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arrow right 10 Boundless Ways To Anchor Down More Sales

1. Multiply your marketing and advertising efforts on the Internet. You can accomplish this by starting an affiliate program or using viral marketing.2. I.ncrease your ratio of visitors that purchase your product(s). You could change your headline, o.ffer a stronger  g.uarantee, add testimonials, etc.3. Find out who are your strongest leads for buying your product by offering a f.ree ezine. The visitors that are very interested will subscribe to it.4. Team up with your competition by starting an association for your specific industry. It could lead to a profitable partnership with them.5. Publish an e-zine for your employees. This could motivate them to do a better job or fill them in on were your business is headed6. Search for your business' name in newsgroups and discussion boards. Some of the comments you find could help you improve your business7. Attract people to link to your web site. You could o.ffer them a discount on the products you sell or give them f.ree stuff for linking.8. Develop y.our own o.pt in email l.ist by giving your visitors a reason to give you their e-mail address. Allow them sign up to f.ree stuff and contests.9. Create a

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arrow right Essential Training Skills for Managers

Today's manager lives in a world where change has attained Mach speeds. What holds good when you go home may not apply when you return in the morning to work place. Such a tremendous pace of change takes a heavy toll in terms of a dispirited and de energized workforce.World  class products and services can only be produced by workforce which is highly energized. And a high level of energy is derived by a skilled and knowledgeable workforce with the right attitude.In this scenario keeping pace with the knowledge and skills for himself and of his people is the key to managerial success. An ongoing training is the answer. Each manager must ensure the up gradation of knowledge and skills at his level rather than wait for the elaborate process of need identification, evaluation and availability of trainer and schedules before any training can be implemented. Basic training skills are an essential repertoire of a successful manager.So how does one get started?The first step in any training process is your own Need Analysis.Who better than you as a manager of your department or team to identify the needs and plug the gaps. The needs analysis can broadly focus on three areas.1. Knowledge 2. Skills 3. AttitudesMake a list of what is urgently required in any of the three areas listed above by your direct reports. The check list can clearly tell you what can be handled quickly at your end and what requires more specialized training by external sources.Identify major gaps in skills and knowledge that can be handled by you without outside help. Attitudinal areas may be more difficult to handle at your end and more specialized intervention might be required. Skill areas may be tackled easily by yourself or one of your team members who are skilled in the desired area.Your job is not to become a trainer full time. Look at problems which need immediate correction and focus only on them. For the more complex and long term change requirements go to your training department.Prepare a short one or two hours a week training program to correct the gaps.That is all it requires. You are on as a trainer.A manager as a trainer has the distinct advantage of not having to wait for the elaborate process of identifying training needs, setting up a training calendar and selecting the trainer etc.A quick intervention at your level can make a major difference to your productivity levels. Above all a good leader needs to be a good teacher and a trainer.R.G. Srinivasan is a Certified Trainer, Writer and Author with more than two decades of managerial experience. He writes a regular blog on management issues and resources at http://management-thoughts.blogspot.com

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arrow right Sales Techniques to Help the Customer to Buy

