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arrow right Instant Rapport: The Key to Sales Success

Did you ever meet someone with whom you just clicked? Someone who was so much like you that you practically knew what he was thinking? How comfortable did you feel with that person? Did you trust him? Chances are that you have very high rapport with that person.Rapport  means harmony between people. When people share rapport, they speak the same language. When people don't have rapport, it is as if one person is speaking Greek and the other person is speaking Chinese. There is no common understanding.RAPPORT AND SELLINGSales research has shown that over 90% of the sales process is based on having a good rapport with the prospect. You may have the best coverage for your client and you may represent the most reputable firm(s), however, if you don't have rapport, your prospect will find a reason to buy from another agent.We usually develop rapport easily with people who are like us. It is very difficult to understand or feel comfortable with people who are not like us. We perceive them as strange. We judge others based on how we see the world.Before we can try to talk about how we can satisfy our prospect's needs, we have to get him prepared to listen to us. We do this by getting him to trust us -- by developing rapport.BUILDING RAPPORTHow do we develop rapport? Most independent insurance professionals realize that rapport is an important part of the sales process, so they try to develop rapport with their prospects before trying to "sell them." They try to establish a common bond by engaging in small talk. Unfortunately, only 7% of the words we use to communicate get through to others. However, 38% of our tonality and 55% of our physiology or body language are communicated very effectively.One of the most powerful ways we can develop rapport is through physiology. There is a technique called mirroring which allows us to develop rapport very quickly. What you do is mirror the other person's physiology or body movements. If the person leans back in the chair, you lean back. If the person crosses her legs, you cross your legs. If the individual sits forward, you sit forward. Your goal is to get your prospect to feel comfortable with you being there so she will be open to what you have to say.Mirroring is very subtle. Wait several seconds before shifting your body to match your prospect. Mirroring is a continuous and fluid process so as your prospect moves around, you continue to change your body movements to remain in rapport. One word of caution -- don't mimic. If your prospect scratches her nose, don't follow or she may realize what you are doing and get very insulted.PRACTICE MAKES SALESThe technique of mirroring takes practice to learn effectively. Try it on your family and friends so it becomes a natural skill for you to use. When you become proficient at using this technique, your prospect will not realize what you are doing. He will only feel extremely comfortable with you because you are so much like him.Remember, 90% of the sales process is rapport. Use the technique of instant rapport and watch your closing ratio soar!About The AuthorDella Menechella is a speaker, author, and trainer who inspires people to achieve greater success from the inside out. She is a contributing author to Thriving in the Midst of Change and the author of the videotape The Twelve Commandments of Goal Setting. She can be reached at della@dellamenechella.com. Subscribe to free Peak Performance Pointers e-zine - send blank e-mail to mailto:subscribe@dellamenechella.com.

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arrow right Growing Sales Through Creating Connections

Your mission as a business owner is to develop a marketing strategy which offers your potential clients/customers a way to improve their situation in a certain way, solve a problem, provide more value, or open new opportunities for them which will motivate them to pick up  the phone and buy from you. This requires that the focus of your marketing plan be placed on your customer - NOT ON YOU! Taken from The 90 Day Marketing Marathon Blunders from A to Z these ten powerful tools will support you in creating meaningful connections with your clients/customers and providing real time solutions to their challenges of the today.1. Custom Assessments. By using a tool such as Assessment Generator you can build custom assessments which will allow the visitors to your website the opportunity to engage with you while providing value which is memorable. With Assessment Generator you as the business owner will receive the basic results of the survey to see if clients are where they want to be in their lives or their businesses.2. Online Survey Tools. A well-designed online survey can greatly empower business, academic, and charitable organizations by finding out quickly what is on the minds of your current and prospective customers/clients. Creating an online survey can be extremely simple and convenient with a free survey tool such as Advanced Survey or Zoomerang. By designing a survey and sending this to your database, you can poll targeted groups quickly and in detail while obtaining real time results.3.

