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arrow right Generating Leads Through Telemarketing

Telemarketing is one of the most common ways that a business can generate leads. It is a versatile approach. Lead generation telemarketing can be inbound or outbound, meaning that systems use prerecorded messages and can dial either random numbers or numbers from an  imported list.Telemarketing is one of the few lead generation techniques that is flexible enough to be immediately adaptable to new situations. The telemarketer can answer questions or provide additional information as needed in response to the potential customer's comments. Also, while prospective buyers may ignore direct mail or advertisements, they will not ignore a ringing telephone. Once the person answers the phone, a good telemarketer can generate a lead.Inbound lead generation telemarketing involves the prospective customer calling the company to find out about their products or services. This is the best kind of lead generation telemarketing because the potential buyer has already shown interest by making the call. It is then up to the telemarketer to say the right things in order to retain the prospective buyer's interest. Often, people will call for information about certain products or to see if there are any sales or discounts available. It is up to the telemarketer to be able to provide the caller with all of the necessary facts that the caller asks for.Outbound telemarketing is less successful than taking inbound calls. It is difficult because it often involves what is called cold calling. This is when a lead generator makes an unsolicited call to a potential customer. The person has no idea who is calling them or why. A high percentage of people react badly to being cold called. It takes someone with great communication skills and the ability to handle rejection to make a successful cold caller. Other times, the callers are equipped with a list of potential leads. The caller's responsibility is then to verify that the person is indeed interested.Another option for lead generation telemarketing is to use a lead generation system. Lead generation systems are machines programmed to dial phone numbers and deliver a recorded message when the phone is answered. Many people hang up on these machines, but they are a cost effective way to generate leads. Some lead generation systems can be given a list of potential leads to call, thus increasing the chance of success.Lead generation telemarketing is a great, flexible, adaptable way to gain new customers. People with good communication skills are often very good at this type of work.Lead Generation Info provides detailed information about sales, mortage, MLM, business-to-business, internet, and insurance lead generation, lead generation telemarketing, and more. Lead Generation Info is the sister site of MLM Leads Web.

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arrow right 10 Expressions to Avoid in Sales Communication

Keeping up with what words are in and out isn't hard. Yet,with all the other more important things on our to-do list,it doesn't get remembered easily. 1. Any archaic, stilted words, such as: hitherto, whereby,thereby, herein, therein, thereof, heretofore. 2. "Kindly  advise.

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arrow right The Five Most Common Mistakes Salespeople Make

Over the decades that I've been involved in sales, I've worked with tens of thousands of salespeople. Certain negative tendencies -- mistakes that salespeople make -- keep surfacing. Here are my top five. See to what degree you (or your sales force) may be guilty of  them.Mistake Number One: Over concern with strategy instead of tacticsGather a group of salespeople together around a coffee maker and listen to the conversation. After the obligatory complaints about all types of things, the conversation inevitably drifts to questions of strategy. How do I accomplish this in that account? How do I get this account to this?In my seminars, I often hold a

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arrow right The Top Five Traits of a Successful Salesperson

