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arrow right How Business Coaches Avoid the Yearly Training Feeding Frenzy

What is it with appraisals? In September and October there were no training needs, and then suddenly in November and December everyone in the company has a personal development plan. How did that happen? How come six weeks ago I didn't have any training needs and now I have  a shed-load of them?It's called the year-end appraisal.In companies up and down the land, filing cabinet drawers were being emptied of last year's contents; objectives and training needs were swiftly consulted so that judgements could be made and duplication avoided. For some, the half-year appraisal will have assisted with the completion of the dreaded form; for many it was just another chore in long list of administrative chores.It's meant to bring the parties together to have meaningful conversations about achievement, development, and future goals. In reality the game is played out as it's always been played out.? Manager: Michael, can we fix up an hour to do your appraisal? (I already know what score you're getting, but I have to have this conversation for an hour so you feel involved)? Michael: Oh Yes Aidan ? that time of year again! (I know you know what score I am getting, so why don't you just tell me)And is there any need for it?A soccer coach does not sit down at the end of the year with a player and review progress against a set of objectives set over a year ago. They do not decide training needs for the next twelve months at the end of every year. They already know what the training needs are and are already working on them.The conductor of an orchestra does not have a yearly interview with each person in the violin section to review their progress and find out whether they fancy playing the trombone next year and what training can be provided to achieve this goal. Everyone knows what is expected of him or her.A choreographer does not suddenly become aware of training needs in December.Business coaches do not include a training needs analysis during the appraisal interview. For one thing there's no appraisal interview ? the evidence of performance is obvious. Secondly, they know what each person in the team is doing and how they are performing against specific objectives. There are no surprise training needs identified in December because they have been working on training and business coaching throughout the year based upon clearly defined processes and job profiles.Business coaches do not identify negotiation skills, presentation skills, communication skills, technical knowledge, or any other form of training requirements during a year-end appraisal. They do not suddenly present the training manager with a whole set of training requirements because they have already worked alongside the training manager eliciting specific help for individuals, specific where required, during the year. If these elements are relevant to the job, then they should have been delivered when the person started in the job. If they are part of a progressive process, then they will be part of plan which has been scheduled with specific learning outcomes and business results, not as part of a year-end process.In an organisation that truly employs a business coaching culture there is no need for any training requirement outcome of an appraisal system. Its purpose should be solely and merely to ratify the size of reward due based upon the achievement of any goals. It would be rare in a true coaching environment for there to be a mass training requirement outside of foundation and induction.Business coaches work in the following way (see figure 1):* Determine the process to be employed by the individual* Design it in detail and test it* Agree who will conduct initial basic training ? the coach or a separate trainer* Implement the training piece by piece and assess the person against a set of measurable criteria* If you're in a customer service environment, do not let anyone who fails the training assessments to meet with your customers. If you're in any other environment don't let people who fail the assessment enter the workplace unsupervised* The business coach must meet the individuals who have passed the assessment and determine that they have maintained the knowledge, skill and attitude requirements before using this knowledge and skill with in the workplace* Observe the individual using the each element of the knowledge and skills taught over a period of time and provide feedback* Continuously improve their knowledge and skillIt's not rocket science, but it works.In summary, business coaches know what the process is ? i.e. this is what I want the person to do. They publish the rules ? i.e. this is what I want you to do. They organise the training to bring the person up to the minimum standard acceptable (this happens at the beginning, not at appraisal time) ? i.e. I will train you to do this. They ensure that the training is transferred to the job ? i.e. I will check that you can do what I have trained you to do ? i.e. I will accompany you on the job and assess your ability. They improve people ? i.e. I will seek to improve you all the time ? I will assess your ability regularly. This process feeds back into the process design ? i.e. how can we make this better?With business coaching as a system, the yearly feeding frenzy for training could be at an end.Frank Salisbury is a highly experience motivational speaker, and inspiring business coach, particularly to the sales profession. Frank is recognised as a leading authority in the field of sales - including sales process design, sales performance, and sales coaching.He strongly believes that whether we work in the public or private sector; whether our organisation is commercial or non-commercial; that we are all in sales. His favourite quote, which has become his maxim, is from Robert Louis Stevenson ? 'Everything in live is selling'. He has spoken at numerous conferences and seminars where his style has received popular acclaim for a speaker with a passion for life, and achievement.He is Managing Director of Business & Training Solutions Ltd ? a sales consultancy based in Ireland and the UK. He can be contacted at frank@btsolutions.ie. 28 Rye Close, Banbury, Oxfordshire. 0044 (0)1295250247

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arrow right The Dos and Donts of an Elevator Pitch

