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సంఘము » సందేశాలు - పేజీ 39

arrow right Burning Bridges is Bad, But Firewalls are Good

When you signed up for that ultra-fast DSL or Cable connection there was probably one very important piece of information that your ISP failed to mention. By accessing the Internet via a high-speed connection, you have tremendously increased your chances of being victimized  by a computer hacker.Dial-up may not have seemed like it could have held any advantages, but it actually did have one upside. It is much less prone to hacking. Every time you dialed-in your computer was assigned a new IP address. That unique IP address made you a moving target that was more difficult for hackers to hit.With a high-speed connection you are assigned a static IP address (it never changes). So, your computer went from being a moving target to staying still with a bulls-eye pasted on the side. That, coupled with the fact that with a high-speed connection your computer is always online, are ideal conditions for a potential hacker attack. That seemingly beneficial always-on connection gives hackers a 24/7 open invitation to try and hack your system. Once inside they can access personal or financial details, compromise your computer's operating system, or unleash a virus, worm, or spyware.Which Firewall is Right For You?Now that you know how vital a firewall is to the protection of your PC you have to decide which firewall is right for you. Software or hardware.A software firewall is designed to monitor your computers activity at all times. Think of it as a bodyguard who won't let anyone into your computer if he doesn't like the look of them. With a software firewall you may to have to assist in protecting your system. The firewall might alert you to certain activity and ask you if you want to grant or deny permission. It's just like the bodyguard that was mentioned before. He needs the okay before telling someone to scram. After you give either the thumbs up or the thumbs down the firewall will take the appropriate action and remember your reply so that you won't be asked in the future.If you feel comfortable installing and configuring hardware, then you might want to consider a hardware firewall in the form of a Cable/DSL router. The hardware firewall handles everything on its own without any input from you and you also won't have to read any reports or make any decisions. The firewall handles everything on its own. Installation, however, can be tricky, so this option is definitely more suited to the advanced computer user.My Firewall is Installed. Now I'm Safe, Right?With your new firewall in place you are probably thinking that your computer is impenetrable, right? Well, maybe not. As important to the security of your system as a firewall is, some do have their limits. Most software firewalls won't scan your system for viruses that can harm your computer and there aren't any hardware firewalls on the market that offer virus protection. That means that you are still vulnerable to attack.The best line of defense against viruses that can harm your system is anti-virus protection.You can either buy a seperate anti-virus program or shop around for a software firewall with anti-virus protection built-in. You may never be able to make your computer 100% hacker-proof, but the installation of a firewall coupled with anti-virus protection will greatly reduce your chances of becoming a hacker's next victim.About The AuthorHeather Wallace is a writer whose work has been published in national, regional, and online publications. Additionally, she has written articles as a newspaper correspondent. Visit http://www.fetchingsites.com/FreeFirewall.html to download a free firewall that is easy-to-use and will block hackers and other unknown threats.

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arrow right 7 Ways to Spot a PayPal Scam E-Mail

Paypal is a great site and is used by many to send and receive money. Unfortunately some dishonest people are using the Popularity of Paypal to line their own pockets with gold at the expense of unsuspecting Pay Pal members. These paypal Scam Artists will try to get your  Paypal ID and password so they can Login then Clean out your Paypal Account of all funds. Paypal is fully aware of this problem and is doing everything possible to stop this. Unfortunately if someone logs into an account with a valid Id and Password it is very hard for Paypal or any other secure site for that matter to stop it. As a Consumer you need to be educated so you can protect yourself.A Typical Paypal Scam Artist will send you an e-mail requesting that you update your account. Often this request to update your account is made under some false pretence like it is suspended or has been suspected of Fraudulent use. Here is a Copy of a recent Paypal Scam E-mail I received http://ewguru.com/hbiz/scam.html. You will notice the Pay Pal Link on this page looks real. Don't click it. You can however do a right click properties and notice that it is in fact a phony link.Paypal has an excellent online Article about how to spot Fake E_mails. Much of the Material in this article is derived from the paypal site http://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/abuser?cmd=kept/general/SecuritySpoofHere are 7 ways to spot a Pay Pal Scam E-mail and Protect Yourself from Identity Theft1 - Wrong E-Mail AddressAny E-mail Sent to an E-mail Address that is Not Your Primary Pay Pal E-mail Account is more then likely a scam.2 - Fake linksAfter you click on the Link if it doesn't Start https://www.paypal.com then it is a Fake Link. Even if it says Paypal in it somewhere it is a Fake Link. The term

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arrow right Beginners - Getting Listed In Search Engines

Once you have your web site complete and ready to be listed you need to take a slow step by step approach to get listed in the search engines. If you do it right the first time and then build on that formula, your profits and your site will benefit in the long run. Those  willing to spend the time and put these techniques into practice are the ones that will benefit and are more likely to be successful.1. Your first page is where search engines will start and making sure that this page is fully optimized is one of your first goals. What's optimization your ask? It's making your site as search engine friendly as possible. You will also see people refer to this in the short form of SEO.Your first step is the TITLE TAG. This is one item that search engines look for to start getting information about what your site is about. It is also what search engines will show above a clickable line on their results page. It is also a major consideration of where you will rank when certain inquiries are made of the search engine. TITLE TAGS are one of the major things to concentrate on and to make sure that you get it right. Doing so will result in not only better placement in the search engine, but enticing descriptions will also result in more people clicking on your link and visiting your site.Take a look at what your competition is doing in order to get some ideas for your site. To see their TITLE TAG go to their web site and in IE or Netscape click on View then Source and you will be able to see their TITLE TAG. Don't copy theirs, but let this help you get some ideas for your own site.2. Putting keyword phrases into your pages - Finding the perfect set of keywords for your web pages and knowing the right keywords to use is very important because your site should provide people with what they are looking for. A free program to help you can be found at: http://www.goodkeywords.com Good Keywords makes use of various tools provided by search engines like Yahoo, Google, Teoma and other services like Alexa. Using Good Keywords makes it all very simple, fast and straight forward. Just remember...don't over do it or you will be penalized.3. Writing your web page copy - Your next step is to incorporate those keywords into the copy on your web site. This is extremely important as search engines need to see these keywords on your page so they can then analyze these words and decide where your site should be listed in their categories. Write your content around the keywords and use them as many times as possible, keeping in mind though...that it is not just a search engine that is reading the copy but also your visitor.4. META TAGS - Meta tags provide search engines with information about the content and purpose of a Web site. A Web site that uses meta tags to the best of their ability will appear more often in search results and will also be seen closer to the top on those search results. Many people feel that stuffing keywords into the meta tags will help improve their rankings. The original idea behind meta tags was to give a way to classify the web site. The problem now is that many engines don't consider meta tags to be as relevant to the ranking, therefore they give them less weight overall because of the keyword stuffing techniques used. That's not to say that you still shouldn't use meta tags, just consider to use them for what they were originally intended - that is to give your site an accurate title and description with a few keywords (3 or 4 phrases max) outlining what the page, or site is about.5. ALT TAGS - The ALT tag or 'alternative text' is an attribute of the IMG tag. (Any graphic on your web site) An ALT tag should be included for every image within your web site. The ALT tag provides an alternate message to your viewers who can't see your graphics. Without ALT tags, images on a web site are meaningless to these users. If you will be using a graphic menu systems for navigation, these alternate messages are an especially important aid to users without the ability to see your graphics. Adding an appropriate ALT tag to every image within your web site will make a huge difference to the accessibility of your web site. Also, for those who use Yahoo and Google image searches, your ALT Tags can be very important and will help bring traffic to your site. Take for instance one of my sites - http://www.spasoftheworld.com I have loads of graphics of different resort spas and the graphics all carry the name of the resort. People looking for information on this resort may easily end up at my website because I names a picture with the name of the resort.On the reverse side, ALT TAG stuffing, which is using the tags in an image to hide keywords will rarely help a site's position. If you can insert a key phrase into the image description then by all means do so. Remember that Alt tags do usually count towards your overall keyword density so it's better to have relevant keyword alt tags rather than something like

