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arrow right Steamed Bread: Apricot-Date Nut Bread with Caramel Sauce

Steamed breads are so versatile. We love the outdoors and are always looking for interesting and different foods that we can cook while camping and steamed breads can be cooked as you lounge around the campfire. They make wonderful treats at home. And they make great  emergency fare since you don't need an oven or even a range to cook these breads.We put the following recipe together for a trip into the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming with a group of varsity scouts. We started it cooking next to the morning fire and by the time breakfast was over and the dishes were done, the bread was ready. It was a little rich for morning food--more like a cake than a bread--but these backpackers didn't seem to mind and it certainly turned out good enough to be a treat at home.Apricot-Date Nut Bread with Caramel Sauce11/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup apricot nectar 2 cups chopped dates 1/2 cup chopped Brazil nutsCaramel Sauce3 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/2 cup water 1/3 cup dry milk 1/2 teaspoon vanillaIn a medium bowl, combine the dry ingredients. (If you are taking this camping, combine these ingredients in a plastic bag before leaving.)Stir in the juice until just combined. (An individual serving-sized can of apricot nectar is just about the right size.) Stir in the dates and nuts. (If you prefer, you can substitute raisins, dried apricots, or cranberries for the dates. Of course, you can use your favorite nuts.)Pack the dough into a well-greased large can or other cooking container. Cover the top with heavy foil and tie it securely with string.Place the can on a rack in a large pan or kettle. (At camp, a few clean pebbles work as well as a rack.) Fill the pan with water and set it to simmer. Let the pan simmer for two hours, adding water as necessary. When done, invert the bread onto a plate and slice to serve.For the caramel sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the sugar and cornstarch and stir. Then stir the water and dry milk together and add to the pan. Cook and stir until thick and bubbly, about five minutes at low heat. Add the vanilla. Serve hot or cold over the nut bread. (For camping, put the dry ingredients in a plastic bag adding the vanilla to the brown sugar. Melt the butter, add the dry ingredients and then the water.)For more articles like this visit The Bakers' Library.© 2004 The Prepared Pantry

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Boneless Prime Roast Recipe

When it comes to prime rib and there are two basic camps. One side says you must cook it with the bones attached. The idea is that the bones give more flavor to the meat. The other side says that the meat can be just as flavorful without the bones, and easier to carve. If  you want to give it a try, here is a boneless prime roast recipe. There's plenty of variations on the basic boneless prime roast recipe so feel free to improvise.Boneless roasts are sometimes called ribeye roasts or "eye of the rib". A boneless roast serves more people per pound -- you can count on getting two servings per pound rather than about 1 1/2 servings per pound for a standing rib roast. An eight or ten pound roast is perfect for this boneless prime roast recipe.You can marinate the roast before you cook it for extra flavor, although many think that the beef is tasty enough as is. Marinating can also make the meat more tender. If you decide to marinate the meat, let it soak for an hour or two before making this boneless prime roast recipe.Before you cook the meat, make sure that it has reached room temperature. This means you should take it out of the refrigerator about two hours before it is put in the oven. A good prime rib roast recipe will tell you to rub of exterior of the meat with horseradish or Worcestershire powder.Preheat the oven to 500° and place a layer of rock salt in the bottom of the roasting pan. The layer of salt should be about 1 inch deep. Sprinkle the salt with about half a cup of warm water and place the roast on top of the salt. The boneless prime rib recipe tells you to cover the roast completely with rock salt.The reason this boneless prime rib recipe uses rock salt is to seal the exterior of the meat so that it remains tasty and juicy. The beef will not taste salty -- the salt crust is removed before serving.Cook the meat for about 15 minutes per pound keeping the door of the oven closed for the entire cooking time. When it is done, let it sit for about 15 minutes before serving. Your guests will love this boneless prime rib recipe!Hans is author of Steaks, Seafood and Barbeque guide and the Grill and Barbeque section of Patio Furniture Ideas

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arrow right Anam Chara - Telling Your Story

