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arrow right Release from Google Sandbox Only to Search the Playground

The Google Sandbox Effect has been discussed at length in our case study of a new website first crawled in May by Googlebot. We can now further the case study with indexing comparisons and discuss interesting Googlebot crawler behavior after release, at the 75 day mark, of  the study website from that very confining Sandbox.This case study is not for the faint of heart - those just launching a new web business on a new domain name with hopes of instant indexing and immediate traffic may find their website very lonely for two and a half months - if it is in a competitive market segment. You may as well plan to stay in the Google Sandbox for at least 45 days on average. If some early release stories are to be believed, search phrases nobody wants to play with are taken pity on by Google and sent home for early release.Those non-competitive or obscure search phrases seem to be seen as good, quiet little children, playing by themselves in Sandbox playground and are sent home early on good behavior. Googlebot probably sees good behavior as playing well with others, like a good little baby domain and NOT being competitive as some young domains can be. Throwing sand in other childrens' faces and insisting on having your site indexed, throwing sand out of the Sandbox with your bright plastic toy shovel and bucket will not be allowed.Now that the site discussed in this study is out of the Sandbox, it still lingers on the playground, unable to escape the community park and leave for the business world to play with the big boys in the outside world. It does indeed take time to grow up and be the model citizen in this new search playground. Though on the first full day after this first week of being released from the sandbox, the site has gotten 68 visitors referred by searches done at Google, the first referred search traffic coming into the site. MSN has sent 8 visitors, Yahoo has sent 6, 4 came from AOL searches, 2 from Netscape and 1 from Dogpile.The indexing behavior of Yahoo and MSN has been nothing short of bizarre with numbers of indexed pages increasing rapidly over the first two months to reflect 6,941 pages indexed until 8 weeks into this study and we outlined previously how numbers changed as you click through results pages first upward, then downward to about half the total of highest numbers listed along the top of the results pages.It appears that Yahoo and MSN are playing on the 'slippery slide' in this playground, climbing to the top of the ladder of results at about 10 week mark showing 8,210 and 6,941 pages respectively indexed, then sliding down again to 3,510 for Yahoo and 373 for MSN, as of this writing two weeks later on August 6. Still, Yahoo will show you only 1,000 (100 pages) of those results and MSN will show you only 250 results, or 25 pages, no matter how many they claim to index. MSNbot is crawling the site faster and more consistently than any of the engines, yet shows by far fewer pages indexed than the others.One of the interesting comparisons between Google and MSN in our Sandbox study is that Google will show you most of what they claim to have indexed after you click that link at the bottom of the first page showing only 3 or 4 results when you use the

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arrow right Shopping Carts and SEO

Shopping and the Web. They go together like Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Well, maybe not quite, but Internet shopping is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world.It's fairly easy to set up shop and sell almost anything from bananas to banana boats on the Internet. Browse  through the shopping section of Google (Froogle) or Yahoo and you can see the amazing variety of products that are available.Click on a few of those links and take a look at the address bar on your browser. Many online stores use some kind of dynamic system for generating their pages. This means their product information is drawn from a database and dynamically displayed.Dynamically displayed pages look something like this:http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=shopping+cart&btnG=SearchYou will notice that there is no extension which would indicate a static page.Is there a problem with dynamic pages? From SEO perspective there is a real problem. Search engines have trouble indexing dynamic pages, especially with multiple variables.Here is what Google has to say about dynamic pages:

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arrow right Do the Robot!

Everyone should realize that the search engines (sponsored ads aside)are not tools for advertisement, they are meant to be tools for everday web users. Users who search the web are looking for information, thats it. They may want information on how to buy something, or they  may simply want to what the weather will be later that day, but the fact is they want information, and search engines are out there to help them find the information!Search Engines (SE's) work as follows:1. They index sites. They do this by following the

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arrow right Search Engine Spiders Lost Without Guidance - Post This Sign!

