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arrow right Six Simple Steps to Increase Sales and Decrease Stress

Have you ever found a lead on a scrap of paper after the prospect purchased from your competition? Are you spending time recreating proposals because you can't find a similar one you wrote a few months ago? Do you run out of the door for an appointment at the last minute  because you couldn't find the brochures you really wanted to take? Are you feeling overwhelmed? If so, here are six simple steps to help you increase sales and decrease stress:1. Make a date with yourself for getting your act together. Plan a minimum of three hours when there will be no interruptions. Decide on a reward for yourself when you're finished! Do anything you can to reduce your stress during the process ? put on music, grab your favorite beverage, and get plenty of trash bags and recycling bins!2. Take everything off your desk except what you must have or do. (A photograph or memento that reminds you of the reason you work is definitely OK!) Practice The Art of Wastebasketry?. Research shows that 80 percent of what you keep you never use! Tossing or keeping is not a moral issue, but it is a practical one! So how do you decide what to keep? Ask "What's the worst thing that could happen if I didn't have this piece of paper?" If you can live with the results of your answer, toss it or recycle it..3. Get the right tools for your business. Half of any job is using the right tool! Put three trays on your desk: (1) In, (2) Out, (3) File. "In" is for new mail ? papers you have not yet looked at. "Out" is for items that need to go elsewhere, such as the post office, or to another room. "File" is for papers you need to file outside the reach of where you sit. Eliminate paper whenever you can with electronic tools, such as a contact management program and a financial management program. If you have difficulty finding your electronic files, check out www.Enfish.com.4. Implement The FAT System?: File, Act or Toss. Clutter is postponed decisions?. The good news? There are only decisions you can make about what to do with any piece of paper: (1) File it in a Reference File in case you need it in the future, (2) Act on it immediately or in the near future, (3) Toss ? or recycle ? it.5. Create an Action Filing System. Look at each piece of paper on your desk. Is the ball in your court to do this? That's an Action File. Action Files come in two varieties: 1) Temporary -- tasks that have to be done once, and will come to an end, such as "Annual Review." Sort these by date or by project name in your most accessible desk drawer. 2) Permanent -- tasks that you do over and over again, such as "Prospects to Call," "Calls Expected from Prospects," "Palm Pilot Entry" "Discuss with Manager" and "Expense Reimbursements." Keep these in a file on top of your desk for a visual reminder.6. Create a Reference Filing System. If your existing filing system isn't working, start over! Keep the old papers, and as you need them, merge them into the new filing system. Use a filing system program such as Taming the Paper Tiger (www.thepapertiger.com). It creates and prints a file index, as well as file labels, and allows you to automatically cross reference files. With its powerful search engine capability, you can retrieve anything you file in five seconds by using a keyword search.Will this system turn you into a perennially "clean desk" person ? unlikely! Messy desks are the natural outcome of a hectic pace. A place for everything and everything in its place ? forget it, but it is half right! A place for everything means than when you want to clean up your office to meet a client, or just because you're just sick of the mess yourself, recovering is no big deal! Some quick decision-making will clean off your desk in a matter of minutes and bring back a sense of control.© Barbara Hemphill is the author of Kiplinger's Taming the Paper Tiger at Work and Taming the Paper Tiger at Home and co-author of Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever. The mission of Hemphill Productivity Institute is to help individuals and organizations create and sustain a productive environment so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. We do this by organizing space, information, and time. We can be reached at 800-427-0237 or at www.ProductiveEnvironment.com