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Questions to Ask When Designing a Website for Clients

Questions to ask when designing a Web Site for your client (s)."Excerpt from the book: Graphic Artists Guild, Handbook Pricing & Ethical guidelines Written by: Brent ParkerThese questions are a great tool to use when trying to develop your clients website. It gets down  to the roots of web design, so there is a clear and precise understanding of what needs to be done. You can either make yourself a check list on paper for face to face talks or you can put it into Adobe PDF form, and have them download it from your website and fill it out later. It may seem odd at first, but in the long run it works out perfectly.GOALSWhat is the client's business and how will the client's Web site advance it? What message is the Web site supposed to convey?Who is the primary audience for the Web site? The primary age group of the audience? Their professions, disciplines, and interests? (Designers should warn clients that if the target is a broad-based, international audience, with potentially slow modems, old browsers, or expensive service, this might limit the design options.)What are the secondary goals of the Web site? Is this an informational site or an avenue for internet-based marketing or revenue?What subjects, in order of priority, does the client want to cover on the Web site? Have the client define at least five separate area of subject matter and state what's unique about their business.ONLINE EDUCATIONDoes the client understand the difference between the Web and an online email service such as America Online? The answer to this question is an indicator of the clients overall Web knowledge. If the client does not understand the difference, the designer may want to factor in time for basic Internet educationDoes the client require a Web hosting account and/or dial up access? How many users? What user privileges would the client like?Is the account only for email or does the price quoted allow for server space to host a Web site? How many megabytes of server space?If the client already has an Internet account, is it with a true ISP or with an online service such as America Online? If the account is with an online service rather than a true ISP, extra costs or special arrangements may be needed to host the Web site.PLANNINGWho will give final approval of the project? If someone other than the clients' team will have final approval, then the designer needs to make sure that person has Internet access and understands the Web.What domain name would the client like? (.com, org. net etc?) What are two to three alternative domain names in case the first choice is already taken/Are the client's source materials in electronic form, and if so, does the designer need to handle file conversions? The designer may need to educate the client about how to submit materials in as consistent and compatible formats as possible. If necessary, the designer should provide the client with a variety of options and be prepared to do conversion'sDoes the site required advanced functionality, such as database functionality (Access, Filemaker Pro, Microsoft SQL, Oracle Server)? Does the site need to be coded in a special language such as Microsoft ASP or Allaires Cold Fusion?Are there requirements for e-commerce, such as the ability to process credit card transactions, development of Shopping Cart strategies, survey forms, advanced configurator sales selectors, online games and interactive demonstrations, online chat and message boards?Is the site to be hosted in-house or with another provider? If in-house, the clients information services department should be included in the planned meetings.DESIGNIs the website to be designed from scratch, or is it a makeover of an existing site? If a makeover, does the client want any additions?What look and feel would the client like for he Web site? The client should show the designer examples of Web sites, magazines, publications, or artistic works they like. Does the client have a specific genre, culture, or style in mind?Are there any collateral marketing materials (brochures, publications, corporate identity programs, or posters), preproduction sketches, or media (CD-ROM's, video games, records, or tapes) that the Web site should be consistent with?Does the client desire graphics interactivity and/or multimedia (also involving content development and site mapping)? These typically include JavaScript rollovers and effects, animated GIF's QuickTime or AVI movies, sound files, PDF downloads, Macromedia Flash animations, and interactivity.Does the client need a new logo or new collateral marketing materials and media to be consistent with the new Web site? If so, these design services should be quoted in addition to and not as part of the Web site proposal.Does the designer wish to negotiate a credit link that targets his or her home URL or email?FOLLOW UPDoes the client have the staff to respond to email? If not, the designer may need to explain that the client may develop a bad reputation in the online world if people don't receive immediate responses.Does the client plan to have in-house site maintenance, or does the client want the designer to do it? Designers considering site maintenance arrangements should look carefully at the ability of their own organization to do at least biweekly of monthly changesAbout The AuthorBrent Parker is the creator and Webmaster of Sprywebsolutions.com. Spry Web Solutions is based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. We specialize in web design, corporate identity, business documents and other great design tools. If you are a business start-up or thinking about starting one, we have a Corporate Identity pkg complete with 10-12 pg Website, 1000 Business cards, Letterheads and Envelopes all custom for one great "low" price.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How You Can Find Freelance Editing Jobs

Freelance editing opportunities are out there, you just need to know where and how to look for them. As a matter of fact, there are hundreds of companies that are waiting for you, right now, to fill their job vacancies. Each and every one of them has an exciting opportunity  for someone. What are your areas of expertise? What can you do to benefit these companies? Finding freelance editing opportunities is simple when you know what you are looking for, who you are looking for, and where to find them.Let's begin with knowing what you are looking for. There are hundreds of jobs available in the realm of freelance. Editing opportunities can be found in many different avenues. You can work strictly with editing copy for websites, or work with developing and proofreading articles for the internet, newspapers, and even books. Knowing which way your career is going is essential. Knowing what you want to do will point you in the right direction of who to look for. Employment can come from many sources then. By knowing what you want to do, you can guide your search around the criteria for these companies. For example, you may be able to look strictly towards companies who deal with marketing or in the newspaper business.From this point, you can tailor your search for freelance editing work towards the companies that serve your needs. You will need to know where to find them. Let us say you are dealing with internet based companies that you wish to find vacancies with. Your best bet would be to look for websites advertising for these jobs. Message boards or sites that deal directly with the field that you are working with can be an outstanding way to get the clients and employment you are looking for. These jobs are out there, it is a matter of knowing what you need, who has it, and where to find them.Visit http://www.FreelanceWritingResource.com for more Articles, Resources, News and Views about Freelance Editing Opportunities.This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and live links are included intact.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Publication Road

