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సంఘము » సందేశాలు - పేజీ 49

arrow right What Ordinary People Are Saying--Robertson Assassination Comment

What ordinary people are saying about U.S. televangelist Pat Robertson who suggested the U.S. government should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Robertson went on to state that Chavez is a "dangerous enemy" and killing Chavez would be cheaper than going to war  to remove him.From Eschaton

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arrow right Positive People Power - Taking Control By Being Proactive NOT Reactive!

WE MUST PUT A STOP TO THE EVER-INCREASING PRICE OF OIL!In the last few months the price of many necessities has markedly increased. Sure, we can call it 'inflation' and say it's just a part of life - but it's a component which is slowly but surely strangling all of us,  financially. The situation is now so bad that it is spiralling out of control, leaving most of the world's population without money for anything other than the bare essentials. Some of us can't even afford those! Does it have to be this way? We say "no!"For too long now, the corporate world stuck it to us. Their quest for ever-increasing profits, along with their crazy system, which actively encouraged speculation of all commodities, including oil and other energy sources, food and water, meant that prices were continuously going upwards. Since the price of oil is now escalating so rapidly, this will have a flow-on effect to all other aspects of our life. This can't be allowed to continue ? but where can we turn to get help?Surely our governments will put a stop to this. They could rule that speculation is illegal and could unanimously cap the cost of a barrel of oil. But will they do this? No.They could stop taxing the people at the pumps and in this way, bring the price down. But have they done this? No.There may be other ways to halt this greedy manipulation of prices ? but have our governments done anything to address this issue? Absolutely not! Speculation and profits for large corporations are all part of their ideology. They don't care who it hurts. They don't consider the average family. They're only interested in supporting big business and large investors.Fact: BP made Six and a Half Billion Dollars in twelve weeks in early 2005 and the other oil companies made equally as much, if not more, profit during that time.Fuel costs are sky rocketing. We're at the mercy of oil producing nations, the oil cartels, the oil companies, our governments (in the form of extra fuel taxes and levies) and finally the gas station. (See how far down the 'food chain' we regular people really are?) As the end consumers, we're hit with the ultimate final cost. We're the suckers who are slugged the highest price after all the governments and 'middle men' have stuck their snouts in the trough. The whole system is designed to make massive profits for a few while we, the majority, are given no choice but to fork over more of our hard earned cash each week, if we want this product.The price of oil is governed by greed and speculation. If the oil nations think we'll pay more, they reduce production and the cost goes up. If they then find that, when the price is too high we're buying less fuel, they'll increase oil production and reduce the cost per barrel. During the summer, the speculators think demand will go up and this pushes the price of a barrel of oil skywards. During the winter, they think we'll need oil for heating and again they use the stock market to push shares higher. When there's the threat of war near an oil producing country, again the price fluctuates. There doesn't have to be an actual war ? just a rumour will do it. Not long ago the weather forecast indicated that a hurricane might cross the path of an oil well. This information drove investors into a frenzy. That particular hurricane came and went, and did absolutely no damage, but the prices stayed high.The whole system is crazy. These corporate guys are pulling the strings and we're their puppets. Why do we put up with this? Are we such gluttons for punishment? The oil price is a world-wide problem. It affects anyone who drives a vehicle, takes a bus or travels by plane ? and that's most of us. Why do we, the majority, put up with this form of dictatorship from a minority?There are a few reasons.1. We were brainwashed into believing that cars could only run on gasoline.2. Oil companies made huge profits ? so they were happy to perpetuate this myth.3. Car manufacturers also liked the status-quo. They didn't want to put big bucks into research and development of vehicles which ran on alternate sources of energy.Now that we have our new powers of reasoning, we can taking a step back from the problem and clearly see what issues are involved. Then we can begin to find effective, progressive resolutions.SO, IS THERE A PLAN? ABSOLUTELY!Now it's time for a change. This system is hurting us - the over six billion people who also have to live on Planet Earth. Now it's time for us to unite and say "Enough is enough." We need to exist here too. We have rights. We demand fairness. We won't put up with this any more.SOLUTIONS TO THE OIL PROBLEM:? There are millions ? maybe billions ? of us, the consumers, who ought to take a combined stand. We're the ones who pay the most ? therefore we've got the most to gain. We need to unite and make it known that we've had enough and we're not going to take it any more.? We can boycott those companies which collude and force prices to be high.? We can threaten to vote out governments which allow speculation and put taxes on the necessities of life.? We can demand the production of cars, or other rapid transit systems, which run on solar energy, hydrogen, water, sugar cane derivatives, electricity, oxygen or a hybrid engine which can use a combination of energy sources. The technology already exists but it's not readily available to the mass market.? We've got to find ways of heating our homes which do not rely on oil.? Those of us who are scientifically, mechanically or engineering-minded must work together to discover new methods for clean, 'green' transport and heating.We need to find renewable sources of energy which do not pollute, are freely available and do not get manipulated solely for profit. Nikola Tesla, inventor and engineer, believed that there were supplies of energy which could be tapped into and utilized by everyone but the authorities at the time suppressed his findings.Tesla said,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Articles and Adsense