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arrow right Sales 101

For many individuals in business the hardest part is selling. For the majority of business owners, the jobs they had before don't prepare them for dealing with selling products. So, this article will deal with some basic tips to help you with sales. Always be sure to go to  the head honcho. Ask to see the person in charge, the individual who makes the decisions. This avoids hearing, "let me ask my supervisor, my boss, etc." Also you project an image of confidence in yourself and your abilities. Don't be long winded. Remember the KISS principle. Time is a big factor today for all of us and the quicker you get to the point the better. So be sure your sales pitch is short, sweet and to the point. Have 3-5 benefits, don't bore them with all the features. Remember, always to turn features into benefits.  One of the most important things to do, is to listen. Think of yourself as a problem solver. To solve problems you need to know what your prospect needs. So ask them a question and then listen, and I mean really listen. By listening you will be finding out what will make them buy. Listen to what they say and take it in. Be sure to write down the points they are making, don't rely on your memory. This also helps when you are closing the sale because you can refer to each point they made that this is how you can solve this concern. This is how you get sales, by solving their concerns and problems. When you are making your pitch or answering questions, you also need to be sure to make eye contact with your prospect and to be aware of their body language. Good sales people know when they have lost someone. The prospect eyes glaze over, they don't maintain eye contact with you, they are looking everywhere else, but at you. They readjust themselves, push their chair back, feet on the desk. At this point you need to be able to bring them with back with a question or a different voice pattern. Don't acknowledge you lost them, just get them back on track. Good sales people can change at a moments notice. Since this is not going to happen to you overnight, always be sure that your presentation is well organized, covers all the basic points, you know it forward and backwards, and you ask for the sale. Initially, you are not going to be able to shift gears at a moments notice, but with practice and experience you eventually will. So that if your client asks a question in the middle of your presentation, or makes an objection, you will be able to answer him and then pick up where you left off. You will also eventually be able to pick up on the silent signals that people give off. So until you hone these skills, always be sure to have a brief outline of your presentation on a index card. Remember, it is always more important to be responsive to your prospect, and talk spontaneously than reverting to your prepared speech. So be sure to prepare. Be careful, though, remember, over preparation can make your presentation sound stale and robotic. Keep it fresh. For many, the moment a prospect has an objection, they assume the sale is lost. Sometimes they come up with an objection to see how you will handle it. Again, we are back to good listening habits. You need to be able to respond to their objections in a truthful but positive way. Most of the time you will be able to deal with their objections and convince them of the benefits of your product or services. Sometimes however, there will be objections you can't get rid of. Last, but not least is closing the sale. You should be able to sense when to do so. Remember to be aware of your prospects body language. The impatient tapping of fingers people do. Some people lean forward in anticipation of your completion of your presentation. It is very hard to say exactly when to ask, as it is a very subjective thing. Seasoned sales people will tell you that usually there is a moment, you need to seize the opportunity and close the sale, or it is gone. Eventually after you have done it enough you will be able to recognize when this moment occurs. Eventually you will develop a mental check list of your meeting, that you will go over in your head after you have closed the sale and are saying good-bye or thanks to your prospect. After you have done it enough certain traits or characteristics of your prospects behavior will stay with you and you will know when to seize the opportunity.  Copyright 2004 DeFiore EnterprisesInterested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our

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arrow right How To Improve Your Sales Skills

One of the biggest problems for many business owners is the ability to overcome objections. In fact, for many, this skill could be the difference between succeeding and going back to being an employee. Since none of us want to do that, we need to hone our sales writing  skills and our in person skills. This article will discuss the in person skills. Objections stop sales. Period. The customer says,

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arrow right 7 Phrases You Cant Say in Sales

