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సంఘము » సందేశాలు - పేజీ 41

arrow right Did You Market Yourself Today?

"If you build a better mouse trap - the world will beat a path to your door."Do you still believe that?Let's try another one. "Go to school; get a good job; and the company will look after you." The first statement is from Emerson - the second you may have heard from your  parents. Both are no longer true. Don't blame your parents or Emerson for their dated wisdom - things change.You still have to be good at what you do. But, in any career you choose today - you must learn 'the job' plus how to sell and market yourself.Marketing is not selling. Marketing is everything you do - or don't do that helps you sell (or hinders you). You cannot 'not market'. Marketing is about sending messages and everything you do or don't do sends a message about you. The way you answer, or don't answer your phone sends a message. Send out a sloppy resume and that sends a message.You can influence how others perceive you if you follow the Secrets of Power Marketing.What you know and can do is not necessarily how others see you. What they perceive is a combination of their beliefs and your intended and unintended messages. You must be aware of all these messages and manage the perceptions.Do you want to be seen as an expert? A good person? A thorough worker? A fun individual? An intellectual? Sensible? Analytical? Creative?Use creative ways of sending your message. Here are some simple tips you can use. For more tips read - Secrets of Power Marketing - a refreshing guide to personal marketing for individuals who want to succeed.Get involved in your community. Volunteer to work on a fund-raising campaign. Become a spokesperson for your club or association. The more the public sees your name the more 'they think they know you'. If they know you, they have a chance to like you and we would rather hire, promote, or recommend someone we like.Build relationships with key decision makers. Send them a thank-you note when they did something to help you. Send a note of congratulations when they did something that deserves a compliment. Recommend a book that you think they would like. Clip and send them an article that might interest them, (maybe this one). Meet for coffee, breakfast or lunch.Never stop marketing.© George Torok is co-author of the national bestseller, Secrets of Power Marketing. He delivers keynote speeches and training programs to help organizations grow. For more information call 800-304-1861 or visit http://www.Torok.com to register for weekly tips.

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arrow right What is the Secret About a Multilevel Marketing Business?

Maybe it is the stigma attached to it, that all MLM businesses are scam, fake and plainly out there to get your money. In fact nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, there are some nasty people out there who operate MLM businesses, but there are a whole lot of  ethical, honest and fantastic business opportunities out there who will give you a once in a lifetime chance of becoming financially independent.As Jim Rohn quotes

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arrow right Network Marketing Success - The ULTIMATE Success Understanding in MLM

There is a question that determines probably 80% of your Ultimate MLM Success. And whether you understand it or not, may determine a lot of what happens to your business in the future as well as how your prospects respond to you.What is this Million Dollar Question?Do you  know what business you are REALLY in?Most folks in MLM would probably answer:"Nutrition, Telecommunications, Make up, Wholesale Purchasing, legal products,skin care,weight loss,

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arrow right Tips For Finding A Work At Home MLM Business Opportunity

If you wish to start a work at home MLM business opportunity, you might consider starting out on a part time basis. The jump into self-employment can be tricky, especially if you have been working at the same job for a number of years. Make sure your new venture can provide  adequate income to meet your household needs. Also, by keeping your current ties in the business world, you can attract them as customers to your new endeavor.Purchasing a work at home MLM business opportunity from one of the large companies may be the best plan of action. If they have been in business for at least five years, you will know that they are a steady, profitable company to affiliate yourself with. However the downside is that you will probably pay more to join rather than an untested, younger company.When comparing options, a work at home MLM business opportunity that uses your talents is the best choice. Finding a business that appeals to your interests will make working more of a joy rather than displeasure. Fit your knowledge and background to the opportunity to measure if the company is right for you. Your life experiences can add greatly to a company's offerings to create a perfect blend.Be careful when selecting a work at home MLM business opportunity. Many companies seek to rip off their customers and offer nothing but high hopes. If the offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Contact the Better Business Bureau or the Small Business Administration before selecting a work at home business opportunity if you have any doubts.Here are some more things to consider when looking for a Work At Home MLM Business Opportunity-Understand the opportunity completely before you commit yourself.-Make sure you have the skills necessary to run the business.-Do a market survey to see if your potential product has any interest.-Examine your competition to see if there is room for you.==========================================Wanna Learn the Secret of Creating Passive Income Online From a man who made $3,244,842.32 from the Internet in Only 27 months? => http://www.the1andonly.bizPresented by: Perfect Home Based Business Opportunities

