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arrow right Top 7 Psychological Triggers For Unlimited Sales

Did you know that there are specific psychological triggers you can use to influence the decisions of peoples and persuade them to buy what you are selling?By knowing and using these psychological triggers you will have an edge on your competitions and make more sales in  the process.Here are 7 psychological triggers you can start using in your sales letter today!Psychological trigger #1: BE SPECIFICIt's important to be as specific as possible. Why! Because it make your information more believable and credible. For example: Don't say that you are in your late twenties, say that you are 28 years old or 29. Be specific! Don't be vague!Psychological trigger #2: CURIOSITYWe are all curious! It's human nature! So, we need to used this trigger to attract more peoples to see or read what we have to offer them. For example:

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arrow right TheTop 10 Reasons Why Salespeople Get Outsold

In my business, it has been an interesting and very busy two quarters. I've worked with sales managers, marketing executives, professional services practice managers, business development executives, divisional presidents, two dozen sales teams, nine VPs of Sales and  directly with 29 CEOs in North America and in Europe. I've seen a lot of deals won and more than a few lost.When I first meet my clients, I find that some really do not know why they have won or lost business, although often they think they do. Their answers to just a few of my questions provides me with a pretty good idea of where to dig in more deeply. (Note: For me to perform a comprehensive diagnosis and provide appropriate recommendations for improvement, a formal win/loss analysis is required.)In order to help you diagnose why you may have lost one or more deals, I am sharing with you in Letterman-style reverse order, the top ten reasons that salespeople (generally those employed by my clients' competitors) got outsold during the first part of 2003:? #10. They are depending on capabilities of their product or service to win. This is a prevalent cause of losing. Deals have been lost this way for years and will continue to be lost in the future, unless salespeople begin to understand the critical trap they are stepping into if they assume this strategy. I don't know of too many companies these days that truly have a unique enough product or service that they can depend on that offering to win. And even if they do have that truly unique product, it doesn't take a desperate competitor very long to convey to their market that they have greater capability and a lower price. Once that happens, you're in a capabilities

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arrow right One Simple Persuasion Secret That Will Blow The Roof Off Your Sales

The next time you're shopping for clothes in a department store, take a closer look at the price tags. You'll probably notice that each price tag starts with one price, but then counters with another. They say, "Was $60, Now $30," or, "Regular Price $69.99,  Our Price $49.99."These stores are taking advantage of an incredibly effective persuasion technique called "psychological sequencing." By sequencing the order in which offers are presented, psychologists have found that marketing and salespeople can get customers to purchase more products at a faster rate.You can use the same process to make a huge impact on your sales. This article focuses on exactly how to do it.The Psychology of Sequencing Have you ever put your finger into freezing cold water and then put the same finger into slightly cool water? What happens? After putting your finger into the freezing cold water, it provides a "sequencing effect," and the slightly cool water actually feels warm. Your perception has changed.You can use a similar process to make more money. Infomercials, for example, tell us, "You'd think that this wonderful product would cost $200 or $300, but we're offering it to you today for only $29.99."Grocery stores use psychological sequencing to easily make more money. They place price tags next to food items saying, "$4.95-or $3.00 With Your Highlander Plus Card)."Direct mail experts have learned how to maximize profits by sequencing their messages. They say, "How much would you like to donate? __ $100 __$75 __$50 __$25." Research shows that this strategy increases the amount of money people are willing to donate.How to Use Sequencing to Blow the Roof off Your Profits There's an important lesson in all of these examples: You can dramatically increase you sales once you get good at applying the principle of psychological sequencing.If you want to immediately begin profiting from the power of psychological sequencing, start with the following three steps:1. Start high and work your way down. If you sell televisions, for example, start your presentation by encouraging customers to look at your more expensive TVs first. Say to them, "Let's start by looking at some of the more high-end TVs so you can get a feel for all of the features offered." Why should you start with the expensive items? After looking at the $1,500 TVs, the $800 TVs seem more affordable. As a result, the customer is more likely to buy, and he is also more likely to buy a more expensive TV.2. Be creative with the way that you sequence. I have an auto mechanic who makes me feel good about giving him money. If he has to call and tell me that I need costly new rear brakes, he jokingly says, "Scott, you need a new engine and transmission." After taking my breath away, he says, "I'm just kidding, Scott, you really only need rear brakes." I think, "Wow, what a relief, I just need the brakes."3. Make psychological sequencing permanent. Do you want to consistently make more money? Find a way to make psychological sequencing a permanent part of your presentations. Each offer should provide your customers with a comparison to another price or product that makes your offer look like the best deal.Scott Moldenhauer is considered an expert on consumer behavior and persuasion. In addition to his speaking and consulting engagements, he has taught persuasion at the University of Arizona and the University of Phoenix. For more free information on the psychology of persuasion, visit http://www.persuasionconsultants.com.

