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arrow right Blind CC (Bcc): Master Its Use When E-Mailing

If you use Microsoft Outlook (or similar applications) for e-mailing, then you are familiar with the fields at the top of a new mail message, right? Of course, in the "To..." field, you enter the name of one or more persons you intend to receive your message. Use the field  labeled

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arrow right Public Relations 8 Fix Factors

I say to business, non-profit and association managers, a key part of your job description is ? or should be ? do everything you can to help your organization's public relations effort as it strives to persuade important outside stakeholders to your way of thinking.  Especially when it's YOUR PR program that is tasked to move those stakeholders to behaviors that lead to the success of YOUR department or division.Which is why I suggest that business, non-profit and association managers embrace what I call PR's 8 fix factors, those steps necessary to prepare their public relations operation for the battles certain to lie ahead.The fix factors are based on this fundamental premise: People act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-action the very people whose behaviors affect the organization the most, the public relations mission is accomplished.Fix Factor 1For starters, I caution Mr/Ms Manager that you may find yourself data-challenged should you be unaware of just HOW most members of that key outside audience perceive your organization.Has anyone sat down and listed those external audiences whose behaviors could hurt your unit badly? Then prioritized them according to the impacts they have on your operation? A necessary first step in creating the right public relations objective because, while behavior is the goal, and a host of communications tactics are the tools, our strategy is the leverage provided by key audience perception. Sometimes called public opinion.Fix Factor 2Lets take a look at the audience you place at the top of your prioritized target audience list. Because there could be negative perceptions out there, someone must interact with members of that audience and ask a number of questions. Do you know anything about our organization? Have you had any kind of contact with our people? Have you heard anything good or bad about us or our services and products? Watch respondents closely for hesitant or evasive answers. And stay alert for inaccuracies, rumors, untruths or misconceptions.Fix Factor 3Here, fortunately, you have a choice. You and your PR staff can interact with members of that target audience yourselves, which seems appropriate since your PR folks are already in the perception and behavior business. Or, if budget is available, you can hire professional survey counsel to do the work for you.What are you hearing during your perception monitoring sessions? Misconceptions that need straightening out? Rumors that should not be allowed to fester? Inaccurate beliefs about your products or services that could drive people away from you? Do you notice other perceptions about your organization that need to be altered?Fix Factor 4The responses gathered by this kind of perception monitoring among members of the target audience provides just what you need to establish your public relations goal ? the specific perception to be altered.You might start with a straightforward goal like clearing up that misconception, correcting that inaccuracy or replacing a perceived untruth with the truth.Fix Factor 5Now, the right strategy sends the public relations program off to a good start because it shows you how to proceed towards your goal. Luckily, there are just three strategic choices for dealing with matters of opinion and perception. You can create perception/opinion where there may not be any, you can change existing opinion, or you can reinforce it. An effort should be made to match the strategy to the public relations goal you selected. Obviously, if you want to correct a misconception, you would use the strategy that changes existing opinion, not one that reinforces it.Fix Factor 6Here, there is a little more work to do in the form of the message that, hopefully, will alter people's inaccurate perceptions of you and the organization.Some serious writing is needed here. The corrective message to be communicated to members of the target audience is an opportunity to write something designed to change individual opinion, and that's a positive experience for any writer.Clarity is first, followed closely by accuracy and believability. Stick closely to the issue at hand ? like that inaccurate belief, misconception or dangerous rumor. A compelling tone is useful because the message must alter what a lot of people believe, and that is a big job. Tryout the message on some colleagues for effectiveness.Keep in mind that your message must be believable and that rather than delivering it in a high-profile news announcement, you may want to make the message part of another general interest release, presentation or address.Fix Factor 7Now you must throw that message to receivers in the end-zone or, continuing this scintillating mixture of metaphors, every bullet needs a gun to fire it at the target. Which brings us to the stable housing our beasts of burden ? the communications tactics whose job it is to carry your message to the attention of those key target audience members.Fortunately, there are many, many such tactics ranging from luncheons, news releases and personal contacts to print and broadcast interviews, speeches, press releases and dozens of others. Only requirement is that they have a proven track record for reaching your target audience.Fix Factor 8Soon, associates (and others) will inquire whether any progress is being made in altering the offending perception or opinion. If you've ruled out pricey survey counsel, your best hope of assessing that progress is a return to the field for a second perception monitoring session.Yes, you and your PR team will ask the same questions as you did in the initial monitoring session. But this time, you'll be looking for evidence in the responses that the offending perception is finally being altered. You need to see and hear signs that perceptions are actually moving in your direction.That tells you that positive behaviors by your key external stakeholders cannot be far behind.Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Robert A. Kelly © 2004.About The AuthorBob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to business, non-profit and association managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Columbia University, major in public relations. mailto:bobkelly@TNI.net. Visit: http://www.prcommentary.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Ready For A Business Recovery?