Three times I have revisited Turkey after living in the country for two years in the 1970's. How could I ever forget? Salespeople everywhere can glean some wisdom about the unique sales approach by walking through the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul. At least three unmistakable  key sales components are apparent: ask questions, be persistent and appeal to emotions.ASKING QUESTIONSAs you revel at the array of products lining the street in the Bazaar, you hear someone say, "We have a great deal on leather coats today. How would you like to buy one?" On it's own merit a question is one of the best ways to begin a relationship with a new customer. Questions early on show interest and allow you to gather information. However, at the beginning of getting to know someone, you want to use what I call high fat questions. High fat questions will usually get more than a one word response from someone. This question, "How would you like to buy one?" is headed for either a "sure," or more likely "no" answer. Now a follow on question, "But, why?" is high fat. Sure, you could answer it with one word like, "because." More likely you will begin to explain why you are not interested or say what you are really doing is just browsing. Try using "How come?" in place of "why;" it does the same to inquire in a less heated way.Questions give the asker power. You can better control the direction of the conversation. Regardless of how a customer responds to a question you gather relevant information when you listen. This merchant is going to help one of us buy.BE PERSISTENTAs a salesperson masters the art of questions, it's easier for that steadfastness of purpose you need to help the customer buy. When you ask questions, you nurture persistence. It becomes pleasing to discover more about your customer.Most salespeople give up way too soon. Brian Tracy, master sales trainer, states a statistic that 80% of salespeople quit just at the time when most of the sales are made. Consider persistence a necessity. You can't drive a nail into a block of wood with one try can you? Sometimes it takes more than one try to have your message take hold.If you sense your prospect feels pressure or keeps coming up with excuses, then tone things down. But at least, either state or agree on the next step, even if it means then the customer says no. Put energy into finding out what your customer needs and presenting what you have in a way it will satisfy those needs. One merchant knows that my son is going to buy a Turkish drum and he keeps helping him to decide which one.PEOPLE BUY ON EMOTIONGet the customer involved. By engaging your customer you get to the emotion of how a product or service will make them feel. Their face shows it; their voice lets you hear it. At a more subtle level, even their breathing lets you know they are a buyer. The merchants in the Grand Bazaar of Turkey wisely and easily do this. Not only are you intrigued by their fondling of some products, you want to feel the silk as well. Between your fingers, on your face, you love the luxurious softness. People don't buy a car because of logic. They buy it because it makes they'll look prestigious driving in it. Or they love the sound of the stereo. Or they love the way the leather feels. Create situations so your customer can feel the emotion of wanting want you have. After tapping several different size drums my son begins to negotiate for the best price on the drum he's decided on. His emotion helps him to want to take this memory home with him.Whether you sell shoes or insurance, whether your products are tangible or intangible, and no matter if what you sell takes a minute or a year, its questions, persistence and getting the customer involved that move sales results from fiction to fact.  Copyright© Patricia Weber, http://www.prostrategies.com.Pat Weber is a coach, certified telelcass leader, and corporate trainer. With her incisive, effective communication skills, her services can help you to accelerate professional and personal results you want, by helping you increase your choices and build your self-confidence. With personal coaching, a teleclass, an online email course or on-site workshop, get what you want, more easily and more often. Visit her website at http://www.prostrategies.com. Contact her for a free coaching session.

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arrow right Assumptions ? The Hidden Sales Killer

Assumptions can kill a sale. In my sales training workshops, I frequently discuss the importance of not making assumptions about a person before, during, or after the sales process. Participants frequently nod and tell me that they NEVER make assumptions. One person (Doug  Maquire, www.MaquireMarketing.com) sent me this story of a situation that occurred in a department store he worked in many years ago."I was the 'young kid' who had signed on to take the 9 month Management Training course for a department store chain. Sales people were generally assigned specific areas to cover within the store but being a 'management trainee' I had to learn all departments."One day, a rough looking middle aged fellow entered the store. He was dressed in well-worn workpants, work boots, and a soiled red and black plaid shirt just like you'd expect a lumberjack to wear. No one approached him (I guess he didn't look like a good sales prospect) and he didn't move from the front entrance; he just stood there surveying the store from left to right. I walked up to him and asked if I could help. He said, "I need a pair of wool socks. No nylon, no cotton, just wool socks." We went to the Menswear Department and both watched as the sales person assigned to that department walked away from us so he wouldn't have to waste his time going through the full selection of hosiery just to find a single pair of wool socks."I then started asking questions about style, colour, size, price range, etc., to help narrow down exactly what the customer needed. "It don't matter." he replied, "Just wool socks. I work back in the bush and we only come to town every three weeks. Nylon makes my feet sweat. Cotton's okay but it don't last long. I need socks I can wear at work everyday and that's wool."So, I checked the content label of every style and colour of sock that we had in stock and eventually found a pair of 100% wool socks. "Good", he said, and we walked up the checkout counter to ring in the $3.95 pair of wool socks. The man left and I got a bit of ribbing from the sales person in the Menswear Department about my 'big sale of the day' and how 'not to spend my commission all in one place!'"Three weeks later the customer returned. He then walked over to me and said, "I need more wool socks like that last pair". This time he decided that he'd take 6 pair. We took the socks up to the checkout counter and rang in the six pair of $3.95 socks. The customer paid cash, said thanks, and walked away with his purchase. This time I didn't get quite as much ribbing from the sales person in the Menswear Department.Exactly three weeks later the customer came back. He walked through the front door and made a beeline for me. "I need more of them wool socks", he said. "The boys at camp want to know where I got them and want some too. How many have you got?" I checked the display area, the stockroom, and our new stock shipment and told him I had 58 pair. He paid cash and bought them all.I never found out exactly how many people he worked with, but every three weeks he'd show up at the store and ask what I had in the way of tee-shirts, long johns, plaid wool shirts, work boots, gloves, caps, toques, coveralls, work jackets, etc., and each time he arrived, he'd walk right up to me for service and we'd both go to the proper department and select what he needed for himself and for the guys he worked with. He always paid cash and always thanked me for my help."If Doug had made the mistake of following his coworker's footsteps and made the same assumptions about the customer, he would have lost thousands of dollars in sales.It is easy to make assumptions about our customers and prospects. A person's appearance, age, gender, nationality, or role within the company, often influences us. I have made this mistake when speaking to companies in the past. Upon learning that they only had a few salespeople, I made the assumptions they would not be willing to pay my standard fee. I later learned that this assumption was completely inaccurate and that they were fully prepared to invest in their teams' development. As a consumer, I have often noticed that most sales people will approach well-dressed customers before they talk to people who are attired in jeans or casual clothing. Avoid this fatal mistake and go into every sales interaction with an open and clear mind. This will definitely have a positive impact on your sales.Copyright 2004 Kelley Robertson, all rights reserved.Kelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. He is also the author of "Stop, Ask & Listen ? Proven sales techniques to turn browsers into buyers." Visit his website at http://www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com and receive a FREE copy of "100 Ways to Increase Your Sales" by subscribing to his 59-Second Tip, a free weekly e-zine.

