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arrow right Increase Sales By Flying Under Your Prospects Radar Defenses

How do you persuade someone to do what you want them to do?A whole world of marketing exists around us trying to do that every minute of the day. Do you even notice it anymore or, like your prospects, have you subconsciously set up a system of "radar defenses" against the  daily bombardment of marketing messages? Take a minute and count up the advertising methods which fight, for your attention (and money) every day. Just the basic list includes:Yellow page adsNewspaper and magazine adsPostcards, catalogs, and direct mail circulars in your http://the-easy-way.com/traffic.html" />

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arrow right Sales Performance and Motivation: How to Get Your Edge Back

Performance and motivation are like chocolate & peanut butter; the combination is better than either one alone. Motivation feeds successful sales performance, which in turn generates increased motivation, which encourages performance, and so goes the synergism of our days.  Until one day...... you don't feel as enthusiastic as you used to, or you find yourself missing opportunities during your sales presentations. You start to cut corners and begin to care a little less. After a while you can no longer ignore the thought that tugs at you..."I've lost my edge" .We've all experienced the dreaded slump. As someone who has survived to sell another day, here is a time tested plan of action to jumpstart your sales motivation and performance.STEP 1 - Acknowledge The first step toward overcoming any challenge is acknowledging it. Recognize it as a real, but temporary obstacle to your ambition, and you've already begun to remove it.STEP 2 - Take responsibility Personal responsibility is a hallmark of success. We each decide every minute of every day how to spend our time, and those decisions shape our thinking and our selling behaviors. Accepting responsibility encourages us to be proactive in creating solutions rather than cultivating excuses.STEP 3 - Refocus Refocusing on your goals is a great way to spark something innovative in your attitude and your sales presentations. Remind yourself that your daily activities are parts of a larger whole. You're not just selling to move market share. You're selling to accomplish personal and professional goals. If your sales presentations aren't as strong as they used to be, refocus on basic selling skills for an immediate impact: ? Begin each call with a clear statement of purpose ? Probe to uncover customer objections and needs ? Close for some type of commitment on every call ? Follow through with an action planSTEP 4 - Self-assessment Sharpen your self-awareness to get your motivation and performance back on track. This step challenges you to go beyond a basic inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Carefully consider: What steps of the selling process do you try to rush or avoid altogether? Compare the selling situations you find most challenging with those that are easier for you. Examine how you respond to different personality types. Your goal is to identify any impediments to your success, so be as specific as you can.STEP 5 - Seek feedback Conventional wisdom is that we never see ourselves as others see us; therefore, feedback is an essential complement to your self-assessment. Your direct supervisor, sales trainer or territory partners should be able to provide an objective assessment of your current competencies as well as pertinent impressions of how your performance has changed over time. Since your selling habits directly impact their success they have likely formed definite impressions of your skills.Keep in mind that direct questions will garner the most useful feedback:What do you think is the most significant contribution I make to the sales team? What do you think are my strongest selling/territory management skills? What would you suggest to make my sales presentations stronger?Your customers are another vital source of professional feedback. By skillfully asking questions you can increase your self-awareness while improving your customer service: What is the best way for me to present information to you? How has my product enhanced your business? What is the most important thing I can do when I call on you?STEP 6 - Are you having fun yet? This step truly is as straightforward as it seems. It's a reminder that if you don't enjoy what you're doing, maybe you should change what you're doing!STEP 7 - Respond Sales professionals know that no one stays the same. As you continue to grow and evolve in your career you may want to revisit this exercise from time to time. A fundamental change in your motivation or performance may indicate your desire for increased responsibility or a different focus in your career. The insight you have gained here can be the cornerstone for your next professional adventure!STEP 8 - Keep moving Still stuck? Sometimes the key to moving forward is simply to keep moving.Copyright ©2005 by Sally Bacchetta. All rights reserved.Sally Bacchetta - Freelance Writer/Sales TrainerSally Bacchetta is an award-winning sales trainer and freelance writer. She has published articles on a variety of topics, including selling skills, motivation, and pharmaceutical sales.You can contact her at sb14580@yahoo.com and read her latest sales articles on her website.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Like It or Not... You?re in SALES!