Who wants to face the challenges of a business recovery without a ton of firepower? Especially when getting your piece of the action almost certainly depends upon how well you modify the behaviors of your target audiences.That's why public relations had better play a  central role in your business planning. Particularly since any recovery that takes place will be the result of industrial, commercial and individual consumers alike starting to behave like buyers, whether of your products or services, luxury real estate, frozen pizzas, industrial transformers or information technology.So, before this train leaves the station, if you are unsure how best to use public relations in the expected recovery, consider its basic mission firmly rooted in the principle that people act on their own perception of the facts. Then it strives to create, change or reinforce public opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-action those people whose behaviors affect the organization. When the behavioral changes become apparent, and meet the program's original behavior modification goal, the program has succeeded.But what comes first? How about a real acceptance that (1) individual perception of the facts is THE guiding light leading to behavioral change, and (2) that something really CAN be done about those perceptions. Think about that for a moment - not every one buys it. For me, I can tell you it was an epiphany of immense proportion that actually helped shape my career in public relations.First, we set the goal whether it be to move consumers to try a new soft drink flavor; or to perceive your organization in a new light thus strengthening its reputation; or to lead them to a positive perception of the company in turn leading to new investments in the company's shares.Next, what strategy will it take to reach that goal? Opinion Creation, Change or Reinforcement?CreationHere, the real public opinion work begins. The public relations squad must decide whether opinion among key audiences is to be created from scratch, requiring a lot of basic data, information and interpretation from which a person can form an initial opinion.ChangeOr, are we talking about a change in opinion, a nudge in one direction or the other requiring a clear, credible and well-supported explanation of, and rationale for why anyone should alter their current views?ReinforcementOr, do we simply reinforce opinion that pretty much tracks with the opinion level we desire? In this case, we use simple corroboration and additional third-party support to strengthen existing public opinion.But for each of the three choices, the information and data to be communicated must be creditably sourced, crystal-clear and logically presented.On to reach, persuade and move-to-actionReachNow, it's time to actually reach your key audiences, people whose behaviors will affect your organization. Among others, these stake-holders include customers, employees, prospects, retirees, media, legislators, regulators, and both financial and plant communities.But reaching these target groups means applying the most effective communications tactics available to you. These will include such tools as media relations and publicity- generating news conferences and press releases, newsletters and e-mails, high-profile speeches, charitable contributions, investor relations, informal opinion surveys and many others.Special events also will be high on the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Can Your PR Game Plan be Salvaged?

If, as is often the case, you are preoccupied with comm- unications tactics instead of working a plan to actively pursue those outside audience behaviors that stop you from achieving your objectives, the answer is yes.Fortunately, it's no big deal making the switch to a  public relations problem-solving sequence that works. Simply accept this reality: People act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-action those people whose behaviors affect the organization, the public relations mission is accomplished.What this approach to public relations can do for businesses, non-profits and associations, is help them alter the perceptions, and thus behaviors of their most important external audiences, those with the greatest impact on their operations. This can make achieving their objectives much easier, and much more likely.Here's how it could work for you.Sit down and list those outside audiences of yours whose behaviors can damage your organization's prospects. Then, put them in the order of how severe their impacts are, and we'll work on #1 on that list.First objective is to create a public relations goal. So, because it's likely there are negative perceptions out there, you and your cohorts must meet with members of that target audience and interact with them. Ask many questions such as