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Born into musical family, Michael Jackson is as big as ever today

Michael Jackson was born Michael Joseph Jackson on August 29, 1958 (making him 47 as of year 2005) to Joseph and Katherine Jackson in Gary, Indiana. He was the seventh of nine siblings. The Jackson family was raised as Jehovah's Witnesses and practiced door-to-door  evangelization. Despite being known as the cute and talented lead singer in Jackson 5, a band that he formed together with his other siblings, he is now better known for his flamboyant style and negative press.Jackson 5 was soon discovered and grabbed up by Motown Records in 1969 and the family moved to California where the 5 siblings could continue with their newfound career. Their first four singles, "ABC", "I want you back", "the love you save" and "I'll be there" instantly became hits. During this time, the Jackson 5 recorded 14 albums together while Michael Jackson recorded 4 solo albums. In 1976, they left Motown and called themselves simply as the Jacksons and they went on to produce 6 albums together, toured internationally. Both Jermaine and Michael started out on successful solo careers as with Rebbie, Latoya and Janet.The 80's is probably the most successful decade for Michael Jackson for it was at that point in time that he produced hits like "Billie Jean", "Thriller", "Beat it". "Billie Jean" was aired on MTV and it was the first ever music video by a black singer that was ever aired on MTV.Michael Jackson is also well-known for his signature dance, the moonwalk, which he first performed for the Motown 25th Anniversary show in 1983. Till today, parents are passing on this absolutely unique dance move to their own kids and we seriously don't know how long the 'Moonwalk' is going to be famous for.In 1984, he was nominated for 12 awards and won a record-breaking 8 awards ? 7 for Thriller and 1 for his narrative on E.T. storybook. His record is now equaled by Carlos Santana. In 1987, Michael Jackson released 'Bad' and he held his first EVER world tour. 'Bad' proves to be another benchmark in the pop music scene because 6 songs from the albums became brilliant successes ? 'Bad', 'Dirty Diana', 'The man in the mirror', 'Smooth Criminal', 'Leave me alone' and 'The way you make me feel'. In fact, all the songs in the 'Bad' album were successes, leaving only 'Liberian Girl' with moderate reception.Upon entering the new decade, in 1991, Michael Jackson was awarded a $890 million recording contract by Sony and released 'Dangerous'. During this time, Michael Jackson also announced the birth of a new foundation, the Heal The World Foundation'. 'Dangerous' although much low-key when compared to his other previous albums, produced hits like

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arrow right How to Get Past Creative Blocks

When I first began playing the piano and improvising, there were times when the music just wouldn't flow. No matter what I did, I couldn't make it go any further. Blocked and frustrated, I wondered why this happened. One minute I would be in flow and enjoying the process of  playing the piano. The next, I would find myself trying to come up with materialI soon realized that the more I tried to

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arrow right Where To Call For Free Advertising And Free Business Advice

