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arrow right Flash Your nVidia Video Cards BIOS

You will need the following:1. 1.44MB FDD (floppy)2. NVFLASH utility copy3. Compatible BIOS file for your video card. (search the manufactures website for bios details)4. Required Drivers. (check manufactures website)Alright nowFirst Make an nVidia BIOS flash boot  disk.-Bios flash operations for video must be performed in DOS.-You will need a DOS boot disk, you can obtain one if you do not already ahve one at bootdisk.com, download there dr DOS image file after that run the .exe file that comes with it. Which will create a clean DOS boot disk. (if any problems folow instruction son the website)-If you need other ways of obtaining a boot disk just post in a related thread.Now that you have a DOS boot disk, copy the BIOS file you downloaded and the NVFLASH.exe file onto the disk.Second  Make a backup of your nVidia video card BIOSMake a backup of your current video card BIOS before flashing the bios, incase of problems. (better safe than sorry)-boot your computer with the boot flash-disk you had created in the first step.-during the

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arrow right Dog Eye Problems - What To Watch Out For

Dog eye problems can occur at any time. You should pay close attention to your dog's eyes just as you would their teeth, so that you can catch any possible infections or injuries immediately and have them treated.Dogs are vulnerable to several diseases and possible injuries  due to the structure of their eyes. Always keep watch for signs of discharge, squinting, cloudiness, irritation and redness, or swelling. If your dog starts to bump into furniture, this could be a sign of vision loss.The most common canine eye problems usually stem from the following: Cataracts - an opacity of the lensCherry Eye - the dog's third eyelid's tear gland protrudes outwardConjunctivitis - an inflammation of the membrane that lines your dog's eyelids and the front of the scleraEntropion - eyelids are turn inward which causes the eyelashes to scratch the corneaGlaucoma - increased eye pressure caused by fluid buildup in the eyeProgressive Retinal Atrophy - inherited vision-destroying diseases caused by deterioration of the retina's image-processing cells This is by no means a complete list of possible eye diseases, but they seem to be the most common.A dog's eyes may discharge for a variety of reasons. Allergies are often a major cause, as is irritation from dust or small specs of foriegn materials. Problems with tear ducks and drainage, bacteria and/or viruses may cause runny eyes, sometimes with a white or yellowish discharge.One source of prevention and treatment is through natural, herbal and homeopathic eye washes. These natural medications are non-irritating, quite soothing and will promote natural healing of your dog's eye tissues. They are also good for removing foreign debris, clearing up the encrustation that sometimes builds up in the corner of the eyes, as well as opening tear ducts.Be sure to always have your dog's eyes thoroughly checked at each annual veterinary visit or if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Catching possible dog eye problems before they become severe can help prevent future vision problems in your pet.About the Author:Copyright 2005. Rose Smith is the author and owner of Caring For Canines, a web site that provides information on natural dog health care. Please visit us at: http://www.caringforcanines.com/. Be sure to also check out the Caring For Canines - Pet Health News Blog at: http://caringforcanines.blogspot.com/

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arrow right Three Poems and Paradise Lost [One for Hell, One for Heaven one for an Inca