If you're looking for a successful salesperson to hire, a salesperson who not only can sell but will sell, look for a salesperson with PRIDE.PRIDE is an acronym for 5 characteristics that will help ensure that the salesperson you hire will get the job done for you and make  the revenue results you desire a reality. PRIDE stands for:? Proven ? Respectful ? Innovative ? Decisive ? EnthusiasticProven refers to the candidate's track record. Have they delivered results? More importantly, who else says so besides them? As you know, resumes can be fact, or they can be fiction. How can you tell the difference?A person who has been successful producing results should be able to provide you with third party proof. Have the candidate bring in their sales awards. Have them show you the stack-ranked sales reports showing their name at or near the top of the field.More importantly, what do their customers have to say about them? Can the candidate produce testimonial letters from their customers, indicating they were satisfied with the buying experience? Candidates should be able to furnish written recommendations proving that they were able to deliver tangible results.Salespeople should approach being Respectful from two positions. First, they need to be respectful of others. Careful listeners, these salespeople would never be regarded as pushy because they take the time to hear their prospects out. They keep their egos in check, remembering that everyone can make a valuable contribution in their own way and that other team members deserve respect, too.Second, your salespeople need to respect themselves. Expect them to have a quiet confidence in their own abilities, and a strong desire to use their time, talents, and skills to produce optimal results. They'll respect their health, physical needs, and family commitments, and as a result be refreshed, well-balanced, and ready for work each day.Self-respect allows salespeople to be assertive, ensuring that they won't allow themselves to be used as a doormat by prospects who want to waste their time or abuse a relationship.An Innovative salesperson is a problem-solver. They're able to quickly assess a prospect's situation, and then come up with an approach to help the prospect accomplish their objectives. Reactive salespeople need not apply. Proactive salespeople spontaneously look for ways to do the job better, to improve on past successes, to show better results even faster than before.Innovative salespeople are easy to manage, because they don't require instructions. They're pretty much point and shoot; give them an objective to aim for, and they can creatively approach obstacles and move past them.Because they are innovative, they tend to look at the world through fresh eyes, and hence have a good sense of humor. A willingness to be playful and funny is a good clue that you're talking with an innovator. Good news! Your buyers would prefer to do business with someone who can make them chuckle and lighten up their day.A Decisive salesperson can make up their mind. They have effective analytical skills that allow them to rapidly size up a situation and decide how to best approach it. Decisiveness is truly important for a salesperson, for how can they expect the buyer to make a decision when they can't make one themselves?Decisiveness is often related to owning a clear set of key moral values. It's easy for salespeople to consistently do the right thing when it's clear to them what the right thing is. You want decisive salespeople who know when to walk away from a bad deal, and can separate good prospects from the time-wasters.Enthusiastic salespeople have become a cliché for all the wrong reasons. Enthusiasm must be more than an induced rush spawned by a rah-rah motivational pep talk. If you want enthusiasm that lasts, you need to find salespeople who are eager to help your customers.You want salespeople who are excited about what they do and how they do it, so their curiosity is stimulated and they are inspired to continually learn on their own. Enthusiasm comes from believing that you can make a difference, that you can improve someone's lot when they do business with you.Enthusiastic salespeople are motivated when they understand the strategy that will help them succeed, when they have access to all the tools they need to allow them to do their job and serve the customer, and when tactical training is available to allow them to skillfully serve the customer as well as the company. Enthusiastic salespeople have every right to believe they can win. And they do.PRIDE is about feeling good about your job. It's about believing in yourself and your ability to deliver. It's about enjoying yourself, helping the customer, and making the most of your God-given talents and abilities. It's about recognizing individual contributions and abilities while respecting the value of the team. When you hire salespeople with PRIDE, you, your salespeople, and your customers all win.© 2002 Paul Johnson. All rights reserved.Note: This article is available for reprint at no charge. We only ask that you include our copyright notice in your reprint, along with the About the Author (byline) information we provide at the end of the article.Paul Johnson of Panache and Systems LLC consults and speaks on business strategy for systematically boosting sales performance using Shortcuts to Yes?. Check out more salesforce development tips at http://panache-yes.com/tips.html. Call Paul direct in Atlanta, Georgia, USA at (770) 271-7719.

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arrow right Your Sales Process Isnt

A lot of energy is expended within selling organizations as they try to identify, adopt, and administer a sales process that works for them. The holy grail of selling is to find a foolproof method for creating a customer, the ultimate finished product of the perfect sales  process. Prepare to be disappointed.Webster's tells us that a process is

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arrow right 10 High Powered Ways To Magnify Your Sales

