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సంఘము » సందేశాలు - పేజీ 54

arrow right Jesus the Pharisee

RESPONSE TO PAULINE CHRISTIANITY: - The whole of Christendom is not Popery or Romanized but the Pauline influence is arguably the strongest doctrine in the whole of philosophy and theology. 'The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity' by Hyam Maccoby say these  things on the back cover:

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arrow right Making Merchandise of Christians ? Prosperity Gospel Blight

Anyone who has read their Bible would have to concede in principle at least that it does say that God loves to bless his children. It also does promise that if we are giving individuals we should expect to have many wonderful blessings returned to us as a result. These  promises are unquestionable. Christ said that if we gave that men would give to us good measure pressed down and running over, Luke 6:38. The principle here is not in question; it is the use, and or rather the misuse of this principle that causes all the trouble. Anyone trying to prove that the Bible does not promise God's blessings to the generous giver would come up woefully short. So how does this doctrinal new kid on the block, the abundant life gospel, succeed in the wake of its highly suspect proponents and their methods?The first thing today's prosperity gospel lacks is universality. Can this gospel be preached to everyone in any place throughout the world? The answer to this question is a simple, no. Other than in the United States and Western Europe this gospel is impossible to preach and in large part it is mocked. Americans make up about one sixth of the entire worlds population yet they consume almost fifty percent of the world's food. Even in the burgeoning economies of Europe, China, Japan and South Korea it is common knowledge that America is still number one in wealth and waste. Why has the country that already has the most, become the birth place of a gospel that says we should be getting even more? As two thirds of the world sends its children to bed each night with hunger pains, we are asking God to give us the money to go to an expensive spa to lose weight. One prosperity gospel preacher was recently called out on the carpet for spending ten thousand dollars a night for a lavish hotel suite in Indonesia. By contrast a missionary magazine tells of the humble pastor in some third world country who is rejoicing over a new bicycle he has been given. Now he can pedal around to make his visitations that cover an area of about twenty five square miles. Prosperity then, is figuratively in the eye of the beholder. That the prosperity gospel cannot be preached in every place is proof that it is not the real gospel. The real gospel is that Jesus Christ came into the world, spoke words that give life, died for the sins of the world, rose from the dead and promised to return to the earth and judge the living and the dead. This can be preached everywhere, at anytime throughout the world and it will produce the same effect that it has now for twenty centuries.In seminary an old professor once told his class that his church was praying for him that God would keep him humble while they would help by keeping him poor. This is one extreme and another is a new book offered by a TV evangelist entitled?How to be Rich and Have Everything You Ever Wanted. What is wrong is that something is missing. The missing element in the pop Christian doctrine of the abundant life is?balance. It would be hard to balance the book just mentioned against the well known saying of Christ derived from the beatitudes?Blessed are the poor Mt 5:3. Balance nevertheless is what this doctrine is calling for. That God has not always promised a blessing in kind is balance John 14:27. That much of the promised blessings were not a material blessing at all is balance Romans 14:7. Carefully checking the motive of our giving is also balance. Are we giving to get? You may as well keep it! God does care why you're giving. He may notice the figures scribbled on a check but He is still checking the hearts and trying the motives of believers.America is a success worshipping society that thinks that being rich, powerful or famous is the sign that one has made the heights. That this notion is so pervasive is reflected in our preoccupation with those who have achieved these lofty goals. In India a Guru is a Gandhi like figure, in America they could be a Wall Street investor. Regardless of what they actually are is a matter of perception which is often given precedence over reality. What is clear is that we are continuously questioning, prodding a probing our success icons for information about the keys to their success. From late night television to the New York Times Bestsellers list the line breaks forth replete with all the memoirs, tips, secrets and how to manuals of the rich and famous. Now Christianity has its own success gurus who seem ready to tell us their secrets as well. Unfortunately that secret usually comes in only one flavor. Send me, my ministry and my programs your money to get God to bless you. Many of these ministries are indeed doing wonderful things for the poor and the promotion of the gospel so we can't put them all in one big heap. What we can do is be a lot more prayerful about where we send our funds and why. While we are praying let us not forget that someone as close as next door may need our help right now.Rev Bresciani is the leader of a non-denominational ministry in the New Orleans area. He has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on Amazon.com, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote, Hook Line and Sinker or What has Your Church Been Teaching You, published by PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book recently released by Xulon Press entitled An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ. Rev Bresciani has his own website at americanprophet.org

