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arrow right Overcoming Objections Over the Telephone

In sales, one of the things you will be doing a lot of, is making phone calls. You can't escape it. It just comes with the territory.Making phone calls is really not all that bad. The thought of having to do it, is actually much worse than having to physically sit down and  do it, and once you get on a roll, it's never as bad as it seemed.The part of making cold calling sales calls that you will find to be most painful are the objections you will be faced with, such as, and most annoying, is the hang up, which doesn't happen as often as people think. In this particular case, I have no answer on how to meet this challenge, my suggestion would be, not to stress over it, just move onto the next phone call.Another objection you will be faced with is: I'm not sure. I have to think about it.My suggested response to this objection would be:I understand that you need to think about it, but perhaps there is something I did not explain clearly enough, is there anything you would like to go over one more time?Or . . .I know when it comes to making a commitment over the phone that it is easy to become lost in the confusion of everything that has to be done and understood, is there anything I can go over with you one more time.If that doesn't get them talking again, then let them go by politely asking for their permission to follow up with them in a few days, and, if you could possibly send them out some literature, along with your business card.Another common objection is:I have to ask my spouse.A good response to this objection would be:Is your spouse available at this time? I would be happy to speak with him/her.Again, if this does not work, then let them go, and politely ask to send out literature, and follow up with a phone call.And one other objection you may run into . . .I have already taken care of that, or I am working with someone else.If you are hit with this objection, it is most likely your prospects way of telling you they are not interested.On the other hand, if they tell you they are working with someone else, it never hurts to take a chance, and ask your customer if they would like to see if you could get them a better price, or even a better product. It can't hurt, and if they are interested than go for it! If not, than let it go right there, and move onto your next prospect.And remember, challenges are nothing but obstacles on your path to greatness!Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of sales and marketing experience in the banking and mortgage industry, and is the owner of J. Conners, Mortgage leads reviews - a mortgage resource center for mortgage brokers, loan officers, and lenders. He is also the owner of Www.callprospect.com a mortgage lead company, specializing in fresh leads.Jay Conners can be contacted via e-mail at conn1229@yahoo.com

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arrow right How To Get Your Phone Call Returned

When selling your product face to face with a customer, they have no choice but to hear you out completely. Ask yourself this question, If they were listening to you describe your product on their personal voice mail, would they hear you out, or would they delete you?Never  leave someone a message just to leave them a message. Your goal should be to get them to call you back.In the twenty first century, there are very few telephones that are not being directed to a voice mail service. In fact, many people prefer that you leave a message, so they can get back to you at their own convenience. Lets face it. We all screen our calls from time to time.This is why it is so important to have the necessary skills to leave a perfect message. A message that will make your prospective customer want to call you back.Imagine if you were reading this article, and every other word was "umm" or "ahh," most likely you would not continue reading it. Well, the same applies when you leave a message on someones answering machine, except in this case they hit delete.Leaving a message on someones answering machine is probably the only time when you will want to leave out all of those sales terms we love to use, such as, "exciting" and "act now." It gives the customer the impression that you are a solicitor and they will delete the message almost immediately.Less is definitely more when it comes to leaving a professional message.When leaving a message, get right to the point, state your mane, the company you are with, and why you are calling. End the message by leaving your name again, along with a contact phone number, asking them to call you back at a time convenient for them. You also might consider a tag line such as "I look forward to hearing from you soon."When you make the call, smile the entire time you are talking, the customer will hear an up beat inflection in your tone of voice. Just don't be cheerful to the point of being cheezy.Put together a script before making your calls, go over it several times until it becomes a rhythm and rolls off the tip of your tongue. This will enable you to weed out all of the "ums," "ahs" and breaks in sentences, giving your voice a tone of confidence.Once you have gone over your script, and have become comfortable with it, practice by leaving messages on your own answering machine. When you go home, you can listen to them to get an idea of how you sound, you can then critique yourself and make the changes accordingly.This really is as simple as it sounds, give it a shot, and I guarantee you will see an increase in returned phone calls.Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of sales and marketing experience in the banking and mortgage industry, and is the owner of http://www.jconners.com a mortgage resource center for mortgage brokers, loan officers, and lenders. He is also the owner of http://www.callprospect.com a mortgage lead company, specializing in fresh leads. Jay Conners can be contacted via e-mail at conn1229@yahoo.com

