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arrow right Date Your Customer!

Yes, you heard me right; I said "Date your clients!" Just think about it for a moment-what did you do when you first met your significant other? You probably went through a series of questions so you could find out a little bit more about each other. Next you say  something like, "We should go do something sometime." They gave an answer that showed they were interested, and you went forward with the dreaded "Do you want to go out Friday night?" question. Putting yourself totally on the line you felt vulnerable and scared to death! When they said "yes" you breathed a sigh of relief, and started to get to know each other to see if a long-lasting relationship was in order.You try to find out?1. Their beliefs and views2. Their interests and hobbies3. Their future plans4. What they like and don't like to do5. Etc.So, when you first meet on your first date are you excited? Do you want to make a great 1st impression, and started it out with a compliment? Are you really attentive to their wishes and needs? I mean, you wouldn't want to rush into a relationship without knowing what their basic likes and dislikes are, do you? That would make for an incredibly stormy relationship.Now, putting it into perspective, your client relationship is very much the same. You meet with a perspective client, and open a dialog that you hope will be a mutually beneficial one. You make a great impression, and you and the customer gather all of the information needed to see if you can begin working together. Then the dreaded question of if they want your solution or not, putting you in the same vulnerable, scared position!Once they say, "yes" to your proposed solution, you begin following thru with your promises, and build and grow a great business relationship that should last a very long time. (Notice I said, "follow-thru" not "follow-up"! You made the promises to take care of all of their needs, so you come through as you said you would!) Your gathered information is also critical, as well as your impressions given, and your attentiveness to their needs or desires. We wouldn't dare mismanage our personal relationships, why do we constantly mishandle them in business?Michael Niles is a Seattle based sales trainer, speaker, and coach. He can be reached at 206-229-3119, michael6941@hotmail.com, or http://www.focustrainingsystems.com.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Prep Your Customer

When I first moved to Seattle, I worked for 9 years as a paint contractor. It is amazing the lessons I learned from this field, that I now carry into the field of sales. For example, before anyone can paint, you must plan what colors and textures you would want. You must  have a vision of the finished product before you start. Next will come the preparation work. Before you apply a long-lasting, beautiful finish, you must "prep" the surface by washing, spackling, caulking, or priming. The actual painting comes only after you have spent countless hours preparing for it.VisionIn sales, you must have a clear vision of what you do, and where the process will lead us. Much like visualizing how something will look when we have completed applying our finish, you also must have a vision of a quality presentation on the benefits of your service or product.PreparationPreparing our sales presentation requires that you accumulate all of the necessary information, and gather the needs or desires of our prospect. Just like sanding, priming, and spackling insures adhesion of a paint to the surface, your gathered information will bond your presentation and demonstration the prospects' interest. Much time and work will go into this part of the process, and the "glory" part; the actual selling, will have to wait until we are satisfied that we have all of the information.FinishIf all necessary "prep" work is done, and the surface is ready then the finish is applied. Just like painting, the sales process should continue only when the prospects' needs have been completely understood, and you have set the stage for your solution. This will insure a long-lasting, and beautiful relationship with the client, and set you apart from the "average". Now you can tailor your presentation to your client.So, if you spend a little more time on the prep work (gathering information and building rapport), then your finish (presentation and demonstration) will adhere better, and yield a more desirable outcome.Michael Niles is a Seattle based sales trainer, speaker, and coach. He can be reached at 206-229-3119, michael6941@hotmail.com, or http://www.focustrainingsystems.com.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Make More Sales By Creating How To Use It Product Updates