The dreaded question: "What exactly does your company do?" It's a simple question, but do you find that every time you answer it you give a different answer?One of the first steps in positioning and branding a new company is to craft an elevator pitch. Simply put, an  elevator pitch is a clear, compelling description of your business that is short enough to be understood (by your mother no less) in the time it takes to ride an elevator. That's about 60 seconds or 150 to 225 words. This is not an easy as it sounds. To do it well requires a great amount of thought, strategizing, and finesse.Here are some quick Dos and Don'ts:- Do start with a hook: what is most compelling about your story?- Do show how you solve a problem. Too many companies offer a solution, but never identify the problem they are solving?- Do briefly describe what you sell but don't kill them with details at this point.- Do tell them who you are: who is behind the company and why you will succeed. (Got a great advisory board? Mention it.)- Do briefly describe the target market: who it is; what industry; how big.- Do mention how you will get revenue.- Do note your competitive advantage be it intellectual property, distribution, partners, or whatever.- Do speak in plain English. Don't use acronyms, technospeak, hype, or marketing babble.- Do show enthusiasm and passion (if you don't believe it, who will?) but don't go over the top. (That's why used-car salesmen are forced to sell used cars.)- Do practice, practice, practice. It should roll off your tongue naturally and consistently. No ums or uhs.- Do make sure everyone in the company has the same story. Don't forget the receptionist. You don't want to be in a position where members of your own team have contradictory descriptions of your company.- Do adjust for your audience. Customers are more interested in what problem you are solving for them than how you plan to make money. Save those details for potential investors.- Do close with a call to action. Get a business card, schedule a follow-up call, set up a presentation, something.- Do write it down. This will have a million uses--from the boilerplate in your press releases to online directory listings--to get your company description in the world consistently. Do shorter versions as well.Jennifer Guinan, president of Sage Strategic Marketing, offers 19 years of experience in marketing, communications, Internet and search engine marketing, and PR for companies and organizations large and small. Guinan's background includes national and international marketing and communications executive management and strategy, PR and media relations, and consulting. Her experience spans multiple industries from financial, healthcare, and life sciences to technology segments including software, networking, telecommunications, embedded systems, and wireless. She has developed M&A communications strategies, executed crisis management campaigns, successfully launched a number of startup companies, and strategized and implemented company repositioning, product launches, and issues campaigns. Contact us: http://www.sagestrat.com or jennifer@sagestrat.com

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arrow right How Pareto?s Principle Impacts Your Sales Success

Pareto's Principle {the 80/20 rule) is vividly illustrated in the sales statistics of most industries, companies and professional service organiizations. Eighty percent of all products or services are sold by just 20 percent of the sales professionals in the United States  and Canada. How does this rule effect the overall management of the selling process in your company or firm? Basically, Pareto's principle impacts your selling process in three key areas:· Hiring The Right Sales People, · Training Sales Team Members, and · Coaching The Team To Higher Performance LevelsAlmost all of the candidates that apply for sales positions today fall into the 80 percent group of sales or service industry professionals who produce only 20 percent of the sales. Therefore, when hiring, you must screen carefully to discover a candidate's selling skill potential, not just his or her past sales success levels. It is almost impossible to find and recruit sales professionals in the 20 percent bracket because employers do everything in their power to keep their top producers happy, so the turnover in Pareto's 20 percent bracket is extremely rare. Even if you find a "top gun" who is looking for a position, many organizations can't afford to bring one of these high priced professionals on board.If finding one or two top producers is difficult, think how hard it is to recruit a team of these superstars. Therefore, you need to change your mindset to find candidates that have the potential to move into the top producer or rainmaker category and then train, coach and manage them until they produce at the level of the superstars in your industry or pro-fession.Just "liking" a given candidate for a sales position can lead to long-term sales or business development failure. Read these articles;Hire A Six To Consistently Produce Sales Success at: http://www.thesellingedge.com/archive7.htmor Hiring, A Key To Sales Management Success at: http://www.thesellingedge.com/archive6.htmTo learn how to build a sales team where you no longer carry 80 percent of the team members. Where is it written that your company or profes-sional service firm must live with Pareto's Principle anyway.Good luck in producing a team of top producers. You can find some tools to help in the process of training and coaching your new hires at http://www.TheSellingedge.com.VIRDEN THORNTON is the founder and President of The $elling Edge®, Inc. a firm specializing in sales, customer relations, and management training and development. Clients have included Sears Optical, Eastman Kodak, IBM, Deloitte & Touché, Bank One, Jefferson Pilot, and Wal-Mart to name a few. Virden is the author of Prospecting: The Key To Sales Success and the best selling Building & Closing the Sale, Fifty-Minute series books and Close That Sale, a video/audio tape series published by Crisp Publications, Inc. Menlo Park, California. He has also authored a Self-Directed Learning series of sales, coaching & team development, telemarketing, and personal productivity training guides.Virden assists clients through a unique personal coaching (telephone)program. He has taught at the Center For Professional Development, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas and the School Of Entrepreneurship, Marriott School Of Management, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. You can contact Virden at: Virden@TheSellingEdge.com. or learn more about him at: http://www.TheSellingEdge.com