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Financial Planners Publicity and Marketing - Live By The Calendar

The media live by the calendar. Your story pitch might miss the mark with them the first time out, solely because it's out of whack with the seasonal cycle (obvious examples: just try pitching another tax story on April 16, or offering the media your 10 tips on backyard  barbecue safety the morning after Labor Day).But come back when the time's right, and you just might be golden: Personal finance and the holiday season? Record keeping techniques for tax time... Saving for college at back-to-school time.In fact, for just about any topic, with a little thought and creativity, you can work your way through the calendar and fill out a whole year's worth of media stories based on seasonal tie-ins. You probably won't land every story, but you will increase your results dramatically simply because you are stepping up to the plate ? and getting to contact reporters ? more often.Following the seasons is one of the best ? and easiest ? ways to slice your topic.Here's one example. Let's say our topic ? we consult, write, and speak about it for a living ? is time management. A yearlong spin through the calendar might start with this:January: Keeping that New Year's Resolution to get yourself organized.March: Don't let income tax season throw a wrench into your busy life.June: School's out! How to remain productive at work when the kids are at home and leisure activities beckon.September: Fall's here, time to get serious again! How to make the most out of your time.December: Holiday season ? how to get it all done.And before you know it, another year has arrived, and now your media plan is to ?. start all over again! For two reasons: not every media outlet you're targeting did the story last year, and (this is the part I love!) many of the reporters who turned you down last year have since left their jobs and moved on. That frees you to call their replacements, who will be hearing your story for the first time.Creativity exercise:Try this right now. List the months of the year on a blank sheet of paper. Fill in one of your topics where it is appropriate for a particular month. See if you can find 6, 8, or even 12 reasons a year why the media should do your story.Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit http://www.MediaImpact.biz or call 212-243-8383.

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arrow right Financial Planners Publicity - Dont Wait, Media Folks Want Your Free Public

Looking to get your name into a magazine? You need to be thinking ahead--way ahead. Magazines start planning their issues as much as six months before their publication date.In January, when you are muttering about the expensive heating bill, magazine writers are penning  tips about staying cool. In June, while you lie on the beach, they are researching the hot new Christmas toys.If you call a magazine reporter in March with tax tips for April 15th, they will be more than a little bit annoyed. They finished their tax articles months ago and are working on back-to-school pieces.When you have a story pegged for a specific date, contact magazine folks as far ahead of time as possible. They will respect your understanding of the magazine game.Even daily newspapers and weekly magazines work well in advance. Though the facts of their stories may change as their deadline nears, the basic structure of most newspaper articles is established well in advance.This is especially true of financial and business columnists who are your main target. They often write their pieces weeks or even months in advance.If you come up with a story that is time-sensitive, don't sit on it. Contact a media person right away. It's hardly ever too early to plant a seed in their mind.Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit http://www.MediaImpact.biz or call 212-243-8383.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Make the Real Estate Market Work For You and Get The Most Money