Do you have any idea what your customers have experienced from using the products they have purchased from you? Most of the vendors I work with make a sale and move on. They often don't bother investing much time improving the products they sell to their customers, much  less develop ways to help them better understand how to use them. A very small minority of vendors have continued to send me unsolicited free bonus 'how to use it' follow-up emails and publications long after I made my purchase from them. And whenever I receive something like this, it almost always compels me to take another look at the product I purchased ? because anything that helps me understand more ways to use what I already own is pretty useful to me.What this also does is cause me to appreciate that vendor even more for thinking about me. They not only added value to their product, but they helped me see how to use their tool to solve even more of my business problems. It just doesn't get much better than that.Does this sound like something you'd consider doing? What if you don't have your own product? No problem ? just create a way to improve someone else's product, and then sell it or give it away when someone purchased the product you are promoting. It's a sure way to generate more sales for an affiliate product.One way you can jump on this is to contact your existing customers and ask a simple question along the lines of: "What results are you getting from using XYZ product, and how can I help you make this product work even better for you?"Vendors who do send "How To Use My Product" updates to their customers are generally helping their customers experience incredible results. Why? Think about it ? how much more value would you be adding to your product if you continued to send your customers updates with more examples and tips about how to actually use your (or someone else's) product or service more completely, effectively, efficiently, profitably, etc.? Oh yeah - let's not forget about how eager everyone is to read about cases studies of how others are using a product successfully and profitably.When you do this, you're helping your customer actually visualize new ways to use the product you sold them in ways they might never have considered before.Let me ask you this: How many ebooks do you have sitting on your shelf or on your hard drive that you've never even read? And how many people have ever sent you ideas to help you use those products? What would you think of someone who DID do that for you? Are you getting the idea here?The reason many marketing products never get read or used is because no one helps people understand how to use the information profitably on an ongoing basis. Your product 'updates' help to reduce or eliminate these issues, and also provides your customers with an unexpected bonus. Not only that, but, when you show someone how to really use a product you sell, you instill trust because you demonstrate that you truly understand the value of the product. You shift from being perceived as just a product promoter to being a true problem solver. Your customers will suddenly come to realize that you really are worth having around - and their loyalty towards you increases tremendously.Doing this for your customers keeps any product you sell from turning into a dust collecting trophy on their shelf or taking up extra space on their hard drive. If you make a product truly useful, someone will think twice before deleting it. If you show someone a variety of profitable ways they can actually use the products you sell them, what are they going to think about you? Here are a few things that come to mind:a) you really rock b) making a purchase from you was a good investment c) making future purchases from you will be just as good d) I want to stay in touch with this personHow would you like to have your customers thinking these thoughts about you? You can make it happen. Start today by choosing a product and start thinking of more useful ways your prospects and customers can use it. Then, write a report or create a video showing them How To use that product more profitably.© 2005 by Kevin Wirth ? allrights reserved worldwide.Kevin Wirth is the owner of KEVS-KORNER ezine, a free online newsletter offering articles, tips, resources, and insight on over 170 different marketing tactics. He is bringing together a growing community where you can work with others to create and market products online. To discover more about how you can grow your online business with marketing tactics and get a free gift just for visiting, please head on over to http://www.kevs-korner.com.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Reaching Goals in Direct Sales

From surveys and experience, we've noticed many setting excellent goals for their business. We've also noticed that while the goals being set are good, the results aren't. Around 90% of those in Direct Sales do SET goals, but never reach them.So the question comes to  mind.....are you making the right plans to reach your goals? It's GREAT to set a certain amount you want to make, so you have a little motivation, but without the proper planning reaching that goal is going to be more difficult.Ask yourself the following questions:What have you done in the past that created sales?How can you improve on ideas for creating sales?What ideas for sales have you seen but not tried?Take a minute to write down every way you can think of to make your sales (such as through parties, catalog shows, drawings, etc), then make some more specific goals for doing each task. Such as

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Nine Competencies of the Complete Sales Professional