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arrow right The Judgment Seat of Christ

The thought of a public examination before the Judgment bar of our Lord should be incentive enough to awaken even the most slumbering saint of God. Yet few, if any, ever give it a second thought. Paul declared, "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God"

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arrow right 3 Clues To Know Where You Fit In Ministry Part 2

Clue Number 2: You Have Spiritual GiftsIn part 1 you learned that talent is natural endowments; or ability and is a result of recurring patterns (connections in the brain) of thought, feelings or behavior that is applied in a positive way.If enduring talents are results of  connections in the brain, what is a gift?Webster's Dictionary defines a gift as

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arrow right Accepting Responsibility for Your Sales Success

That we live in a time of relentless and pervasive change is no longer news to anyone. There is one important implication of this situation that continues to be a challenge. That is that our employees need to continually change their behavior to adapt to the world around  them.My work of helping companies develop more effective sales organizations always involves making changes in the company. And sooner or later, that means that some of the employees must make significant changes in the ways that they think about, and do, their jobs.This is particularly true of the sales people, who must decide to change their behavior and to implement the best practices that I teach. Beyond that, ultimately, helping people change is the work of every executive, manager, consultant and trainer.Which brings us to the heart of this article. What is it that empowers some people to change smoothly and effortlessly, while getting others to modify their behavior seems like moving a mountain? What is the fundamental building block for individuals that, more than anything else, equips them to successfully implement change?It is something that is becoming increasingly rare -- a motivating sense of personal responsibility. That is, a deep and imbiding belief that one is responsible for one's own behavior as well as the consequences of that behavior.That seems so basic and common sense, yet I am constantly amazed by how few people actually exhibit it. Over and over in my work in developing sales people and their managers, I'm struck by how many people fail to accept responsibility for their own success or lack of it.It's far more popular to be a victim. We have all shook our heads sadly over some newspaper account of someone who commits some act of irresponsibility, and then successfully sues someone else. In our litigious world, being a victim often pays. That is an unfortunate consequence of an unhealthy belief.As long as we view ourselves as victims, we're unable to change ourselves or our circumstances and achieve better results. It is not our fault that we're not doing better, we tell ourselves. Someone else caused it. And because it's someone else's doing, the power to fix it and make it better is with some one else. We're powerless to fix it.While few people admit it, or even realize it consciously, this

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arrow right How a Best Buy Sales Clerk Taught Me the Simple 6 Step Formula to Close ANY

