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arrow right Aikido and The Art of Cold Calling

Imagine being in a crowded concert or bar. All of a sudden, a fight breaks out between two men who've had too much to drink.You happen to be a few steps away, and the next thing you know, one of the men turns to you and looks as if he's going to take a swing at you.What's  your first instinct? Most of us will do one of two things. We'll either try to step away, or we'll raise our arms to deflect him and fight back, which can result in harm to you or to your attacker.But if you were trained in Aikido, the Japanese martial art that focuses on diverting an attacker's energy, you could quickly diffuse the situation by immobilizing him without harming him in any way.In essence, you're diffusing the energy that he's using to try and attack you in a way that takes the conflict out of the situation.Unlock The Game and the philosophy behind Aikido have many similarities. Traditional cold calling and selling are designed to focus only on the "close" by presenting -- or in too many cases, "pushing" -- your solution onto prospects, sometimes even when they're not interested. But if you focus only on your goal of making the sale before having a discussion about the problems that you can help your prospects solve, something happens.They start feeling that you're "attacking" them. After all, you're a stranger to them, and when you start talking about yourself and your solution rather than about them and their specific issues, you immediately trigger their suspicion and cause them to start "pushing back."This pushback is the resistance or energy that Unlock The Game teaches you to diffuse. Then both of you can quickly "get on the same page" and open a natural dialogue that will let you determine whether it makes sense for you to work together.Let's look at the cold calling experience.Suppose you're at your desk and you receive a call from someone who says "Hi, my name is Jack Johnson, I'm with XYZ Company, and we're a full-solution provider of..." Is your first reaction to welcome and be open to his call? Or do your mental defenses immediately kick in and you shut down against this stranger "salesperson"?Probably the latter, especially if you sense that the caller is focused on his interests and not yours.That's why this old-school cold calling approach triggers the resistance and negative energy that prospects immediately throw your way.The Unlock The Game way to make a successful cold call --

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Path of United States HDTV World

The history of High definition television, HDTV in United States can be recalled back to 15 years ago.It is amazing to see that despite short history of HDTV in the nation, HDTV started to play a major role in United States home entertainment system. Thanks to satellite TV  service provider who continuously pushes it hard to the market.How does HDTV land on U.S.?15years ealier back to year 1987, the FCC issued a ruling signifying that the HDTV standards to be issued would be compatible with existing NTSC service, and would be restricted to the existing VHF and UHF frequency bands.By the end of 1988, 23 different proposals for HDTV or EDTV standards were submitted. These were all analog (or mixed analog/digital systems like MUSE) and explored a variety of different options for resolution, interlace and bandwidth.Early 1990, the FCC announced that HDTV would be simultaneously broadcast with full HDTV standard, rather than the reduced resolution EDTV. A big leap forward, although its still remains in analog form.But U.S. HDTV world did not wait long to get

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Flat Panel Displays - Beyond Plasma

The term set-top box will become something of a misnomer in the near future, as most displays will become too thin to allow a box to placed on top of them. As the price of plasma & LCD displays has plummeted and their image quality has improved, they are popping up in homes  everywhere.Although they are the darlings of the media and the generic for flat panel display in the minds of many, plasmas are about to be in a serious fight with other technologies for the flat panel crown.LCD displays, seen on the desktop for years as computer monitors, and commonplace in smaller flat panel TVs, are finally increasing in size to the point they are becoming a rival to plasmas in the 42

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why Satellite TV is better than Cable TV

Satellite TV is Making the Cable Companies Run ScaredSatellite TV holds a great advantage over the cable TV companies. Not only is the picture and sound quality superior, but there's more choice in what to watch. If you said to yourself 'there's nothing on TV', switch to  satellite. The differences couldn't be more obvious.Cable quality vs. Satellite qualityWith the limited bandwidth that cable offers, it's no wonder the quality is poor. First, the cable wire comes from a hub transmission system somewhere near your home. At source, the signal is passable, but by the time it runs through your community, splitting to each house, the signal has degraded. As the cable is RF (radio frequency) based, it has converted from an audio/video signal (at source) to RF and then needs to re-convert back into audio/video for your television. Along the way, anything broadcasting through the air has tried to get into the cable line and will appear as noise on your TV screen.Unfortunately, we are our worst enemy as well. Look at your cables and splitters inside your house. Poor quality RG6 or RF cable can cause great loss of signal too. Turn on your TV and have someone bend your cable in half and watch for ghosting on your picture. If it is ghosting, you have unshielded cables! Replace them with something better like Monster Cable. RF cable has a tough time producing stereo sound too, so don't expect great audio. Another culprit of poor cable quality is the cable splitter. Most splitters have just a positive and negative wire inside (it's a noise box). Throw it out and again replace with a good splitter (Monster Cable makes quality ones).Satellite signals stay digital until the receiver. That means better picture and audio. The picture can be 2-3 times better resolution from your cable picture. The sound from the satellite receiver is true stereo and can be Dolby Digital surround depending on the program you are watching. Plus there are many more channels to choose from.By the way, if you have a digital box from the cable company, you have only a handful of digital channels, the rest are the same if you remove the cable box.Satellite companies like Direct TV (or DirecTV) and Dish Network, provide national satellite service with hundreds of digital stations. The picture is clear and crisp, especially if you spring for a high definition receiver to match your HD ready TV. While most cable signals are below 150 lines of interlaced resolution, standard satellite can approach DVD quality (480i) and HD content will be sent at either 1080i or 720p (progressive). A regular 27" TV has the capability of no more than 500i while a HD television can produce the full range.What are interlaced and progressive signals? Interlaced broadcast was developed from the old NTSC format where the designers in the 1920's and 30's couldn't get the TV to scan every line from the top of the screen to the bottom fast enough. They needed to cheat by having the TV scan all the odd lines; 1, 3, 5 etc. then go back and scan the even lines; 2, 4, 6 etc. The result is thick black lines running horizontally across your screen and only half the picture appearing. These flickering lines prevented you from sitting close to the television without getting eye strain. As the TVs got bigger, you sat farther away.The new HD televisions scan all the lines progressively and refresh the screen much quicker. It is like looking through your front window with horizontal blinds. Turn the rod so the blinds are half open. The street outside is now half covered like interlaced pictures and you only see half the picture at one time. Now pull the cord to fully open the blinds. You now see the entire window unobstructed or like a progressive signal.Satellite TV and Radio: Your #1 Source for Satellite Television and Satellite Radio.Satellite TV and Radio is a resource-based site bringing the latest satellite TV and radio information. If you want to read more, please visit my site.Other articles Information on XM and Sirius Satellite Radio  Dish Network Satellite