Have you ever tried to explain to someone what you actually do as part of the sales profession? I'm talking about what you do, not what your company does or what your value proposition is, but what YOU do day in and day out as a sales professional?To be a complete sales  professional, your daily activities should be in support of creating customer satisfaction and loyalty. What are these daily activities?My Ph.D. research analyzed the activities and tasks performed by hundreds of sales professionals. I found that these tasks can be grouped into nine areas. The key to being a complete (i.e. superstar) sales professional is to understand and master the following 9 "Selling Knowledge Areas":1. Personal Management ? keep your personal life in check. Stay healthy. Set goals, make plans for your future. Keep your finances in order. Find stress-reducers.2. Business Knowledge Management ? If you're selling to the CFO or the CEO you better understand the business of economics, business transactions, negotiations, and the return they will get on their investment.3. Product Knowledge Management ? We all get trained on this and the key is to understand the product(s) being sold, how to position the product(s), and how to imbed the product(s) into the buying organization. Unfortunately, many companies only train their sales professionals on this one knowledge area when they should be training on all nine.4. Selling Skills Management -- The best Sales Professionals seek out continuous comprehensive training and education to support their sales process. You should also be able to initiate, plan, and execute a sales process in order for your product or service to be assimilated into the buying organization. There are many systems out there to choose from.5. Opportunity Management ? Complete sales professionals understand how to identify, manage, develop, and close the right sales opportunities. To do this, they're experts at opportunity planning, territory management, opportunity development, and closing.6. Relationship Management ? Becoming a trusted advisor to the buyer only happens when the sales professional is successful at building relationships, communicating, distributing information, and influencing others ethically through collaborative dialogue. Building relationships within your own organization is just as critical. Make sure that you take the time to forge relationships with your support teams, delivery teams, management or any other party that is involved in your sales process.7. Customer Management ? Complete Sales Professionals continue their relationship after the sale. Providing top-notch service to buyers ensures repeat business and a solid sales reputation.8. Time Management ? Understanding the crucial elements of managing personal time to achieve ones goals and objectives. Great sales professionals understand that they must define the right tasks for the day or month, prioritize them, schedule them and execute.9. Technology Management ? Complete sales professionals utilize technology in order to maximize personal and organizational effectiveness.There are many people that wonder why sales professionals are "harried," have short attention spans, are always too busy, or seem a "little flustered". Perhaps by identifying and understanding the 9 Selling Knowledge Areas, there is a newfound understanding why!So the question is, what can you do today to become better in each of the 9 areas? Which are you the strongest in? Or in which area are you the weakest? Make plans to improve in each area every single day.Brian is the Chairman and Founder of the the United Professional Sales Association (UPSA). UPSA is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington DC that has addressed the concerns and challenges of individual sales professionals. Brian has authored the world's first universal selling standards and open-source selling framework for free distribution. This 'Compendium of Professional Selling' containing the commonly accepted and universally functional knowledge that all sales professionals possess. The open-source selling standards have been downloaded in 16 countries by over 300 people. Over 30 people have made contributions.Because UPSA is not owned by one person or any company, it is a member organization and guardian of the global standard of entry into the sales profession.Find out about the membership organization and understand the processes and framework of professional selling at the UPSA Website at http://www.upsa-intl.org. Find out more about Brian at: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Brian_Lambert

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Key to Driving Sales is Understanding What Not How

What does it take to make a sale lately?In Sales, we used to focus on the "Sales Cycle." Maybe you still do? The problem with the traditional definition of the 'Sales Cycle' is that it is focused on YOU and not on your prospect. More recently, the focus has  shifted to the 'Buying Cycle' and learning how to synchronize it to gain a win-win relationship. To sell successfully in today's market, your focus must be on the integration of the 'Sales Cycle' and the 'Buying Cycle' into an overall sales system based on trust, ethics, win-win, and driving towards a transaction. This "commerce cycle" is rooted in the buying and selling relationship, with special emphasis on value ? the value that both the buyer and seller each bring to the relationship.Commerce is a much more applicable term to understand the complete nature of selling, where the acts of buying and selling integrate. Just like the laws of nature, for every action there is an opposite reaction. The same holds true for sales.To leverage the 'Commerce Cycle' it is important to understand: 1) the buyer(s) and his/her buying cycle(s), 2) your sales cycle, and 3) how and when the two intersect. A variation of this approach used to be referred to as 'reducing the sales cycle.' In reality nothing was reduced, you just learned when to engage. Understand the buyer(s), and the buying cycle(s), and you will understand the commerce cycle - then you will be widely successful.All sales professionals, no matter their functional area of expertise should be able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their selling abilities in their various markets. Having a "universally functional" understanding will help you attain higher levels of sales success. Various examples of universal functionality may include: solution selling methodologies, commodity selling methodologies, high volume selling methodologies, and methodologies used when selling a service.It's a cluttered sales world out there, and you need to develop a model that helps you better understand the balance of selling and buying in today's global economy. The model you develop must be rooted in an understanding of the seller's activities and the buyer's activities. Strive to make your model open and flexible to account for faster or slower sales cycles.From the CEO to the front-line sales representative, the key is to develop an organizational understanding of the processes and framework of professional selling. Professional sales people are the revenue generating engines of any company. Yet few sales people are measured on standardized metrics of performance. Often, a "what works for you, won't work for anyone else" approach is taken when it comes to training and nurturing the professional sales person.Driving your sales means to understand "What" the sales profession is. To do that, you must continuously improve and seek the help of books, tapes, seminars, and others. Find the "what" as it pertains to you ? the truth is out there.Brian is the Chairman and Founder of the the United Professional Sales Association (UPSA). UPSA is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington DC that has addressed the concerns and challenges of individual sales professionals. Brian has authored the world's first universal selling standards and open-source selling framework for free distribution. This 'Compendium of Professional Selling' containing the commonly accepted and universally functional knowledge that all sales professionals possess. The open-source selling standards have been downloaded in 16 countries by over 300 people. Over 30 people have made contributions.Because UPSA is not owned by one person or any company, it is a member organization and guardian of the global standard of entry into the sales profession.Find out about the membership organization and understand the processes and framework of professional selling at the UPSA Website at http://www.upsa-intl.org. Find out more about Brian at: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Brian_Lambert