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arrow right How to Make Sales with Noisy Kids in the House

Kids play hard, and sometimes that means they play really loud in the midst of exploring their worlds and role playing with siblings and friends.I know with my kids, if I'm not hearing some degree of noise; [i.e. play], from them, it probably means one of them is not  feeling well, or they are coming down with a cold.My world is blessed with two very artistic and rambounous boys; 5 years and 2 1/2 years old. With their play and with their singing; [they love to sing Country music at the top of their lungs!]; they have the ability to raise the noise level in our house to a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right K.A.R.M.A. of Phone Prospecting

Do you ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Does the rest of the day just follow suit? Have you ever thought that your attitude towards the day might just be coming back to you through misfortunes and bad things through out the day?Well it happens and it is called  KARMA.KARMA is defined as if you put a negative out there it will come back to you in the form of another negative. So you could say you get back what you put out there.So lets relate that to your calling of leads.If you put out a negative presentation you get back a negative result commonly phrased as "I am not interested", "Is this a pyramid scheme", "Is this MLM", or "does this cost anything". So how do you create a positive presentation in order to get back a positive result?Let call the process of creating an effective phone presentation the K.A.R.M.A. of Phone Presentations.KNOWLEDGE of the industry is the first thing you need to consider when putting together your presentation. You see if your prospect doesn't have a basic understanding of the MLM business model it will be virtually impossible to develop a successful downline partner. You need to be sure they have an understanding before you can expect them to be productive in your downline. The best way to find this out is to ask early on in your conversation if they could define MLM or Network Marketing.ACTION step is required at this point. You need to go one of two ways. If they understand MLM or Network Marketing you can move onto the next step. If they don't understand the industry your best move is to educate them before you move into any kind of presentation of your company or product. Make sure you have some websites or emails that you can send them in order to educate them about the industry. Wouldn't you agree that if you were going to start a restaurant business you ought to know something about the industry? So why should it be any different in our industry? Once you provide education for them then you can follow up with them and move onto the next step.REASONS for each person vary. But as you and I both know there are several reasons that are common and it is important that you begin to find out why they want to start a home-based business. This will begin to make a connection between you and the prospect. You may even find out that you have the same reason as your prospect. This stage is really a stage where you get to know the person. Be sure to NOT ask how much time and money they have to invest when getting to know them.MATCHING the prospect to your business is the next stage of an effective presentation. Use what you have learned about your prospect and create a bridge between where they are today and your opportunity. Let them know with confidence that with all you know about them at this point you feel your company is a great match for them and it would be worth it to take a closer look.ACTION time is again upon you. You must now give them the next step in the exploring process. Your company most likely has a process laid out for you whether it is to do a 3-way call with your upline, connect them to a live presentation, or simply send them to your website for more information.Follow the K.A.R.M.A. presentation and you will be on your way to getting the positive results you desire when calling your leads.Make it the Best Day Yet,Scott AdamsScott Adams is the owner of Home-based business Training & Support company called http://www.Leads2YourSuccess.com; The mission is simple - to help you grow your business!

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arrow right The Cold Calling Conspiracy