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arrow right Increase Your Sales Without Spending Another Cent

Many home business owners lament they don't have enough cash to pay for online advertising to propel their business forward. Before slipping down this foolhardy slope, make sure you are being the best you can be and doing the best with what you already have.By ensuring you  have the following attitudes and personal behaviors it is possible to increase your retail sales without spending another cent!1. Stop thinking about making a sale. Would you respond negatively to someone who genuinely cares about helping you find a solution to a problem? Probably not. Your prospects are the same. Stop looking to make a sale, and start looking for people who have a problem that your product can fix. Once you have found them, still don't think about the sale but rather concentrate on helping solve their problem. The sales will follow.2. Care for people more than caring to take their money. Call your customers regularly to see if they are getting the results they hoped for from their products. If there are minor problems you can fix them before they turn into something major. Don't let your primary reason for calling be to ask for a reorder.3. Use your products yourself. Develop your own irrefutable product testimony. This will increase your confidence in your products and this will positively influence your prospects without you realising it. If you don't use your products you won't have the same level of belief and your customers will know this no matter how much you try to project otherwise. Needless to say it is business suicide if you use your competitor's products!4. Teach your customers to shift their current spending to your products. You can do this with practically any product range. If your prospect has a need it is likely they have tried something else to fulfil that need. If it hasn't worked, they are probably still spending hard earned money trying to solve the problem. Once you have discovered this it is not difficult to show your prospect how to channel that money into a better solution. If you offer a money back guarantee, then the customer has nothing to lose in purchasing your products.5. Build your own list of testimonies. Bulletproof your confidence by building a continual and endless supply of testimonies about your products. Everyone has an opinion but it does not mean they are right! Be strong enough to be gentle and withstand people's criticism. If you have a strong personal product result AND you have heard other people's product results you will quickly reject any criticism of the products, as you KNOW they work well. Don't dwell on it, move on and don't allow this to affect your thinking.6. Work harder on yourself than on your business. Many people try to control results without looking at the underlying chain reaction that leads to results. That is: thinking, feelings, activity, habits and then results - in that order. If there is something wrong with your sales volume then very likely you have something wrong with your thinking. Stinking thinking will lead to bad feelings, less activity, certainly you won't develop successful habits and your results will be less than spectacular. This is the hardest, yet most important part of your sales process. To change your results you will need to identify where you are letting yourself down with your thinking, then be honest with yourself and fix it! Then watch your business grow.(c) Copyright Kim BeardsmoreKim Beardsmore is a distributor for an established MLM company that operates in 59 countries. Built upon 25 years experience, and a proven business system, this is

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arrow right Do You Have to Be Aggressive to Make Sales?

A few weeks ago I was onsite at a company that had hired me to train their sales team on how to stop using traditional selling and start using the Unlock The Game? sales approach.After one coaching session, one member of the sales team came up to me and said, "Ari, your  approach makes complete sense -- but I'm afraid I'll lose sales if I stop being aggressive and start being passive!