Mention the word sales or salesman and two out of three people get a little clammy under the skin. "I hate sales people and I could never do what they do!" is what many say at the mere thought of having to sell something. How wrong they are.Here is the cold hard  fact: From the time you are born to the time you die, you ? regardless of your profession or what you do ? are in sales.Appreciate that when a baby cries for the first time for its mother's milk, he/she is attempting to close the new mom on the importance and benefits of doing what the child wants. In short, the baby is making its very first sale? The sale will be made. There will be plenty more.A child who makes its bed to get a cookie is selling 'services' for 'profit'. In this case, the profit is a cookie. To explain to a teacher, "The dog ate my homework", is to engage in the daunting task of persuasion. Is it selling? You bet it is.To invite someone to the prom, to ask someone to marry you ? to stay married to you ? is to sell the features you possess, in tandem with the expectation, those you hope to attract [sell] see the obvious benefits for them. Also at times, a daunting task [sale].To get up the nerve to ask the boss for a raise or a promotion is quite like making that dreaded Cold Call even well-trained salespeople find challenging. Convincing the boss as to why you deserve a raise or promotion is the fundamental act of trying to make a sale. By promoting you or paying you more, he/she [the boss] benefits ? or at least that's your pitch. What a salesman you are!In business, [as I alluded earlier] it really doesn't matter who you are or what you do. The fact remains, without any sales, the business ceases to exist. Lawyers, Doctors and Dentists have many competitors but nevertheless still have to put on their sales hats to convince potential customers that they are the right solution for their needs. If they can't make the sales, they go out of business.Manufacturing, distribution or service oriented companies have dedicated frontline selling professionals whose job it is to engage potential customers, face-to-face, and make the sale. People understand that. What many don't understand is that everyone in the company ? everyone ? from the CEO down to the mail clerk, is in Sales.You may push a broom, but your real job is to keep the place clean so that the act of making business for the purposes of making 'Sales' can be achieved. Whether you are in accounting, administration, IT or marketing, everything you do ? EVERYTHING ? is expressly focused on the success of the company which, of course, can only be achieved by making sales.The Bottom Line:Sales or the act of selling is at the very fabric of human interaction from the time we are born, throughout our working lives and into our retirement years. Some people are quite naturally better at it or more aware of it than others, but no one is exempt from it and/or does not engage in it their entire life. Happy selling!About The AuthorPaul Shearstone aka The 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' is one of North America's foremost experts on Sales and Persuasion. An International Keynote Speaker, Author, Writer, Motivation, Corporate Ethics, / Time & Stress Management, Recruiting Specialist, Paul enlightens and challenges audiences as he informs, motivates and entertains. To comment on this article or to book the Pragmatic Persuasionist for your next successful event we invite to contact Paul Shearstone directly @ 416-728-5556 or 1-866-855-4590 www.success150.com www.paulshearstone.ca or paul@success150.com.paul@paulshearstone.ca

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arrow right The Top 7 Sales Blunders

