 days afterwards.If I do not supplement my diet with vitamin C, I would normally be sore for almost 10 days! So, it really helps me to recover and get back to training. I typically take around 3,000mg in divided doses. That would equal quite a few oranges!GlutamineGlutamine is an amino acid that is produced by our bodies, but most of the time our bodies demand so much, that it can't create enough. I supplement my diet with glutamine to increase my levels of glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, which helps to combat the stresses of exercise trauma, and prevent muscle protein breakdown.I especially believe that it helps prevent my body from breaking down my new muscle while I am asleep, so I never go to bed without taking it. I take about 15g per day (in divided doses), which would be impossible to get naturally.Creatine MonohydrateCreatine's purpose is to supply our muscle with energy. It is also found in red meat, but you would have to eat an enormous amount of meat to get the same benefits as taking pure creatine powder. Everyone knows about creatine so I will not go into it here, but I do want to say that the major benefit from taking creatine is that it will increase your strength.This will enable you to lift heavier weights, which will stimulate more muscle growth. Many people make a big fuss over the muscle volumizing effects of creatine, because if you stop taking it, you lose that extra fluid that creatine brings into your cells. So what! You certainly DO NOT lose the extra muscle creatine helped you to gain.I can honestly say that I could not have built the body I have today without the convenience and enhancements supplements provide. I simply don't have the time or desire to do it any other way. This is a choice that you must decide for yourself. You will be spending your money on these products, so make sure that you know their place in your program.Don't get caught up in product hype. Supplements will help, but they will NOT do the work for you.Former

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Health Benefits of CoQ10 - A Powerful, Important Heart Compound

Coenzyme Q10 (also known as ubiquinone, but most widely referred to as CoQ10) is a substance that can be found in every cell of the body, where it is used to produce the large amounts of energy needed for healthy cell growth, repair after damage, and maintenance.CoQ10 also  functions as a powerful antioxidant, which protects the cells and the entire body from damage caused by harmful molecules.Not only does it help keep the cells of the body healthy and in good condition, CoQ10 helps to keep the entire body functioning by helping to supply necessary energy to hard working organs. CoQ10 functions as a sort of catalyst, jump starting energy production within cells. The body then uses the generated energy for a host of vital processes, including smooth and striated muscle contraction and digestion.Scientists have also discovered that CoQ10 is found in especially high concentrations in organs that require a lot of energy, such as the heart. Without CoQ10, energy production and therefore organ function would screech to a halt.Researchers first discovered and named Coenzyme Q10 in 1957 while they were examining how the cell produces energy. Almost fifty years later, scientists are still finding new and better uses for the important substance, and have begun to discover evidence that treating patients with CoQ10 supplements may actually assist in the prevention and treatment of such devastating illnesses as heart disease and cancer.CoQ10 can help prevent heart disease by first using its antioxidant power to prevent cholesterol from being attacked by free radicals in the body, freeing up precious reserves of vitamin E for other uses by the body. In this way, the coenzyme has also been found to work in conjunction with vitamin E to prevent the damage to arteries caused by cholesterol that leads to heart disease.Also, because of its original purpose of generating energy for the heart, some researchers are beginning to believe that CoQ10 can be used as a drug to boost failing organs, especially the heart.As important as CoQ10 is to the proper function of virtually every part of the body - skin, muscles, organs, etc. - you might be surprised to find out that some of the most popular prescription drugs for the reduction of cholesterol in the body are actually responsible for depleting the body's reserves of CoQ10 on an alarming level.Statin drugs, such as Lipitor, Zetia and Crestor, widely prescribed to assist patients with high cholesterol bring their levels back to a normal range, have been found in several studies to decrease the level of naturally produced CoQ10 and even deplete the amount held in reserve by the cells in case of emergencies.Thankfully, a CoQ10 deficiency caused by statin drugs is completely preventable and ultimately reversible by supplementing the patient with CoQ10 from outside sources. Clinical trials have shown that supplementation of CoQ10 also seems to have no adverse impact on the cholesterol lowering or anti-inflammatory properties of the statin drugs.So, if it is a naturally occurring compound in the body, you may be wondering how a person would go about supplementing it in their system. Aside from taking commercially prepared supplements, CoQ10 is naturally present in small amounts in a wide variety of foods that many people enjoy every day, such as beef, peanuts, mackerel and sardines. It is also found in high concentrations in organ meats such as heart, liver, and kidney, but many people prefer to take a pill or gelcap supplement rather than eat these items.Just like with any other type of medication or supplement, different people respond differently to treatment and supplementation and the body's response to additional CoQ10 in the system can take time. Don't be surprised if you don't see results right away, as it may take more than eight weeks to see some benefit from therapy. Most people take about 150 to 300 mg per day for supplementation of organ function, but only about 10-30 mg per day is required for anti-aging benefits.Another option is a comprehensive supplement that helps the body naturally produce more CoQ10. This is perhaps the best way to ensure that your body has the CoQ10 it needs to function properly, as many individual Coenzyme Q10 supplements are subpar.Learn more about the benefits of CoQ10 and other important nutrients and discover how you can improve your health today.David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and editor of several health sites, including Healthy Heart Guide and Joint Pain Arthritis Treatment. He also contributes to Fitness Events, a site dedicated to exercise and physical fitness.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Havent Heard of the Acai Berry Yet?

You've probably been eating blueberries since you were a little kid. Maybe you've had huckleberries too, which are a little harder to find since they're hand-picked in the wild. (They're not easily cultivated.) But are those the only small, dark berries?The answer is no!  There's an even more coveted berry called the acai (ah-sigh-ee) and it comes only from the rainforest. So it's no surprise that is not that well-known here in the USA. But... it is starting to gain popularity, so keep your eyes out!But what's so great about this little berry?Well, did you know that 70% of the plants found to fight against cancer cells are found in the rainforest? Yep, there's all kinds of healthy food in there. Some people refer to the acai as one of the planet's

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...