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arrow right Increase Sales - Overcoming Barriers

Ever thought to yourself, "If only my team members would complete the tasks that we mutually agreed to in our action plan."Most managers have felt this way about certain employees at some point in time.Let's face it, some employees have a very hard time consistently  executing tasks that

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arrow right 10 Blockbuster Ways To Ignite Your Sales

1. Sign-up to win web site awards. When you win, some award sites publish your web site link, name and description on their site.2. Join online business associations or clubs. If you join, they will usually list all their members on their web site. It will give your  business extra exposure.3. Utilize a simple form of viral marketing. Write or have someone else write a small report with your ad included on it and allow others to give it away.4. Improve your business by promoting customer feedback. Tell them you want their honest opinions about your business, good or bad.5. Design your packaging so it sells your products. Utilize colors and lettering that make your product more attractive to your prospects.6. Compare your product's guarantee to your main competitors. Find a niche were your can design your guarantee to be more powerful.7. Try not to assume your audience understands everything in your ad copy. If you have words they may not know the meaning to, define them.8. Build alliances with other online businesses. You could trade links or ads, create joint venture deals, cross promote your products, etc.9. Design your web site to be a valuable resource for people. Include original content, links to other interesting web sites, ebooks, software, etc.10. Compete with the highly branded businesses by practicing good customers service, strong product quality and speedy service.Steve Li is the webmaster of http://pushbuttonincomes.com. You can read more articles like this by subscribing to his twice-weekly Newsletter. Send a blank email to: pushbutton@pushbuttonincomes.com get a free course

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arrow right Grrr! Why Arent I Making SALES?!

Selling online can be very difficult, more difficult than in the 3D world because you do not get any personal contact with your customer. People cannot just browse like they do in a store, they cannot offer feedback, and it is hard to build and maintain trust throughout the  entire online sales process. What compounds this difficulty is the fact that most online marketers have absolutely no experience in the field of advertising and sales.Evaluate Your Sales Process There are many aspects that effect your sales process online and it is possible to track the effectiveness at each stage:Phase 1 is your advertising. The first step is just to get people to your site.To measure your traffic you must have some kind of statistics for either your web site or integrated with the ads you place, such as ad tracker URL's.If you can't get people to your site, you must alter your advertising methods or, more likely, your ad copy, there is no way around it. Whether you are using free or paid advertising, a good ad will get clicks (at least some). Remember that no matter how good an ad looks to you, if it doesn't do it's job, it is useless. Keep a log of the ads you place along with where and when; don't use ads that do not produce results once they have been given a fair chance.If your ads never seem to draw visitors, make improving your ad writing skills a priority right away. Today there are many resources available to help you learn to write a better ad, including ebooks, live personal ad writing workshops and ad writing seminars.To be sure that WHERE you are advertising is not the problem, it is best to get recommendations from other online marketers for advertising sites and tools that produce results. This will save you the time and frustration of trying them all out for yourself. It will also allow you to stay focused on your offer rather than spending your time searching for ways to promote it.Look for recommendations in marketing chat rooms and ask for their results or find a reputable marketing information site that will give you plenty of free information along with their proven recommendations.Affiliates without control over their web site need to pay special attention to getting traffic. Presumably the offer you are selling includes a web page that sells, after all it sold you.If you find that you are driving targeted traffic (not just click exchange hits) to your affiliate site, but not making any sales, you need to reconsider your offer: does it really have such a wide public appeal? Maybe new competition has arisen that has made your offer less of a value? Have you given people enough time to consider your offer and have you followed up? Be objective.Phase 2 is your web site copy and navigation. Are people coming to your site and looking around, or do they click away immediately?To find out, it is best to have web sites statistics that include the path visitors take once they get to your site, but you can get an idea about this by studying your web site statistics even if they do not provide this type of information. You know which page(s) you are promoting, are people looking at other pages as well?If not, you must alter your web site copy, design or navigation. There are several places now where you can have your web site reviewed for free by other internet marketers. This can be very valuable information; learn from it to build a site that makes visitors feel confident enough to buy from you.Also, be sure to send prospects directly to the page that contains the information you promise in your ad, it will make their visit quick, effective, and memorable. If you advertise a particluar product, send them to that page directly, rather than landing them on your home page and trusting that they will navigate to where you want them to be.Affiliates can experiment with sending prospects to pages other than the main page (if provided) to see if that makes any difference in their sales ratio.Phase 3 would be your order process. Are people looking around, going to the order page and then leaving?Here again, you need comprehensive web site statistics. If you do not have site paths statistics, pay close attention to the number of hits each of your pages receive. If you see that many people go to the order page, but do not buy, you will have to either rewrite your text to clear up misunderstanding, lower your price, display payment options more clearly, or implement some other change that makes the ordering process quicker and easier.Try to capture email addresses with a contest, free product, report or newsletter so that you can follow up with potential customers.Of course, affiliates would have no control over the ordering process with a replicated site. I think this is important, so I will say it again: If you find that you are driving targeted traffic (not just click exchange hits) to your affiliate site, but not making any sales, you need to reconsider your offer: does it really have such a wide public appeal? Maybe new competition has arisen that has made your product less of a value? Have you given people enough time to consider your offer and have you followed up? Be objective!Don't Guess! When you are having trouble generating sales, you need to track all of your activity (and the activities of your visitors) to pinpoint where the trouble lies. Only then will you know where you need to make changes. Without this kind of information, you are just guessing and that could be worse than leaving it alone.Cathy Wagner, online business expert and owner of onestopinternetbusiness.com, will help you reach your goals faster with hands-on marketing guidance and support, personalized for you own unique business. You can save hundreds of dollars and countless hours of frustration when you know how to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls.

