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arrow right Why Men Worship Lingerie, and The Qualms We Have With Lingerie Stores

I must first present the disclaimer: as only one man, I cannot, and will not, speak for the rest of my gender. I can only present my side of the story and the details and ideas I have personally acquired throughout my short yet informative and experienced mature life.From a  time I can barely recall, lingerie has been a dear part of my heart. At that certain point in a man's premature teenage years, he begins to take notice of the opposite gender. Much of this takes place in anything he can get his hands on: department store catalogs, an uncle's pornographic magazine collection, and most recently, I suppose the internet.My memories take me back to a tree fort belonging to the boys of the neighborhood. We spent many long summers building and perfecting the gathering place where we would share the freshest contraband we could somehow acquire. Probably not too far a stretch from most ordinary boys and their neighborhood pals.My college years were not too different. Living with male roommates, there was no shortage of adult magazines to flip through while watching another rerun of "The Simpsons." These porno mags seemed central to all bathroom reading material belonging to most male inhabited apartments or houses I had the pleasure of stepping into.My adoration of the porno mag was not just about the bare image of a lady. It had just as much to do with the glamorous lingerie she was in the middle of taking off. What is it about lingerie that starts a young lad's engine? Men are much more visual than our counterparts, this I understand.But why would I rather see a lady in fine lingerie than with nothing on at all? The only answer I can give is the imagination. Since we are such visual creatures, we rely on our perception. This scenario may be similar to the "beer goggles" one may experience late at night. We lean on our imagination and perception to trigger our sexual fantasies. We close our eyes and dream of the possibilities. Lingerie is the trigger of our minds' endless pursuit of fantasy.Then why do I freeze up in the lingerie store?It may be for none other than lack of knowledge. We (men) are not here on Earth to predict the unpredictable. We go with the flow. There is no way to know what kind of lingerie she will like, and we will undoubtedly buy her a size that will leave her feeling insulted.When we see a woman in an appealing ensemble of intimates, we always seem to know what we like, but we cannot possibly transfer this data to what she will like. We can satisfy ourselves in this situation, but never the other. Therefore, we both lose.There will be a time when we hit the jackpot, though. It's a numbers game. If we buy her enough lingerie, we are bound to get it right at least once. This is no minor victory in the man's mind. The fireworks will be seen by all, and those who missed it will get the play-by-play.Lingerie follows the golden rule of gift giving in general: it is the thought that counts. This is the rule we truly understand, and when we fail we have no excuses. To repair the damage, most of us resort to the action we should've taken in the first place.Robb Ksiazek is a successful author and publisher for http://www.lingerie-4u.biz. He has researched and written hundreds of articles and can simplify your online search by recommending merchants for the best value and selections in quality lingerie, stockings, panties, and bra intimates.

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arrow right Sex and the Better Orgasm

The techniques of the sex act along with the better orgasm, are as basic to the human race as food, and yet most societies do not discuss them or give training to the next generation in any aspects of them. Did you receive any training?I have met mothers with several  children, who were still completely ignorant regarding, their own sexual capabilities, sex and their partner's sexual requirements. Are you one?There are many many women along with teenagers, with no knowledge of their own or their partners bodies, or orgasmic abilities. Are you one?I have met men that could not tell you, where the clitoris is, and certainly could not explain how to bring a partner to repeated orgasms using breast or clitoris stimulation or even find any orgasm spots. Are you one?In polls 90% of the adult population said that sex was the single most important thing in a partnership, yet the same polls ahow 70% of females do not orgasm during intercourse. Are you a woman in such a relationship? Are you the male in such a relationship?Many men suffer from premature ejaculation or not being able to climax, through lack of knowledge, skill and or technique. Are you one?Many partnerships are a disaster sexually (although the partners do not speak about it) sex has become a chore and a bore. Are you in such a partnership?Twin Research Unit. Thomas Hospital London. (4037 Women aged 19 to 83) Published in national press 08 June 2005.32% never experienced an orgasm during intercourse. 3 out of 10.21% never experienced an orgasm during masturbation. 2 out of 10.14% experienced a climax every time they had sex. 1 out of 10.These figures have been rounded to the nearest whole number.The report quoted"However, difficulty in reaching orgasm may not be a defect, as there is a theory that women who rarely climax may have a more refined inbuilt selection tool. Only men who are most skilled in the art of sex, physically attractive or psychologically compatible will be able to make them climax."Average time for men to climax = 2.5 Minutes.Average time for females to climax = 12 Minutes.Buy now Sex and the Better Orgasm and read, so enabling you to demonstate that as a partner you are attractive, psychologically compatible and possess the necessary skills to ensure full sexual fulfilment is attained by both partners.