The journey to having my first novel for children published has been riddled with road blocks and shonky bridges. The good news? At every rickety stage I've picked up tips (and anti-tips) which I'm happy to share with everyone...ReadFor me, this was the easy stage! Aspiring  writers need to read like maniacs to be aware of other writers' work, both locally and internationally. There is no point writing a killer story if it resembles something already published. Sadly, that means no scar-faced teen wizards named Barry.WriteHere's a simple equation: the more you write, the better you become at writing. By the time I was ready to be born I'd already completed my first three manuscripts (spent most of the time looking around for somewhere to plug in my laptop). When the doctor smacked me on the backside I squinted at him and went, 'Waaah!' Which of course meant, 'Ah, you must be my agent!' I went on to scrawl home-made comics throughout my childhood before I began writing for surf magazines at age 17. Since then, I've had thousands of articles and pieces of fiction published. A lot were 'hack' stories; a few won me awards and contests. All helped build my writing skills and voice.FeedbackA local teacher read my first manuscript to his class (thank you, Bob Swoope). The feedback was terrific. One kid enthused,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Building Successful Work Relationships--Playing In The Same Sandbox

Remember playing in your childhood sandbox? If you enjoyed being outside for most of the day, you could play in the sandbox for hours on end-shaping and pouring the sand or mixing it with a little water to form a castle or hill. Children enjoy playing with sand or dirt and  learn at an early age how to make the most of this play time activity.Playing in a sandbox usually starts out as a solitary exercise; however, smart parents know that in order to develop their child's ability to relate to others, another child or two must be introduced into that same sandbox. This is when the fun truly begins.When children play together in the same sandbox: They learn to trust each other.Their ability to be gentle, kind and considerate is developed.Friendships are initiated and nurtured.Positive interaction increases and selfishness decreases.They find creative ways to work together, satisfying their curiosity and increasing their enjoyment and fun. You're Never Too Old for the SandboxThere's a tremendous amount of pressure as we grow older to learn to act our age (whatever that means). In fact, most people consider age a number not an indication of vitality, health or maturity.Nevertheless, too many of us leave the things of childhood behind us. This is both good and bad. It is good to leave childish behavior behind, but bad when we discard many childlike behaviors that can make us successful adults.One such childlike behavior is learning how to develop reliable relationships with others through experiences in the same sandbox that teach us how to cooperate, exchange ideas, and communicate.When we play together in the same sandbox at work: It is important to know and understand the rules and limitations of play; but when we take the time to do so, we find that it is fun to mix with others, develop positive peer relationships naturally, and to encourage a spirit of lighthearted camaraderie.We learn to practice balanced self-control-the right combination of expressing our opinions and feelings when facing difficult or unexpected events. Our sensitivity to and concern for others is demonstrated as we attempt to understand their perspectives.We willingly let down our guards and shift our mindsets to try new and fresh ways of doing old tasks. We bask in the energy boost that results from experimentation, creativity, innovation, and learning new skills.Our communication skills are stimulated and enhanced. Bridges are built between people who were once estranged. Conflict surfaces and is resolved. How to Have More FUN in Your Workplace Sandbox Think of yourself playing with your co-workers in the same sandbox (Don't turn into a skeptic on me now).Share your creative ideas for improving your team's effectiveness with the entire team; then together select one on which to experiment.Make sure to include every member of your team in some part of the experiment. Develop receptiveness and tolerance of others.Solicit their feedback on a regular basis and bring any challenges or obstacles to the entire team for resolution. Don't be afraid to proactively exchange differences in opinion. These are healthy if allowed to surface early. They can be destructive if allowed to fester.Celebrate every accomplishment-no matter how small. Little wins recognized as they occur communicate a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, build confidence and turn an average team into a highly motivated one.Play dynamically and interact enthusiastically with each other. It has been said that a burden shared is a burden halved. So, have some fun in your work together.Select another experiment and begin the process all over again. If you're not having fun at work while playing in the same sandbox with co-workers, you're not doing it right. Give it another try. I think you'll be pleased that you did.Althea DeBrule, entrepreneur and seasoned human resources executive, has focused for more than 30 years on helping people achieve their career goals. Creator of The Extreme-Career-Makeover? and a founding partner of RADSGroup Organizational Consultants, she is recognized for her bottom line and practical application of career development and management strategies in a way that penetrates hearts and compels action. She speaks and teaches with inspired talent, humor and contagious zeal at management conferences and leadership retreats nationwide, and has been featured in CFO Magazine, Strategy@Work, Human Resource Executive Magazine. Althea is the author of Bosses & Orchards, a compelling and candid book about how to make your work relationship with your boss succeed. To discover how you can take your career to a new level, visit http://www.extreme-career-makeover.com/

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Is Video Streaming the Future for Corporate Video?

Things have changed quite a bit from when I started in the film & video business in 1988. Back then, many corporate programmes were still shot and edited on film. Video shooting was on "plain Jane", non-SP, analogue Betacam. Video editing was on Low Band U-Matic - a process  that required copious notes to be taken and a day or two of writing all the timecode numbers down for the (linear) on-line edit. Mastering was on bulky one-inch reel to reel video, that was so sensitive to magnetic fields, it couldn't be taken on a London tube train. Distribution was either on Low Band U-Matic, Betamax (remember that?), or VHS.Today, seventeen years later, the much heralded digital age is upon us. You can shoot on DV, edit on Avid, and burn the result onto DVD without a moment's thought or any loss of quality. The only stage of the process that has remained more or less the same is the final one: delivery of the programme to the viewer. Be it by post, Fed-Ex, or motorcycle courier, someone has to take a copy of your finished programme, transport it to where your viewer is going to see it, and then play it on specialised equipment. If your programme has to cross borders into another country, chances are you'll have to have special copies made to conform to that country's TV standard, and the customer will have to pay a hefty customs charge as well.The Internet provides a solution to this problem and is, in my view, the perfect medium for the distribution of corporate videos, for companies large and small. Broadband/ ADSL Internet access is rapidly becoming the norm. Around 80% of the UK now has the capability to access Broadband (source: The Guardian) and the figure is higher for some other countries. Here are a few examples of ways this technology can be utilised:Let's say you run a small or medium sized company and have made a promotional video to show to potential clients. You can easily stream this from your website. If you don't want your competition to see your video (and you cannot guarantee a DVD won't fall into the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django - GameBoy Adv.

Cat and mouse mini-game Beat the game twice.Wallpaper and stats Beat the game.Megaman BusterBeat Megaman's quest.

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arrow right Pokemon Leaf Green - GameBoy Adv.

