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arrow right Helpful Hints for First-Time Home Buyers

Buying a house can be a daunting task, even for someone who has owned several homes. My husband and I recently purchased our first home together, and it was hard to find good advice that we truly found useful. We had to learn a lot on our own, but at least now we feel  comfortable and knowledgeable about the whole process. Here are some helpful hints we picked up along the way:1. Use your online resources.Almost every state and local government has a website where you can research real estate information. The data on home sales, taxes, and neighborhoods is invaluable when you are shopping for a home. We were able to find out the most recent sale prices in the neighborhood we selected, and we didn't have to rely on a real estate agent to get the data for us. Doing the research yourself will make you more knowledgeable about the market, which is key to making a good purchase.2. Be realistic about how much you can spend.Try to buy a home in a price range that allows you to put down 20%. If you put down less than this, you will have to pay PMI (private mortgage insurance) to protect the lender in case you default on the loan. I know that 20% is a lot, but it's not unrealistic. You may not be able to do it on your first home, but hopefully you can on your second home. The profits from the sale of my condo enabled my husband and me to have more than enough for the 20% down payment on our home. But we didn't put it all down on the home ? we saved some of the profits for the unexpected expenses that come with buying a home. We suggest that you do the same.3. Shop for a home in the winter, preferably around the holidays.Since most people just aren't interested in buying a home when they are trying to deal with the holidays, you can pretty much be one of the few buyers out there. We bought our home right before Christmas, and it was definitely a buyers market. We had our pick of homes and were able to underbid on the asking price, even though we live in one of the hottest real estate markets in the country.4. Use a smaller mortgage company that can offer personal service.People tend to go with large, well-known mortgage companies, since that's all they know. But the smaller, regional companies provide excellent customer service, and can often give you better rates than the big companies. Since they don't advertise and instead rely on word-of-mouth, they have to be good in order to get your service. We started off with a big-name company, but in the end, we went with a regional company because they had better rates and better customer service.5. Always have a home inspection.I think most people know this fact already, but it is really important in areas with a hot real estate market. It can be easy to get caught up in bidding wars, and to want to get a house at all costs. Some friends of ours wanted a house so badly that not only did they overbid, but they also waived the home inspection. They got the house ? and right along with it they got several thousand dollars worth of damage that would have been found in an inspection.As a final note, try to remember that buying a home doesn't have to be scary. It's very exciting to own your own home, so think ofall the good things that will come once you have made it through the home-buying process. If you follow the advice above, then you should be well-equipped to make it through unscathed.Rachel Greenberg has a background in business and finance, and she received her MBA from Duke University. She writes fun and informative pieces for her website http://www.bargainfamily.com - which she created with her husband Lee. The website provides advice and recommendations for families on various products and services for their homes, lives, and businesses.

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arrow right The Pros and Cons Of Hiring A Real Estate Lawyer

You're travelling in a foreign country and you get arrested for something that you didn't even know was against the law. The potential fine is huge, more than you earn in 10 years. Would you represent yourself in front of judges who might not even speak your language? Not  if you had any sense you wouldn't. You'd probably hire a lawyer.Let's think about that. Most people are not willing to risk 10 years salary when they're in front of the judge, yet those same people are willing to risk that same amount of money, or more, whenever they buy real estate in a foreign country.What's the risk? There are plenty.Not being fully aware of the laws that affect the ownership of real estate for starters. In some cases, you're not only subject to the laws of real estate ownership which affect any property owner in that country, but there may be special laws which affect only foreign owners as well as local laws which differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.Perhaps you're not an expert at reading the language that the purchase and sale agreement is written in. Maybe you'll overlook terms or conditions that would be a deal-breaker if you were aware of their presence.And then there are all of the considerations which affect any buyer whether they are a foreign national or not. Things like zoning or permitted use laws, neighborhood or condo association by-laws, environmental restrictions, tax issues, and all of the other little gremlins that can pop up and turn a great deal into a great deal of misery.Those are the kinds of things that a Real Estate lawyer is trained to handle. It's not good enough to have your family lawyer or corporate lawyer review the deal. If you want an iron-clad real estate purchase and sales agreement which addresses all of the unique and common issues that you face as a real estate buyer in a foreign country, then you need to hire a real estate lawyer who is licensed to practice in that country. Nothing else is

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arrow right London Broil - Garlic