We as human beings travelled in small bands for hundreds of thousands of years.Some of our group during the day went hunting for food. In the shelter of the cave, sitting or lying around the fire we told our stories. Maybe before speech we enacted our stories. The stories  we told were of courage, endeavour and of feeling afraid. We bands of humans were brought together in these acts of story telling.I love storytelling.Where I live there is a Green Festival. Included in this festival are evenings of traditional storytelling. It is interesting to partake of these intimate events. Today, however, storytelling remains a fringe event. Once, not so long ago, it was something most every one could do. Now, rather than tell our own stories we are left to listen to the stories of others.Stories come down to us through all times and all cultures. Religion tells the stories of the prophets. Mythology tells the story of the human psyche. Archaeology tells the story of our home, community buildings and much much more.In the 21st Century the dull and the ignorant will not be given the time to be listened to.This is true of the increasing underclass. It is interesting to note that people who do not have a voice in our society tattoo or paint their bodies. It is a way of voicing their identity. This is particularly true of young people who fall foul of the law. The system takes away not only their liberty but also their voice.They become dull and ignorant because they have no purpose. They have not been taught what it is to have a purpose in life. They are forgotten and their lives become a wasteland. Their story is never heard. It is often founded in violence, abuse or mental illness.It takes courage to listen to the dull and the ignorant. It takes immense patience. Yet it is not fair to listen to the story of others if you are not prepared to tell and live your own story. This is not only the story of your life to date but what your story will become.Once you focus on what your life will become then in following your vision you allow others to tell their story. You give them permission to speak their truth quietly and clearly. This is one of the greatest permissions you can give. Not only will you allow your story to be heard but by doing so you validate hearing the story of others.Many of you go through your lives never once remembering what it feels like to have been heard. I have set before people who have thanked me profusely. They have wept. They will say that they feel heard. It is such a wondrous and privileged position to be in when another opens the storybook of their heart.I have often heard it said"No wants to hear my story."This I have rarely found to be true. Keeping your story to yourself deprives us all. You allow your heart to expand when you tell your story. Telling stories to groups allows the group heart to expand.Playwrights, filmmakers, writers, poets, storytellers, puppeteers are all telling stories. We all share in this experience when we attend at theatre, opera, folk club or cinema. Imagine a dinner party without people sharing their stories. Gossip is story.When women engage in storytelling they tell about themselves. Men are more guarded. They tend to tell a story for other motives. They are interested in how such a story will reflect on their status.Men will tell stories in the form of jokes or about others. Their stories are often about sport or things they own or do. Often the story of their hearts desire is not spoken. If it is then this is only in the intimacy of the bedroom, if at all.This is another reason why, I think, men are more prone to heart attacks. They do not allow the heart's story to be told. The flow of heart energy is blocked and arteries harden. This is a physical response to and unspoken emotional dynamic.Many people want to tell their story but end up never doing so.A high percentage of you want to write a book. You may not be sure how you are going to do this but it remains a dream. Many of you keep a diary. However, for most of you it is only ever full of fats.It does not contain your hearts secrets.Relationship can be on of the greatest joys in living.Authentic relationship is always a joy. You relate to the other through the stories you tell each other. The deeper the relationships the more emotionally charged are the stories you share. You gauge your level of friendship based on the depth of your telling.You all want to be known.You all want to be heard. Your stories about your lives are how you become known and how others become your friends. So many of you have low self esteem. You think your story is not worth telling. You feel unworthy of telling the story of your heartThis is often true of the relationship of son's to fathers.In my fathers generation it was the man's duty to be the breadwinner. The mother stayed at home and looked after the children. Outside of these roles there was no other. I cannot ever say I knew my father and for a long time it left a hole in my soul.Your family story is one that helps create who you are. Often this story is so horrific that you have to learn to re-create a more functional one. This is often part of the healing process.In "making your life matter" you need to be prepared to tell your full story warts and all. Society does not encourage you to do this. It is only too happy to fill you up with the stories of others. This is reflected in your modern obsession with talk radio, docusoaps, big brother and all the rest of the stories that you feed off.Telling your own story is also future based.It is related to the dreams you have, the fantasies only you know and the flights of imagination you curb. Telling your story is not only about saying the words but feeling the feelings connected to this story.This is the difference between someone who engages you and someone who simply tells you a series of facts. I get letters from some colleagues who I once knew and it is simply a catalogue of facts. It is like reading a to do list of what they have done. I feel a loss when I read these letters. I do not feel connected to them across the miles.You feel engaged with the other when they tell you about their feeling experiences. This is what intimacy is. It is a sharing of a feeling relationship.Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means "Soul Friend." He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Blessings for YOU, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Visitors to Irish Blessings Matter website and Tony's Blog get the opportunity to develop a purpose driven life through articles, newsletters and other programs.Get your free report called "7 ways to it's a wonderful life" at http://www.irishblessingsmatter.com/, or go to Tony`s Blog at http://www.irishblessingsmatter.info/ for YOU Blog, where you will find links to information related to spiritual parenting, spiritual coaching and spirit in business.

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arrow right Spiritual Surrender: Living a Peace Filled Life