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arrow right The Multiplying Factor In Sales Success

Mark has an attitude! Mark had worked in an operational capacity in the plant of a mid-western uniform company for over eighteen years. He had held almost every job in the production end of the business, from janitor to purchasing. One morning the owner of the company  called Mark into his office to discuss a new job assignment. Mark was floored when the boss asked him to become the company's sales manager and take over the marketing department, which included the areas of sales and service. Mark had never sold before, nor had he managed more than a couple of people in his operational assignments. Now he was being asked by the owner of the laundry, at my recommendation, to supervise a sales team of three people, a route sales staff of nine and three service managers. My recommendation was primarily based on my observations of Mark as he gave me a plant tour a year earlier, as I started my engagement with this client.After working for a little over a year in the sales manager's position, Mark more than doubled the number of sales over the previous year, even though he had let one of his sales representatives go for poor perform-ance. After two years, he tripled yearly sales levels and had to ad several more routes to cover the increased business. His route sales were up significantly over the previous reporting period and customer retention levels were at an all time high as well. With literally no selling back-ground or customer contact and little opportunity to manage a large group of people in the plant, how did Mark achieve the success levels that eluded the previous sales manager, who had nearly twenty years of sales and sales management experience? If you could meet Mark, you would instantly see what makes him a success.Mark has an attitude! I observed Mark's positive attitude on my first and several subsequent visits to the plant. His great attitude alone was the reason for my recommendation to his boss to have Mark head up mar-keting for the firm. Mark made some mistakes as he took over the reins of the department before he was trained and coached. But a few mis-takes could be expected from his lack of formal training and promotional experience. However, Mark's positive attitude quickly helped him to over-come this lack of experience and set an atmosphere in the department that produced unprecedented sales success levels. He is so positive and optimistic that he is contagious.For most professionals, achieving and then consistently maintaining a high level of success is difficult. For some, it is a frustrating and futile exercise. Like a person on a diet who never seems to find just the right formula for losing weight and then keeping it off permanently, achieving consistent levels of management or sales success eludes most managers and their representatives. All too frequently sales professionals drift in and out of success producing sales and management activities and never achieve the long-term patterns of success they are seeking.As I have studied the success patterns of top sales professionals from all types of industries and from all parts of the country, I began to make an exciting discovery. I learned that for the 20% of the sales people who sell 80% of the goods and services in the United States, achievement or failure is controlled in large measure by their strong, overpowering will to succeed--an attitude. The top sales producers in this country are driven to succeed, giving them a multiplying factor in generating consistent sales success. This achievement drive, attitude, or "personal motivation," is the primary force leaders employ in attaining consistent sales productivity and high closing ratios. From this research, I learned that sales success for any manager or sales professional is possible, if he or she correctly applies achievement drive principles that top sales professionals consis-tently use. Once I learned how achievement drive (attitude) worked for sales people, it became clear that it was also the power in the lives of all successful people (managers, parents, athletes, administrators, volun-teers, etc.) helping people to achieve higher levels of personal and profes-sional success than their peers.How could Mark double and then triple sales levels in his laundry, while letting one of his sales representatives go? Why are some people like Mark able to overcome a lack of experience, terrible adversity and obsta-cles to achieve greatness, while others, in spite of every advantage, turn their lives into a disaster? The answer is quite simple. Those that are successful in life have learned how to create an overpowering desire to succeed. They have mastered the art of programming themselves to build the achievement drive necessary to produce consistently high levels of success.Studies at major universities show that successful people from every field of endeavor have a greater need to achieve success than their peers. No one ever attained a consistent pattern of success that didn't have this burning desire to succeed internalized. This desire, in turn, gives achiev-ers the energy, stamina, enthusiasm and compelling personal motivation to attain their goals in life. Psychologists tell us that when you see your-self succeeding, the very thought of success alone can often make a sig-nificant difference in the outcome of any objective that you might have.People are motivated and directed by their dominant thought patterns. Successful sales managers and representatives have learned to develop an overall attitude of optimism, expectations of success and a vision of themselves succeeding by regularly programming their biocomputer to be successful. This programming, once in place, is the edge that pulls them toward their dreams and ideal future. You too can apply these same principles and program yourself to attain much greater lev-els of productivity and sales success and produce higher success levels in everything else that you do in life.For a tool to help you develop the multiplying factor, check out the Getting An Edge self directed learning manual at: http://TheSellingEdge.com/manual2.htm.VIRDEN THORNTON is the founder and President of The $elling Edge®, Inc. a firm specializing in sales, customer relations, tradeshows and management training and development. Clients have included Sears Optical, Eastman Kodak, IBM, Deloitte & Touché, Bank One, Jefferson Wells, and Wal-Mart to name a few. Virden is the author of Prospecting: The Key To Sales Success and the best selling Building & Closing the Sale, Fifty-Minute series books and Close That Sale, a video/audio tape series published by Thompson Learning. He has also authored a Self-Directed Learning series of sales, coaching & team development, telemarketing, and personal productivity training guides. Check them out at:http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/Book1.htmVirden teaches for the Center For Professional Development, Texas Tech Uni-versity at Lubbock, Texas and in the School Of Entrepreneurship, J. Willard And Alice S. Marriott School Of Management at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. You can contact Virden at: Virden@TheSellingEdge.com, or learn more about him at: http://www.TheSellingEdge.com