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arrow right Sales Marketing: 10 Explosive Strategies To Amplify Your Sales

Marketing is a skill. Once you master it, you can succeed in promoting any product or services online.I am going to reveal to you 10 critical ideas that you can use immediately to amplify your sales:1. Make your potential customers forget about the competition. Just tell  them to forget with a factual and believable reason why they should.2. Joint venture with your competition if you can't beat them. You could agree to work together and beat the other competition then share the profits.3. Visit chat rooms were your potential customers would gather. You can lurk and do market research or mention your product to people.4. Make your web site sticky by building a large directory of web sites your visitors would enjoy. It saves them precious time searching for them.5. Start a free-to-join business association from your web site. Just ask all members to place your association logo and link on their web site.6. Make extra revenue for your web site by selling advertising space on your web site, in your e-zine, in your free ebooks, on your classified ad site, etc.7. Switch your marketing plan when your market dies for your product. Be flexible and redesign your product for a different market.8. Make your web site worth revisiting. Give your visitors original content, free ebooks, information web site links, free useful software, etc.9. Build your opt-in e-mail list using an FFA ( free -for-all links page). People can submit links to your links page and you can send them a thanks e-mail.10. Reward your customers for giving you product feedback. It could be discounted products, useful software, information products, etc.Warmly,I-key Benney, CEOI-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of

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arrow right Sales Marketing: 5 Fantastic Secrets To Attract New Customers Now

If you have problem attracting new customers, the sales marketing secrets that I am going to reveal to you below will make you smile all day.Read on:1. Give Away An Electronic Information ProductThe product could be a simple report posted on your Web site or autoresponder  to a downloadable e-book. The information product should relate to your target audience. Just place your advertisement somewhere on the product. Allow other people to give away the information product to attract even more customers.2. Offer Free Consulting Via E-mailAllow potential customers to ask you specific questions relating to the subject of your business. Giving away free advice can show your prospects your expertise and give you instant credibility. Another benefit is when you e-mail them back the free advice or information include your signature file to get free advertising.3. Hold A Free Chat Room SeminarPeople go to seminars to learn about a particular subject. With chat rooms you don't need to fear public speaking or spend money to rent out a seminar room. You can use your own chat room or hold the seminar in someone elses. Holding a chat room seminar is an incredible way to get free publicity. Just send a press release to the media announcing your free seminar.4. Start A Free-To-Join ClubHaving people join your club is a creative way to attract new customers. People want to belong to something, why not your online club. The club should be related to your product or service. You could give away a free e-mail newsletter for club members only . Have a members only message board, e-mail discussion group or chat room. Post your advertisements on all the club information.5. Provide Your Product Or Service For Almost FreeTell potential customers you'll accept barter deals for your products or services. You may not be getting money but they will become your customers. If they are satisfied they might pay money the next time they make a purchase. Barter for things to improve your business or your own personal life.May these sales marketing secrets help you to make a lot of money.Warmly,I-key Benney, CEOI-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of

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arrow right Successful Sales Strategies: Winning the Close Ones

The "Three Cs" in building customer relationships are a key component of professional selling skills.Indianapolis, IN (PRWeb) November 23, 2003 ? The deal is coming down to the wire. The buyer perceives the competitor's solution as marginally superior, but the  slight underdog still wins the sale. In this case, the adage, people buy from people they like, proves true.In the audiobook, "Sound Advice on Sales Strategies," author Tom Snyder, a vice president with sales consultancy Huthwaite, says that while it's always a good idea to build customer relationships, it is especially helpful in the close ones. He sites what "SPIN Selling" author Neil Rackham calls the "zone of indifference.""In this situation, although the competition's superiority is recognized," says Snyder, "it's not significant enough to break out of the buyer's zone of indifference. This means that between the two, the buyer will likely choose to deal with the seller he likes." While a personal relationship won't be the deciding factor in most major account selling situations, it's still an important part of the mix.When building customer relationships, Snyder recommends being guided by the "Three Cs" of concern, candor, and competence.Concern means focusing on customers and their needs. Learning the customer's problems is the first step in building trust. Candor equates to honesty and avoiding exaggeration. Competence comes from the salesperson knowing how their products or services meet customer needs.Says Snyder, "Don't neglect your customer relationships, and don't neglect your sales training, either. Your customers shouldn't have to choose between the salesperson they like and the salesperson with professional selling skills."Tom Snyder offers advice on planning and executing sales strategies each week in the free audio-newsletter from What's Working in Biz, http://www.whatsworking.biz/full_story.asp?ArtID=92About The AuthorRichard Cunningham is a principal of What's Working in Biz, http://www.whatsworking.biz, a publisher of business audiobooks and online audio programs on marketing, sales, and small business strategies.

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arrow right Four Ways To Increase Your Sales Fast... In 2-4 Weeks?