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arrow right Making Love for a Lifetime: Seniors and Sexuality

We are sexual beings, throughout the lifespan. This includes the later years of life, which are often overlooked in discussions of sexuality. In this article I want to address some misconceptions about aging and sexuality; report some survey information on sexual behavior  among seniors; describe physical, psychological and medical changes that may accompany aging; and suggest positive and affirming ways for seniors to continue to enjoy their sexuality to the fullest.I. Some Myths about Aging and SexualityMany cultural

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arrow right The 7 Habits of a Successful Web-Marketing Plan

What is web-marketing? Why does your business need it?The best web site and the best web-marketing strategy will not reap the highest possible results, if they are not tightly integrated. Not only do you need a well-designed web site with relevant content and user-friendly  navigation, but your site needs to be found by your target audience (prospect customers).A well-thought web marketing strategy drives traffic to your site through search engines, and other methods. Search engine strategy helps in getting the highest visibility in the search engine ranking, then helps pull the visitors to your web site if your listing is relevant to their initial query. After that, your web site or web page needs to communicate and be relevant in a targeted fashion to what your visitors had in mind when they clicked on your listing or search result.How does a web site communicate relevancy and targeting? Here are 7 habits a well-thought web-marketing plan needs to include to increase its efficiency.Habit #1: Keyword strategyKeyword research must be done to find out what people are actually typing into the search engines.Of course, it will be important to analyze the competition and your current keywords on an ongoing-basis.The really important number is the amount of traffic each keyword generates.Since search engine algorithms and methods are bound to change and are diverse, it is important to revisit your keyword strategy on a regular basis.Habit #2: Targeted pages to channels or main audience constituenciesThe key is to know your audience and address what they are looking for, rather than presenting what your business can offer.Rather than sending all visitors to your home page and then letting them wander through your web pages, hoping that they will find what they were initially looking for, why not point them in the correct direction and offer them the content they were initially looking for by doing this search query?Habit #3: Integrating keyword strategy and web contentAlso, it is important to point out that keywords need to be re-used in the content itself of the page, and this is done by striking a careful balance between selling to prospect customers, optimizing for search engines, and making the text interesting and useful to your visitors.Because search engines want repeat customers, they try to return relevant results, so this content cannot be artificially crafted for the purpose of search engine ranking only ; but rather, one must take into consideration the importance of contextual relevancy and content usability.Habit #4: A call to actionThe web page needs to have a call to action, and you need to have some ROI measurement in place to establish the success of your search engine marketing strategy (whether it is paid or unpaid search engine keywords).Habit #5: Content creation and freshnessYour site needs to grow its content to increase its search marketability, relevancy and ranking.Indeed, the more fresh content your site has, the more likely it will come up in search results, and the more your audience will come back to your web site.Habit #6: Integrating your online and offline marketing campaignsThink about ways of reinforcing the conversion of new prospective leads to consumers.This can be done through reminders via emails, brochures, coupons, seminars, newsletters, etc.Habit #7: Link CampaignYou need to get relevant sites to link to your web site. Partner with sites that have good relevant content related to your business and that are the authority or are popular in your field.These 7 habits will help in increasing the success of your online presence. It is important to ensure you have the right resources committed to your web site and allocate the appropriate budget to maintaining and promoting it.Don't just build your web site and wait!##### Publisher's Box #####©Valerie Prigent, Speron Inc, MyPrivateCoach d/b/a 2004. www.MyPrivateCoach.com  Valerie Prigent is the Web Marketing Coach at MyPrivateCoach. She can be contacted at info@myprivatecoach.com. Get a taste of coaching FREE today, schedule your first free session! This article may be published without the consent of the author so long as the publisher's box is included in the post.##### End Publisher's Box #####

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arrow right How to Get Targeted Web Site Traffic from Other Peoples Sites