Google Adsense is a hot topic in the Internet Marketing arena these day's and rightfully so. Adsense is drastically increasing the income generated from content driven websites.If you do not already know, Adsense is the publisher's side to Googles advertising program.  Website and blog publishers can place adsense code on their content pages that will automatically display ads related to the content on that page. If you own a website or blog, and place the code on your content pages you can paid every time someone clicks on a google adsense ad. One thing that makes Google adsense so powerful is that clicks can be worth anything from a few pennies to several dollars per click.If you already have a website that is packed full of quality content, then adsense would be a perfect match. However, if your website is currently short on content, there are ways to beef it up with quality content. Quality content is not only a great way to get customers to your site and keep them coming back, but you can also generate a good consistent income utilizing Google adsense.When adding content to your website, keep in mind it is against Google's Terms of Service to create pages strictly for the sole purpose of generating income from adsense. To keep yourself out of trouble be sure to add other functions to the page such as a couple of affiliate ads related to the content, and or a form for visitors to sign up to your email list.The best content is content you create yourself such as product reviews or articles, but if you just don't have the time to write everything yourself, there are thousands of articles with reprint rights available that you can use on your website free of charge. Articles like this can be found at sites like www.ezinearticles.com and www.articlecity.com . Most of these articles have only a few restrictions such as you must leave the article intact and leave the authors resource box with the article.Reprint articles are great but one problem with them is duplicate content. Search engines are really cracking down on duplicate pages. When using reprint articles it is best to add extra content to the page, preferably keyword rich content. This can be time consuming but it is well worth it. To save time I created a PHP article manager (that I recently made available to the public at http://www.articlebooster.com) that is template driven and search engine friendly that automatically inserts my google adsense code as well as keyword rich content to my articles every time I add one, (which keeps me in from getting into duplicate content trouble). I also added a content rotator that makes it easy to rotate affiliate banners and ads throughout my article pages.If you are not using adsense on your content site, signup now! And if you are not using quality articles to create a content site that gets more visitors and keeps them, start it right now, you will be glad you did.This article was provided by Jon Yarbrough of http://www.articlebooster.com You may use this article as long as the article is unchanged and all links are intact including this resource box.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Adsense, Boost Your Payout 400%, No Really

How?Dead easy.I implemented this tactic myself yesterday on one of my sites and my CTR has gone up 300% and it hasn't been 24hrs yet. Needless to say I'll be spending the rest of the morning making changes to my Adsense ads across my site network.What is it?Sorry can't  resist a little intrigue.It's very simple. Using the Leaderboard banner 728 x 90 I added small images/photos above each ad at 140 x 100.These photos are broadly related to the ads and draw the eye of the visitor to the ad. Which the ad alone maybe would not do. Once their eye is drawn they read the ad text below the image and they are much more likely to click.Google already knows of this tactic and I know a number of people have approached them via email before implementing the images. Obviously nobody wants their account suspended. The good news is Google are fine with it, for now at least. Although a few warnings have gone out with regard to animated images not being appropriate. So no flash or animated gifs!You can view this in action on one of my sites - http://www.how-to-make-money-online.info/You can't fail to see it at the top of the page.Now I hope this is new information to you. If so I know it's going to be damn useful. :) And most of all profitable!The benefit of this over Google's own 'image ads' is, you choose the image for one and the basic text ad appeals for another. As I'm sure you're aware text ads work better than image ads. This seems to work better than both separately by combining them together, the major boost comes from you being able to select the most relevant image to your site content.About the Author Darren Yates owner of http://www.how-to-make-money-online.info a site about Making Money Online and Internet Marketing. Packed with news, tips, resources, thousands of Internet marketing articles and powerful links would like to invite you personally to pay us a visit. :)This article comes with reprint rights. You are free to reprint and distribute it as you like.All that we ask is that you do not make any changes, that this resource text is include, and that the link above is intact.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Yahoo! Publisher Network - The Next AdSense?

Yahoo announced that their Publisher Network, formerly available in the US for large websites, will be extended to small and medium-sized websites.As stated by Yahoo representatives, this will allow the whole publishing community to take advantage of Yahoo's products and  services through what they have described as an

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Write More Powerfully For PR, Offline And Online

Years ago when my Dad owned a group of local newspapers I spent my school and college vacations working in the editorial office. We used to amuse ourselves over our sandwiches at lunchtime looking through and trashing the endless press releases that would arrive in the mail  each day, all beautifully produced with glossy photographs (this was in pre-internet days).We trashed them because all but the odd one or two were ill-considered, highly subjective, barely camouflaged advertising copy that had about as much editorial news value as last week's shopping list.Why am I telling you all this? Because despite the fact that this happened many years ago, it's still happening today. Both offline and now online editors continue to laugh sardonically at the self-promoting garbage they receive from corporate sources exactly as my Dad and I laughed umpty-dump years ago. I salivate just thinking about how I could spend the fortunes wasted on those releases and photographs over so many years.And why does this continue to happen? I believe it is because the organizations who send out this stuff - particularly their financial managers - just can't get their heads around the difference in culture between what they want to say, and what editors need to deliver to their audiences. Good PR advisers try hard to compensate, but ultimately it's the client who pays their fees, and if the client insists on issuing garbage there's not much a PR adviser can do other than resign the business.Time after time after time I'm called into companies and asked to comment on why the PR coverage they get in the media is so poor. 99 times out of a 100 it's because they've issued press releases that are only of interest to themselves and their bosses. And yet when I point this out to them they can't understand it.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Getting Your Site Seen By Search Engines