Believe it or not, there are plenty of opportunities out there for you to get your written materials free of charge, for free advertising space, and free business advice. For free advertising space, many publications will write an article about you or your product if you  purchase advertising space with them. One way publications sell advertising space is to agree that if the advertiser purchases the ad, he will also receive a certain amount of free editorial space. This free editorial space essentially doubles the amount of space you get for a given amount of money. This editorial space is devoted to an article about the company or individual or product, and it has the added cachet of seeming to be work of an outside source. The editorial company be written by the publication staff, or the advertiser may provide the copy. Press releases can be another excellent source of free space. A well-written press release on an interesting subject will attract the editor's interest. The editor may even follow up with a phone call for more details. The result can be anything from a paragraph to a feature article. All this comes for the price of mailing the release. Keep in mind that you want to target the publication that write about the kinds of things you are doing. If you have a computer at home and an Internet connections, you can get a lot of free advices and free business advertising from Internet. You can subscribe several high quality newsletters and learn from these . Some newsletters offers free advertising space. You can learn more about it from http://www.best-internet-businesses.com ---------------------------------------------------------Julia Tang publishes Smart Online Business Tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting peoplelike you! To find out the best online business opportunities,and to discover hundreds more proven and practical internet marketing secrets, plus FREE internet marketing products worth over $200, visit: http://www.best-internet-businesses.com----------------------------------------------------------Note: Feel free to publish it with the resource box and content unchanged

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arrow right Revolutionary Medicine: Shockwave Therapy for Chronic Pain Sufferers

Stripped from the scenes from science fiction novels and films, shockwave therapy is a newage alternative to chronic pain sufferers. Utilized not only on humans for over 25 years for urologic and orthopedic conditions, shockwave therapy has even been introduced to  veterinary and equine medicine as well. Helping individuals suffering from a range of conditions, including: golf or tennis elbow, stiff shoulders, calcaneal spurs, joint calcification, chronic tendon pain, and many other musculoskeletal disorders; shockwave therapy could possibly be the answer to help and healing.To learn about Shockwave Therapy, I contacted Ms. LuJean Smith (Public Relations' Director) of Siemens Medical Solutions. In an informal interview, I asked Ms. Smith a few questions about this revolutionary therapy and how it aids patients with healing:[C. Bailey-Lloyd]:

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arrow right Drop Shipping Is Your Perfect Home Based Business Solution

Drop Shipping Is Your Perfect Home Based Business SolutionDrop shipping is one of the greatest businesses to operate from home. With drop shipping you sell another company's products, use their warehouse and shipping facilities, and they provide you with the sales tools you  need like product descriptions and images and more - free of charge!Drop shipping is great for small businesses because you can start with literally nothing & gradually increase to higher levels of success. Drop shipping allows you to leverage other, much larger company's resources!Any business owner who needs the an inexpensive & efficient means to market items online should look into drop shipping. Drop shipping allows you to sell almost any type of product you want with no warehouse & no inventory.No inventory = low risk! You only purchase an item from the dropshipper after you've already made the sale! You never get stuck with a garage full of products that won't sell.Drop shippers packages all of the products for you, they place your name on the return address of the package & then they ship it to your customer. You'll look like you're a multi-million dollar outfit to the customer!In order to do business with a real wholesaler, some of them (not all) may require proof that you're in business & not just some consumer looking for great prices. So, you may need to file for a Resale Tax ID for your State. It's easy to do I filed my application online in just 10 minutes & even received a temporary certificate that I immediately printed out. I was literally in business within 10 minutes!If you're SERIOUS about running a business you MUST have one! No ifs, ands, or buts. And, it's so easy to get one, there's no excuse not to.If a wholesaler doesn't request a Resale Tax ID from you, they're a very small company or they're not real wholesalers, just middle-men.When you find wholesale companies that drop ship many different types of products, everything from toys to electronics, and they don't request your Resale Tax ID, be aware that probably aren't a real wholesale company. Most legitimate wholesalers focus on a specific product type, like electronics or toys alone.These middle-men companies just forward your order to the real wholesale company. You won't be able to compete on a level playing field with your competition if you do business with these guys. Chances are your competitors have Resale Tax IDs.So be aware that you're dealing with a middle-man wholesaler who will have the real dropshipper dropship your products for you. Do yourself a favor & avoid dealing with the middlemen and get a Resale Tax ID. You'll save yourself a lot of money by be able to compete with the big-guns.After your account is set up with the real wholesaler, you'll get a printed catalog and possibly a CD-Rom with product descriptions and images that you can use.Middle-men usually don't provide these

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arrow right E Bay.com HTML Auction Templates: Which is Best for Ebay Selling?