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Home Theater Control ? Its The Remote, Stupid!

It's the one piece of equipment that can really make or break your home theater system; the remote control. It's no good to have the latest and greatest gear and world's biggest DVD collection if you can't figure out how to use anything. True home theater nirvana is a  fantastic performing system anyone can use with a single button press.Many of today's home theater receivers and surround processors come with a "smart" remote control. Some of these are actually pretty good too. B&K and Denon come to mind. If you know what you are doing, you can get one of these babies programmed to orchestrate your entire system pretty well. If you haven't the time or inclination for such a project yourself, hire a professional installer to bring everything together for you. A great place to start is CEDIA (Custom Electronics Design and Installation Association). They have member firms in every state, and many foreign countries, that are experts in making complex home theaters easy to use.Remote controls come in several flavors. The one most people are familiar with comes with almost any electronic component you buy these days. For the most part it does a pretty good job at making the particular component do what you want. Some of these even let you control other components, especially if they are from the same manufacturer. This way, for example, you can use your TV remote to also control your VCR or DVD player.The next rung up the remote control ladder is the so called "smart remote". This type of remote is able to control multiple pieces of equipment from different manufacturers. Some can control up to 8 or 10 different components. They are usually set to control each piece of equipment by entering a 3 or 4 digit code. Some of these units will learn control functions from other remote controls. This is helpful if the unit you need to control is not in your remote control's internal database. You usually accomplish the learning by entering a "learn" mode on the smart remote, pointing the "teaching" remote at the smart remote and pressing the desired button. Viola! Your smart remote has learned the command from the original remote control.If you want things even easier than using just one remote to control everything, you need a remote that does macros. These are command sequences initiated by pressing one button. For example, you want to watch a DVD. Typically you would have to turn on your TV, DVD player and surround receiver. Then you would have to switch your TV to the component input and your receiver to the DVD input. With a macro capable remote, this sequence is programmed into the remote. The remote then plays back all the commands in the appropriate order so you don't have to.If you want a remote that controls everything, you need a remote with a lot of different buttons. This can make the remote a little intimidating. Sure it can do almost anything but make toast, but where to start? If you have the budget, now is the time to get a touch screen remote. With a touch screen, you typically have only a few actual buttons. These are typically the most used functions such as volume up / down, channel up / down, mute and possibly cursor functions.All other buttons are just icons on a screen that you touch to initiate the desired command. The beauty of this approach is that you only need to have just a few icons on the screen at any one time. This really cuts down on button clutter and confusion. The icons can be graphical representations of the command, which makes everything very intuitive. For example, you can have an "NBC" logo you touch to go to the local NBC station.Touchscreen remotes come in four basic variations. First there is the choice of color or grayscale. Color looks better and more information can be conveyed more quickly. Grayscale units are much less expensive. Next, the communication with the remote can be one way or two way. Two way communication allows status to be updated on the remote itself. For example you can display album and artist information from a music server or check the status of your security system or thermostats. Two way communication has been provided via a two way radio link, similar to a digital spread spectrum telephone.The latest two way remote controls being introduced from companies such as AMX and Crestron use WiFi. This allows a whole host of other possibilities. The range is spectacular for one thing. You can roam around your entire home. On some units you can browse the internet too. Imagine, you are watching a game but you want updates from around the league. Just go to ESPN.com on your remote and take a look.The remote can really make or break your system. You can have an unusable system with 7 different remotes or a slick system that even visitors can use with no instruction. It's all up to you, your budget and your programmer.Steve Faber has almost 15 years in the custom installation industry. He received his BA from Washington State University. He is a CEDIA certified designer and Installer 2 with certifications from both the ISF and THX. His experience spans many facets of the industry, from the trenches as an installer and control systems programmer, and system designer, to a business unit director for a specialty importer of high end audio video equipment, a sales rep for a large, regional consumer electronics distributor, and principal of a $1.5M+ custom installation firm. He currently is senior sales engineer for Digital Cinema Design in Redmond, WA. He is on the web at http://www.1touchmovie.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Recent Updates to the Dish Network Channel Packages