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arrow right Being Politically Correct When Selling Can Cost You Sales

In our culture it is basically un-American for a prospective customer or client to help a sales representative or service industry professional in the selling process, by answering the probing questions required in an effective consultative selling approach. However, many  sales trainers, coaches and managers teach that to be "politically correct," polite or to look professional, you must ask permission if you want to probe for information.Don't believe it!DON'T DO IT!If you believe you must ask permission to ask questions, you dramatically reduce your ability to access the information needed to consistently close your sales, because most prospects have an inborn resistance to helping you make your sale.The problem with

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arrow right Direct Sales and the Use of Clipboards

Do you ever feel that when you are doing direct sales you find yourself not getting respect from the local businesses? They are busy and you are an interruption of course, yet at the same time, it does slow you down. Smart direct sales marketers carry clipboards into  offices to sell and take orders. Clipboards come in many colors and styles; plastic, aluminum, clear, etc. These clipboards should have your company logo on the bottom. They should also have calculators on the clip. The logo should be made of vinyl lettering in your company colors. They should be durable or high tech plastic clipboard which can be dropped from six feet without breaking. They should also have a company pen attached which contrasts such as a yellow pen with blue ink or red ink inside. The sign-up sheets for orders or receipts should be on top and attached to the clipboard.The format on the sign-up sheet can be created in Microsoft Word. This way reproduction ready artwork is only a move of the mouse and a click on the printer icon away. Use bright colors which stand out for order sheets perhaps even; Astro-Bright Solar yellow. You should have matching uniforms, flyers and business cards to the logo or sign-up sheet.The sign up sheets should be printed in black ink because blue ink turns into green under most printing processes. Order receipts should use blue ink. The sign-up forms should be printed on both sides so you can compare the morning with the afternoon hours for volume and money. These forms should be in card stock since it will make them more durable and won't crumple or rip if they get wet even though you are writing on both sides. If an salesperson pushes too hard on the pen they will not go through. This saves money. It costs ten cents for one side and fourteen cents for both sides. This saves two-thirds on the printing costs. Perfect efficiency. It also is environmentally good, saving trees. Yeah! Also, it gives you a pretty good indication of how many units are sold during the day, how much money you have made if you were doing only cash sales.This decreases also the possibility of employee pilferage from the sales team and helps you determine how much money you've made. If you are in a business which receives tips; this, of course, is the best way to judge how good of a job you are doing and how happy your customers are. Twenty percent in tips is a good number.The order or sign up form should be left blank at the top two inches. That way the clip doesn't cover up the name or logo of your business. Many times the customer will watch you write down the information they give you. This is another reason we use blue or red ink only. Both are very contracting on yellow. Red is more commanding and factual while blue is pleasant and caring. Both work fine for our model. When a customer is watching you write information down, many times they will watch you check boxes. They will probably want to watch you check all the boxes. This also gives you the opportunity to upsell. It works 70% of the time and it's easy. Anyone can do it.Every crew should be trained to do this. As the people watch you check boxes, they will also want you to check the "paid" box. This is great. Get your money in advance. It saves time running back in after you're completed with a service or deliver the products sold. Another way to get paid up front is to leave money on the clipboard. If there is a lot of money on the clipboard, one's, five's ten's, they won't have to ask you if you have change. They can see you do. Many customers carry large bills, fifty's, hundred's. There will be no doubt that you have something worthy you are selling and you are able to make change.If you have lots of money on the clipboard you must have a great product or service; thus building consumer confidence. You must be a successful business person and everybody loves a winner. It also build's your confidence as a sales person and it must be a good deal, everyone else seems to be doing it, therefore you must be reputable because people trust you with their money.Sometimes a secretary will be very busy on the phone, can't talk and makes a half acknowledgment of your presence. By holding up the board, she will know exactly why you are there; something important has now arrived. As soon as she hangs up the phone, she will be on the P.A. announcing "Anyone who wants a ..come to the front desk." By creating a sense of urgency, being in uniform similar to UPS or Federal Express and having an electronic device (the calculator or the credit card machine) along with money demands recognition. It lifts the direct salespersons status of a special delivery, C.O.D., high tech worldwide type courier. It works and it works well. People forget that it says no soliciting on the door. Instead, they put you in their mind as someone who is supposed to be there. You will be surprised how many companies will ask you to come back next week rather than throwing your but out on the street this week. Think about it.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why ALL Sales Decisions Are Based On Emotion - Heres The Proof!