The robots.txt file is an exclusion standard required by all web crawlers/robots to tell them what files and directories that you want them to stay OUT of on your site. Not all crawlers/bots follow the exclusion standard and will continue crawling your site anyway. I like  to call them User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /group/User-agent: msnbot Crawl-delay: 10User-agent: Teoma Crawl-delay: 10User-agent: Slurp Crawl-delay: 10User-agent: aipbot Disallow: /User-agent: BecomeBot Disallow: /User-agent: psbot Disallow: /--------> End of robots.txt fileThis tiny text file is saved as a plain text document and ALWAYS with the name "robots.txt" in the root of your domain.A quick review of the listed information from the robots.txt file above follows. The "User Agent: MSNbot" is from MSN, Slurp is from Yahoo and Teoma is from AskJeeves. The others listed are "Bad" bots that crawl very fast and to nobody's benefit but their own, so we ask them to stay out entirely. The * asterisk is a wild card that means "All" crawlers/spiders/bots should stay out of that group of files or directories listed.The bots given the instruction "Disallow: /" means they should stay out entirely and those with "Crawl-delay: 10" are those that crawled our site too quickly and caused it to bog down and overuse the server resources. Google crawls more slowly than the others and doesn't require that instruction, so is not specifically listed in the above robots.txt file. Crawl-delay instruction is only needed on very large sites with hundreds or thousands of pages. The wildcard asterisk * applies to all crawlers, bots and spiders, including Googlebot.Those we provided that "Crawl-delay: 10" instruction to were requesting as many as 7 pages every second and so we asked them to slow down. The number you see is seconds and you can change it to suit your server capacity, based on their crawling rate. Ten seconds between page requests is far more leisurely and stops them from asking for more pages than your server can dish up.(You can discover how fast robots and spiders are crawling by looking at your raw server logs - which show pages requested by precise times to within a hundredth of a second - available from your web host or ask your web or IT person. Your server logs can be found in the root directory if you have server access, you can usually download compressed server log files by calendar day right off your server. You'll need a utility that can expand compressed files to open and read those plain text raw server log files.)To see the contents of any robots.txt file just type robots.txt after any domain name. If they have that file up, you will see it displayed as a text file in your web browser. Click on the link below to see that file for Amazon.comhttp://www.Amazon.com/robots.txtYou can see the contents of any website robots.txt file that way.The robots.txt shown above is what we currently use at Publish101 Web Content Distributor, just launched in May of 2005. We did an extensive case study and published a series of articles on crawler behavior and indexing delays known as the Google Sandbox. That Google Sandbox Case Study is highly instructive on many levels for webmasters everywhere about the importance of this often ignored little text file.One thing we didn't expect to glean from the research involved in indexing delays (known as the Google Sandbox) was the importance of robots.txt files to quick and efficient crawling by the spiders from the major search engines and the number of heavy crawls from bots that will do no earthly good to the site owner, yet crawl most sites extensively and heavily, straining servers to the breaking point with requests for pages coming as fast as 7 pages per second.We discovered in our launch of the new site that Google and Yahoo will crawl the site whether or not you use a robots.txt file, but MSN seems to REQUIRE it before they will begin crawling at all. All of the search engine robots seem to request the file on a regular basis to verify that it hasn't changed.Then when you DO change it, they will stop crawling for brief periods and repeatedly ask for that robots.txt file during that time without crawling any additional pages. (Perhaps they had a list of pages to visit that included the directory or files you have instructed them to stay out of and must now adjust their crawling schedule to eliminate those files from their list.)Most webmasters instruct the bots to stay out of "image" directories and the "cgi-bin" directory as well as any directories containing private or proprietary files intended only for users of an intranet or password protected sections of your site. Clearly, you should direct the bots to stay out of any private areas that you don't want indexed by the search engines.The importance of robots.txt is rarely discussed by average webmasters and I've even had some of my client business' webmasters ask me what it is and how to implement it when I tell them how important it is to both site security and efficient crawling by the search engines. This should be standard knowledge by webmasters at substantial companies, but this illustrates how little attention is paid to use of robots.txt.The search engine spiders really do want your guidance and this tiny text file is the best way to provide crawlers and bots a clear signpost to warn off trespassers and protect private property - and to warmly welcome invited guests, such as the big three search engines while asking them nicely to stay out of private areas.Copyright © August 17, 2005 by Mike Banks ValentineGoogle Sandbox Case Study http://publish101.com/Sandbox2 Mike Banks Valentine operates http://Publish101.com Free Web Content Distribution for Article Marketers and Provides content aggregation, press release optimization and custom web content for Search Engine Positioning http://www.seoptimism.com/SEO_Contact.htm" />

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arrow right Google PageRank Explained