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Is the Sales Funnel Dead?

Think about it. If only it was as easy as "filling a funnel" and having sales fall through the other end. I can make 200 calls a day, but who are they to and what am I doing? Just pounding phone lines and telling the company story isn't selling. Or better yet,  when I get the check (the bottom of the funnel) what about implementation or customer service?Now don't me wrong, having a good prospecting plan is probably the hardest thing about maintaining your sales career. In today's business climate, with shrinking budgets and more scrutiny over purchases, what you need is a system that relies less on the law of averages and more on helping the customer make the most of every contact you have with them. The key is to have a complete understanding the entire customer experience and "synchronize" to that buyer throughout-they're the boss when it comes to the "sales funnel" not you.To truly understand the customer's buying cycle and where they are along that cycle will result in a sales process that builds trust and respect, and allows you to become a trusted advisor-that's the magic recipe for success.As an example, put yourself in your buyer's shoes. Or better yet, think about the last time YOU bought something. Remember the earliest stages of need definition? Remember how you progressed throughout the search and selection process? Did that experience end after you wrote the check? I'm sure it continued on into full integration of the product or service into your daily life. What I have done is break down buying behavior into 9 distinct phases outlined below starting from the beginning to the end and this allows you (as a great salesperson) to synchronize with their processes.1. Plan ? The buying organization outlines a plan for its business, such as its strategic plan, realignment of the organization, the acquisition of new capabilities, or define a new vision.2. Recognize ? The buying organization realizes they have a need (based on what happened in phase 1) and seeks to satisfy that need. They begin to take action towards buying (as opposed to making their own solution or product). They act accordingly by setting forth goals, objectives, targets, and budgets. They may appoint a team of people to evaluate potential vendors in this phase.3. Search ? The buying organization engages in activities to find a vendor, partner, or supplier. They begin reviewing capabilities of selling organization(s) to see which competitor can meet their needs and with whom they would like to have a relationship.4. Assess ? The buying organization requests proposals, conducts more in-depth meetings, requests more detailed information, has more "serious" dialogue, conducts an analysis of risk.5. Choose ? The buying organization has narrowed the choices down to one organization, begins "testing water" to gauge the organization's ability to fulfill. Has decided that benefits outweigh risks, begins talking about implementation.6. Obligate ? The buying organization writes the check or signs the proposal. Key decision-makers have their reputation on the line, the budget is set aside, and the entire affected organization has begun moving in a new direction.7. Implement ? The buying organization is now a "customer or client" and begins implementing the selected solution. They re-align organizational resources as necessary. They put long-term plans together.8. Track ? The customer formally or informally begins documenting the selling organization's ability to fulfill the solution.9. Integrate ? Once the purchase is complete and the product/service is implemented, the final step of the buying organization's buying cycle is obtaining maximum use of the product/service in the buying organization. This is sometime referred to as return-on-investment (ROI) in pre- and post- sales processes, and return-on-assets (ROA) once the purchase is capitalized. The product or service must be fully integrated, leveraged, and justified. From a relationship perspective, the buying and selling organization begin to work with a more trust-based bond. The buying organization begins to include the selling organization in appropriate strategic discussions.For every buying phase, there is a equal and opposite selling phase. Sounds simple and it is! Ask yourself what you (or your company does) to "line up the phases." Undoubtedly it will fall into marketing, sales, and customer service. This helps you to sell the right way at the right time, in support of the buyer's decision making process. When I realized that it wasn't my job to push my sales funnel onto my prospects (and hope they fall out the bottom) I was able to make more sales by applying the close at the appropriate time (phase 6). It even helped me identify when my future customer was months away from a decision (because they were bogged down in phase 3).Aside from a better understanding of my customers buying methods, the greatest advantage I've noticed since implementing this system is the reduction of the adversarial mindset towards sales people. As soon as my clients recognize that my process is designed to assist them in making the best decision for their business, even if that means helping them decide on a competitor's product, I have created a new relationship that will eventually lead to more business for me. I can even pull this out and ask them what phase they're in, and offer help to move them through each one.Here are a few things you can do to implement a similar approach.1. Give up the idea that all you need to do is make more calls. Keep making calls but create a system to support the madness and find out what "phase" your prospects are in. Focus on advancing them through each phase, or letting them sit while you focus on others.2. Use or develop a system that addresses the buyer's needs. The United Professional Sales Association system is my choice, but others exist as well.3. Loose the sales pitch. Instead develop a series of questions that will help you what phase your customer is in and where they are in their process.No system can guarantee success, but given today's business climate, and the challenges of selling today, it's about time you put a cork in the funnel and developed a better approach.Brian is the Chairman and Founder of the the United Professional Sales Association (UPSA). UPSA is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington DC that has addressed the concerns and challenges of individual sales professionals. Brian has authored the world's first universal selling standards and open-source selling framework for free distribution. This 'Compendium of Professional Selling' containing the commonly accepted and universally functional knowledge that all sales professionals possess. The open-source selling standards have been downloaded in 16 countries by over 300 people. Over 30 people have made contributions.Because UPSA is not owned by one person or any company, it is a member organization and guardian of the global standard of entry into the sales profession.Find out about the membership organization and understand the processes and framework of professional selling at the UPSA Website at http://www.upsa-intl.org. Find out more about Brian at: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Brian_Lambert