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arrow right Sales Skills are Life Skills

I love the art of selling. LOVE IT. When I first entered the field of sales, the one thing I quickly grew to appreciate was the fact that anything I did to increase my ability in selling also increased my ability in life. Sales skills are life skills."There's a born  salesman!" I have yet to read, or hear on the evening news, of a lady who gave birth to a sales person. Or an attorney, or doctor, or for that matter an embezzler or swindler. Birth is given to boys and girls; everything after that is by choices made and skills that are learned. And sales skills are life skills."I am not ever going to be in sales!" Really? If you have ever been in a conversation in which you were trying to express an opinion or influence an event, then you were selling. The truth is that everyone is constantly trying to sell an idea, belief, proposition, opinion, or a goal. You use sales skills throughout the day, everyday. With your spouse, your kids, your peers, your neighbor, your parents, at the store, at the bank, at your church, when you buy a car or a house, or when you simply go out to dinner. Sales skills are life skills.There is not an area of your life where sales skills cannot be a benefit. Teachers use sales skills. Preachers use sales skills. Police officers use sales skills. Mother Teresa used sales skills. Regardless of what you do, sales skills will improve your probability for success at motivating, instructing, encouraging, coaching, communicating with and reaching people. Sales skills are life skills.In fact, every successful person is good at selling himself or herself.Truly successful sales people have great listening skills. (Although my wife often questions mine!) Unfortunately, the image of a good sales person is a slick talking person who could sell ice to an Eskimo. However, just the opposite is true. The professional sales person wouldn't sell ice to an Eskimo unless that ice was wanted and needed. And that would be determined through a series of questions and keen listening to determine the need. In fact, a true professional sales person will listen over three times as much as they will talk! (Again, my wife may disagree but it is true!) Sales skills are life skills.There is not a single person in an organization that does not have an opportunity to sell for their organization. It is for that reason that I believe everyone in an organization should receive some training in sales skills. It takes very few positive results to more than pay for the investment! Think about the tremendous upside. Not only do you dramatically increase the potential of your sales force, but your employee's confidence, attitude, and motivation greatly increases. Sales skills are life skills.How to ask questions, listen intently, clarify a position or opinion, present a view, deal with objections, and reach a successful conclusion for all involved is the art of sales. What is there not to like and which of those skills do you not want to get better at and use throughout your daily life?Have I mentioned that sales skills are life skills?Shawn Lacagnina, of Smoothstone Consulting, helps people understand how to work more effectively together through consulting, training, coaching, and public speaking. His passion is sharing real world skills that not only affect the bottom line of organizations, but change people's lives. Prior to Smoothstone, Shawn was the CEO of Triad USA Marketing Group, Inc. for over eleven years.