Old Moves AvailableSome of the old moves are available to teach to your Pok?mon. Here are a few of them and their locations [they will be taught by characters around these areas]:Mega Kick/Mega Punch: Obtained outside of Mt. Moon, Cerulean Exit, by two men.Seismic Toss:  Obtained through the back entrance of Pewter Museum from a scientist.Rock Slide: Obtained near the end of Rock Tunnel from a boy.Softboiled: Obtained by a man across the pond in Celadon City.Mimic: Obtained in Mimic Girl's house in Saffron City after you've given her a Pok?doll.Thunder Wave: Obtained by a woman on the 2nd floor of the Sliph Co. building.Counter: Obtained from a man located in Celadon's City Department Store 3rd floor.Subtitute: Obtained from a man located infront of the Kangaskhan pen in Fuschia City.Dream Eater: Obtained from a man across a pond in Viridian City.Metronome: Obtained from a scientist in the second room of the Cinnibar Laboratory in Cinnibar Island.Double-Edge: Obtained from a guy near the end of Victory Road.Explosion: Obtained from a Hiker on the Northern area of Rainbow Island 1.Elemental Attacks (Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, and Hydro Cannon): Obtained from a move tutor in Rainbow Island 2. However, he will only teach your stater Pok?mon one of these attacks according to its type.Body Slam: Obtained from a tutor on Rainbow Island 4.Swords Dance: Obtained from a man located on the pier of Rainbow Island 7.Note: Some of these moves can be taught multiple times, others only once. So choose wisely.Completing the Pok?dexTrade with Pok?mon Ruby/Sapphire, Pok?mon Colosseum, and Leaf Green to complete the Pok?dex.Legendary Pok?monEntei, Suicune, and/or Raikou will appear in the wild on the lands of Kanto after you have beaten the Elite Four and become Champion. However, only one will appear according to your starter:Squirtle - RaikouBulbasaur - EnteiCharmander - SuicuneUnlock the National Dex in Ruby and SapphireTrade a Pok?mon between Leaf Green and Ruby/Sapphire (after you have unlocked the National Pok?dex in Leaf Green) to unlock the National Pok?dex on Ruby/Sapphire.Johto Pok?monSome Johto Pok?mon are available on the Rainbow Islands. However, they are not available until you have beaten the Elite Four, become champion, and received the National Pok?dex.Unlimited way to stop SleepingAfter get the Pok?flute. Use it in battle when a Pok?mon from your side is asleep. It will awake so you doesn't need

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right BeyBlade - Super Tournament Battle - GameCube

Get Dual Dragoon bit beastBeat the national championship once and talk to DJ in the lobby, and he'll give you the Dual Dragoon bit chip.Unlock Daichi In order to unlock the little guy Daichi, you have to defeat him in Tournament Mode. When you defeat Daichi and win the  tournament (he'll randomly appear), he will join your roster.Use the DJ In order to use the DJ (that's right, the announcer!) you have to defeat DJ in the tournament. I believe you cannot have any

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Warpath: Jurassic Park - Playstation 1

All FMVsEnter as a password:Triangle, X, Square, Circle x2, X, Triangle, Square.9999 Flash BombsEnter as a password:Square, Circle, Square x2, Triangle, X, Triangle x2.InvincibilityEnter as a password:Circle x3, Space, X, Triangle, X x2.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Legend Of The North: Konung - PC

Extra tributeSave the game, then allow the game run idle. This will create lots of tribute in the towns that you have control over. Make sure to turn off all power management and screensavers first. Using high attribute armor or weaponsTo use armor or weapons that require a  higher attribute, place rings, amulets, and any armor or weapons that you have on other characters with the required attributes needed onto your character. You can now use the item in red. You can then replace all rings, amulets etc. to their original locations. You will still have the item in place, even though you no longer meet the requirements.Apple of WisdomAfter you find the Apple of Wisdom in the first area, keep it for a while. Buy some Duplicators from Merchants. Make copies of the apple and use them on your characters. Be sure to keep one apple to give to the Witch Doctor which asked for it to receive your first piece of the Dragons Amulet. Note: This is only for the Viking Quest.Finding treasureSave the game before using the Copper Mirror of the Mage. Use the Mage to find all hidden treasure on current board. Next, load the saved game. You will now know where the treasure is located, plus you will still have the Mage. Use the shovel to get the treasure. This will allow you to find hidden treasures on all boards using the same Mage.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares - PC

Specialty CodesMoney(1000bcs)-hold Alt and type on the keyboard -moolaAll Tech-hold Alt and type- einsteinSee All Planets and Enemies-hold Alt and type- iseeallAll Races Attack You-first go to the Race Selection Screen, hold Alt and type- canonboly1.Defeat Guardian of  OrionHere is a really simple and very lo-tech method of defeating the Guardian of Orion: 1- Design a ship with very little defence and lots of offence. The weapon in the first weapon slot must be able to bring down shields quickly, I usually use Heavy Graviton Beams. The second weapon must be Ion Cannons (Heavy mount if you still don't have version 1.31). Add as many of these as possible (focus more on Graviton beams) 2- Build as many of these as time and resources allow. 3- Go to Orion and kick some butt. Fire all your graviton beams first then use Ion pulse to disable the Guardian, the ideal end result is that you destroy it on your first turn. Defeating any Repulsive raceIf you have a run-in with any repulsive race early on in the game (especially the Silicoid), defeat them as fast as possible, otherwise their fleet will be too much for you.  It helps to customize your race with the following:  Cybernetic (to repair your ships during combat, like the Meklar;  it hurts early in the game by taking 1 production and 1 food for every 2 colonists (rounded up) instead of 1 food/colonist, but is convenient and saves you from having to add the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Final Fantasy 10 - Playstation 2