Follow this story...I went to Best Buy today to get a few CDs and walked out with a new subscription to Sports Illustrated. Immediately confused, I asked myself how'd that happen? As I went through the steps that brought to that point in time, I realized I was sold on the  subscription before I ever had a chance to even think about saying no. Wow! What if and I had this power? My home business would be booming to say the least. So, let me go through exactly what happened and then I'll pull a few key points out for you.I browsed the CD section of Best Buy for about 30 minutes and then after making my final music selections I headed to the checkout counter. I was greeted by a friendly checkout clerk who rung up my three CDs to a total cost of $43. As she was ringing me up she said "How would you like a free Subscription to Sports Illustrated or Entertainment Magazine?" Before I could answer she continued by telling me that she had already taken advantage of the offer herself and had received eight free issues of Entertainment Magazine. She continued by telling me exactly how I could unsubscribe at anytime and still get eight free issues of whichever magazine I choose. Then, even before she finished speaking, an adjacent check out clerk chimed in and said how great of a deal he thought it was and how much he enjoyed his free subscription.Then the magic happened! No sooner did I turn my head back to the first sales clerk than did she ask me which subscription I wanted. Without thinking, I said Sports Illustrated. She replied, "that's what the guys always choose". She rung me up and I was out the door before I had a chance to think about what had just happened.How great is that?She probably made a commission and I never even saw it coming.-----------------------------------------------------Ok? So, what made this whole process work so well?First: The Element of surprise?I had no idea what hit me.Second: A free trial offer?She offered me something that was very low risk to me. I didn't really want a subscription to Sports Illustrated, but hey it was FREE so why not?Third: Smooth transition into her testimonial?Once she said that the subscription was something that she personally took advantage of herself I let guard went down. From that point on, I wasn't being sold on something I didn't want, but instead I was just getting a friendly recommendation.Fourth: Smooth transition into how easy it was to back out at anytime?At this point, not only was I just getting a friendly recommendation, but she told me how easy it would be to back out of the deal at any time. Not only that, but I was given explicit directions as to how to end my subscription. Hey, if I didn't want the subscription I now felt even less pressure because I knew exactly how to end it.Fifth: Additional Testimonials?Bang? Before I had a chance to think about whether or not I want a free subscription to Sports Illustrated bad enough to go through the future hassle of canceling it I'm hit with another testimonial about how great of an offer this deal really is from ANOTHER person that's taken advantage of it. So, now I start to feel a little like I'm the one left out. Everyone else is doing it? why not me?Sixth: The Close!I loved the close! It was so sneaky. She never asked me whether or not I wanted a subscription, she just asked if I wanted Sports Illustrated or Entertainment Magazine. I NEVER had the option to think about whether or not I wanted the subscription or not. She simply ASSUMED the sale and at that point just asked me what subscription I wanted. She never gave me a chance to tell her NO!--------------------------------------------------Now that I've given you six simple steps that you must follow to get the sale every time it's just a matter of you figuring out how to use this in your own home business. So, stop and read this again if you have to. Just let it soak in. It's an extremely powerful process if mastered. Personally, I left that Best Buy not knowing what happened to me. It was like I was brainwashed!Wouldn't you like to brainwash your customers into buying your products or services or joining your home based business opportunity?If done right the customer will never know what hit them!!!Wanna Learn the Secret of Creating Passive Income Online From a man who made $3,244,842.32 from the Internet in Only 27 months? => http://www.the1andonly.bizPresented by: Perfect Home Based Business Opportunities

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arrow right 10 Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales

Would you like to multiply your web site sales? Or course you would, who wouldn't? :) Then take a close look at the following 10 killer ways to multiply your sales...1. When you make a sale, always follow-up with the customer. First you should follow-up with a "thank you"  email.Then, a few days later, you can follow-up up and as them if they are satisfied with their purchase or if they have any questions.After a certain time, you should follow-up and ask them for their feedback, good or bad and possibly for a testimonial.All your follow-up messages can include a small advertisement for other products you sell.If you use a fn automated system to do this, it will not even take a minute of your time to do all the follow-ups.2. You could upsell to your customers. When they're at your order page, tell them about a few extra related products you have for sale. They could just add it to their original order.Or you can upsell your visitors from a standard version to a professional version of your product or service.3. Tell your customers if they refer four customers to your web site, they will receive a full rebate of their purchase price. This will turn one sale into four sales.This can be easily done placing a refer-a-friend form on your order

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arrow right Unlocking the Myth of Hypnotic Communication