eRix Recipes London broil - Garlic Ingredients: ? 2 lbs. London Broil beef ? 1 ½ cups cubed, peeled carrots? 1 ½ cups cubed cabbage? ½ cup cubed Spanish yellow onion? 2 cups halved, unpeeled red potatoes? 1 teaspoon salt? 1 tablespoon of canola vegetable oil? 4  quartered cloves of garlic from bulb? ½ cup of water Step One ? take the 2 lb. London broil beef slab and infuse it with the 4 quartered cloves of garlic. The easiest  way to accomplish this is to take a chopstick or a paring knife to make incision into the beef about 2 inches apart,  then take the garlic and insert it into the holes created. Take ½ of the teaspoon of oil a put it into a pan  warming to medium-high heat. Take ½ teaspoon of salt and dust the slab of beef. When the pan is warmed for about 2  minutes, place the beef into it and spend 10 minutes browning all sides of the beef. DO NOT WASH THE FRYING PAN,  keep the heat on medium-high and place the ½ cup of water into the pan and bring to a boil, then remove from heat  and save to be put on the vegetables. From that point place the seared meat onto a broiler rack lined with foil  and place into a pre-heated 400º oven for 20 minutes. This should bring a meat cooking preference of medium-rare.  Adjust the time longer or shorter for your liking of meat doneness. Step Two ? while the London broil beef slab is in the oven, take ½ tablespoon of canola oil and place into another  frying pan warming to high heat. Next take the halved potatoes and carrots and begin to cook for about 4 minutes,  then add the onion and cabbage and cook for an additional 4 minutes. Add the other ½ teaspoon of salt and the ½ cup  of water that is in the pan used to brown the beef, then cover and cook for another 4 or 5 minutes. Remove from the  heat and let to rest until serving time. Step Three ? a simple, clean presentation of the food will always wet the appetite of those about to eat a meal.  Therefore, never crowd the plate with more than three items at a time. I suggest you take the beef sliced about ¼"  thick-against the grain of the meat to ensure tender cuts-and place it a fan shape on the lower left portion of  the plate. Nest take the vegetables and place the above and to the left of the meat. Compliment this with your  favorite salad placed across from the vegetables and you have a delicious, hearty garlic infused London broil your  family and friends will rave about. I like how cool the slices of garlic appear within the meat and how good it  really tastes. eRix © 2004-08-26   Eric Smith - over 9-years experience as a Japanese Teppan-yaki Chef ebernard38@yahoo.com  http://www.quality-gifts-galore.com

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arrow right Frugal Microwave Cooking

Microwave cooking can save you time and energy all year long. But it is especially nice in summer because it enables you to cook hot meals without heating up your home.Microwave heat is produced only within the food, so the microwave oven stays cool and your house does,  too, saving you money on your air conditioning bill!In general, the microwave oven uses only one- fourth of the energy used by a conventional oven.In order to get the most from using your microwave oven, remember these tips:1. Covering most foods will speed up cooking.2. Use round or oval dishes, instead of square or rectangle, for more even cooking.3. If you are cooking two foods at the same time, choose foods that take about the same amount of time to cook.4. Heating continues after food is removed from the microwave oven, so allow time for this additional cooking.5. Arrange chicken pieces so that the thicker, meatier portions are toward the outside of the dish and the thin, bony parts are toward the center.6. Foods containing sugar and fats cook faster.Many of your family's favorite recipes can be converted to a microwave recipe.To figure microwave cooking time, start with one- fourth of the conventional time.Always undercook--if more time is needed, you can always add another minute or two.Use less liquid because there is not as much evaporation.It may help to find a recipe that is similar to yours that is written especially for microwave ovens and use it as a guide.SWISS STEAK3 tbsp. flour 1 lb. beef round steak, 3/4 inch thick 3 tbsp. dry onion soup mix - shake mix before measuring 1 tbsp. brown sugar 3 tbsp. water 1 tsp. prepared mustard 1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauceSprinkle half of flour on one side of meat; pound in with rolling pin or meat mallet. Turn meat and sprinkle with remaining flour; pound with rolling pin. Cut into 4 serving size pieces.Arrange in 8 inch round microwave baking dish.In small bowl, combine all remaining ingredients, b lend well. Pour over meat. Cover tightly with microwave safe plastic wrap. Microwave on medium for 12 to 17 minutes or until meat is almost tender. Let stand tightly covered for 10 minutes. Serves 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Steamed VeggiesVegetable (green beans,carrots, broccoli, whatever) Small amount of water (about 1/4 to 1/2 cup)Put veggies and water in a microwave-safe container and cover with microwave-safe plastic wrap,loosely, so steam can escape.Cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute at time, until done to desired tenderness.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Microwave Raspberry Cake1/2 cup butter 2/3 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup seedless raspberry preserves 1/4 cup sour cream 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon saltCream butter and sugar in large bowl. Mix in preserves. Blend well. Add sour cream and eggs. Beat well. Blend together flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Add gradually to first mixture, beating well.Pour batter into greased 8-inch round microwave-safe dish. Microwave on full power for 4 to 5 minutes or until top springs back when pressed with finger.Cool. Frost with Raspberry Frosting.Raspberry Frosting2 tablespoons butter 2 cups powdered sugar, divided 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup seedless raspberry preservesCombine butter, 1 cup powdered sugar, vanilla extract and preserves. Blend well. Add remaining 1 cup powdered sugar and stir until smooth. Spread on cake. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Cyndi Roberts is the editor of the

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arrow right Mediterranean Grilled Vegetable Soup