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arrow right 7 Ways to Get to the Truth: When the Sale Disappears

Based on his most recent e-mail, "Everything looks good -- I'll get back to you so we can move this forward"--everything points to a probable sale. You feel so relaxed, happy, and hopeful. Then a couple of days go by with no phone call or e-mail. You tell yourself, "He's  probably busy. I know he'll get in touch tomorrow.

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arrow right 10 Ways To Improve Your Sales

1. Determine your current situation. How are you currently positioned in the market? How do you compare to the competition? Where would you like to be in a Year or in five years and how would you like to get there? Or more appropriately how can you get there, as it is not  always the way that you want that works. Planning requires that you understand how you currently stand.2. Calculate your operational budget and determine how much you can afford to spend on an Ad campaign. Also, this is the stage to decide your campaign mediums and the effectiveness of different mediums of advertising as it applies to the specific nature of your product and or services. It also helps to retain a percentage of your earnings towards future Ad campaign on an ongoing basis.3. Since customers are the life-blood of any business, be sure to develop a good rapport with your customers. To keep your customers visiting, buying and begging for more; let them know how much you appreciate their business. Do not spare any personal touch you can invest in the relationship. It will pay for your time and effort tenfold. Create an Ezine to communicate with your customers and to generate new leads. This can be achieved by offering an opportunity to your visitors to subscribe to your ezine from your website or purchasing leads from a leads company.4. Now, depending on your current position, you may not even have customers yet. If you are starting from scratch, your first order of business would be to start growing a customer base within your budget of course. Create or have a Strong Sales Copy done for your promotions. Consider targeted Ad campaigns through Google or other search engines. You may also consider some of the other 'Viral' marketing Traffic Exchanges out there. Online campaigns consist of generating traffic to your website as this would improve your ranking with the traffic exchanges. Your ultimate goal is to generate free traffic which comes from a high ranking in the traffic exchanges. In other words, you need to generate traffic first and then you can work on converting the traffic into buying customers or better yet, return customers.5. Hire, rent, or buy a coach/mentor; and if you can not afford one, get some of the informative ebooks and magazines out there. Your decision making prowess would be much better with this kind of backbone. Take note that even with all the information you may acquire from books and magazines, nothing compares to experience. Now, if you have to go on your experience then you are setting yourself up to learn the hard and costly way.6. I hope you are getting warmed up by now. This one is a must-do for all Internet marketers. I am talking about Forum participation and membership. In fact, this whole article could have been written around link promotion, and only one other means compares to Forums when it comes to promoting your link/website and increasing your ranking. Join a Forum that concerns your line of business. The Forum would promote your link as a result of your participation in discussions and postings. The flip side is that it also provides you for free, knowledge base that compares to hiring a mentor.7. Position your business to benefit from other webmasters traffic. There are several ways to achieve this. The most prominent is link exchanges with other websites that are similar or complementary in nature to your business. You can do this by writing to the owner or webmaster of other sites, you can buy a link exchange program or join a link exchange. Most are free to join and some charge very minimal fees.8. As your customer base grows and you start to reap the benefits of your actions. Be sure to acquire an Auto-responder to manage email campaigns and Ezine delivery. By now, your actions should start to show returns and you can complement your campaigns by purchasing a leads building campaign if you do not have one in place from the start. It is common knowledge among the big hitters that a lot of sales come from email campaigns. Use your Sales copy Ad to develop an email campaign, and stay in touch with your existing customers. This can also be used to sell new subscribers you generated using step#3.9. Is your head spinning yet? Well if it is, you are on the right track for success and should now learn to relax and balance work and social responsibilities. This is a very crucial step to achieving anything in life. We all need to step back a little, so we can see more, refresh and increase performance. Everything contained here would be useless if you can not find balance. As you find relaxation, in whatever way you choose, remember to build a support system and share your experiences with acquaintances. You just might increase your network while doing something that relaxes you. The country club offers recreation and relaxation but, it also comes with networking opportunities.10. At this point you should evaluate your performance and how much you are on Target or off. Go back to step #1 and reinvent the wheel again. By now you have some experience with your business and know what works best for your business. If at any point you find yourself too comfortable, go over your business plans with a fine toothcomb until you experience a little discomfort. This step would always keep you sharp, focused, and abreast of what needs improvement and adjustment. Remember, your goal is to increase sales and not to get too comfortable. Stay motivated and fairly dissatisfied.Robert Kempster is a fairly recent entrant into the Internet Home Biz Club. Background spans Computer Programming, Real Estate (former COO), and a EMBA drop-out. A regular person. 6 Figure Income on a $79.90 shoe-string budget http://www.ProfitCentral.biz