PageRank - an exclusive technology developed by Google which can have a major impact on the success of your website. This article will attempt to explain the concept of PageRank and how your ranking can be improved without spending any money at all.How is PageRank  beneficial?Google refers to the technology as a way of evaluating the usefulness, importance, and quality of a website. The PR of a webpage can mean different things for different people.For a webmaster, a high PR is a sign of accomplishment. It shows that your website is moving in the right direction and has the potential to become successful. PageRank also directly effects your Google search engine listings. Acquiring a higher PR than your competition could mean more traffic for you, and less traffic for your competitors.Visitors to your website probably won't care about the page's rank (most surfers have no idea what PageRank is). However, visitors who understand PageRank may use your PR as a sign of how credible your content is. Would you rather use the information from a website with 0 PR or a website with 5 PR and hundreds of other websites linking to it?How is PageRank determined?PageRank is basically determined by backlinks. A backlink is when another page links to your page. For every page that links to you, that page is

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arrow right Make Quality Content Your #1 Priority

It is by now a proven fact that content is the most important element for getting better pagerank and, consequently, more traffic.Furthermore, the best ranking websites have content that is better written than most other sites.A common mistake is to think that Google  spiders just consider keywords and layout in order to establish pagerank.If you look at the top ranking pages for the most searched for keywords, you will see that the quality of the content has been essential for getting them better pagerank, not to mention the enormous amount of traffic that Google sends them as a consequence.Let's look at some of the key areas that we have to keep in mind when producing content:1. UpdatesIf you don't update your content frequently, your visitors won't have a reason to come back, and Google will not consider your site for better pagerank. You may get a good initial pagerank, but if Google doesn't see that the site is updated frequently, pagerank will surely fall as a consequence. The best frequency is once a week, when possible.2. Grammar and spellingSites that are well ranked in Google have little or no spelling and grammar errors. Before uploading content, make sure to check for spelling and grammar mistakes. Microsoft Word's spell-check may even be more than enough for this task.3. Paragraph layoutNot only on websites, but in any type of message that implies text, lengthy paragraphs are difficult to read and readers loose focus on the content. Google is also aware of this fact and prioritizes short 1 to 4 sentence paragraphs.The same applies to sentence length. Keep sentences brief and to the point with only relevant information. If there is an extensive idea that must be included, you can break it up into two or more sentences.4. KeywordsOn well ranked sites, references are made throughout a page to keywords and variations of the keywords. Always keep content relevant to the keywords that are referenced to your site.5. ListsWhenever presenting lists of items, it is better to show them bulleted or numbered and not in paragraph format. This is visually much better for your visitors and Google will also give it better pagerank. For example, see the difference with the text from this section in both formats:Example 1 ? Paragraph format:When creating content, keep in mind updates, grammar and spelling, paragraph layout, keywords, and lists.Example 2 ? NumberedWhen creating content, keep in mind:1. Updates 2. Grammar and spelling 3. Paragraph layout 4. Keywords 5. Lists.Some final thoughts:? Always make sure that you have quality content on your site.? If you write your own content, try to have an editor or a professional writer look at it before uploading, until you gradually develop your own writing skills.? Make sure you update your content frequently.? Distribute some of your content freely to other websites. This will generate more links to your site and improve your pagerank as well.? If you don't have writing skills and aren't willing to pay a professional writer to continuously create content for you, you can opt to acquire content databases that will provide you with extensive content that you can update regularly.Once you have your site up and running, focus on content from then on. The design and layout of your site may be a one time only process, but content needs to be taken care of and nurtured to generate traffic and keep those visitors coming back for more.John Tulus is Marketing Director at Web Marketing Experts, developer of internet marketing solutions to help companies increase sales and profitability online. If you would like to learn more about Internet Marketing, visit Our Website at Web Marketing Experts and Web Contents or email John at johntulus@gmail.com