Getting targeted web site traffic from other people's websites is not a difficult task as long as it is part of your website marketing plan. Once you include this in your marketing plan and research how to carry out these types of advertising, you will be significantly more  successful in getting traffic directed to your website from other websites on the Internet. The following tips should be of great help to you when you are developing your Internet marketing campaign.Tip #1 LinksReciprocal links are a very popular source of website advertising these days for a variety of reasons. First of all, the more links you have on the Internet means the higher you will be ranked in search engine results. When you are ranked higher more people will click on your link and you will end up with more customers. Also, when you have links on other people's websites, you have access not only to the visitors on your site but to all of the visitors on all of the sites that post your link. This exposes you to many more web surfers than you would be exposed to otherwise. Obviously, getting links to your website is a great way to target web site traffic from other people's websites.Tip #2 AdvertisementsYou can buy advertising on other people's websites and this will help direct their traffic to your site as well. Many websites find that buying small ads on other sites that sell to the same market but are not outright competitors results in increased traffic to their websites.Tip #3 BlogsHaving your website mentioned in a variety of blogs and discussed is another great way to get traffic directed to your site. There are plenty of ways to go about this, so you simply need to do some research and find a blog that is read by your target market. Then, when your link is published in the blog you will benefit with increased traffic. Be sure, however, that the blog is mentioning you in a positive way and not a negative one, so as to increase your traffic and not decrease it!Tip #4 Popular SitesAlso, when working with links, paid advertisements, and blogs, you want the sites that are providing links to you to already be popular. The reason for this is the more popular the site that links to you is, the more your site is exposed to a significantly larger group of people than it would be if you were being linked by not so popular sites. Think about this and do your research before you start asking for links to make sure you are targeting the best websites available.Michael Turner reveals his foolproof way to increase website traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it free right now at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/

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arrow right WARNING to Home Based and Small Business Who Want to Buy Television Cable A

Most small businesses will not even try to advertise on television. It's too expensive and the audience is too broad. The ads on television are not targeted enough. Think back to the last time your entire family was gathered around a television set. It was fun family time,  but think of how different each member of your family is. The children at different ages want different things.The parents depending on their age and occupations could be concerned with wildly differing issues. Was there a grandparent or aunt or uncle there too? Each person has entirely different attitude and interests, yet the commercial was tailored for only one person out of that group. The message is wasted on the rest of the family who don't care about the product or the problem it solves.There are ways that a small business and even a home based business can get on television and get their message to the market they are after. First of all, know your client. Know everything you can about who you are selling to.If you think your product is for everyone, this article will not help you. If you know everything about your target market, you will know where to find them. Where they hang out, what they read, eat, wear and watch. Who influences them, who angers then, who inspires them, who informs them. That where you want to be also. On television, check out the shows and cable channels that speak to your audience. For my show, The Wright Place TV Show, Lifetime, O network and WE channel are where a lot of my viewers will also be.Copyright 2005Dr. Wright is a Stevie Award Finalist for 2004 and the host of The Wright Place ? TV Show seen in 5 million homes in Southern California and on the internet at http://www.wrightplacetv.com. Get Your Free Special Report: 19 Secrets To Effective Television Advertising That Cable Companies Don't Want You To Know by emailing info1080-91878@autocontactor.com

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arrow right Small Business Marketing - How Important Are Your First Words?

"What do you do?" It just might be one of the most asked questions there is, at least here in America.Are you prepared to answer this question and make a positive impression for your business at various networking (and social) events you attend?How about this one... When  you go to a business event and everyone in the room gets to make a 30-second introduction, do you feel like you know how to gain attention and interest from any potential prospects or referral sources in the room?Just how important are your first words?Being prepared for these two most common small business scenarios can literally mean the difference between great marketing success and ongoing marketing frustration.You know you need to be out there getting the word out about you and your services. But, if you're not sure how to command attention and interest in what you have to offer, you're missing way too many opportunities to connect with potential prospects.I'd like to share a couple of stories of both struggle and success with you to try and illustrate the power of being able to verbally express yourself in these common business situations. Names are not shared to protect the innocent, but the stories are real. I'd challenge you to see if maybe you see yourself at all in these scenarios.Story of StruggleI was meeting with an individual who had been in business for himself for eight or nine months. When I asked him what sort of marketing initiatives he had been pursuing, he said he'd been devoting all of his efforts to networking.He had joined a number of networking organizations (several to the tune of $200 to $300), but was very frustrated that he had not acquired one single client in that time. He had received a couple of referrals, but none of them had produced any results for his business.So I asked him what his approach had been for talking with folks and for introducing himself to groups. He told me that he thought it was important to make sure people understood the breadth of services his company could offer and the depth of his extensive experience in helping organization enhance their processes and productivity (blah, blah, blah).The primary goal was to set up a demonstration meeting to show the prospect the power of the tools and resources he had at his disposal.Unfortunately, this approach was doing nothing to make him unique or memorable to those receiving his message.So again I'll ask you, how important are your first words? Be honest. Have you ever experienced any thing like this for yourself and your business?Story of SuccessA financial advisor was at a networking group that he had been attending for several months. He enjoyed the group even though he had not received any business, not even any leads, as a direct result of his involvement.We had been working together on coming up with more attention getting ways to introduce himself to such groups. Part of the problem he felt was that people hear that he's a financial advisor and the conversation ends.If that's not what they're looking for, or they think they already have it taken care of, then there's no need to inquire further.But tonight was different. He decided to change things up and stay away from his normal bland introduction of name, title, and company.When it came time for his 30-second introduction, he said something to this effect:

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arrow right Building Your Business for Success in 2005

It's a strange anomaly.Most people who set out to start their own business, no matter what type, build it for failure, not success.Crazy isn't it? But true.The saddest part in all this, is that they don't even know that they are destined for failure long before their dreams  shatter and break apart.Statistics tell us that within 5 years of start up 90% of all small business will go under.My personal experience shows me that 98% of all home based business will do the same.Why?Because they lack the fundamental skills, education and development to plan ahead, foresee the pitfalls, and capitalise on gains.Here is a key secret to business success. It's

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arrow right Become The Squeaky Wheel and Watch Your Business Skyrocket!

Providing high quality customer service is a must for any business to survive.Following up on all contacts and leads is also crucial in order to increase your sales and client base.If I had a nickel for every time I have had to remind a new client about the importance of  following up...The truth is, life can be hectic. A typical business day can evolve around numerous telephone calls, deliveries, new orders and so on which can make following up on your days contacts rather difficult.Add to the mix having to read and respond to email and you compound your daily stress.Life does not have to be this stressful. There is wonderful technology available to help ease your business workload and enable you to follow up on all of your contacts.For starters, there are excellent auto-responder programs on the market today that are not only easy to implement, but also very affordable and help you provide the type of customer service your clients want.These autoresponders can be programmed to send more than one message or document to a contact at various time intervals. GetResponse is a wonderful autoresponder that I use myself. There are several autoresponders on the market in a range of prices that will fit nicely into your budget. Check out some of the autoresponders availalbe and see for yourself how they can benefit your business plan.So start working IN your business, not on your business by using today's technology such as autoresponders to help make following up fast, easy and affordable.One of the fastest ways to loose a customer or prospective client is by not following up after a telephone call, email new order, etc.You remember the old adage;

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arrow right A Great Logo Is A Marketing Must-Have. But Is It Affordable For Small Busin

And is having a logo really that important?My answer to both of these questions is an emphatic YES!A logo is a graphic or visual representation of your brand. Your brand is your business, product or service and what it stands for. It's whatever you are out in the  marketplace selling.Why do small businesses need a logo?Why can't they just market using their company name? Logos are expensive, right? Can a small business owner really afford to get a logo? Or at least a good logo? Lots of questions. Some I'm sure you've pondered yourself at one time or another.I believe ALL businesses should have a logoYou need a graphic element that captures the essence of your business and communicates an idea to your prospects and customers. A mark that can lead the look and feel of all of your marketing materials.You only have a split second to grab someone's attentionYou need to make the most of that time. A good logo mark can communicate a message or intrigue a prospect to want to find out more.Before you decide you can't afford a good logoLet me assure you that is absolutely NOT the case. Look, I've been in the ad agency business for 20 years. During that time I've worked with some of the most talented graphic artists and designers in the business. But even I did not turn to them when I needed a logo for my small business. Why? I couldn't. They were simply too expensive for my small business budget. So what did I do? I found a great alternative that's inexpensive, fast and good.LogoWorksFor $300 to $500 you'll get a variety of logo designs to choose from and you'll have them within just a few days. Plus you'll get several rounds of revisions to make sure you are completely happy with your final mark.What I like most about LogoworksThey require you to complete a creative direction worksheet that ensures their designs are strategically on target with your brand. This is KEY if you want your logo to be a good representation of your business. If anyone offers to design a logo for you without some form of creative brief or direction worksheet, don't do it!If you don't have a logo, or if yours is in need of an overhaul Check out LogoWorks by visiting http://www.10stepmarketing/greatlogo.htm(C) 2005 Debbie LaChusa20-year marketing veteran Debbie LaChusa has developed The 10stepmarketing System to help small business owners successfully market their business, themselves, without spending a fortune. To learn more about this simple, step-by-step program and to sign up for her FREE audio class and FREE weekly ezine featuring how-to articles, tips and advice, visit http://www.10stepmarketing.com

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arrow right Awning Cleaning Business Case Study: Entrepreneurship 101