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arrow right Increase Your Sales in 5 Minutes

Increase your sales-in five minutes. This article is the third in a series of five articles probing the five critical points influencing how you find a steady stream of customer for your business.Customers Buy BenefitsYou want more sales? Customers buy for one reason. They  buy because your product or service has a benefit they want. Telling your customer your product has a 10 year warranty is a product feature. Telling them that in over 400 roofing jobs last year, there were no leaks, no call backs and no broken tile is selling the benefits your customer wants. Sell customer benefits and you will increase your sales.Why You Sell FeaturesBottom line, selling features is easier. Features are the visible things you see about products and services. Features are the things you see, touch, feel and smell.Selling features is your self-interest. The products and services are your life-blood. You live with them every day. You know them inside and out. You love talking about them!Identifying the benefits each customer wants it tough work. Customers are unique. Each buys for his or her own reason. It is easier to talk about common product features rather than uncover unique customer benefits.Your Five Minute Exercise to More Sales!The five minute exercise is called "SO WHAT." When you complete this exercise, you will change your from selling product features to selling customer benefits. Remember, customer benefits are what sell! Here is how it works.You create a five minute dialogue between a pretend customer and yourself. It's important to speak this conversation out loud. Start with one of your most popular business features. Explain the feature to your pretend customer. Then listen as the customer says, "so what?" Now answer the customer's so what question. Then listen as the customer says, "so what?" to your response. Again answer the customer's so what question. The customer again responds with a "so what" question. Keep doing this dialogue until the customer no longer asks you a "so what?" question.Now, you have identified a customer benefit!Check Out This ExampleThis is how an insurance agent used the exercise. I asked him, "What distinguishes you from other agents?" He told me, "I find the cheapest and best policy for my customers." I responded, "So what?"He said, "Well, unlike other agents, I customize each policy for my customer." I said, "So what".He answered, "As part of my program, I promise to keep my customer informed about any policies changes that may benefit them in the future. " I asked "So what".He responded, "The customer has the security of knowing that they have the best program and best costs for their insurance." I said, "So you are guaranteeing me that I can go to bed at night and not worry that I am paying too much for my insurance?""Exactly," he exclaimed, "That is the security I provide each customer with my insurance program!"By using the SO WHAT exercise, the agent moved from selling the "cheapest rates" (business feature) to providing the customer the security of knowing he will always have the best rates (customer benefit).Which agent would you buy from; the one with the cheapest rate or the one that provided you with security about your rate and policy?ConclusionNow, you have a simple way to make more money by improving your sales at no additional costs! Use the SO WHAT dialogue with each of your business features and start selling customer benefits. For a special report that shows how the five critical pieces work together in getting more customers for your business, Send an email to al@hanzal.com with subject line, "Special Report."Copyright Al Hanzal, 2004. All Rights ReservedAbout The AuthorCustomers have been using Al Hanzal's materials to improve their sales and marketing skills.al@hanzal.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Generate Sales with Lead Generation Marketing Tools

