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మీ పాస్వర్డ్ను మర్చిపోయారా?

  ఈవెంట్స్     ఎగతాళియైన     కథలు     ప్రేమ     వంటకాలను     రిఫ్లెక్షన్స్     సైన్స్     సంఘము     కాంటెస్  

సంఘము » సందేశాలు - పేజీ 58

arrow right Crop Circles and Genetic Knowledge

The crop circle enigma is not always a hoax. I am not able to see how someone could do a massive design overnight in the cases where the plants have their stems broken from within. Yes, that is the case in what I consider the real crop circles. The wheat or other plants  have the stalk exploded from within and the stalks can be bent at a distance up the stalk which would not happen if the use of weighty rollers was applied to them. Thus we are able to speculate many things but I see no reason for it to be aliens or at least not a visit in physical form by extra-terrestrials.There are many segments of this book that cover the science of energy and its lattice designs that I think relate to this phenomena. The designs are sometimes advanced mathematical theorems and there are many Keltic designs. The Kelts or their Druids and shamans were in tune with the Earth Energy Grid and that Grid is part of the larger Cosmic Thought Field that Affinity connects across universe. Thus if it is a message from some intelligence inside the Earth's 'event horizon' or local area network of dimensions we would expect to see Keltic designs if the Druids were in fact making representations of their attunements.Why this simple factual and historically based observation is not made by other authors is beyond me. But I am constantly amazed by people's ability to deny the simple and obvious that is around them all the time. I can see why the media and paid hacks in academic circles do not wish to integrate history and ancient advanced sciences like Harmonics into their writings. The governments do not want the truth of the ancient Brotherhood to become common knowledge. They benefit greatly by the common perception that man is advancing and improving and man once was stupid and superstitious or a barbarian and hunched-back cave dweller. But I am the proud part owner of artifacts that go back to the pre-Ice Age period which show giraffes and lions as well as kaleidoscopic stones that function as books or almost a video. Thus I am in possession of a form of proof seldom seen in the annals of propaganda called scholarly or academic.There are many possible ways that these rocks and electrum (80% gold) masks or other artifacts could be made. All the ways are outside of what we credit the ancients with having. Lasers, sound rays or sonic drills, and the ability to alter the structural make up of matter through spiritual or mental attunement are possibly involved. Intelligence or consciousness does associate or coagulate and form banks of energy similar to each other. I first wrote about this some four decades ago as a teenager trying to explain the phenomena of ghosts and elementals.When two muons shielded from cosmic rays like gamma rays were separated in the deep mines formerly used by INCO at Sudbury in Canada something occurred that I think relates to this. They energized one muon and the other one that had been connected with it responded. Do we therefore have the right to say all energy is connected by what might be called ESP? Is this Intelligent Design or Affinity at work?What level of connectiveness is man capable of if mere sub-atomic muons have such a medium for communicating? Is this important enough to consider and learn as was once done? String Theory tells us that all matter is comprised of or built from 'one-dimensional harmonic forces'. Is this the LOGOS written about in the Bible (BBL in vowelless script that all languages once were)? Is the tower of Babel (BBL like the Bible and Byblos) that my Phoenician Kelts put into myths as the Father of Biblical Archaeology says is the case; when he says "The Bible is a Phoenician literary legacy"?Does anyone care to see and study these artifacts with me? Other correspondents of mine have similar rocks they go so far as to call a Philosopher's Stone. One of them is a genetic researcher and the ancients attuned to the interior designs of the animals they bred which I have spoken or written about for those same four decades. Genetic knowledge transfers from person to person when the genes are passed in sex and procreation. This is written about by the esoteric schools of thought as fact for millennia. The Hobbit or Bonobos and so many other things are part of this ? possibly? What do you think? Nah ? I am just a nutcase.Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why Can?t Our Brain Process What We See Faster?

Many who admire the excellent design of Mother Nature and the gift of vision and the enhancements thru evolution wonder; Why Can't Our Brain Process What We See Faster? A paper by G. Bugmann and J. G. Taylor suggests that retinal jitter is an issue and could be some of the  reason for the delay in the process time, thus by eliminating the extraneous visual input data into the brain the retina would not attempt to over define the object, because it is not necessary, once the object is seen, in a lesser definition, it has been registered and the eye simply moves on.Retinal jitter in the human system could become a non-issue by using a device, which attached to the skull as an upside down extra jaw bone type system, which could be pulled down over the eye which would take out the bumps using algorithm averaging of the object (s) being viewed. This would even out the bounces before the eye gets the information, therefore the retinal jittery being reduced could possibly cut the time of in processing by half because some of the relay events will no longer be needed will not be needed. Question being how small can we make such a device and would it need to be over both eyes? Since you would no longer need the eye's sight to cross in front of the other for distance measurements. Which also means that the eye-brain processing time has one less thing to do. When a human looks at a car, truck, boat, airplane, or even a cup of coffee, it taps the memory simultaneously for verification of that item. Once that item is discovered and recognized much of the visual input can be skipped over. Similar to Frame Bursting concepts in high-speed data transmissions, for instance here is a brief concept along that lines:http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=217http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=250Once the object is identified as a car, helicopter, Jeep, Basket Ball, then the mind fills in the rest even if the eyes have not fully yet registered the rest. This can also occasionally fool us as our memory can over ride our observations in that we do not look for the anomalies associated with a similar but not exact match, but then our eyes continue to focus and bring the rest of the information to the brain. If the device attached figures out such details for our eyes and displays a picture quickly with less definition and features in a virtual reality form within the current perceived reality of the real world then the mind will be able to process this information faster once we have become accustomed to it.Will our actual preference be changed as to which reality we rather prefer? Which perception we would rather be in, during observational visual stimulation? Perhaps, after all cartoons are quite fun to watch are they not? Would augmented reality help us take in more visual data faster when we most needed it in high risk and stress environments? Think about it.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part IV