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Say What?!? Sales is a Profession?

What exactly is the sales profession? Without a common dialogue and context for the sales profession, sales professionals and corporate executives who choose to engage marketing, sales, and customer service functions through a sales effort are often left scratching their  heads when it comes to understanding what sales really is. What do we make of the numerous and powerful "How to" concepts defined and implemented within the sales profession? These "How to" concepts are invaluable, but they only define one-half of what is needed to be considered a profession. Without the other half, we're doomed to non-professional status. Let me explain?.When a student studies any new subject matter, their first objective is to understand an overview of the entire subject matter. For example, when studying medicine, students first understand all the systems of the body, the different medical terms, and a high level overview of the entire field before they ever operate on anyone. In effect, they learn "what" the field is and then learn the "How to" tactics associated with specific actions.Let's look at the sales profession within this context. To understand how to apply sales knowledge, one must first have an effective overview and framework of "what" the profession is and "how" it relates to other professions.A good place to start understanding "what" Sales is would be to understand the attributes that define other professions. There are five attributes generally identified as common to all recognized professions. These attributes are1. A Unique Body of Knowledge: This encompasses concepts and principles that are unique to the profession and are documented so that they can be studied and learned through formal education. In most professions, the body of knowledge is taught in graduate or professional schools.2. Standards of Entry: Defined minimum standards of entry into a profession imply progression in a career. Entry standards define the place from where a career path begins. All professionals must have an accepted route open to the public by which a person can become a recognized member of the profession.3 A Code of Ethics: Ethical Standards, or a code of ethics, is common to most professions. Its purpose is to make explicit appropriate behavior and to provide a basis for self-policing of unethical behavior, thus avoiding or limiting the necessary legal controls.4. Service Orientation to the Profession: The service orientation is actually an attitude of the members of the profession, an attribute by which members are committed to bettering the profession itself. Professionals will commit their money and energy to publishing their ideas and experience, attending conventions, and generally contributing to the body of knowledge and the administration of the profession.5. A Sanctioning Organization: The authenticating body or sanctioning organization has many purposes. It sets the standard and acts as a self-policing agency. It promotes publications and exchange of ideas, encourages research, develops and administers certification programs, and sponsors and accredits education programs.By understanding the "what" of sales and "how to" apply it is crucial for the sales profession. Just as a DNA molecule contains a double helix comprised of a "what" and a "how" to form the basic building block of life, so too must sales professionals define "what" and "how" of the sales profession.Brian is the Chairman and Founder of the the United Professional Sales Association (UPSA). UPSA is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington DC that has addressed the concerns and challenges of individual sales professionals. Brian has authored the world's first universal selling standards and open-source selling framework for free distribution. This 'Compendium of Professional Selling' containing the commonly accepted and universally functional knowledge that all sales professionals possess. The open-source selling standards have been downloaded in 16 countries by over 300 people. Over 30 people have made contributions.Because UPSA is not owned by one person or any company, it is a member organization and guardian of the global standard of entry into the sales profession.Find out about the membership organization and understand the processes and framework of professional selling at the UPSA Website at http://www.upsa-intl.org. Find out more about Brian at: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Brian_Lambert