Is your website listed on search engines? When people search for you, does your site show up on page 1 or page 20 of the search engine results?Optimizing your site to get it ranked highly on the search engines can be a complicated subject. To simplify things, it's helpful  to first understand how search engines add sites to their database. Then we'll cover some tips that you can put on your own website that will help you to get listed on search engines and get a higher ranking.The Major PlayersLet's start off with the major search engines, the ones that most people use. Google is the most widely used search engine with Yahoo and MSN searches following close behind. While there are thousands of search engines, it's always a good idea to start with submitting your website to the three largest. Why? Because 95% of all searches go through either Google, Yahoo or MSN.Who Is Powered by Whom?Many search engines do not have their own database, but rely instead upon data supplied by someone else. This is important to know so that you can submit your site to the most popular search engine databases first. For example, AOL Search and Yahoo Search get data from Google, while MSN and HotBot get some data from Inktomi.How Search Engines Read Your SiteThere are two ways search engines read your site: automated (crawlers) and human-entered (directories). Crawlers follow the links found on your site and enter your site into their search database based on text they find on your pages. This text is either found on your public pages, or the text keywords found in behind-the-scenes

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Google, Yahoo! and MSN Line up More Goodies for Internet Users

Internet users have never had it better what with Yahoo!, Google and MSN planning to roll out more goodies. Yahoo! is launching its Yahoo! 360 and Google has already made its beta version of the Desktop Search tool widely available for anyone to download it for free to  enable one to search e-mails, book marked web pages, or content from your desktop with the use of keywords in the stored Microsoft Word or PDF files. Not to be left behind MSN is readying itself to pose another challenge to Google after its launch of MSN Search. Microsoft is launching its own paid search advertising services like the adwords of google.Yahoo! 360 an invitation only beta service to be launched from 29th march is already making waves on the internet. Yahoo! 360 will provide a seamlessly integrated platform for all its services like Yahoo! messanger, Yahoo! Community! mobile blogging, Yahoo! photos, Yahoo! Local and the yet to be launched web logs or Blogs. If you want to be one of the early users, rush to the invitation site for 360 and join the queue for the invite.MSN is already well into its beta version of its blog MSN Spaces.It is to be seen who wins the war of the blogs which is projected to be next big thing on the internet after emails providing anyone the facility of creating their own web pages without any technical knowledge.The last word on the email storage capacities haven't been said yet. According to informed reports Yahoo! is planning to offer its email users 1 GB of email capacity ahead of google coming out of Beta and opening up its email offering to public. Together with its plans to add more space by increasing its email to 1 GB across the glob for Yahoo! mail users, it is making a determined bid to counter Google with My Yahoo! which is undoubtedly the best place to integrated all your internet activities. One can expect Hotmail to follow suit with its own offering of 1 GB mail box from its current 250 MB.Customers can expect a line up of features with the three giants battling it out to increase their respective market shares.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Search Engine Optimization --- An Overview