We are in a Plague year 2004-2005 where the locusts are swarming. No one knows how long this will last, but this problem could rage on for several more years. In fact the entire middle east is on watch for the locust  plagues.www.arabnews.com/?page=1&section=0&article=54731&d=20&m=11&y=2004&pix=kingdom.jpg&category=Kingdomwww.theage.com.au/news/World/Locusts-swarm-into-Egypts/2004/11/18/1100718127262.html?oneclick=truewww.israelnn.com/news.php3?id=72364www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20041117-0818-egypt-locusts.htmlIn this strategic plan to curb the destruction of the locusts, the aircraft and UAV to be used will guide the insects to an area which will act as a virtual freeway where along the way will be buildings which will be turned on along the way by remote from the UAVs which will combine acoustic systems to include creating electro-magnetic interference using phase shift currents on alternating current systems. It is possible to send in an interference to a facility which detracts and repels insects to the facility, thus keeping the swarm flowing in the intended direction. The Germans have several studies on the concept of acoustics in insect control. Several of the white papers we have read include use of advanced ceramic ultrasonic acoustic transducers and related technologies which can be incorporated into the aerial component of this migrationwww.geog.ucsb.edu/~jeff/115a/jack_slides/locustswarm.jpgThe aircraft and UAVs would also use ceramic piezo sirens and the relative wind from forward momentum we can reduce the power needs, from the aircraft although might be power assisted.www.eepn.com/Locator/Products/ArticleID/22796/22796.htmlWith simple off the shelf whistles and devices drawing little or no battery energy, we can lay down tracks of sound directed to specific points to create sound barriers to control and direct insects in flight.There are many PestControl devices on the market to help us control insects which lend themselves particularly well the the problems of locusts swarms. Most do not work all the time, however "this concept is sound," both in actual and in principle. It works with adjusting to a proper frequency on the specific species of insects. The type of sound and insect of course will be matched in our proving of concept and modified to include which devices and frequencies can be used. Due to the slow airspeed, weight and capability of useful load of the UAVs, we will use a high lift fat, high angle of attack wing often used in STOL light aircraft, which is un-edible and undesirable to the chosen insect. Due to the flight speed of the insects and allowing them their physiological need to stop and eat along the way. Paths of flight will need to take into consideration GIS data and recent aerial satellite digital photography to make sure the path of destruction allows for enough food along the way and the least amount of collateral damage to property. This can be done by attempting to achieve maximum migration speed from the locusts. There are many Pest Control Devices, which can have over 33% effectiveness today in the private sector of 5000 square feet. These units are relatively inexpensive and the most common residential consumer units, which provide up to 2500 square feet of pest control are very simple light weight and we can discard the molded plastic Chinese made trim and save even more weight, thus allowing us to use minim-blimp airships for an acoustic platform.To prove concept, We intend to use these off the shelf devices along with off the shelf model aircraft to guide our insects to prove concept. We will have two storage containers, which will be 6.2 miles apart. The first will have Locusts inside and the second food that the locusts like to eat, to capture the insects for later tests. We will place food along the way, some off to the edges to prove we can make the insects ignore the food supply and press on the intended path of positive sound and not wish to cross the negative sound waves, which they do not like. Think on this.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Creation