Are you at a crossroad in your life where you want the after to be better than the before? Do you feel as though your life is not on "purpose"? Are you scared of what the future may hold for you or angry at what has happened in the past? If any of these themes  ring true for you, than I would ask you to let go, and surrender.I am often asked what the term Spiritual Surrender means. To me it is about living each moment as it comes and not worrying about what has taken place in the past or what may happen in the future. It is about being certain that each moment of your life is being lived exactly as it is supposed to be to learn the lessons you were brought here to learn. My belief about surrender is based on metaphysical law. I believe that we create our destiny through our thought process. If I am in the state of surrender than my truest thoughts are always, "Thy will be done".I came to this place of surrender the hard way. I was an incessant worrier who grew up in a household that was riddled with fear. My dad was an independent insurance agent and everything in life revolved around how it could hurt us and what we could do to stop this from happening. Safety was a BIG issue in our family and because of this, I never felt safe. I developed both depression and panic as a young child and it has only been through a continued practice of complete surrender to the moment that I have been able to overcome this. It is a daily practice as you will soon find out.The breaking point for me came when my son joined the military days before 9/11 and I was faced with his deployment to war. Just to make my point here, my son just called me as I was writing this article to ask me the name of the cemetery in our town. He is filling out some form for the army and it asks where and how he would like to be buried. Not exactly what I wanted to talk about today!It is so funny how Spirit works and I just have to get a giggle right now.Spirit: "So you want to write an article about Surrender?'Me: "Yes I do?"Spirit: "Do you really think you have mastered this enough to write about it?"Me: "Yes I do."Spirit: "OK"Phone rings: I notice the caller ID is my sonsMe: "Hey son, what is going on?"Son: "Could you tell me the name of the cemetery in town?"Me: "Why?"Son: "I am filling out some forms for the army on how I want to be buried."Me: (gulp) "Are you kidding?"Son: "No, and would you like to pick out my casket or have the army do it?"Me: "Tell the army I will take care of all arrangements."Son: "OK, bye."Me: "Bye" (deep breath)The fear of losing a child, my deepest fear, has just reared its ugly head. But I get this lesson and I have mastered it. I will not go into the fear but instead I sit back and find the place within myself that knows God is in complete charge and watching over both me and my son. All is well and I have nothing to fear. I am practicing what I preach in this moment, in the now, I am surrendering this conversation to God. What I desire for my son and surrender to God, is his perfect heath and safety today, tomorrow and always. I envision him alive and living out his life happily.If you can live each moment as it comes and not worry or fear what might happen in the future, then you can be at peace. If you can look over all of your life up to this point and believe that it has all happened for a reason and was perfect. You can be at peace. What good does it do to rehash your past and all the negative things that may have befallen you? This just keeps you prisoner to that same past and you can never move into the bright future that God would have for you. If you are able to live this moment and then the next, accepting all that may come as perfect, then you can be at peace. This is surrender.You can get closer to the state of surrender by following these steps:1) Every time you think something negative or are in fear, reverse your thought to encompass something positive about the situation. Find a positive perspective to what is going on. There is always something good that is taking place and it is your job to find it.2) Believe in a positive outcome. When the "world" tells you something is impossible. Don't believe them. Believe all is possible and feel your desired outcome all the way down to your bones. You must believe with all your heart. Ask others to believe with you.3) Intend for the outcome you want, not the outcome you fear. Don't even let a minute of your thought process be on anything other than the intention for the perfect outcome. Intend for the impossible. Intend for the miracle. Intend for peace of mind. Intend to feel the presence of God.4) Surrender?Let Go?have no attachment to the how, why, where or when. Just believe. Hold your thoughts on the positive. Hold your belief in the positive. Place your intention on the positive. Surrender.I bless you on your journey.For more information on Spiritual Surrender, please visit us at http://www.isurrenderthis.com. and see the powerful tool, "I Surrender This" that is helping people all over the world release their fears and live a more peace filled life.Free

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arrow right Be Abundant...Set a New Mental Equivalent

Limiting beliefs, just like positive, empowering thoughts, provide a foundation for our experiences and what we demonstrate. Old beliefs can leave us behind ? and are often stale, lingering ideas left-over from our childhood experiences or from other areas of life that no  longer carry any useful meaning. Abandoning negative assumptions about lack opens room to develop an abundant mindset. We can do that by setting a new mental equivalent that resets the dial on our trust channel ? the channel we listen to that tells us to trust that we already have everything. A belief system must change in order to create a new reality.Emmet Fox, a 1940's New Thought minister and author, stressed the importance of setting a mental equivalent to create an abundant life, borrowing the term from chemistry and physics. For example, engineers must work out the equivalent of heat in order to determine how much energy it represents in the form of another energy. They can determine how much fuel it takes to drive an engine and how much processing energy it takes to produce the fuel. A mental equivalent is a wonderful metaphor for how we are perfectly capable of instituting positive change in our lives and world. Like engineers, we can create the equivalent of every experience or object in the physical world by changing the thought to which it corresponds.Scientifically, we've accepted that one kind of energy translates into another to produce that same effect. Everything on earth is energy anyway. All matter, when it's broken down into sub-atomic particles, is energy. This article is energy, the dog is energy, you are energy. The same is true for the energy of thought. To attract goodness, you must set a mental equivalent of goodness by accepting you are worthy of receiving good, visualizing it, and feeling the goodness coming to you. If you want prosperity, wealth, happiness, that is where you must spend time mentally, not once a week, but all the time.Emmet taught that whatever you want in life - a satisfying job, healthy body, friends, or opportunities, you must first set a mental equivalent to attract it. If you have something you want to get rid of - ill health, strife or poverty - then first get rid of the mental equivalent by striking the belief that those ideas and experiences must be part of your world and the world at large. Shed your old mental equivalent skin. Then you will begin to make change, not just for yourself but for others around you.Feel what you want with tremendous emotion, be grateful, rejoice in the abundance of everything. Notice joy and prosperity everywhere, be thankful to be part of an incredible, spiritual universal equation of such magnificent complexity that you are humbled by its awe. Think gigantic. Set the bar as high as you want - there is no reason to feel limited because your true nature makes that impossible anyway. Don't be fearful of living, of failure, of the future - you already know how unproductive fear can be, as our collective consciousness has translated fear over the millennium into a belief in lack, poverty, and illness.Emmet's concept of mastery included two key principles he called clarity and interest. An abundant life is derived from the ability to mentally straddle the line between clarity, or knowing exactly what you want and believing you are already in receipt of it, and interest, or the emotional feelings you have about what you want. People generally have a problem with clarity. There's an old saying, "If you don't know where you're going any road will get you there." In other words, by not knowing exactly what you want, or how you define your success and dreams, you can take any path and wander indefinitely. You'll receive exactly what you've asked for, and that is a nebulous vision of success and dreams. First homework assignment in Manifestation 101: ask for what you want. Visualize it clearly and revisit the idea often.An error people frequently make is articulating what they want in great detail, but they lack the passion or belief in the idea. If you want to use part two of Emmet's abundance formula, then you must be sincerely interested in what you want, and emotional about seeing yourself within the idea. You must absolutely love what you want, love your vision passionately, feel it deeply, embrace it, live and breathe it. That is how something becomes part of you. It's how you claim it as your own.Your experiences, as well as what physical objects you manifest, are effects of your thinking because they are all tempered by your belief system. Greed, selfishness, war, lack, bad economic conditions, or struggle can be manifested because they flow through a belief system, or your outer layers. We are always told not to judge by appearances. Why? Because the appearance has no value in itself. Nothing is what it seems on the outside, meaning, the effect has those attributes that you give it and nothing else. When we look behind an appearance, we look through it to the truth that lies behind it. As soon as the spiritual truth is evident to us, the appearance changes. This is the mental world that Fox spoke of, not the material world.Abundance is a deeply spiritual lesson because it is about knowing that the presence within you constitutes your supply, which is your true source of power. Attune to your true self and channel the energies you need to create the life you desire. You can do it!Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D., author of Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive Thinking and The Women's Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations that Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential (2005) provides guidance through everyday complexity with female imagery and positive thinking. Focusing on the Divine Self, and setting a mental equivalent to institute positive change on earth, has always provided the infrastructure to Charlene's work as a researcher and simulation architect. She is deeply committed to helping others along their soul journey. Please visit http://www.thegoddessnetwork.net and register for her many self-help and inspirational programs, which include The Divine Woman, a free monthly newsletter!