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are five elements that contribute to all activities: TREE / WOOD, FIRE, SOIL / EARTH, METAL and WATER.Fire is the element of summer ? so how can this help to put more of YOU in summer? The more you use EnergyRich?  Seasonal Foods (rather than associational season foods ? a-hem like, maybe, ice-cream?), the more energy you have available for fun!Here is a perfect EnergyRich? recipe for the summer: Mediterranean Grilled Vegetable Soup2 red bell peppers, cored, seeded and quartered lengthwise 1 yellow bell pepper, cored, seeded and quartered lengthwise 2 small zucchini (1/2 lb. total), trimmed and quartered lengthwise 1 red onion, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices 1 tsp. olive oil 3 large vine-ripened tomatoes (1 1/4 lbs.), cored and chopped 1 clove garlic, peeled 1/2 tsp. dried oregano 1/4 cup shredded basil leaves 1 Tbsp. red-wine vinegarPinch of salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste.Instructions1 - Prepare a grill or preheat the broiler. 2 - Grill or broil bell peppers, skin-side toward the flame, until the skin is blackened, 5 to 10 minutes. 3 - Place in a paper bag and set aside for 15 minutes. 4 - Brush zucchini and onion slices with oil and grill or broil until well browned and tender, about 5 minutes. 5 - Chop coarsely and set aside. 6 - Peel the peppers. 7 - Coarsely chop the yellow pepper and set aside with the reserved zucchini and onions. 8 - Place the red peppers in a food processor or blender, along with tomatoes, garlic and oregano; puree until smooth. 9 - Transfer to a bowl and stir in 1 cup water, basil, vinegar and the reserved chopped vegetables. 10 - Season with salt and pepper. 11 - Cover and refrigerate until cool, about 30 minutes. (The soup can be stored, covered, in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.)To your health and success, HeatherHeather Dominick is a Nutrition-Energy Consultant accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and creator of The Energy Rich Lifestyle Program?. In addition to her nutrition services, she is a motivating and dynamic speaker.Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine? You absolutely can! But here's what you MUST include: Heather Dominick, Certified Nutrition-Energy Consultant, is founder of the EnergyRich Lifestyle Program?, the proven step-by- step program to help you achieve your best health and fullest life. For a limited time sign up for her freebie EnergyRICH? Tips and receive a F*ee Report: Crucial Tips For Grocery Shopping at http://www.individual-health.net.

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arrow right Link Romantic Feelings To The Sight Of Your Face

Anchoring is an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) term used to describe the mind's tendency to associate two unrelated events or experiences, especially when a strong emotion is present.For example, if your mother fed you chicken soup when you were ill as a child, you will  always associate chicken soup to being loved and cared for.On the down side, if you once contracted food poisoning from eating tainted pickles, just the smell of pickles will be enough to bring on a feeling of nausea many years after the event.How does anchoring work in relationships?If you come home from work elated by a promotion and see your lover's face, you will link that feeling of elation to the sight of his or her face. By the same token, if you hate your job and constantly talk about those feelings over dinner with your spouse, you'll unconsciously begin to associate the bad feelings with him or her.In that case, you must make a conscious effort to share more good times with them so you will more readily associate positive feelings to the sight of their face.Sharing good times creates positive anchors or associations. It helps you to weather the less positive times that every couple experiences at some stage in their relationship.Breaking up is often the result of linking too many negative anchors to the sight of your partner's face, with no knowledge of how to counteract them by deliberately creating positive ones.Here's a common example. A young doctor whose wife works to help him through medical school may decide to divorce her after he graduates. This is because he associates the sight of her face to the hard times they experienced during those years. Of course this is all unconscious ? all he knows is that he feels bad whenever he looks at her. He mistakenly takes this as a sign that the relationship isn't working.Now that you know how anchoring works, use it intentionally to improve your relationship.1. Plan positive events together and make sure you don't let any negativity intrude on the event. Save arguments or disagreements for a later time.2. During the height of an intensely positive moment you are sharing,(a) touch your loved one lightly on the knee or arm,  (b) squeeze the person's hand, or  (c) put your arms around him or her.The next time you repeat the same gesture with this person in some other context, it will reawaken some of those original emotions in them.In a similar way, if you touch someone in a specific way when they are feeling sad, for example, you squeeze their shoulder or put an arm around them at a funeral, touching them later in the same way will reawaken those feelings of sadness. So be careful about what sorts of emotions you are associating to your touch, words or face.How does this apply to gifts?A gift is by its nature an anchor. Every time the recipient looks at the gift, they will remember the occasion when they received it, especially if they experienced strong emotions at the time.So you can help guarantee that your gift will be a strong ongoing anchor if you make sure that you create a truly memorable experience ? such as an extremely romantic evening - when you present the gift.A woman will always remember following a trail of rose petals in her lover's apartment to find the necklace he purchased for her birthday.A man will always remember being presented with his own personal star by a lover dressed only in a star-patterned bra and g-string.It's also important to consider the opposite effect. Never give a gift by way of apology. You don't want to create negative anchors by giving gifts after an argument.If you give your wife a diamond ring to apologize for the fact that she caught you cheating with your secretary, the ring will always remind her of your infidelity.If you give your husband a new watch to apologize for crashing his BMW, he'll remember your transgression every time he checks the time.Even if those memories don't make it to conscious awareness, they're lurking just under the surface. It makes better sense to allow them to fade away, instead of attaching them to physical objects like gifts.Keep things simple. A genuine apology is all that's required after an argument. Save gifts for positive occasions.© Marguerite BonnevilleMarguerite Bonneville is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) whose passion is publishing information online. She is a contributing writer at http://www.romantic-gift-ideas-online.com, a resource site dedicated to helping visitors find the perfect romantic gift.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Anti Trackback and Comment Spam Methods