It is most fascinating to study how entrepreneurs spot opportunity in the market place. "My name is Lance Winslow and I am a serial entrepreneur, I admit I am addicted and need help." ..."Hello Lance." Let me explain how I formed one of my companies  which became a franchise system in itself and became a module under the umbrella company I had formed many years the prior. I at first saw it as another business to fit into our growing niche of cleaning businesses. It was to be called the Awning Wash Guys. This is an interesting case study in how businesses form and how companies seek, find and exploit opportunity in the market place. Here is the story:Many years back I got a call last from my franchisees in Denver, who had been doing very good after signing up all the John Elway Car Dealerships for car washing. My franchisee was a Car Wash Guys Franchisee specializing in car washing for car dealers at the time:http://www.carwashguys.com/dealershipdiv.shtmlHe told me that Auto Nation bought out the 46 Dealership Chain in the Denver Area and they continued our services and have actually added tons of new dealerships in other franchise areas for us to wash. Every car gets washed 2 Xs per week at $1.25-1.50 each. Some of these dealerships have almost 1000 cars on the lots. Needless to say with this big account this franchisee became our quickest success story that year.Then they were approached by Brian Stillmock, who just happened to be one of two of the leading awning washing companies and experts in that field. As luck would have it, he wanted to sell his business. But he loved his company and would only sell it to a professional out fit, because his customers had a ten + year following. Our Denver franchisees had the $90,000.00 to buy the business due to great sales, and the fact that I also hired them at $2,000.00 per new franchise to train the new team members. They asked if they could buy the Awning Wash Guys Business, I said yes but I wanted to see the books, and warned them about cash flow in a only billed customers type business.Most franchise agreements have clauses, which are quite specific as to what types of businesses franchisees are allowed to participate in. We sat down and made a plan and cash flow strategy, and I knew if things didn't work out I would have to financially bail them out otherwise they might also go out of business due to cash flow with their Car Wash Guys franchise. Brian the seller agreed to stay on board with me as a co-founder. His books were immaculate and scary. Never seen such well-documented books; great business and incredible revenues almost $160-200 per hour; gross.So we built a web site and offered it as a co-brand to new and existing franchisees of car wash guys, with the understanding that it was a totally separate business and they would need to pay Brian for proper training and buy his patented equipment. Before that Brian was a BIZ OP and sold about 24 units and did not understand franchising. I did, having just co-authored Franchising 101 and joined the Board of Directors for the AAFD-American Association of franchisees and Dealers. We decided that once we formed the WashGuy.com franchise all 24 Biz Ops including an operator and manufacturer of awnings in Canada would join our network and we would agree to never sell those territories as long as those prior Biz Op buyers were in businesses that had previously bought from Brian. Brian also had manufacturers who he networked with doing 50+ million in sales per year, who referred jobs to him and some of his BiZ Ops people. So what the heck. We join forces and go after a totally untapped market.It worked.I regret that that business is a higher generator per hour than washing and detailing cars in an industry, which is dominated by 1000s of independents and price competitive. A little bit of an ego breaker it was for me, but the numbers did not lie, and if a door is open that wide I will damn well run through it; especially with Brian's network of manufacturers, repairers and our team to back us up 110%. We knew if this thing grew too big too quick that Brian and I could split our time and hire another Biz Op out of Florida called Awning Rejuvenation Systems to help with training, marketing and product distribution. Brian holds 4 patents on Awning Cleaning devises and I know franchising very well. And our first prototype was our Denver franchisees that were sticklers for quality and consistency.Brian also had several tri-state contracts he had been unable to service, TGIF and Block Buster Video that would be in regions we could service without other franchisees until things were finalized as far as a franchise was concerned. This site contains mega data about what we do. Instantly we became the best assembled awning wash team on the Planet. This one was obvious and simply fell right in my lap and it took me less than three hours to decide to go for it. We did and it works. I would like to have 1 franchisee in every one of the 240 DMAs in the next ten years. The day we started we were the number one Awning Washing Franchise in the World; albeit the only one. I like that scenario, as an entrepreneur it has a nice ring to it indeed; I can certainly use that.If I enter an Industry, I want to be the leader in 18-36 months. If I can't I will collect all the data I can, read everything I can find and hire franchisees to do data searching. I read 160 magazines in every industry and collect articles and categorize them so when I am ready I will attack with the power of knowledge, this is what we did here. Richard Branson has 150 Brands, so 22 is a good start for a 35 year old who wanted to wash everything in the world and clean this place up. While Branson is flying around the World in a Hot Air Balloon, we are kind of had the fancy of washing the World below to better his view of thingsThis gives you a real live example of how co-brands are formed and how markets are won. It gives an entrepreneur a little insight as to how the real world works. Often enough if you listen to the college business professors, government brain dead regulators and lawyers giving you advice you would swear that building a business is something totally different indeed. As an entrepreneur you need to change the way you think and attack markets and how you seek, find and exploit markets. I hope this little story will help you see that point. Good Luck and continued success, think on it.