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Knowledge is Power in Auto Detailing Sales

The most important thing for an auto detailer to do is to gain expert industry knowledge. Since auto detailing sales have a lot to do with educating the consumer, it pays to understand the industry. So let's start with the types of waxes used on cars, boats, aircraft and  recreational vehicles. There are many types of waxes and all have different properties, come from different places and must be used slightly differently to get the expected results.Polymer wax includes the very popular Teflon, yes a polymer brand Name used by Dupont. Polymer wax is a chain of compounds made of petroleum sources and now a days from Corn products. Polymers, which are strung together are generally applied in specific thick nesses to clear coats on cars and depending on the mixture can be quite incredible indeed. So good in fact that they are often called sealants and some last as long as a year when applied in the right mixtures and thick nesses. The word Polymer is a very vague in this regard since polymers are used to make plastics, coatings and many other products. Generally short chains of ethlenic polymers are the type that are used by professional automotive detailers and auto detailers a like. Many in the aviation industry use it when doing specialized aircraft cleaning. We estimate that 80% of all automotive detailing and aviation aircraft cleaning commercial wax is petroleum based wax. Petroleum wax is chemically inactive in a sense and probably why it is so widely preferred. It is also cheaper to make than to harvest and has tons of uses. You cannot smell it unless cleaners are added which is often the case, but still it will not react to cause odor.Bayberry wax, which comes from the berries the shrub with that name is also used in candle making. How is this produced? From bees, the same wax in making hives. Bee's wax, is used for many things which are common to man; things such as candles, polishes, cosmetics (mostly make-up) crayons, flowers (artificial kind). Bee's Wax is another wax that yes you can use it on your car and it is hard to spread and it will give off a great shine. The problem is gathers dust too quick, but it does look cool.Wool wax from animals is also common to man. Lanolin, it is called, after purification is used in soaps in the industry, and also cosmetics as well as certain ointments for first aid and which doctor stuff. Petroleum wax can also be made hard and then we get a new type of wax. Paraffin; used in paper products (cups, paper plates), graffiti, and petroleum jelly. All Synthetic waxes are compounds of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and/or chlorine. Chemists will forever be trying to make the perfect wax for cars, boats, Aircraft to protect us from the harsh climates on the surface of this little blue planet. And these chemists are driven by desire and need and the possibilities are endless as new compounds are adding to existing ones to bring up whole new blending ideas, some will revolutionize our industry but most will simply be duds. Some will be hyped even though they do not really solve a problem or fix a need. Never the less, the race goes on to find the best and we should be thinking about what is in that product before we put it on a customers car, boat, aircraft or prize possession. This is what the professional detailer does, this is why we are experts in car care and call ourselves auto detailers, rejuvenation specialists and professional auto detailers.There are so many types of waxes that we know of really. From the organic waxes discussed containing carbon materials, which melt at fairly low temperatures. The chemical and biological make-up of waxes is so diverse and complex as well as consideration for grades, properties, surface uses and life spans that to really understand waxes in depth, but I hope this has cleared up some of the complex issues concerning wax, how it is made and where it comes from.

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arrow right Pressure Washer Business; Cleaning Composite Decks