What is spam ? Spam is text or URL, in one or several exemplars, neither being waited nor wished, not having, neither directly nor from its shipper, no relationship neither with the recipient nor with a possible resource related to the recipient. How does spam appears  in blogs ?  Through the comments' body and commentator's URL.Through trackbacks' excerpt and permalink's URL  What are the anti-spam methods?  Authentication by connectionCAPTCHABlack ListBayesian Filter  Other methods to minimize spam :  Time Interval between submissions / Number of submissions per hour.DDD.Secure Form Mode : force page and submission to be manual.Rank Denial : Directs hyperlinks an intermediary server.Autoclose after N days: entry stops accepting comments or trackbacks. Which data are analyzed by these methods ?  Active methods do analyze the shipper to check if it's:a spamer by coparing its IP address with blacklisted ones. authorized by authenticationa human by CAPTCHAPassive methods do analyze : comment's data:nicknameeMail addressURLmessagetrackback's data (concerning the shipping blog):blog's nameentry's titleentry's excerptpermalink's URL  What are the limits to these methods ?   Cross use of several of these methods allows excellent results concerning comments, but weak results concerning trackbakcs.  Difference between comments and trackbacks is that comments are sent from the recipient's blog, which allosw all above methods to be used, whereas trackbacks are sent from the shipping blog (this avoids the use and need of 2 interfaces).  - Consequently it's not possible to use CAPTCHA, authentication and Secure Form Mode methods with trackbacks.  - Another big problem, when all the trackback's data are unknown, especially the IP address, it is quite impossible to avoid spam, mainly because the blacklist and the bayesian filter are becoming inefficient.  - Last inconvenient, trackback autodiscovery is usefull for bookmarklets but also to spamers to who it gives the trackback URL.  Glimpse on futures anti-trackback-spam methodsCopyright © 2004 - Reflexive-Blog - Bobby Masteria  Webdesigner - WebMaster - MetaBlogger - Multi-Blogger - BlogMaster  Licence - Reflexive-Blog - Anti Trackback and Comment Spam Methods - Méthodes Anti Spam de Trackback et de Commentaire  Always use the URL Associated with this article. - Always use and mention my full name. - Never mention my eMail address.

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arrow right To Praise Him is to Love Him; to Love Him is to Obey His Commands

Some say praising Jesus is just singing. Others say it a combination of many things. Let's see what the Bible say. In the book of Exdous 15:1-3 it says Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord: I will sing to the Lord for he is highly exalted. The horse and  its rider he has hurled into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. Now look at Deuteronomy 32:1 it says Listen, O heavens, and I will speak; hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. They have acted corruptly toward him; to their shame they are no longer his children, but a warped and crooked generation. Is this the way you repay the Lord, O foolish and unwise people? Is he not your Father, your Creator, who made and formed you?Look at 2Samuel 22:47 it says The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior! He is the God who avenges me, who puts the nations under me, who sets me free from my enemies. You exalted me above my foes; from violet men you rescued me. Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing praises to your name. He give his king great victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever.Now look at 1Chronicles 16:23 it says Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For the gods of the are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place. Ascribe to the Lord, O families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength, ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name. Bring an offering and come before him; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established;; it cannot be moved. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, The Lord reigns! Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Cry out, Save us, O God our Savior,, gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name that we may glory in your praise. Praise be to the Lord,, the God of Israel, for everlasting to everlasting. Then all the people said "Amen" and "Praise the Lord"Look at 2Chronicles 20:21 it says After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed me to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying; Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever. There are many verses in the book of Psalms lets look at Psalms 33:1 it says Sing joyfully tot he Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Now look at Psalm 34:1 it says I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord;; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. Psalms 68:19 says Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; for the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.Now look at Psalms 100:3 it says Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Now look at Psalms 105:1 it says Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced O descendants of Abraham his servant, O sons of Jacob, his chosen ones. He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth. Now look at Psalms 119:175 it says Le me live that I may praise you, and may your laws sustain me. I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands. Psalms 146:1 says Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;; on that very day their plans come to nothing.Look in the book of Proverbs 27:1 it says Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Let another praise you, and not own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips. Stone is heavy and sand a burden, but provocation by a fool is heavier than both. Now take a look at Matthew 5:16 it says In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Now look at Ephesians 1: 13 it says And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word to truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession-to the praise of his glory.It says in 1Peter 4:11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.The book of James 5:1 tells us The Prayer of Faith, it says, Is any one of you in trouble? Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint hie with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned he will b forgiven. Therefore confess your sine to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.In closing look at Hebrews 13:15 it says Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.Love Always, Your Sister in Christ, Mellody DavisEnjoy more reading at: http://www.hostinghelps.com/allaboutjesus

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arrow right The Information Age