Search engine optimization is one of most popular online marketing tool for any website. With most websites looking forward to increasing the online sales of their products/services, search engine optimization can be a very cost-effective tool to target and procure your  customers online. In this paper, we will discuss about search engine optimization, its benefits and how you can optimize your website for top search engine rankings.What is search engine optimization?Search engine optimization (also known by various other names like search engine ranking, search engine promotion, website promotion, SEO etc.) is a method through which a website is given top rankings in various search engines. According to a recent industry study, 1 in every 20 people go to the second page of search results pages, but only 1 in every 100 people go beyond that. So, by top search engine rankings, we mean that your website should be within the first two pages of the search results, preferably in the first page (i.e. within top 10 rankings).2. What are the prime benefits of search engine optimization?§ Top search engine rankings result in more pre-qualified business leads coming to your website which in turn can convert to greater sales for your organization.§ Search engine promotion is one of the cheapest methods of advertizing for your organization. Compared to advertizements in the newspapers/magazines or in the television, search engine promotion costs many times less and can bring more traffic to your websites, thereby providing greater ROI.§ Search engine optimization enhances online brand identity of your organization.3. What are the key factors for your website to have top search engine rankings?Search engines change their algorithms frequently, thereby forcing the search engine optimization companies to re-strategize their search engine optimization techniques. However, the following attributes are basic and play a major role in procuring top search engine rankings.a. Keyword Research ? Keywords play the most vital role in your search engine optimization campaign. Keywords (can be 1, 2, 3 or more words) are the search terms which a surfer types in the search box of a search engine to reach your website. Let us consider that you are an "India-based Outsourcing consultant" interested in optimizing your website for top search engine rankings. The following are some of the keywords which surfers will type to reach your website -Keywordsbpobpo indiabpo outsourcing servicesbusiness outsourcing servicesbusiness process outsourcingoffshore companiesoffshore outsourcingoffshore outsourcing servicesoffshore servicesoutsource indiaoutsourcing companiesoutsourcing consultantsoutsourcing indiaoutsourcing servicesoutsourcing services companyKeyword research tips ?Always target keywords that best describe your products/service.Try to find multiword potential keywords compared to single keywords.Try formulating keywords which give answers to as "why/how/what ??.?"Utilize your server log files to know what your customers searched most while visiting your site.Use keyword generator softwares like Wordtracker (http://www.wordtracker.com) or Overture (http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/)Include popular common misspellings (e.g. viagra typed as viagara etc.) in your keyword list.b. Title of the webpage - ?? - Title has a deep impact on your website's search engine rankings. Experience shows that most companies use the following as title of their index page which can prevent them from getting top search engine rankings.Welcome to the website of XYZ.comFor example, let's continue with the above example of "India-based Outsourcing consultant".An ideally optimized title should contain the top 3-5 keywords of your business, e.g. outsourcing consultants, outsourcing india, outsource indiaOptimized Title - Outsourcing Consultants, Outsourcing India, Outsource Indiac. Description Meta tag of the webpage ? Description of a webpage also plays important role in getting top search engine rankings.Optimized Description - Develop a suitable description based on your top 3 keywordsd. Keywords Meta Tag of the webpage - This meta tag was of great importance at one time. But rampant manipulations (i.e. multiple, often non-relevant keyword stuffing in the "keywords" tag), leading to abuse has resulted in search engines giving lesser importance to "keywords" tag while ranking sites. Nevertheless, you can always place top 3 ? 5 keywords of your site in the "keywords" tag.Optimized Keywords -e. Importance of Content/Keyword-enriched optimized pages for top search engine rankings ?Well, if there is one aspect which holds supreme importance in search engine, specially in Google ranking, then it is this. Yes, content! The popular industry say ? "Content is King" was perhaps devised by watching Google's love for content. Develop content based on the top keywords related to your business. While developing content for your web pages, keep in mind the keyword density (KD).Mathematically speaking, Keyword Density is the ratio of the total number of time a keyword is repeated divided by the total content words. Since KD is normally represented in percentage, the above figure is to be multiplied by 100For example, if you have developed a web page of around 250 words on the keyword "search engine optimization", and that particular keyword (search engine optimization) is repeated 10 times, thenKeyword Density (KD) = 10/250 * 100 = 4%As a thumb rule, Keyword Density of an optimized page for top search engine rankings should vary between 2 ? 7 % (this figure varies among different search engines)4. Submission of Keyword-enriched optimized pages ? After you have finished content development for the optimized pages based on the keywords targeted for top search engine rankings, submit those pages to various search engines.Google - http://www.google.com/addurl.htmlAlltheWeb - http://addurl.alltheweb.com/add_urlAltaVista - http://addurl.altavista.com/addurl/newMSN - http://submitit.bcentral.com/msnsubmit.htm5. Role of Link Popularity in top search engine rankings ?Link popularity has assumed tremendous importance for getting good ranks in Google now a days. In fact, what started as a friendly reciprocal link exchange program among various webmasters has now become a sub-industry within the SEO industry itself, with thousands of link farms popping up every day! Yes, if you are interested in getting top ranks in search engines, especially Google, then you must pay effort in building up links for your site.Create a html page, preferably named as "Resources/Links/Partners" and place a link of this page from Index Page of your site. This page should never be more than 1 click away from the index page of your site, else webmasters won't be interested in participating in the reciprocal link exchange program.Target both "industry-related" and "non-industry-related" websites as your link exchange partners. For example, if you are providing outsourcing services, then try getting links from "industry-related websites (i.e. websites dealing with outsourcing services, maybe your business rivals!). This is important, because if 10 of your rival sites give links to your site, then Google will surely pay importance to your site, because getting links from rival companies are difficult. Your site MUST be of some high caliber, else the other 10 sites won't have linked! Also, try procuring links from top ranked general informative websites as well.Always exchange links with websites which have high Google PageRank (PR) of at least 4, the more the better! (both Index Page as well as Resources/Links Page of the Link Partner's site should have PRs of >=4) [PageRank is a proprietary tool that Google uses to determine the importance of a page and varies in a scale of 0 (least important) to 10 (maximum importance)].Have a link code ready for participating in link exchange program. Here is a sample link code for an India-based Outsourcing consultant.- Indian outsourcing consultant providing guidance to companies willing to set up outsourcing centers in India.Always prefer a text link (as given above) in comparison to a banner link, where your chance of Google and other search engine spiders finding the potential keywords is limited only to the "alt tag" of the banner. Also, Google pays importance to the text of the incoming link/anchor text (i.e. the incoming link text must contain high potential, relevant keywords), so develop a link text with title ("indian outsourcing consultant") which will help you in Google Ranking.Refrain from javascript link code because Google spider finds it difficult to index.Key SEO FactorsTargeting the right keywords for your websiteTitle of your webpageDescription Meta tag of your webpageKeywords Meta tag of your webpageQuality, Informative ContentLink PopularityConclusion -With Google's numero uno position in the search engine market being threatened by arch-rivals Yahoo! [bought Overture, the largest PPC search engine recently, who in turn bought Altavista and Alltheweb] and Microsoft's MSN [believed to be developing its own search engine], it is no doubt that the search engine industry is going to experience tremendous changes in the next few months. The recent Google "Florida" Update is just one of the many upheavals that we may be witnessing in an industry where the only constant factor is the "change". However, the various techniques outlined in this paper are basic and are we believe that following them you will be able to achieve top 10 ranks in Google and other search engines.About The AuthorPrabuddha S Raychaudhuri is the Founder & CEO of Search Engine Optimization Guru Pvt. Ltd. (http://www.searchengine-optimization-guru.com), a premiere Search Engine Optimization and Marketing (SEO/SEM) consultancy firm, catering to clients which range from Fortune 500 to small home business start-ups. Our services include Top 10 Google and other search engines rankings, Pay Per Click (PPC) targeted traffic campaign, Paid Listing Management, Keyword Advertizing. Prabuddha holds a Bachelor Of Engineering (B.E.) in Construction Engineering and can be contacted at prabuddha@searchengine-optimization-guru.com.prabuddha@searchengine-optimization-guru.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right What In The World Is This Google Sandbox Theory Thing? And How Do I Beat It