Have you ever gone into a newsagent, picked up a magazine and flicked through the pages for a while, read the index, read some of the pages in the magazine?From my research your answer will almost certainly be yes, at some time. So let me ask you why did you stand there  reading the magazine instead of just saying to yourself, 'I've read this magazine before, I think I'll buy it?'The answer is, because you wanted to know you would get value for your money. You wanted to know more about what content might benefit or interest you in your life. And you really wanted to know if the magazine was worth your $5 or so!After all $5 is $5. You don't want to risk throwing it away, do you? So instead you stand there reading for a while, as long as you need to (without feeling guilty or locking eyes with the shop owner), to see if you can establish enough VALUE for your money.Could it be that you feel an APREHENSION about spending your money? Of course you do, you 'feel' a risk anytime you part with money. And apprehension is an emotion.Let me give you another example of why there is always an emotion present in a customer in a sales scenario...Have you ever told a lie to a sales person? Of course you haven't, is your first reactive answer. But think about this, have you ever entered a shop and been asked if you need help then replied with 'no thanks, I'm just looking?'That's the knee jerk reaction to the most common question in sales, 'can I help you'.Now, have you ever thought soon after replying with that knee jerk reaction that you wish you hadn't of said that?If so then you've just told a lie. And why do you tell small, little, white lies? Could it be that's you're afraid of sales people... because they might pressure you into making a rash decision you regret later on?Its funny? but they say sales people tell lies to customers. Maybe we learn how to lie as sales people by telling lies to sales people when we're the customers!Don't get serious on me here. This is just poking fun at human nature, but the lesson is? there is emotion present in customers when they talk to sales people.Here's one final example...When we're customers and we look for a service or product selling business from say, Yellow Pages, what's one of the first questions we commonly ask when we call the business?Often a question we ask is 'how much does it cost?'The reason I've noticed that people ask that question is that it's the only intelligent question they know how to ask! That's because as customer who are quite lacking in knowledge on what we are buying. So instead of telling the sales person 'I don't know anything about your product or service', so we can totally rely on their recommendations and 'trust' them, we instead pretend that price is important by asking them that question.If the sales person is smart, they will realise the customer wants information, not a price, so they can make an informed decision about suitability of their own emotion needs and benefits.What's happening here is that we don't like anyone to think we're dumb. We fear asking a question about a product or service we don't normally buy, in case we ask something that makes us feel stupid!Instead we play the 'price game'.By now I would think you're starting to agree that emotion always plays a part of any sales scenario. There is evidence all around us in society that says money always travels hand in hand with emotion. Where we risk losing it, we have apprehension, even with $5 next time you go to the newsagency to read a magazine!Tim Stokes has studied emotional needs of people applied to sales and marketing more than most people you will find in the world.To find out more about Tim's philosophy on selling check out his other article called,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Write Sales Letters That Deliver

Tired of sending out sales letters that generate anemic response? You could blame your list, or decide you just didn't send out a high enough volume to get the replies you were looking for. Or, you could face the truth: Your sales letter just didn't have what it  takes.Here's how to make the next one better:1. Ditch the "professional" tone. Too many businesses think they need to sound professional and businesslike in their sales letters. They come across as reserved and dignified. And they get no response.People buy on emotion, and if you want them to buy your product or service (or even become a lead you can follow up on) you must tap into their feelings. And no, "boredom" doesn't count.2. Paint a vivid picture. Let your prospect see herself enjoying the benefits of your product or service. Show her how her life will be transformed. Don't just tell her your widget saves her time. Help her see herself spending that time doing something she enjoys.3. Remember its not about you. It's about your prospect, and what's in it for her. Don't tell her about your mission statement. Don't tell her about your company history. Tell her what's in it for her if she takes you up on your offer.4. Ask for response. People won't call if you don't ask them to. Tell your prospect what it is you want her to do. Call for a free quote. Visit our web site. Come in today and stock up. Send in this coupon. You get the point.Following these steps will turn an anemic response into a robust, healthy one. And that will make your whole business feel better.Lisa Packer, author of

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arrow right Survival On The Road! A Resource For The On The Road Sales Professional

It makes no difference if you are a Saleswomen, a Salesman, a rookie or a seasoned pro, we all face challenges while on the road. You may set up your own flights, cars and lodging, you may have a travel department that does it all for you, or if you are like the vast  majority of

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arrow right Busting Your Assumptions: Effective Probing Techniques for Sales Profession