1. Give your prospects a f~ree trial of your software product, service, or let them read the first chapter or two of your informational product. Your f~ree trial or sample chapters will show your visitors that you are confident in the quality of your product and lead to  more sales for you by demonstrating how valuable your product is. 2. Add a bonus for purchasing your product.  Provide a unique bonus such as an ebook you've written, a consultation with you, access to your membership site, or a resource that is only available through you. Add to your bonus's perceived value by placing an honest dollar amount to it, listing benefits for it, or by publishing testimonials for it. You could also set up a joint venture with another business where you offer as a bonus an exclusive f~ree trial of their product in exchange for a percentage of the profits (i.e., by joining their affiliate program). 3. Provide a money back guarantee.  Your guarantee will help you to get more people that are unsure about purchasing your product to buy from you.  Your guarantee could be a 30, 60, 90 day or lifetime guarantee. In general the longer your guarantee the more powerful your guarantee will be in getting more of your visitors to buy your products. 4. Provide your customers with specials, bonuses and discounts on your products. This will give you an effective way to get more of yourcustomers to buy your products on a consistent basis while also showing your appreciation for them. 5. Add testimonials for your product throughout your site'scopy.  Your testimonials will help you to convince your visitors that your product will meet their needs.  Include your customer's first and last name and a link to her website along with her testimonial.  You could also post your endorser's picture along with her testimonial to increase it's effectiveness. 6. Survey your customers.  Your surveys will help you to pinpoint what you are doing right and also help you to identify things you can work on.  Add a freebie in exchange for taking your surveys to increase the number of people that take them. 7. Offer an affiliate program for your visitors andcustomers to join.  Provide your affiliates with useful promotional items that they can use to start selling your products as quickly aspossible. For example, you could give them sample ads, banners and button ads to place on their sites, and sample recommendations. You could also let them publish your articles with their affiliates URLs in your resource box, or you could create anebook or marketing course that they can use to get more commissions by providing it to their visitors or subscribers. 8. Publish an ezine.  Promote your ezine on every page of your site and also submit it to ezine directories and announcement lists.  Provide your subscribers with useful tips, advice, and articles to keep them reading your ezine on a regular basis. 9. Offer add ons on your purchase page.  For example, you could offer a deluxe version of your product or you could offer a related product on your purchase page that your new customers would be interested in purchasing. 10. Offer f~ree teleclasses to your visitors and ezinesubscribers.  Your teleclasses will increase your prospect's trust in you and help you to get more people to visit your site ready to buy your products.Article by writer, Ken Hill. Get more marketing tips byjoining Ken's Top Notch Marketing Ezine at http://www.netpromarketer.com/ezine.html For more articles by Ken Hill visit: http://www.netpromarketer.com

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arrow right Sales Trap - We Love to Talk, But Need to Listen

My research has clearly shown that, when it comes to selling, the part we're most comfortable with is talking about what we do - explaining our services and how we can help the client. So what do you think happens in most sales encounters? That's right? we tell 'em what we  do. Problem #1 - Clients don't really want to know what we do.Not to start with anyway. Usually they first want to know that they can trust us and that we comprehend their situation. They also want to understand 'how' we can help them. This is different to knowing exactly 'what' we do. To achieve this we need to look at what they want to achieve, and what their concerns are. Problem #2 - When we're talking we're not listening.It's a fact. People can think many times faster than they talk. This means that when you're talking, your client can think about lots of other stuff (like their next appointment, or your unpolished shoes). So keep your client focused by getting them to do the talking. Control the sales encounter with questions. By using a structured questioning sequence you can move from initial exploratory questions to high-impact outcome oriented questions. When done properly this creates a harmonious exchange between the seller and the client. It's not a matter of interrogating the client, or forcing them to make a quick decision. As the salesperson (whether you be a consultant, partner, owner or manager) the overriding temptation is to start explaining what you do. Often this includes mentioning previous clients and interesting outcomes you have achieved. But does the client care? Not always. And not ever if what you are saying is not relevant to them. The secret to selling like a professional is to listen closely to the client. Find out as much as possible that might be relevant to your service. Ask questions about their expectations. Then when you have that knowledge, discuss only the aspects of your service that have a direct bearing on your clients stated needs. Use this 'inside knowledge' during your presentation to highlight why you are the best choice as service provider. And when you finish your presentation and need to gain a commitment from the client, ask another question, or suggest the next step.