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arrow right Do-It-Yourself Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is big business. If you rely on search engines to bring visitors to your business website, you need to rely on more than luck. Your business will lag far short of its potential unless your site is optimized and re-optimized for search  engine results.What is search engine optimization?SEO is optimizing your website for search engines, acquiring inbound links, and monitoring your traffic and referring links to use them optimally. SEO is also studying and monitoring your competitors' techniques.The goal of SEO is to bring in targeted traffic that is organic, i.e., from search results. When people type in a keyword or phrase that you've optimized your site for, you want your site to appear on the first page, preferably high on that page. Good SEO results in increased traffic without the cost and time spent on advertising.The SEO industryWhere there's a need, there's an industry ready to help you spend money on that need. SEO firms charge from a few hundred dollars up to six-figure amounts to optimize your site for search engines.If paying thousands of dollars to an SEO firm isn't in your budget, consider using SEO packages to optimize your site yourself.A combination of SEO tools is needed to get the best results. The SEO packages described below offer a variety of tools to help you optimize your site for search engines.SEO tools comparedWhile we've listed numerous features of each SEO tool, these comparisons are summaries only.Internet Business Promoter (IBP)Known for their link popularity tool ARELIS, IBP also produces a three-step suite of tools to help you promote your website:1. Page optimization ? Generate, analyze, and edit keywords ? Optimize for the top 10 search engine rankings ? Optimize the title, link texts, and other parts of the web page ? Validate the HTML ? View the site via a spider simulator2. Page promotion ? Submit your site to search engines and directories ? Search for sites that might add a link to your site3. Results tracking ? Verify search engine positions automaticallyPrice: $179.95 or $349.95.LinksManagerLinks Manager is designed to help users manage reciprocal linking. It doesn't require any software downloads, and current links pages can be imported into it. Some of its features:Link organization and formatting ? Organize your links into multiple categories, subcategories, and "most popular links" lists ? Store the links on your own server ? Highlight newly added and featured linksLink management and tracking ? Remove dead links temporarily via a dead link checker ? Check whether or not reciprocal links at other sites exist ? Rotate links automatically ? Deny link submissions according to the criteria you set via a blacklist ? View the most popular keywords on your links pagesPrice: $19.95 a month.SEO AdministratorSEO Administrator automates website promotion with tools that can do these tasks:Keywords and site visitors ? Track your site's position for your keywords in over 30 search engines  ? Report on the keyword weight and density of your site as well as of competitors' sites  ? Suggest keywords that are relevant to each page ? Analyze your site logs to find out about site visitors, keywords used, referrers, and moreSearch engines and directories ? Check which pages at your site have been indexed by various search engines ? Check Google PR, the number of inbound links, and whether or not the site is listed in the DMOZ and Yahoo directories ? Show the automated descriptions that search engines display for your pagesPrice: from $70 to $150, depending on the version.SEO EliteWith SEO Elite, you can find out exactly what your competitors are doing and copy their strategies. You can find out about your competitors' web pages:? Keyword density and prominence ? Their and headings ? Their meta keywords ? Whether their site is listed in the Yahoo directory ? Which websites your competitors are advertising onConcerning link partners and search engines, SEO Elite can:? Find thousands of possible link partners ? Track details about pages with inbound links ? Check whether or not reciprocal links at other sites exist ? Indicate which of your pages search engines have indexed ? Keep a record of where your site is ranked for search termsPrice: $167.SEOToolsetThe focus of SEOToolset is to provide data to help with website promotion. The toolset includes:Your website ? Keyword density analyzer ? Keyword selection tool ? Reports on rankings for keywords, page names, and indexed page counts ? Link partner finderSearch engines and directories ? Engine-specific keyword research ? Traffic checker for keywords ? DMOZ category selector ? Search engine submission tool ? Search engine ranking monitorYour competition ? Keyword research summary ? Link analysis of inbound links to competitors' websitesPrice: $90.00 per quarter per site.Web CEOThe 10 tools in the Web CEO package are designed to help you promote and maintain your website, improve search engine results, and analyze site visitors. A summary of these tools:At your website ? Keyword research ? Website optimization ? Inbound link tracking ? WYSIWYG website editing and file uploading ? Link checking ? Website monitoring ? Stats analysis to track visitors, ad campaigns, transactions, and moreSearch engines and competition ? URL submission to search engines ? Search engine rank checking ? Tracking who links to the competitionPrice: $295 for one person. A free version is also available.WebPositionWebPosition, one of the oldest and most popular SEO tools, offers a five-step SEO process:1. Determine your position in search engines  ? Create search engine ranking reports ? Monitor your site's placement in search engine results2. Research and choose keywords ? Identify the most searched and least competitive keywords3. Optimize your pages ? Compare your pages to those of top-performing sites and specific competitors ? Detect when your competitors' pages have changed ? Be alerted to changes that could affect your site rankings4. Design and submit your pages ? Use Page Builder and Upload Manager to design and maintain your site ? Submit your site to search engines with the Submitter tool5. Analyze your results ? Track the correlation between search rankings and revenue ? Import top-performing keywordsPrice: $149 or $349.How to hire an SEO firmIf you'd prefer to hire an SEO firm instead, do your research. You'll be spending a minimum of a few hundred dollars, more likely thousands of dollars for a medium-sized or larger website.While many SEO firms are good at what they do, the field unfortunately has its share of scammers as well. They may tell you that a variety of tricks such as hidden text or cloaking will improve your site's position in search engines. In reality, these techniques may get your site banned from search engines. More information is at these pages at Google.com:? Webmaster Guidelines  href="http://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html? Search Engine Optimizers href="http://www.google.com/webmasters/seo.htmlIf you're considering an SEO firm, ask how they measure success. Will your site hits be organic? Look at the sites of SEO firms' clients and the site for the SEO firm itself. Do the sites rank well for keywords at these sites? The search engine results for relevant keywords will indicate how successful an SEO firm is.Lois S. is a Technical Executive Writer for http://www.websitesource.com and http://www.lowpricedomains.com with experience in the website hosting industry.