Unquestionably when the word hypnosis pops-up in a conversation or in the mainstream press, nostrils flair, minds conjure up strong reactions of parlor tricks and pictures of late night scary movies where starry-eyed maidens are seduced to carry out satanic acts. Here we  are, in modern times, where we have set foot on the moon, (ops ? better watch my words ? there are people who still think the earth is flat) broke the sound barrier, communicate wireless with the most modern technology and still people see hypnosis has a hoax. Even the well educated are not off the hook from such lack of knowledge and ignorant responses.Altered states and trance experiences have been around long before the word hypnosis. What is unique about hypnotic communications is that it's truly magical and at the same time clearly explainable and understandable.Regardless, of the mystique surrounding hypnotic communication, there is no hocus-pocus involved, and the only tool you will need is your MIND. Sound too easy?Follow along and prepare yourself to be amazed - both by the power of your mind to shape who you can become, and by the power you have to guide it.First, Lets' remove a couple of old misconceptions that you're supposed to talk in a monotone when you do hypnosis and that you are under control of someone's power.A more accurate way to channel the thought that others can control us would be to restate that hypnosis is powerful communication to influence others as well as the self.That is clearly evident in advertising communications ? persuasive salespeople, politicians, religious leaders, and business leaders just to name a few. The hypnotist may take you into an altered state by using a monotone voice for getting a particular outcome or result. Similarly, a more animated approach, just like a glib politician, can wow you into the same altered state through their mesmerizing performance.And, as for the self ? we are masters at entering altered states many times a day ? programming with hypnotic communications for what we can't do rather than what we can do. (Just listen and catch yourself every time you say

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arrow right Elearning Is Dead - Long Live Blended Learning!

There is little doubt that eLearning has not achieved the success it promised some ten years ago, even though the primary benefits in terms of cost and flexibility remains extremely attractive. Some of the mistakes that have been made are:1. A Lack of an Holistic Approach  Elearning was viewed as being a replacement for traditional training methods. To be successful, elearning should adopt an integrated approach to human resource development. This means integrating Performance Assessment with Training Needs Analysis, with Personal Development Plans, with Continuous Professional Development records, with elearning blended with other training resources, learning methods, and corporate learning programmes.2. A Failing to Understand the Elearning Medium Much of the reason for making Mistake 1 is the problem of thinking about elearning as a substitute for face-to-face training just delivered cheaper and faster whenever employees want it. While computers bring strengths and opportunities to the learning experience, it must be remembered that they also remove some of the critical components of face-to-face learning, such as audio-visual; peer discussion; and the social environment.3. A Belief that the Audio-Visual component can be replaced by Elearning Many companies designing elearning programmes have engaged expensive programmers and invested in heavy duty programmes and equipment in order to enhance the elearning experience. Students end up being entertained but come away learning little.4. Blowing the Budget on a Technology Solution The problem with mistake number 3 is that it is expensive. Spending ?1 million on an elearning system is not unusual. Neither is finding out that the initial spend is only part of the expense. There are updates and maintenance to consider. Heavy duty programmes require heavy duty equipment and software to download. As a face-to-face trainers, we can alter training notes, handouts and session content very quickly and inexpensively. Try doing that with audio-video content.5. Failing to Link Elearning with Business Needs Traditional training should flow from the organisation's business strategy. Elearning is no exception. Whilst elearning may be a new delivery method, it does not change the fundamentals of business strategy, manpower and HRD planning, individual performance reviews and training needs analysis; nor learning programme design, progress monitoring, programme evaluation and learning verification.Like other learning methods, an elearning programme must flow from, and be driven, by the organisation's business development objectives, and therefore elearning should also be monitored and measured.6. Unrealistic Expectations How many projects have failed for want of a realistic assessment of time, resources and expectations? Many would point to Total Quality Management (TQM) as a pretty good example. When a project involves a new discipline and particularly when that discipline involves new technology it is very common for management to overestimate short-term expectations and underestimate the time and cost needed before benefits can realistically be achieved. If this is doubted, then ask any project manager. As a result, initial enthusiasm is soon replaced by despair. Like TQM or any 'flavour of the month', elearning has many substantial benefits but it is not a magic wand, and it is not a substitute for sound management.7. A Lack of Management Involvement Elearning is no different to any other form of training. It might work in the classroom or on-line but the measure of its transference to the workplace is totally reliant upon the involvement of the line manager. The special problem with elearning is the number of technophobe managers who can hide behind 'I'm not an 'IT' expert' excuse for not getting involved in the learning goals of their staff.The Answer? Having woken up to the fact that elearning on its own is not the answer, we now are presented with a similar sounding - Blended learning. Blended learning however, whilst sounding similar is completely different, and it works. It is a way of getting the best from a number of worlds. It addresses not only the preferences of different learners but also seeks to maximise off-site time to improving skills, leaving knowledge acquisition to a more economical method of delivery.Blended learning incorporates face-to-face delivery with online study; skills workshops; assignments; assessments, and workplace coaching.You do not need to spend millions on trying to replace traditional learning methods with an elearning platform. Treat elearning as just an addition delivery channel which gives you more flexibility. Research shows that students can only absorb 15/20 minutes of elearning at a time anyway which is why a well designed blended learning programme will usually deliver study tasks in small bites. It provides the option to more effectively use the training budget whilst keeping a tight control on who is studying what; when; to what level; whether the manager is involved or not; and ultimately how the learning is being applied.Far from being dead, elearning has emerged as an important element in the successful blended learning approach to people development.Business & Training Solutions Ltd holds the franchise for the http://www.HRDworldwide.com online learning system which they use as part of their blended programmes. BTS can be contacted on http://www.btsolutions.ieFrank Salisbury is a highly experience motivational speaker, and inspiring business coach, particularly to the sales profession. Frank is recognised as a leading authority in the field of sales - including sales process design, sales performance, and sales coaching.He strongly believes that whether we work in the public or private sector; whether our organisation is commercial or non-commercial; that we are all in sales. His favourite quote, which has become his maxim, is from Robert Louis Stevenson ? 'Everything in live is selling'. He has spoken at numerous conferences and seminars where his style has received popular acclaim for a speaker with a passion for life, and achievement.He is Managing Director of Business & Training Solutions Ltd ? a sales consultancy based in Ireland and the UK. He can be contacted at frank@btsolutions.ie. 28 Rye Close, Banbury, Oxfordshire. 0044 (0)1295250247