We all make mistakes when selling our product or service. Here are the most common mistakes people make. I have to admit I have made many of mistakes listed in this article even though I have been teaching this stuff for almost a decade. I hope you can learn from them.1.  Allowing a prospect to lead the sales process. The best way to control the sales interaction is to ask questions. This is also the best way of learning whether or not your product or service meets the needs of your prospect. Quality questions that uncover specific issues, problems, or corporate objectives are essential in helping you establish yourself as an expert.2. Not completing pre-meeting research. After several weeks of voice mail I finally connected with my prospect and scheduled a meeting. Unfortunately, I entered the meeting without first researching the company. Instead of presenting a solution to an existing problem, I spent the entire meeting learning fundamental information, which to senior executives, is a complete waste of their time. This approach is one of most common mistakes. I have received countless phone calls from sales people hawking their wares and trying to sell me 'stuff' I have no need for. As a sole proprietor, I do not need a complex telephone system, additional employees, or an automated payroll system. Invest the time learning about your prospect before you call them and before you try to schedule a meeting.3. Talking too much. Too many sales people talk too much during the sales interaction. They espouse about their product, its feature, their service and so on. When I first bought carpet for my home I recall speaking to a sales person who told me how long he had been in the business, how smart he was, how good his carpets were, etc. But this dialogue did nothing to convince me that I should buy from him. Instead, I left the store thinking that he did not care about my specific needs. A friend of mine is in the advertising business and often talks to prospects who initially request a quote for a specific advertising job. Instead of talking at great length about the ad agency's experience and qualifications, he gets the potential client talking about her business. By doing this he is able to determine the most effective strategy for that prospect.4. Giving the prospect information that is irrelevant. When I worked in the corporate world I was subjected to countless presentations where the sales person shared information that was completely meaningless to me. I don't care about your financial backing or who your clients are. Make the most of your presentation by telling me how I will benefit from your product or service until I know how your product or service relates to my specific situation.5. Not being prepared. I remember calling a prospect expecting to receive his voice mail. That meant I was completely unprepared when he answered the call himself. Instead of asking him a series of qualifying questions I simply responded to his questions, allowing him to control the sale. Unfortunately, I didn't progress any further than that initial call. When you make a cold call or attend a meeting with a prospect it is critical that you are prepared. This means having all relevant information at your fingertips including; pricing, testimonials, samples, and a list of questions you need to ask. I suggest creating a checklist of the vital information you will need and reviewing this list before you make your call. You have exactly one opportunity to make a great first impression and you will not make it if you are not prepared.6. Neglecting to ask for the sale. I recall a participant in one of my workshops expressing interest in my book. I told him to look through it but at no time did I ask for the sale. Later, I heard him express this observation to other participants in the program. If you sell a product or service, you have the obligation to ask the customer for a commitment, particularly if you have invested time assessing their needs and know that your product or service will solve a problem. Many people are concerned with coming across as pushy but as long as you ask for the sale in a non-threatening, confident manner, people will usually respond favorably.7. Failing to prospect. This is one of the most common mistakes independent business make. When business is good many people stop prospecting, thinking that the flow of business will continue. However, the most successful sales people prospect all the time. They schedule prospecting time in their agenda every week.Even the most seasoned sales professional makes mistakes from time to time. Avoid these blunders and increase the likelihood of the closing the sale.Copyright 2004, Kelley RobertsonAbout The AuthorKelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, is a professional speaker and trainer on sales, negotiating, and employee motivation. He is also the author of "Stop, Ask & Listen ? Proven Sales Techniques to Turn Browsers into Buyers." For information on his programs, visit his website at www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com. Receive a FREE copy of "100 Ways to Increase Your Sales" by subscribing to his 59-Second Tip, a free weekly e-zine available at his website.

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arrow right Sales Strategies: Its Not Who You Know - Its What You Know