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arrow right Dont Get Banned by Google

There are many Black Hat techniques that people use to try and influence Googles ranking of their sites, the simple thing to remember is that THEY DO NOT help your rankings, are simply a waste of your time and sooner or later will lead to a Google ban for your site. Sure  there are sites that use these techniques and are getting away with it but they will eventually get penalised as Google always manages to find them eventually.As I said please avoid using these techniques :Alt Image Tag StuffingThis is a way that webmasters try to 'force fill' keywords into their website, thus the search engines can see these keywords and their site visitors see no difference at all to layout and an excessive use of certain words.What happens is that webmasters insert graphic's that relate to their subject and then add an alt image tag to it. The search engines see this but a visitor will only see it if they hover over the graphic and a pop up will appear.What you tend to find is that mis-informed webmasters add multiple instances of the keywords that they are targetting with a view to increasing key word density when the search bots visit the page.The real purpose of an alt image tag is if the web site graphic doesn't load then the text will appear instead of the graphic, this is particularly important if a visually impaired visitor gets to your site.My advice would be to keep it simple, use your keyword once and use the tags to present an accurate description of the graphic.Hidden TextHidden Text is simply text that visitors to your site cannot see when they visit your webpage(s). Its used for the same reasons as described in the alt tag example. All that is involved is the webmaster adds the text (usually keyword spam) to the page in the same colour as the background and as such it becomes invisible to the human eye but gets picked up by the search engine bots.Meta Tag StuffingMeta Tags are vital parts of the make up of a web page but again abusing them with a view to influencing the search engine bots can cause you problems. Basically the keyword tag is loaded with hundreds, even thousands, of the exact same keyword into the tag. For example, the tagetted keyword is DVD and the meta tag looks like:< META NAME = The important thing to remember is that Google does not use this tag to rank your page due to wide scale abuse so why bother, it is also a pretty rediculous thing to do.Title Tag StuffingThe same principle as above but using the title tag, use your keyword once in the title and make it an accurate description of the page and its content, that is sufficient.If you have to resort to black hat techniques then the set up of your site is wrong and they will eventually lead to the site being panalised. Its a pure waste of effort, they dont work and could kill your site.Mike - Webmaster and eBay Power Seller at Online Auction TraderWe offer free templates, information and product sourcing to enable you to develop your online auctions into a sustainable, long term income stream.We also operate a Traders Forum where any advice can be sought on any aspect of Online Trading." />

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arrow right Search Engine Optimization - Enhancing Web Site Visibility

I've had several prospects and clients say to me "I want my web site to come up on top in search engines." And some have been contacted by an SEO company asking for lots of money and claiming that they can guarantee top search engine results, which in many cases is just  false promises. There is no quick and easy way to make a web site display in the top 10 on search engines. Getting a web site to come up high in search engines

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arrow right A Play In The Sandbox Is Necessary