You built a very good web site...You have a great product...You know that people are in NEED of Your service...AND ALSO You want to Increase your sales FAST...There is no wrong with that.As a webmaster you should promote your web site. There are many methods of web site  promotion. Some takes a little time before you start getting profits from it. Some give fast results.Promotion methods like search engine optimization and Opt-in list building take a while.Here are FOUR tips to increase your sales in short range of 2 - 4 weeks:**1. Pay Per Click Engines:**People beleive that pay per click engines are expensive. They are NOT if you know the six simple strategies of PPCs: Know your keywordsWrite a compelling adDon't enter in to Bidding warMonitor your bidding amountLanding pageTrack your results  For more explanation: http://www.webmasters-central.com/wp/se/ppctips.shtmlPPCs send you reliable amount of traffic even with 10 to 25 cents. Try Overture and Google Ad words.**2. Recruit affiliates:**Actually you need a cgi script that signs up your affiliates and tracks the clicks and commission. YOu have to install the script on your server.You can see cgi scripts like that at: http://www.hotscripts.com/Perl/Scripts_and_Programs/Affiliate_Programs/You can use affiliate networks like:http://www.clickbank.net/http://www.cj.com/http://www.shareasale.com/These are very good affiliate networks. You can keep your product before hundreds of affiliates that are willing to work for your product.**3. Give free excerpts and ecourses:**People love to receive free gifts and tools. Give away them with your logo and prominent web site links. DON'T forget to tell them that to join in your affiliate program and use the free software to give their web site visitors with their links. Right... Viral marketing.Soon your free gifts will spread among the internet and getting you traffic.**4. Joint Ventures:**Say you exchange a link with another ezine publisher. Or an exchange of link with other web sites. Subscribers and visitors of those web sites are more potential customers for your product or service.Before asking for a link or free ezine ad try to provide a link back to their sites. Before you ask a link: Focus on web sites and ezine that targets your productSubscribe to that ezine and see quality of ezineWriting articles and submitting to the ezines is a good method of promotion  Not only ezine ads, web site links, you can participate in joint ventures in many ways like special discounts to particular ezine subscribers, offering your product to ezine publisher in exchange of ezine ads etc.,About The AuthorRadhika Venkata - Subscribe to 'EbookBiz Magazine' which is completely focused on ebook business and Internet Marketing. Receive FREE Ebooks with Resale rights every month!http://www.ebooks-world.com/freetosell.shtmlWebmaster Resources: List Your product, ezine or web site free!http://www.webmasters-central.com/

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arrow right 3 Basic Secrets That Will Explode Your Sales This Year

In this article, I would like to talk about the three "well-known but often ignored" secrets for creating a successful product.These secrets are still valid in real world as they are online.The main mistake most entrepreneurs do is to create a product and then they WORK  HARD TRYING to sell it.Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!SECRET NO. 1Always create a product ONLY if there is a market for it!How can you find out if there is a request for your product?Quite simple, read the forums, search them for terms like

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arrow right Sales Tips from Sales Masters

Dogs are great teachers of how to sell easier and better. And if you think about a dog's life, it's quite a pampered and easy one. Some dog behaviors can serve as models for do's and don'ts for salespeople. Dogs mark their territory. Do what you can to stand out in your  industry or in your working geography. The better you customers and prospective customers know you, the more you control your territory. That's as much as anything can be controlled!  Dogs do not have problems expressing affection in public.   Let your clients and prospective clients know how much you care. The simple remembering of some previous personal bit of news they shared with you the next time you meet somewhere expresses that care.  Dogs miss you when you're gone.  What if your customer gets a postcard from you on THEIR return from a trip? Or what if you called your customer from YOUR vacation?  Dogs are very direct about wanting to go out.  Are you clear on what your role in sales is? In general, it is to increase revenues by getting the order; it's to get the business; it's to help more customers buy more of what you have.  Dogs do not play games with you - except fetch and then they don't laugh at how you throw.  Your customer might play games with you. They might throw you a buying sign by asking for more information. Or they might give you the go ahead on an order and later cancel. If you go fetch for these, note your reaction. Examine your reaction's appropriateness to the situation. You may have to adjust it to keep on playing.  Dogs understand what NO means.  In sales a "no" early in the process usually means that the customer needs more information about what you have that will solve their problem. Later on a "no," maybe you want to backtrack and discover where you may have gone off track with this particular customer. And when you hear a "no" remember,  dogs admit when they are lost.  But doggone it those dogs don't know everything. They have their faults too.   Dogs are bad at asking you questions.  And if you and your customer are not in synch, a few good clarifying questions can help you get back on track. Learn to say things like, "Gee, I must not have been clear on that point. You seem to have a concern, Can you help me understand what it is about?"  Dogs don't know how to talk on the telephone.  In today's world of communications we want to be better on the telephone, with beepers or pagers, with emails, with faxes and with anyway we communicate with our customers. Take some time to evaluate your effectiveness with each way you communicate. Then plan to improve each area one at a time to get better results. And when we get the buying and selling working more easily, as in a dog's life, remember:  Be ready for a tummy rub at a moments notice!  Be ready for your sales to come more easily and in greater abundance!   Copyright© Patricia Weber, http://www.prostrategies.com.Pat Weber is a coach, certified telelcass leader, and corporate trainer. With her incisive, effective communication skills, her services can help you to accelerate professional and personal results you want, by helping you increase your choices and build your self-confidence. With personal coaching, a teleclass, an online email course or on-site workshop, get what you want, more easily and more often. Visit her website at http://www.prostrategies.com. Contact her for a free coaching session.