The Torrents of HellHell's furnace- Likened to a chimney Vomits her torrents Of flames- Into the air Through earths crust And the earth's trembles-!Agitated, she projects A thick curtain of smoke To heat the feet of those Who provoke her every wish. Like molten iron She  waits for the soul(the moment) Then molds, into her enclosure Human serpents? Out of savage flesh!No storm, no struggle No eruption, no typhoon, Just a terrible phenomenon, Hell is capable of producing; And upon death, Back into the Abyss They melt!...#746 7/1/05Battle of OllantayamboIn Ollantayambo- Thousands of warriors crowed the terraces, To repel Herrando Pizarro's attack-; Among them, Manco Inca appeared On horseback, with a lance in his hand Horrifying, Pizarro's unsuccessful advance.6/30/05 #745Paradise Lost?Just some thoughts on Paradise, which keep spinning in my head; in the old Testament, the garden of Eden was by-to my understanding-four rivers. Some think it was in Iraq, and perhaps it was. Some folks think it was in Africa, but I doubt that. But if it was in old Sumer, or Iraq, where are the four rivers I ask myself (looking for the lost Paradise), the four rivers that are supposed to be in this paradise?The Euphrates and Tigris are two rivers I can account for; and perhaps the mythical, or legendary "Gihon," and "Pison," rivers. But wait, perchance, one of these rivers got mixed up in the old scriptures to mean the Nile? A question I asked myself.Some say the Tree of Life is in Bahrain, by the Persian Gulf, Gilgamesh was said to have went there, as did Noah. So now I get thinking I'm pretty close to finding Paradise, and I must not get Paradise mixed up with Heaven, that's another issue onto its self.So now I get thinking, the garden must have sunk, like Atlantis-maybe, I tell myself. Sunk right into the Persian Gulf; is this possible? Food for thought. So my mind is saying, in the time of Christ, a few thousand years after the flood and a few more before the flood when Adam and Eve were kicking dust. Now I ask myself, what does all this add up to?Eden could very well be where Paradise is, where it was when Christ descended after he died on the cross. Woops, did I say descended. Yes, yes, he told the guy next to him he'd meet him in Paradise, not heaven. I'm sure I got that right I tell myself. And we all know Heaven is up-yonder, thus he would have had to ascend, not descend. So here is Jesus, he's down in Paradise, and I read that Abraham could hear folks yelling and bellowing for a drink of water across the gulf. Now I get thinking again about Eden, which is called Paradise in the bible, and the Gulf where I can't find a river any longer on top of land-the forth river to be exact; and Jesus descending down to Paradise, where Abraham is. I think it is starting to add up for me.Now across the Gulf, is Hades, or perhaps the whole area is referred to as Hades, but one being Paradise, and the other side being Sheol (Sheol is mentioned in the Old Testament Bible 66-times, that my friends is the number of chapter-books in both books of the Bible). When Sheol is mentioned it is referred to as 'down'; for example, Gen. 37:35 "I will go down to?" In Ps 9:17, "The wicked will return to?" and so forth.The Paradise lost let's say is under the Persian Gulf, under the waters of the Gulf, the lost river perhaps that I can't account for. Thus Christ arrives after his butchery by the Romans, for they did put the cross on his shoulders, and pierce him with a spear of course, the Jews provoked it nonetheless, and the Romans were easily lead you can see. Anyhow, he came to Paradise as the sacrificial lamb, the blood sacrifice, for the lamb was often the animal used for such ceremonies prior to Christ's arrival. Now he announces he is the Messiah, and those who wish can go with him to Heaven, thus, leaving Eden or Paradise for those who need more time to think about it. Sounds too easily to be true; but it was just something swimming in my mind. For those none believers, it is a good Science Fiction Horror, for the Christian, it is most welcomed.Dennis Siluk see his web site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

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arrow right The Distributive Justice of the Market

(1) Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all.(2) Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both: (a) to the greatest benefit of the least

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arrow right Ten Tips for Affiliate Marketers Using Google AdWords

One of the hottest ways to sell affiliate products is using Google AdWords. Follow these tips and strategies to maximize your earning potential.1. Seek out affiliate products that generate fifteen dollars or more in commission. Anything in the twenty-dollar range works  well. Paying for clicks can add up quickly and when you do make a sell, it should be profitable.2. The vendor must present a high quality website with first-rate graphics. If the site appears to be unprofessional, any potential buyer will loose confidence and leave before the sell is made.3. Make it a requirement that the vendor website only displays one product or service on the referral page. Nothing kills a sell faster than having to many sells messages.4. The vendor needs to include outstanding sales copy. It's easy to realize the importance of this principle; words are what turn shoppers into buyers on the Internet.5. When evaluating a potential affiliate program ask yourself if this product or service is something you would feel comfortable buying. Put yourself in the place of the buyer. If you wouldn't buy it, why would they?6. It's preferable if the vendor site does not obviously advertise for the recruitment of more affiliates. An affiliate link is fine as long as it is low key.7. The best affiliate programs will attempt to secure the email address of your referrals. Some prospects need to see a sales message at least seven times before they will buy. Make sure you still get credit for sales made during the follow up.8. The vendor should provide testimonials. Testimonials create confidence and trust leading your prospects to make a purchase.9. You will recognize a profitable affiliate program because at least one in fifty clicks creates a sell. Constantly monitor your expense versus profit for each set of keywords.10. Track your keywords and delete any that do not get clicked on after two hundred impressions. The higher your click through rate, the higher position you receive in relation to your competitors.About The AuthorPatrick CarlowMost Relevant Links Directory Reciprocal Link Exchange: http://www.most-relevant-links.com/Free Internet marketing resources, traffic generators and reciprocal link exchange directory.Permission is given for this article to be reprinted by anyone as long as the entire text up to and including the author information, the link and this statement are kept intact in its entirety.