Do you find yourself making these kinds of assumptions?- "I lost the sale because my price was too high."- "I know exactly what my customer wants."- "I can't hold a member of my team accountable for the delays in our project because she won't like  me if I do."- "I don't delegate often enough because I know I can do the work better myself. "These assumptions may be correct. However, they also might only be partially right or they might be absolute bunk.The problem with assumptions is that we are certain they are true. We unquestioningly believe, for example, that if we ask a customer about their needs, we look stupid (shouldn't I instinctively know their needs?).Also, making assumptions can easily lead to a negative outcome in our dealings with customers. For instance, I go nuts when a salesperson starts solving my problems when they haven't asked me about my situation. I know I am not alone here.Listen to yourself this week as a mini-test. If you are doing more talking than asking, you're probably making a lot of assumptions. If your opinion is front and center and you are not curious about what someone else is thinking, then you have definitely crossed the border into assumption-land.One way to stop making assumptions is to ask a lot more questions.Here are five powerful questions that can help you check out whether an assumption is true, and, in the process, connect more effectively with your customers.1. "Tell me more."2. "What do you need?"3. "What about this is important to you?"4. "How will this make a difference in your work?Then confirm your understanding by asking:5. "So, if I understand you correctly, what you're saying is ? Right?"Notice that you cannot get a one-word answer to the above questions. The art of selling is to have customers explain, at length, what their situation is, and what they want to do about it. It is not about you blabbering on about your products and services.To develop the asking-questions muscle, start your questions with the following key words: What, why, tell me, describe, explain.To build muscle, you'll need to practice everywhere. Look for at least one opportunity a day to engage someone in conversation. You can pick anyone: family, friends, customers, colleagues, peers, superiors, strangers, cabbies, waiters, or the guy next to you on the bus. Try to pick a topic that the individual can address for at least five to ten minutes, and try to keep your opinion to yourself, even if you have strong views.Just ask more questions, and see where the conversation takes you.Have fun with it! You will be taking steps toward opening up your mind, recognizing the assumptions you make, and, most importantly, working with customers in a way that they value.---This article may be reprinted in its entirety with express written permission from Nicki Weiss. The reprint must include the section "About the Author".About the AuthorNicki Weiss is an internationally recognized Certified Professional Sales Management Coach, Master Trainer, and workshop leader. Since 1992, Nicki has trained, certified, and/or coached more than 6,000 business executives, sales managers and salespeople.Nicki guarantees increased sales performance when sales managers become better sales coaches. Sign up for her FREE monthly e-zine, Something for NothingTM, which has powerful tips and techniques for sales managers who are ready to make this transformation. Sign up at http://www.saleswise.ca You can email her at nicki@saleswise.ca or call 416-778-4145.

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arrow right Win More Sales With a 5-Step Sales Process

Facilitating the buying process can be very straightforward and fairly uncomplicated. Yet most professionals have no idea what it takes to guide a potential client through a decision making process. They are completely lost when it comes to effective follow-up and unsure  how to best get prospects to take the "next step".If they are lucky to get to a face-to-face meeting, they "show-up and throw-up." They spew all there is to know about their product or service and leave the meeting hoping for a favorable decision sometime in the near future.Their follow-up consists of a few phone-calls that go somewhat like this: "Hi, remember me? We met last week? Anyway, I just wanted to know if you've made a decision yet? No? Oh, OK, I'll call again?" Soon they discover their prospect got stuck in a "12-month meeting" (every time they call over the next 12 months the prospect is in a meeting). Sounds familiar?What's missing is clear, consistent and easy to duplicate sales process. In a nutshell sales process is a sequence of steps that predictably moves potential clients along the decision-making path.While your unique process will be based on the type of product or service you are selling and who the buyer is, here is a simple five step model that's guaranteed to help you close more deals.STEP ONE: Generate LeadsThe number one reason most promotional efforts don't get the desired results is trying to make a sale too soon. Advertising should be designed to generate leads - inquiries about your product or service from qualified prospects ? not to get an order!Generating leads is relatively easy - there are hundreds (if not thousands) of ways to get potential clients to contact you. Speaking, publishing articles, referral systems, press releases, internet marketing, networking, print ads and direct mail are just a few ways that work well for attracting prospects interested in your professional services.STEP TWO: Pre-qualify ProspectsYour promotional efforts are bound to create some responses from tire-kickers. Unless you have unlimited resources (namely money and time) to follow-up with people that will never make a purchase or create a referral ? you want to eliminate the least ideal "prospects" right from the get-go.The best way to separate lookie-loos from genuine prospects is to ask them to invest a small amount of effort or money before they can receive more information. Have prospects fill-out a short questionnaire or request a small fee to cover your expenses of giving them additional information and only the serious candidates will move to the next step.STEP THREE: Send Positioning MaterialsDepending on how you generated the lead in the first place you may need to send out "fulfillment package" ? the information promised in your advertising efforts.You can't give someone a "test drive" of your service ? but you can illustrate your expertise through the materials you send out. White papers, special reports, articles, audio CDs and videos can give prospects a good insight into your level of expertise and "whet their appetites" ? compelling them to ask how you can help them.This is a critical step but professionals often skip it altogether. I recommend that you never meet with a prospect unless he or she had a chance to read a special report or an article you wrote, listen to an audio-program you created, participated in a teleclass you facilitated, or had a chance to "experience you" in some other form.This gives you a chance to demonstrate your understanding of their problems, prove that you have the know-how needed to provide an effective solution, and position you as the expert who will not waste their time.STEP FOUR: Get an AppointmentIf you've done a good job in the first three steps ? this will be easy. Your best prospects will actually look forward to meeting with you and exploring ways you can help them.While scheduling an appointment you can further qualify the prospect's level of interest and determine if you want to invest your time in getting together with them. However, avoid the pitfall of giving away too much information at this point. Remember your goal as this point is just to get the prospect to meet with you.STEP FIVE: Face-to-Face MeetingThe content of your in-person meeting depends on the service or product you are selling and your target market. It could be a simple consultation that results in closing the sale or an elaborate presentation designed to moved the prospect to the next step in the process ? like an "exploration meeting" with the purchasing committee or an "in-depth needs assessment".This is obviously a simplified model, but it identifies the five critical elements of the selling process. There are countless variations and tactics you could employ in each step, but each of those elements has only one objective ? to move prospect to the next step!(c) 2004 Adam M. UrbanskiThe Author, Adam Urbanski, The Marketing Mentor, helps Service Professionals and Small Business Owners attract more clients. For more free tutorial articles, hot how-to tips and a FREE 32-page marketing guide go to http://www.themarketingmentors.com