There are a plenty of free e bay.com free auction template services out there and I would like to help you find the service that will best suit your needs by comparing what i feel is the top two contenders. FoamTemplates.com and Auctioninsights.com.In the left corner? we  have www.auctioninsights.com with the number one ranking website in google for the coveted search phrase,

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arrow right Airbus to Build $600 Million Aircraft Manufacturing Plant in US

Airbus has announced that it will build a $600 million aircraft manufacturing plant in Mobile Alabama. This is significant news and will open doors to US based commercial airlines to buy more Airbus Aircraft in the future. Alabama is quite good at attracting manufacturing  facilities such as Mercedes, Nissan and other automobile manufacturers and is known for their tax incentives and pro-business stance.It is not surprising that Airbus picked Alabama. The Boeing Company has some heavy competition with Airbus in the commercial aviation sector and the future of commercial aviation both in passenger aircraft and cargo or freighters looks bright.The plant is slated to come online and provide many jobs for Alabama residents. Some such as myself feel Mobile is problematic due to Hurricane Season weather although this is a calculated risk for the company in any given season. With most of the other major cities in Alabama having large manufacturing plants such as the Mercedes plant in Tuscaloosa and the large auto manufacturing plants in Montgomery and Birmingham it does make sense that Mobile would be next on the list to get some economical development juice from the state.Mobile Alabama is growing nice and has been moving forward with new housing tracts, retail centers, tourist destination locations and a growing and vibrant middle class. It is all good and good for Mobile. Think on the global competitiveness of the commercial aviation sector.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Popular Baby Names