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arrow right Search Engine Essentials

What are Search Engines?There are numerous different search engines, and all are essentially huge databases containing information about web pages from the internet. A web-based user interface then allows the user to search the contents of this database. The user enters a  search-term into the search engine and is presented with a list of web-pages that relate to the search-term. Note that search engine databases have separate records for each web-page, not each website.Some well known search engines are:  Google MSN Search AltaVista Ask Jeeves Hotbot All the Web Yahoo Although they function in essentially the same way, each search engine varies in the amount and type of information it stores about each web page and the way in which it 'decides' which pages relate to a particular search-term.How Do Search Engines Work?Spiders and Robots.Search Engines gather information about Web Pages using automated software that 'crawls' through the World Wide Web visiting every web-page that it can find. This software is usually referred to as a 'robot' or a 'spider'. When an individual submits a website to a search engine they are requesting that a search engine robot is sent to that page. When a robots visits the page it records not just the URL of the page, but varying amounts of information about the page. The robot then follows every single hyperlink within the page and catalogues those pages, and on it goes following links throughout the internet, cataloguing every page it comes to. Once a web-page has been submitted to a search engine, or has links to it from pages that already get spidered by the search engine robots then there should be no need to re-submit the site to the search engines as the robots will come crawling on a regular basis.The exact information that robots store within the search engines database is kept a secret so as to prevent 'spamming' of the search engines as much as possible. Despite this, it is fairly easy to decide which elements of the page that the search engines are most likely to record.SERPSWhen a user performs a search within a search engine, the results are presented as a list of web-pages that relate to the search-term. These pages are known as 'Search Engine Results Pages' or SERPS. Search Engines attempt to place the most relevant pages to any given search-term at the top of the SERPS. Therefore, the aim of all Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques is to get a web page as close to the top of these SERPS as possible.The complex algorithms used to calculate which web pages are most relevant to a given search-term are kept a closely guarded secret by the search engines. Once again this is to prevent spamming of the search engines as it is within the search engines interests to make sure the results presented in the SERPS are as accurate and therefore as useful as possible. Search Engines make money by selling advertising space on their web-pages. Advertisers will only pay to advertise if the pages are viewed by millions of people, and people will only continue to use a search engine if it provides them with useful results. It is therefore important that the pages listed in the SERPS as accurate as possible and not influenced by Search Engine spamming techniques.Features of some Specific Search Engines.Search engines have much in common with each other, but each also has its own unique features and peculiarities. It is also worth noting that many search engines share the same database or use the same algorithms, so all are inter-related to varying degrees.GoogleGoogle is at the moment the most popular and therefore most important of the search engines. It generally provides users with highly relevant SERPS, has a wide coverage and has a clean, easy to use interface. It also offers the ability to search for things other than just web pages, such as images, the contents of newsgroups etc.From a SEO point of view, Google is incredibly important, but it is also very frustrating. The sandbox effect means that new web pages are often not listed in the Google SERPS for many months after Google first becomes aware of them. This can prove frustrating for webmasters of new websites and makes analysing SEO techniques specifically aimed at Google very difficult in the early months of a websites existence. Google also change the algorithm they use on a regular basis. This process is known as the 'Google Dance' and can result in some unexpected and quite dramatic changes in the ranking of a particular page within the SERPS.Google also offers paid adverts in addition to its unpaid listings. Some of these adverts are also placed on the pages of its partners. It also provides SERPS for other search engines.YahooYahoo used to be a web directory where human editors organised websites into categories. However in 2002 it made a shift to robot-based listings and used Googles database. Then in 2004 Yahoo started using their own database and algorithms. Yahoo has also purchased many other smaller search engines and directories, including some bigger names like Overture (which provides Yahoo's Pay Per Click ads), AltaVista and AllTheWeb. Technology from all of these has been used to build the Yahoo robot.Ask Jeeves (Ask)Ask Jeeves was originally marketed as a tool for finding the answers to specific questions on the internet. Because of this users often use it to search for information using whole sentences as questions rather than simple search terms such as 2-3 word phrases as used in most other Search Engines. Other than this it works in much the same way as other Search Engines. It is however fairly popular when users are looking for answers to specific questions and can therefore be an important search engine for websites containing lots of factual information and answers to specific questions. The results actually come from the Teoma Search Engine that it owns.TeomaTeoma is a robot-based search engine owned by Ask Jeeves. It has a smaller index of the web than Google. In addition to its SERPS it also provides a