We are all in sales. We all selling in every role we have. Whether you are in sales, marketing, home business, looking after your kids, dentist, athlete or whatever your chosen field is ? you sell. When you are "selling an idea" or pitching a business proposal or  offering a product or service ? it is all selling. You can choose to avoid it or be good at it. Have you ever met natural sales people and admired them? Have you wondered how they do it? It is simple ? you just need to be in the "know".Know your style ? how do you like to work? Do you work with a team, do you work for a manager, or do you work alone? Determine how you work best or how you need to work, and design a sales process just for you.Know your personality ? are you outgoing? Are you shy? Are you confident? Are you reluctant to meet new people? If you are an extrovert sales may seem a bit easier to you but I believe that the introverts who are exceptional at building relationships with people, are some of the best sales people I know.Know what energises you ? do you work best inspired by others, do you like recognition, do you like to set goals and achieve them. However you like to work you can use this same formula to boost your sales. If you like recognition but work alone, you will need to find someone who you can share your sales achievements with.Know how to network ? this is one of the most important skills in any business. Learn how to network in opportunities that are suitable for your business. If you want to find out more on how to do this you can read my latest book with other master networkers called "Network or Perish".Know your commitment ? how much time can you allocate to selling as part of your role. If you run a home based business or work for yourself, I imagine you would be "selling" constantly to educate others on what you do and generate your next project or income opportunity. If you work with a sales team you may be required to bring in monthly targets. Make a note of how much of your time you need to spend in a sales mindset.Know your weekly sales target ? if you are part of a sales team, this will be easy as managers provide you with monthly figures. If you don't have this target ? create it. Look at your annual income or targets you want to achieve, divide it by twelve for a monthly figure then simply divide it by four ? easy ? now you have your weekly target. Place this target somewhere you can see it each day to remind you of what you need to achieve. Take 10 minutes each week to review how you went against your sales goal.Know your strike rate ? if you have to make sales calls (either on the phone or in person) keep a track for two weeks to determine how many calls you made and how many translated into sales opportunities. Some of you may have products or services with long sales cycles (for example in some businesses the sales cycle can be several months) but you will get a feel for your success rate. You might find out of 10 appointments you have 5 turn into sales ? your strike rate is 50%. Now you need to make 20 appointments to achieve 10 sales in a week.Know your team ? if you work alone, build a virtual team. Your virtual team might include accountant, personal assistant, bookkeeper, mentor, web designer ? you get the idea. Know the talents of those around you and learn from them. Outsource expertise areas to allow you to focus on selling. Know whom your team is connected with and how they might benefit from your product or service. Know how they like to work and ensure your sales processes support that.Know how to ask for the sale ? so many people I observe forget to ask for the sale. Don't be scared of asking people if they want to buy. Find language that suits your style and just ask. It could be as simple as "Would you like to proceed with this? If so, when should we deliver it for you?" ? don't forget to ask for the business.Know why people buy from you ? understand what needs your product fulfils in people's lives. Do you sell services that make people feel better about themselves; do you sell products that make people's lives easier? What reasons do people have for buying from you? You could conduct surveys or hold focus groups to ask your customers what they think. Once you know this information it will assist your marketing and sales efforts.Know how to thank your customers for their business ? find out what your customers enjoy i.e. outdoor activities, entertainment, cooking ? what are their interests? When you thank them for their business include something that reflects this. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Simply send a thank you card with an article inside they would be interested in. This shows you know your customers well and you think of them after the sale has occurred. Whenever I speak or train a new female client I always send a box of flowers the following day to their office. This shows them I appreciate the opportunity to work with them and their team.Know how to generate referrals for your business ? a good way to do this is develop advocates for your product. Find people who are willing to promote you to their customers or provide testimonials for you ? this is very powerful marketing tool and makes your sale process really easy!Know "no" is not the end of the sale ? some people say no to a sale because they have more questions or are not completely satisfied they require the product. Don't let no be the final word. Have a series of questions or statements you can make to help fully understand why someone doesn't buy from you. Don't be put off by the word no ? don't take it personally.Know how to negotiate ? this skill is essential if you are serious about selling. Learn the skill, get some training or observe and expert and ask lots of questions. Negotiation is a key part of any sale ? no matter how large or small - get good at it.Know how to make your service tangible ? if you sell a service i.e. coaching, image consultation or something that doesn't have a product your client can touch or feel ? make it tangible for them. Simple ways to do this include business cards, brochure, website, a free analysis or one hour consultation, a manual, testimonials from previous clients, a CD or book on your topic of expertise. There are many ways to make it tangible ? get creative.Know more than your competitors ? we all have competitors. Understand how what you are offering is different or better than your competitors. Be able to explain the differences to your clients. Know what your competitors are also offering so you can provide an educated and balanced opinion about how your products are different.Selling is a great skill ? you can develop it or improve it ? make the decision to boost your sales by applying these strategies to your business.Neen is a Global Productivity Expert: by looking at how they spend their time and energy ? and where they focus their attention ? Neen helps people to rocket-charge their productivity and performance. A dynamic speaker, author and corporate trainer, Neen demonstrates how boosting your productivity can help you achieve amazing things. With her unique voice, sense of fun and uncommon common-sense, Neen delivers a powerful lesson in productivity. Find out more at http://neenjames.com/