How to make the Real Estate market work for you and get the most money. Dad always said that Real estate is a good investment because they don't make it anymore. Because they are so busy these days anyone selling your home may be thinking more of listing more homes than  your welfare. If you plan on selling and moving you will need to take some simple steps to get the most money you can. Most Real Estate companies do a good job but in a sellers market you can probably sell your home yourself. Anyway if you have the time it won't hurt to try. If it doesn't sell then you can always call the pros in latter. The internet has been a blessing to the average person. Not only can you sell many things you don't need anymore, you can even sell your home on the net at sites like PropertytraderUSA.com. Thousands of people visit sites like this looking for a new home. Even if your home is with a Broker you can still speed things along by putting low cost ads on the internet. First you need to get your home ready to show. Buyers like homes that are clean with as few of your things as possible lying around so it's time to do a spring-cleaning. Some big furniture may cost more to move than its worth so sell these things locally. You may want to buy new things later anyway. Then look around for small stuff you don't want and sell it on eBay. What's left is stuff you can't live without or it's just junk. If you aren't sure then ask your wife guys, she'll point out the junk to you. If you like most people have collected too much stuff then consider renting storage for a month or two. Clean out the garage and hose it down to get rid of dust and spider webs. Men like garages and want to picture their tools and things there. One of the best home improvements that don't cost a lot of money is pant, especially if you don't mind doing the labor. Ever notice how guests always end up in the kitchen? Most people like kitchens and this is the first room to remodel or just clean and paint. The next most important room is the bathroom. Repair leaks, rust spots, and replace the little things that seem to get ugly over time. If you have pets make sure you don't have a cat litter box sitting around smelling up the place. Homeowners get used to their own smells and can't smell a thing but your visitors' sure can! Big dogs scare some people (not me) and maybe it would be best to let Bruno visit Uncle Pete for a few weeks. After you finish with everything invite some friends over for a party and get some feedback on how everything looks. When everything looks good it's time to take some pictures. You need good clear pictures to post on the net and mail to interested buyers. If you're not experienced at photography find someone that is. Good photography takes years to learn and that's what you need now. I've tested photos of my products on eBay and believe me it makes a big difference. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. If you use a Real Estate broker select one with lots of experience. I like the larger companies because they give you lots more exposure through their advertising and intercity referrals. Buyers trust them more also. The small cut-rate company's may be slower to find a buyer and fix problems. When you are ready to move be careful to pick an honest moving company. Many of them have been holding truckloads of belongings and demanding more money. Pick one with a good reputation. When I was selling Real Estate there was no such thing as the internet. What a wonderful thing it is. More and more people are selling everything you can think of on the net. There are plenty of Real Estate listing websites including my own PropertyTraderUSA.com that will advertise your Home for a small fee. PropertytraderUSA.com is free for the first 200 ads. After that its only $25 for six months and includes a photo. Wow, can you imagine selling for $25 and saving all that money! Do it Now! To your success! Dean Minton © 2004 by Dean MintonYou have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, in your Newsletter, on your website, or in your E-Book, as long as the author's Resource Box is included with the article. --------------------------------------------------------Dean Minton is the author of the Science Fiction Screenplays,"The Quantum Child" and "Backseat".List your property for sale at Dean's new Nation Wide Real Estate Website for only $25 dollars! (first 200 are free) Go to Http://www.PropertytraderUSA.comContact him at: mailto: Deanspictures@netzero.net--------------------------------------------------------

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arrow right What Can I Realistically Earn In A Lease Purchase Business?

If you're looking at Lease Purchasing as a business, you'll obviously want to earn much more than the $20,000 per year in our "How To Give Yourself A $20,000/Year Raise Without Asking Your Boss" article. Let's review the numbers from that article: For every 100 calls Sue  makes on For Sale By Owner property, she either speaks with or leaves messages for about 60%. That's about 60 people she puts the concept of Lease Purchasing in front of.  Out of that 60, approximately 10 will develop into true prospects. From these 10, 2 or 3 will develop into property we are willing to take on. The others may become consultations or manual sales. (Please keep in mind, these numbers will vary a bit depending upon your particular area and current market conditions). Now let's condense these numbers for calls into a one month time frame. What do you get? The probability of two or three properties per month that you could do deals on. That equates to $10,000 to $15,000 per month. But let's be more conservative. Let's say you do one deal per month for a $5,000 assignment fee (which is what we look for in a typical single family home). Now you're looking at an income of $60,000 per year ($5,000 multiplied by 12 months). Right there, you've built a very good income. But now factor in the additional income stream from consultations you can do on property out of your area, and you can significantly add to that yearly total. Keep in mind, we're only talking about one strategy here. Lease purchasing offers multiple strategies for doing business. Bottom line, very conservatively, a realistic first year income for those working their business full time, is $50,000 to $75,000. Your second year, as your referrals increase and you continue to grow your business, has the potential to see you well into six figures. Now do you understand why we say Lease Purchasing is the best business we have ever owned and why we believe that it is the Perfect Home Based Business. Oh yes, full time for us on deals and consulting is about 20 hours per week. Copyright 2000, DeFiore EnterprisesInterested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our

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arrow right Using The Internet In Your Lease Purchase Business