Buy all Final Fantasy X Movie and SoundtrackGet back to Luca when you have a chance after the Blitz Ball Tournament, or before you fight the last boss. All music that you can hear in Final Fantasy X included the music when you rest at any Inn cost 250 Gil. For the Movie, it  cost about 500 Gil. You can only buy the entire movie that you already view it and the soundtrack that you already hear it. Buy the movie at the man at the left side of the cinema entrance and buy the soundtrack at the right man at the entrance too. You can also buy it after you get an airship.Air Ship Passwords#1 GODHAND- takes you to Rikku's legendary weapion.#2 VICTORIOUS- takes you to Rikku's Victorious armor.#3 MURASAME-takes you to get Murasame.Note: All of the passwords are in Capslock.Defeated the last Boss (Sin)The last boss in this game is very weird one. The size is so small, but the power is so cool. When the battle begin, cast 'Reflect' magic on it, because it will use 'Full-Cure' on it after each attack which cure 9'999 HP. When you reach Yuna's turn, cast 'Reflect' on all party members too. Use Tidus and Auron to attack and use Yuna's 'Holy' to attack it.Al Bhed PrimersThere are total 26 Al Bhed Primer. This book contain a complete alphabetical words in Al Bhed translate into an alphabetical words. So if you can complete all 26 Al Bhed Primer you can understand what the Al Bhed tribe said to you. The Al Bhed word is highlight in red instead of blue.Cactuar LocationsThere are total 9 Cactuar that can be found all around the world. The location of the Cactuar are:Oasis:Near the first Save pointSanubia Desert (East):In the alcove to the east, north of the tent with the save pointSanubia Desert (West):Search the sign near the Cactuar rock that says “20% off”Sanubia Desert (Central):Near the ruins to the west, look for two Cactuars running around the desert.Sanubia Desert (East):Near the save point under the tent.Sanubia Desert (West):Trapped in the treasure chest in the far west.Sanubia Desert (Central):Inside one of the sand whirlpools. You must exit and re-enter the area.Oasis:Teleport back to the airship and go on the outside deck.Sanubia Desert:Return to the Cactuar statue and the last one automatically appears behind you.OverdrivesAuron: Find different Jeckt Spheres laying about the world. Some of these will give Auron a new Overdrive. You need to find all ten to get Auron's final overdrive. Kimari: Use the Dragon Sword ability to drain HP and MP from the enemy. If the enemy has a Blue magic skill that Kimari can learn, he will gain it automatically. The only one that is difficult to get is AP ability (if possible try to have both Overdrive->AP and Double AP/ Triple AP on your weapon as well) it takes 10 Doors to tomorrow to add the Overdrive->AP ability on your weapon. Once you have gone through these steps you need to go find some Cacters; once in a battle with a Cacter you need to have one player with Provoke and the other 2 with haste on themselves. If the player with the Overdrive->AP ability on his/her weapon has Provoke then set their overdrive to Stoic, and if not then set it to comrade. (Hint; when in the start of a battle with Cacters don?t waste any moves by pushing triangle, because Cacters are fast and tend to flee easily). Provoke at least one Cacter so it doesn?t run away; when in battle try to minimize your enemies down to one Cacter; once a Cacter is provoked he will use 10,000 needles when it is his turn to attack, and killing who ever he uses it on, then quickly use a phoenixdown on your KO?d party member and provoke all over again. You will notice that the character with Overdrive->AP does not gain any overdrive for an attack; this is because all the overdrive points are going to AP. If you use about 7 phoenixdown?s your character will have acquired around 250,000+ AP once done each battle. I have proved this and I?ve successfully unlocked every sphere on the sphere grid for Tidus. If you have questions please E-mail me at yanni_456@hotmail.com I?d be happy to answer any questions and receive comments.Blitz Ball CheatIf you are having trouble with any of the teams in the blitz ball then you should try this little tactic. Try really hard to score one goal against the opposing team.Then the match will start out again and the opposing team will have the ball. Once you encounter the enemy with the ball try to get the ball off him/her. If you didn't get the ball off him or her then try again next time you encounter the person with the ball. Once you have finally got the ball quickly pass the ball to one of the two people that defend your goal (not the goal keeper) and run all the way into a corner thet you are closest to that is not gaurded by an opponent. If there is an enemy in the corner then pass the ball to the other defender and run into that corner. If both of the defenders are marked by enemies then pass it to another unmarked player, wait till the enermies slowly close in on you and then quickley pass the ball back to one of you defenders. Then all you have to do is wait in the corner for a while until your time is up and you should be at half time. After half time the match should start and either you or the opposing team will have the ball. if you have the ball then just pass it to your defender and go and sit in a corner if not then get the ball off the oposing team, pass it to a defender and then go sit in a corner until the time is up. If you have done this correctly then you should have won the match. This works nearly every time and I have won all of the reels for wakka and have also won wakkas sigil.Super Mega APThis cheat is exactly the same as the huge ap one except that you fight the cactua king in the monster arena. Go to the monster area in the cal lands and buy a weapon off the guy that has the capture ability. then go to the thunder plains and capture one of each of these monsters. Melusine, Aerouge, Buer, Gold Element, Kusariqqu, Larva, Iron Giant and a Qactuar. It is easier to catch Qactuas once you have activate the Quactua stones. One you have done that equip your weapon the same one that is said in the huge ap cheat go to the calm lands. go to the monster arena and fight the cactua king. Let the cactua king attack one of your charachters and then use a phoenix down to heal that charachter and repeat this process untill the cactua king runs away or you can flee the battle whenever you want. I have done this with Rikku And tidus and have gotten 5million ap in one hit.Items After your ship docks at the first town (the one torn apart by Sin), proceed through the intermission sequence with Yuna, and you will find yourself in a hut. Exit the hut, and proceee to the left side of the screen. You will see a child on a pile of rubble. Press X near the child to rescue her before the rubble collapses. Proceed to the hut at the top right of the current screen for a free item from the chest.Items from dodging lightning In the Thunder Plains, if you can dodge the lightning a certain number of times in a row, you will be rewarded with items. Additionally, if you get struck by lightning 30 times, you get an Ether. If you get hit 80 times, you get an Elixir.Times Dodged Item 5 Two X-Potions 10 Two Mega-Potions 20 Two MP Spheres 50 Three Strength Spheres 100 Three HP Spheres 150 Four Megalixirs 200 Venus SigilHidden locationsThere are several hidden locations on the world map that you can find by selecting specific coordinates while aboard the airship. Move the pointer to the approximate coordinates and press X to search that region.Location X coordinate Y coordinate Baaj Temple 11-16 57-63 Sanubia Desert 12-16 41-45 Besaid falls 29-32 73-76 Mi'ihen Ruins 33-36 55-60 Battle Site 39-43 55-60 Omega Ruins 69-75 33-38Jecht Sphere locations1. Obtained automatically after defeating the Spherimorph. 2. Besaid Village, to the right of the temple. 3. Onboard the S.S. Liki. 4. Luca Stadium in Basement A of Auroch's locker room. 5. Mi'hen highroad, southern most part. 6. Mushroom rock road, near the elevator. 7. South Moonflow. 8. South Macalaina Woods. 9. Mt. Gagazet. 