There has been a good deal written about the Google 'sandbox' effect, as it's known. It has been taking up a lot of forum and article space over the last few months. I can't help wonder why most of the comment I've been seeing is negative or at least ambivalent about the  concept (if of course, it really exists, as is the case with much about SEs that we don't truly know).I'm sure most are very familiar with the concept of the 'sandbox' but for those who aren't and at the risk of boring everyone else, here is a very brief rundown:Google, it is said, have decided that newly listed websites should have their listing (and PR etc) placed on hold for an 'unknown' period (the consensus seems to be around 90 -120 days) in order to make sure that they firstly, stick around for more than the specified period, and probably also continue to rank in the same way as they 'initially' do. The concept has been likened to 'sending them off to play in the sandbox with all the other kiddies' until they mature and can be judged by the same criteria as the rest.Frankly, I can't see any problem with the idea at all. I have websites that have been online some time and other, newer ones that would be included in this 'sandbox' category, so I'm not saying this as someone who has only established sites that wishes to make it as difficult as possible for new competition to 'get established'.Over the last few years, I've seen so many people decide (often on a whim and as often again with much planning) to try their hand at one form of Internet business or another, only to give up after a very short time. Certainly not long enough to see themselves out of the 'sandbox' (if it exists).I'm not sure of the exact count, but Google® have around 8.2 billion web pages indexed and in my opinion, that's far too many websites in almost every category on every topic. It's also true that the vast majority are idle and contributing nothing to the average Internet user. Speaking strictly about the Home Based Business area, I'm sure no one could possibly disagree that any kind of idea or system, which requires a website to first prove itself as a positive contribution and demonstrate it will be online for more than a few months, is surely welcome.After all, anybody who has had any degree of success in an Internet Home Business will tell you that it takes work, time and perseverance to get to the point where it is remotely worth your while (except for a few limited exceptions). So why would anyone who is serious about it be opposed to a relatively short 'trial' period, where their commitment needs to be examined and established? If anyone really thinks that they are going to see any great benefit from an Internet business website in the first 90 -120 days, then they really need to re-evaluate their reason for doing it (even though so many 'gurus' guarantee success in far less time...)As for websites of an educational, information or entertainment nature, I feel the same should apply. If something like the 'sandbox' had been around a lot earlier and was implemented by all the SEs, there certainly wouldn't be as many dead links and inactive websites as there are.In most cases and in most places, there is no licensing or certification whatsoever needed to begin a website about anything at all (even in the guise of a so called 'expert' or 'guru'). So anything in the form of a trial or cooling down period (even though the 'sandbox' doesn't fill the bill to any great degree) is a step in the right direction towards controlling the number of completely useless and pointless websites that exist, for a short time, purely on a whim or search for a quick buck.Just to qualify my comments a little, I know there are a number of 'personal' websites and 'Journals' etc. These, of course, are a means of personal expression and everyone has the right to tell the world about themselves and to discuss whatever their fancy. I don't believe that these types of websites are in any way unwanted. Obviously, such sites would not be included in the vast majority of meaningful searches, purely by virtue of their very nature and such, are not contributing to the abundance of 'dead' or 'idle' websites.The 2005 Edition of Steve Brennan's popular ebook title 'The Affiliate Guide Book' is now available. He also operates a number of Affiliate wesbites including Hair Loss Remedy and Quit Smoking OnlinePlus.

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arrow right The Real Search Engine Optimization Guide