CREATION OF ANIMATE FROM INANIMATE: - We have touched upon some scientific dry wells and frauds already. The idea of cold fusion and perpetual motion that the Utah researchers may not have achieved was just dealt with: but a recent report showing a Utah student using  Farnsworth's old designs is another example that makes me think Cold Fusion is going to be a reality. Chaos is the operating fact of the universe that does actually adapt and create or mutate through qualitative and quantitative leaps according to the Russian (Check out the New Frontier people who have a site on the web.) and mystical scientific paradigm-thinking. Thus many of the normal behavioral observations can only explain part of the day to day 'reality'. A few decades ago science generated proteins from apparent nothingness and declared they had created life from inanimate. This concept and experiment was partially replicable and became touted and taught throughout all schools, but it was less than what it was represented to be in the final analysis. NASA now pronounces there is life everywhere including interstellar vacuums. Microbes are not the only reason for this truth.Just as there are archetypes in our minds the equivalent templates of knowledge exist in the 'ether' or 'cosmic soup'. Together and inclusive of all knowledge we get the Universal Mind or Harmonic Convergence. These things are shallow images of what really can be done with joined effort of mind and soul through the attunement of adept practitioners and observers of nature. The Jewish 'Golem' is supposedly able to invest the soul of a dead person into the fashioned earth and matter that the Rabbis or other magicians work with. The alchemist's 'homonunclus', and gargoyles being brought to life by Kafka: legends abound in many cultural settings. The possibility of such an act of creation is more mind-blowing to any rational person than even the focusing of dimensional forces. How could one actually tap their genetic knowledge to cause any form of life to exist. Yet it would appear mere science can create some rudimentary building blocks and that energy can be directed through super conscious latticeworks that retain information much as the silicon computer chip or digitized quantum bits of cognized information. The one dimensional harmonic forces of String Theory that combine to form membranes and other 11-dimensional realities are quite reminiscent of the concepts of animating and transmuting the form of matter (which is just lower level or dross energy).The amount of time that man has been aware and creatively focused on attunement is far longer than the time he has been fixed on power and material greed. It didn't require writing it down. In fact it isn't very easy to explain how chaos or creation works by any scientist who can demonstrate the mathematical formula. Yes, we see there are eloquent images and fancy terminologies. What the formula can do is still largely unproven in terms of what the apparent potential might yield. Man is on the verge of being able to create and have robots to create as self-replicants and restructuring of wood or other energy into food or gold. This is the expected near future outcome with nanotechnology and 'replicators' much like the Star Trek images have brought us for many years.Bucky Fuller called it creative realization and said that anything we can imagine is achievable through our acceptance and focused intention. He was saying it in dry and often scientific or even incomprehensible language but he is right. So we can say that 'survival of the fittest' is a rude natural fact that 'creation' can alter and surpass. The ancient ideals of Godheads and akashic or other direct cognition are worth exploration because the world of 'seems to be' is really what ever we can create. Hopefully my naïve perception about RIGHT THOUGHT=RIGHT ACTION from the laws of the Magi is an operating principle.Did Mungo Man's line of humans go wrong? How much of these things did they learn? Did they teach some of our kind to do some of these things? If 'fittest' can be conceived with a God-like PURPOSE and there truly is an effort of all energy to harmonize and find the most creative application (or happiness) then we are in for some fantastic voyages of splendiferous 'reality'! Can these images of heaven on earth really come about? Or will our ethical malaise ensure old line greed overtakes a universe of possibilities. Science already gives a power to do many things which in the hands of certain people generates a great deal of concern. Was it John Donne who said if one man suffers we all are diminished? The natural ways that energy and its consciousness form and weave matter are the subject of observers in science once again. Dr. Don Robbins is a solid state chemist whose work I truly appreciate. In the following excerpts from an article titled 'Nanotubes for Electronics' from Dec. 2000's Scientific American please imagine how these naturally occurring objects occur if there is no consciousness in matter, and remember the ancients did have lenses for telescopes and microscopes.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right RFID Sensors to Protect Water Supplies

Recently the US Military has developed a special set of sensors for water supplies for troops. Any time a base camp is set up it is important to monitor the water supplies and test them. You cannot simply test them when you arrive you need constant monitoring so that  insurgents or enemies do not pollute the water or put poison in it. The three most common pathogens of water supplies are; Vibrio Cholerae, e. Coli and Giardia intestinalis and believe me you don't want any in your drinking water.Two companies; Phase IV Engineering and Sporian Microsystems both in Boulder Colorado have developed a bio-sensor system which is RFID based. The device, which floats is connected to a Radio Frequency antenna and it is attached to a sensor housing which is submerged which is also connected to an anchor line. These water sensors can detect pollutants up to 1 part per million.I propose these be used in the United States to protect our rivers and lakes, which contain drinking water. It is also important to have them in our wetlands and areas such as the Bayous in Louisiana and the everglades in Florida. Now then let us look at the efforts of the WHO, UN and World Bank; can we put these in third world nations to prevent waterborne diseases which kill millions of humans annually? If we can get the costs down significantly thru mass buying and economies of scale we are well on our way to eliminating the horrible issues that expanding populations in the third world face from polluted water and waterborne pathogens. As we see more severe and severe droughts in the world we will need to address these issues. We know have technology ready to be transferred thanks to our military expenditures thru DARPA.We must continue to fund such research and boost such budgets of DARPA so that all of mankind can benefit in the offshoot transfer technologies. Think on this, something must be done.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Trojan World War