Dish Network is continually trying to meet the needs of their viewers by improving the Dish Network channel packages. This is one of the ways that Dish keeps their customers satisfied. The Dish Network channel packages are frequently being updated with new channels not only  to please their current customers but also to appeal to new customers. Here are some of the recent additions to the Dish Network channel packages:Bridges TVBridges TV is the American Muslim lifestyle Network offered in the English language. Bridges TV has sitcoms, movies, cooking shows, cartoons, and news reports that are relevant to Muslim culture. Bridges TV is now offered nationwide via Dish Network. One of the most popular programs on the channel is Each Other, a show about a Muslim woman in the United States who is trying to make it as a reporter in New York. Bridges TV is just one example of Dish Network's multi-cultural television channels (Dish offers about sixteen different international packages, each in a different language).Bridges TV will certainly increase the Dish Network audience adding a whole new market that will find interest in Dish Network channels. With already more than seven million Muslim Americans and growing, there is a large audience for this new additional channel. There is also hope that Bridges TV will help bring a greater understanding to this often misunderstood religion. The Bridges TV addition to the Dish Network channel lineup will definitely give the viewer more options. Bridges TV can be found on channel 578.Voom HD ChannelsHigh Definition Television (HDTV), a digital television format, gives a superior sound and picture quality. HDTV has a very high resolution, about twice that of conventional television. Voom is a company that offered the largest range of HDTV programming but is now no longer in business. In order to increase the Dish Network channel offering, Dish Network has purchased Voom's satellite. This gives Dish customers the chance to watch several original Voom HD channelsThe new addition of these Voom channels makes Dish Network's HD package the best in the nation. Viewers now have access to channels such as RUSH HD, Gallery HD, Rave HD, Ultra HD, Equator HD, Monsters HD, Animania HD, Majestic HD, HD News and Guy TV HD. These channels have programs on fashion, fiction, travel, science, music concerts and much more. The addition of these high-definition channels to the current Dish Network channel packages definitely enhances what Dish has to offer for their viewers.Eventual Addition of a Karaoke ChannelThere are future plans to add a Dish Network channel that will allow one to karaoke with the use of this new channel. This will be the nation's first interactive Karaoke channel and will change the way Dish Network is viewed. A Karaoke channel adds a whole new dimension on television programs and how they are used.This Karaoke channel comes from Sound Choice and was created by OpenTV Corporation. Dish Network customers will have a choice of two play lists with ten songs each that will change every two weeks. These songs will range in style and genre from hip-hop to country. Viewers will be given a chance to try it out for free before subscribing to see what it is all about. This will be a new and exciting addition to the current Dish Network channel packages.The additions of Bridges TV, Voom channels, and the eventual addition of a karaoke channel, all will enhance the Dish Network channel line-up. These additions will add to the great possibilities available with Dish Network. These Dish Network channel additions will give more to viewers.Kaitlin Carruth is a client account specialist with 10x Marketing- More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. To get more Dish Network channel information, please visit I-Satellite

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Select a Video Display for Your Home Theater

First of all, don't assume you need a huge video screen in your media room. If your screen is too large, visual fatigue will detract from your theater experience. A good, but general rule for screen size is to select a screen width that is half to one third the distance  from the screen to the primary viewing location. You should keep the viewing cone, formed by a line going from your eyes to each side of the screen, to about thirty degrees.You can use any display device and there advantages and disadvantages to each type. DLP units tend to have better black levels than LCD units. LCOS units and variations have the tightest pixel structure.Front Projection:Advantages? A front projection set will produce the largest, most dynamic image. With a good projector and screen combination the image will be quite stunning, especially when watching native HDTV content. If you have never seen the picture produced by a good, front projection set up, you really should see one before you make any decisions.Disadvantages:? Needs ambient light control. You need to control ambient light to get a really good picture because a front projection system cannot produce black. It must rely on the absence of light being reflected from the screen to show black or dark colors.? You have to have a physical projector mounted somewhere. This problem has improved tremendously in the last few years as CRT projectors have basically gone away and digital projectors have improved and shrunk to miniscule proportions.? Video projectors are noisy. They require cooling fans and these are loud. Some recent units however, are much quieter.? The larger picture and better detail reproduction will allow you to really see problems so you need to have quality video sources or the picture will suffer.? Many of the projectors on the market are either business presentation units or adapted from them. Business presentation projectors have much different requirements than home theater projectors. The most important requirement for business units is brightness. They sacrifice other performance parameters to achieve this. Home theater projectors need extremely accurate color rendition, accurate grey scale tracking, deep blacks, and freedom from motion artifacts.Plasma:Advantages? They're thin! Only 3 to 4 inches thick.? They look great when displaying HDTV. (most of them)Disadvantages? They can suffer image burn-in when displaying static images. Many retailers and manufactures downplay the dangers, but the phenomenon occurs with many different units. Do not leave the cable or DSS menu screen up for an hour or two. Be careful when displaying HTPC or computer game video with static images.? Many of them look really bad when displaying non HD TV. This problem has lessened with improved internal video processing and scaling technology. Some plasmas actually look pretty good with a better quality DVD feed.? Many plasmas suffer from rather severe image artifacts although this is also improving greatly due to the better internal processing.? Some plasma displays have high power consumption. (Can be three times that of a standard tube TV)LCD flat panel:Advantages? They're thin! Some are only three inches thick.? They have no image burn problems like plasmas do.? Good picture on most newer sets.? Long life (50,000 ? 60,000 hours)? You can get a true, 1080P native resolution display.Disadvantages? Sizes over 30 inches are priced above equivalent sized plasma displays.? The older units don't have picture quality as good as plasma displays.? Black and dark reproduction is not as good as plasma yet.Rear Projection TV can be either digital or CRT based. The CRT units are going away fast as consumers move to thinner, lighter digital rear projection TVs. At this point, the better CRT rear projection sets offer fantastic performance for the money. You can get a 50+" HDTV ready CRT set from good companies such as Panasonic and Sony for under $1,500. These bargains will be gone soon as production of CRT rear projection sets stops. Panasonic has indicated the 2005 model year will be their last for CRT RPTVs.The disadvantage to CRT rear projection TVs is size and weight. They too will suffer image burn problems if left with a static image for too long. They require accurate convergence to look their best. Most newer units offer multi-point convergence adjustments to facilitate this.There are some new types of flat panel displays that will be released for consumer use soon including Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) and SED. These promise even better image quality than either LCD or plasma when fully developed, in addition to lower cost, thinner profiles and much lower power consumption.In a nutshell:Front Projection ? Large image, can have spectacular picture quality even on a huge screen ? More difficult to set up, need to place the projector in the center of the room somewhere, noisy(some), must use better quality sources to get the most benefit.Plasma ? cool factor, thin, look good for HDTV ? Image burn problems, can sometimes have a mediocre picture for all but HDTV sourcesLCD - cool factor, thin, look good for HDTV, no Image burn problems, - Expensive for larger sizes, can sometimes have a mediocre picture for all but HDTV sources.There are many display technologies available today. No one display is best for all situations. Select the one that best fits your select your specific requirements.Steve Faber has almost 15 years in the custom installation industry. He is a CEDIA certified designer and Installer 2 with certifications from both the ISF and THX. His experience spans many facets of the industry, from the trenches as an installer and control systems programmer, and system designer, to a business unit director for a specialty importer of high end audio video equipment, a sales rep for a large, regional consumer electronics distributor, and principal of a $1.5M+ custom installation firm. Steve is currently is senior sales engineer for Digital Cinema Design, a CEDIA member firm in Redmond, WA. He is on the web at http://www.1touchmovie.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Dish Network Vs. DirecTV - Race For Top Is On