10. Entrance/path to Thunder Plains; where two men tell you to see Seymour.Legendary WeaponsEach Legendary weapon must be acquired by using the Celestial Mirror.Tidus: Caladbolg Race and defeat the Chocobo trainer in the Calm Lands. After winning the race, walk to the upper northwest section of the Calm Lands. The guard blocking a narrow pathway down into the gorge will have left his post, allowing you to pass. Tidus will then be able to use the Calastial Mirror to acquire Caladbolg.Yuna: Nirvana Capture all nine types of fiends in the Calm Land region. After collecting them all, return to the monster arena owner. He will produce a treasure chest, containing the weapon.Auron: Masamune Acquire the Rusty Sword, which is found on the eastern cliff of the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth in the Calm Lands. Take the Rusty Sword to the statue of Lord Mi'ihen on the Mushroom Rock Road. Place the Rusty Sword before the statue to reveal a glyph. Touch it to reveal the Masamune's secret location.Wakka: World Champion Talk to the bartender in Luca Cafe. If she refuses to turn it over, it is because you have been neglecting to play Blitzball.Kimahri: Spirit Lance Active three of the Qactuar Stones on the Thunder Plains, then find the Qactuar ghost flying just above the ground at Thunder Plains-South. Follow it to a small ruined lighting tower on the right side. Press Square to send a bolt of lightning to the tower to reveal a treasure holding the weapon.Lulu: Onion Knight Return to Baaj Temple and dive underwater. Swim towards the doors to the north and fight Geosgaeno. After defeating it, search the southern part of the circular underwater area and look for a treasure chest containing the weapon.Rikku: Godhand Input the airship password, "GODHAND" to open a secret location at Mushroom Rock. Move north to the end of this ravine, and use the Celestial Mirror on the symbol embedded in the rock face.Caladbolg Power Up ItemsItem #1 (Sun Crest)Can be found at Zanarkand dome when you fight Yunalesca.Item #2 (Sun Sigil)Can be obtained after you beat the Chocobo trainer at Calm Land with time 0.0.0How to get the ultimate weaponEach character has a specific ultimate weapon that can be acquired by using the Celestial Mirror. When the weapon is first found, it is equipped with No AP ability. To remove this ability and empower the weapon to it's full potential, you need to find 2 specific event items for each character. Upon doing so, you must then return to the Macalania Woods and use the Celestial Mirror to power up the weapon at the large spherical crystal high amid the treetops. Below is the description on how to get the weapon.Restoring Ifrits Health With Out SavingSummon Ifrit, then when you get low on health go into his black magic and use fire on himself, that should restore some of his health, since he came from hell, also, when your battling two "bombs" and another foe, kill the foe first, that way when the foe hurts you you can let the bombs hit you since the always use fire.Easy potions and spheresIts not really a cheat, but after Tidus is rescued from the ruins by Rikku and her Al Bhed family and friends, you will be prompted to dive off of the ship and enter the airship. The guard closest to the save sphere will give you x3 potion when you talk to him. If you dive and return to the ship after leaving the screen he will give you another 3 potions. Its an easy way to build up potions as well as recieve spheres from the fish in the water. You can also take this opportunity to steal grenades for later use in the game.Ultimate AP Gaining Trick*NOTE: You'll need the airship for this trick! First, you'll have to get "Capture" weapons from the Monster Arena guy in the Calm Lands. You'll also have to catch all the monsters in the Calm Lands in order to be able to fight the monsters you catch in other areas. So, when you finish catching all of the monsters in the Calm Lands and the "Fight Monsters" option appears when you talk to the guy, go to the Omega Ruins (X: 72 Y: 34 on the "Search" option in the airship menu) and catch a Master Tonberry. Once he's caught, go fight him in the Monster Arena for 30,000 AP per battle. If you have Double AP or Triple AP on your weapons, you can get 60,000 or even 90,000 AP in one battle!! If you continuously do this for a while, you can get some SERIOUS Sphere Levels. I did this and have about 30,000 HP on all of my characters, along with stats in the 200's.Defeat Yu Yeven EasierCustomize one or all of your characters' weapons with the ability "Zombie Strike" and attack Yu Yeven with it. He can be turned into the zombie status. Then with the same or another character use a "Pheonix Down" or cast "Full-Life" on Yu Yevon. This will instantly kill him. It worked for me. His health is about 99,999,999 so have fun with this code and even steal items from him before you kill him.Have Reserved Weapons and ArmorEvery character should have an armor piece that is resistant to all four elements and another that is resistant to bad statuses like poison and silence. Also every character needs to have at least one piece of armor with the break HP limit, auto-regen, magic defense + 20%, and defense + 20%Every character needs a weapon with the triple AP ability also you may want to create weapons for each character that inflicts status ailments like death or poison.Gain Gil in the Monster ArenaSimply have one of your characters equip a weapon with the gillionare ability (must have at least 30 designer wallets) and you will even gain gil in the monster arena.Unlocking Nemisis and Ultima BusterTo be able to fight Nemisis you must catch 10 of every monster in the world. To be able to fight Ultima Buster you must catch 5 of every monster in the world.Defeating Nemisis EasilyFirst and foremost you must have agility, magic, strength, defense, and magic defense at 200+ First off cast hastega, protect, and auto-life,(don't worry about casting shell). When attacking Nemisis always use Quick Hit. Attack with your party untill Nemisis uses its cannon on you after he uses the cannon he will attack with either Armaggedon (which causes 99,999 damage to all characters) or his buster attack (which causes 30,000 damage to all characters). Summon an aeon right after he uses the cannon attack against you, but be aware as sometimes Nemisis can use one of those two powerful attacks without warning at anytime that is why auto-life is needed. Unless his first attack after the cannon is Armaggedon after sacreficing an aeon return to your normal attack pattern using Quick Hit. If he uses Armaggedon then summon another aeon before he attacks again as he will use the Buster attack. Nemisis shouldn't take to long to beat just keep using Quick Hit and time his attacks correctly. Stay focused because one mistake in this battle can cost you dearly. Also don't use overdrive attacks against Nemisis he will counter with Ultima. If you want to steal an item from him use mug because he will also counter a normal steal attack.Masamune Power UpsThe Crest for the masamune is found south of the Oldroad at Mi'hen Highroad. The sigil will be given to you if you capture 10 monsters, 10 different spicies, and 10 different regions.Aurons Secret Weapon and Aurons Sigil And CrestFirst, you must get the rusty sword from the gorge by the cavern of the faith(not in the cavern of faith). Then, you must take the rusty sword to mushroom rock road and incert it by the statue. It will reveal the swords location. The Crest is found south of Oldroad at Mi'hen Highroad. The sigil is given to you when you capture 10 monsters, 10 different species, and in 10 different regions.Gil Gil and more GilIn the Omega Dungeon you will sometimes face a lone lizard with a treasure chest steal from the chest. You will sometimes get a mega-potion or a turbo-ether which are great items, but I would rather get nothing ang fight a mimic because they give you 50,000 Gil and 100,000 Gil if you have the Gillionare ability.Defeat AeonsGet Auron to where he does 9999 so he kills the aeons 1-hit.(You will be forced to fight your aeons.) So you can power up your aeons all you want.AP cheatUsually when you verse a tough opponent like seymour 1st you will be allowed to go back out of the temple and fight some fiends. When you beat the fiends you will obtain some AP.Defeat Guado GaurdsTo beat the guado guards when figting Seymore 1,have Kamiahri's overdrive be full. Then use his overdrive stonebreath. That should kill the guards in one hit.Hidden AeonsYojimbo: In the Calm Lands, circle past the right side of the bridge leading to Mt. Gagazet, and descend into the gorge below. To the left of the Save Sphere is the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Proceed through the cave until you encounter a spirit. Defeat Yojimbo and speak to him to negotiate a fee for his services.Anima: Go to Baaj Temple with the Airship. Dive into the water and fight Geosgaeno. Defeat it and swim toward the underwater temple entrance. Approach the six statues on either side. There is one hidden item in each of Spira's six Cloisters of Trails. You should have five of these items, now get the last one from Zanarkand Dome. Solve the puzzle there and return with the last item and get your prize Aeon.The Magus Sisters: Capture all of the required types of fiends on Mt. Gagazet and return to the monster arena and get the