7 Phrases You Can't Say in Sales (Because They Will Undermine Your Credibility and Drop Your Closing Rate) Copyright 2004 by Doug Smart Years ago, George Carlin listed seven words you can't say on television. Then HBO came along, said all the words, and the world of  television changed forever. Now, I know that even before you read the seven no-no phrases in sales, you might be tempted to think, oh, whatever these are they will eventually become acceptable, too.     There are two big problems with this reasoning.   1. Television has been around for about sixty years so it is still a youngster experiencing growing pains; sales started way back when the inventor of the wheel made a few extras to sell to friends.   2. The seven sales phrases are already being said by salespeople and they are delivering decidedly mediocre results. They live on because veteran salespeople say them and novice salespeople ape them. The cycle continues.     The big challenge with these words is that they undermine the credibility of salespeople and they encourage defensive barriers to spring up in the minds of the prospective buyers. Talk about salespeople shooting themselves in the foot! These phrases either degrade what could be a great sale down to a pedestrian transaction or they scare off buyers. And worse, less experienced salespeople think they are supposed to say these phrases in order to entice buyers. Here is a word to my sales colleagues: No matter whether you are selling products, services, and/or ideas, avoid using these phrases! They will make buyers distrust you.    As you read these seven, think of yourself as a buyer not a salesperson. (Did you ever stop to consider that over the course of your life you will most likely buy more products and services than you will sell?) As a buyer, imagine you are in situation in which a salesperson has recently made your acquaintance. Test your gut reaction. Do any of these seven make you want to buy ? or do they make you want to run?    Here are the seven deadly phrases in sales. Actually, one of these is a pair of words, not a phrase. But all of these leave the same unpleasant after-taste as one bad word.    Trust me. Instructing people to trust a salesperson is pretty much like setting up a too-familiar joke whose punch line is going to be "you are an idiot so just give me lots of your money now." The pairing of trust and me signals buyers to put up their defense shields and turn on their BS filters (for Better Sense, of course). Trust is one of the two concepts that the more somebody asks for it, the more elusive it becomes. Trust ? like love ? cannot be requested effectively. Although it is plentiful, it has to be earned to be genuine. And besides, it is the buyer's prerogative to decide whom to trust, when, and how much. Asking for trust will actually hinder the salesperson from getting it. (P.S."Believe me when I say?" is in the same league.)   I'm your friend. It is tempting for a salesperson to think a buyer is a new friend after the two share fifteen minutes excitedly discussing a mutual experience or passion. This happens, for example, when both share an obsession for golf and both once played the course at Pebble Beach in their youth. However, too many salespeople mistake rapport for friendship. The two are not the same. Friendship requires an emotional investment and real commitment. Friendship takes time, energy, and some sacrifice. Friendliness is a great way to ease any tensions in the sales process but over-friendliness can raise resentment in buyers' minds.    Nobody can sell this cheaper than me. Nobody? First off, the world is a big place with a lot of others selling things a lot like what other salespeople have. If the salesperson really has the world's lowest price on something and can do business both legally and profitably, instead of wasting time one-on-one with prospects, he or she should put up a website and rake in the dough. And second, the problem with bragging about being cheapest (besides triggering buyers' skepticism) is that it is a lousy way to make a profit. A more satisfactory approach is to show the value of the product, service, or idea. Value takes into account integrity, experience, service, reliability, trustworthiness, uniqueness, desirability, return, and how the buyer will be better for buying. Promoting value ahead of price is a rock-solid strategy for long-term success.    We are the best! Okay, maybe there are a few situations in which this is credible. And I am not opposed to the power of positive thinking as a confidence builder. But the truth is buyers have learned that ninety-nine percent of the salespeople who say it are lying. A phrase like this turns on their BS filter. Best, like beauty, is in the eye of the buyer ? not the salesperson.    Always and never. This pair stands on the same quicksand as "We are the best." They sound like exaggerations and are frequently perceived as stretching the truth. For example, how truthful do these two statements sound? "We always provide quality service." "Our delivery drivers are never late." Many people simply don't take always and never at face value. A few years ago I did a series of training programs for engineers from several Miller Brewing locations. I asked each to write the words always and never. Then I asked each to express as a percentage what the words meant. As you would expect, some saw always as a one hundred percent occurrence and never as zero percent. But the unforgettable thing was that twenty-five percent saw them as somewhere in between. To many, always and never were so abused they became synonymous with frequently and occasionally. For example, "I never lie" was readily perceived as a lie and was reinterpreted to mean "I occasionally lie."    What you need is... This is actually a great phrase after high levels of rapport and trust have been developed. But even then this is pretty presumptuous on the part of the salesperson because he is not the one who has to live with the purchase. Just a few days ago a salesperson, with whom there was not much rapport or trust, told me "What you need is this computer." That may have been so, but the salesperson did not ask questions -- so he knew little about me, my situation, or what I wanted to accomplish. I didn't care what he thought I needed. I listened, learned a few things, walked out the store, and bought one elsewhere. (See number one.)    This is perfect for everyone. This is another statement that is hard to accept as true (Is H&R Block perfect for everyone?). Before adding this one to the list I tried hard to think of one commercial product or service that really is perfect for everyone. The closest I could get was bottled water. But then I thought, "If the brand of bottled water you sell is indeed perfect for everyone, why do you have competition? Doesn't the mere existence of stiff competition indicate that for some buyers other brands are more perfect for them?" Okay, you don't sell bottled water. But re-read the above substituting your stuff for bottled water.    Some other phrases, such as "The check is in the mail," undermine rather than build. No matter how well intentioned, when salespeople use these seven phrases, and related phrases, buyers hear something that is questionable. This can cause buyers to react protectively and be selective about what they choose to believe. That results in fewer closed sales. A smart strategy for salespeople is to steer clear of these seven toxic phrases. Doug Smart helps select, develop, and retain exceptional sales managers and salespeople who are passionate about thier work. He is the author of "Grow Your Sales by Selling Smarter Not Harder." He is a consultant and speaker who has presented 2,000 paid presentations around the world. For a free subscription to "Grow Your Sales