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arrow right Less is More: Quick Tips to Improve Your Sales

I'll be brief. If not ? I'll negate my own point. Got time to read a 12-page essay on sales improvement? You want to get back to making sales and money. Let's go then.Less time more pressure.You prospects have less time and feel more pressure. Just like you, I'm sure. As a  sales professional, you need to be sensitive to this. For your own good, have a clear, short and concise benefit statement. Don't waste a prospect's time or yours with lengthy (and boring) introductions. Observe people who go on and on at networking events when asked what they do or introducing themselves to the group. Is that you?Less resources to get more done.Your sales increase when you better demonstrate how much 'leverage' your product provides. Have prepared proof of substantial Return On Investment for prospects. The best ROI support is customer testimonials containing real numbers. If you don't have any, use industry data and 3rd party research, or statistics, and proactively collecting your own. Start today.Less contact more voice mail.If you don't improve your ability for leaving voice mail messages, then you will continue to face the frustration of getting your calls returned. Most salespeople's ability and confidence with voice mail remains poor. If you can't motivate me to even call you back, how could you possibly motivate me to buy from you? Again, be brief, concise and clear. The most glaring weakness is not letting me know the BENEFIT of calling you back. Get training on how to leave an impactful 30-second message that can't be ignored and pulls response.Less paper and more email.Letterhead is hard to find these days. A client of mine, IBM, wanted to send a testimonial letter about a sales seminar I gave. My contact couldn't find letterhead. However, lack of letterhead is no excuse for poor spelling and curt communication. Build relationship through constant and meaningful email contact. Make your emails well-written, focused and brief. You face obstacles, like strict network security and the poor computer skills of your recipients. Take a course on email etiquette and copy writing. Don't send an email with large or too many attachments. Sending paper 'snail-mail' is making a comeback with the current anti-spam and "too-much-email" sentiment.Less personal presentations and more technology.Travel and budgets have diminished. Teleconferencing and web-based presentations have grown in their use. Sadly, technology doesn't breed ability. Listen to me. Using a webinar to read a PowerPoint to me over the phone will NOT sell me. Again, build your skill set and improve your presentations or have an expert facilitator do them for you.Less talk and more listening.The wisdom of the ages. Cliché really but still ignored and executed poorly in sales. Prospects have little time to listen to your 'sales pitch.' Ironically, they have plenty of time to 'complain.' Perfect. Encourage this and note their problems. Let THEM sell themselves. Let your prospects talk themselves into purchasing and stop interrupting them. Give the occasional prompt and affirmative nod to support their rant. Good sales people sell products. Great sales professionals solve problems.Less preparation and more action.More salespeople fail while perfecting their approach instead of actually making contacts. Look. Over-preparing makes you sound robotic and impersonal anyway. It's a procrastinator's crutch and an excuse for those in fear of rejection. Get on the phone and attend networking events now. Improve on the fly. Don't worry. We're all human and generally kind.Enough said. Time to sell.Get complimentary help and advice at

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arrow right Need A Sales Boost ? Try These!