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arrow right Sales Leads: 10 Sure Fire Ways To Unleash An Avalanche Of Sales

If you knew a few sure fire ideas that have helped me, you may unleash an avalanche of sales and make more money at your website.Below are the secrets to help you generate sales leads:(1) Utilize holidays to increase your visitors or sales. You could give away free  electronic greeting cards, hold discounts, send customers holiday cards, etc.(2) Become well known by speaking or chatting at seminars. The seminars could be held offline, in a chat room, by telephone or via e-mail.(3) Start a free ebook club on your web site. People could sign up to receive a free ebook from you each month. Just include your product ad in the ebooks.(4) Give away your products or expertise to internet business newbies. Just ask them in return to place your link on their web site.(5) Trigger your visitors to buy your products by using colors. You should totally relax and think about which colors would compel prospects to order.(6) Let your past offline customers know about your web site. When they visit and sign up to your e-zine it will remind them to shop at your online store.(7) Create a long term relationship with your entire customer base. You can stay in touch with them through an e-zine, with greeting cards, etc.(8) Repeat the 3 most powerful or appealing benefits throughout your ad copy. Repetition can brand your product's benefits quicker in your prospects mind.(9) Give your new customers surprise free gifts. This will increase their loyalty and give you more word of mouth advertising.(10) Make your long ad copy interesting enough so people click through to the next web page. If it's not, they won't take the time to click and read more.May these secrets of generating sales leads help you to make a lot of money.Warmly,I-key Benney, CEOI-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of

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arrow right Humanize the Sales Process