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arrow right Three Secret Keys to Persuasion Magic

Just a few critical distinctions can supercharge your communication skills:1 Appeal To Peoples´ ValuesValues are the criteria by which people make sense of all the information they must process before making a decision. In simple terms, your values consist of what is most  important to you.When you ask someone: what is most important to you about ....? They will tell you their values. Let's say you ask them their career values, what is most important to you about your career? They might answer: money, approval, and winning. Speak to them in terms of these values and you will have their attention, talk about what is not important to them and don't be surprised if they fall asleep!In the case of this example if you wanted to hire this person, you would grab their interest by showing them how they could have more money, approval and win more often with your company. If instead you talked at length about the modesty, politeness and punctuality of the workforce you would be wasting your time.2 Let GoHave you ever wanted something so much that your nerves got in the way of expressing yourself clearly? That rush of excitement just seemed to burn out some critical speech circuits!When you absolutely need to be at your persuasive best ironically you must also feel that you can walk away from the deal or discussion without getting what you want. Developing emotional detachment while still pursuing your goal is a powerful skill that more people could do well to master. How can you let go of the feelings while still wanting the goal?Run through the scenario again and again in your mind, and see everything working out in your favor. Picture it, hear it and feel it going your way. Only when you have visualized this in great detail are you ready to let go.Ask yourself: could I just let go of wanting this to happen? Spend a few minutes asking this question until you feel at peace about your goal, when you feel at ease you will know that you have let go.Letting go is vital if you are to be at your persuasive best. The best influencers prepare emotionally in advance of the big event, you now know how to join them.3 Be Persistent And Count To TenI once worked for the best salesperson I have ever come across. I could never figure out what it was he did differently to everyone else. What was the secret to doing so much better than everyone else?One day I asked Paul what his secret was and he told me. He said that he will listen to *No* ten times before he even considers giving up on a prospect. Whereas most salespeople grow weary or give up after hearing No the fifth time, Paul is only getting started!I took on board his philosophy and immediately found that I was catching more of those tricky sales as well as enjoying the selling game a little more. Be persistent with a smile on your face and count to ten!Peter Murphy is a freelance business writer. He publishes a free weekly ezine full of practical tips for communicating at your best under pressure. All new subscribers receive a free e-book with powerful strategies for being at your best.