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arrow right How One Simple Concept Can Increase Your Sales

We all want to belong. As humans we feel the need to fit in somewhere, anywhere. I call it the "herd mentality"... we tend to follow what everyone else is doing.Well, Bob and Bill across the street each have satellite dishes... that means I have to get one too.Everyone is  driving around in a SUV... that means I have to drive one too.Everyone is wearing baggy pants... that means I have to wear them too.Everyone is carrying around a cell phone... that means I have to carry one around too.My friends are drinking Smirnoff Ice... that means I have to drink it too.Can anybody say mooooo?The herd mentality is an interesting phenomena that YOU as an internet marketer can take advantage of.You need to convey to your potential customers that everyone else is buying your product and they would be missing out if they didn't do the same.How you may ask?Well, one way is by using testimonials on your website. Lots of them! Most people will gladly give you a testimonial. All you have to do is ask.Testimonials establish trust and credibility too, which by the way, are the two biggest things you need to close out a sale online.When people see that everyone else is buying the product from you they tend to want to get it for themselves.Let me share a story with you. A while back I was about to purchase some advertising. I was just about to click the order button and then I stopped myself.I asked myself why I wanted to make the purchase...Well, first and foremost was the price. It was a good deal. It piqued my interest but it didn't seal the deal for me.What did it? It was all of the testimonials I read of satisfied customers. It was the

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arrow right A Revolutionary NEW Dimension in Sales

A Revolutionary 'NEW' Dimension In Sales: Make many more closings in the same amount of time!By Art Nelson and Linda CarlsonPhase IPhase I: Learning the Product is the first thing Paul does as he begins his career in sales. This 'newbie' envisions three major factors that  will determine his success or failure in sales. They are: Knowledge of his product.Knowledge of the benefits that it offers to his prospects.How well he communicates that knowledge and benefits to his prospects. Most salespeople don't have a problem with product knowledge. The company usually spends plenty of time and money to assure the competence level of its sales force. So, Paul is fine at 1, 2, and since his mother said,

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arrow right How To Attract Buyers Using The Right Sales Terminology

It is always important that you use the right terms when marketing your product to potential buyers. The right terminology may mean increased enquiries for your product and possibly more sales.Failure to use these terms may leave potential customers undecided or going to  the competition to satisfy their needs. Your competitors may be making more sales by using these terms intelligently while you are still stuck with dry unattractive terms in your promotional materials.In using these attractive terms care must be taken not to overuse them or to display mere rhetoric with no matching action to back them. You ought to choose which terms to use and when the right mix of terms may be used together. Circumstances may also not allow you to use certain terms at certain times and sound discretion must be applied in their usage.Apart from advertising copy and sales promotion materials the terms may be suitably used whenever talking to potential customers. You ought to speak with confidence and emphasis if they are to believe your claims regarding your products.Here is a listing and brief descriptions of these terms:FREE: Perhaps the first and foremost of these terms. You ought to give the customer something free to persuade him to buy your product and not those of your competition. It could be free advice, a free report or another product of lesser value. But the free offer must be tied to the buying of the product otherwise you may not make substantial sales.MONEY: Mention money and everybody's attention is caught. It could be

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arrow right Grow Sales Using Image Tactics