Blossom Crown. You must possess all other Aeons, including Yojimbo and Anima. Next, go to Remiem Temple. Defeat Spathi, and receive the Flower Scepter. After defeating all of the Aeons at Remiem Temple, use the Blossom Brown and the Flower Scepter on the door in the back to unseal it and acquire the Magus Sisters.Cure ixion, shiva and ifritFor ixion cast thunder, thundara or thundaga on himself. For shiva cast blizzard, blizzara or blizzaga on herself.For ifrit cast Fire, Fira or firaga on himself.Easy Full OverdriveActivate the tutorial console and select "Fiend Info". As the battle goes on, call an Aeon. When the Overdrive gauge is full, use an attack other than the Overdrive. After the battle ends, you Overdrive gauge will be full. Go to Monster Arena in the Calm Lands. Buy weapons with the Capture ability. Capture all monsters from all areas, then go back to the arena and talk to the man. He will give you a lot of items, then he will say that he has created a monster. He will ask if you want to fight it for free. Answer "Yes". The monster is called Catastrophe. When you fight, it will release an attack called Poison Breath. It will do over 10,000 damage and all of your characters that are fighting will die. However, your Overdrive will either be full or very close to being full. Go to the Monster Arena in the Calm Lands. Set all your party members' Overdrives to "Stoic". Preferably, battle a created monster that can easily kill a party member with one hit. Have at least Auron and Yuna in your party if you do not want waste a lot of gil. Have Auron use Guard on Yuna and have Yuna use Life on party members. Then, switch the party members until each one has been killed. Note: You must have the Slayer Overdrive and the airship in order to do this trick. To get very easy Overdrives, set the designated character to Overdrive mode Slayer. Then, fly to Besaid or Djose Road. Battle the fiends there. They hopefully will be easy for you to defeat, and you will get your overdrive faster. Use the airship to go to Guadosalam. The Inn you are in will have a Tutorial Monitor. Select "Fiend Info" and battle Iron Giant. Call all of your Aeons and have them use Boost. The Iron Giant will miss every time. Then, use your characters to kill it. In five minutes you will have all Aeon Overdrives full. Note: Equip the Victory Overdrive ability and Double Overdrive. Fly to Besaid in the airship and fight. You should have all your Overdrives in about two battles. Set the Overdrive to "Stoic" and go to the Monster Arena. Fight Master Tonberry. When the fight starts, hit Master Tonberry with the person whose Overdrive you want to fill. The Overdrive should be filled in one hit. You will most likely die when he counterattacks. If you want to get Tidus' Blitz Ace Overdrive, have him in the party almost every time you kill the last monster. You should eventually get the Victor Overdrive mode, which puts in one fifth of your Overdrive gauge after every battle. Then, go to a location, such as Besaid, and fight enemies. Kill them quickly. The Overdrive will charge up five battles later. Set your Overdrive mode on Warrior. You must have the Break Damage Limit ability and Ultima magic. If your magic status is more than 200 or is 255, fight with three or more enemies in a battle. Use Ultima at the start of the battle. Your Overdrive gauge will rise very high. When against fighting the Magic Urn in the Cave Of Stolen Fayth, just defend. It will not attack you. However, you will have to set your Overdrive to "Ally". Hint: Kimarhi's Overdrives: Jump: Standard Seed Cannon: Ragora species (Kilika Woods) Aqua Breath: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Chimera species (Macalania Woods, Home, Calm Lands, Monster Arena) Stone Breath: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Basilisk species (Djose Highroad) Bad Breath: Malboro species (Calm Lands, Omega Ruins Thrust Kick: YKT species(Bevelle, Zanarkand Ruins) White Wind: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Dark Flan (Mt. Gagazet Caves) Mighty Guard: Behemoth species (Zanarkand, Sin, Monster arena) Fire Breath: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Dual Horn (Mi'ihen Highroad) Self Destruct: Bomb species(Airship, Mi'ihen Highroad, Mt. Gagazet, Omega Ruins) Doom: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Ghost species (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)Speak Perfect Al Bhed At The StartPlay through and collect all the Al Bhed Primers, then save the game. Start a new game. At the point where Tidus first arrives in Spira, he is in the water with a bird on it. When he can move, swim over to the left of the screen. Over on that side is an Al Bhed Compilation Sphere. Make sure that you have the same memory card in that your first game was saved to. Touch the sphere and have it compile the Al Bhed dictionary. Check your key items. You will now find that you have every single Al Bhed Primer that you found in your first game. If you found all 26 of them, you will be speaking perfect Al Bhed, even before meeting Rikku for the first time. Note: If this is done, all the Al Bhed Primers will disappear from the "new" game, as you will already have them. Also, you can roam and get every single Primer in the game except for XXII, which is in the Temple Of Bevelle -- If you did not get it the first time around, you will have to wait until you can get it in the second game. All other Primers can be found at any time in the game.Defeating Defender ZTo defeat Defender Z in Zanarkand Ruins, you need Tidus' Provoke. Use Provoke, and after that just attack normally with other party members. After being provoked, the only thing he will do is a Blast Punch attack to Tidus, and it will not kill him. It will only damage half of Tidus' HP on every attack.Easy APThis trick requires a Friend Sphere or Teleport Sphere and Rikku on your team. Use a Teleport Sphere or a Friend Sphere to get to where Rikku starts out on the Sphere Grid. Because she starts out with such low HP, the sphere grid has to give her a lot of HP Spheres. Getting other characters there will add at least 1000 HP. Collect some Doors Of Tomorrow, either from the first weapon in the Omega Ruins or from the Battle Arena by capturing enemies. Then, gain the ability Overdrive -> AP. Return to the Battle Arena and choose the character who has the weapon with that skill. It is best to have three characters with it for easier levels and to save time. Set the character's Overdrive mode to "Comrade" then choose to fight a King Cactaur. Note: You must have captured all the enemies from the Thunder Plains in order to unlock King Cactaur. In the battle the King Cactaur will use either 10,000 Needles or 99,999 Needles (better). Keep using Phoenix Downs or a Life spell to bring back the character he kills. He will eventually run away and the battle will end with your characters sometimes gaining anywhere from 10 to 20 levels depending on how long the battle lasted and how many times King Cactaur used his attacks. Get ten Door To Tomorrows, either by bribing the Mech Leaders with 74,000 gil (found in Mount Gagazet), or by stealing from Omega Weapon. A third way to is to catch many different kinds of monsters and then going to the Monster Arena. When you complete one area, the keeper will give you 99 Door To Tommorows. After you have them, customize a weapon with the Overdrive -> AP ability. Next, get the Loner Overdrive by having everyone but the person with the Drive -> AP weapon flee the battle. After a few turns, the character will learn the Overdrive mode Loner automatically. Next, equip the character with armor that can either block or absorb an elemental attack. Engage in a battle with an enemy that only uses that magic (for example, Flame Flan, Snow Flan, Gold Elemental, etc.). Have everyone else flee, and keep Triangle held with a rubber band. In a few hours, you will have 99 S. Levels from one battle. You need to have control of the airship to do this trick and a weapon with Sensor would be helpful. Find the Omega Ruins with the search. Stay close to the Save Sphere where start at, and move around until you are attacked. If you are attacked by a Master Tonberry have Wakka equip his Capture weapon and use the skill Sleep Buster to put it to sleep. It will sleep for only one turn, so bring in Tidus and cast Hastaga. If you only do magic attacks and no physical attacks, it will use its turn to wake up and you just need to put it back to sleep. Keep casting magic (have Lulu use Demi if she has it) and Sleep Buster. Bring in the person with the Sensor weapon and when it gets down enough where you can kill it, use Wakka's Capture weapon to kill and capture it. You will get the 20,000 AP, but