TROJAN WORLD WAR: - Homer said there were nineteen battles and we know there was a 400 year dark age that followed this enigmatic period which has almost been immortalized in fairy tales about wooden horses and fair maidens. We have given evidences of white men in the  Americas at places like Poverty Point and the mouth of the Amazon (there is much more in the 'mysteries' section) as well as allover the world. The victor of the battle in America for the gold or copper and other things like cocaine may well have been the people who stayed behind and decided to have nothing to do with their Empire-building aristocrats back home. Who actually won this war is beyond my ability to discern. It seems the Phoenicians and Berbers or 'Sea People' operated as pirates for many years to come. They had been trying to establish some kind of political stability to conduct reasonable business from the time of the Hyksos Kings in 1800 BC.When did 'Greek Fire' actually become a useful weapon and how did oil become napalm? What science was lost during and after this apparently protracted period of war between ideologies? There is no clear nation or alliance of city-states that existed before or after this truly horrific period or centuries of warfare that began with the ouster of Ariadne from Crete, if not before. We think natural gas was used in conjunction with phosphorus and other chemicals known to the agents during this war but that it didn't produce the kind of heat that vitrifies rock. I think the Biblical stories of bringing down the walls of Jericho may relate to ultrasound or 'the lost chord'.It is highly likely that allegiances shifted and new alliances or combatants came and went. The Kelts of the Danube area including the Amazons may even have separated from their Thracian neighbors and the Uighurs may have gained a lot by associating with the Semitic remnants of a previously Phoenician Anatolian group including Sargon and Hammurabi whose ethics clearly went against the women or egalitarian modes of previous island powers. The Milesians who went to Epirus and later Etruria (the Bruttii) clearly escaped according to the Trojan chronicle of Homer and their own historians. Pont and the Armenians would seem to be Hittites who were still known to have given women the right to own land like their brother Hurrians in the era 2000 BC. according to Agatha Christie and her archaeologist husband; but perhaps they agreed to fight despite this on behalf of their neighbors who were patristic. Maybe they remained neutral like Canada did in Viet Nam or as neutral as others who sell themselves to the highest bidder during protracted conflicts.It is instructive to look at the aftermath and note the Greeks were allied with Phoenicians who gave them their language and (we showed) allowed them free access to their ports even if they took their wives and daughters. Some of these Greek states seem quite Phoenician at some times. But when the Greeks turned on their allies in Sicily at Syracuse much later were they getting back at their lords and masters? When Alexander expanded his Empire he made a pact with the Kelts, and this is well known history; but which Kelts? Was there a Druidic international council that could galvanize the Keltic clandoms in concerted war? No! But there was such an arrangement for many other things of culture and science or business, it appears. Maybe Alexander was a Kelt himself and he made deals with lots of other clandoms like the Galatians who ended up in what is now Turkey and was formerly Pont (another derived name from Phoenix/Phoenician/ Punt/Finias etc.).Iberia became home to many Milesians and I believe these were Iberians from the Caspian Iberia which has a capital called Tiflis, now. Clearly many Kelts went back to Ireland and Britain from even before the Hyksos period as the Beaker people in 2200 BC. and it appears that many more came in 1500 BC. Was the Trojan War just an extension of the Hyksos wars? Troy III was called Aa-Mu and the Phoenician Brotherhood may well have included remnants of Harappa and Mu (SE Asia?). Pythagoras had a Phoenician parent, but by this time the Brotherhood seems to have been split into many factions. He went against the Sybarites as we know and they were allied with the Etruscans who were allied with Carthage against the Phocaean/Milesians or Iberians who seemed separate from their Venetii Keltic 'brothers'. Yet the Venetii weren't against the Kelts or Bruttii when they came to get rid of the Tarquin lineage of Etruscans and Rome became a reality. We will cover this a great deal more under the 'mystery' of the Battle of Alalia.Numerous Greek states seem to have been allied at Naucratis as we showed and it would be logical to assume they were Hyksos/Phoenician a century before. Thus we end up with having to say there was no Greece and that historians are talking about a continuous or corporate entity that seldom (if ever) existed. Pythagoras seems to have had a strong spiritual leaning in his Crotonite followers that were allied with the syncretic hermetic cults, the Therapeutae of Jesus, Heliopolis and later Alexandria's Gnostics. We would have to say the Cathar ecumenicism may have a root in these groups and that certain groups of Jews and Islamic people (Sufis) were still able to get along for centuries to come. In the final analysis (at this point) we should simply say the battle of ideas continued after the all out battles ended. The pirates and corporate enterprises were seeking marriages and elites became stronger from 2,000 BC. to the time of Jesus. Rather than covering these wars and empires from a Parthian or Hittite and Egyptian perspective we hope the business and theological associations are instructive. It is also necessary to understand the financial import of the American trade that Phoenicians seem to have maintained. Maybe a settlement of sorts was reached where certain enterprises in Greece and Anatolia left the Iberian-Punic interests to control the American trade and they took the Mediterranean in places where the Phoenicians could no longer exercise adequate control.TROY: - There is good reason to believe this area and Smyrna was inhabited with advanced cultures as far back as 9,000 BC. and Catal Huyuk's far less important but well preserved site makes one think it would have taken even longer to leave the coast and move inland to establish such an advanced culture in 7,500 BC. Clearly seacoasts had a lot of defensive and trading benefits and there would only be a need to move inland when all the land was spoken for on the rivers running to the Sea.Troy VIIa seems to have been the site Schliemann claimed to have found all by himself. We will see he did play an important part in showing established archaeology should listen to legend but that he was not all he wanted us to believe either, in this brief forward by Mr. Fagan.Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right A Unique History of the Light Bulb