There is a new trend in the way wood decks are constructed; composite decks and railings. Recently had the opportunity to go on a bidding job with a deck cleaning contractor to bid on cleaning and treating a large deck. When we got there we found out the deck was not made  of wood at all; it was made of composite. There was nothing to treat unless of course you want a spray with armor all. It did clean rather nicely kind of like washing a plastic fence. The new trend in composite railings has come about because the final railings do a better job facing down the elements and therefore owners and contractors often decide to put in the composite railings even though there are slightly more expensive because they look great for much longer.Composite railings that are built too long between posts generally have a problem with separation so the posts seem to be closer together, when they are not debris gets inside any between the spaces often bugs crawl and it makes a general mess, when cleaning composite railings you may notice quite a bit of dirt coming down between the cracks and therefore it takes a lot more Flushing Power to clean the deck than it would a wood only deck. When using more water you have twice the chance of flooding the vegetation below if there is any in this case there was, one of the most beautiful flower gardens I have seen in any middle-class neighborhood. We would need to cover the flowers and find proper drainage for the excess water or actually uses squirt bottle and do them by hand. We imagine that if the lady watched us use a squirt bottle, that she would probably throw our butts out in the cul-de-sac.One of the composite railings that we've been most impressed with has been from Crystal White Corporation. Their weather best natural wood vinyl is sturdy and attractive and very easy to clean, almost too easy almost like we should not even charge for clean Crystal White also makes docks which attached to concrete walk ways. The "U" beam construction makes it very easy clean and just in case we screw up is guaranteed for 10 years. Although I would say is very hard to screw up since you not need chemicals to clean it, therefore it is nearly impossible to damage wall washing. Crystal White Corporation has post every 6 to 8 feet therefore the expansion and contraction of the composite does not seem to be an issue or cause separation. Unfortunately we have also noticed that is very low maintenance and is not need to be cleaned every year, so we're losing a few sales but it looks magnificent when completed in since it is not made of wood but rather a composite wood polymeric substrate capped with co-extruded PVC it never needs sanding, painting or coating.It will not fade and it never yellows, like we have seen some plastic fences do. It is guaranteed against cracking, peeling, insects, warping, rotting, and water damage.http://www.weatherbest.lpcorp.com/win.html .The railing comes in several colors; Pacific Cedar, Western Redwood and driftwood gray and what we saw was White and looked very real. The plastic even has a wood grain texture to it. And although we did not see Crystal White's docks, their composite decking is truly incredible. We understand that Crystal White Corporation has recently licensed their product to Strandex Corporation for other wood grains. Another good thing about weather best composite decking is that it contains no copper, chromium or arsenic in its material like many pressure treated woods to.What we like about washing it is they cannot splinter, check or come apart using a normal pressure washer with hot or cold water under 3000 P.S.I.. So it cleans very fast, needless to say if your bidding a job on the phone for a five-star resort, golf course or Marina and then you show up and see that it is composite you'll make a ton of money in a very short amount of time, be sure to bid by the job and not by the hour. So when you're completed you'll feel like God and say "?and it was Good." I almost feel like calling up the composite deck, Dock, railing and fence manufacturers and dealer reps to get a list of all commercial buildings which have installed their product because I know that is some high profit cleaning.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 5 Specific Questions Your Sales Letters Must Answer To Achieve The Best Res

Here's a surefire method to guarantee you achieve the best results from your sales letters. Rather than make a sales pitch that your prospects will very likely ignore, instead present your products or services as the answer to their problems.When you offer the help that  your target audience is looking for it won't be hard to make sales. You can show that you really do understand the needs of your market by addressing these five specific questions right up front in your sales letter.1. What's In It For Me?This is the number one rule of salesmanship. People buy products for one reason only...what they will receive out of it. You must instantly tell any prospect exactly what they will get out of your product. Your best opportunity to do this is in your headline. Make a bold statement right up front and capture your target audience immediately.2. How Will My Life Become Better?This is where you have to understand the emotional appeals that attract your prospects like moths to a flame. Do they want to become richer, smarter, better looking, thinner or more popular? Do they want to save time, money or effort? Study your niche market until you know what emotional buttons to push and you'll see a huge increase in your sales instantly.3. What Will Happen If I Say No?You have to give people a compelling reason to buy from you. A good way to do that is by reminding them what will happen if they don't purchase your product. What problems will continue to exist for them, how much money will they lose, how type of frustration will they continue to endure? Help your prospects to see that they really can't afford to say no because your product truly is the solution to their problems.4. Why Should I Trust You?The best way to establish trust in your sales letters is by using testimonials. A good testimonial is the written equivalence of a word of mouth referral. Prospects naturally trust what other people say about their experience with you. Get your past customers who have been happy with your business to give you testimonials to use in your sales letter.5. Will I Be Stuck With Your Product?Here's where you can literally seal the deal. Reverse the risk of doing business with you. Always offer a money back guarantee so that people will feel confident that they won't lose out if your product is not what they expected. When your prospects see that you stand behind your products enough to assume the risk they can feel more comfortable in purchasing your products.When you use these easy tips to answer your prospects questions in your sales letter, not only will you gain an unfair advantage over your competition, but you'll also show your prospect that you care about their problems and your product is the solution that they need.About The AuthorJoanne Mason's articles have helped thousands of small business owners to significantly increase their profits by discovering the secrets to writing better sales letters. Get a FREE subscription to her ezine, Sales Letter Secrets, at http://www.moneymakingsalesletters.comjlmason@moneymakingsalesletters.com

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arrow right When The Clock Strikes Twelve!