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arrow right 4 Reasons Why the Sale is Not Made

When sales are down, a salesperson must begin to take stock of why that is happening. Most sales people start by blaming the company's policies. "If you'd only offer better specials," or blame the economy, "If only customers had the money," or they blame  their boss, "If only I got a better schedule," or they will blame whatever happens to come to mind that day. Never, do they take stock of their own selling techniques.There are four basic reasons why salespeople don't make a sale.The customer doesn't want/need your product or service. Therefore they lack the motivation to make the purchase.Many sales people ignore the fact they don't want/need the product and continue to attempt to make the sale.In this case, the sales person doesn't adequately qualify the buyer. Not everyone you come into contact with will have a need for what you are selling. But sales people are conditioned to try to make a sale no matter what.Asking good questions and listening carefully to the answers will solve this problem quickly. That will free up the sales person to move on to greener pastures.The customer can't buy. They don't have the money.This problem is similar to the previous reason why sales aren't made. The salesperson has not asked the appropriate questions to qualify the buyer.The buyer has the need, but they don't have the money. You can't force someone to come up with money. If it is beyond their budget, face it and try to work within their budget by finding an alternative product or be honest with them about what it will take to make the purchase. They will appreciate your honesty.The customer can't buy. They are not the decision maker.If you are dealing with someone who is not a decision maker, it is because the sales person has not taken the time to qualify the individual's role in the purchase. You need to get in front of the decision maker. In my experience, no one can make the sale for you.If you make the presentation to the un-qualified person in the hopes that they will take the information to the decision maker, more times than not, they will not be able to close the sale for you.The customer doesn't understand the offering.You haven't made your offer clear. Or you haven't educated them about your product. Perhaps you've been selling features instead of benefits to them and that makes them unclear as to how they could use your product.Or it is a technical product and they are a non-technical individual. You have been speaking in tech-talk and they don't want to appear ignorant, so rather than asking for clarification, they decide not to buy. After all, they don't know how it will benefit them.As you can see, in each of the instances, it wasn't outside forces that inhibited the sale, it was the sales person.To become a SuperStar Salesperson, you need to learn to evaluate your role in each and every sale. For the most part, you will find that your efforts can and should be improved. The effort is well worth it.Margo Chevers, author of the book STOP the BS (bad service), has been providing sales and customer service seminars and consulting to a diverse cross-section of industries for the past 15 years. For information about Margo Chevers' speaking or training schedule call (800) 858-0797 or Margo@MargoChevers.com

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arrow right Boost Your Sales With These Proven Responses