If you have taken sane decision to replace your cable TV with the Satellite TV, one thing is sure that you won't look back in regret. In fact you would regret for depriving yourself of this modern technology for so long. No doubt, more and more people are adding to the  Satellite fold and enjoying this new dimension of the entertainment.The choice of over 150 channels covering all hues of life from classical music to rock music, premium movie channels, sports channels, informative channels and lots more will change the way you used to watch your TV. So be ready to enthrall you with the amazing picture quality and digital sound and feel the difference in the entertainment world.Undoubtedly, two Satellite TV providers, which make their presence felt in the heart of US people, are DirecTV and Dish Network. They cover all the 50 States and are ready to change your lives irrespective of your location. Get the best satellite TV deal over Internet. Why Internet? Since it is cheaper and convenient to apply for connection online.These two Satellite TV providers will offer you value for money and the service beyond your expectations. But you have to make up your mind on any one and even the comparison is not easy considering so many things involved and the difference is so subtle that you will end up straining your eyes and mind. But here we are giving some tips, which you can use for taking the final decision.DirecTV started in 1994 and has the largest base in United States but giving it tough competition is Dish Network, dazzling its viewers with its largest number of channels. The Dish Network bringing more sharpness to the picture and clarity to the sound by digitalizing the TV programming pioneers the concept of HD TV. Today Dish Network caters to more than 10 million satellite TV consumers and its consumer base is just widening.People with foreign origin can heave a sigh of relief as Dish Network provides you host of foreign programming and channels. You get to see a lot of channels in Spanish and Mandarin. Recently they have come up with Bridges TV Network targeting American Muslim population covering Muslim cultural programs besides usual package of cartoons, news, and music and movie channels.Viewers of Dish Network have another reason to smile as it has acquired various Voom HD channels which will not only provide better quality of picture and sound but will offer them more variety to choose from. Karaoke channel is going to add another feather to its cap. This is going to be another first from Dish Network in the interactive channel segment.Dish Network is the first choice for those who spend most of the time in their homes. Elderly people and housewives can kill their boredom with Dish Network Satellite TV package that includes your favorite movie channels, news coverage, informative channels etc. However, if sports are your great past time and if you follow the sports religiously, choosing DirecTV will be a better choice.People whose job requires frequent shifting should opt for Dish Network for its easy mobility. Dish Network provides its own equipment and Satellite TV connection making smooth transition from your cable TV to Satellite TV. In contrast DirecTV respects your freedom of choice and allows you to purchase the equipment from anywhere else.If you compare the monthly subscription charges of these two Satellite TV providers, you would find Dish Network slightly cheaper than its rival. The same is true in the HD TV segments as well. Here Dish Network has not only edge over pricing but also on the number of HD channels which are almost double than the number of HD channels provided by DirecTV.These Satellite TV providers offer very attractive package to their potential customers in the form of free satellite TV equipments, free satellite TV installation, free HDTV upgrades, free DVD player, subscription waiver etc. While Dish Network gives you free dish network programming for one or two month besides free dish network guide and other gifts, DirecTV lures you with free premium movie channels for first few months to catch your attention.Al Falaq Arsendatama (c) 2005.Visit Compare Dish Network and DirecTV for more comparison between Dish Network and DirecTV in some aspects, such as programming, equipment, pricing, etc. Also learn about How Satellite TV Works.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right DirecTV vs. Dish Network -- Which Is Better?