It is wonderful to be alive in the information age. We know in a matter of seconds the change in the value of gold in Switzerland, the death of a world leader or the birth of a peasant in Israel.We are inundated with facts and figures and the emotional tribulations of both  famous and infamous people. Can we possibly assimilate all this? Does it help us in our daily lives?When you begin to analyze it you realize all this information is just an agglomeration of stuff and contains no wisdom. If you were to memorize the Encyclopedia Britannica would that make you wise? Not really. You might know all about everything and you could answer questions on any subject, but unless you could correlate the facts and understand their interaction it would be of not much use at all.I am in the financial industry. Would it help me to make more money to have memorized the Morningstar Manual? Oh, I would know the PE ratios and earnings of every company and a lot more, but will all that information tell me if the price of a company's stock will go up? Again, not really.Wall Street has the public believing the myth that you must do research; find out everything about a company, its competitors and that industry. Now that you have done that and all the figures say that according to conventional wisdom this is a

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arrow right 7 Ways to improve Your Listening Skills

Do you know how much time do you spend listening? It is estimated that half of our time is spent listening. Good listening is an essential part of active communication and makes us better managers, customers, coworkers, supervisors, parents and mates. Most of us aren't good  listeners; however, listening is a skill that you can always improve.1. Focus on the speaker and let them know you are listening by giving verbal cues such as, 'yes', ' I see' and non-verbal cues such as, nodding, leaning forward and smiling. Give the speaker your full attention2. Make eye contact, look at the person you are speaking to or who is speaking to you. Looking in another direction or distracting glances appear as though you are not listening.3. Avoid interrupting. It's rude and you cannot talk and listen at the same time. If you assume what people are going to say before they say it and then interrupt to respond to your assumptions, you will annoy the person you are talking with and you will miss the real message.4. Ask questions and try to see the other person's point-of-view. Don't assume that you know what the person saying if things are not making sense for you. If you are unsure of the meaning ask for clarification and then if you are still not sure repeat it back to them.5. Acknowledge the other person's feelings; make them feel like you understand and that it is okay to feel the way they do.6. Be patient when you don't understand; getting upset won't solve any problems but will only create more.Express your point-of-view and make a conscious choice about your response.Sheila Dicks is an Image and Wardrobe consultant who teaches women to dress to suit their body type and look slimmer. You can visit her at http://www.sheilasfashionsense.com to download her ebook 'Image Makeovers' and get 'How to Build a Wardrobe' free.

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arrow right Meaning and Marketing - The Will

You are now inside one of the top theological schools in the world and you are sitting in Dr. John Hobbs' Class on Theology with first year Freshman students. The seminary is reformed, protestant, Christian and is located in the south of the USA. Do you know where you are  now? Do you like being here? If not, you know what to do. Dr. Hobbs is a phenomenon in himself. You don't have to know the fear of the Lord in his classroom because you are afraid already. Dr. Hobbs surveys the back seats in the classroom and makes an announcement.

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arrow right Religion and Social Engineering - Part of an Introduction