Most people assume that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. This is only partially true however. Historically speaking, many people helped developed the modern incandescent bulb. Though Thomas Edison's achievements were by far the most significant, there are several  others that deserve some credit.Important People In The Life Of A Light BulbSir Humphrey Davy is the first person to create artificial light. While conducting experiments Davy passed an electric arc of energy between two poles. The resulting

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Welcome to the Eye Science

Thousands of dyslexic students, across the UK, are referred of something called "Asfedic tuning", this is a procedure that supposedly results in a precise identification of a persons optimal background best suited for acquiring the optimum reading speeds. Here are  my notes about this:[1] Is this Aprotocol@ a form of unconscious sensory teaching that Arecalibrates@ the retinal receptors to filter the returned spectral frequencies of light returned off the perimeter of the target object? Or is there a more fundamental brain architecture reprogramming process involved. Is the effect to force consistent use of a better suited area of the brain for lexical analysis among dyslexic readers? Or is the effect to change the configuration of a persons semantic nets[2] Are there any changes made to the Aprotocol@ for the percentage of the people with dyslexia that are also are sensitive to light?[3] The technical details of the protocol and the basis of the hypothesis used to develop it seem to be based on a mix of the magnocellular fast processing visual system and anatomy of the eye. Was there any research undertaken into genetics or anatomy (other that of the eye) or into less specific cognitive neuroimaging.[3] What methods / controlled clinical research have been done to rule out, for example, the possibility of undetected binocular vision problems or any Aplacebo@ effects, or other biases such as limited feed back from a subjective test (i.e. would it not be a more scientific test if veering texts were read out by the subject?) Since this is text based on a single sensory impairment that takes no account to cooperation, phonological difficulties? Is there any distinction between discrepancy defined subjects and poor readers or severity of difficulty?[4] Have there been any studies utilising Magnetoencephalography; functional magnetic resonance imaging or positron emission tomography to determine if there are any changes in the configuration of cortical maps in response to the Asfedia/Asfedic Tuning.[5] Is the effect of rapidly improvements in a person's reading speed in any way based on a neutral consequence of elevating the perceptual symptoms of insula disconnection, i.e conscious segmentation and translation to the mental image of a sound.[6] Are there adjustments in respect of the activation of the visual system, specifically is there use of area V5 of the cerebral cortex, i.e. improvements in efficient visual tracking? More use of the left cerebral hemisphere in general? And perhaps more interestingly the cortical area V4, in response in the tuning process?[7] Since the protocol is an accumulative effect, is there any possibility the prolonged exposer to a produce that permanently effects a persons ability filter potentially harmful spectral frequencies, that could course retinal sensitivity. Could continued use then cause improper firing of signals to the visual cortex which would result in visual distortions!I am the website administrator of the Wandle Industrial Museum, http://www.wandle.org

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Rodent Populations are Half within 3 miles of a Railroad Track

About a month ago, I was helping a friend collect meteorites. We picked out a grid pattern and started walking six to 9 feet apart with metal detectors looking for the iron-nickel meteorites which are quite common here on the Earth's surface The grid is large and takes many  days to even make a dent in it and each time we are able to collect some meteorites. One thing we noticed was that we would scare little rodents in bushes and they would take off running. Yet as we approached railroad tracks we noticed fewer and fewer rodents living there.We started to discuss this phenomena and offer plausible explanation; when you are in the middle of nowhere looking for meteorites you have hours to discuss various issues. Some of our conversations are quite in depth and perhaps I should buy a digital recorder to save them. In this discussion we determined that little varmints, critters and rodents had innately evolved senses of Earth trembling and had adapted to stay away from such areas. This makes sense because of cataclysmic evolutionary theories. Those groups which lived near rumbling areas and stayed would eventually be wiped out by volcanic activity over millions of years, those which fled lived to continue to breed further generations. So to explains the behavior of animals prior to Earthquakes.So then Trains on Railroad tracks make rumblings, which might lead to a couple of things? Scare the animals and send them packing, thus less time to breed or keep them away as their innate senses would be telling them that such area was seismically unsafe? Now then an experiment should be done with data and thermal sensors to detect the number of animals, which had moved on due to the railroad tracks. In our ad hoc observations we determined the amount of little rodents living in the areas within 1-3 miles to be about half that of other areas not near railroad tracks.In our observations we also determined that since there are less rodents to eat other species that perhaps they would thrive near railroad tracks. We did see a slight increase in some insects yet also found fewer of others near railroad tracks. Things like mosquitoes were less, we thought this due to less animals to suck the blood from to breed the next generations and lay their 400 eggs. We found some vegetation to be greater right near the railroad tracks, probably due to the barrier providing a collection pool of water for the plants, right near the railroad tracks were more mosquitoes perhaps coming from livestock on trains and then laying eggs in pools of water nearby.It appears that railroad tracks change the eco-system slightly and certain species are not interested in living near them, while others seem to flourish having less predators and less competition for food. Oh indeed we did find some meteorites on this day and came to a better understanding of life on Earth and how every thing relates to everything else. Please think on this.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How A Light Bulb Works and Other Interesting Tidbits