The satellite TV systems and services offered by DirecTV and Dish Network are almost identical -- both offer more than 250 program channels, all-digital programming, HDTV (high definition TV) options, and DVR (digital video recording) capabilities.So when you compare  DirecTV to Dish Network you'll discover the biggest differences between them are the subscription fees and programming.Here is a blow-by-blow comparison of DirecTV vs. Dish Network ...Satellite TV Equipment Direct TV offers free satellite TV equipment (the dish and receivers), and free installation in up to four rooms of your home. If you want a DVR receiver you will be charged an additional $49.99. The charge for HDTV receivers is $299.99. Dish Network gives you free satellite TV equipment and free installation in up to four rooms of your home. You can get a DVR receiver or an HDTV receiver at no charge.Satellite TV Programming DirecTV offers 255 program channels, including movie channels, music channels, pay-per-view movies and events, sports packages, and international programming. Programming packages start at $41.99 per month for 115 channels. Dish Network offers 256 program channels, including movie channels, music channels, pay-per-view movies and events, sports packages, and international programming. Programming packages start at $31.99 per month for 60 channels.Customer Service DirecTV has excellent customer service with 24/7 online support, and 24/7 toll-free telephone support. Dish Network also has excellent customer service with 24/7 online support, and 24/7 toll-free telephone support.Customer Satisfaction DirecTV is ranked #2 in customer satisfaction among all the cable and satellite TV providers. Dish Network is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction among all the cable and satellite TV providers.The Bottom LineBoth DirecTV and Dish Network offer top-of-the-line satellite TV equipment and all-digital programming for the best picture and sound available.Dish Network's basic programming package is cheaper than DirecTV's, but DirecTV's Total Choice has a more channels.Dish Network has more movie packages and foreign programming, while DirecTV offers more sports packages.Brian Stevens is a professional freelance writer and webmaster who has written extensively on DirecTV and Dish Network. Click the following link for more information on DirecTV vs. Dish Network.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Satellite TV vs. Cable TV -- Which is Best?

The move is on. Last year millions of Americans switched from cable TV to satellite TV.Why? When you compare satellite TV to cable TV you'll discover the main reasons are cost, picture quality, program choices, and customer satisfaction.Let's check out the differences  ...Cable vs. Satellite TV Fees Cable TV fees across the country average $39.99 per month. In our area the cost for cable TV is $37.30 a month for 64 channels, plus $10.95 a month to add digital channels. Installation in one room is $39.95, plus $9.95 for each additional room. Satellite TV fees from Dish Network are $31.99 per month for 60 channels, while DirecTV charges $41.99 per month for 115 channels. Both satellite TV providers currently offer free satellite TV equipment and free installation in up to four rooms.Cable vs. Satellite TV Programming Cable TV in most areas offers almost as many channels as satellite TV, and is broadcast in analog (over-the-air) format. If you want to have digital picture and sound you'll have to pay an additional fee, usually $10 to $15 a month.Satellite TV offers more channels than cable TV (more than 250 channels), and more HDTV (high definition TV) programming. All satellite TV channels are broadcast in digital format for the highest quality picture and sound.Cable vs. Satellite TV Equipment With cable you only need cable boxes that connect the incoming cable line to your televisions. There is usually no charge or rental fees for cable boxes, however, If you want a digital video recorder, you'll have to pay an extra fee. With satellite TV you need a satellite TV dish and TV receivers. Both Dish Network and DirecTV offer that equipment, plus installation, for free. Dish Network will give you a DVR (digital video recording) receiver or an HDTV receiver at no charge, while DirecTV charges $49.99 for DVR receivers and $299 for HDTV receivers.Cable and Satellite TV Reliability and Customer Satisfaction Cable TV outages average 3% to 5% per year. J.D. Powers and Associates ranks cable companies as good to poor in customer satisfaction. Satellite TV outages average about 1%. J.D. Power and Associates has ranked the two satellite TV providers -- Dish Network and DirecTV -- higher in customer satisfaction than any of the cable TV companies for the last five yearsThe Bottom LineIf you only watch a couple of shows a week, and you live in an area where you can't get over-the-air TV and cable TV costs less than $20 per month, then cable may be your best option.If, on the other hand, you want the biggest variety of shows, movies, sports, and news for the least amount of money ... you want to watch your all your shows in digital video and sound ... and you want the option of watching them in HD format and recording them on a DVR receiver, then satellite TV is what you're looking for.Brian Stevens is a professional freelance writer and webmaster who has written extensively on cable TV and satellite TV. Click the following link for more information on satellite TV vs. cable TV.

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arrow right Church Projector and Church Projector Systems

Purchasing a church projector for your Sunday morning services will dramatically change how your service is received by the congregation. Church projector systems provide the flexibility you may need to make things possible in your worship service that was not possible  before. When considering a church projector for purchase make sure you are getting the best deal of the needs you have.Some people might argue that instead of buying a church projector, it would be a better investment to buy a large screen TV. There are many reasons this is untrue. First, a large screen TV does not have nearly the life and portability that church projector systems have. Secondly, church projectors offer easier capabilities for hook up to other equipment such as sound systems and computers. Lastly, Large screen TVs are usually not large enough.There are some specific measurements that need to be taken to figure out the actual size of church projector systems your church needs. It is crucial that you get the right size church projector screen. Whether you choose a ceiling mounted projector or a portable projector, nothing will matter if the screen is the wrong size. Measure the distance from where the screen is to the first row and measure the distance from where the screen is to the last row.The next thing to consider in your church projector purchase is the amount of light needed in your church and from the church projector system. Any easy way to figure this out would be to take the surface area and multiply that by how many Lumens (light measurement) is recommended by your salesperson. The best thing to do is just take the measurements concerning the church rows in to the salesman and let him do his job.Beware of faulty salesmen though. If they don't ask for measurements and want to take a 'guesstimate' of what you will need, maybe you need to find another salesperson. The last thing you want to do is end up with a screen that is too small and you have to return it. This is a big investment and it should be handled professionally.So now that you have an understanding of the church projector screen, let's make sure to touch on the actual system. Church projector systems range widely in price. The higher the price, the more gadgets you will have to work with. This is great if you intend on using them and have someone that knows how to use them, but does you no good if they sit unused. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what your church hopes to accomplish with the purchase of their church projector and exactly who will be running the system. It only makes sense to me to involve the person who will be controlling the church projector. If they know anything about church projector systems, then they will be a valuable, honest resource.For more information about church projector and church projector systems, visit:http://churchfurniture.christianet.comhttp://churchfurniture.christianet.com/articles.htmhttp://www.christianet.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Marine News - Summer 2004 - Our Ocean Environment