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arrow right The Power of Confidence

My experience has taught me that people want to buy from sales people who are confident in their abilities. Taking control of the circumstances and situations around you will develop your self-confidence. When you consider the amount of rejection that many sales people  encounter, the fact that many salespeople lack self-confidence is not surprising. Top performing people in any industry typically possess a high level of self-confidence. They may not necessarily possess this confidence all their lives.I have not always have a lot of self-confidence. Outwardly I was Mr. Confident while on the inside I seriously doubted my abilities. I had to wrestle with my own mental baggage for years before I became internally confident. Learning to deal with this begins with letting go of your personal baggage.Mental baggage is a collection of all the situations we have experienced or encountered during our lifetimes. We carry all this baggage around in our heads and draw from it when appropriate situations present themselves. Perhaps you tried to join a school sports team when you were a child. Your athletic abilities in that particular sport were average; for that reason you were unable to make the team. You filed away this experience in your subconscious until a similar situation to it came along. You immediately recalled the previous performance and outcome, and told yourself that you were not capable of successfully meeting the current challenge.Consequently, you did not make the effort required to meet it.We all carry around this mental baggage. It influences us in everything we do, both in our business and personal lives. How it affects us when we sell is very simple. Mental baggage may consist of customers who have been rude, abrupt, or angry toward you. Baggage can include situations from earlier in our work careers or even from our childhoods.As time progresses, this mental baggage weighs heavier and heavier. Yet we continue to drag it around with us into every sales situation. Over time our attitude turns sour, we become pessimistic and jaded, and we get frustrated with challenging customers and prospects. Our productivity drops, our performance slides, and our job security may even be threatened. We become increasingly bitter toward our chosen occupation, the customers we serve, and life in general. Our mental baggage is a weight on our shoulders.How do we prevent this from happening?First, carrying around mental baggage is a natural part of being a human being. It is the way we view and deal with our baggage that makes the real difference in our lives. If we look at each experience and consider how we can learn from it, our baggage will have less hold over us. I recall the first paid keynote presentation I gave. I was well prepared, but not in the appropriate manner. The room was an awkward shape and the stage was positioned quite high, something I had never dealt with previously. I was uncomfortable during my presentation and I knew my delivery was affected. Instead of focusing on this after my session, I chose to concentrate on what I learned from the experience.When you encounter a sales situation that does not turn out favorably, rather than focus on the negatives and beating yourself up over it, ask yourself three questions:1. What did I do well?2. What did I miss or forget to do?3. What will I do differently if faced with a similar situation in the future?These three questions will help you learn and grow from each situation and will help improve your future results. Plus, by first focusing on the positive aspects of the sales interaction, you will give yourself a mental boost.You must also recognize that some of our baggage is outdated. We may be relying on information that is several years old. This happened to me at the beginning of my career.When I was twenty-three I was working for a restaurant chain as an assistant manager. I was promoted to general manager and lasted less than a year before I was demoted back to an assistant manager. I had proved unable to perform to the company's expectations. I ended up leaving the company shortly afterwards. For five years I hesitated any time an opportunity for a promotion presented itself; I had not been sure I could do it. Finally it dawned on me exactly what I had learned from that experience. I was not the only person responsible for that particular failure, and my leadership and managerial skills had developed since then. Nevertheless, it took me five years to realize it!Let go of your mental baggage and work on developing your personal confidence. Pay attention to your successes and use these to help you improve your results.© 2005 Kelley Robertson, All rights reservedKelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. He is also the author of "Stop, Ask & Listen ? Proven Sales Techniques to Turn Browsers Into Buyers." Receive a FREE copy of "100 Ways to Increase Your Sales" by subscribing to his free sales and motivational newsletter available at http://www.kelleyrobertson.comContact him at 905-633-7750 or Kelley@RobertsonTrainingGroup.com