Thomas Carlyle is just one of the interesting characters who had much to do with Calvinism and the Knox family he married into. Friedrich Nietzsche never really completed a book and yet before he went crazy his Wagnerian or Illuminized 'radical aristocratic' handlers used  him well. Even so-called political religions like Marxism must be considered before we can understand the reasons for the likes of Francis Fukayama saying 'absolute religions' are important to his social engineering compatriots who I think are anything but patriots to the cause of any populace. Frederick T. Gates was a Baptist theologian in the Rothschild employ before they got more aggressive with the 'invasions of science' or the Palmer Raids and other controls including the Fed. We must go into the 'torch-bearer of Christ' (Hitler) a little more in this examination as well.Those who believe their leaders are actually in touch with and inspired by some almighty god have wrought all manner of horrors upon those they are told are less or not 'chosen'. But we all must stop being 'chosen' or having our loved ones 'chosen' to be their Scarlet Women or sword and cannon fodder. A friend of mine puts it this way. 'My own maternal ancestors spent the better part of a cold and dreary thousand years playing a little game called: 'Storm the Castle,' in which they dressed up in unwieldy metal suits and pounded each other senseless with a variety of sharp and not so sharp objects. (Of course with nutrition not being quite up to par with today's standards and with daily rations of wine being something in the neighborhood of five liters, we are left with the sobering fact that most of us who trace our ancestry to Europe are in fact descended from short, drunken psychopaths who whiled away their time bludgeoning each other with hammers, maces and cudgels, hacking each other to pieces with swords, and scalding each other to death with boiling oil.)'We must ask them to justify their laws and their acts and insist on leadership that is truthful and righteous. That is not to say there is such a thing as black and white absolute truth or some way man can actually limit the awesome reality of the creative potential of life energy on earth and in universe.I can hardly accept that John Calvin is anything more than a power-broker when I see or read him saying we should not question authority. Should we merely accept his interpretation of Jesus or any other dogma his ilk has designed to empower themselves over all life and therefore God too. Calvin said, "When it is a question of our justification, we have to put away all thinking about the Law and our works, to embrace the mercy of God alone, and to turn our eyes away from ourselves and upon Jesus Christ alone."Jan Hus was a church reformer who was burned at the stake, is a humanist whose message is garbled by the times he lived in too. I do wonder about his Bohemian origins and humanistic liberal attitudes fostered by Prague denizens or alchemists who became the Bavarian Illuminati. I see him as a bridge between the Cathars and Jesuits who are founded by the Alumbrados which means Illuminati in another language. He appears eminently better than his reformers who followed; when we consider Martin Luther of a century later.Jaroslav Pelikan is the Sterling Professor of History and William Clyde De Vere {Important Royal of the Dragon Court family name.} Lecturer at this University which the Rockefeller/Rothschilds have so many attachments to. Yale is a central issue in research into the halls of power beyond the existence of Skull & Bones or the CIA people there. They also control the Olduvai Gorge research on the origins of man as well as so much in the administration of the laws and training of lawyers that I have dealt with in other books.There is a little town or city in Switzerland called Sion which is rumored to have a connection to the Priory of Sion that I may look into in greater detail someday. Switzerland is the center of Rothschild and Battenberg Royal history for the last thousand years or since the time Rome supposedly fell and Christianity became what it is today. The red cross of the Red Cross is part of this along with the Templar red crosses which looked over the voyages or invasions of Columbus and Vasco da Gama. Here is Pelikan speaking about these red cross symbols."In an age in which the healing of the nations from the ravages of hunger, disease, and war has become the dominant moral imperative, Jesus the Healer has come to assume a central place. It was an emblem of the central place of Jesus {Perhaps for a lot longer than he knows.} when, under the terms of the Geneva Convention of 1864 for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick of Armies in the Field, the international organization created to carry out that moral imperative took the name 'Red Cross Society', its symbol, based on a reversal of the colors of the Swiss flag, is a red cross on a white background. Yet the connection between evangelization in the name of Jesus and the mission of help and healing has also been an issue for debate, especially in the twentieth century.This debate, too, comes as a commentary on the literal meaning of a word in the Gospels: 'Whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.' {Biblio: Mark 9.41} It has almost seemed that in every epoch there were some who were primarily interested in naming the name of Christ, clarifying its doctrinal and theological meaning, and defending that meaning against its enemies-but who named the name without giving the cup of water. Yet it has seemed possible for others to give the cup of water, to provide the healing, and to improve the social lot of the disadvantaged {Yes, and they are the ones who created the disadvantageous divisions and castes in society to begin with.}-but to do so without explicitly naming the name of Christ. Does that saying of Jesus mean that each of these ways of responding to his summons is only a partial obedience to this dual command? In the answer to this question, much of the debate over the primary responsibility of Christ's disciples in the modern world has concentrated on the disjunction between the two components of the imperative." (1)Yes, there is jargon and code or esoteric meaning in this which even he does not know in the fullest depth I think. It is not unlike the talk about manifesting the god force which became a political agenda around the time of the Hyksos or Semites in Egypt. Some say Alexander was the first to claim divinity while living and I imagine he did it more than those before him. All these people were propagandists selling people on their greater importance rather than helping people see the divinity in all things which many earlier people had included in their knowledge that gods were mere representations of the forces of nature. Tuthmosis III may have been the same character who re-organized the Mystery Schools which Gardner writes is the foundation of his Great White Brotherhood.I am pretty sure from my extensive research that Amun was a one god concept of a supreme connected or collective of the forces of nature going back to before the Sphinx which was both gendered