The telephone is still the best and most effective way to reach people. It can help generate more sales and build your business. Unfortunately most people don't like the telephone and don't use it effectively. In order to become more proficient using the telephone, you need  to follow some basic guidelines and then practice, practice and then practice some more.  Like everything else, selling by using the telephone has changed over the years. The hard sell approach doesn't cut it today. With voice mail, answering machines, tele-zappers, and caller ID the old fashion way doesn't work any longer.  If you are selling a high end product, trying to do it all on the first call doesn't work. You need to go through a couple of stages to get your end result ? the sale. First you need to introduce yourself. Tell them about you, your business and your product. Next try to set up an appointment to go into further detail. Or maybe send some information before calling again. Moving one step at a time gives the customer time to become familiar with you and your product. It also gives your customer time to realize how important your product is to them.  You need to be confident and positive. As we have told many of our students, if you don't feel like getting on the phones ? don't. That negativity and lack of enthusiasm is going to come through on the telephone. Many years ago when I was working in corporate America as a receptionist my supervisor told me to always answer the telephone with a smile on. That smile carried over into the impression the caller received when contacting a company.  So be sure that a positive attitude comes through . Remember, the old adage, "you must first sell yourself, then sell your product".  Also of utmost importance is to know what you want to say. If you use a script, have it handy, but don't just read it. I can tell immediately when a call I get is being read from a script. Write down an opening statement (for example, Hi , my name is Susan from Home Business Solutions. I'm calling about the home you have for sale. Are you the person to speak with? What's your name?). Make notes of points you need to cover. Practice saying what you want to say until it comes naturally. Be sure you make strong statements. Avoid the words: maybe, could, but.  You also need to know your product. You have to perceive its value before you can convince someone else. You have to know what it does, how it works, and be able to describe it in terms that the layman can understand. You also need to explain the benefits of your product. One of the first things I go over with our students regarding our telephone script is that they must learn to listen, and I mean really listen. You can tell a lot about your customer just by hearing what they are saying. Also be sure you ask their name, and then use it now and then. Don't overuse their name because this can become very annoying. My philosophy is if I hate it, so will someone else. Be sure to ask questions to encourage them to talk about themselves. Empathize. However, don't do a lot of talking until you are sure you understand. Let them do the majority of talking.  If you pick a certain time frame to make your calls, or do a certain number of calls in a row, try to say it a little differently each time. If you don't you will start to sound stale, lose your happy voice and sound as if you are reading a script. So if this starts to occur, take a break, or stop for the day.  As we discussed earlier in this article if your product is a high end one you will make several calls to establish a relationship. Once you have done this, and they remember who you are, introduce something new about your product. Keep a record of your calls, and details of what you discussed previously, so that you know where you stand when you call again. When I worked for a franchise company, I kept a record of every call that came in from franchisees or calls I made. First, my employer was amazed at the amount of knowledge I had about franchisees at my fingertips, and more important the franchisees felt like they were the only one, I knew them so well. Using the telephone can help you get repeat business. For certain products, you can call customers to see how they are doing with the product. Maybe there are additional questions you could answer or problems you might be able to solve.  If everything is going well, you have a excellent opportunity to introduce your newest product, and hopefully, make another sale. This is also a great time to ask for referrals. Even if the follow up call doesn't pay off right away, you are building a relationship with this customer. Remember it is a lot easier to keep a customer happy than to find another one. Your follow-up also builds credibility with your customers.  Doing the above will give your business a boost. Copyright 2003 DeFiore EnterprisesInterested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our

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arrow right How to Sound Just Like a Salesperson

Prospect - "So now that I've told you what we are looking for, do you think that you can help us with this?" You - "Absolutely!" (or) You - "Definitely!" (or) You - "You have come to the right place Mr. Prospect" Answering questions about your capabilities with  enthusiastic affirmative responses makes you sound just like a salesperson. And in so doing, you impact your ability to close the sale, and your reputation.  Why? Because normal people don't talk like this in normal conversations. People are more likely to trust you, when you come across as a regular person.  A regular person would answer the query with a simple

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arrow right 4 Easy Ways to Boost Your Sales