First you need to find a list of For Sale By Owner Sites. You do this by going to one of the major search engines. Our two favorites are Yahoo and Google, but any one of them will do. Enter For Sale By Owner (FSBO) as your search words. After you search for FSBOs you will  get a bunch of sites to go visit. Visit them, check them out, see how they work, and the ones you like put in a favorites folder entitled FSBOs.  Now that you have a list of FSBO sites you need to get telephone numbers of sellers who have homes you would like to lease purchase in your state. For those of you lucky enough to border another state you can enter a search for that state next. Remember to set up your yellow legal pad with columns for telephone number, type of property (single family, condo, townhouse), price and notes section. Remember you also need to set up your database with the same information. However, you are going to want your database to have two additional fields for date your called, and action to take.  Go through the FSBOs sites you have collected and take down the appropriate information. Get your telephone script handy and start calling. After you are through with your telephone calls, enter the information in your database. We use Access, but any database will do. In the action to take field I make a note of whether I need to send a letter, email, newsletter, and/or to tickle to call again. Next, however, you want to have a mail merge program. For example, we use Group Mail (MAKE THIS A LINK) for all on-line correspondence. Group Mail allows me to take my Access files and import them into Group Mail. It also affords me the ability to make my emails very personable by using the individuals name in my letter, the date I called on the property, and depending on the email when I will follow up. In addition the program also allows me to put specific groups (prospects, consults, tenant buyers) into separate groups. I can have a very large Access database that Group Mail (it will import most major databases) will sort out for me, and give me just who I want to send a specific email to. For all off-line correspondence I use Microsoft Word. So to continue, after I am done with my calling and have entered all my information in Access. I use Microsoft Word to send out my follow-up letters. Some sellers I just send my thank you for speaking with me, here's my card letter. Others I want to be more specific with and will send my these are the ways we work with you letter, and so on. For you PFYS students, these letters and emails are in the LP manual. After I have completed my follow-up correspondence off-line I want to be sure to have this information in my Group Mail program for follow up on line. For example, I have groups set up for the various follow-up emails that I send out based on the off-line letters sent. So get on the Internet, find some FSBOs, call and send out those all important follow up letters, and be sure to personalize them.  Copyright 2003 DeFiore EnterprisesInterested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our

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arrow right Fixing Houses: Mixing Your Own Paint for Savings and Harmony

To make the maximum profit on your investment properties, you'll need to save money wherever you can. One way to save significant amounts of money is to mix your own paint.I recommend that you use only water-based paints. Technology improvements in latex and acrylic paints  have made painting easier than it was with the old fashioned oil-based paints, and the new acrylics provide a great-looking finish. Purchasing "oops paint," marked down at home improvement and paint stores, can save hundreds of dollars on your painting projects.By mixing your own paints, you can also guarantee a harmonious result for the entire house, blending the colors from the exterior to the interior and from room to room. For instance, during one of our projects, we purchased ten assorted gallons of paint from the Restore thrift shop. The paint hade been donated by Lowe's after having been returned by the original buyers, and included a lot of blues, greens, and grays. We used a fifteen-gallon plastic kitchen trash can to mix all the paint together, and then poured it back into the original cans. The color ended up a complex sage-green, which perfectly complemented the existing teal-green tile floor.We used the original trash-can paint outside first, and then added white interior paint as we continued our color scheme inside, first painting the living room and a bathroom. Then I added a little green to the remainder and painted a bedroom. For each room, we added a little more white semi-gloss paint. As we went along, we saved a glass jar full of each paint blend for touch ups.Paint experts suggest mixing only the same type of paints: exterior latex with exterior latex; interior acrylic with interior acrylic; interior latex with interior latex, and so on. But we routinely mix exterior and interior paints, and have never experienced any difficulty. The amount of sheen makes little difference in mixing paints, either, unless you're looking for a particular finish.For one project, I started with five gallons of thrift store baby-blue paint, and then added a quart of black, in order to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 10 ?No Money Down? Ways to Buy Real Estate