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arrow right Home Based Franchise Case Study

Here is an interesting case study of a company, which franchised mobile car wash units. It started with the humblest of beginnings indeed. I can say that with complete knowledge because this is a company I started at age 12 years old. It was not until I was nearly 32 years  old that we franchised my business. This franchise was great in concept but franchisees would not follow the system enough, they deviated from the plan in most cases. The franchisees that stayed with the plan did very well, the ones who did not, did okay, but could have done better.Since this was our first try at franchising, we made the franchise documents too lenient and therefore it was hard to enforce standards. The customers were blown away by the idea of getting their car washed anywhere at anytime by phone call or e-commerce B2C. They love us, it is better than being the Fed Ex or UPS guy. If someone has not played sports or been involved in competitive events sometime in their life; we will not sell them a franchise. We want the Olympic style attitude. Because of this the Competition hates us, but only because I am so competitive since I was involved in sports and politics myself. Also in 1991 a car wash owner tried to run me out of business by lobbying to local politicians and lodging complaints to code enforcement, EPA, and County environmental control boards. This was the new environmental age and I was learning quickly about politics and business the hard way. Most Industry leaders representing our competition are clashing with us due to our drive, electronic Blitz marketing and bright yellow HERE I AM mobile car wash trucks.At one point I had 53 Independent contractors in 39 cities washing cars. Kind of like a mini-franchise system. It was hard work. Soon I realized I was going to have to franchise this business. So we did in 1996-97. Upgraded everything, painted trucks yellow and allowed independent contractors to transfer in. Some did, most did not. Why should they sign anything they were already making money and it was all on a hand shake. I didn't blame them.As the franchise grew we started allowing those franchisees who bought multiple trucks to have additional areas to expand into, giving us better marketing power to sing up bigger accounts in many areas. It worked. Then came e-commerce, upgrades and we took everything we learned and kept upgrading, unfortunately soon the original franchisees did not look anything like the newer franchisees; different equipment, training, marketing, CDROMS, business plan, new web site. And we needed to divide and conquer each market sector individually. We were washing golf cart, shopping carts, wheelchairs, ski lifts, silos, buses, trucks, cars and we got into a situation were there was too much work, and a challenge to hold onto routes and consistency.We decided to upgrade the system. Since I had always owned the trade name myself we started another company WashGuy.com to divide up the markets and franchised all our ideas to allow maximum use of all my contacts, and the associates I had gathered and their skills. Then we would franchise each brand name by itself and let all the franchisees of all the systems work together trade leads and operate in harmony washing their specialty niche. The New Car Wash Guys; www.carwashguys.com would be part of WashGuy.com, which was going to acquire the franchise Car Wash Guys International, Inc. Unfortunately Car Wash Guys International did not have the royalty stream to service the franchisees properly and grow correctly so it was closed and all the franchisees in good standing were allowed a no franchise fee entry into the new system to be fair. Those that were not near current status on royalties were terminated prior to closing.WashGuy.com agreed to take on the burden of keeping up those franchisor requirements in the previous Car Wash Guys International agreement even though it would be a loss. It would give the new franchise system a head start with franchisee numbers and make it easier to secure group discounts on products, and entice lending institutions to go with lower rates and better terms and prevent us from ever having to use sleazy leasing companies, with exorbitant rates causing a poor ROI for team members and slower growth rate for new trucks and to add to the franchisees arsenals. I did not charge a royalty, I charge per unit, so the more trucks the more royalties to grow the franchise. The only way for me to make more is if the franchisees have so much business they need more trucks to do the work. I win only if they win. If they lose, I lose worse; indeed a great incentive to work together and communicate. I even co-authored a book in which this was my main theme; "Franchising 101" Dearborne Publications.This was a great franchise and growing fast. Our customers are anyone one that owns a car. There are on average 1.7 cars for every man woman and child in this country and so my potential exposure to this market is 5 times that of the cable TV Industry and twice that of cellular phones. Average car wash is $10 X 50 weeks a year. So of all my markets this is the most challenging of all. It will take twenty years to conquer. What I need is a 40-60 million dollar financed competitor to go and set up the major markets with mobile car washing so I can take all those customers away with superior service and more efficient operations thus lower prices. I need this competitor to teach my future customers how to do business with me and then I will slice and dice city by city as Car Wash Guys earn our destiny.I started washing cars because I ran out of local airports to wash at since I had a 35% market penetration at all the near by airports and needed more to wash. Plus I got my drivers license. This was when I was 16. Boy I will tell you being a franchisor is the toughest business in the World and if you want to do it, you are nuts. I work 17 hours a day 7 days a week, no days off in 15 years. I can remember one three-year period I have skipped every third night of sleep, and follow up with a ten-hour crash. You have to give up everything to be a franchisor. For many Entrepreneurs this is simply part of the game, but for most they cannot deal with it. I understand that, accept it and challenge myself since there are no market leaders of any significance in my markets. We designed and attempted to build an LPG car wash truck to help the environment and worked on an aircushions hover system with electric motor. It did not work, it seems as an entrepreneur you are always doing stuff, some works, some doesn't but you are always pushing the envelope, God Bless the entrepreneurs, I hope you enjoyed today's case study as it is a chapter of my life as well as lessons learned in franchising. Think on this.