Here are 4 easy ways you can boost your sales for little or no new expense ...and without making major changes in your selling process.1. Focus on What Your Customers Really WantYour customers really don't want your products or services. They don't even want what those  products or services do for them. What they really want is to gain the specific feeling they get after buying and using your products or services.Keep this in mind when you create web pages, sales letters and other selling presentations. Emphasize the feelings produced by using your product instead of talking about what your product is - or how it works.Tip: Convert the benefits delivered by your product or service into vivid word pictures. Then put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be enjoying those benefits.Example, if you sell financial products, describe what it feels like to enjoy an affluent life style without debt.2. Keep Communicating With Your Previous Non-BuyersYou've heard it before - but I'll say it here again. Most prospective customers will not buy the first time they see or hear about your product or service. You're losing a lot of sales if you do not persistently follow up with those prospects.Your follow up procedure can be as simple as periodically contacting them with a new offer. Or it can be more complex like distributing a newsletter or providing updated product information.Tip: You cannot follow up with prospects if you don't know how to reach them. Set up a system for collecting the names and contact information of all prospects who do not buy from you.Example, offer a special report, a list of sources or some other valuable information your prospects cannot get anywhere else. Deliver it only by email or postal mail so you can get their contact address.3. Encourage QuestionsQuestions from prospects may be a nuisance. But answering them can be very profitable.Prospective customers only take time to ask questions when they have a high level of interest in your product or service. Providing a satisfactory answer to a prospect's question often leads directly to a sale.Invite prospects to ask questions when in live selling situations. And make it easy for them to ask questions when they are not ...such as at your web site. For example, list a phone number or email address where you or someone else can answer their questions.Tip: Include a Questions and Answers page on your web site with answers to frequently asked questions. It will reduce the number of questions you have to answer individually.4. Make Buying EasierEvery non-essential action in the buying process is an opportunity for the customer to reverse their decision ...causing you to lose the sale.Look for ways you can make your buying procedure easier and faster. For example, many marketers use a multi-step shopping cart to get online orders when a simple online order form would do the job with just 1 or 2 quick clicks.Tip: Don't ask for unnecessary information during the ordering process. Instead, send a personalized

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arrow right Eliminating Objections to Increase Sales

You want to increase the flow of sales revenue, but you are stymied by prospects' seemingly endless objections. Prospects say they're not interested. They tell you your price is too high, or this isn't the right time. You've heard all the objections. What can you do to get  rid of these once and for all? Engineering Your MarketingWhen I was seven one of my favorite ways to spend a hot summer day with my friends was playing a backyard game wecalled

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arrow right Three Fast, Short, Simple Ways to Escalate Your Sales

1. Sell an inexpensive product to sell an expensive product. If people like your inexpensive product, they will be persuaded to buy your expensive one. 2. Allow your visitors to decided how much they want to pay for your product. I only recommend it for products that don't  sell or ones that hardly sell. 3. Create an extra revenue stream with your web site's articles or content. Publish the first paragraph of each article and charge people to read the rest.Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com

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arrow right How To Master the Art of Super Salesmanship

Mastering the "art of selling" is simply knowing how to present whatever it is that you're selling, to the buyer in such a manner that he feels buying it from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams. Selling online is really no different than selling in person,  face to face with your prospect. Really, it's just a way of making sales calls more efficiently and economically. You've got to get his attention - you've got to appeal to his interests -you've got to make him understand how his purchase of your product will benefit him ? and finally, you've got to close the sale by causing him to reach into his wallet for money or to write out a check for whatever it is you're selling.   Remember, in essence, even though the method of selling is the Internet, it's the same as if you were knocking on his front door. Thus it's very important that your material look its best. Make your website look professional and successful. The opening encounter with the prospect affects the success of the presentation and whether or not a sale is ultimately closed.   Once he's gotten the website opened and is looking at your presentation, you've got to carry over that image of professionalism and success -Make him feel comfortable -Be friendly and believable. -Stimulate his interest in whatever you're selling by appealing to one of his basic wants, needs or problems with a solution. Don't waste his time with a long and/or complicated dissertation. >BR>The most important thing you want to do is to create within your fulfillment he'll have as a result of buying from you. Stimulate his imagination, and explain to him how he can use whatever you're selling to his advantage. Finally, and most importantly, make it as simple and as easy as possible for your prospect to buy from you. Don't force him to read a long, drawn out sales agreement or contract. Just make your presentation, explain how purchasing from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams, paint a word picture that allows him to see himself with your product and his problems solved or his dreams fulfilled, and then direct the buyer to your order page on your website. Too many sales presentations begin with some sort of story about the seller ? Hello there, I'm writing to you from the beautiful beaches of Waikiki; or after a hundred years of research I've found the fountain of youth; even some such tripe as dear friend - you may not know me but I'm now a millionaire... When you put your sales presentation on paper - when you're trying to sell something by mail or online - appeal to the basic wants, needs or problems of your prospect. He or she wants only to satisfy his or her problems - not read about who or where you are or what you've done -just ask them if they'd like to know how to make their tires on their car last 10 years or more (or whatever the benefit of your product is) Above all else, remember that people's wants, needs and problems are changing constantly - and that people are learning all the time ? meaning that you must constantly be up-to-date with what you're selling, and always be improving your sales presentation. May be reprinted and redistributed freely as long as the resource box remains intact. To show my appreciation to the people that use my article, I run a free solo ad to my ezine list. Once I receive confirmation of the url or a copy of the ezine that the article was used in, I will run your solo ad. Send the url or ezine copy to pnewsletter2004@yahoo.com*************************************************************DeAnna publishes the biweekly ezine Prospecting and Presents. Subscribers are entitled to one free ad per week You can subscribe by visiting http://www.pnewsletter.com *************************************************************