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arrow right Boost Your Productivity, Networking and Sales: Make an Impression

Through out our career and lives we regularly get an opportunity to meet new people and form new relationships. Did you know you have seven seconds to make a first impression? Apparently in those seven seconds people assess your age, income, marital status, education level  and interests ? in seven seconds! Regardless of whether people are right about their perception of you? we all subconsciously make assessments of people when we meet them. To ensure you make an outstanding impression every time? try some of these tips.Appear confident. There's an element of 'fake it 'till you make it' here. Smile when you first meet someone and look him or her in the eye. Even if you don't feel it, your smile and eye contact will show the other person you are friendly and confident.Be aware of your body language. Be aware of good posture; stand straight with your shoulders back. Don't fidget with pens or your clothing ? keep your hands by your side if you are someone who constantly fidgets. A smile, combined with good posture will boost your confidence.Introduce yourself first. Rather than stand alone, be brave. Walk up to an individual, or a group, extend your hand and say, "Hi my name is Neen James, nice to meet you". Everyone will respond positively to your confidence and appreciate you making the first move. It will be a trigger for others to do the same.Shake hands. This is an important skill; if you don't know how to shake hands properly, learn. Some women, particularly those who haven't been required to do it in business, can lack confidence with their handshake. It's important. Cultivate a firm handshake ? not too hard, but just right. Look the person in the eye when you shake their hand and say their name out loud: "Hi Robyn, it's nice to meet you". If you are unsure about shaking hands with someone, always extend your hand first. It is rude to not shake the hand of someone who offers theirs to you.Learn how to pronounce their name. When you encounter someone with a difficult to pronounce name, ask him or her to repeat it, spell it and say it again ? and allow him or her to correct your pronunciation so you get it right. People will appreciate you taking the time to learn how to say their name properly.Use a person's name several times when you first meet. This will help you to remember their name, it's a very personal way to communicate ? and, people love the sound of their own name!Learn conversational skills. The ability to make conversation is what scares so many people about new social interactions, here a few questions you can ask anyone you meet for the first time:What do you do?Where do you work?Where do you live?Does it take you long to get from home to the office?What inspires you?What do you like read?What has been your most valuable business lesson?Ask people what they like to do in their spare time. This is a great question and most people become energised when you ask them about their life outside of work. Watch their eyes sparkle as they tell you about the activities they most enjoy. Take the time to discover that people are far more interesting than their work.If you meet someone with an accent, ask where he or she is from. Find out something interesting about their country by asking:Where are you from?How often do you go to visit?What do you miss most about that place?Who is someone famous from there?What food is that country famous for?If you are at an industry or charity event, ask how they heard about the event. It's a great icebreaker and allows you both to share stories of how you came to be at the event and what you hope to achieve by attending.Listen intently. Give the person you are speaking with your full attention. Use active listening techniques such as nodding, smiling and leaning towards them while they speak. Ask questions about the topics you are discussing. People will appreciate your attention. It is very rude to look beyond the person you are speaking with or to look around the room for someone more interesting.Neen is a Global Productivity Expert: by looking at how they spend their time and energy ? and where they focus their attention ? Neen helps people to rocket-charge their productivity and performance. A dynamic speaker, author and corporate trainer, Neen demonstrates how boosting your productivity can help you achieve amazing things. With her unique voice, sense of fun and uncommon common-sense, Neen delivers a powerful lesson in productivity. Find out more at http://neenjames.com/

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Boost Your Selling Power With Your Call-To-Action Phrases