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arrow right How to Master the Art of Salesmanship

I put together this little article because, although basic, we all must "master the art of selling". With out this skill, the foundation on which you build your business will not be a solid one. Mastering the "art of selling" is simply knowing how to present whatever it is  that you're selling, to the buyer in such a manner that they feel buying it from you will solve their problems or fulfill their dreams.Anybody can sell anything to anybody. The thing is, some things are harder to sell than others and require different kinds of presentations. Finally, you've got to realize that unless you make your

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arrow right Are You a Winner or Whiner?

I've found that winners say "I choose to." Whiners, on the other hand, say "I have to."Let me explain. On a plane, I mentioned to the executive next to me that I'm a professional development consultant and speaker. She smiled, gave me a knowing nod, and  before the wheels were up revealed her "pain." She launched into telling me about her demanding and exhausting work responsibilities. She said things such as,

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arrow right Using Emotion for Persuasion

The other day, I received the last issue of a business magazine before my subscription runs out. Now, I like this magazine, but I'm swamped with reading matter so I won't renew.Of course, I've received many reminders and offers about renewing; magazines try very hard to  keep the subscribers they've got. So when the last issue came with a special promotional wrapper on the cover, I wasn't surprised.But, what made this one interesting was a clever piece of copy that hit an emotional chord: inside the back cover of the special wrapper were the words,

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arrow right Chicken Little And The Disintermediation Myth