Ok, so over the past month or so I've been collecting various search engine optimization questions from all of you. Today, I'm going to answer what was the most frequently asked question over the past month.You guessed it... What is the Google Sandbox Theory and how do I  escape it? When you finish reading this lesson, you'll be an expert on the good 'ole Google Sandbox Theory and you'll know how to combat its effects. So, pay close attention. This is some very important stuff.Before I start explaining what the Google Sandbox theory is, let me make a few things clear:The Google Sandbox theory is just that, a theory, and is without official confirmations from Google or the benefit of years of observation.The Google Sandbox theory has been floating around since summer 2004, and has only really gained steam after February 4, 2005 , after a major Google index update (something known as the old Google dance).Without being able to verify the existence of a Sandbox, much less its features, it becomes very hard to devise strategies to combat its effects.Almost everything that you will read on the Internet on the Google Sandbox theory is conjecture, pieced together from individual experiences and not from a wide-scale objective controlled experiment with hundreds of websites (something that would obviously help in determining the nature of the Sandbox, but is inherently impractical given the demand on resources).Thus, as I'll be discussing towards the end, it's important that you focus on 'good' search engine optimization techniques and not place too much emphasis on quick 'get-out-of-jail' schemes which are, after all, only going to last until the next big Google update.What is the Google Sandbox Theory?There are several theories that attempt explain the Google Sandbox effect. Essentially, the problem is simple. Webmasters around the world began to notice that their new websites, optimized and chock full of inbound links, were not ranking well for their selected keywords.In fact, the most common scenario to be reported was that after being listed in the SERPS (search engine results pages) for a couple of weeks, pages were either dropped from the index or ranked extremely low for their most important keywords.This pattern was tracked down to websites that were created (by created I mean that their domain name was purchased and the website was registered) around March 2004. All websites created around or after March 2004 were said to be suffering from the Sandbox effect.Some outliers escaped it completely, but webmasters on a broad scale had to deal with their websites ranking poorly even for terms for which they had optimized their websites to death.Conspiracy theories grew exponentially after the February 2005 update, codenamed 'Allegra' (how these updates are named I have no clue), when webmasters began seeing vastly fluctuating results and fortunes. Well-ranked websites were loosing their high SERPS positions, while previously low-ranking websites had gained ground to rank near the top for their keywords.This was a major update to Google's search engine algorithm, but what was interesting was the apparent 'exodus' of websites from the Google Sandbox. This event gave the strongest evidence yet of the existence of a Google Sandbox, and allowed SEO experts to better understand what the Sandbox effect was about.Possible explanations for the Google Sandbox effectA common explanation offered for the Google Sandbox effect is the 'Time Delay' factor. Essentially, this theory suggests that Google releases websites from the Sandbox after a set period of time. Since many webmasters started feeling the effects of the Sandbox around March-April 2004 and a lot of those websites were 'released' in the 'Allegra' update, this 'website aging' theory has gained a lot of ground.However, I don't find much truth in the 'Time Delay' factor because by itself, it's just an artificially imposed penalty on websites and does not improve relevancy (the Holy Grail for search engines). Since Google is the de facto leader of the search engine industry and is continuously making strides to improve relevancy in search results, tactics such as this do not fit in with what we know about Google.Contrasting evidence from many websites has shown that some websites created before March 2004 were still not released from the Google Sandbox, whereas some websites created as late as July 2004 managed to escape the Google Sandbox effect during the 'Allegra' update. Along with shattering the 'Time Delay' theory, this also raises some interesting questions. This evidence has led some webmasters to suggest a 'link threshold' theory; once a website has accumulated a certain amount of quantity/quality inbound links, it is released from the Sandbox.While this might be closer to the truth, this cannot be all there is to it. There has been evidence of websites who have escaped the Google Sandbox effect without massive link-building campaigns. In my opinion, link-popularity is definitely a factor in determining when a website is released from the Sandbox but there is one more caveat attached to it.This concept is known as 'link-aging'. Basically, this theory states that websites are released from the Sandbox based on the 'age' of their inbound links. While we only have limited data to analyze, this seems to be the most likely explanation for the Google Sandbox effect.The link-ageing concept is something that confuses people, who usually consider that it is the website that has to age. While conceptually, a link to a website can only be as old as the website itself, yet if you have don't have enough inbound links after one year, common experience has it that you will not be able to escape from the Google Sandbox. A quick hop around popular SEO forums (you do visit SEO forums, don't you?) will lead you to hundreds of threads discussing various results ? some websites were launched in July 2004 and escaped by December 2004. Others were stuck in the Sandbox even after the 'Allegra' update.How to find out if your website is 'Sandboxed'Finding out if your website is 'Sandboxed' is quite simple. If your website does not appear in any SERPS for your target list of keywords, or if your results are highly depressing (ranked somewhere on the 40 th page) even