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arrow right Leverage Avoidance Values for Irresistible Selling

What are values? Values are filters that everyone uses to help make sense of all the information we must process before we make a decision. When you appeal to a person's values you speak directly to their decision-making criteria.Values:In simple terms, values are what is  most important to us. If you ask yourself: what is most important to me about having a new car? You will discover the key issues that you consider when buying a car. Your prospects will also pay attention to their values when you present your offering.Ask your prospects what is most important to them and they will tell you their values, it is then up to you to structure your conversation around what matters to them.So if they value ease of use and simplicity - don't waste their time talking about advanced functions. Instead spend extra time and go into great detail explaining all there is to know about how easy it is to use the product.By talking about what your prospect considers most important you will grab their attention and quickly find out if your offering is for them. And this is as far as most people get with their persuasion skills. There is a further step however.Avoidance Values:When you also discover and appeal to what your client wants to avoid, you become an especially valuable advisor. Everyone has avoidance values i.e. what is important to avoid. In the example of buying a car, it could be wanting to avoid costly maintenance, high insurance premiums and the disapproval of the neighbors.Your only challenge is that people often won't tell you what their avoidance values are because they don't always know themselves. Only when you ask the right questions will you be able to help them discover what these values are. Give them an example of what you mean by avoidance values and then ask them:What must you absolutely not have when driving a car?What do you not want in a car?What do you want to avoid at all costs by using this product?Which factors are the most important to avoid?Typical answers might include - poor visibility, limited leg room, a noisy engine. Let's say you were selling software, the answers might be data loss, system crashes, limited upgrades.Show your prospect how your product satisfies her values and protects her from her avoidance values and your powers of persuasion will be irresistible.Give yourself time to get used to asking probing questions that elicit avoidance values. Although it seems unusual at first it does get easier with practice.Peter Murphy is a freelance business writer. He publishes a free weekly ezine full of practical tips for communicating at your best under pressure. All new subscribers receive a free e-book with powerful strategies for being at your best.

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arrow right 7 Ways to Cut Loose from Old Sales Thinking

Sooner or later, we all backslide into old ways of thinking about selling that lead us down the wrong path with potential clients.A few weeks ago, I had a phone conversation with Julie, who has been struggling with the old-style selling methods that her manager insists are

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why Sales People Are Creating Their Own Objections

I'm about to reveal the biggest secret to growing any small business rapidly. This secret will also increase virtually all sales people's results almost instantly when you learn it and live by it.The secret is how NOW to get objections in sales!Throw away your books on 'how  to overcome objections in sales', you won't need them once you understand what I am about to reveal.Here's the simple exercise you must answer truthfully in order to learn the secret...Get a piece of paper if you want to make a huge difference to your sales as you need to write down your answers. Go on, get a peice now.Okay, lets begin.I want you to write down 5 answers to this question...What do you believe to be true about SALES PEOPLE?Okay, I hope you've written down your answer so you get the most benefit out this exercise.Here's what I've found after 5 years of asking these questions... 80% of sales people believed in majority these answers about sales people...They're pushyThey tell liesThey are only interested in taking your moneyThey will tell you anything to get a saleThey're too friendlyThey're not good listenersYou can't trust them...Now, what were your answers?? Did they resemble any of these? Did you have any on them on the list?If you did, your answer was similar to 80% of sales people.In regards to your beliefs about sales people, let me know ask you 2 more interesting questions...Are you describing yourself with your answers? (yes or no?)Are you a sales person? (yes or no?)Ask yourself these 2 questions over again.What I've learnt from my experience is that people don't usually describe themselves when thinking about their beliefs about sales people. And do you know why?Because they have an identity problem with being a sales person! They don't honestly believe they are a sales person, even though they stand in front of customers, talk to them on the phone, or take their money every day. Question 2 is the reality check. If you truly thought of yourself as a sales person, why werent you describing yourself??What happens is, people don't want to become a person they don't like in order to sell and so they don't believe they are sales people, even though their role is talking to customers.I guarantee you customers think anyone who can take their money, or listen to them talk at all on anything, should be trained in sales or customers service at least... don't you think this way when you're a customer?What ever you believe to be true on any subject, you will have good cause to be right in thinking. Thats the hardest part.Are there pushy sales people who just want to take people's money, of course there are, but they are a minority, the vast majority of sales people dont even believe they are sales people!So here's the lesson and the benefit to you in summary...Until you believe you are a sales person you will never increase your sales, or selling skills, as you don't want to become a lowly thought of person. You won't truly learn anything effective about selling until you believe you are a sales person.Now the news gets even worse! If 80% of sales people (which is the number I have found after 5 years of training people) think very poorly of sales people, what do you think the average person in the street thinks of sales people??No, there beliefs are not the same... they're a lot worse!!The good news is, if you want to be a fantastic sales person there is a way. A unique way that when utilised and mastered can massively increase sales from 20% to 2,500% in weeks or months as I have proven with my own clients I teach sales to.The key to your success is NOT to talk, gesture, act, move or dress like a typical 'salesperson' . Do you know what happens then?People actually compliment you on the fact that they were so relieved with talking to you because they were expecting you to BE a sales person ... after they have given you their money!So the way to NOT get objections that you have to try to overcome, is NOT to create them in the first place by being a sales person they don't like! If people like you or relate to you they will feel comfortable with you and tell you EVERYTHING you want to know. When you get really good at it you don't get a chance to recommend anything as they simply sell themselves before you get a chance.Sales people give

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