If Chicken Little were alive today he wouldn't be running around forewarning us of the sky that was about to fall. He'd be too preoccupied alerting everyone about another potential disaster - which may in the end prove to be just as erroneous as his first prediction.  Nevertheless, if the conversations around the office water coolers are any indication, he'd still get the attention of many nervous corporate omni-smarts. So what's the new buzz? Disintermediation!If you haven't heard the word already, you're going to hear it ad nauseum.For those unfamiliar with the term; Disintermediation is a groovy way of saying; "Soon there won't be a need for a Middleman." That is to say, thanks to things like the Internet, e-commerce, global attraction and fulfillment, manufacturers will no longer require the services of the "Middleman in the Channels" [resellers] to reach end users or customers.It would seem today's prognosticating Chicken Littles are quite convinced the death of the middleman is in fact, imminent. But like the chicken that went before them, that doesn't mean they're right!The incredible rise and untimely fall of many of the mighty dot-com's should serve in no small way to highlight much of what we thought the internet was going to do, it didn't and probably won't. And you don't have to bring up the name, Peter de Jager, to know there is no shortage of red-faced futurists still hiding under rocks looking for ways to get out of town. Fortunes were made and lost especially in high-tech resulting from, let's call it; bad information concerning things like Y2K and the forecasted unavoidable changes to the traditional business landscape, thanks to the Internet.But to be fair, de Jager wasn't in a bomb shelter when the clock struck twelve, he was in a plane and as far as I know, he never told anyone to stock up on Tang! We can save that discussion for another time as it is ? at the risk of sounding a little ironic ? history.Nevertheless, the argument regarding whether e-commerce will entrench itself as the 'preferred' way of doing business continues. From my perch, I'll go out on a limb and say, "It won't! At least not totally."Simply put, there are two fundamental transaction-types that culminate in a sale. One is Tactical and the other is Strategic. Few would argue the implementation of a new IT-network or specialized software requires a strategic approach that can only be satisfied in person employing a B2B strategy. Most sales requiring specializations all but eliminate ? at least for now ? an e-commerce solution.Tactical sales, however, are entirely different and Amazon.com is a perfect example. For products like books,a bar of soap or an airline ticket, e-commerce has a far better chance of becoming the time and money-saving fulfillment process of choice ? but even that, as we have seen, has no guarantees!A toy is a toy is a toy. Right? So why did Toys.com go under? Surely their business model personified the quintessential Tactical sale for which e-commerce was designed. It did! Yet it still failed. Why?Why also do studies conducted by US-based firms like Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath report e-commerce has not ? as of yet - replaced or significantly reduced traditional channel operations to any significant extent?I personally am reasonably e-savvy but, to date, I have only bought a couple of small items over the net. Not because I haven't tried to buy more.Giving out my credit card information has never frightened me. My bank assumes all responsibility for purchases by my card should it fall into the wrong hands. [Note: I, like you, pay handsomely for this privilege].On several occasions I did try to make a small e-purchase. Each went something like this. Step 1: Name / Address / Phone Number / [No problem with that].Step 2: Date of Birth / [SAY WHAT?] SIN Number / [NOT A CHANCE!]The fact is; I, like most people, will, not - under any circumstances - give out sensitive, personal information over a faceless Internet regardless of how secure the connection is. And therein lies one of the major stumbling blocks for even the simplest e-purchase. Misuse my credit card; I am inconvenienced. Misuse my personal information; I am potentially devastated for life. A few bars of soap or a new toner cartridge for my printer are in the end, not worth the risk.What about larger purchases? Not too long ago, the Auto Industry was bracing for what it thought would be a groundbreaking way to sell cars ? over the Net. After all, it did meet the Tactical Sale Model e-commerce was designed to satisfy. And when that didn't happen, they were quick to ameliorate their expectations by saying; customers will purchase cars in three steps. First: They will shop the net for exactly the car they want. Second: They will physically test drive one. Finally: They will again shop the net for the very best price and purchase. ? So how come so few buyers have done this?There is an obvious [predictable] answer and it isn't so difficult to understand.Educated sales-specialists know there is an Art and a Science to selling. Both the Art and the Science are time-tested and proven and are well rooted in things like Psychology, Human Behavior and Motivation. E-commerce, although quick to offer a potentially new and better way to buy, has fallen miserably short in its ability to offer the human factor still expressly integral in allowing traditionalists to make the leap of faith from the real world to the e-world. In the end, it doesn't matter whether it's a computer part, a bar of soap or a new car. A better strategy is still needed to achieve synchronicity between the two buying-models thereby bringing credibility or a speedy end to the argument about Disintermediation."Is Disintermediation real? Or is it a Myth?For the answers to this and strategies you can use [already embraced by successful e-managed companies], go to >www.success150.com/theanswer< home of the 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' Paul Shearstone.About The AuthorPaul Shearstone aka The 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' is one of North America's foremost experts on Sales and Persuasion. An International Keynote Speaker, Author, Writer, Motivation / Time & Stress Management Specialist, Paul enlightens and challenges audiences as he informs, motivates and entertains. To comment on this article or to book the Pragmatic Persuasionist for your next successful event we invite to contact Paul Shearstone directly @ 416-728-5556 or 1-866-855-4590www.success150.com or paul@success150.com.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Touchdown! Closing Skills for Successful Selling