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arrow right How To Meditate Using The Bible Like A Double-Edged Sword

Imagine the Bible is a sharp and deadly double-edged sword, and with it you are able to use the word of God to fight wickedness by performing miracles like Jesus did and delegated to us so we could do also.Matthew 10:7-8 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven  is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.But remember it is highly unlikely that you'll be able to inflict a heavy blow on the enemy with your sword like Jesus did by performing miracles without first meditating on the word of God in the Bible.Can you remember a time as a child when you dreamed of saving the princess by slaying the dragon with your mighty sword? And ladies, have you ever dreamed of being rescued by a valiant and brave knight in shiny armor from a fire breathing dragon?Meditating on the promises of God in the Bible is like being a fully armored knight who is always training to stay prepared so he can protect the village which is always under attack by terrible fire breathing dragons.If you meditate on the word of God, you'll already know what to do when you are tested on your faith, or in this case when your village is under attack.Ephesians 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.But you won't be able to build a shield to protect the village against temptation without first meditating on the Word of God in the Bible.According to Matthew Henry another reason the Bible is like a double-edged sword is because,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Karma: Is It Good or is It Bad? You Decide!

We hear this word so often and have one thing stuck in our mind ? it's either a bad thing or a good thing. The other issue is: do we believe in Karma? Regardless of whether we believe in that word or not, it is still there. Karma plays a big part in our experiences and life  lessons. Even if the "word" Karma does not exist in your personal vocabulary, karma still exists in your life.By human nature, we usually drive ourselves to learn things the hard way. That's fine, and I can relate to that, but learning the hard way is one thing - repeating it over and over again from one experience to another is another thing. Have we ever asked ourselves why we keep running into the same experiences over the course of our life? For some people their way is by saying, "Well, it's just our karma." It is kind of an escape hatch created by a lack of understanding of what karma means in the first place.I guess it is all right to run through an experience once or twice, but more than that becomes a bit habit forming and repetitive don't you think? We usually understand an experience by being able to integrate it into our own surrounding environment. From time to time, maybe we need to check our environment. Things usually start with us, and our perception of who we are.In my personal experience, my brothers were always telling me about how I should have stability in my life and how I should maintain a job for more than two years. Every time they gave me that piece of advice, although it sounded great and made sense at the moment, I was not able to relate to it. Beyond that moment I basically was not able to understand stability and how to integrate it into my environment. Somehow, every time any suggestion of stability showed up in front of me, a new idea or a change in residence made me go in a different direction. That is the story of my life.In the beginning, I blamed it on my karma and used it as an easy way out. But somehow with time, I decided to investigate it at a deeper level. I was lucky and learned about my own vibration through Numerology. It was my way out, a means of salvation. My conception and understanding of stability started to guide me to having a different perspective on my life.The number four (4) in numerology represents stability, structure, and organization. That number is a missing number from my own vibration. What does this all mean in relation to my own situation? Every time someone tries to explain, or have me understand something that I have no definition of in my own personal experience, it was hard for me to comprehend what was being presented. Number four seems to be a challenge for me to understand all of my life. Now for the good news! I can now relate to that number. I am starting to apply a new mechanism and made an extra effort to learn it - I am changing my concept of things. I am not saying it is an easy process but at least I can now distinguish the importance of the "word" stability and am working my way through it in a new light. Can I still say it is my Karma? Yes I can, but in this case karma is a good thing when it comes to our soul's evolution.The universe will always put someone in our pathway. Whether it is a brother, a sister, a child, a girlfriend or a boyfriend, allow your heart to accept them and mainly listen to what they are saying and try to not take it as a criticism. Do not underestimate a child's message because children will always sees us at our face value and without any superficiality attached. I always feel grateful to my brothers, my family, and every person that approaches me during the course of my life. Even if it is difficult some times to accept their message. Learn to appreciate the people around you even if YOU think they are tough on you. Sometimes we need to learn and look at it from their perspective too. Life is not always easy, but it is fun to be part of it.There are two different kinds of Karma. There is Karma for our soul evolution, and also karma between people.Karma of the soul plays a big part in the story of my life. This type of Karma is more difficult for other people surrounding us to understand. Usually, people will have a harder time at appreciating our situation. They will find it difficult to understand and wonder why we don't see our situation in the same way as they do. But the interesting part of all of this is that what we see, many times, doesn't make any sense to them, so the cycle of life keeps turning until we recognize our own situation. There is no right or wrong here. It is all part of our learning process that is called life. We are the only master of our Karma here regardless how many years it will take us to understand it.Karma between people is something else; it can happen within the same family, with friends, or any kind of relationship between people. These situations can take us to any level we want them to. In the end, even if we are running into the worst-case scenarios with someone, instead of saying it is our karma, the solution is simply to say "?but what are we doing about it?" In reality it is up to us, and how we react to the situation. Are we exaggerating the situation and making