Are you looking for cute baby names? This article explains the meaning and history of the 50 most popular baby names in the United States this year.25 Most Popular Names for BOYS1 (most popular). Jacob is a biblical name, which has its origins in the Hebrew language.Jacob  means 'supplanter' or 'one who grasps the heel;' this is because the biblical Jacob was born holding his twin brother's heel.2. Michael is a biblical name, which means 'who is like God.' The bearer of this name in the bible is the leader of heaven's armies, and so is considered the patron saint of soldiers.3. Joshua is from the Hebrew language, and means 'savior.' In the bible Joshua was chosen to lead the Isrealites as the successor to Moses.4. Matthew is a biblical name, meaning 'given,' or 'reward.' Matthew was one of the 12 apostles, and wrote the first Gospel in the New Testament regarding the life of Jesus.5. Andrew is a biblical name which means 'manly' and 'brave.' In the bible Andrew was the first apostle, and is the patron saint of Scotland and of Russia.6. Joseph is a biblical name meaning 'addition,' or 'increase.'7. Ethan is the name from the Old Testament. It means 'solid, strong,' and 'constancy, enduring.'8. Daniel means 'God is my judge.' In the Old Testament Daniel was a prophet.9. Christopher is a Latin name, and it means 'bearing Christ,' or 'he who holds Christ in his heart.' When Jesus was a child, Saint Christopher is believed to have carried him across a river.10. Anthony is a Latin name which means 'flower,' from the Greek word anthos, or 'priceless.'11. William has its origins in the German language, and means 'helmet, protection.' This is also the first name of Mr. Shakespeare.12. Ryan is an Irish name in origin, which means 'little king13. Nicholas is a Greek name which means 'the people's victory.' St. Nicholas, better known as Santa Claus, is the patron saint of children and merchants.14. David is a Hebrew name meaning 'beloved,' or 'dear.' In the Old Testament David was the second king of Israel.15. Tyler is derived from an Old English surname which was used to denote one's occupation as a 'tile layer.'16. Alexander is derived from the Greek. It means 'defender of men.'17. John is a biblical name; owned by John the Baptist and John the apostle. John means 'gracious,' or 'mercy of the Lord.'18. James is a Hebrew name, and a derivative of the common name Jacob. James means 'to supplant.'19. Dylan is a Welsh name and means 'sea,' or 'Son of the wave.'20. Zachary is an English variant on the Hebrew name Zachariah, which means 'remembered by God.'21. Brandon is an English name of a place, which meant 'hill covered with broom;' broom is a weed. Brandon is also a variant of the Irish name Brendan, which either means 'prince,' or 'stinking hair.'22. Jonathan is a biblical name which means 'given of God.'23. Samuel is a Hebrew name, held by a prophet in the Old Testament. It means 'God has heard.'24. Christian meand 'follower of Christ,' and has origins in many languages and cultures.25. Benjamin is a Hebrew name appearing in the Old Testament; it means 'son of the right hand.'25 Most Popular Names for GIRLS1. Emily has its origins in Latin, and means 'industrious' in French and German as well.2. Emma has German and English origins, and means 'whole,' or 'universal' in both languages.3. Madison is an English surname derived either from the name Matthew, meaning 'gift,' or is derived from the name Matilda, meaning 'strong fighter.'4. Hannah is a Hebrew name which means 'gracious,' and 'merciful.'5. Olivia is a derivative of the Latin word 'olive,' which is a symbol of peace.6. Abigail is a Hebrew name meaning 'Father's joy.'7. Alexis is from the Greek; it means 'helper,' or 'defender.'8. Ashley is an English name that means 'she dwells in the ash tree grove.'9. Elizabeth is a biblical name; the mother of John the Baptist in the New Testament. Elizabeth means 'oath of God.'10. Samantha is a feminine form of the name Samuel. Samantha means 'listener.'11. Isabella means 'devoted to God' in Hebrew. It is also supposed to be a Spanish variant on the name Elizabeth.12. Sarah is the biblical wife of Abraham and mother Issac, the name Sarah means 'princess.'13. Grace is an English name meaning 'God's favor.'14. Alyssa, according to the Greek tradition, means rational.15. Lauren means 'from the place of Laurel trees,' which in Greek culture are symbols of honor and victory.16. Kayla means 'keeper of the keys,' or 'pure' in both English and Greek.17. Brianna is from Celtic, meaning 'she who ascends,' or 'strong.'18. Jessica has Shakespearean origins, first appearing in its modern form in the play 'The Merchant of Venice.'19. Taylor was an English surname denoting the occupation of tailor.20. Sophia is from the Greek, and means 'wise.'21. Anna was used in the Native American Algonquin tribe to mean 'mother,' and also holds the meaning 'grace' in many languages, including Russian.22. Victoria was the Roman goddess of victory, and the name consequently means 'victorious.'23. Natalie is derived from the Latin, and means 'born at Christmas.'24. Chloe means 'green shoot' in Greek. The name also appears in the bible.25. Sydney means 'from Saint-Denis,' or 'wide-island.' The name has traceable origins in French and in English.Monica Nelson writes articles that answer womens health questions such as what are common pregnancy symptoms, which pregnancy tests are more accurate, what are popular baby names which weightloss programs really work, and other topics of interest to women.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Six Ways to Save on Your Baby Shower