Q & AQ. Sometimes when I'm presenting to clients, I sense that the customer tunes out. Is there a better way to communicate with a customer or engage them?A. Salespeople get caught up in the hype of their own product and lose touch with their client's reality sometimes. You  may be an expert in your field, but you have to assume the client is not. Most clients do not speak tech-ese, so you have to couch the conversation in language that is familiar.Q. In high tech sales situations, what are some ways of obtaining better results on sales calls?A. Start by shifting the focus from you to your client. Instead of presenting information to a client on your first sales call, try asking the client what expectations they have for the meeting. You can build a list of desired results from their answer. Try using questions that put the client in the driver's seat. For example, "What would you like to learn more about?" or "How can I help resolve these issues?"Q. Are clients actually put off by technical language?A. It depends, because there are instances when it is appropriate. If you're speaking to a technical person who expects you to inform them about these aspects, go ahead. In many cases, the decision maker is not technical, so speaking in terms the client does not understand wastes their time. Even worse, they feel uncomfortable. Do you know anyone who would buy under these circumstances? There is no easier way to lose a sale then alienating a client.Q. What's the best way to speak about a technical product to a non-technical person?A. Refrain from using acronyms and technical jargon. Some common words that are not generally understood are IPSEC, T-1s, WIFI, Routers. Concentrate on the problem they need to fix or the result they want to achieve. If the client needs a technical description, they'll ask for it. Otherwise, avoid using these words.Q. What are some other key ways I can improve the sales experience for my clients?A. You need to humanize the sales experience. Once you learn to communicate in ways that relate to and reach they client, you regain your most distinguishing feature ? yourself. Shorten your presentations by focusing on the capabilities and solutions you can provide in the client's unique business environment. Learn to listen closely, catch key phrases, and hone in on their needs, not your own sales agenda. Incorporate business terms that are meaningful to the client in your dialogue.Q. Do you think the first meeting with a prospective client should be a fact-finding interview?A. That is one way of thinking about it. Keep in mind clients don't consider your products and services just for the heck of it. They either have a problem they need to fix or a result that must be achieved. The salesperson's job is to use questions to uncover their business challenges and concerns. The goal in the first meeting is to set the foundation to build a relationship.Q. When I'm presenting my high tech solution, how do I position it to come across persuasively so that the customer wants to purchase it?A. Don't simply explain what your product does and how it works. Present the value it brings to their business. For example, most salespeople would sell a high-speed internet connection that claims to be x times faster, rather than selling a solution that allows the client to process orders at a higher rate resulting in increased revenues. Demonstrate the benefits by linking back to how it will solve problems and achieve results.Amy Fox, Accelerated Business ResultsAbout The AuthorAmy Fox has designed and delivered sales training for Fortune 500 telecommunications and technology firms for companies such as Global Crossing Telecommunications, Cincinnati Bell, and Trivantis. Ms. Fox has taught M.B. A. courses at Xavier University on creating a coaching culture. Amy Fox founded Accelerated Business Results in 2003.amy.fox@acceleratedbr.com

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arrow right The 6 Secrets To Sales Success

There is no magic pill, trick, teqnique, system or secret to success. However there are many beliefs and habits that will bring you the desired results that you wish to have. It is your choice to develop the appropriate beliefs and habits that produce the results that you  wish to have. If you honestly are not happy with the results that you are having then you must change the actions, which are producing those results. The following are 6 of the habits, which I have found will rapidly accelerate your sales and income to heights, which only you will limit.The number one "secret" in order to boost you sales is Activity. There are 3 ways to increase your income in sales 1. Activity, 2. Closing ratio, and 3. Average job size. The easiest of these three ways is to increase your activity. You cannot sell jobs if you are not consistently delivering written Quotes and asking for the order. Many salespeople pre-judge, and pre-qualify (or disqualify) their prospects and never deliver the proposal, which will solve their potential clients needs. Many salespeople also deliver the proposal but then fail to ask for the order and close.The second "secret" is your Belief. You must have positive beliefs, and thoughts at all time. These beliefs will create the proper actions and habits. As Mike Litman (author of Conversations With Millionaires) says people form habits and habits form futures.The third "secret" thing you need to do is be Committed. You have to be committed to yourself, your product or service, your company, and above all your beliefs. If you choose to believe you can or believe you cannot, you are correct in both instances. You must be committed to consistently deliver a predetermined number of proposals each day, week, month, and year. Your number of sales will increase indirect proportion to the number of proposals you deliver. This must be done with what I call absolute "No Option Behavior". You must be committed 100% to deliver a proposal to every prospect you sit with and also to ask for the order from every prospect you give a proposal too.The fourth "secret" is Disipline.You must develop new disciplines, which will then produce new results. This should be done to all aspects of your life social.financial, professional, physical, and spiritual.The fifth "secret" is Enthusiasm. Always remember that the first thin a prospect must buy is you and that enthusiasm sells. You must avoid negative people, negative habits, and negative thoughts and constantly expose yourself to positive thinking.The sixth "secret" is Focus. You must have goals (the seventh "secret") and a plan to get there. When you have goals and focus on the little steps (habits and disciplines) you will receive all that you desire. You must focus on the results and outcomes and not on the process, it is just as easy to develop new disciplines and actions one step at a time then it is to continue with your old habits and disciplines that are producing results, which you are unhappy with.Happy selling!!!Tony PolaWeb site with Habits to increase sales and income, with free newsletter and coaching and services available.About The AuthorTony Pola was a $40,000 gross income self-employed painter less the ten yrs ago. He had the same problems a lot of you have, not enough time, not enough money, and not enough family time. He then turned to sales in order to increase his income. That is until he discovered the secrets to sales success and how to make a 6-figure income which he would like to share with you tpola@adelphia.net www.rapidsalesgrowth.com