Nowadays, there is so much talk about SEO (search engine optimization) that it has become an industry of its own. Still, 90% of webmasters don`t know how to achieve high search engine positions. In this article, you`ll learn what the 90% doesn`t...First of all, I would like "Good bye business". Search engines hate that!Be honest, and work hard, results will come, I guarantee . So much for the on-page optimization factors. Generally, you want to make a website that is easy to read, update it often with fresh content and don`t use tricks.As much as these factors are important, they won`t boost your website rank from 150000000000 to 1,2,3,4,5... and that`s the thing that I`ve learned from Brad Callen. Thanks ...:)It`s the off-page optimizaion factors that will generate tremendous results... read on.2. The off-page optimization factorsVery important on Yahoo and MSN, even more important on Google.The off-page optimization factors are factors that your website is not directly involved in.The golden rule here is: "Make other websites link to yours !"You see, Search Engines, especially Google, developed an an algorithm that gives your website more importance if other websites link to it. very simple, it`s like elections. Whoever gets more votes wins. so, start working on your links from other sites.It can be a very long work, but you can really speed it up with software such as Arelis or SEO EliteHere`s one trick that I`ve learned from Brad to exchange links with hundreds of relevant websites without having to search for their contact information and sending the E-mails with link exchange proposals:Google (exactly): YOUR KEYWORD "please also suggest my link to the linkpartners.com directory" Just replace YOUR KEYWORD with ...well.. your website`s main keyword, or even its category.you can also visit a new website called linkmetro.com. They have an interesting concept for exchanging links. Personally, I use it.The other thing that I`ve learned, and probably managed to succeed because of it, is THE ANCHOR TEXTThe anchor text that points to your website from the other one should always be your keywords that you want to rank high. So when you fill out link exchange forms, your link should look something like this:YOUR MAIN KEYWORD, YOUR SECONDARY KEYWORD ...your website features, benefits, special discounts...etc....This is probably the most important factor that Google counts when it ranks your website. Note: if you have a quality site with unique content, other websites will start to link to you without a link-back requests. This is also great, so make your content a quality one.The third thing that is also very important is the Google pagerank of the site (page) that is linking to you. We will learn about Google pagerank in the upcoming article (..in about 2 days..).If you liked the article, feel free to distribute it on your website, as long as all of the links remain intact. You should also place a small link to Construct-a-site.com :)You can visit my site at http://www.construct-a-site.com to learn how to make your own fully functional, money making website. You can also read interesting articles that contain website design and marketing tips and find out about hundreds of webmaster resources..Site is updated daily..Oh, I almost forgot: I`m only 16 y.o and still, I managed to succeed on internet...I metioned that just to inform you that this is not some scammy guru site, because I don`t sell anything that`s not worth of your money.." />

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arrow right When SEO Takes the Value out of a Website

Every webmaster would like to see his/her website to be the number 1 search result returned in search engines. A number 1 spot in Google pretty much guarantees loads of traffic to a website which can then materialize in high revenue for the website owner.To reach that  number 1 spot search engine optimization (SEO) is the tool webmasters have to use in almost every case. Several books have been written covering search engine optimization. Hundreds of websites cover the topic and give loads of advice. There is so much information about this topic - it's almost impossible to digest. Webmasters have all they need available at their hands at any time and also share the knowledge. Google (as an example) changes the rules all the time and missing out on these things can mean that a website drops down to the bottom of the search results delivered on any given search. The hunt for the best search engine optimization results is on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.As with anything there will always be people who go a step too far. Search Engine Optimization is no exception. You've got the Black Hats who do use every legal or illegal trick to increase their website's search engine ranking and you have the so called White Hats who play by the rules and only use legitimate SEO tools and tricks. And then you have people who just over-do it. They build their websites completely optimized for the search engines but seem to forget about the user in the end. These websites are stuffed with keywords and phrases all over. Navigation and presentation of content is optimized for the search engine but they seem to completely forget about the human factor. Yes, driving traffic to the website from search engines is great. But what if the site is difficult to navigate for the visitor because it is optimized for a search engine and not for usability? A website not meeting the needs of humans is set up to fail.Having the number 1 spot in a search engine will not materialize in higher profits and revenue if the site does not meet basics requirements for humans to a) navigate the site properly and b) to be able discover what they are looking for in an easy way. Articles stuffed with the same keywords over and over again are hard to read and the information the user is looking for is difficult to extract. Links to sub-pages covered under keywords over and over again will make it difficult to even get to the information the user is looking for. The user experience will be disappointing and will lead to the user moving on to other sites that are able to deliver information in an appropriate way. There are other webmasters who are able to achieve high search engine rankings and still offer satisfying experiences for users on their websites?So, if you are a webmaster - will you optimize your websites for search engines or for the user?About the AuthorChristoph Puetz is a successful entrepreneur and international book author. Examples of his search engine optimization work can be found at Web Hosting Tutorials, Highlands Ranch and at Credit Repair.The article can be published by anyone as long as the resource box (About the Author) is posted on the website including the links. These links must be clickable.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Anchor Text Optimization