In my dreams, I envision being the marketing consultant equivalent of Oprah or Tiger Woods. Oprah, for her premise, "You're a woman and only you are responsible for yourself." Tiger Woods, for his ultimate dedication to the game. Respectively, this is what they're  known for or what their personal value can be identified as; put another way, this is what their brand identities are.Once you're known for something and people perceive value in "this something [your brand]," it's at this moment that you start to make money. Once you have perceived value, other entrepreneurs and businesses will pay money to be associated with the perception for which you're known.To be an entrepreneur, the first decision you must make is, "Who do you want to be?" Or, put another way, "How do you want to be perceived by others?" The answers to these two questions are equivalent to the foundation that'll drive all of your future marketing decisions, from what advertising vehicles you'll use, to the type of customers and clients you'll target.For example, would you like to be known as the world's most prestigious dietician? People all over the world seek you out and pay money for your advice on how to integrate more color into their diets. To build a foundation and reach such prestige, your image marketing plan might involve the following actions.  Complete appropriate credentials such as certifications and higher education.Obtain and make visible reputable references including popular media personalities quoting you as an expert, current and past clients quoting specific things you did to help them, and a variety of print articles and electronic news bulletins in which you're quoted.Build credibility by hosting, writing or producing a weekly healthy-eating column called, "Got Colors, Get Healthy."Socialize and be seen with other health-related well-known experts or people who exhibit healthy behavior such as: other dietitians, diet book authors, athletes, personal trainers, physiology professors and food scientists. Why? Because a person can create an implied credibility about themselves simply by hanging out with other experts. Generally speaking, people assume that because the other experts let you hang with them, then you must be worthy of your "expert" status.Pick a unique clothing and makeup style and stick with it. A simple example, perhaps every time you leave your house, you always wear something purple, a scarf, pin, shirt, tie or nail polish. The repetitive purple creates a subliminal image, that, after awhile, causes people, when they see you in the news, at an event or in a magazine, to say, "I've seen her somewhere." And from this statement they extract that you're sought after, and therefore, you must know what you're talking about.Always evolve your image based on current trends. However, remember to make small changes, so as not to walk away from the image you've been working hard to build.  Every entrepreneur's image-building plan will be unique. In fact, it must be. It's the subtle differences about you as an entrepreneur that distinguish you from your competition. More importantly, it's also these differences that help your customers find you, since you'll be more able to effectively and affordably reach customers by selecting an image niche.About The AuthorSharron Senter is a New England-based marketing consultant, speaker, writer and founder of Senter & Associates. She helps small and home-based businesses deploy affordable marketing strategies. She's well known for her free weekly emailed marketing tips and her "14 Image-building Dos & Don'ts," small biz survival report. Receive Senter's free marketing tips at http://www.sharronsenter.com.marketing@sharronsenter.com

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arrow right Multiply Your Sales

When Thomas Edison's light bulb finally burned for 45 straight hours he said, "If it will burn that number of hours now, I know I can make it burn a hundred."What does this have to do with internet marketing?Everything.You see, if you can make 1 sale, you should  be able to make a hundred sales.The problem is many internet marketers are only making a sale here or there (if any at all), but if you are making ANY sales?you should be making MANY sales.Here are some tips on how to multiply your sales: Sell the reprint/reproduction rights to your products. In doing so, you can make the equivalent of 15-20 sales in a single sale.You could upsell to your customers. When a customer arrives at your order page, tell them about a few extra related products you have for sale. They could just add it to their original order. Remember, if a customer is willing to buy one thing from you, they are likely to buy several things from you.When you make your first sale, follow-up with the customer. You could follow-up with a

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arrow right Are You Risking The Relationship for the Sale -- And Then Losing the Sale A

Losing a sale can be disheartening, especially if you lose it for reasons you aren't even aware of.Traditional selling approaches tell us that sales are usually lost because of some element -- price, features, benefits -- having to do with our product or service.So, when we  sell, we naturally focus on what we're selling because we feel we have to differentiate our product or service so prospects understand what we're offering that's unique.But...what if focusing all your energy on WHAT you're selling is actually the main reason WHY you're losing sales?

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arrow right 10 Power-Packed Ways To Spark Your Sales

1. Spend money on targeted advertising instead of mass media advertising. You don't want to waste your ad dollars on people who aren't interested.2. Increase your profits by concentrating on small details. Improving small things like text size, color, or graphics can really  make a positive difference.3. Keep your offers flexible. If you offer a set price for your product, you could offer the people that can't afford it an optional payment plan.4. Offer your knowledge or consulting as a bonus product. You could offer a free 15 or 30 minute consultation. This will add value to your product.5. Personalize all your e-mail messages so they get read. Include the recipient's name in the subject line. This will grab peoples attention quickly.6. Keep your web site consistent. You don't want to keep things on your web site that are unrelated to the theme of your web site.7. Attract more subscribers to your free e-zine by giving them free bonuses like e-books, software, online services and other incentives.8. Sell advertising space in your e-zine and on your web site. This will create an extra income stream for your business.9. Make your web site ready for the public. Have an

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...