Turn the Television on any Sunday morning and you'll find yourself in the middle of a "how to buy real estate" infomercial. Can you really buy a house with no down payment? Can you really make thousands or millions of dollars buying real estate. Of course the  answer is "yes" and "no". The real question is, are you willing to pay anywhere from $500 to $5000 for the information, classes and hotline? Most important are you self disciplined enough to follow the program.Before you spend money on these expensive programs, here are my top ten "no money down" ways to buy real estate. If you're self disciplined and willing to hear the word "no" many times before you get a "yes", then maybe you can buy a house without a down payment.1. First is to check out the many new zero down programs now available from lenders. Especially if you're a fist time buyer. Also FHA and VA have loans that may not be zero down, but are very close.2. Borrow money for the down payment ? Borrow the money from family, friends or a business partner at a high interest rate or a percentage of the profit when the property is sold3. Raise the price and lower the terms ? Offer the seller more than he is asking provided he is willing to accept the down payment in the form of a note. If the seller is asking $150,000 with $15,000 down and willing to carry the balance of $135,000. Try offering $155,000 in the form of a promissory not instead of cash. The seller gets a little more money for the additional risk.4. Borrow against a life insurance policy ? Many life insurance policy's let you borrow against the policy for the purpose of investing in real estate or other investments.5. Use other property as collateral ? Create a note on existing property that you or a partner own and use it as the down payment for the property you are buying.6. Home equity loan ? Home equity loans are generally easy to qualify for as long as there is adequate equity in the property.7. Seller refinance ? Have the seller refinance the property, receiving the cash he needs from the proceeds of the new loan, the buyer gives the seller a note for the balance of the seller's equity.8. Find an investor ? There are many people who have money but no time. Their current profession keeps them too busy. Work out a deal where they put up the money and you split the profits when you sell.9. Lease with option to purchase ? Lease a property with the right to buy it at some future time. Provide for the rental payment to be credited towards the down payment if you decide to exercise your option.10. Give them something they need ? If the seller is planning to purchase something in the future that you own or can buy, use it as a trade. This can be anything such as furniture, boat or motor home.About The AuthorRichard Massey is a note broker with United Financial Resources and a real estate investor. You can get more information at http://www.unitedfinancialresources.com or to read more articles go to http://unitedfinancialresources.com/news.html

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Investment Real Estate Made Easy ? Make the Most from Each Investment Dolla

When it comes to buying investment real estate, there are many schools of thought on how to get the most out of your money. Some say lease optioning your houses is the best and safest way to go. In fact, I believe this to be true in many cases. For getting the most out of  each investment dollar, though, and seeing a quick return, I believe that it is best to find property that you can rehab and resell.Many people have tried this strategy and failed. Let me tell you why this is. Anyone can make money buying investment real estate, fixing it up and reselling it, as long as he or she understands how to buy and how to sell. This is the key. The people who fail in the rehab strategy of investment real estate fail because they know everything about rehabbing but nothing about buying and selling.The real money is made by carefully evaluating the entire transaction. This includes looking at what the investment property will bring on the back end, or on the sale. Now, when you find a prospective investment property to buy and rehab, be sure to look at your profit after all of our money is spent.I would never consider a deal that I couldn't make at least 40 percent above my purchase price and all I've put into it. So, if I pay $40,000, put in $10,000, I want to sell my investment property for at least $60,000. If I can do this in one month, I'm happy, as long as I'm not splitting my profit with too many parties. Even if I have a partner or two, a quick $10,000 in one month is fine, as long as I have another deal going at the same time.Now, if you want to move your properties quickly, and a month is not a reasonable time, you might consider combining two strategies ? buying investment real estate for the purpose of rehabbing and quickly lease optioning the property. From there, you can move on to your next purchase.Mark Barnes is an investment real estate and real estate finance expert. Get his free mortgage finance course at www.winningthemortgagegame.com. Mark is also the author of the new novel, The League, a shocking, sports-related conspiracy. Learn more about his suspense thriller at www.sportsnovels.com. He is alsoMark Barnes is an investment real estate and real estate finance expert. Get his free mortgage finance course at http://www.winningthemortgagegame.com. Mark is also the author of the new novel, The League, a shocking, sports-related conspiracy. Learn more about his suspense thriller at http://www.sportsnovels.com.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Real Estate Agent Alphabet