When five years ago I was faced with having to sell my services for the first time I was terrified. I hated asking for the sale. I dreaded the part where my potential clients inevitably came up with objections why they couldn't use my services. I've since learned that lack  of objections is not necessarily a good thing. In fact, I now welcome it when prospects tell me "why they can't". Frankly, when a potential client shares his reasons why he or she hesitates to take advantage of my offer, to me it's a sign of two things; one ? they are interested in my services, and two ? I'm getting closer to closing the deal. But many professionals find "overcoming" objections and "closing" the deal stressful, unpleasant and "pushy". If that's you I want to share with you two lessons that helped me develop a different mindset around this. First, a "no" doesn't always mean "no". Mostly it simply "not now" or "I don't have enough information to say yes." Second, you can't "overcome" your prospect's objections ? but you can give them information and tools that allow them to make a new decision. If you too experience anxiety around "closing sales" here are my favorite responses to the top five objections your prospective clients are likely to raise. OBJECTION #1: I HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT --> "Yes, I can see how this can be a big decision. You know I found that typically my clients are initially concerned with one of the three things: is the problem important enough to solve it now, is this the right solution for your situation, can you afford the solution? Which one of those concerns you the most?" --> "Hmmm... I see. Let me ask you? Let's say we get started on this project ? what are the downsides?" OBJECTION #2: I HAVE TO TALK TO MY PARTNER ABOUT IT --> "Great. What kinds of questions do you think they might they ask?" --> "Good idea. I always discuss decisions like this with my partner (or spouse). But let me ask you a question ? what will you do when your partner doesn't like the idea of us moving forward with this?" OBJECTION #3: IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE --> "Expensive comparing to what?" --> "Yes, it's a sold investment. I tell you what - I know this is only worthwhile if you produce solid results, right? What's the one result you would want to be absolutely sure we could produce in the next that would have you really happy you hired me? ? Great- why don't we make this our top priority and get started right away?" --> "Not really. How does this price compare to what it's costing you to do nothing about this problem?" --> "Frankly, that's exactly why you need me." OBJECTION #4: I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO IT ON MY OWN --> "Hmmmm?how long have you been dealing with this issue? If you haven't solved it on your own so far what makes you think you can do it now?" --> "Yes, I suppose you could. But let me ask you something ? when was the last time you saw (heard) of a heart surgeon performing an open heart surgery on himself? --> "With all the respect?I must disagree. If you thought you could solve this problem on your own we wouldn't be talking right now. Tell me, how would things be different if you could rely on an unbiased opinion to give you a fresh perspective of this problem?" OBJECTION #5: I DON'T HAVE THE TIME RIGHT NOW --> "Yes, it will take some time to address this issue. How much more time per week could you devote to other, revenue-generating activities if you could eliminate dealing with this problem on ongoing bases? --> "That's funny; you just told me it takes you 10 hours a week to deal with this problem ? wouldn't it make sense to hire someone like myself and solve it so that you can use your time on more productive tasks?" --> "Wow, if you are that busy and you are still not getting the results you want perhaps it would make sense to start the project by helping you better prioritize your activities and leverage your time more effectively?" These are only a few examples of responses I found helpful in getting to a "yes" in negotiating a sale. Rather than trying to memorize those specific sentences learn the underlying concept. On objection is a cover for a deeper concern. By voicing it your prospect gives you an opportunity to address it and provide information to eliminate it. So quit trying to prove your point and instead ask thought provoking questions. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the outcomes ;-) (c) 2004 Adam M. UrbanskiABOUT THE AUTHOR The Author, Adam Urbanski, a Marketing Mentor, helps Service Professionals and Small Business Owners attract more clients. For more free tutorial articles, hot how-to tips and a FREE 32-page marketing guide go to http://www.themarketingmentors.com" />

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arrow right Achieving Sales Goals Requires Drive & Motivation