Our oceans are home to many marine mammals, fish, turtles, corals and others. The delicate balance between man and the ocean is constantly being challenged by the demands of our society. Most of our planet is covered by water, a necessary ingredient of human life. The state  of our oceans should be uppermost in our minds in order for quality of life for all species to remain as it is. Manatees - an endangered species The common name for Florida's gentle giants is the West Indian manatee. They are found throughout rivers, springs and shallow coastal waters of Florida and adjacent states. Weighing up to 3500 pounds and having a bulbous face and rotund shape, scientists believe they are the 'mermaids' identified by sailors in historical lore. Manatees consume 5-10 percent of their body weight daily and spend 6-8 hours a day feeding. They are plant-eaters and are commonly found grazing along the same areas as recreational boaters. This fact accounts for numerous killings and maiming of manatees in Florida each year. Propeller scars are so common on manatees that there is a computerized catalog of photographs to enable identification of individuals by their scars. According to the February 2004 count of manatees in Florida by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission there are only 2568 remaining in Florida. Even with this low number, there are efforts by some to remove manatees from the endangered species list.  Dolphins - our favorite ocean mammal Humans love dolphins because of their smiling face. Dolphins aren't really smiling, this is just the shape of their mouths. Dolphins are mammals. They have hair, breathe air and give birth to live young. The hair is visible at birth, a few whiskers here and there. Dolphins can weigh up to 800 pounds and have lived up to 50 years--the period we have been tracking them. Dolphins eat fish and swallow them whole. Dolphins give birth to one baby at a time and the baby usually stays with the mother the first three years, growing rapidly on mother's milk. Dolphins are not endangered at this time, but the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 requires us to steer clear of them. So enjoy them from afar! Sea Turtles-Florida's efforts for recovery All species of sea turtles are endangered or threatened and many of them lay their eggs along the coast of South Florida. Loggerheads, Leatherbacks, Green sea turtles have all been nesting here. South Florida is also one of the nation's best tourist destinations. The beaches are populated with high rise condominiums and hotels. Some cities have passed 'no lights' laws to help these hatchlings find their way to the ocean instead of the highways to be killed as the babies follow the brightest light. Turning the lights down or off late at night helps protect these babies. The rare Kemp's Ridley has also been spotted in Florida. Many of our local nature centers lead guided tours to watch the huge turtles come to shore every year or so to lay their eggs. Each turtle might lay up to 100 eggs. Within 43-75 days the hatchlings are ready to find the ocean, and fight for survival. They will return to the same beaches 25 or more years later to lay their eggs. Stay tuned for the news of this years' counts of nests in South Florida. WHAT IS THE LEADING CAUSE OF WATER POLLUTION? Most pollution comes from general locations of pollution discharge rather than one specific location. Florida's pollution is stormwater runoff. This is rainwater flowing off the land's surface which carries litter, oil and chemicals into the closest waterway either directly or through storm drains.  A pamphlet made through the Youth Environmental Programs, Inc states:

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How Body Piercing Works -- The Ins and Outs of this Cutting Edge Process