Alphabet Letters after a person's name seem to bestow some kind of special prestige. PHD, MD, ESQ are common... but just look at what is available to real estate sales people...ABR, ABRM, ALC, CCIM, CIPS, CPM, ARM, AMO, CRB, CRS, CRE, GAA, GRI, RCE, RAA, SIOR, AHWD ePRO,  CAM, CBR, C-CREC, CLHMS, CREA, CRIA, QSC and SRES designations.Can anyone, anywhere explain just exactly what those 26 acronyms mean and what the qualifications are to earn the use each of them? And if you can ... WHY?Some of those designations have extensive requirements, including several days or even a full week in a classroom setting, a written examination, a certain number of years in the business and evidence of having closed a required number of transactions in the specialty.And then there's the real estate equivalent of The Skull & Bones... the CRE designation. Only 1,000 people hold it, the qualifications are secret, and membership is by invitation only. Yipes... are they licensed to kill?Oh yes, let's not forget the QSC designation. That one requires a live or online course, a 40-question multiple choice quiz, a signed commitment to quality statement and participation in a perpetual customer survey program that costs $50 for every 20 surveys.RE/MAX International has a designation for RE/MAX sales agents. This one is the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Art & Science of Property Valuation -- Automated Valuation Models

It is no secret that sellers want to sell high and buyers want to buy low. But they often arrive at the negotiating table with very different ideas on price. A fair and objective property valuation can help buyers and sellers find common ground and streamline the  negotiation process.In the end, the property is worth what a buyer is willing to pay. But to help both buyers and sellers achieve their goals, both should have a fair and objective estimate of property value. Unfortunately, even objective estimates are still estimates, and there is no way to assure 100% accuracy:* Appraisals performed by a certified appraiser are not 100 percent accurate.* CMA's (Comparable Market Analysis) and BPOs (Broker Price Opinions) performed by a licensed broker or agent are not 100 percent accurate.* AVM (Automated Valuation Model) technology is not 100 percent accurate.All these methods, when properly executed, can provide a good indication of value. Estimating value is a combination of art and science. Regardless of how scientific the approach, the actual sale price is subject to the unique variables of each property transaction: property condition, upgrades, current market conditions, circumstances of the sale and individual tastes.For property owners, pricing correctly is a key to a successful sale. Under-pricing can result in a fast sale, but carries the risk of leaving money on the table. Sellers who price too high may find their properties lingering on the market, and statistics show that values can erode at a rate of about 1.5 percent per month. Longer sales also increase the likelihood of a "distressed sale" when sellers become frustrated or encounter difficult financial circumstances.Likewise, buyers should avoid emotional purchases. Overpaying because of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right High Profit Real Estate Investing--Make a Good Deal Every Time!

Knowing what a Good Deal is ? Is the Key to Success in Real Estate.Dear Investor,Take this little survey: The most important key to Real Estate Success is:1. Finding Motivated Sellers2. Funding Your Deals3. Negotiating4. Knowing a Good Deal when you see one.Yes all of them  are important. And if you answered #4 ? you're right on the money. Why, because if your deal is a not good one, all your other skills and marketing and power will not make you money, and may even lead to disaster.On the other hand, if you can unfailingly target good deals, you will always be successful and all the other skills and your marketing methods will serve to increase your success.What is a Good Deal?It's a lot easier to state the question than give the answer. Why? Because it depends on many factors like:- Market value and purchase price- Expenses, carrying costs, repairs- Cashflow and profit- Holding time- Loan terms- Risk factors- And more . . .And most importantly, it depends on the type of deal you're doing. For example, if you have a loan on a property that you intend to rent or sell on a lease option, the terms of the mortgage, future tax increases, and current area rents are critical to consider in insuring a positive cashflow. However, if you are planning to do a short rehab job, and sell or just flip to another investor, rental income is irrelevant as are future tax increases.It's What You Don't Think About that Can Get YouThe thing that trips up many investors, is that in our enthusiasm to do a deal that we've found, we don't take into consideration

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...