How did you do this past year on your sales goals? Did you write your goals down? Did your review them frequently, and revise them as conditions changed? Or did you set them at the beginning of the year, and forget about them by February? What do you most want this coming  year? The first and most basic step to getting what you want is to know what that is, and to constantly remind yourself of that. Goal setting is an important skill. One that you've may have read about and heard about many times before. It only works though if you do it. Sales Goals & Reasons Start with the end in mind. What is the result that you want? Give yourself the freedom to think big. Picture a big compelling goal that you really, really want. While envisioning this picture, how you make it happen is not important right now. The important thing is to get started, thinking big about what it is that you most want. Later we'll deal with how you get it. Your focus should be on what you want. Sales goals should be expressed in ways that compel us to achieve them. The human brain directs us to creating what we focus on, good or bad. Start by writing down your goal. The more specific you make your goal the better. Create the picture in your mind and write down specific quantities, dates or time periods, places, people, etc. Now make the image of your goal really compelling. Make it in color, add sounds, feelings, movement and sensations to it. Find or make a picture of it and carry it around in your pocket, purse or daytimer or post it prominently on your office, bedroom, or bathroom wall. Carry a symbol or icon of your goal around with you, constantly reminding yourself of what you are going for. Now that you know what you want, its time to get clear about *why* you want it. Your reasons for your desires are the drive that will cause you to get what you want. Get big enough reasons, and you can accomplish anything. Let me give you an example. Let's say you want a big, fat six- figure income this year. That's the sales goal - a big, fat six-figure income. But this is really not specific enough. So you refine this and say that you want to make $300,000.00 in income this year. Good, now your goal is specific and timed. So what are your reasons for wanting this goal? Upon asking yourself this question, maybe you answer that this will make you feel more powerful, successful, and capable. Or you say that you will be able to afford a nice home for your family, an education for your kids, and financial independence at an early age. Now these are reasons that motivate a person. Much more exciting than just stating a number. Setting goals alone is more than most people do in life. If you write down your goals, AND review them frequently, you are well on your way to accomplishing what you want. But when the obstacles start coming and getting in your way, you will need real drive and determination to keep going and not give up. Determining and writing down your reasons for wanting your goals will give you the drive and the power necessary to make them happen. Write down your sales goals, being timed and specific. Write down your reasons for why you want your goals. Get pictures, symbols or icons that you can post up or carry around with you to constantly remind you of what you want and why. © 1999-2004 Shamus Brown, All Rights Reserved.Shamus Brown is a Professional Sales Coach and former high-tech sales pro who began his career selling for IBM. Shamus has written more than 50 articles on selling and is the creator of the popular Persuasive Selling Skills CD Audio Program. You can read more of Shamus Brown's sales tips at http://Sales-Tips.industrialEGO.com/ and you can learn more about his persuasive sales skills training at http://www.Persuasive-Sales-Skills.com/

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arrow right Ten Ways to Super Charge Your Sales

1. Add a no-fee interactive game to your web site. You couldhire someone to create it. You want to make the game relatedto the theme of your web site. In the case of our web site-- the Abundance Center -- the theme, abundance, could be agame on how to find abundance. 2.  Everyone is training their employees to be good teammembers and have lost sight that each of them areindividuals as well. The team will not work well unlesseach individual is doing his or her job and then cometogether. Not the reverse as so many trainers are trying tosell you on. Make sure each of your sales team members have individualtraining as well, so that they can do their job well. Itreduces the time it takes for them to work as a team. 3. Make people feel like it is their idea to buy, they willbe less hesitant. Use language like,

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arrow right Let Your Weaknesses Increase Your Sales

Imagine...you inquire about a product. The salesperson does everything right. Says the rights words, emphasis the benefits of the product -- everything right. And you hesitate but you do not know why. You just aren't "sure." And you respond, "I'll think about it." Then you  talk with another salesperson that says the same things, uses the same languaging, and does everything else right, until towards the end. Then they get honest with you and tell you the weaknesses of the product. Then you buy. Works every time. Why? Because the old adage

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Top 5 Characteristics of Great Salespeople

I am a big believer that great salespeople generally realize their greatness, rather than being borne that way. OK, sure we've all heard somebody in sales who told us that they've been in sales all their life. It all started when they were a kid, selling lemonade from their  lemonade stand for a dime, or selling magazines door to door. But this is really more a reflection of the family environment that they grew up in that may have encouraged or necessitated this than anything else. Even if you didn't sell seeds or magazine subscriptions door to door as a kid, you still have a chance at greatness in sales. I gave this topic some thought because of a call I received today from one of my readers. She mentioned how the perception she had of salespeople growing up, was different than what she felt were her own personal strengths. So I thought today, that I'd share with you what I believe to be the primary characteristics of outstanding salespeople. #1 - Results Focused If you are selling for someone else, what they care about most is whether or not you get the sales that they ask for (i.e. did you make your quota or not). One of best things about being a salesperson is you have a tremendous amount of freedom and discretion in how you use your time. In return, you must be able to stay focused on the big picture and not let small problems or dramas distract you. If you sell for yourself and you are not focused on results, then you are not in business. #2 - Courageous We all experience fear at one time or another. Great salespeople are courageous in that they are able to act and move forward even in the presence of their own fears. Fear is the reaction we have when you know that you need to do something or that something is going to happen soon that you are not prepared for. This could be making cold calls or making a major decision that you believe to be right when you know that your management will not agree with you. #3 - High Energy This one is really simple. Despite all the lame jokes about salespeople being out on the golf course all the time, top performers work their asses off. Being able to kick-back and work 30 hours a week while making quota may sound great. But the true top-performers got that way by working long and hard to beat out their competition while the other guys were boozin' it on the golf course. In short, you must be able to do

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Got Sales Objections? Wheres Your Value?