It's early January 2004. The Green Bay Packers are just 72 seconds away from their fourth NFC Championship game. They have a three-point lead over the Philadelphia Eagles, who face an impossible fourth down and 26 yards on their own 28-yard line. All Green Bay has to do is  hold Philadelphia to less than 26 yards. One play. That's all.Just one play. In sports bars and living rooms across the country jaws drop when Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb completes a 28-yard pass to Freddie Mitchell, and the Eagles get the first down. They kick a game-tying field goal and force the Packers to dig in for overtime.Philadelphia receives the ball. After struggling for little gain the Eagles punt it away. Green Bay's task is simple. Keep the ball on the ground and advance into field goal range. Favre takes the snap, drops back, and inexplicably heaves a long pass... into double coverage. Into the hands of Eagle Brian Dawkins. Into history. Philadelphia marches into field goal range and kicks an easy three to win. Game over. Lights out. Thank you for playing.The Packers lost because they didn't close. They played well, but in the end it came down to the fact that they didn't close and the Eagles did.More than just preparationTalent, tools and preparation are vital to the success of NFL players and sales professionals. But in order to change buying habits, we must also incorporate closing into the natural life of our sales presentations.In simplest terms, a close is an agreement to take the next step together. What you close for varies based on your overall objectives and your history with a customer.Have you ever seen a football team attempt a one hundred-yard touchdown pass? Not likely. Both players and coaches understand that a touchdown is the last of a series of plays, each designed to bring the team closer to the goal line, which increases their chances of a successful touchdown attempt, which brings them closer to their ultimate goal of winning the game. Every play is important.It's the same principle in sales. If you try to close a sales call without first executing a customer-focused presentation, you're probably not going to be very successful. However, as the Packers found out on that crisp January day, you can execute a lot of good plays well, but if you fail to close, you don't get the win.The clock is ticking...Green Bay legend Vince Lombardi once said, "The Green Bay Packers never lost a game. They just ran out of time." In all likelihood, the Packers assumed that their three-point lead was safe with just over a minute left on the clock and Philadelphia deep in their own territory. The win (close) was assumed. As Packer Al Harris said later, "Fourth-and-26 yards, that's like fourth-and-forever." That assumption cost Green Bay the game. It may cost you a sale.An effective close is carefully crafted to answer these questions: What am I going to do? What are you going to do? What is the expected outcome? When you close by gaining a commitment, you make the touchdown. Because at the end of the day, someone has closed the customer. Shouldn't it be you?Getting the winBy most measures 2003 was a successful season for Brett Favre. He passed Dan Marino and climbed into second place on the NFL's all-time list for postseason touchdown passes. He surpassed Marino in all-time postseason passing yards, moving into third place in the record books. Favre extended his NFL record for consecutive postseason games with a touchdown pass to 15, and pushed his NFL record for most consecutive starts at quarterback to 208.Clearly, the three-time MVP is a player with the talent, tools and preparation to win. But his team's failure to close is what made the difference. Favre will be remembered as a champion, but he will never have another chance to win that game.When evaluating whether you've done enough to meet your objective, ask yourself, "Did I close?" That could be the difference between winning and losing.Copyright ©2005 by Sally Bacchetta. All rights reserved.Sally Bacchetta - Freelance Writer/Sales TrainerSally Bacchetta is an award-winning sales trainer and freelance writer. She has published articles on a variety of topics, including selling skills, motivation, and pharmaceutical sales.You can contact her at sb14580@yahoo.com and read her latest sales articles on her website.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...