a mountain out of a molehill? Do we just shut down altogether or do let it just slide off our backs? These types of Karma are in reality carried from a past life. When we look at karma and see the bigger picture can we acknowledge the added strength we gain? Hopefully we can realize how it brings to our life a reward much greater than the experience itself. A simple exercise of stepping outside of our selves, and having a bird's eye view, may hold many rewards and can help spotlight lots for us to try and understand. So regardless of which karma we are dealing with, it still is karma?Karma deals with the law of cause and effect. Everything that happens to us (effect) has had a previous cause. The evolution of karmic law means that we can be master of our own destiny. Your karmic lessons in life reflect the qualities that you either lack, or are weak in, and are those hindering your success. They indicate experiences or obligations that you have avoided, or were not even aware of, from which you managed to escape in some past life. They now crop up in your present life as obstacles to your success, unless you make a conscious effort to conquer them.We have only to remember that karma is a phase of experiences, or lessons that meets us at every cross road in our life. We do not like it because we do not know it. We fear it because we are ignorant of the advantages it may bring us. If we wait for life to teach us about it, we would first become more acquainted with, and have a better understanding of, its more difficult side. If we accept it willingly and consciously, we may benefit from it in every experience we encounter on the course that we call life.We appreciate life when we are on good terms "with ourselves" and not only when we are having "good experiences". Look back on the toughest lessons in your life, and see if you still see them in the same terms as before.So now what do you think? Karma: Is it good or is it bad? You decide!Copyright © Joseph Ghabi http://www.freespiritcentre.infoAbout the Author:Joseph Ghabi is an author, lecturer, and healer. Joseph provides Intuitive Numerology Consultation, Healing Childhood Experiences Consultation and PhD Candidate living in Montreal Canada.At the age of eight Joseph discovered his clairvoyance. Joseph is natural medium. Joseph started the 'Free Spirit Centre' website at http://www.freespiritcentre.info A community centre devoted to personal growth, self help, soul growth, eating disorders, relationships, healing and human issues. You can find over 800 articles on the site.Joseph task is in bringing Souls back to realization of their own personal power and into alignment with their own soul purpose and path of evolution.

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arrow right Parking Business, the Details on Increasing Lot Revenue

If you are in the parking business and own or manage parking lots you may want to think on some additional concepts to increase lot revenues. Whether you are looking to add value for your customers, expand your customer base, or simply increase your revenue, the addition of  a car wash and/or detailing service to your parking facility may be the answer. There are many options available to you if you want to provide these services. You can contract with a local independent company in your area with a good reputation, co-market with a detail shop nearby who will service your lot, buy your own unit and run it in-house or purchase a franchise name and equipment from a national company.INCREASED REVENUEWhichever route you choose, it is possible to increase daily income, if you hire the labor or contract out.

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arrow right Unlock Your Potential Through Self-Awareness

Signs of DiscontentYou don't need a degree in psychology to know when you're off-track, but sometimes it creeps up on you. It can seem like you wake up one day and realize that things are not right. These are a few of the signs:? You don't want to get out of bed.? You have  a hard time motivating yourself to do routine tasks.? You have doubts about yourself.? You feel mildly depressed for days at a time.? You sometimes overeat and/or use alcohol and drugs to feel better or escape.? You often feel chronically tired, deenergized, and listless.? You worry about how you will keep things together.? You feel bored or restless.? You wish you were somewhere else.? You often have headaches, stomach upset, and other body aches and pains.? You sleep too little or too much.? You have frequent bad dreams or nightmares.? You oversleep.? You complain and nag.Feeling dissatisfied with your life is not a pleasant experience, but it can lead you in a positive direction. These feelings may be important because they are telling you that your actions are out of synch with your values, goals, or talents.Rediscover What Is Important to YouImagine that your life is handed back to you and you are able to do anything you want. What is important to you? What values will direct you? Consider each word on the following list individually. It is not necessary to force-rank them or compare them against each other. Assign a rating to each word:1 = Critically important to me2 = Important to me3 = I can live without itAcceptance by othersAccomplishmentActivityAdmirationAppreciationAuthorityBeautyBeing likedBeing well-paidCalmCasualnessCertaintyChallengeChoiceComfortCommunity serviceCompetitionCreativityEnjoymentEthicsExcellenceExcitementFameFinancial securityFitnessFlexibilityFortuneFreedomFulfilling my potentialFunGrowthHarmonyHealthHelping othersHonestyIndependenceInformalityLeisureMaking a differenceMasteryMoralityNatureNoveltyOriginalityPeacePersonal developmentPetsPleasurePopularityPowerPrestigePrivacyProsperityQualityRecognitionRelaxationRespectRiskSolitudeSpiritualityStabilityStatusStimulationSurpriseTime for friendsTime for my familyUniquenessVarietyWealthWisdomNow make a list that summarizes your most important values. If you think of something that isn't listed, feel free to add it. The final part of this process (and this is a very streamlined version of what is possible) is to compare how you are currently spending your time with your list of most important values. How well do they match each other? What clues can you find that will help you find more satisfaction in your life?Things that don't match:What I can do about it:Garrett Coan is a professional therapist,coach and psychotherapist. His two Northern New Jersey office locations are accessible to individuals who reside in Bergen County, Essex County, Passaic County, Rockland County, and Manhattan. Garrett also offers online and telephone coaching and counseling services for those who live at a distance. He can be accessed through http://www.creativecounselors.com or at 201-303-4303.