Body piercing (defined as any piercing beyond the standard earlobe piercing) has become such a popular form of body modification that between five and ten percent of the population of the United States has indulged in at least one form of it at some time in their lives. In  most cases, once a person gets a body piercing, they follow the first one with more. There are lots of considerations; however, for making sure that your body piercing is done safely so that you don't end up with either an infection or a poorly done piercing that could leave an unsightly scar. It ain't ear piercing, honey? The procedure for a good body piercing isn't the same is for getting your earlobes pierced. Most earlobe piercings that you see done in a mall or jewelry store involve using a piercing gun that quickly shoots the actual earring post through the earlobe. This may be fine for an area of the body that has soft tissue and is easily pierced, but it isn't a good idea for other parts of the body for a few reasons. First, it isn't as accurate as a needle, so lining it up won't always work. Just as with any gun, there is a recoil that will make the aim inaccurate. Second, the force of the gun will cause bruising and damage to the skin that isn't necessary and will slow the healing process. Third, a piercing gun can't be sterilized completely, so there is a higher risk of infection. The message is clear ?- never get a body piercing done with a piercing gun. Always go to a professional who follows procedures approved by the Association of Professional Piercers (APP). Once you get to the piercing parlor, there are several steps to the body piercing process that will take place to ensure both the success of the piercing and your health and safety. Each of these steps should be followed and nothing skipped. Getting the preliminaries out of the way You must be comfortable in the environment and comfortable with your piercer before moving ahead with anything. If he or she attempts to rush you through the procedure without answering your questions or putting you at ease, do not continue. This is a long-term commitment you are making, so it's up to you if you want to go through with it.  There is paperwork to be filled out, and don't let a piercing parlor tell you otherwise. A good piercing studio always keeps accurate records to ensure the health and safety of their clients. If there would ever be a question of contamination or some other health hazard, they must be able to contact you. If you are a minor, they must have the signature of your parent or guardian, who must be present at the time of the piercing. Sterilization ?- the only route to safe body piercing Sterilization is all-important in body piercing ?- the piercing area must be sterile, the piercer's hands must be sterile, the tools used must be sterile, and the piercing needle must be sterile. A separate area for sterilization should be available in the piercing parlor where a steam heat autoclave is operational. The autoclave is the only approved sterilization device that can sufficiently heat tools such as forceps to a high enough temperature to kill all bacteria. Before beginning any piercing, all tools will be sterilized in an autoclave and laid out carefully on a clean tray. After this, they will not be touched until your piercing begins, and then only by your piercer when he has safely cleaned and gloved his hands, just as a surgeon would. You can't be too clean The piercing chair or table will also be cleaned, usually by being wiped down thoroughly with an antibacterial spray and disposable cloths or paper towels to prevent recontamination. You will not be allowed to enter and prepare for your piercing until the area has been prepped and sterilized.  The needles used for body piercing are sterile and individually packaged, and no reputable piercer will ever use a needle that has already been used once. When you are pierced, the sterile needle's package should be opened in your presence just before your piercing. The same is true of your starter jewelry -? it should be sealed in sterile packaging and only opened in your presence. The piercer will wash his hands and wrists with an antibacterial liquid soap and dry them before donning disposable gloves. At this point, he will be ready to begin your piercing. Prep work means straight piercings and fewer complications With properly gloved hands, your piercer will first check the area you want pierced to determine if you are really a candidate for the type of body piercing you're seeking. In some cases, he may tell you that the conditions aren't appropriate. For instance, if there is damage to the cartilage or heavy scarring in the area you want pierced. He will also tell you if you have a current cut or skin condition that means you should postpone piercing. If this is the case, in order to protect your health and prevent possible problems down the line, he will not go any farther with the procedure. If everything looks fine, he'll tell you so and you'll move on to the next step.  He'll change to a fresh pair of gloves after having handled your skin to examine the area. He will clean the area to be pierced with an antibacterial solution. He will mark the area to be pierced with a sterile, disposable marker. You'll have the opportunity to check the marking (in a mirror if necessary) before he proceeds to the piercing stage. He will ask you if you are ready for the piercing procedure and allow you a moment to get comfortable. He will arrange his tools at hand and open the sterile package with the piercing needle. And now, you're ready for the real deal ?- the piercing itself! But first, a word about those piercing needles... Piercing needles are not your average sewing needle or push-pin. Piercing needles are highly specialized and were designed specifically to pierce the flesh while causing the least amount of pain possible. They also help encourage faster and cleaner healing than a regular needle. These needles also come in a variety of gauges suited for specific types of piercings. For instance, if you are getting a nipple pierced, the piercer will probably not want to use anything smaller than a 12 gauge (the smaller the gauge, the larger the needle), while a lip or nostril could be pierced with a 14 or 16 gauge. Thicker gauges prevent migration in areas prone to this movement of the jewelry, and prevent tear-out of piercings in more delicate flesh. Piercing needles are made from surgical steel ?- the same material that hospital scalpels and lancets are made from. This ensures that they are biocompatible with all skin types and won't cause an allergic reaction. They are also extremely sharp because they are laser cut with precision edges so that they slice cleanly through the skin without tearing or pulling. The piercing needles are hollow rather than solid so that they actually cut a tiny hole through the skin being pierced rather than punching through the skin. These hollow needles leave a clean-edged, precise hole in the flesh that will heal relatively quickly, while a regular needle (which is much duller by comparison) actually pushes its way through the skin, tearing and bruising the skin along the way. This is why a professional piercing needle provides a much less painful piercing with minimal bruising, and is much safer and easier for your body. The main event ?- the body piercing The basic procedure is the same for most piercings, but all piercers have their own way of handling the process. Some piercers will clamp the area with forceps to stabilize the area before putting the needle through, while others prefer to use a steady hand and their own eyes to guide the needle. If the person being pierced seems like they may flinch, it is more likely the forceps or surgical pliers of some type will be used to steady the area and hold the skin in place. This doesn't hurt, and is simply to make sure you don't get a crooked placement. When the needle is lined up with the marking, the piercer will ask one last time if you are ready, and then quickly push the needle through. Some piercers use a cork as a backing, others don't. This usually only takes a moment and feels like someone is pinching the skin hard. In most cases, the build-up to the moment is far worse than the actual piercing. Areas that are more sensitive include the genital area and the bridge of the nose. Starter jewelry needs to be high quality After the needle is removed, the starter jewelry is immediately put into place. One of the most important things to know about starter jewelry is that it is being put into an open wound, which is what a fresh piercing really is. Obviously, you don't want your starter jewelry to be something that can cause an allergic reaction or infection. There are three materials recognized by professional piercers as acceptable for starter jewelry for their high quality, purity and their low incidence of allergic reactions:  Surgical Steel Titanium 14K or 18K gold Other materials are more likely to cause either an allergic reaction, rejection of the piercing by your body, or migration of the piercing. Starter jewelry is generally a captive bead ring or barbell. The piercer will choose an appropriate size for the area that is slightly larger than what you would normally wear to allow for some swelling, which is normal for the first several days after a new piercing. He will screw the ends onto the new jewelry and make sure it is securely in place. At this point, the piercer will remove this set of gloves and put on another fresh set, clean the area around the new piercing and examine it one last time. He will let you take a look at your new body jewelry while he explains the aftercare and any potential problems you should watch for. He will also give you a sheet of detailed aftercare instructions to take home with you. Before you leave, take a few moments to relax either in the piercing room or the waiting room, as sometimes the adrenalin rush and its aftermath can leave you feeling a bit light-headed. Once you feel steady and sure of yourself, it is a good idea to get something like fruit juice to drink or a light snack. Your piercing is done! What if I want to try body piercing myself? If you love body modification, you may be considering piercing yourself. It's really not a good idea for a number of reasons. If you want to try piercing, do it the right way -- become a fully trained, licensed professional. Without the proper training and an understanding of proper sterilization techniques you risk scarring, infection, and permanent damage to the area. Using makeshift piercing tools like sewing needles is also a great risk because they simply cannot be sterilized properly. Even heating over an open flame (such as a lighter) will not kill all bacteria. The only guaranteed way to kill all germs is with an autoclave or by using packaged, sterile surgical needles. Even then, the entire area and all tools must be sterilized properly. If you are truly interested in piercing, consider it not as a hobby or a momentary activity but as a career. Becoming an apprentice at a piercing parlor means learning proper technique and learning a trade at the same time, combining your interests with a way to make a living. An apprentice usually trains for at least a year under a licensed, professional piercer learning all aspects of sterilization, piercing and customer service. In many states they are also required to take courses in first aid, blood borne pathogens, anatomy and other Health and Safety standards and practices. You will observe piercings and work with the sterilization process for several months before actually doing any piercings, but when you do pierce you will be doing it properly and professionally. A good place to find out more information is through the Association of Professional Piercers' website at www.safepiercing.org. This article on the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Joy of Recycling