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arrow right 3 Steps To Immediately Increase Sales

Want to increase sales within your company? It's not as hard to do as some might have you believe. Though we as a nation are in the midst of an economic downturn these past two years, your company does not have to be. What follows are three simple steps to increase sales,  no matter the economic conditions.1. Simplify your advertisingConsumers today are inundated daily with advertising campaigns and solicitations. Frankly, most of these advertising campaigns are not worth the money spent on them. Why? Because they continue to use the same methods as their competitors (direct-mail, billboards, internet advertising, television advertising, and radio advertising) and in the same manner. What has resulted is a society immune to "pitches", "angles", and "tricks" that get them to become consumers of your products. Some tips to simplifying your advertising:Avoid cliches. Most are overused anyway.Be better, not best. Most products are pitched as "the best" of their kind. Consumers don't always need the best, however. They just need products that are better than most.Less is more. Don't allow your message to become lost in the tidal wave of stimuli thrown at consumers. Shorter, succinct messages work well.2. Target the fewOnce you have begun to simply your advertising, focus your message on those few people who begin trends rather than follow them. Perhaps you have friends like this-they revel in finding new products to love. They enjoy having the "newest" product, the "coolest" ideas, the "different" gadgets. These types of consumers become walking billboards, and should be the focus of your advertising. They actually do most of the advertising work for you. Some tips:Know what makes your product better. Make it the theme of your advertising message.Know what makes your product different. Emphasize this.Worry less about those who are apathetic towards your products. Worry more about those that are extremely enthusiastic. Cater to them.3. Build the relationship rather than the saleBecoming a better salesman is easy: improve your relationship skills. Most consumers are looking for peace of mind rather than products anyway. Seek to first build trust and understanding in your relationships with consumers. There are over a dozen hair salons within five miles of my house, yet I always drive twenty minutes longer to get my hair cut each month. Why? Because I enjoy my relationship with the individuals that cut my hair at this particular shop. We talk, we laugh. I enjoy the experience. Thus, I return, even though it is over ten miles from my house, and somewhat inconvenient. I don't pay for the haircut as much as I do the relationship. Im a loyal consumer.Some tips:Focus on producing value more than selling products. Make quality products, hire quality people.Learn about your customers at every opportunityTalk price last, not first. If price is the determining factor for buying your product, you've lost control of the sales conversation. Focus instead on the consumers needs and wants, then seek to meet them.Copyright (2003) Leif H. Smith, Psy.D. All rights reserved.About The AuthorLeif Smith, Psy.D., President of Personal Best Consulting, has worked with hundreds of athletes, coaches, teams, and executives. He specializes in improving on-the-job performance and production.Subscribe to the free monthly newsletter,

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arrow right Secrets That Lead To Failure In Sales