if you have lots of inbound links and almost-perfect on-page optimization, then your website has been Sandboxed.Issues such as the Google Sandbox theory tend to distract webmasters from the core 'good' SEO practices and inadvertently push them towards black-hat or quick-fix techniques to exploit the search engine's weaknesses. The problem with this approach is its short-sightedness. To explain what I'm talking about, let's take a small detour and discuss search engine theory.Understanding Search EnginesIf you're looking to do some SEO, it would help if you tried to understand what search engines are trying to do. Search engines want to present the most relevant information to their users. There are two problems in this ? the inaccurate search terms that people use and the information glut that is the Internet. To counteract, search engines have developed increasingly complex algorithms to deduce relevancy of content for different search terms.How does this help us?Well, as long as you keep producing highly-targeted, quality content that is relevant to the subject of your website (and acquire natural inbound links from related websites), you will stand a good chance for ranking high in SERPS. It sounds ridiculously simple, and in this case, it is. As search engine algorithms evolve, they will continue to do their jobs better, thus becoming better at filtering out trash and presenting the most relevant content to their users.While each search engine will have different methods of determining search engine placement (Google values inbound links quite a lot, while Yahoo has recently placed additional value on Title tags and domain names), in the end all search engines aim to achieve the same goal, and by aiming to fulfill that goal you will always be able to ensure that your website can achieve a good ranking.Escaping from the Google SandboxNow, from our discussion about the Sandbox theory above, you know that at best, the Google Sandbox is a filter on the search engine's algorithm that has a dampening influence on websites. While most SEO experts will tell you that this effect decreases after a certain period of time, they mistakenly accord it to website aging, or basically, when the website is first spidered by Googlebot. Actually, the Sandbox does 'holds back' new websites but more importantly, the effects reduce over time not on the basis of website aging, but on link aging.This means that the time that you spend in the Google Sandbox is directly linked to when you start acquiring quality links for your website. Thus, if you do nothing, your website may not be released from the Google Sandbox.However, if you keep your head down and keep up with a low-intensity, long-term link building plan and keep adding inbound links to your website, you will be released from the Google Sandbox after an indeterminate period of time (but within a year, probably six months). In other words, the filter will stop having such a massive effect on your website.As the 'Allegra' update showed, websites that were constantly being optimized during the time that they were in the Sandbox began to rank quite high for targeted keywords after the Sandbox effect ended.This and other observations of the Sandbox phenomenon ? combined with an understanding of search engine philosophy ? have lead me to pinpoint the following strategies for minimizing your website's 'Sandboxed' time.SEO strategies to minimize your website's 'Sandboxed' timeDespite what some SEO experts might tell you, you don't need do anything different to escape from the Google Sandbox. In fact, if you follow the 'white hat' rules of search engine optimization and work on the principles I've mentioned many times in this course, you'll not only minimize your website's Sandboxed time but you will also ensure that your website ranks in the top 10 for your target keywords. Here's a list of SEO strategies you should make sure you use when starting out a new website:Start promoting your website the moment you create your website, not when your website is 'ready'. Don't make the mistake of waiting for your website to be 'perfect'. The motto is to get your product out on the market, as quickly as possible, and then worry about improving it. Otherwise, how will you ever start to make money?Establish a low-intensity, long-term link building plan and follow it religiously. For example, you can set yourself a target of acquiring 20 links per week, or maybe even a target of contacting 10 link partners a day (of course, with SEO Elite, link building is a snap). This will ensure that as you build your website, you also start acquiring inbound links and those links will age properly ? so that by the time your website exits the Sandbox you would have both a high quantity of inbound links and a thriving website.Avoid black-hat techniques such as keyword stuffing or 'cloaking'. Google's search algorithm evolves almost daily, and penalties for breaking the rules may keep you stuck in the Sandbox longer than usual.Save your time by remembering the 20/80 rule: 80 percent of your optimization can be accomplished by just 20 percent of effort. After that, any tweaking left to be done is specific to current search engine tendencies and liable to become ineffective once a search engine updates its algorithm. Therefore don't waste your time in optimizing for each and every search engine ? just get the basics right and move on to the next page.Remember, you should always optimize with the end-user in mind, not the search engines.Like I mentioned earlier, search engines are continuously optimizing their algorithms in order to improve on the key criteria: relevancy. By ensuring that your website content is targeted on a particular keyword, and is judged as 'good' content based on both on-page optimization (keyword density) and off-page factors (lots of quality inbound links), you will also guarantee that your website will keep ranking highly for your search terms no matter what changes are brought into a search engine's algorithm, whether it's a dampening factor a la Sandbox or any other quirk the search engine industry throws up in the future.Brad Callen Search Engine Optimization Expert Learn How To Get A Top Google Ranking In Under 28 Days With This Breakthrough New SEO Software!