It's time to celebrate the baby! As Keepsake Favors' resident baby shower expert, I've learned how to plan a great party without draining your bank account. Here are my top choices for fun, festive baby showers that won't put you in the poor house. Host the Baby Shower at  Home Restaurants can run up a hefty bill (unless you ask each guest to pay their own way), and a caterer can also run you into a small fortune. Hosting the shower at your home can be a great way for your guests to bond with one another and still have a fun party. Grab Game Ideas From the Internet You don't need to go out and buy elaborate baby shower games - the internet has gobs of baby shower games you can get - presto! Instant baby shower fun. Choose an Earlier Time of Day On the average, evening parties tend to be more expensive - dinner food and alcohol can run into a lot of cash fast. Instead, have a Sunday brunch with a delicious egg dish and punch, or an afternoon tea with finger sandwiches and lots of cake. Better still, if you want to avoid a meal altogether, choose a time when you can be sure most everyone has eaten (say, 2:00, which is past lunch), and then you can still have some snacks and a slice of cake instead. Get Creative With the Decorations Move over, Martha, you don't need a mint to make the shower fabulous. Choose a theme that will be lots of fun (like ducks or bears, or It's a boy/girl) and you're on your way. Create invitations on the computer; use colorful balloons for centerpieces (they're usually more affordable than flowers), and decorate each place setting with small accessories that will add interest to the table, and your guests can take home. Ask For Help! If you've got a talented baker friend, ask her to bake the cake or cupcakes. Rope Aunt Barbara into making her famous California salad. Getting more people involved will take some of the pressure off of you - and everyone will want to pitch in for the mommy-to-be! Create Your Own Favors Don't worry, I'm talking semi homemade. A memorable favor can be as easy as this: Purchase some pre-made treats like chocolates in fun shapes or pastel colored candies, then slip them in a little box or cello bag. All that's left is to tie on a beautiful bow and you've just created a unique favor, and saved some money too. For a brunch or lunch, put one at each placesetting to double as a decoration, or fill up a pretty basket with your favors and let guests help themselves. Now, go get started on your amazing baby shower!About the Author Jackie Duescher provides the customer service for Keepsake Favors as well as inspiration for many of the favor creations on the site. Jackie has a special knack for finding unique favors for baby showers and for other occasions, and she firmly believes that a favor doesn't have to be expensive to impress your guests. http://www.keepsakefavors.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Teach Your Baby To Read English

If your child's first language is not English, he or she can still become an excellent English reader and writer. Your baby is on the way to successful English reading if she is beginning to learn many words and is interested in learning to read in her first language. You  can help by supporting her in her first language as she learns English. Talk with her, read with her, encourage her to draw and write.In other words, do the same kinds of activities just discussed, but do them in your child's first language.When your child first enters school, talk with her teacher. Teachers welcome such talks. They even have sign-up times early in the year, though usually you may ask for a meeting at any time. If you feel that you need some support in meeting with the teacher, ask a relative, neighbor, or someone else in your community to go with you.When you do meet, tell the teacher the things that you are doing at home to strengthen your child's speaking and reading in her own language. Let the teacher know how important you child's reading is to you and ask for support for your efforts. Children who can switch back and forth between languages have accomplished something special. They should be praised and encouraged as they work for this achievement.Anil Vij is the creator of the ultimate parenting toolbox, which has helped parents all over the world raise smarter, healthier and happier children ==> http://www.expertsonparenting.comSign up for Anil's Experts On Parenting Newsletter - just send a blank email ===> mailto: parentingnews@aweber.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Babies: How to Get Your Children Excited About the New Arrival

The sudden appearance of a new baby can be rough on the other children in the family. Daily routines are disrupted and suddenly mom and dad are too busy to pay attention to older siblings. Worst of all, the new baby is the instant star of the family - the center of  attention. The adorable baby is the big attraction for everyone from mom and dad, to visiting relatives, to casual acquaintances bumped into at the mall, right down to strangers on the street. Everyone is talking baby talk, cooing at the new baby, and making a fuss over the newborn. The older kids may feel shunted aside and resentful. This is especially true for the displaced former baby of the family.Given these natural reactions, anything that you can do to prepare your other children for the new arrival will ease the transition. Everything you can do to involve your kids in advance and to get them to actually look forward to the birth will make a big difference in how they experience it. It might even help establish a stronger brother or sister bond with the new baby that will contribute to the lasting closeness of a positive sibling relationship.Here are some simple ideas that expectant parents might try, to smooth the road ahead for their other children. Most are common knowledge or simply common sense, but sometimes too easily forgotten amid all the excitement and activity surrounding the birth of a new baby. A few might be new ideas that are worth a try. A little advance thought and preparation may go a long way towards making the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...