now since its caught you and easy to kill, you can go to the Calm Lands. Go to the Monster Arena and you can fight it again for only 3600, and still get 20,000 AP. If your characters have the double AP (customize with 20 Megalixers) or triple AP (customize with 50 Wings to Discovery) then go to Bikanal Island (the desert) and complete the Cactuar mini-game so the sandstorm will disappear. Go to where the sandstorm was located and you will encounter either Sand Worms or Cactuars. Sometimes there will be three Cactuars in a battle so you can get 36m000 AP just for winning that fight. With your Double or Triple AP, you receive 72,000 or even 108,000 AP. Just have strong attackers with good agility and accuracy or they will run away or cast 10000 Needles, which can be quite deadly. Unlike other Final Fantasy games, the AP earned during battles are not divided among the people in the party. Try to as many characters as you can involved to level up faster. Immediately after you get the Aeon Bahamut, you will be in the Via Purifico (the place where you have to control Yuna because your party was split). Go north to a long hallway lit in red. Go into the hallway, fight a larva person and summon Bahamut. From there, use Thundaga or Firaga. You will get 1000 to 1200 AP. After each battle, go back to the save point to heal your Aeons and party. Repeat until you reach your desired level. Use the following trick to get more levels and fill your total Sphere Grid within three or less hours. Certain items and weapons are required. First, you need to be able to fight One Eye on the monster arena (in the Calm Lands). Fight and kill One Eye until you get a triple AP weapon with two empty spaces for one of your characters. After you get the weapon, use the Customize Weapon option and add the abilities: Overdrive -> AP (which uses ten Door To Tomorrows), and also either Triple Overdrive (which uses Winning Formula) or Double Overdrive (which uses Underdog's Secret). Once done, change the character's Overdrive to Loner and get into a battle anywhere (preferably Besaid Island). When in the battle, make all other characters leave, and have your character choose the special weapon. After you equipped the weapon, have them skip their turns for at least twenty five turns. Try using Haste on your character and Slowga on the enemies. Then, kill all the enemies. The post-battle screen should state that your character either gained 200,000 AP (if Double Overdrive was used), or 300,000 AP (if Triple Overdrive was used). Within a few hours of gaining these levels quickly, you should be able to complete on the characters entire Sphere Grid. Complete the Village Of The Cactuars side quest, then equip as many people as possible with weapons that have the Double AP, Triple AP option. Have everyone in your party use a skill. For example, Tidus with Cheer, Yuna with Pray, etc. Have Auron perform Zombie Break on the Cactuars. If it is successful, it does a 100% Overkill. The best place to train, is at the Sea Of Sorrow. More AP can be gained here than anywhere else, and the enemies are not as difficult as in Omega Ruins. Have a weapon that has Triple Overdrive, Triple AP, and Overdrive > AP. Set Overdrive to Stoic and fight Don Tonberry. Attack him with the weapon, then he will kill you. Revive that character then repeat the process until you kill him. You will get 30 to 80 Sphere levels. To get easy AP early in the game, have Tidus learn Cheer. When you battle Sin for the first time on the boat to Kilika, instead of attacking Sin have Tidus use Cheer on himself, Wakka, and Kimahri. Then, repeatedly attack the blue that Sin sends at you. Make sure you use Lulu and Yuna at least once so they also get some AP. If you do this long enough, you can get at least 20 levels up per hour.Defeating The SpherimorphTo prepare, start training vigorously from the time the game starts to the time you get to the Spherimorph (about ten fights minimum in each area). You should have about 15000 gil or more when you are ready. Go to O'aka and ask for weapons. Leave, then he will ask you about the prices. Tell him that they are too expensive, then go back and buy weapons. The prices should be lowered to some extent. Buy the Sonic Steel for Tidus, Rod of Darkness for Yuna, and the Force Knuckles for Rikku. When you get to the part of the Macalania Woods where you fight Spherimorph, immediately save if you are uncertain that you can defeat it. To fight Spherimorph you should equip the following recommended items. Tidus (Sonic Steel, any armor with Magic Def 3or 5%), Yuna (Rod of Darkness or Laevatein, Seeker's Ring; HP + 10%), Wakka (Switch Hitter, Emerald Armguard), Lulu (Fatal Cait Sith or Water Moomba, Seekers Bangle), Auron (Shimmering Blade, Recovery Bracer), Rikku (Force Knuckles, NulBlaze Target), Kimahri (Hunters Spear, Red Armlet). Start the fight with Tidus, Auron and Wakka. Tidus goes first, so set the tone with his Overdrive (if he has it). Do not use Wakka's Overdrive because it is elemental and will heal Spherimorph. Instead, use a physical attack. Use Auron's Magic Break to weaken spells, then switch in Kimahri and use his Jump or Seed Cannon Overdrives (if he has them). Use Yuna and summon Ifrit. Use his physical attacks to damage Spherimorph. Spherimorph will attack with Fire, thus healing Ifrit. Switch out Ifrit and use normal characters occasionally. Switch Ifrit back in and use his physical attacks until Spherimorph starts using its physical attacks frequently. Dismiss Ifrit and use Auron's Power Break to weaken its physical attacks. Then, finally pummel it down with either Ixion or Ifrit's physical attacks, occasionally healing them with elemental spells.Have Tidus, Lulu, and Yuna on your team. Use Yuna to cast the Nul spells, then use Tidus' attack. Spherimorph will cast an elemental spell on Tidus. However, if you used the Nul spells it will not harm him. Have Lulu cast the opposite of that spell/ Spherimorph will then use Elemental Shift. Keep repeating this and Spherimorph will soon be dead and you will suffer no damage.Defeating Behemoth KingsIf you have a weapon with "Capture" equipped and manage to use it in the finishing hit, the Behemoth King will not do his "Meteor" counter-attack before dying.Kimarhi's OverdrivesJump: StandardSeed Cannon: Ragora species (Kilika Woods)Aqua Breath: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Chimera species (Macalania Woods, Home, Calm Lands, Monster Arena)Stone Breath: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Basilisk species (Djose Highroad)Bad Breath: Malboro species (Calm Lands, Omega RuinsThrust Kick: YKT species(Bevelle, Zanarkand Ruins)White Wind: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Dark Flan (Mt. Gagazet Caves)Mighty Guard: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)Fire Breath: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Dual Horn (Mi'ihen Highroad)Self Destruct: Bomb species(Airship, Mi'ihen Highroad, Mt. Gagazet, Omega Ruins)Doom: Biran and Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Ghost species (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)Nova: From Omega Weapon.Nova can also be learned from Nemesis in the Monster Arena after catching ten of every monster in the game and defeating each monster arena creations.Defeating The Stratoavis In The Battle ArenaOnce you collect all the monsters from the desert, go back to the Calm Lands and go to the Battle Arena. If you have caught all of them, the man will offer you a free fight with the new monster he just created. Accept his offer. Once in the battle, make sure you have Yuna in your party. Wakka and Tidus are also recommended. To make this faster you will need the Aeon Yojimbo. He can dodge all the attacks from Strutoavis and put Yojimbo in Overdrive. This should enable you to pay a low price for maximum damage. You should be able to pay 10 to 20 gil and he will do one of four attacks. If he does Wakizashi or Kozuka, it should do maximum damage. Do this about fifteen to twenty times and he should fall. You should get about 10,000 AP for winning, and perhaps a Key Sphere.Calm Lands: Easy Monster CapturesFind the Monster Arena owner. Buy a weapon from him. Go and fight lots of Anacondours and steal 60 Petrify Grenades from them. Customize the weapon with Stonestrike. Capture all the monsters that you need in the Calm Lands. Talk to the Monster Arena owner. He will give you a chest with Nirvana, Yuna's legendary weapon. You cannot open it without the Celestial Mirror. Talk to the man. He will give you 60 Farplane Winds. Customize your weapon with these to get Deathstrike. Now almost any monster can be captured in one move." />

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