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arrow right Ranked #1 at Google for Invisible Entrepreneurs But No Traffic?

I am ranked #1 for that silly phrase at Google. So What?Here's a secret. You can be ranked #1 at Google for the phrase "Waterfall Watches" if you put the phrase on your page 4 times and in metatags twice. How do I know that? I did it in 2001 and still rank number one in  Google for the phrase in 2005. On another of my sites I rank #1 for the phrase

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arrow right 7 Search Engine Resources You Should Be Using Now

Ask any business person who's website is at the top of the search engines if his/her site is making money, and the answer is almost always "yes".An example is Glenn Canady, the author of "Gorilla Marketing" who employed only one of these strategies, and it made him over $1  million dollars.The fact is, search engines can get you an enormous amount of traffic, and it's traffic to your sites that's free. However, in order to ethically and effectively market in the search engines, you need to use strategies that actually work.Below are three different ways to effectively, and ethically, raise your rankings in the search engines. I've included seven different resources that you can use that will help you implement these strategies, and do it quickly and easily so that you can begin to see an increase in your traffic almost immediately.1. Optimize your site. To make sure that you are properly targeting your market, you need to make sure that you are marketing using the right keywords. This means optimizing your site to make sure that the keywords you have on your site are the keywords that your site is actually optimized for.There are two tools that you can use to help you with search engine optimization:a. Search Engine Optimization Fast Start Ebook - http://www.seoresearchlabs.com/seo-book.php - will teach you simple and effective techniques for optimmizing your site. This ebook is now in its 4th edition, is completely up to date, and is one of the best ebooks I've seen on search engine optimization.b. Web CEO - http://www.smallbusinesshowto.com/search.html - This is a complete search engine optimization suite that offers 10 different tools to help you optimize your site for the search engines. It offers the most comprehensive, and step by step, set of instructions I've ever seen with any software package. According to the instructions, you can get started in one hour. The free version of this software will work for most, and it also includes a $97 search engine optimization course as part of the package.2. Develop a linking strategy. One factor that influences how well you are ranked in the search engines is linking. The more inbound links that you have pointing to your site, the higher you will be ranked in the search engines.For each link that you have pointing back to you, that's another opportunity for your potential customer to find you. With credibility being such a big problem on the internet, to have someone recommend you increases your chance of making the sale.To help you develop an effective strategy, I recommend that you read

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arrow right Playing in Googlebots Sandbox with Slurp, Teoma, & MSNbot - Spiders Display

There has been endless webmaster speculation and worry about the so-called "Google Sandbox" - the indexing time delay for new domain names - rumored to last for at least 45 days from the date of first "discovery" by Googlebot. This recognized listing delay came to be called  the

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arrow right SEO - Google Sitemaps Explained