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arrow right Mobile Pressure Washing and Cleaning Scheduling

If you own a mobile car washing, pressure washing or auto detailing business you know that when your crews and machines are parked and working that you are making money. You also know that when those units and crews are driving or stuck in traffic you are losing your shirt  in costs and inefficiencies. If you are to expand your mobile washing business to multiple units running in multiple cities you will need to have a strict scheduling policy and operations manual to insure that efficiencies are maintained. Today with the highest fuel costs ever in our nation's history and the increased traffic over the last five years it is ultra critical that you plot out your routes, customer locations and time with precision.Below is an outline to help you design a policy or scheduling manual to maintain this high level of efficiency. Go ahead and print this out and then modify it to fit your business and those types of services you are currently capable of or wish to service in the near future. Once you have an outline, which is more representative to your business than ours depicted below, you can then put pen to paper and write out two to three paragraphs on each item. Once this is done you will have a complete and workable rough draft to use in the formation of your scheduling policy, which you can turn into a manual. This will prevent your managers from making bad scheduling errors and keep everyone on the same page. Think on this.SCHEDULING POLICYI. OVERVIEWA. Percent's Of Types Of ServicesB. Day Vs. NightC. Labor FactorsD. Personal CarsII. CARSA. Rental CarsB. RealtorsC. Stock BrokersD. Hair SalonsE. SalesmenF. Service CarsG. OtherIII. TRUCKS AND COMPANIESA. Federal ExpressB. Post OfficesC. Bread TrucksD. NightsE. WeekendsF. ContractorsG. Service VansH. NewspapersI. Ride Share VansIV. AIRCRAFTA. PrivateB. FBO'S, CorporateC. AirlinesD. Flight SchoolsV. HEAVY EQUIPMENTA. RainB. On SiteC. NightsD. WeekendsE. LaborF. Etc.VI. BUSESVII. CONCRETEVIII. GRAFFITIIX. DETAILINGX. RIDE SHAREXI. TRAINSXII. LABORA. Colleges1. Monday-Wednesday-Friday2. Nights3. WeekendsB. Day LaborC. Regular Labor1. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm2. NightsD. Pay Scales1. Weekends2. Nights3. ManagersXIII. CUSTOMER SERVICEA. Same DayB. Re-ScheduleC. High DemandsXIV. RAINY DAYSA. Poor Weather ServicesB. Types Of ServicesC. Expected Cash Flow

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arrow right Introduction To ISDN, Part III: PAP

Introduction To ISDN, Part III: Configuring PPP PAP AuthenticationNow we know how the ISDN link comes up (interesting traffic), and some scenarios that might cause the link to stay up, we need to look at ISDN authentication schemes. The two methods Cisco certification  candidates must be familiar with are PAP and CHAP.Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) sends the username and password over the ISDN link in clear-text. Sending any passwords over any WAN link in clear-text is generally a bad idea, but it's important to know you have this option.Regarding both PAP and CHAP, it's a common misunderstanding that each side must authenticate the other. PAP and CHAP both support bidirectional and unidirectional authentication; that is, R1 can authenticate R2 without R2 necessarily authenticating R1. It's more common to use unidirectional authentication in a lab environment than a production network, but keep in mind that bidirectional authentication is an option, not a requirement.The configurations of PAP and CHAP do have their similarities. For both, you'll configure a username/password combination in global configuration mode. Newcomers to ISDN sometimes put the local router name in for the username; remember that the remote router name is the username.The only real advantage of PAP over CHAP comes in the password configuration. Since PAP actually sends the password as a whole over the link, the two routers can send different passwords during authentication. The operation of CHAP requires that both routers use the same password, and we'll see why in tomorrow's article.Under the BRI interface, you'll enter encapsulation ppp and ppp authentication pap. So far, your authentication scheme looks like this:username R2 password CCNAInt bri0encapsulation pppppp authentication papPAP requires an extra command at this point. The ppp pap sent-username command is required under the interface, indicating the username and password this router will be sending to the remote router.Int bri0encapsulation pppppp authentication papppp pap sent-username R1 password CISCOI always encourage CCNA and CCNP candidates to use as many debugs as possible when working in their lab, since these commands show us how things work. For any PPP authentication, always run debug ppp negotiation before sending interesting traffic to trigger the call. Watching exactly how PAP and CHAP work give you a much better understanding of what's going on "behind the command", and makes you a stronger candidate and a stronger networking engineer.Tomorrow, we'll take a look at CHAP, and why routers cannot use the same password on both ends of the link.Keep studying!Chris BryantCCIE ? #12933chris@thebryantadvantage.comAbout The AuthorChris Bryant, CCIE (TM) #12933, has been active in the Cisco certification community for years. He worked his way up from the CCNA to the CCIE, and knows what CCNA and CCNP candidates need to know to be effective on the job and in the exam room.He is the owner of http://www.thebryantadvantage.com, where he teaches CCNA and CCNP courses to small groups of exam candidates, ensuring they each receive the individual attention they deserve. Classes are offered over the Internet and in person in select cities. Chris has custom-written the Study Guide and Lab Workbook used in each course - no third-party training materials or simulators are used. You're invited to visit our site and check out our CCNA and CCNP courses and study aids, and to sign up for our weekly newsletter written personally by Chris. Chris is always glad to hear from Cisco certification candidates at chris@thebryantadvantage.com