I have always been an advocate of recycling. Even though I am not always convinced of its financial viability, I am thoroughly convinced of its value as a means of increasing public awareness of the cost of our consumerism. In the 20+ years I have been in the organizing  profession, I have never heard anyone complain that their problem in getting organized was that they didn't have enough "stuff."It doesn't seem like getting rid of things should be such difficult issue, but in my own experience and in the lives of clients, it often is. I have spent countless hours listening to clients justify why they need to keep clothes they haven't worn in ten years, utensils they aren't sure how to use, appliances that need repair, artwork they don't even like -- and, of course, old magazines they're sure to read some day!If you have enough room and if you're willing to pay the price in space and energy, it is possible to keep everything. But if you can't find what you need today because you're tripping over what you might need tomorrow, the price may be more than you should be willing to pay. Recycling is often a great solution.It's amazing how many ways you can find to recycle the things you aren't using. Towels and bedding are desperately needed by homeless shelters. Pre-school programs can use calendars with pretty pictures. Local schools are often delighted to have used computer equipment. The Lions Club collects eyeglasses for people who cannot afford to purchase them. (How many pairs do you have in your dresser drawer?)My mother had an enormous pile of overalls which my father no longer used, but she didn't know anyone who needed them. She just couldn't bring herself to toss them, so she put them in a box in the attic. One day she heard a woman on the radio say that she wanted to buy overalls because she used the bib tops to make jumpers which she sold to raise money for her favorite charity. She didn't even care if the overalls had holes in them, because she covered them up with decorations and trim. My mother was elated to find a home for the overalls -- and get a check for $10 besides! (One note of caution: Don't fall in a trap of looking for the perfect recipient -- organizations such as Goodwill Industries can use almost anything, and will give you a receipt for a tax deduction!)© Barbara Hemphill is the author of Kiplinger's Taming the Paper Tiger at Work and Taming the Paper Tiger at Home and co-author of Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever. The mission of Hemphill Productivity Institute is to help individuals and organizations create and sustain a productive environment so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. We do this by organizing space, information, and time. We can be reached at 800-427-0237 or at www.ProductiveEnvironment.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Valuable Individual

How can we, as individuals, participate in waste management? Because some of us are so overwhelmed with Earth's problems, we feel that our contributions have no real consequence in the end. For others, social barriers can be an issue. A lady we once knew confessed that she  did not want to be seen buying used items or being concerned with power use. She was worried people would see her as cheap ? a scrooge ? when the family was so affluent. Yet, she was very careful to be seen with recycling bins out on the curb on pick-up day, because that was thought to be the thing to do socially. Now is a good time to put an end to these negative thoughts and feelings of false pride. Waste reduction is not about ego - it is about the health of the planet and of our nation.Communities would be wise to look at Nova Scotia's waste reduction success and try to emulate it in their area. With the highest waste reduction rates in Canada, Nova Scotia has reduced landfill contributions by 46% - saving about $31 million per year - simply by making the most of the organic and recyclable materials. Curbside recycling service (Blue Box) is available to 99% of its residents and 76% now enjoy curbside organic service (a.k.a. Green Box).With better management of organic and recyclable waste, we will find we do not have to put the trash out as often because the odors and volume are greatly decreased. As a fiscal incentive, many garbage collection companies offer discounts to homes with reduced waste.We can also help the waste management industry run more efficiently. For instance, when only full garbage bags and Blue or Green boxes are put out on the curb, the garbage truck does not have to stop as often and burn fossil fuels inefficiently while idling. (Incidentally, vehicle idling is responsible for 3% of the air pollution problem.) Similarly, by collapsing boxes before recycling we are ensuring that space is used more efficiently, thereby reducing the number of bins needed for transporting materials.Recycling, alone, has a huge impact on the environment. A study of a 100-unit apartment building practicing maximum recycling found it would save 21.93 thirty-foot trees, 26.86 cubic yards of landfill space, 8,389 kilowatts of electricity, and 77.4 pounds of air pollution in just one year! So you see, these seemingly small choices and efforts towards waste management really do make a difference.-- Written by Dave and Lillian Brummet based on the concept of their new book Trash Talk. The book offers useful solutions for the individual to reduce waste and better manage resources. A guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...