A consipiracy exists in the world of selling. A cold calling conspiracy.What I'm talking about is the requirement by most sales organizations to make cold calls on your time and at your expense. They say that cold calls equal appointments equal sales, but that's not true  anymore. All sales managers are guilty of teaching it, believing it, and using it. "Increase your activity and increase your income" are the mantra. We're told to do the sales math to "motivate" ourselves. Have you heard this one? "If you make five hundred dollars commission per sale and it takes five appointments to get the sale and twenty calls to get an appointment, then each cold call is worth five dollars in your pocket."Did anyone ever really believe this?Hey boss, put your money where your mouth is! If that were really true, companies would pay us the five dollars per call! They don't because that equation never works in the real world... for anyone. The simple fact is that we are only paid for completed sales, not for attempts. Directing salespeople to make more calls and increase activity is a weak excuse for a sales manager or trainer to justify his or her job. Cold calling is an expensive waste of your time. The reason companies have you cold calling is because it is a waste of your time and your money, not theirs. You only make money when you sell something, yet over eighty percent of most salespeople's time is spent looking for someone to sell to.The bottom line is that we, as salespeople, cannot afford to continue fooling away our time on low-percentage activities like cold calling. It's a way for companies to save money at your expense. We must focus our attention on activities that get real results in this new Information Age economy, and the effectiveness of cold calling fell dramatically when we left the old Industrial Age and entered this bold new era. Forget cold calling and learn how to market yourself intelligently, systematically, and automatically. Self-marketing is the key to success in today's selling environment and the "secret" of all those top producers who obviously don't cold call and won't tell you what it is they're doing to make those huge numbers every month. Remember, Napoleon Hill's great work is entitled "Think and Grow Rich," not "Work Harder and Stay Broke." Don't become a victim of the Cold Calling Conspiracy - learn to market yourself successfully and join the elite club of top producers. I did it and you can too.Frank Rumbauskas is the author of Cold Calling Is A Waste Of Time: Sales Success In The Information Age. He is the founder of FJR Advisors, LLC, which publishes training materials that educate salespeople on how to generate business without cold calling. For more information, please visit http://www.nevercoldcall.com

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arrow right Predictive Dialers - Human Interaction Maximized

Predictive dialers are many steps removed from their predessors, the automatic dialers of the past. Whereas automatic dialing allowed callcenter agencies to dial numbers quickly and efficiently, predictive dialing also processes and makes use of a whole range of  information, linking callers to live voices every single time. In fact, with predictive dialing, agents' 'talk time' has increased from an average of twenty minutes per hour to fifty minutes per hour. This is a fabulous rate of improvement - instead of wasting more than half of their time on listening to busy signals and answering machine messages, agents now spend the majority of their time engaged in producting interaction. The dialer also manages the line to agent ratio by pacing the call rate at the desired level. In this way, quotas are met, and agents are neither idle nor overwhelmed. In other words, because the hardware and software does its job, agents are able to spend much more time doing theirs. And of course, increased contact time means that the center's goals are reached much more quickly.In many ways, it is still true that the real value of a call center depends on its 'human capital' - the agents who interact with clients and potential clients. The more the center's human capital is brought to the forefront, the more everyone benefits. The aim of technology, therefore, is to maximize the time that agents are able to spend doing what only they can do - conversing, communicating, interacting. Predictive dialing and other call center technology represents a perfect symbiosis between person and machine.A predictive dialing system is able to keep track of which agents are available, while monitoring the responses to the outgoing calls that it makes. Numbers that are busy, disconnected, fax lines, or calls that are answered by machines or voicemail systems are not connected to an agent. Only the calls that are answered by a live voice are put through to an agent, which means that the agent spends almost all of his or her time on the line with a live person. Facilitating and maximizing talk time is the goal of every call center.The hidden benefit in all this is the fact that the agent is much less likely to get bored or disheartened. Human contact is important to everybody, and particularly to those who select careers that highlight communication. Many of the agents who choose to work in call centers are there precisely because they are attracted to the work due to the fact that they have excellent communication skills and enjoy interacting with people. An endless stream of answering machines or busy signals is bound to frustrate them. When they are able to spend fifty minutes out of each hour actually interacting with clients, however, the agents find that time goes by much faster and their workday is more varied and interesting. Furthermore, they know that their skills are valued, and that their company supports them by investing in the appropriate technology.Predictive dialing technology is improving all the time. One problem that we occasionally still encounter is a short lag between the time the outgoing call is answered and the time the agent gets on the line. Generally, this is only a matter of a few seconds, and some systems play a short recorded message during this time. Nevertheless, any sort of lag time increases the possibility that the potential client will become confused, and that part of the agent's talk time will be spent sorting out the confusion. There is also the chance that the client may hang up. Therefore, measures are being taken to speed up voice connects and minimize this lag time to the point where it may become imperceptible.Predictive dialing has revolutionized call centers, and has the potential to continue doing so. Calls are made much more efficiently, employees are happier, and the goals of the call center are likely to be me much faster. Now that this technology is readily available (and improving all the time) it would be almost unthinkable for any sizable call center not to invest in predictive dialers.Prodialing strives to provide concise information concerning the high tech arena of callcenters, including predictive dialers, inbound/outbound, IVR and much, much more. See our website at ProDialing.com (http://www.prodialing.com).