Once again I seem to be writing about Google. The reason Google keeps cropping up in these articles is that:Google is a innovative company always coming up with new ideas to keep one step ahead of the competition.Search Engines are the most important way that most webses  generate new traffic.Google is the most important of the Search Engines.  One of Googles latest implementations is a method of allowing web-designers and website owners to create specially formatted sitemap documents that inform and direct the Google robots. These sitemaps are a quick and easy way to keep your site constantly indexed and updated within the Google database and to ensure that all of your sites pages are crawled by the Google search engine robot. The program is called 'Google Sitemaps' and this is what Google themselves have to say about it:Google Sitemaps is an experiment in web crawling. Using Sitemaps to inform and direct our crawlers, we hope to expand our coverage of the web and improve the time to inclusion in our index. By placing a Sitemap-formatted file on your webserver, you enable our crawlers to find out what pages are present and which have recently changed, and to crawl your site accordingly. Google Sitemaps is intended for all web site owners, from those with a single web page to companies with millions of ever-changing pages. If any of the following are true, then you may be especially interested in Google Sitemaps:? You want Google to crawl more of your web pages.? You want to be able to tell Google when content on your site changes.What is a Google Sitemap?The Sitemap protocol requires the sitemap to be present on your web-server in the form of an XML document. XML is simple code like HTML and it is used to syndicate your content to all interested parties. You may have seen it in use for syndicating weblog entries via RSS to a news-reader. In the case of Google Sitemaps, the XML document is syndicated to Google and their software uses it to ensure that the pages of your website are crawled and indexed.Before the introduction of Google Sitemaps, website-owners had to rely on the Google robot to find all of a websites links in order to make sure that all the pages were indexed. The introduction of Google Sitemaps now gives website owners some control over this process. In additon, the XML format of the sitemap document also gives you control over several key variables.If we examine a very simple chunk of code from a basic Google sitemap XML document we can see the variables we now have control over. http://www.yourdomainname.com/ 1.0 2005-07-06T18:00:00+00:00 weekly This part of code describes one page of a website, so a typical Google Sitemap document would contain similar chunks of code for every page contained within the website. As you can see each web page has 4 variables:LOCATION - Simply the URL of the web page.PRIORITY - A number from 0.0 to 1.0 allowing you to set the priority of a particular page within your website. This number is a relative setting and relates only to those pages within your site. It allows you to instruct Google to pay more attention to particular key pages within your website.LAST MODIFIED - This tells Google when your web pages were last modified so preventing the robot from having to index pages that haven't changed since its last visit.CHANGE FREQUENCY - This allows you to tell Google how often the content of a page is likely to change. You can set it to never, yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly and always.Click here for more information on the XML Protocol used by Google SitemapsHow do I create a Google Sitemap?There are a number of ways to create a Google Sitemap document for your website.The simplest but least controllable way is to use an online XML generator that will spider the pages in your website, and automatically create the XML file for you. With most you then have to upload the file to your web-server and inform Google of its presence. There are plenty of these scripts popping up and many of them are completely free. Select this link for aThe main disadvantage to using these online generators is that they need to be recreated each time you add new pages to your website. This won't be a problem for many website owners who rarely add new pages, but for those who are constantly adding new pages another approach may be better.If you would like a little more control over the various parameters stored within your Google Sitemap XML document then a script that you configure and then upload to your web-server may be the answer for you. These are written in various scripting languages such as PHP or Perl and give you more control over your Google Sitemap. They do require some knowledge of scripting and installation to get them working which is beyond the scope of this article. Many however can be set up to run at regular intervals and not only spider your complete site and automatically generate your XML Google Sitemaps document but also upload it to the relevant place on your web-server and ping Google to tell them that the sitemap exists.Finally you could use Googles own Sitemap generator which is a Python script and takes a little more knowledge to install and configure on your web-server. It also requires that Python 2.2 is installed on the server. Select this link for more information on Googles Sitemap GeneratorNote: These automatic Sitemap generators work by following the internal links within your website, any orphaned pages that are not linked to will not be included in your sitemap.How do I submit my Sitemap to Google?Whichever method you use to generate your Google Sitemaps document, you then need to submit it to Google. Most of the online generators and scripts will either do this for you or give you an option to do it once your XML document has been uploaded.First, you should create a Google Sitemaps Account (which requires you to have a Google Account). This account enables Google to provide you with useful status and statistical information. The My Sitemaps page lets you know if there are problems with your Sitemap or with any of the URLs listed in it. Your Google Sitemaps account will also allow you to re-submit your Sitemaps document when you make changes to it.Once your Sitemaps account is set up simply use the online forms to inform Google of the location of your new Sitemaps document and your site will soon be indexed.SummaryGoogle Sitemaps give website owners the opportunity to inform Google about all the pages of their website. It should ensure that no pages are missed and also allows a certain degree of control over the relative importance of individual pages. Simply generating a Google Sitemaps document won't necessarily give you higher rankings within the search engines as you will still be competing with other websites for those top spots. Both on page Search Engine Optimisation and off-page promotion will still be essential. However, sitemaps make sure all your pages are crawled and indexed quickly by Google, and may therefore give you a competitive advantage over those websites that don't have a Google Sitemap.Alan Cole runs http://www.pixelwave.co.uk, a one-person web design studio. His aim is to provide cost effective website design production and maintenance by offering professional web solutions that stand out from the crowd. Increasingly his work involves website promotion and Search Engine Optimisation as well as training courses on all aspects of web design and promotion.

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arrow right Which Search Engine Optimization Services to choose, Google OR Yahoo?

Search Engine Optimization is emerging as the most powerful form of Internet Marketing in the recent years, and is bound to increase in the coming few years. Many companies have now emerged from countries like UK,CANADA, and India providing cost effective Search Engine  Optimization Services.  Internet Marketing in the form of Search Engine Optimization has helped to build several successful business portals online. Many successful Software Firms,Travel agencies, Business services are becoming aware of the power of Search Engine Optimization.  Studies have shown that you can generate 60% of your traffic alone from search engines like google, and rest 40% from yahoo, and other search engines.Search engine optimization is emerging as a new era of Online Business science, which helps to generate more traffic, and more revenues from your existing businesses.  Search engine optimization is further categorized into two categories organic search, and PPC( Pay per Click). Organic Search engine optimization depends on the natural ranking of your web page, whereas PPC is a paid service offered for companies who want to kickstart their business from the day one without going through the labour of organic search engine optimization, which can be achieved over a period of time.  In the broader perception it has been observed that Organic search engine optimization is far more reliable in long-term, whereas PPC is reliable for short term solutions.  Many Internet marketing companies have emerged, helping business owners to achieve top rankings on major search engines either through Organic Search OR PPC.Author's Profile:Name: Bhupinder SinghOccupation: working as webmaster for BSOLUTIONS, http://www.bsolutions.s5.com, and has worked for several international clients from UK,US,CANADA,and India. Having experience of more than 3 years in web development and Search Engine Optimization, I have evolved a wide expertise in Search Engine Optimization Techniques. Contact me: bhupinder@bsolutions.s5.com or bhupinder@seohawk.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...