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arrow right How and When Should I Submit My Website to Google?

As soon as you register your domain name, submit it to Google! Even if you haven't built your site, or written an copy, or even thought about your content, submit your domain name to Google. In fact, even if you haven't fully articulated your business plan and marketing  plan, submit your domain name to Google. Don't wait! There are two reasons for this. Firstly, getting on the search engines has always taken a long time for a new site. Even assuming you do everything right, it takes months before your site is even indexed, and more months before it starts to rank well. As a rule of thumb, never expect to rank highly within 6 months of submitting your site to Google.  The second reason is a recent phenomenon called 'Google Sandbox'. Many SEO experts believe that Google 'sandboxes' new websites. Whenever it detects a new website, it withholds its rightful ranking for a period while it determines whether your site is a genuine, credible, long term site. It does this to discourage the creation of SPAM websites (sites which serve no useful purpose other than to boost the ranking of some other site).  By submitting your domain name to Google as soon as you register it, you're establishing a site history even if the site has no content. By the time you've built your site, written your copy, and developed the rest of your content (and written your business and marketing plans), Google will probably see no need to sandbox you.  If you wait until launch day to submit your site, you'll spend a month or two (maybe more) sitting in the sandbox watching potential customers spend their money elsewhere.  How to submit your site to Google Don't waste money by paying someone else to submit your site to Google. It's easy! Simply go to http://www.google.com.au/addurl.html, enter your URL (domain name) and a few comments or keywords to describe your site. Then click 'Submit'. That's all there is to it. You only have to do it once, and only for your top level page (i.e. Home page). Google's robots will then crawl your website the next time they're out and about. Of course, they don't guarantee that you'll be included in their results. IMPORTANT: As mentioned above, it takes quite a while for your site to appear in the search engines. This is partly because the search engines are big and slow ? especially when it comes to new sites. It will take a minimum of 6-8 weeks before your site is indexed. How to submit your site to other search engines There are hundreds of search engines on the Internet. It's a lucrative business, after all! But don't panic; studies suggest that the top 11 search engines account for about 90% of web traffic. In other words, if you have the top 11 covered, there's no need to submit to the rest. What's more, at the time of writing, most of the top 11 don't actually accept submissions. The only ones that do are Google (described above), Yahoo, and MSN. Here's a list of the available submit pages.   Yahoo ? http://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html (offers free submission) MSN ? http://search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx?FORM=WSDD2 (offers free submission) Alta Vista ? covered by Yahoo submission Netscape ? covered by Google submission Fast / All the Web ? covered by Yahoo submission Ask Jeeves / Teoma ? at date of writing was not accepting new submissions Hotbot ? at date of writing was not accepting new submissions Lycos ? at date of writing was not accepting new submissions AOL ? at date of writing was not accepting new submissions Looksmart ? at date of writing was not accepting new submissions  TIP: My SEO copywriting and advertising copywriting website, http://www.divinewrite.com, reached page 1 of Google.com for my primary keyword, "copywriter", without a dollar being spent on search engine submission. I only ever submitted my site to the engines that offer free submission. Do I need to submit my site to other search engines? As a rule, no.  With an estimated 8.8 billion pages indexed (approximately 76% of the Internet), Google is number 1 when it comes to search engines. It's argued that once Google has indexed your site, the other search engines will follow. Theoretically, you don't actually need to submit your site to Google either because it's always on the lookout for new content and will eventually find your site of its own accord. Google actually states, "Given the large number of sites submitting URLs, it's likely your pages will be found in an automatic crawl before they make it into our index through the URL submission form." ("Google Information for Webmasters" - http://www.google.com.au/webmasters/1.html#A1) Personally, I wouldn't like to take the risk.) Having said that, it certainly doesn't hurt to submit your site to other search engines (especially if you haven't developed any content for it yet). Conclusion You don't need to be an SEO expert or an SEO copywriter to submit your site to Google and the other search engines. And you don't need to pay anything to do it. You just need to do it. And if your domain name is new, you need to do it NOW! Happy submitting! You're welcome to publish this article free of charge provided: - you include the byline - byline includes a functioning link to http://www.divinewrite.com - you don't change the article in any way - you provide a courtesy copy once published - in doing so you agree to indemnify Divine Write and its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all losses, claims, damages and liabilities which arise out of its use * Glenn Murray is an advertising copywriter and search engine (SEO) copywriter and heads copywriting studio Divine Write. He can be contacted on Sydney +612 4334 6222 or at glenn@divinewrite.com. Visit http://www.divinewrite.com for further details or more FREE articles.