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arrow right Microsoft Great Plains Distribution, Barcoding, Consignment ? overview for

Microsoft Great Plains ? ERM from Microsoft Business Solutions and formerly Great Plains Software is pretty generic with its standard set of modules: GL, BR, AR, AP, IV, SOP, POP and US Payroll. However, having about twelve years of implementation and customization history  ? Great Plains Dynamics, Dynamics C/S+, eEnterprise being Great Plains Dexterity written application has been and still is attractive core platform for third party software development companies to write vertical and horizontal modules, written as well in Great Plains Dexterity. If you have Microsoft Great Plains implemented or under the implementation should have your options in making in-house or outsourced customizations to fit your vertical industry needs. Let's consider consignment, barcoding and distribution/warehouse management1. Consignment Sales & Recurring Sales. If your business is bakery, sandwiches or ice cream making ? you probably send recurring daily shipments / trucks to your customers on consignment. You need accurate system with daily predictions and recommendation on the lot size, based on historical data: day of the week, season, holiday, etc. This is very popular Dexterity customization, dealing with SOP (Sales Order Processing) and IV (Inventory Control) modules2. Trucks Scheduling / Distribution. In the case of consignment sales you may have your own fleet of trucks. Then for each truck you should have SOP orders batch and you need to print picking tickets. You should first print the picking tickets for the longest route and then one-by-one up to the shortest route. This is also Dexterity customization for SOP module.3. Barcoding, Warehouse Management. Lot number tracking, Receiving, Order Fulfillment, Inventory transfer and Cycle Count could be automated with Barcoding. Barcode scanner could automate picking list allocation by reading first picking list number and then scan items and quantities ? and doing so ? allocate Items for Sales Order in Sales Order Processing. Usually you write Visual Basic application or routine to work with the scanner and then communicate with Microsoft Great Plains SQL database ? more precisely ? with Sales Order and Inventory tables: SOP10100. SOP10200, IV001004. Wholesale ? daily sales and comparisons, profit by item and salesperson. Yes ? all these calculations could be pulled from SOP historical and work tables, item sales analysis, etc. You can deploy Crystal Reports and even Datawarehousing solution to pivot your cube. If you need fixed number of reports and criteria ? you may need again Dexterity or .Net application to arrange reporting dataConsidering Microsoft Great Plains ? majority of the logic above is implemented and could be implemented in Great Plains Dexterity. Alternative platform would be Microsoft C# or VB.Net ASPX web programming with Microsoft Great Plains at the back end. You can use such tools as eConnect to work with Great Plains object creation and retrieving or go ahead with direct SQL Stored Procedure. To certain level you could use legacy technologies, such as Great Plains Modifier with Continuum for VB, VBA scripting, etc.Good luck and you can always seek our help in customization, implementation, integration and support. Call us: 1-866-528-0577 or 1-630-961-5918, help@albaspectrum.comAndrew Karasev is Chief Technology Officer in Alba Spectrum Technologies ? USA nationwide Great Plains, Microsoft CRM customization company, serving Chicago, California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia, New York, Australia, UK, Canada, Continental Europe, Russia and having locations in multiple states and internationally ( http://www.albaspectrum.com ), he is Dexterity, SQL, C#.Net, Crystal Reports and Microsoft CRM SDK developer

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...