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arrow right Stop Selling and Make More Sales

A few months ago I spent time training some telephone sales agents who were new to selling. They'd mainly been involved with handling incoming calls but now their company needed them to do some out bound sales calls. I spent two days running a sales workshop for them and  another three days coaching them on the job.The biggest challenge I had was trying to stop them selling. Or at least their idea of what selling is all about.Many people who are new to sales and also some experienced sales people want to keep talking about their product or service. They open the conversation with one or two general questions which are often irrelevant to the customer and then launch into their sales spiel.What then happens is that the customer thinks

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arrow right Telesales

HEADSETS & TELEPHONESThe equipment your personnel use is important. Don't let others tell you any different. Like the Sales Representative who looks forward to his or her new car every two years, so the telesales person deserves to enjoy good equipment. Good, practical  equipment does make a difference. The Sales representative drives the car every day; it's a tool of the profession. The staff work area, tools and equipment, like the Sales Rep's car, say something about them and the way in which they do their job.Comfort and professionalismAs the major tool of this trade is the telephone, it is important to give serious thought to comfort, ease of use, practicality and of course, cost. Let us look at some available options to help you become more comfortable, more professional, and more under control.HeadsetsHeadsets (A telephone mouthpiece and earpiece which clip over the head) are available in a range of styles and prices. The price depends upon the degree of sophistication and the quality of the headset. At the time of writing, headsets range in price from thirty pounds up to two-hundred-and-fifty pounds.Some advantages of using a headset are:? Hands are free to write, use a keyboard, or turn pages.  ? Individuals may feel they can have a more natural conversation. ? The headset often helps personnel to cope with a noisy environment. ? The possibility of Repetitive Strain Injury is reduced. ? Headsets often look and feel more 'professional'. This could improve performance of personnel.Quick releaseSome headsets have a 'quick release' facility, enabling them to be disconnected from the telephone line in order to leave the desk, simply plugging back in again when reseating. This is advantageous if your personnel need to move around a lot within the work area. Modern headsets are lightweight, easy to wear, and remarkably efficient.ComfortA headset may not be appropriate for the casual telephone user, and there are those who 'just feel right' holding the telephone receiver when making a call. However, a headset may be ideal for your personnel. Telecommunications companies have a range of headsets that are available to purchase over-the-counter or to order. BT has an excellent range in their own shops. If those you order turn out to be inappropriate, you can simply return them, or change for an alternative style or model.TelephonesMany modern telephones are equipped with an extra socket for a headset. These allow the headset and handset to be used simultaneously, as a training aid. You can monitor the staff member's handling of the telephone call. If the telephone has a 'secrecy' button, you can also give on-line coaching. (See below).Handset adaptersSome telephone handsets will allow an adapter to be clipped on, which allows the handset to be held comfortably between the shoulder and neck. These are a good alternative to headsets, but may give insufficient freedom of movement.Features to look forI would suggest that you consider one or more of these features when deciding upon a telephone for telesales use:? Clearly visible and easy-to-press buttons. Numbers can be tapped out easily and clearly ? why waste valuable time?? Last number redial facility. This is a very useful function for those customers who are engaged or who want to be called back in a few minutes. If someone forgets to check something - just press the button and he or she is back in touch.? Headset socket. As detailed above, there are many advantages to a headset.? Lightweight handset. Heavy handsets may become uncomfortable with prolonged use? Hands-free facility. If the telephone user does not have a headset, a hands-free facility on the telephone will make some tasks easier, particularly if it is necessary to shuffle papers or write a lot.Some other useful features? A volume control. Some people speak very quietly. Asking the person at the other end of the telephone to 'speak up' is not always appropriate. With a volume control this difficulty can be surmounted.? Dialler display. This shows the number being called.? A longer, flexible lead between handset and main unit. Short and rigid handset leads are inhibitive to easy movement.? A 'secrecy' button. It may be necessary to check something with a colleague, and a secrecy button means this can be done without the person at the other end of the line overhearing. It also means that as a manager, you can give coaching whilst your staff are actually on the telephone.All of these features may not be required for good telephone work. Different equipment suits different people. It is as well to be aware of the many options available, however.Try these tips? Observe your department when it's busy. Do any personnel appear uncomfortable with the telephones you have? Try to see why.? Purchase a headset for your department. Let different members of staff use it. See what they think of it. Do they find it comfortable? Does it increase their activity?? Buy a telephone with the above features. Let some