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arrow right Relationship Advice: Safety, Intimacy, and Fun

When people come in for marriage counseling, they bring their own expectations. Some people expect the therapist to say one spouse is wrong and the other right. Others expect to talk only about the problems in the marriage. Many come not knowing if they want to stay  together or if they want to divorce. They do know they don't want the marriage to continue as it has been.Playing off of that last expectation, one of the questions I usually ask is, ``If you could design your relationship any way you wanted it, what would it be like?''Some common themes usually emerge. People often want a sense of connection, feelings of closeness and friendship and/or the passion they once felt for each other.One of the most common themes I have noticed in recent years can be summed up by the words ``safety, intimacy and fun.'' Each of these ingredients brings a special and important quality to marriage. Let's take a closer look.SafetyEven though this is a given, it's important to emphasize that safety from any kind of abuse is necessary for a marriage to thrive. If there is any kind of abuse, get help immediately.Having said that, there are a few other key factors that promote the sense of safety:Freedom to express emotions. Being able to talk about how you feel without being told you are wrong for feeling that way is crucial in creating an atmosphere of safety.Hearing about the other person's emotions without interpreting them as a statement of your worth. Many couples get stuck on this one. Sometimes feelings just are; they are not necessarily a comment on the other person.A growing sense of trust. Sometimes in marriage, trust can be damaged. It's important to make sure that trust is increasing rather than diminishing.IntimacyWhen we talk about intimacy, we often think of sex. While sex is an important (and fun) part of intimacy in marriage, there are many other factors that create intimacy.Have you ever considered that intimacy is a skill? But it's just not one that most of us are taught while growing up.Here are a few of the key skills involved in intimacy:Self-disclosure. This is the ability to talk about how you feel and to let someone into your emotional world. In a sense, this is honoring the other person by saying ``you are important enough for me to share with you my deepest thoughts and feelings.''Vulnerability. Somehow we get the notion that we have to be tough and strong all the time. In a healthy relationship, there is a trading back and forth of strength and vulnerability. It's a sign of trust in a relationship.Empathy. The ability to step into others' emotional worlds and ``see through their eyes and feel through their hearts.''FunMany couples complain that they no longer have fun together. They feel like roommates at best and strangers at worst.Part of the glue that holds marriages together is sharing fun times together. The memories of fun together can keep you going in the rough times as well.Here are two suggestions for increasing fun in your marriage:Think back to some of the most fun times you have had as a couple. Choose some of the things you did in the past. Now do them again. I know that sounds too simple, but it really can be.Each partner should make a list of things he or she likes to do for fun. Exchange lists. Then each person gets to pick two things to do off of the other person's list. Plan on when to do them. Then do them.More safety, intimacy and fun strengthens your marriage. You might want to try working on each of these over the next few months.Enjoy the changes.Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.

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arrow right Kabbalistic Chanukah: The Downloading of Primordial Light

God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.(Genesis 1:3)The 36 candles on the menorah correspond to the 36 hours when Adam and Eve were bathed in The Primordial Light of creation. Today, as we kindle our own lights, we call forth a revelation of this now

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arrow right The Purpose of Creation: the Kabbalah of Transformation