Light Bulb ScienceEver wonder how a light bulb works? I mean it seems easy, you flick a switch and "bam" there is light! While not much more complicated than that, there is a little science involved.To understand how a light works you need to understand certain terms  including voltage, watt and amperage. The energy a light bulb produces is called the voltage of the light bulb. Amperage is the energy a bulb uses to produce light. Watts is the electrical flow or energy produced by a light bulb. This tells you how much electrical energy flows through your light bulb within any given second.In simple terms voltage refers to how strong the force of electricity is that flows through a bulb. Current tells you how fast electricity flows and resistance tells you how much space a current has to pass through. All of these factors impact your light bulbs performance.When you flip a light switch, a current of electricity passes through your light bulb. The filament in the light bulb then heats up, eventually producing a glow or the

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arrow right Institute of Noetic Sciences

The possibility of sentient beings on earlier solar systems said to be many billions of years older than our own, developing travel and transposition of some teleportational nature seems one of the most stable and down to earth possibilities when we consider these spheres.  Other ideas flit through our mind as we imagineer the conscious wisdom of refined metallurgical objects beyond mere silica microchips and revisit what Dr Robins termed the megaliths - macrochips. What is the operating system they are part and parcel of? Is the old Gaian theory of the earth far removed from a universal entity that would have implants in the earth to form greater contact? The manganese nodules occur naturally but what difference does that make when one is thinking about evolving layers of consciously connected matter guided by dimensional force entities of non-corporeal nature? That kind of thought might lead us to worship the Ka'aba with a lot more validity.The spheres could also be put there to influence stability and join with other earth energy forces to actuate specific occurrences we are only remotely able to understand. It could be from our own future or from an earlier adept civilization whose attunement was collectively superior to what exists today. This kind of thought is more 'far-out' than David M. Jacobs, Ph. D. and the alien abduction agenda contemplated in his books Secret Life and The Threat. His associate professorship in history at Temple University makes one feel good about the possible future of free-thought in America. What sense does it make in one's day to day life to think about such wild imagineering? Well, that IS where the rubber hits the road as they say; and we humbly suggest that even in this life while physically manifest in sensual containers with high level focus on the joy these senses bring - we are part of the evolving purpose and what has been called God's greater purpose. We also suggest the way of knowledge and positive application of the results of thinking does not advantage one if they turn away from the facts. These spheres are facts and they can not have designs (or the vase from 300,000,000 years ago) of this complexity and be so metallurgically advanced if we take only our present concept of nature into account.Is the flexible metal that can't be cut with welder's torches which is shown by the son of the Roswell whistle-blower drawn from the same manufacture process? A personal friend of mine says he knows a chemist/metallurgical researcher who was sent such material from the States to a place just east of Oshawa/Toronto. They could conceive no earthly explanation for it. Now which of these 'possibilities' do you wish to contemplate? The alien one has abductee experiences and hybrid genetics that include clearly extraterrestrial conclusions. The prior earth civilization with advanced technology and attunements beyond language and its limits, means matter can be sent back through time. When NEC Labs at Princeton observed 300X light speed in Cesium, the argument can still be made that time travel is not possible for complex systems that are living. So what if muons have an ability to communicate or travel in the dimensional or other intricate manners we are close to understanding. Cesium is the most accurate means of tracing time in clocks in a great improvement over quartz which we have seen in the piezo-electric description of Dr Robins. Each different crystalline structure is an expression of the forming building blocks and their consciousnesses. Bucky Fuller and the Fullerenes named after him come rushing to the forefront of my mind.Nanotubes are part of a creative process that harmonizes to the rhythm of something we may soon know. There are ways to imagine the spheres could have been created by advanced human or other earth sentient beings in conjunction with the spirit and wisdom of the shamanic relationship in vortexes and wisdom thereof. These would require some form of teleportation and the prevalence of spheres in this one area may be in response to a forceful build-up of whatever forms the manganese nodules or because of the same forces or intelligence from other parts of the universe such as whatever causes the meteors to collect in amazing numbers near Mt. Yamato (Or Yamamoto) in Antarctica.In attempting to come up with a way to express or communicate the places where the mind goes in integrating these truly mysterious things we are asking the reader to endure another German Nazi analogy on the slippery slope of ethics and the relative nature of morality. We all know the Nazis were heavy into esoterics and ancient civilization from the Spielberg trilogy but it was much more than just a hobby or some weird obsession. In fact you could say it was being done by others in secret bases; but we can't be sure of a great deal of these things because of the secrecy surrounding some weapons systems that even long after they are no longer in use aren't talked about. It is almost certain that Hitler and his cronies or handlers like General Hausohofer and Himmler were well aware of the weapons systems described in the Mahábhárata. They seem to have attempted to make most of them become real and their scientists were helpful to the development of these things after the war. Some of the things were already on the drawing boards and tested. Were they also in a position to know about the Foo Fighters?