One of the best projects to undertake as an online marketer is to master the art of generating sales from your warm market contacts. A warm market is simply people who have already been exposed to your business and marketing plan. It can be described as "breaking the  ice" with your potential customers. The best way to generate a warm market is with lead generation marketing tools.A marketing tool is a tool that people use to create what we call lead prosperity. If you are not in lead prosperity, you are not making money with your online business. With lead generation marketing tools you may decide to create several lead capture pages which are designed to generate interest from prospects on your business. The pages will contain a place to enter their contact information i.e. (name, telephone number, and email). This is also called a lead capture form.After the information is filled out on the lead capture form, the individual is redirected to a URL that contains your main site. This sounds very easy to do, and it is, however when marketing online, most opportunities have a lack of effective lead capture systems and worse, a lack of professional presentations.The goal is to seek powerful lead generation marketing tools and presentations that capture leads and allow proper follow-up no matter the opportunity presented. Seek out professional designers and ad copy writing services that can create professional lead capture pages and the software to manage it all. Also conduct follow-up marketing with the Auto responder systems that follows up with every lead that fills out your capture page. Next, search for a robust prospect manager to properly manage your hot-response leads.Remember, your warm market is created as soon as the prospect enters their information on your lead generation page. You should experience an increase in sales from using this marketing approach.About The AuthorErick Shipmon has been a Internet Marketer Since 1997. His website http://www.workathomebasedbiz.com uses a new revolutionary concept that includes lead generation and other advanced marketing techniques in a easy to use turnkey system that generates online profits.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Invite Questions to Boost Your Sales

Do you invite your prospective customers to ask questions ...or do you try to avoid getting questions from them? You're walking away from a lot of easy sales if you don't encourage prospects to ask questions.1. Prospects Who Ask Questions Are Usually Ready To BuyProspective  customers who take the time to ask questions usually have a high level of interest in your product or service. By asking questions they identify themselves as likely buyers.A prompt and complete answer to their question along with a gentle reminder of the benefits they will get is usually all it takes to close the sale.Tip: Make it easy for prospects to ask questions when they are at your web site or in other selling situations where there is no personal contact. For example, list your phone number or an email address they can use for questions.2. Set up A Procedure for Managing QuestionsAnswering questions from prospects does not have to take a lot of your time. Many of the same questions will be repeated over and over again. But you only have to answer each question once ...if you save the answer to each question to a permanent file.Every time you get the same question again, just copy the answer from your saved file into your reply - and customize it appropriately. You will be able to answer questions quickly. And you will impress prospects with your promptness and personal attention.3. Always Reply PromptlyAnswer questions promptly. Your prospect's level of interest and your chances of getting the sale will decline as time passes without a reply. Prospects are also likely to judge your commitment to serving customers by how long they waited to get the answer to their question.Tip: If you find yourself personally answering a lot of questions, add a Questions and Answers page to your web site - or to your printed sales material. Include the answers to your most frequently asked questions. This reduces the number of questions you have to answer individually.4. Take Advantage of the Selling OpportunityPeople tend to pay close attention to what you say when you answer a specific question they asked. Take advantage of this. Don't just answer their question. Include a reason for them to buy as part of your answer.For example, a typical question may be whether or not your product or service applies to the questioner's situation. If it does, expand your answer to remind them of the specific benefits they will get. Then tell them exactly how to order it so they can get those benefits immediately.Remember, prospective customers who ask questions are usually close to buying. A gentle nudge from you will often get them to take action. Provide that nudge when you answer their question.Many businesses try to avoid questions from their prospects and customers. They are making an expensive mistake. Answering questions from prospects and customers is a highly effective and very low-cost way to boost sales.Copyright 2005 Bob LeducBob Leduc spent 20 years helping businesses like yours find new customers and increase sales. He just released a New Edition of his manual, How To Build Your Small Business Fast With Simple Postcards ...and launched *BizTips from Bob*, a newsletter to help small businesses grow and prosper. You'll find his low-cost marketing methods at: http://BobLeduc.com or call: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales Lessons from Bob Vila

There's more to what he does than meets the eyeWith so many different programs, and reruns and re-packaging of older programs, we can assume there are few people on the planet who do not know about Bob Vila. Starting with the original "This Ol' House" programs on PBS in

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...