and honored Amun and Amun-Ra the Heliopolitan or Harmonic of Light which I dealt with in great detail in Neolithic Libraries. I also think the House of Mallia or Milesians included this Tuthmosis character and the other Tuthmosides as well. Here is a top scholar from Egyptology writing about this Tuthmosis character and his so-called manifesting god in the first recorded instance."The first reference to the divine will being manifested is probably that made by King Tuthmosis III, who relates how, when he was still a boy, the god Amun, in the course of a procession of his statue round the temple, noticed him and halted. Tuthmosis prostrated himself on the ground before the god, who thereupon led him to a part of the temple called 'Station of the King', thereby publically recognizing him as king. In this case the god revealed his will unasked, but from now onwards cases multiply in which the revelation of a god's will was sought for by men." (2)These elites and their Divine Kings are a plague upon life on earth and it is not getting better. The sophistication of the intrigues are not always obvious like it is in Korea today where we have 'Moonies with Missiles' or in Iran where the Ayatollahs run roughshod over soulful enablement. The same thing works in most media controlled environments or the world paradigm in toto. Just because the traditional religions have lost some demographics in terms of having insane or cultish followers does not mean the Mormons, Noahdist extremists and Moslem Jihadists or Scientologists are any different. I like the thought expressed by James Watson in his foreword to Discovering the Brain. He said, 'The brain boggles the mind.'. It is also true that a lot of the 'boggling' has been done by those saying they seek God. We can be so much more ? if we would DO as Jesus and other desposyni did. There are despots in these groups of the Merovingian or family of Jesus however.We should be trying to end intolerance and the deification of one group while demonizing any others or branding some as heretical points of view. Ultimately all religions and beliefs are struggling with the same thing but those that stop seeking to participate in the creation and thus limit 'What is' are engaged in playing god. They often have made themselves the sole spokesmen for their imaginary god or the Lord as in the case of the Catholic hegemonists. But before we get into the current hegemony too much we will have to understand the root of the problem. The Reformation did not just happen and in some ways it is an academic or superficial construct. Here is Černỷ again as he addresses one of the origin myths thought to be most ancient. Note Heliopolitanism (Druidic sun-worship that Thomas Paine tells us is the basis of Masonry.) seems to be even more ancient."At about the same time as it found a means of reconciliation with the conception of the king as the god Horus, the solar religion of Heliopolis succeeded in reaching a compromise with a new cult, in fact a new religion which was irresistibly spreading from the center of the Delta towards the south, the religion of Osiris. Osiris came from Djedu, the capital of the IXth nome of Lower Egypt; 'Lord of Djedu' is his old title and the town was called Per-Usire (the Greek form of this being Busiris). 'House of Osiris'. Nevertheless, Djedu was probably not his original home, since the proper god of Djedu was Andjeti, who is represented in human form as a ruler with his insignia, a long crooked sceptre in one hand and a whip in the other, with two feathers on his head. Andjeti was, however, very early absorbed by Osiris and his name became a mere epithet of that god.A circumstance that favoured the absorption was that Osiris too was entirely human in form. He also is shown with the Upper Egyptian white crown to which two feathers are attached on both sides and which is set on a pair of ram's horns. But there is an important difference between Andjeti and Osiris: while the former represents a living ruler, Osiris is always shown as a dead person, standing, wrapped in a long white royal cloak, the two arms holding the sceptre. His name Usire, of which Osiris is the Greek form, seems to mean 'Seat of the Eye'; it has the appearance of a human name and it is probable that Osiris was originally a human king {How long ago?} who became deified after his death. A myth was woven around his person which is less concerned with his former life and rule as a king of Egypt than with his death and subsequent resurrection after which he became a ruler in the realm of the dead. No systematic expression of this myth is known from Egyptian sources, our chief authority in this respect being Plutarch in his 'On Isis and Osiris'; frequent allusions, however, occur in Egyptian texts of all periods which show that Plutarch's account agrees essentially with the Egyptian belief." (3)In May 2004 there is a report of an archaeological find in Mayan tunnels (they loved the spiritual cenotes and still do) saying it was a millennium earlier than the Mayan ascendancy and yet it was just 200 BC. Aside from the fact that I have proven these people were there at least 3000 years earlier the 'find' is a mask of a sun god. The sun god or Heliopolitan Druidism is just one of the esoteric clues to follow in tracing the 'travelers' or Red-Headed League of Megalith Builders all over the world.When Viktor E. Frankl faced death in a concentration camp he learned a great deal about meaning and life. Most people live in fear and this debilitating fear of death is not healthy. He developed a whole school of psychology called Logotherapy from facing the choice of dying. But there is much more to learn from the Many Worlds Interpretation of Physics and from ancient shamanic 'travels' to the places the soul goes at death and potentially before death. His experiences there must have included altered states that can be brought about through fasting and trauma. His work in that area is not particularly enlightening even though his Logos or Meaning is akin to the LOGOS which is the 'beginning' (as in 'the Word') and harmonically attuned to the akashic record which might be in our genes or the Cosmic Soup or both. Here is a little paragraph from the Preface to Frankl's The Will to Meaning which carried his early book Man's Search for Meaning a little further."What I term the existential vacuum constitutes a challenge to psychiatry today. Ever more patients complain of a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness, which seems to me to derive from two facts. Unlike an animal, man is not told by instincts what he must do. And unlike man in former times, he is no longer told by traditions what he should do. Often he does not even know what he basically wishes to do. Instead, either he wishes to do what other people do (conformism), or he does what other people wish him to do (totalitarianism)." (4)Why have those who arranged these horrors tried to blame the Jews (and in an indirect manner, all 'sinners') for the death of Jesus? He did not claim to be a co-equal member of the Holy Trinity. It wasn't the Jews who 'killed our Saviour'. John Ralston Saul says this about the whole matter