Let's be realistic nobody really wants to be labeled a failure when it comes to sales, unfortunately many business minded people are just that when it comes to selling their product or service. I have gathered a few tips I'd like to share that can prevent you from  succeeding in sales and ultimately cost you your business.Based on my personal observations I've noticed one strong trait that is prevalent among people that are poor in sales, and that is a failure to adequately prepare to sale their product or service. They simply neglected to take the time to learn anything about their potential client or worse anything about their particular product or service. For instance, if the goal is to sell a particular cell phone model or plan to a consumer, it would be beneficial to learn as much as possible about that particular cell phone's features or what makes that cell phone plan special.If you're a salesperson that deals directly with clients then the best advice I can give is to simply listen. This may seem to contradict what I stated in the previous paragraph about knowing the features or highlights of your product or service but in reality it isn't. A successful salesperson will know everything about their merchandise they just won't reveal it until prompted by the consumer. They know how to avoid giving out information that has no chance of closing the sell and they definitely avoid information that could prove fatal to the sale. Instead they listen to their client speak and pick up on certain phrases that express needs, wants or desires. Real estate agents are great at listening and then pouncing on the sale. In many cases a great real estate agent won't discuss prices until the potential buyer of the house has accidentally revealed how much they would be willing to pay for a house based on the current asking price. It's part of human nature to want to boast about how much you can afford to pay even if you don't really want to ever get that high. Once this information is revealed the real estate agent has a duty to inform the seller he/she represents and the rest is history or at least a nice commission check for the agent.Failure in sales can also be a result of allowing a prospect to completely dominate the entire sales process. There are instances where this gets so out of hand that the salesperson actually ends up purchasing something from the client instead. Don't be that salesperson, as it won't make you wealthy anytime soon. Another error made by inexperienced salespeople is the failure to ask for the sale. More often then not a poor salesperson will simply never ask to close the deal even after winning the prospect over with the sales pitch. Failure to develop this crucial skill will doom a promising career in sales before it even gets off the ground.Finally a successful salesperson always continues to beat the street looking for new customers. A sales person destined for failure will ignore this important task when things seem to be going good on the sales front. Unfortunately once the current sales spree is over there are no clients left to approach based on failing to continue to prospect. A hungry salesperson is often a successful salesperson.Timothy Gorman is a successful salesperson, webmaster and publisher of Best-Free-Insurance-Quotes.com. He provides free insurance information and offers discount auto, life and home insurance that you can research in your pajamas on his website.Other websites operated by TimCellular-Phone-Solutions.com - Free information and resources regarding cell phones and cell phone plans. Military-Loans-Online.com ? Which provides free money saving loan quotes on all of your loan needs to include home equity loan information.

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arrow right Resistance Training for Sales People

What was the quickest rejection you ever got? 2 minutes into your call? 1 minute? 15 seconds, 3 seconds?Resistance comes in many forms in sales. Buyers may resist from the beginning of the presentation to the very end. And yet by using some simple steps we can reduce this  resistance to increase our sales performance.Here's an analogy: many people exercise using resistance training. It's good for you. Encountering resistance during the sales process can also be good for you. It lets you work your sales muscles, enabling you to become a stronger sales person. Too much resistance may not help you achieve your goals, though. Plan for resistance in advance and you can help eliminate or reduce it.Create a planned presentation that takes into account, step by step, all concerns and objectives your prospects may have. Look at every point in the sales process. Examine them and look for ways to make it easy for a prospect to say "yes" to you. Here, then, are 12 steps to decrease resistance and increase sales:1. Sound confident. Your voice gives you away. Your voice is an emotional barometer. If you're not comfortable, your prospects will hear it in your voice. There's a hesitancy, a slight stutter or stumble when we're not confident. Your confidence will give your prospects confidence to do business with you.2. Rehearse names beforehand. Nothing says I don't know you faster than a fumbled name.3. Do your homework. The number one complaint buyers have about sales people is that they don't know enough about the targeted buyer or even their own products. There are lots of ways to research. Check the company's website, look at their printed materials, and do a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Use Humor to Increase Sales

Using cartoons can help brand your marketing and drive home important messages. Although surprisingly inexpensive to acquire, humor can be one of your most powerful marketing tools.Humor puts your readers at ease. Readers appreciate a touch of humor in an otherwise overly  serious world.Humor operates on an emotional level, driving home your message in a far more memorable way than words alone. Humor makes sensitive topics more approachable while summarizing and reinforcing points that would otherwise be lost.Different types of humor work best in different contexts. Many speakers begin with a joke to put the audience at ease, or a story about 'a funny thing that happened on the way to the meeting.'But jokes and stories are less appropriate for written communications. Jokes can be misinterpreted and depend on delivery and timing for their effectiveness. Stories can take too long to tell.Cartoons are perfect for print communications. Readers who typically check them out before reading the adjacent articles appreciate cartoons.More important, cartoons communicate at a glance. A cartoon can attract your reader's attention and drive home an important point in a memorable way.The editorial page of any newspaper shows how effective humor can be in simplifying complex subjects and driving home a point of view.Humor also adds a visual dimension to your marketing, differentiating your message from your competitor's. Cartoons encourage readers to look at topics they might otherwise skip.Where do you get cartoons? One of the best sources is the Cartoon Bank, www.cartoonbank.com. Here, you can license reproduction rights to cartoons that originally appeared in the New Yorker Magazine.You can select from tens of thousands of cartoons. You can search by topic or keyword. After choosing an appropriate cartoon, you can find out how much it will cost to license it, and then you can download it.Licensing fees are surprisingly reasonable for most business applications. For example, you can license New Yorker cartoons for use in presentations for just $19.95! For other purposes, the cost depends on where you're going to use it and how many people will see it.There are, of course, other sources of cartoons. If you see a cartoon you like in a newspaper or magazine, write the cartoonist in care of the publication and ask about availability and pricing. If there is a particular cartoonist whose style you like, contact the cartoonist about a custom cartoon.This has worked very well for me and I owned total rights to use the cartoon any way I wanted.Cartoons are great for the home page of your website, newsletters, training materials and presentation visuals.In each case, the unexpectedness of a cartoon immediately captures your audience or reader's attention and visually reinforces your message.Here are some suggestions for marketing with cartoons:1. When in doubt, leave it out. If the cartoon does not perfectly support your point, leave it out.2. Always add the copyright information described in the licensing agreement.3. Never run a cartoon without first obtaining a license to reproduce it.4. Optimization. After downloading, resize and sharpen the cartoon in an image-editing program like Photoshop and export it in the proper file format.Using humor in the form of cartoons is a powerful way to brand your marketing and drive home important messages to your prospects and clients.About The AuthorRoger C. Parker is the $32,000,000 author with over 1.6 million books in print. Do you make these marketing and design mistakes? Find out at www.gmarketing-design.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Effective Account Management