Look at your marketing material. Now, is there something missing? If you're missing a phrase or paragraph requesting your customer's business, your copy is lacking an essential component. You can't assume that your customers will know why they should act, how they should,  or when they should act.Still unsure of what "call-to-action" is. Look at late night infomercials. Notice how they emphasize calling the toll-free number with your check and/or credit card number handy. How they say if you call now, you'll receive a free gift with your purchase, but only if you call within the next few minutes.There's a reason why most infomercials follow this formula ? it works of course. It'll also work for you, whether you're including it in your web copy or a print ad.A call-to-action can be as simple as saying "order today" or as elaborate detailing a seven-step process. A good call-to-action ties in with the goal of your copy. If you're goal is to sell, don't ask them to call you for more information, ask them to purchase your product today.Other essentials elements include:* Tell your customers when and how to contact you. Can they call? E-mail? Fax?* Explain why they should buy. More money? Easier life? Pride?* Instill a sense of immediacy. Since most customers will likely forget if they wait, the sooner you can get them to respond, the better. What'll happen if they purchase today? Will they get a free gift? Will they receive the product immediately? Will they save time and money?Another helpful hint, don't save your call-to-action phrase for last. Place them throughout your copy. Incorporate phrases like: Purchase our product today and?. Pick up the phone and call and you'll learn....Already have a decent call-to-action? Pump it up. Include every possible way customers can contact and buy from you. Give an example of how you'll make their life better and easier. This could be. Buy this power broom today and it'll cut your cleaning time by 75%. Imagine what you can with an extra three hours each week.Want some more examples? Here are some courtesy of my mailbox."Hurry! This "free sample invitation" & FREE GIFT offer won't last long. Just mail back the FREE-SAMPLE certificate today. So you don't miss it.""Classes begin throughout the year, so there's no better time to start than now. Call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx today""Do it today. Enroll online. Mail your Risk-Free Trial Certificate. Or call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx now" See how easy they made it to respond.Get an unbeatable 0% APR FOR LIFE on transferred balances with the xxxxxxxx Platinum Card. It's easy ? just fill out the Application below and mail it today!So, what are you waiting for? Go plant those call-to-action phrases in your copy and watch your business grow... right now.About The AuthorVanessa Selene Williams an independent writer who writes for businesses and corporations. Visit her online at http://vswilliams.com or email her at info@vswilliams.com to learn more.

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arrow right Get Over Your Resistance to Sales

I have found that there are two best ways to eliminate your fear or resistance to sales. First, become so familiar with your product/service and any objections that might surface, that you simply can't be flustered during a sales call. Second, you need to truly believe that  your product or service will be of value to your customers ? that you're really helping them by sharing your product with them.The next most important step is to make sure you're selling to the right people. Set an appropriate target market and find out where they are. Make sure your sales pitch and sales materials speak to that target market.By approaching your prospective customers with this approach, they will sense your confidence, which in turn gives them the confidence that you are true to your word.Often, service businesses struggle more with the sales process since the results and benefits can be very difficult to articulate. I'll use my coaching business as an example.When I first started, I had not identified a target market, and could not clearly articulate the benefits of coaching with me. Most of my advertising and marketing attempts were lost in the multitude of messages everyone sees and hears every day. Now that I have some experience (and a LOT more marketing education) I understand the importance of deriving the overt benefits of coaching with me.However, that alone will not get me clients. I also needed to identify a target ? my ideal client. I often hear from coaches and other service professionals that they don't want to eliminate a large majority of the marketplace by focusing on a niche. The truth is, when you send out a generic marketing message, no matter in what form, you're not making a connection with anyone. People see and hear hundreds of marketing messages every day ? you need to make that emotional connection with someone.My target is women entrepreneurs ? specifically women entrepreneurs whose businesses are doing ok, but they're not happy for some reason. Imagine an attorney who had so many clients that she needed to hire additional lawyers and an administrative assistant. At that point, she would be spending her time maintaining sales, minimizing expenses, managing employees, keeping up to date on the newest laws, trends, markets and regulations, etc. This does not sound fun! That is the client I want, specifically. By painting you this mental picture, you have a clear idea of my ideal client. You may see yourself in the picture and you may know her and refer her to me.Setting a target does not exclude other types of clients, but if my messages don't reach anyone, I'll have NO clients, or will have to work much, much harder to get each one. Besides, the example client above knows lots of other people who aren't attorneys who could benefit from my services, and I will ask her to refer me to them.By going through the steps above, you will want to talk with people about your product, as you know you can answer any question and you will feel you owe it to your target market to share your product with them. If you need help with this process, a book that has really helped me is "Jump Start Your Business Brain" by Doug Hall. Or you can short-cut and call me to walk you through the steps.After eliminating your resistance, you will then need a plan of action to contact the individuals in your target market, and scripts to know what to say. Sales is simply a numbers game. The more people you contact, the more people who will say yes. Now get out there and sell!About The AuthorAudrey Burton is a Business and Life Coach with a caring, no-nonsense style. Audrey's clients are primarily women entrepreneurs who become happy and successful at work working with her. Audrey keeps her clients focused and motivated by helping them create a custom plan they can be excited about. To sign up for a complimentary coaching session to better understand how she works, visit her website at http://www.audreyburton.com. You only live once ? Love Your Life Today.coachaudrey@audreyburton.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Woo the Buyers Limbic Mind or All Your Sales Efforts are Wasted