of your personnel try it out. Use it yourself. Does it make a difference to the way you work?? If headsets prove popular with your staff, would it be attractive to offer them as incentives for high achievers?PROJECT TRACKING SOFTWARE AND COMPUTERSSome areas of the telesales industry require repeated contact to a wide base of people in order to bring about a sale. In these fields, it is vital to be able to keep track of large quantities of information and the numerous telephone calls made. This is where project-tracking software applies.Using project-tracking softwareProject tracking software is often found within the Construction Industry, where major building projects can involve ten to twenty different companies and hundreds of people. Records of names, dates, and progress have to be kept as it becomes vital to know who is involved in the project, who needs to be spoken to, and what their telephone, 'fax, mobile, and email details are. Keeping to strict deadlines with calls is vital using such a system. There may be only one day in a month when you will be able to speak to key people, and these important calls cannot be missed. Such telephone sales activity is known as 'Project Tracking', or 'Project Co-ordination' and requires extensive telephone work to a wide range of people. These include Architects, Project Engineers, Designers, Planners, Surveyors, and Estimators.ManagersManagers find this type of software extremely useful. It allows them to see exactly what calls have been made, to whom and by whom. Good project-tracking software will also allow a Manager to key in a salesperson's name and find out how their call rate compares to others, what effect the calls are having upon overall sales, and any of a wide permutation of factors which allows him or her to be fully informed.Co-ordinating projectsProject Co-ordinators and Managers will normally utilise specially designed computer software programmes in order to keep accurate records. These records would cover progress made, who has been contacted and by whom, the names of key figures who make decisions, etc. The sales basics are the same, but the use of the computer and software programme adds an additional element. The project co-ordinator will have the PC available, entering in important dates and information on a daily basis. Software for project tracking will also allow entry of other information such as what was discussed, important dates, personal views, and when the next telephone call should be. It would also allow cross-reference to other projects. On an appropriate day in the future, the computer will notify the Project Co-ordinator that a return telephone call is due. Utilising such a system it should be possible to keep track of a very large number of different projects. The software does the work, but the scheduled telephone work still has to be done, and all new information has to be entered into the system.Many companies also use this system as an aid to follow up literature on specific dates, say, eight to ten days after it has been sent. Managers, as detailed above, find it an invaluable tool both for day-to-day management and for use in predicting sales forecasts.Advantages of Project tracking systems? Ease of tracking many different contacts in a wide base of businesses.? One person is able to keep track of, and co-ordinate complex activity.? Sales can be monitored and managed by the salesperson and executives.? Record keeping is precise and records are available.? Vast amounts of information, easily accessible, can be called upon to focus sales activity.? Set up and running properly, executives can keep a 'finger on the pulse' of a wide range of projects, sales activity and the effectiveness of sales campaigns.Disadvantages of Project tracking systems? Problems can arise if the information is not entered into the system, or entered in incorrectly.? When the system goes down, so does a high percentage of sales activity.? Such systems cost money, in capital outlay, in training, and in maintenance.OTHER USEFUL TOOLSThere are many other tools which may help to make telephone sales life more comfortable, more ordered, and more manageable. Whilst some of these may not be relevant to your particular needs, they are all useful tools.Residential and Business telephone directories on CDTelephone directories are now available on CD to save time and money. If your company utilises Computer systems as sales tools, this simple and versatile extra can be invaluable. With millions of names, addresses and telephone numbers of potential residential and business customers, it is something worth thinking about. Of course, this depends upon the size and scope of your business calling.Increasing your comfort with office equipment? Use of footrests. Footrests are becoming more and more common in the workplace. They are available in a range of heights, styles and materials. A footrest can make all the difference to the level of personnel comfort and can therefore add to sales activity.? Employ proper seating. There is no end of office seating stores. Good seating costs little and can make a tremendous difference to the quality of work. Good seating means that personnel are more comfortable, more relaxed and more in control.? Sitting at a desk or work surface of the correct height, with enough room to write with ease can make a difference to the productivity of staff.? Acoustic dividers between desks can create a calmer work environment where staff can be more relaxed and feel more able to communicate one-to-one with their clients. They would also allow you to work with staff on a one-to-one basis for training purposes.Remember that it's important to have the right equipment for the job. Good equipment costs money of course, but properly equipped personnel can also carry out a far more effective job.Stephen Kaye is the author of 'Make Telesales Work'