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Hobbits and Lice

HOBBITS AND LICE:In late 2004 the media was all agog with the small hominids found on Flores Island where I had written about artifacts showing sea travel technology must have existed. I had argued with many people about the issue and their argument had some merit in that  we had no proof of a connection to humans or the nearby Mungo Man. However, once we found these creatures which some researchers even think could be part chimpanzee the issue became clearly in my favor. I think the divergence of human lice proven through DNA technology going back 1.18 to 1.8 million years ago is even more telling and I look forward to the further research on pubic lice that might prove hominids cross-breeding. Here is one source for further review."It was astonishing and exciting enough to have discovered a new - and wholly unexpected - hominid species last week. The discovery of the partial skeletons of three-foot tall

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Equipment for the Amateur Astronomer ? Part 1

Binoculars and telescopes and other astronomy equipment and accessories are the meat and potatoes of amateur astronomy. A good pair of binoculars is what introduced me to the pleasures of stargazing many moons ago and only after a couple of years scanning the skies did I  graduate to a telescope. That was one of the department store 60mm telescopes we're all warned about, but my folks didn't know any better, and to a 12-year old kid, it opened up the universe.Telescopes While cheap (in every sense of the word) telescopes are still to be found, recent years have seen the introduction of small but very affordable telescopes from manufacturers such as Meade and Celestron and, despite their small size, these telescopes have excellent optics that far outperform the cheap optics in my old 60mm scope from so long ago.Many of these small telescopes now come with GOTO features that allow you to select an object to view from an attached handset and the telescope will automatically slew to that feature in the sky. What the ads tend to forget to mention is that in order to use this facility, the telescope must be correctly set up and aligned beforehand. Many scopes, unfortunately, lie gathering dust in corners and wardrobes because their owners couldn't figure out how to use the thing. It's not their fault - better, and simpler, instructions should be supplied with the telescopes. But for those who can work with such an instrument, a wealth of celestial objects are available for viewing that would be quite difficult to find otherwise.Some old hands in astronomy societies have welcomed the new technology openly, others have decried its introduction as it stops newcomers from learning their way around the skies using a technique called star hopping. In some ways, they see that there must be a little pain in finding an object before you can have the pleasure of viewing it. I suppose it's a bit like the difference between being bussed to Machu Pichu or going on a five-hour hike up the mountain to see it. Which would you choose? If the hike is your cup-of-tea, then star-hopping is for you.Personally, I think the introduction of GOTO mounts has been a very positive development and has made the hidden beauty of the night sky accessible to many more people. If you've bought a small telescope with an integrated GOTO mount yourself, but are unsure of how to use it or the best objects to view, go along to your local astronomy society or club and ask their help. They'll be only too willing to lend a helping hand.On the other hand, if you do want to develop a knowledge of the night sky, then a simple Dobsonian telescope is a good place to start. These 6-inch and larger reflecting telescopes come on simple mounts that allow you to pivot the telescope left and right and up and down so you can easily point it anywhere in the sky.The Choosing a Telescope article by fellow amateur astronomer Kevin Berwick discusses the different types of telescope that are available and provides sage advice on what might best suits your needs.Eyepieces You should have a selection of eyepieces to use with your telescope to allow close-up views or wide-field views. Planets require small diameter eyepieces to see surface detail whereas larger subjects, like the Pleiades and other large star clusters require wide-field views. Pretty much any eyepiece can be used to get a good view of the Moon or close-up views of it.Eyepieces range from about 3mm to 40mm (i.e. the glass in them, not the diameter of the eyepiece itself!) and come in three fittings: 0.965

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Ancient Inventions and Anthropology