Anchor Text (also called phrase linking) can significantly improve your web pages relevance in the search engines. Optimized or keyword rich anchor text can help your web site gain positioning in the search engines as well as help drive better targeted search traffic.What  is Anchor Text?Anchor Text is the visible hyperlinked text that you see on the page, here is an example:To read more about search engine optimization techniques, check out my Search Engine Optimization blog.Here the words "search engine optimization" are hyperlinked to the hidden URL of http://seogirl.blogspot.com/. The words, visible, "search engine marketing blog" is the anchor text.Anchor text should be used to indicate the subject matter of the page that it links to. If you use the example above, "Search Engine Optimization Blog" indicates to visitors that they can expect to find information pertaining to search engine optimization if they click on that link.Why is Anchor Text Important?Anchor text is one of the more important elements in influencing a Web site's position in search engine result pages (SERPS). Your anchor text should include important keywords.If the anchor text technique is used properly it will enhance the relevance of the targeted page. The page containing the anchor text will also be enhanced to some degree because you will be using relative keywords.Optimizing Anchor Text of Inbound/External LinksKeywords within the anchor text are equally useful from links pointing to your website from other websites. (Inbound links) If you are working on a link building campaign, it is suggested that you have several title and description options for the link pointing to your website.If you supply a webmaster with something to copy and paste they are able to set your link up within a few minutes and you get exactly what you want as far as anchor text.2005 NMSNicole St. Martin is a professional search engine optimization consultant currently working in the legal industry.View My Blog:http://seogirl.blogspot.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Meta Tags - An Important Part of Every Web Page

Meta tags are an absolute must from a search engine optimisation perspective, there are many mistakes that can be made by not including these or even trying to 'spam' the SE's using them so heres a quick summary of the three main ones:Meta Page Title TagThe title tag is  supported by all search engines and should be considered as the most important element in your optimisation process. Why is this you may ask? Well the page title is the first thing search engine spiders and human visitors will see. Your title appears at the top of the page in the browser and the title also becomes the clickable link in the search engine listings and should therefore be concise, accurate and include your keywords.Meta Description TagThe meta description tag is supported by most of the search engines, it is not as important as the Title Tag because the web page viewer will not see it but the description is sometimes used in the search listings under the title tag and as such should be an accurate and keyword driven description of what the page value is. Google usually uses an abstract of the page content and will use the description tag only if it cannot find enough on page content to form a page description.Meta Keywords TagDue to massive abuse this tag is very rarely useful but in my opinion should still be used. Include your main keywords in here but do not go crazy, 4 or 5 is more than enough usually. It is far better to include your keywords in the on page copy and will hold better weight with the SE's as such. Please remember however that it still has to read well to the human eye.The Meta Tags should be placed between the HEAD> and /HEAD> tags of your web page and should follow the following format:Page Title Mike - Webmaster and eBay Power Seller at Online Auction TraderWe offer free templates, information and product sourcing to enable you to develop your online auctions into a sustainable, long term income stream.We also operate a Traders Forum where any advice can be sought on any aspect of Online Trading.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right SEO, the Simplified Version

Lets get things straight. SEO is a very competitive market. If you have the time to promote your site and have the energy to work hard to get a good PR then this is for you. I have read many books on SEO and tried to get the best tactics to use. If you have already built a  website there are two things you need to do. First is ON PAGE optimizing and the second is OFF Page optimizing. On page is basically getting your meta tags and description tags similar to the pages that you have built. One key thing to remember is try to use tags with the keywords in your content. For example: if you have keywords like "SEO consultant" in you content you should bold it and put alt tags around it. Try to do this to each keyword per paragraph, don't over do it then google will think you're a spammer. Build pages according to you keywords and description tags.Off Page optimizing is the most important. If you don't do this, then you cannot expect to get visitors. This is basically getting other sites to point to your site, with the similar kind of subject of your site. Over the period of time, people are now asking for money to exchange links to higher PR sites. What should you do? Maybe get 1 or 2. Other then that start finding forums that your website is on. Just google it. Then in the forums use your site under the signature box after you become a member. This will take time for you to see visitors, but it will happen. Just make sure you are participating in the forum community by posting good questions or answers. The other ways of off page optimizing is submitting articles to other directories. This is the best way for you to get a high PR on google or any other search engine. But you have to right excellent CONTENT about your specific site. This is called a one way link, meaning no reciprocal links. Just another site that points to you site. Do this and submit to like 50 other free article websites and you should be seeing good PR over a 1 to 2 month period.D. Patel http://www.vimshop.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...