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arrow right Telemarketing Tips for Direct Sales Success

Unfortunately, the DNC legislation has many small businesses that use telemarketers a bit concerned about their choice of direct sales tactic. However, there are still many ways to have your message get into the right people's hands without annoying them. And the fact of  the matter is, telemarketing, as a direct sales tactic, works. Here are some tips and ideas to get your sales flowing and customers thrilled that you called them:Find New Target Markets -Have you talked with your current customer base lately to find out what their demographic standing is, on a whole? Most small businesses only do this once every couple of years, instead of once every couple of months. Find out who is using your products or services, and who they are: age, sex, race, income bracket, family unit, rent or own, etc. You may find that you haven't been targeting some crucial groups that use your business effectively. Then all you have to do is purchase a targeted telemarketing list, and you're well on your way to garnering more customers.Consider Outsourcing -There are a great number of telemarketing agencies currently that would be pleased to contact demographically appropriate customers on your businesses behalf. Why not save yourself the time and hassle of doing it all yourself, and look into one of these companies. They may just save you more time and money than you originally thought. Plus, if they specialize in products or services that your company offers, the response rates may be more than a bit surprising.Test, Test, Test -Before you start calling a large number of potential customers, test your telemarketers, the scripts and the telemarketing lists you are using, first. Listen to your staff; they'll tell you pretty quickly if something isn't quite right. Then, tweak whatever needs it, and try again. Not until you are getting an appropriate response rate should you settle into a larger scale operation ? and don't forget to test again if your response rates dip.Buy Quality -If you want excellent results, you need to pay for them. Make sure you've purchased a telemarketing list from a reputable source that offers highly targeted customer lists only. Freebie lists, or ones that you borrowed from a 'similar' company just won't work here. Without a great list that exemplifies similar characteristics of your current customers, your telemarketing staff will be frustrated in no time with their low response rates.Chris Burns - American Profiles Mailing & Telemarketing List company. Providing telemarketing lists to the direct marketing industry since 1996.A full service mailing & telemarketing list company with over 40,000 lists available. http://www.americanprofiles.netOnline counts and orders 24/7 http://www.mailinglistsusa.com

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arrow right Cold Calling for Introverts