If you've driven yourself crazy trying to figure out why so many customers get away, relax. You can't figure it out because... It's not logical. The impulse that makes people buy from one business instead of another is no more logical than the baying of an elk's mating  call. In fact, it works exactly the same way, through the limbic system.The limbic system is instinctive--older than language, faster than thinking. It controls trust. It controls attention and desire. And logic must stand aside until the limbic part of the brain decides something is trustworthy. In primitive times it was constantly alert for danger. Detecting threats spelled the difference between life and death. That function is still important today (although the risks are different).So here's how the buyer's pattern works.Step One - Court the limbic systemProvide reasons for the limbic mind to be interested in you. Let it get to know and like your personality, the unique flavor of the business. Once it decides it's interested (or not), it hands the matter off to logic, which waits to be called up.Step Two - The logical mind evaluates the arguments and factsIt considers the pros and cons and arrives at its best choice.Step Three - The mind then defers the final decision back to the limbic mindIt says Yes or No. The final decision isn't logical, and rational thinking plays a secondary role. Although it's willing to let you think it runs the show, that's not true.Step Four - ActionThe sale--if you've done it right; or a missed opportunityStep 2 is supposed to come

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales As A Positive Experience

No matter what your age or stage in life, some words come with preconceived meaning. "Sales" is one of them. For most people, it means being put in a position to have to buy something you don't want at a price you can't afford. Therefore, how do you conduct a critical  element of the small business marketing process without incurring the negative impact of the word

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Top 10 Powerful Tools for Growing Sales Through Creating Connection

Your mission as a business owner is to develop a marketing strategy which offers your potential clients/customers a way to improve their situation in a certain way, solve a problem, provide more value, or open new opportunities for them which will motivate them to pick up  the phone and buy from you. This requires that the focus of your marketing plan be placed on your customer?NOT ON YOU! Taken from The 90 Day Marketing Marathon Blunders from A to Z these ten powerful tools will support you in creating meaningful connections with your clients/customers and providing real time solutions to their challenges of the today.1. Custom Assessments.By using a tool such as Assessment Generator you can build custom assessments which will allow the visitors to your website the opportunity to engage with you while providing value which is memorable. With Assessment Generator you as the business owner will receive the basic results of the survey to see if clients are where they want to be in their lives or their businesses. For an example of a custom built assessment enter here.2. Online Survey ToolsA well designed online survey can greatly empower business, academic, and charitable organizations by finding out quickly what is on the minds of your current and prospective customers/clients. Creating an online survey can be extremely simple and convenient with a free survey tool such as Advanced Survey or Zoomerang. By designing a survey and sending this to your database, you can poll targeted groups quickly and in detail while obtaining real time results.3.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Boost Buyer Confidence By Assuming The Sale