"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details". ? Albert Einstein"?I would ask, 'Why was the universe created?' Because  then I would know the meaning of my own life." -- Albert EinsteinG-d is infinite and ungraspable. By definition, the more we understand, the more there is to understand.But to know how G-d created this world, His intent and purpose, not only is possible, but part of our mission on this earth.Kabbalah is the key.Some traditions describe our world as a school; a place where souls come and go in order to learn important lessons. But, even though incarnation in a physical body is the vehicle through which the soul expresses itself and its potential, this is far from the whole story.Life in a body does more than usher the soul through a series of developmental stages. The ultimate aim of life in a body is to provide us with the chance to become intimate with G-d, to 'know His thoughts'.Kabbalah explains that there are many levels of spiritual beings, such as angels, and that all of these are powerfully aware of their spiritual source. In fact, this experience is the most important feature of their existence. It defines who and what they are. To these beings, the experience of G-d is all encompassing. They relate to Him like a humble and insignificant servant relates to a great and mighty king. The servant's entire life is devoted to the king; the king is his whole reality. But the two remain separated by an enormous, unbridgeable chasm. The servant will serve the king faithfully, but he will never be able to relate to him.This is not true for us.Paradoxically, it is precisely through our limiting experience as souls in physical bodies that we can come to know G-d. We will know Him not only from a distance, as servants, but up close and personal. Passionately. Intimately.Let's look at why.G-d is 'above it all', independent of, all circumstances; Creator and source. He is the only reality. Everything else that exists is only a highly limited expression of Him. The beings that inhabit the many spiritual worlds all take vast pleasure in His presence, praise and serve Him. But beyond that they are passive recipients. Like rays of sunlight to the sun, they experience and express the light of their source, but no more than that.Physical beings are different. By definition, we physical beings, in our untransformed state, cannot sense our spiritual source. Instead of experiencing G-d as the center of our existence, as the sun, and ourselves as a ray of sunlight, we feel like the center. We ourselves, and our own perspective, are more real to us than anything else.It is our nature to feel sourceless, separate, alone, and centered in our own unique and limited experience. Despite the fact that G-d is the only reality, our experience contradicts this fact. Instead, we inevitably experience ourselves, our circumstances and our perspective as real and G-d as a concept.This is as far as you can get from the truth.In addition, this essential isolation and self-centeredness is the root cause of most of the conflict and suffering that human beings experience. We are cut off from the larger picture. We are disconnected from each other. We feel insubstantial and vulnerable. We compete for resources, like love, attention, success, recognition and money. Much of the time we experience life as the struggle for physical and emotional survival.For all of these reasons, Kabbalah calls this physical world "the lowest world".But paradoxically, this 'lowest world' is where all the action is. This is the only place where the purpose of Creation can be fulfilled. This is true because of our uniquely limited nature, because of the fact that we feel sourceless, solid and alone. Only we physical beings have the potential to actually 'relate' to G-d, who is in fact, sourceless, and 'alone' - the only reality.Here's the paradox: As long as we are in the dark, blind to our source, we remain the 'lowest world', a world of darkness, suffering and evil.But, when we begin to see through our own limitations to our source and purpose, we become the highest. We will always maintain the sense of unique 'selfness' and solidity that makes us human, but this 'selfness' will be fully illuminated by something beyond the limitations of our human experience. We will gain a tangible awareness of G-d's presence and purpose in every detail of our human lives. What initially concealed the truth will ultimately reveal it.Through this process, this physical, 'lowest' world will become the place where G-d is most fully expressed, His true home.This transformation is the purpose of creation. You are here to take a world that is blind to the truth, filled with darkness, negativity and evil, and transform it into a home for G-d. To reconnect with your source. To allow the light of your soul, and the awareness of your Creator, to shine through the limitations of your solid, physical body and linear mind.In embracing this mission, you will begin by transforming yourself and your environment. More and more, you will live a life that is an expression of your own highest potential. And in doing so, you will create an inhabitable world; a world that is a joy to live in, a true home.This is the ultimate win-win. And, by the way, it's the ultimate reward. Kabbalah views the afterlife as a temporary stopping place between one incarnation and the next, where learning is processed, corrections made, and the soul cleansed and refreshed. The real reward is here, on earth, as evolved souls, in transformed bodies, in a transformed world. Sharing a home with G-d.We are in the final stage of the transformation process, at the end of the millennia of darkness and separation. It is time to reconnect with our source. Our souls sense this, even if our consciousness is a step behind. That's why so many of us are searchers. And that's why for the first time, the Divine wisdom of Kabbalah has been made available to ordinary people.As a culture we have begun the transition from blindness and self-centeredness to wisdom and purpose. We are becoming searchers. It's possible now ? with the right knowledge and with sincere effort - to see through the walls of our physical existence to the true nature and purpose of life. To begin to know the thoughts of G-d.In this process, Kabbalah is our guide.Kabbalah as the blueprint for Creation, is the inner spiritual process through which G-d creates, sustains and transforms our world. Since it is the blueprint, studying Kabbalah will automatically give you insights into the workings of your own soul and the world around you.And, because we are entering the climax of history, the path of authentic Kabbalah has been opened to every person, Jewish or otherwise, who sincerely wishes to reach his highest potential as a human being created in the image of G-d.As a side effect, it will change your world.© Shifra Hendrie 2005Shifra Hendrie is a personal and spiritual coach who has been studying, teaching and living the principles of authentic Kabbalah for over 20 years. Her unique, highly effective workshops deliver this transformational spiritual wisdom in a structured coaching environment, where it can be integrated and applied to core challenges of participants' lives.For a limited time only, you can download Shifra's new book, "Seven Kabbalah Secrets that Can Change your Life" absolutely for free,. To download this one-of-a-kind book, visit http://www.kabbalahoftransformation.com.To learn more about Shifra's transformational Kabbalah workshops, classes and coaching services, or to subscribe to her free Kabbalah ezine, log onto http://www.kabbalahoftransformation.com or email shifra@kabbalahoftransformation.com.