In her book, The Introvert Advantage, Marty Olsen Laney talks about the defining moment when she embraced the fact that she was an introvert. It came in the form of a statement, "Oh, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm just an introvert!"According to her research  only 25% of people are introverted which leaves us the daunting task of dealing with the 75% extroverts of the world. And surprising as it seems, there are those of us who have, for one reason or another, chosen to make our living in sales.Being in sales poses many problems for introverts but probably the biggest is the idea of making cold calls. Now before we look at cold calling for introverts let's look at the concept of cold calling itself a bit closer.Sales guru, Jeffry Gitomer, says that cold calling is the least effective method of generating new sales. It interrupts the prospect, probably irritating them, and has a fairly low rate of return. Having said all that, cold calling is still needed and sometimes required of those of us in sales.As an introvert I have always looked with envy at the ease with which an extrovert approaches cold calling. Because they dwell in the outside world (while many introverts find their reality in the inner world) they find it easier to pick up the phone and call. They are usually more outgoing naturally so conversation with strangers is easier. And, darn it, they also don't seem as affected by the inevitable rejection; seemingly able to shrug it off and move on to the next call.Introverts will sometimes go to great lengths to avoid cold calling. First we have to plan who to call - who is most likely to be positive or at least neutral about our call? Then we have to make sure we have all our information together to handle any contingency that might come up - files, literature, scripts and anything else that might take 5 or 10 more minutes to find. Then we have to think about our prospect's schedule - we don't want to call too early or too late and, you know, everyone is too busy on Mondays and Fridays aren't a good day to call either.Once we've exhausted every excuse we're left sitting looking at the phone. It's time to pick it up and call. Short of drugs, there's probably no way to completely eliminate the stress cold calling causes introverts. But let me lay out a technique that works for me; both reducing my stress and, surprisingly, producing good contacts and prospects.As a caveat there is one aspect to this technique that may bother some people but give me until the end of the article to provide some explanation. The underlying assumption here is that someone in the business or company you are about to cold call could have requested information about your product or service. This assumption could include Internet inquiries, "bingo" cards in magazines, inbound 800 number calls, or any other way to request information. It doesn't mean that they actually did ask for information, only that they could have.We begin by at least knowing what department or area of a business or company would usually be interested in our product. If you sell forms, which department uses those forms? If you sell advertising, would the marketing department be the logical place to start? If you're in industrial sales, which department mainly uses your goods or services?Take a deep breath, pick up the phone and dial. If you get an automated attendant you can usually raise a "real" person by hitting "0" on your phone. When you get that real person say something like this, "Hello, my name is Joan Smith with ABC Company. I need to speak with someone in your ___ department (that department name being the one you previously identified). In 90% of calls they will connect you without comment. We'll deal with the other 10% in just a minute.The phone will ring and your stress level will peak. Will someone answer or will you end up in voice mail - what you say next remains the same either way. When someone (or the message machine) answers say something like this. "Hello, my name is Bill Jones with ABC Company. I'm new in this position and as I was going through my predecessor's files I found a request for information from your company but it doesn't have a name on it. I didn't want to throw it away without at least trying to see if the information had been sent. Do you know of anyone who would have requested information on (your product or service)?"And wait. They may ask for your company name again. They may ask for more information on the product or service you just mentioned in passing. But most of the time their reply takes one of the following forms."Well, that would have been (a name). Let me connect you to him - make sure you have a pen ready during this call." When you're connected to Bob (or his voice mail) repeat the thread above, that is, you've found a request for information with no name and you want to make sure that whoever requested the information got what they needed.Sometimes, the person will say, "Well, that would have been me but I don't remember asking for information." No hostility, just puzzlement. Your response at that time is "As I said, this request doesn't have a name on it so it may not have come from you." Then you can give an abbreviated sales pitch by asking, "Are you already using (your product or service)?" A positive answer gives you the opportunity to ask if they are satisfied. A negative answer lets you ask if they would like to see information.A third response you might get would be this, "Well, that would have probably come from Anne Adams and she's not here. Would you like her voice mail?" Your reply something like this, "Yes, please, but do you mind giving me Anne's email address as well? That way I can send her a link to our website just to be sure she gets the information requested." Again in most cases the person on the phone will give you their name, their email address, and maybe even this most coveted of responses, "You know, this is a timely call. We just brought a project off the back burner that uses (your product or service). Can you come by to meet with us?" For an introvert, this is the Holy Grail.Let's back up a minute to the 10% of operators or receptionists that don't put you right through. They may ask, "Can I ask what this is concerning?" At this point I give a short version of my original thread, that I have a request for information from my company but no contact name and that I don't want to simply throw the request away. This will usually disarm the screener and get you a name or at least a ringing phone.Those few that you get through to who say, "nope, wasn't me and we have no need for that" are the ones you let go with a brief apology and thanks. Don't let it rattle you.Now back to the ethical question that this may raise for some of you. "I'm really telling a lie - no one asked for this information" and that is true. For some of you that point may eliminate you using this technique but first ask yourself this question. If you believe in your product or service, then you feel that the companies you call on can benefit from what you sell. If they knew they could benefit would they ask you for information? If they could and should have asked for this information that could benefit them AND if they were aware of your company, they would have asked, wouldn't they?So using this line of reasoning you can make the jump to the idea that they would have asked if they'd known to ask. So you are simply making them aware by your call.I realize this is rationalizing - but 90% of the people with whom I have used this technique are polite, interested, and give me excellent information. And many of them have benefited from the information I give them. And the alternative is to grit your teeth, call a receptionist, stumble through an explanation of who you are and what you're selling, hope they don't tell you to call purchasing, or put you through to someone who doesn't want to talk to a sales person AND who is in an irritable mood today.What makes this approach less stressful to the introvert? For whatever reason it is easier for me to call someone who first called me. If they called me first then they must be open to talking with me and I find this an easier call to make. This technique simply assumes that the person you're talking to would have called you if they had known of the benefits of your product or service.So give it a try - call a couple of people who might have asked for your information. Offer them the chance to really see your information. Then go lie down for about 10 minutes to let the stress go away. After all, we still are introverts!Hal Warfield is a speaker, teacher and coach. Write him at warfield@midsouth.rr.com. Or read additional self-development and business articles at http://www.halwarfield.com