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arrow right Search Engine Robots - How They Work, What They Do (Part II)

If your site isn't found in the search engines, it is probably because the robots couldn't deal with it. It could be something as simple as not being able to find the site, or it may be more complicated issues involving the robot's not being able to crawl the site or figure  out what your pages are all about.Submitting your site to the major search engines: that will help with the > about us page >> products page >> widgets page), the robot may not crawl deep enough to get to the widgets page. Testing Your Website For Search Engine Robot AccessibilityTo get an idea just what the search engine robot "sees" on your page, you can look at the Sim Spider tool. You may be surprised at how different your site looks to the robot. You can find this tool at http://www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/sim_spider.cgiYou will see text and ALT image text show up in the results. If your entire website is built in Flash, you will see nothing at all because robots don't understand Flash movies. The Bottom LineWhen it comes to search engine robots, think simply. Lots of good content and text, hyperlinks the robots can follow, optimization of your pages, topical links pointing back to your site and a sitemap will help insure the best results when the robots come visiting.Resources*SpiderSpotting - Search Engine Watch http://searchenginewatch.com/webmasters/spiders.html*Robotstxt.org List of robots and protocols for setting up a robots.txt file. http://www.robotstxt.org/*Spider-Food Tutorials, forums and articles about Search Engine spiders and Search Engine Marketing. http://spider-food.net/*Spiderhunter.com Articles and resources about tracking Search Engine spiders. http://www.spiderhunter.com/*Sim Spider Search Engine Robot Simulator Search Engine World has a spider that simulates what the Search Engine robots read from your website. http://www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/sim_spider.cgiDaria Goetsch is the founder and Search Engine Marketing Consultant for Search Innovation Marketing, a Search Engine Optimization company serving small businesses. She has specialized in Search Engine Promotion since 1998, including three years as the Search Engine Specialist for O'Reilly Media, Inc., a technical book publishing company.Copyright © 2002-2005 Search Innovation Marketing. http://www.searchinnovation.com All Rights Reserved.Permission to reprint this article is granted if the article is reproduced in its entirety, without editing, including the bio information. Please include a hyperlink to http://www.searchinnovation.com when using this article in newsletters or online." />

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arrow right The Smart Way To Get Listed On Google!