I just finished reading another sales copy ending with the Deadline Marketing!And it's the sixth I see today saying "If you order by midnight, blah blah blah...."I'm sure you've seen it. And I'm sure you're getting (if not very) a little bored.The deadline trick has proven  itself to be overwhelmingly successful. It's a deadly-effective

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Spellbind Your Prospects in 10 Seconds!

You've got yourself 10 seconds to HOOK your prospects or LOSE them!If you can't make them interested in 10 seconds, there's a good chance you'll lose them forever. So, you'd better shoot it right and "grab" their attention -- fast -- if you don't want them to go to your  competitors!And how do you do this?**Just write HARD-TO-RESIST headlines!It works just like dating online. There are hundreds and even thousands of your potential dates floating on the net, waiting for you to pick for your Saturday dinner. You can't date them all at once. And you can't just read all of their ads either!So what would you do?IF YOU WERE A GUY, which lady would you

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right If You Respect Them, They Will Buy -- Closing the Sale

We've all had the unfortunate experience of being convinced by a pushy salesperson to buy something we weren't sure we wanted. You may have really wanted the product, but after being pushed into buying it, you don't want it anymore. You either return it or you never  patronize the store again.Since you resent the experience, don't recreate it for others when you are trying to sell. If you didn't appreciate being pressured and disrespected, no one else will either. When trying to close a sale, you must always respect the opinions and thoughts of the buyer. If all you care about is your payoff, then you will drive customers away. They will be afraid to buy from you, thinking that you will always try and convince them to buy things they don't want.Here are some helpful tips to help you close a sale with class:Be kind and considerate: Don't try to fool the customer. You will get a lot further if you're really trying to help them, instead of just helping yourself.Give them a direct request: You can let them know what you want them to do. Don't be afraid to ask for the order or sale. The customer will know you are being honest if you tell them what you really want them to do.Give them two choices: Explain that, on the one hand, if they buy the product, they will be receiving these benefits. Then explain that if they don't buy, they will be losing out in certain ways. People like to have the pros and cons laid out for them. It helps them make a decision the smart way.Give them plenty of room to think: Don't pressure them. As I mentioned above, people resent purchases they were pressured into. Real persuasion doesn't involve pushiness. The choice belongs to your customers, so let them make it.We learn at a very early age how to persuade people to do what we want them to. Some of us learn it better than others, but EVERYONE can LEARN to use simple persuasion techniques to make their life better. Often, earning more, finding the perfect mate, being pushed around less, and being happier in life don't have anything to do with you as a person. It has more to do with knowing a few simple rules of persuasion.About The AuthorAuthor Jian Wang is a master in the art of persuasion. His ebook,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Hello! I Cant Sell!

What's that you say? You can't sell?Oh, you must be right, although you are selling me right now!A good friend of mine once said to me, "Life is sales."What a profound statement! Think about it! Life IS sales. We sell all day, every day.We just don't realize or acknowledge  the fact that we are selling.Why is that? I believe it is because we have adopted some misguided beliefs regarding selling.The interesting thing to keep in mind is that of higher income earners around the world, a large percentage come from the world of sales. Many from direct selling!When you think about sales, what comes to mind?Chances are, it's the pushy, arrogant, over-zealous, quick-to-the-close type that you've done business with in the past.But, is that truly what Sales is about?I don't think so.True sales is about sharing information. It's about finding out what the other person needs and then meeting that need.It's about creating a win-win situation for everyone.When was the last time you told someone about a great movie, referred a family physician or lavished praise and recommendations on the new restaurant in town?This is sales in its purest form!You perceive a product or service that could possibly meet the need of someone else. (A great place to eat or entertaining movie, etc.)You share the information with someone else, in an effort to meet a need they may have.Your friend either accepts or rejects the suggestion and you both move on about your business.If your friend likes the suggestion and acts on it, you feel a sense of satisfaction.If your friend does not, you just move on, realizing that there was no interest or need at this time.Your friend was not rejecting you.You don't try to overcome objections, attempting to coerce him/her into

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...