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arrow right Jesus as the Rose of Sharon

The words "rose of Sharon" comes out of the Old Testament in the Song of Solomon. The verse reads: "I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys." (Solomon 2:1) Here are some facts about this verse and how it may be related to Jesus. Nowhere in the New Testament is  Jesus actually referred to as the rose of Sharon. However, He is

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arrow right Human Evolution Timeline: Bible Quote and Science

The human evolution timeline is found recorded in Bible quotes (Book of Genesis). Adam's rib symbolizes the chromosome and is the key to the man ape evolution. In discussing evolution vs creation, many convergences like this one are found.Someone who holds to the theory of  evolution and denies creationism might ask why such an important matter as the creation of human beings would be in a symbolic message rather than in explicit language. And, after all, the Holy Scriptures don`t talk about chromosomes. That is a valid question, which shall be pursued below. First off, the main interest is to see the points of confluence between evolution and creation regarding the appearance of the human being.Parallelism Between Adam's Rib and ScienceThere is an amazing coincidence between the numbers in the Book of Genesis involving creationism and numbers in science regarding man's evolution from the ape. The parallelism begins on the Bible quotes according to which God took out one of Adam's ribs and made the woman, Eve, with it.And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.The number of ribs - Men have 24 ribs - 12 on each thoracic side. The same number is found in women. The text says that God removed one rib and not one pair of ribs. Had He indeed removed only one rib, man would have different numbers of this bone on each side of his chest. Not only that, but there would also remain a doubt about the number of ribs in a female.These contradictions disappear if the text is examined from the standpoint of information conveyed by Jesus Christ to His disciples: To God nothing is impossible. God may have removed one of Adam's ribs but He did it in such a way that the woman and all her descendants would have the same number of ribs. However, it is assumed that the rib's removal is symbolic language and explained it cannot be regarded as direct language.A look at it now from the standpoint of science. The chimpanzee, from which science now admits that man has evolved, has 24 chromosomes in its sexual cells, i. e., 24 chromosomes in each spermatozoon and 24 chromosomes in each ovulum. This is referred to gametes, those sex cells capable of reproducing the species. Therefore, the number of ribs in a man and of chromosomes in a chimpanzee are identical. The other cells in a chimp, as in a human, are diployd, that is, they have the chromosomes in pairs - therefore, they have 48 chromosomes.Confluence of Book of Genesis and Human Evolution TimelineWere we to admit that the rib symbolizes the chromosome, the implicit and explicit Bible numbers say that God removed a chromosome from a chimpanzee and made a woman out of it. In other words, the

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arrow right Do You Have a Name For Me?

MAN: Good afternoon Professor Knowledge. Let me cut to the chase. I am interested in a name whereby salvation can be found. I came to you because you were highly recommended and I need your help desperately. I have been led to believe that salvation is predicated on the  schools I have attended and the academic credentials that follow behind my name. Well, I have several degrees and so now I want to know if you have a name that will help me. Do you have a name I can call out to when I get to the chilly banks of Jordan? Please, check out your libraries; your dictionaries, encyclopedias, references, concordances and anything else you have available to you, to see if you can find me a name that will help me when I'm being tossed and driven on the restless sea of time. Look among your Who's Who and see if you have a name whereby my salvation can be found. In other words professor, do you have a name that will save me?KNOWLEDGE: I'm sorry. I have names that will help you understand the universe. I have names will help you comprehend theories and behaviors. I even have names that will help you grasp all aspects of technology and science. But in all my books, I cannot find a name that you can call on for salvation.MAN: Good afternoon Mr Power. You count a great deal among your sons, Hitler, Napoleon, Mussolini, Hussein, Arafat and all the demigods that we read about. Mr Power, with your nuclear bombs and your inter-continental ballistic missiles, and your lasers, surely you can help me. I need a name I can call on when I must lay down my sword and shield and study war no more. Do you have a name that will save me?POWER: No, I'm sorry, but I cannot help you. I can help you fight wars with countries. I can even help you gain control over people's minds. I can promise you a position on top of the world for as long as you live. But when it comes down to pressing a dying pillow, I can't help you. I am strong and mighty but I can only go so far. I do not have a name for you.MAN: Well, can you help me Doctor. I am familiar with your progress and I know that you specialize in fixing up these old bodies. I know that you take the Hippocratic Oath seriously and that you do all that is humanly possible to try and keep up alive. I am looking for a name that will help me when my clay house must return to the dust from which it came. I need a name that I can call on to reassure me when I must lay down on my bed to rise no more. Tell me Doctor, do you have a name that will give me eternal life.DOCTOR: I'm sorry. I can give you all kinds of surgeries to make you look better and feel better. I can prescribe all sorts of mediations to take away all your aches and pains. I can prolong this life, but I do not have a name that can save you from eternal death.MAN: Riches, do you have a name for me? I have heard about Bill Gates, Li Ka-shing, the Waltons and Albrecht. I know all about what money can do. But all I want to know is do you have a name for me? Is there any way money can go with me when I have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death? Is there any way for money to go with me when I've reached the end of my journey and the last chaper of my book of life is done? Can riches buy me salvation?RICHES: I'm sorry. I can help you obtain all the material things you desire. I can even buy you friends and influence. But, I cannot help you with salvation because the last time I got news through the grapevine, it was free. So if you are looking for a name that will save you, I'm sorry, I cannot help you. I have looked among all my possessions but in all my wealth, I cannot come up with a name for you.MAN: Mother Earth, can you help me?MOTHER EARTH: I'm sorry. I can't help you. I do not have much time to talk because I'm on my way around the sun. I'm due every 24 hours. Salvation cannot be found in nature.MAN: Apostle Peter, can you help me? You are my last hope. I need a name whereby salvation can be found. Because you see, every now and then I find my back against the wall; hemmed in and hedged in. Do you have a name that regards my helpless estate? Peter, do you have a name that will save me?PETER: Yes. It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

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