So you want to get listed on Google? And you want a GOOD listing on Google? "But my website is not popular and is too new to be noticed by Google," you say?Well, I have a solution to your problem.There are couple ways to get listed on Google. First, there's the wrong way.  Or should I say the way that takes an extra long time, which also happens to be the way that's not as popular with Google. In other words, it's the way that might get you listed but NOT anywhere large amounts of people will see it. So, I see that method as useless.Google has a place for you to add your URL for your site to be placed in que for crawling. It's at http://www.google.com/addurl.html.I haven't known anyone to get great results by using this one method. This is because of the mechanics involved with what follows after. You add your site URL in the cute little box, your site URL is then placed in line for the GoogleBot to crawl. At this point in time, your site will probably be behind millions of other pages. There is much room for things to happen and your site NOT get crawled by the GoogleBot. And even if it gets crawled, it's not for sure that Google will even indexed the site to begin with. And if it does index your site, there's no telling where it will end up. Probably NOT on the first three pages of search results, which is virtually useless.Let's now talk about the RIGHT way to be indexed by Google.The best way to get indexed by Google, which is also the preferred way according to their algorithms, is for them to crawl another site first. When The GoogleBot crawls another site and finds your link within that site, it then follows that link to your site.This is the way you get popular with Google, or work your way up toward the top of the search results. So in order to get good results with Google, you need links at other sites pointing toward you. In order to get even better results with Google, you need to either increase the sites that link back to you to an astronomical amount, or have less links pointing toward you, but from more popular sites.So if you could somehow get a link pointing to you, say from Amazon.com, that one link would be equivalent to more than a couple dozen links pointing toward you from separate, less popular sites. If you could manage to get a dozen or so larger sites to link toward you, this would be equivalent to perhaps thousands of sites linking to you, that are less popular. Google likes that. Google promotes you up the search ladder for accomplishing that.So how you get these larger sites to link to you?I'll tell you right now. You can't email Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates and ask to exchange links. That's insane and practically impossible. But there's an easier way.First, go to discussion sites and forums and participate in relevant discussions. Simply place a hyperlink pointing back to you in your signature. I must mention here that you should not go to discussion sites and forums and simply add your link and say

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arrow right How to Manage SEO

Whether you launch a search engine optimization program in-house or outsource the program, you should keep the following training opportunities and skill sets in mind:? Advanced SEO techniques, including page titles, META descriptions, META keyword sets, internal page  cross-linking, search engine submissions, robots.txt files and domain name management;? Comprehends keyword weighting, proximity, density and related factors;? Search term ranking analysis;? Link popularity building research, management and strategy;? Online forum and industry newsletter monitoring;? National SEO conferences;? HTML and advanced programming languages;? Web site content writing;? Essential Web site usability practices;? Keyword research, including a firm understanding of language and the way people search;? Web analytics, including understanding common and complex metrics associated with visitors, unique visitors, page views, online sales, profitability and more;? Ability to see the big picture and not go so overboard with SEO practices that the web site gets banned from major search engines;? Appreciation for ethical standards (i.e. should know about cloaking, keyword stuffing and the differences and nuances associated with "black hat" and "white hat");? Marketing and branding experience;? Project management, including ability to effectively communicate needs and foster cooperation from appropriate stakeholders;? Familiarity with pay per click (PPC) programs and how their performance directly relates to natural SEO results;? Management of paid inclusion (72-hour rapid indexing programs);? How to adjust to the changing algorithms of search engines.The search engine optimization field is complex and ever-changing. To keep pace, you should have plenty of skills on hand. Overall, the SEO program process should be simple: set goals, choose the best keywords, optimize pages, submit to search engines and refine efforts in light of rankings and web analytics.Michael Murray is vice president of Fathom SEO, a Cleveland, Ohio-based SEO firm. He authored the "U.S. Manufacturers Resist Natural Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Online Sales Leads" study and a white paper,

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arrow right Page Rank Purgatory - Simple Things You can Do to Keep Your Web Site Out of

Are Meta Tags Really Dead?Right in their Guidelines Yahoo Tells You that Meta-Tags are Not Totally Dead and Buried(The Below Information was Taken Directly From the Yahoo Help File http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/basics/basics-18.html)Pages Yahoo! Wants Included in

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arrow right Why SEO (as we know it) is Doomed to Failure and How You Can Avoid the Trap

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become one of the biggest internet buzz-words recently. Everyone is talking about it. These days it seems there's an "expert" around every corner promising all kinds of wonderful things to online business owners. Beware! If you are  interested in building a long term successful online business, there are few things you should know when it comes to search engine optimization.Before we move too far along we need to understand a little about the economics of search engines. This will give us a better understanding of why they behave the way they do and why common Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices will continue to provide diminishing returns, eventually into obscurity.Contrary to a very common belief, internet users searching the web are not the search engine's customers. Advertiser's are. Just follow the trail of money and you'll see what I mean. Internet users are the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Website Copy-writing for Higher Sales and Higher Search Engine Ranking