Congratulations! You successfully sold one or more of your company's products or services to a business unit, department, or division of a large organization. Now your manager has tasked you with "account management". If you are not already familiar with account management,  you are probably asking yourself the following questions:  What is

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Achieve Sales Goals by Focusing on Activities

When I broke into sales in 1986, I read several books that talked about how important it was to set goals if you wanted to achieve success. I bought into the idea completely and started writing down extensive lists of goals that I expected to achieve, along with due dates  for each goal. Per the advice in the books, I made my goals nice and lofty. You know, make a six-figure income, buy lots of nice toys, go on fabulous vacations, that kind of stuff. And, every day, several times a day, I visualized what my life would be like after I had achieved my goals.So, how much impact did those goal-setting and visualization exercises have on my performance? None - nada - zero - zilch! During the next two years I didn't come close to achieving any of my goals! In fact, I wasn't even making enough money to pay my bills. I had to keep tapping credit cards to make ends meet, and I was going further and further into debt.I finally became so disgusted that I threw away the books and tore up my pages of written goals. I decided that, from that point on, I would focus on my daily activities. In other words, I would work hard to do the right things at the right time, each and every day. If I accomplished that, I figured that I would at least be able to pay my bills and not go any further into debt.I became a fanatic about prioritizing my activities. I would ask myself at least 20 times a day,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Closing The Sale

So -- you've just gotten off of the phone with a potential client. You've explained what you do and how you can help them -- and they still didn't end up hiring you. Where did you go wrong? You are EXPERIENCED, you are professional -- and yet you seem to have a hard time  turning those leads into paying clients. Perhaps you are approaching the situation from the wrong perspective. Maybe you are focusing too much on the sale and not enough on the potential for a RELATIONSHIP with this person.Your goal during the "selling" phase is not to show off how wonderful you are -- it's to develop a rapport with the other person, to express some EMPATHY for their situation, and to help find a SOLUTION to the problem at hand. And along the way, you will need to educate the client about the benefits you have to offer if you ever hope to make a sale. So let's focus on a few tricks for making yourself seem valuable to the client (the only way I've found to really

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Dramatically Increase Sales With The KISS Test

We've all heard the term KISS at one time or another - "Keep It Simple, Stupid." However, the majority of salespeople violate this basic principle more often than not.Let me start with some examples of what I'm talking about. At one position I held, I sat next to someone  who could have been a top salesperson. He and I both operated much the same in that rather than cold call, we ran our own personal marketing programs to generate leads and simply took the calls that came in as a result. The problem is what he did with the calls. When someone called me, ready to buy, I immediately went into closing the deal and making arrangements to either come out with the paperwork or to fax it over. He, on the other hand, went into a full-length company story and a lot of other information that he absolutely should not tell a qualified prospect unless they ask for it. The end result is that people who called ready to sign up for one of our services lost interest and didn't buy anything at all.Another example is what happens every time I try to make a business purchase. Here I am, saying

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...