I saw something in town the other day that just really struck me as funny. Not only that, however, it really nailed home a strong lesson for me about how to make more money.I was driving down main street past this old building. I don't know exactly what the building had  been used for, possibly a warehouse or something along that line.The thing that was funny about it, however, was the sign it had mounted on the front. It was a sign that had been there for some time, but I'd never really noticed what it said before.Turned out, it was a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 12 Sure-Fire Steps To Improve Your Retail Sales

The purpose of any business is to bring in customers, and it can only be accomplished through marketing. If your cash registers don't ring, something is wrong and you had better find out what is wrong fast. Because in today's competitive retail world... getting results is  what counts.Successful retailers aren't any more talented or intelligent than you are -- They simply have learned to do things in a different way and make money in the process. Use the following 12 steps to improve your retail sales, you'll simplify your efforts, multiply profits, and increase the odds of success.1. Know YourselfHaving your own business is more than just creating a job for yourself. Your basic roles are in marketing, finance, administration, and the responsibility of personnel. To get the best results, it is rare for one person to play all these roles equally well. You must know which parts you can handle yourself and which parts you're going to need help with.2. Plan AheadMany stores are run by well-intended people but who don't have all the information they need to do their job. This includes a clear idea of market segment, target markets, customer service, product selection, marketing mix, promotional activities and pricing tactics. If you want to succeed you need a well thought out business plan that helps you make the right decisions.3. Know The IndustryYou can gain the greatest competitive edge if you have an intimate knowledge of your business. To thrive and prosper, you must be committed to learn and have the desire and energy to accomplish your goals. These are five main reasons why most businesses fail:Lack of Industry KnowledgeLack of VisionPoor Market StrategyFailure to Establish GoalsInadequate Capitalization4. Understand Your CustomerMake it your business to give your customers what they want, and they will do business and buy from you. The products and services you provide should reflect your customers needs and wants. Think in your customers' terms; buy, show, sell, and say things that interest them, not just what interests you. Remember, it is the customer that determines whether or not you succeed.5. Keep Good Financial RecordsIf you don't know where your money is going, it will soon be gone. The

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right In Sales - Heres News You Can Use

Here's an idea on how to make reading the daily newspaper a source for new selling ideas. Make it a point to identify at least one thing that you can use in your business whenever you read the newspaper. There is always great stuff in the sports and business section of most  newspapers. Here are some examples.The words

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right In Sales You Get What You Expect

If your mind is set, you will be unable to change your mindset. For example Christopher Columbus...He was born in 1451 in Genoa, the son of a wool merchant and weaver. Do you recall what the conventional thinking or "Mindset" was about the shape of the globe at that time?  It was believed to be flat. Not too many sailors sailed too far from shore fearing the worst. Columbus' mind was set. It was set for taking risks and exploring new worlds.Columbus discovered the New World on October 12, 1492 at 2:00 a.m. He changed his Mindset and we're still celebrating his courage, boldness, and discoveries.How you think is everything. For example - where are the obvious places to look for new prospects for the products and services you sell? Make a list and go ask one of your competitors to do the same thing. Now compare lists. Hello - exactly the same. Surprise - surprise!Now make another list and don't tell your competition about this one. Make a list of all the un-obvious places you can go to find qualified prospects. Remember this is an un-obvious list and it requires a new and different mindset. It ain't easy but it is good. It isn't quick but it can be profitable for you. But first, you gotta remove the shackles on your conventional thinking.You'll get what you expect - so always expect the best to happen to you. Always be positive and expect the best. Only one person has the keys to your thoughts - you. Put a lid on all negative thinking. If it's negative it's usually related to a past experience.There are three houses you can choose to live in past, present, and future. You can toss away the keys to the past and future houses. You can't live there so there's no reason for you to spend any time thinking about them.Put all your energy in the house called

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...