Why, you ask? Mainly, because search engines want to provide their users with good content. How do they find it? By surfing the web for it. However, search engines don't view websites with human eyes, instead they use "spiders" (also known as crawlers, or robots), a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 2 Lesser Known Ways to Brainstorm for Internet Home Business Keywords

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) doctrine states that you should always find a keyword that has little to no competition and that has high demand so that you can rise to the top of the search engine results and dominate that particular keyword. The problem with the internet  home business area is that many people online are creating new websites with the typical keywords like "work from home" and "home business" so as a result it is almost impossible to rise to the top of the search engines or risking having to pay lots of money for pay per click advertising.Instead of trying to compete with long established websites in the internet home business niche or high paying pay per click advertisers, this article suggests two ways you can think outside of the box and think of new keywords to promote your internet home business and its products.Motivations and the internet business opportunityIt has been said that if you figure out someone's motivations well enough, you can determine what he could do. Instead of hitting the "work at home" keyword when promoting your internet business opportunity, why not instead start thinking of reasons why people would join an internet home business. Reasons such as early retirement, starting part time income, quitting the rat race, getting out of debt come to mind. So if you target the reasons why someone would be interested in an internet business opportunity you are in effect targeting your actual online target audience.So what you could do is write articles on these topics, optimize your websites to these topics with links to your internet home business which fit in with these motivations rather than the run of the mill work at home business websites.Another way to generate more internet business signups is to hang out at website forums that discuss such things and offer some constructive advice and have a signature that leads to your internet home business website. If people trust your advice on the forums, they are more likely to trust the internet home business that you promote.Solve health problemsMany internet home businesses have as their products health supplements. The reason for this is that such products are consumable and can be consumed monthly. As a result of this, nearly every internet home business owner selling vitamins either floods the Google Adwords with ads promoting vitamins or builds websites promoting vitamins.One way around this problem is to find keywords targeting the problem rather than the solution. E.g. Heart attack if you are trying to promote antioxidants. Do some research into the area you are talking about and then either build a website that tells people more information about their health problems or advertise your product via Google Adwords as the solution to such a problem. Your competition may be significantly lower than if you had targeted "Vitamins" directly. So the lower the competition, the potential more money you might make with regards to product sales.In conclusion, always aim to find these niches and once you do, spend time on Search Engine Optimization in addition to PayperClick advertising and you will find that in the longer run you will make more money online that you would have dreamed with your internet home business.Joel Teo is the successful owner of several successful internet business ventures.Click here to learn how you can start your own successful internet business today.http://www.massive-profits-online.comCopyright © 2005-2006 Joel Teo the Coolest Guy On The Planet

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Get Non-stop Free Traffic to Your Website

Yet the simple truth is that without traffic a website cannot be successful. Lack of traffic really need not be a problem because there are various free, proven ways of generating traffic that will cost you nothing but get you lots of traffic without you having to spend  anything.Search engines are a major source of traffic and yet effective search engine optimization does not need to cost you a penny. The key here is the content in your site. Well-written "killer" content will go a long way in getting you the desired attention from search engines. Focus on ensuring that your keywords are generously littered all over your copy. In your title, meta tags, headers, as well as the top and bottom portion of your website. Then ensure that you are constantly adding fresh content to your site. This will definitely get you the desired attention and resultant traffic from leading search engines.Then you can then guarantee repeat traffic by publishing an online or email newsletter. Write interesting articles or supply valuable tips to your list and they will keep on coming back to your site and also talking to others about it.Discussion forums are still highly effective traffic generation tools. Carefully select the ones that match your website target market most closely and then visit them regularly to share your expertise and knowledge. Include your resource box with your website link right below your post. You will be surprised at the volume of traffic that this simple action can generate for your site.Writing and posting articles to other websites, your blog, article directories and announcement groups, is a very effective way of creating permanent regular traffic to your website. Things will get very interesting for you when the viral effect takes over and your articles get re-posted in hundreds and then thousands of other sites all over the web. And with your link still intact in the resource box.Using these methods you can generate a sizeable volume of traffic to your website and ultimately succeed in a major way in your online enterprise.Lois S. is a Technical Executive Writer for http://www.websitesource.com and http://www.lowpricedomains.com with experience in the website hosting industry.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...