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arrow right Successful Sales People Know Which Differentiators Matter

Know where to focus. Not everyone evaluates product solutions with the same decision criteria.When sitting toe-to-toe with a prospective client, how well do you answer the question, "What sets you apart from your competitor?"Tom Snyder, vice president of Huthwaite  ? the creators of SPIN Selling ? says in the audio book, "Sound Advice on Sales Strategies," that professional sales people often have trouble articulating what makes their offerings unique."In this day and age," he says, "it's all about creating customer value, and that means more than just explaining what your product can do that no one else's can."Snyder says the answer should change from customer to customer, depending on their specific needs. "Price may be paramount in one client's mind while quick delivery or installation could be the deal clincher for another."When asked about differentiators, Snyder recommends sales people first ask themselves what differences will matter to this specific client. "Successful sales professionals know this, and more importantly, they know how to make the sharing of these differentiators a value-creating opportunity, not just a value-communicating event."Tom Snyder offers advice on planning and executing sales strategies each week in the free audio-newsletter from What's Working in Biz, http://www.whatsworking.biz/full_story.asp?ArtID=92About The AuthorRichard Cunningham is a principal of What's Working in Biz, http://www.whatsworking.biz, a publisher of business audiobooks and online audio programs on marketing, sales, and small business strategies.

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arrow right Finish in Style - Organizing Works!

One of my mother-in-law's many oft-quoted and wise declarations was "Finish in style." It has been on my mind lately, as I contemplate the end of another year, and the end of the first fifty years of my life. Based on my heritage, I fully expect to live another  fifty years, so it seems appropriate to consider what I need to do now, so that I can finish the next fifty in style!In the meantime, it's not too late to finish this year in style! Make sure that your end-of-year celebrations focus on improving the quality of the relationships that make life and holidays truly meaningful. In his Strategic Coach Program®, Dan Sullivan advocates "The Four Refer ability Habits:" (1) Show up on time, (2) Do what you say, (3) Finish what you start, and (4) Say please and thank-you. Seems simple enough, and yet how often we are surprised when it actually happens. But did you notice something? All of these admonitions require organization!In my observation, one of the biggest advantages of organizing your life is to improve the quality of our relationships. Disorganization is a recipe for relationship destruction, frustrated searches for lost items, hurried departures and late arrivals, forgotten promises, and good intentions long abandoned, poison our quality of life.In her book, Delights, Dilemmas & Decisions, Maggie Bedrosian writes about a young man who gets on a plane in Los Angeles, and immediately falls asleep. After two hours, he wakes, stretches, rubs his eyes, and yawns. "Gosh, it seems like I've been asleep for a long time. How much longer till we get to Oakland?" "Oakland?" his seatmate questions. "This plane is going to Auckland."This story seems to emphasize another key factor required to "finish in style:" Make sure of your destination! (Or to put it in the vernacular of the day, identify your goals.) In this age of opportunities, choosing a destination is difficult enough in itself, but getting there through all the confusion that life offers is a real challenge.It seems to me that one of the major stumbling blocks to reaching our destination, is that we start, or feel guilty about not starting! Yet there is far more than is humanly possible, to complete. We end up wandering around on road after road, feeling exhausted and empty. In the end, we have little to show for our efforts but an empty wallet and a tired body. I often remind clients that a creative mind frequently has more ideas than the physical body can carry out.I'll never forget the impact of hearing Joyce Meyer; founder of Life in the Word Ministries, state that often she had to give up what was good for what was best. On the business side, one of the major contributors to the downfall of a business is the failure of management to clearly identify the target market for the products and services they offer, or conversely, to clearly identify what particular products and services will satisfy their target market. On the personal side, there is no doubt that it is good to bake cookies for the homeless, but if you end up snapping at the kids while you're doing it because you're way too tired, you might question whether that is the best action.If you are looking for ways to finish your year-- or your life -- in style, start by asking an age-old question, "What would you like on your tombstone?" A recent client answered with "She made a difference."This column marks the end of my journey as a regular columnist for The Get Organized News. I hope it made a small difference in your life. It's been a delightful experience, and I am grateful for having had the opportunity to work with Dale and Chris, who do indeed practice the Refer ability, Habits ? and who showed admirable patience when I pushed their deadline to the limit. I'm leaving to concentrate on my new software program, Paper Tiger, which I am committed to "finish in style," and prove once again ? organizing works!© Barbara Hemphill is the author of Kiplinger's Taming the Paper Tiger at Work and Taming the Paper Tiger at Home and co-author of Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever. The mission of Hemphill Productivity Institute is to help individuals and organizations create and sustain a productive environment so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. We do this by organizing space, information, and time. We can be reached at 800-427-0237 or at www.ProductiveEnvironment.com

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arrow right Tent and Outdoor Gear Care and Repair

TENT CAREYou should seal all floor seams and those seams on the rainfly. This will make the tent waterproof. If the manufacturer already taped the seams, get some seam sealer anyway and seal the corners. Better to be safe than sorry.Always use a ground sheet with your tent.  This will cut down on the wear and tear of your tent floor. Rocks are sharper than you think and over time will push right through that nylon. If you do not buy a ground sheet made specifically for your tent, buy a plastic sheet and cut it slightly smaller than the dimensions of your floor. This will keep water from accumulating between the sheet and the tent floor.Always store your tent DRY. If it gets wet on your trip, don't worry. Set it up when you get home and it will dry in about 30 minutes. If you store it wet, mildew will accumulate in the nylon and destroy the material. There is no way to stop mildew after it is there. Always store your tent DRY.Store your tent in a relatively cool place. If you leave it in a hot room or car the sealed seams will delaminate causing the tent to lose its waterproofness.FABRIC MAINTENANCEA durable water-repellent (DWR) finish is applied to the outermost surface of waterproof/breathable clothing and equipment during manufacture. It prevents the fabric from absorbing moisture by making water bead up and roll off while minimizing condensation within the garment and maximizing breathability. This finish is not permanent and must be maintained to optimize performance.Clean the fabric. Dirt attracts water, so clean the fabric with Nikwax Tech Wash non-detergent cleaner. Detergents can leave water-attractive residues that don't rinse out. They also contain agents that can wash away water-repellent treatments. Never use liquid detergents or fabric softeners.Restore durable water repellency. Washing and using fabrics can make them begin to absorb water or

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   2 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...