ANCIENT INVENTIONS: - In Alexandria and in the Cave of Hathor there appear to be reasons to believe we had electricity. There is no doubt that fraudulent traders were using electrum plating techniques to make gold plate on other metals to sell as pure gold. Some think the  cave drawings show electrical wiring conduits, and I think it might be phosphorous slush in hoses to make the light by which the cave was painted by artists. There are professors who would have us believe the reason there is no carbon deposits from oil or wax burning lamps has to do with blind artisans. Thales had a small steam engine, the lighthouse at Alexandria and their tri-level sea-going ships, slot machines and other things lead the authors of Ancient Inventions to say they could build anything we could build until the mid-20th century. They detail the skill of port construction and many other things. There is much more than they talk about for us to re-learn or know, and many whole disciplines or things we've not yet re-discovered.ANTHROPOLOGY: - There are so many examples of forced 'direct inference' theorization rather than 'observation and conclusion' to fit all facts in every area of science. Anthropologists in Polynesia kept telling the native people that they came from S. E. Asia despite the native assertions that they came from South America or even the Nootka/Haida nation of the Pacific Northwest. Thor Heyerdahl proved the natives were correct. The lack of willingness to accept that humans were inventive and ingenious enough to create rafts is nearly funny. There is botanical proof that Hawaii's vegetation is not all indigenous and came from the Caroline Islands of 1500 miles away. A cable TV documentary showed how the rites of the Caroline Islanders involve a bailing kind of movement and they established that as long ago as 150,000 BC these islanders traveled to Hawaii on huge rafts with outriggers. The jungles' vines and logs would make a raft in even the earliest times of hominid development.The anthropologists as a whole are more open-minded despite having made many judgement errors that conventional thinking and the funding process have contributed to in a big way. We are constantly finding the facts and opinions of what academia calls mavericks are able to enlighten the past in all disciplines of anthropology and archaeology. Gimbutas and Campbell have followed a long line of independent thought from Humboldt and Hawkes through Petrie and Marshack. In the end they have brought mythology to the foreground through the use of techniques like the space photos and now we have solid state chemistry and genetics to blaze new trails. There is still a lot of small-minded provincial 'pissing-contests' between the differing disciplines but there are a lot of exciting things being achieved. The cases of researchers spending up to twenty years working and living with natives, who tell them what they want to hear because they are gracious and kind, are numerous. (6) The value systems of our researchers who want to position themselves and the Euro-Centric financial backers as more civilized are rife in the annals of what some say is far from a science.When a native group being held under academic scrutiny and subject to logical linear mindsets actually is able to educate the 'experts' about their culture it is the exception. Often such things are not funded because the data doesn't 'fit' the prevailing literature. Carlos Castaneda was an anthropologist from UCLA who made a major breakthrough on his own. Even his debunkers have to admit he has brought a great deal of insight to the field as a whole. Dr. Wayne Dyer owes a great deal of the thought involved in his You'll See it, When You Believe It! to the work of Carlos Castaneda and his Toltec mentor Don Juan. It is possible that all of our research into human behavior has more to learn than we think we already know. That might mean we are wrong about many key things. One of the most obvious things that our cultural bias foists upon the data is the relative importance we place on intellect rather than spirit.Author of Diverse DruidsColumnist for The ES Press MagazineGuest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Ground Targets Via Space Laser Weapons

It is now possible to overwhelm our enemy from space or near space (ultra high-altitude) Blimp weapons. Right now we watch as 11 Western States have massive wild fires, most caused by lightning, but they could just as easily be caused by laser weaponry. Like a lightning  bolt from God, airborne laser weapons could wreak havoc on an enemy. Today the United States Air Force Research Laboratory is testing airborne laser weapons where a THEL type system is put inside of a 747 Boeing Jet Aircraft.THEL stands for Tactical High Energy Laser and they are made to shoot down incoming missiles from the enemy.http://www.brooks.af.mil/AFRL/HED/HEDO/hel.htmMissiles such as the SCUD missiles that Saddam Hussein had shot at Israel during Gulf War I can now be shot down in mid-flight. Today the incoming missiles are getting better, but the THEL system will be able to take them out. The systems being developed for the 747 are primarily missile defense weapons to take out ICBM Nuclear Multi-Warhead Missiles. The system is completely capable of doing this, but the materials used for the laser are quite dangerous and the aircraft could self explode if everything is not perfect, thus the meaning of zero-defects is an understatement.As an offensive weapon one aircraft could indeed, fix on a ground target and fire taking out an International Terrorist with precise quadrangulation via; satellite, predator drone and the 747 its self. Unfortunately the lasers are not as accurate at low altitudes due to density of the atmosphere, but for a less than specific target such as building, dry field near an enemy outpost or a ship, the weapon is ideal. Of course no one lives to talk about high altitude offensive weapons, but when a Chinese General says that: ". . . if the United States interferes with the Mainland Chinese battle for Taiwan; We will use Nuclear Weapons to attack the United States!" Well, then it is time to think about Weaponizing space or near space with high altitude laser systems. Perhaps a combination of a CO2 and Argon Airborne Laser; where the CO2 and argon work together to get thru the thicker atmosphere of lower altitudes after racing thru the upper altitudes with thinner air. Think on this, as other already are.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...