A sales manager who reads this newsletter regularly suggested the topic for this issue. "I read your news letter weekly, and would like to see some information, or suggestions that deal with overcoming sales objections, such as cost, and 'no time right now.' Thank you and  I look forward to further readings in the future.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sneaky Sales Tactics

The reason why you have a job in sales is because our markets are constantly getting more competitive. Every year, every month, and every day products are coming out better, faster, and closer together. Almost as soon as your company dreams up a great new idea for product  or feature, your competition seems to think of it too and get it to market. If this weren't the case, it would be much cheaper for our corporations to just hire order takers or setup e-commerce websites to let people buy everything unassisted. We often find ourselves in sales situations involving serious competition. To win the most business you are capable of in a competitive marketplace, you must know the right sales tactics to use at the right time. So what do you do? Engage when you have clear superiority. Sounds simple, but a lot of people ignore this one. When pursuing customers, you want to engage your competition only when you have the superior solution to win the battle with. Do this right, and you'll win most of your sales. And if everyone did this, there would be few or no fights. However, not everyone does this. And when they do, many do it poorly. Sales Tactic #1Know Your Enemy Better Than He Knows Himself Most salespeople know something about their competition. The top few know their competitors as well or better than they know themselves. These top salespeople know the following important things about their competitors:  Their product & company strengths. Their product & company weaknesses. Which buyers they are likely to win with. Which buyers they are vulnerable to lose with. Who their flagship customers are. Who their customers from hell are. Sales tactics that they commonly use.  When you know these things as new prospects come up, you'll be in position to quickly decide

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 7 Sales Skills to Improve On

The following 7 sales skills are what I have found to be the most important skills for professional salespeople. Get good at these, and you'll be able to make a lot of money no matter how the economy is doing. Sales Skill #1: Qualifying Fast to Avoid Wasting Sales Time Do  you chase after your prospects until they tell you yes or no? Do you ever tell your prospects

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales Prospects Avoiding You?

This issue's topic on sales prospects comes in response to a question I received from a reader. Question: Five weeks ago, I had a good conversation on the phone with an important prospect in my territory. They have a need for our product and the prospect seems to  acknowledge this as well. Every time I have talked to him, he has been very interested and seemingly aware of the problem in his company that our product can help solve. I sell print management and print tracking software and the prospect acknowledged that the cost of printing is an issue for his organization. Last time we talked, he indicated he needed to gather some information regarding his current operating cost (which we most likely would be able to cut) before coming in for a demo. But when I called back at the time we had agreed upon, I kept getting voicemail. I have not been able to get him on the phone and he doesn't respond to the voicemails I left either. What do you recommend I do?

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 8 Sales Lead Generation Methods

I've been getting lots of email from my readers lately. And one thing that I hear often is that people need more sales leads. In order to generate sales leads, you need three things: A written profile of your target prospect, A list of suspects containing potential  prospects, A method of reaching your sales prospects.  In this article, I am going to discuss eight proven methods of reaching your sales prospects. Complementary Partner Referrals  I put this sales lead generation method first because this one generates the highest quality sales leads. How you do this depends on the market you are in. There have been a lot of articles written about networking through chamber and association meetings, so I won't rehash that here. If you are selling business to business, you want to strike up relationships with sales reps from companies who call on the same businesses as you do. An example is if you sell an information technology consulting service, then partner with a few computer systems hardware vendors. These reps call on the same customers as you and you complement each other by sharing leads and information about customers and prospects. Cold Calling As much as nearly everyone dislikes this one, it is very effective for sales lead generation when executed properly. If you consistently prospect for leads by phone, you will consistently generate sales leads. You can find more cold calling tips at my website listed at the end of this article. Live Seminars Live seminars are a great sales lead generation technique because you are usually delivering your a pitch to a prospect very early in their buying process. The key to a successful seminar is offering a solution to a problem that your target market really wants to solve. You can give the pitch yourself, or get one of your company executives to do it (sometimes business

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...