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Top Ten No Money Promotion Ways That Create New Clients and Fast Sales

Better than offline promotion such as press releases, talks, or networking? Better than search engine placement, banner ads, ezines and news groups? Yes! The number one way to promote your service and your products is through informational how-to articles that you send to  top Web sites and dozens of no spam opt-in ezines. Content is still King on the Internet. People want your free information. That is why they go Online. When they see your useful, unique information, they will be more inclined to click the link in your signature file that leads them to your Web site where your coaching practice or products are sold.  Where to Start?  1. Find an existing article, excerpt from your book, coaching sessions stories, or how-to information from your talks.  You already have a wealth of information to choose from, so this step is the easiest one. Once you get going, you can write an article in less than one hour. 2. Target your article to your Web site buyer or ezine subscriber to attract more interest to your service. Think of each article as a mini sales letter.  Without a specific audience such as entrepreneurs, personal growth seekers, or small business people, your article may lose cohesiveness and continuity. People lose interest if your article is too general. Your best audience is your online business audience because they want and need many kinds of information and services. The best part? No competition because the Net is still underused as a promotional tool. 3. Write a new introduction for each article. An introduction leads to what you are selling--the valuable information you want to share. Your first line must hook your audience. Ask a question about its concerns or problems. Think what questions need answers. Lead your audience into the how-to's by writing a headline following the introduction, something like: Use These Five Ways to Boost your Ezine Subscribers.  4. Write what the opt-in ezines and top web sites want. Most opt-in ezines and Web sites publish articles from 500-1000 words because they need new, fresh content almost daily. They need you to submit your articles in 65 characters per line. A good program for this is www.text.pad.com, which automatically formats your articles to these specs. Make your articles useful, original, and written in a conversational way with how-to steps. Don't worry about giving away too much. These articles put you in an advanced category of dedicated professionals that attracts new clients regularly. 5. Write for your audience. Your online audience will be primarily other business people. They want and need your information. They will post it on their ezines and on their sites. Some people like conversational articles. Others want short and sweet, so they can get what they want fast! They like headings so they get the main points fast. They like tips, how to's, interviews, and question and answer formats.  After you write with one focus, change it slightly. Reinvent a new angle. Write for a different audience. I submit the same information about writing and publishing eBooks to authors, speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs who subscribe to the multitude of ezines available.  6. Give the background of the problem. You need to reach your audience where they are. Point out their challenge. Perhaps it is procrastination. What are its consequences? Include those. Write how many suffer from this malady too. Include your audience so that they will read on. Next meet them where they want to be--their problems solved. That's where you give your list or how to's. This is the formula put forth in the book,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...