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arrow right How To Be A Cold Calling Superstar!

Our emotions and feelings are changing all of the time based on our interpretation of events. Does this mean that even a sales superstar feels bad if they lose a big deal? Of course they do. They wouldn't be human if they didn't. It's natural for your feelings to fluctuate  as you go about your business.Take a moment and imagine a bad day selling on the phone. It's been awful. You've been cold calling for over 3 hours and you've had rejection after rejection after rejection. You've had enough and you're bored and disconsolate. How would you be sitting? Most people would be leaning forward, hunched up. Your head might be down, your breathing shallow. You'd be speaking quietly and your hand may well be partly covering your mouth. You'd probably be looking down too and your facial expression would be boredom. But I didn't have tell you any of that. You already know what physiology goes with a bad day on the phone or in any selling scenario.The quickest way to change the way that you feel in any given moment is by changing your physiology. Physiology is your changing expression through your physical body ? how you breathe, stand, sit, walk, move, smile etc ? and it's hard wired to the way you feel. Your physiology and your feelings are so interconnected that you can use one to change the other and vice versa.Imagine now the next call. You start off the same but as you do the client starts to take an interest. He's quite perky and positive. You sit up a bit and your head comes up. He starts to ask you questions and show a real interest. You sit right up, smile and start to fill your lungs. You smile again. Finally, he asks you to tell him more about your flagship product. You stand up, push your shoulders back and confidently start to tell him about the product. Did you consciously decide to make these physiological changes? No! Your mind and body just knew that these were necessary to deliver the right message. But what about the 20 calls before? Did those clients get the right message? Probably not?Whilst we all know that changing our physiology changes the way that we feel we rarely take conscious control of it. In order to change our physiology it's essential that we are aware of all of the key elements that make up our physiology. As already mentioned they are ? breathing, posture, movement and facial expressions.BreathingBreathing is an unconscious action. At least, I hope that it is! I wouldn't want you to get really busy and forget to breathe. Now that really would be a mistake! Obviously, breathing must be an unconscious task and that is a major positive for the human race however there is a negative side to this. Because breathing is unconscious we don't generally choose to focus on our breathing.When we are stressed or angry or we face confrontation we tend to breathe faster and more shallowly. As you start to breathe faster this sends a message to your feelings and they intensify, so you start to breathe faster still and so on in a loop. Certainly this reaction might be perfect if you need to fight a wild animal but if you want to deal professionally with a client then maybe it's not so suitable. Learning when to stop, take a break and breathe more deeply can really help you to break your pattern both during difficult sales situations such as cold calling, negotiating and presenting.Conversely, when you are bored and tired your breathing gets slower and deeper. This sends a message to your feelings and you start to breathe even deeper and so on in a loop. This does nothing to help you to feel or sound energised. Certainly, if you're not energised and dynamic when you're selling your product you can't expect the client to be. Learning to recognise when either your physiology or your emotions change and to change your breathing patterns will considerably increase your energy levels when selling.MovementIf someone walked into the office slowly and with little movement how do you think they feel? Conversely, if someone strode into the office purposefully and with a bouncing gait how do you think they feel? Not hard to guess is it! We all know that movement changes the way we feel. If you've been sitting reading for a while tell me where your energy is at the moment on a scale of 1 to 10. Try getting up and moving around the room a bit. Stand up a sit down, do some moderate exercise (health permitting!) for a few seconds. Have your energy levels gone up? Do you feel more energised? Of course you do.When I run coaching sessions I can usually tell who the positive members of the team are from the way that they walk across the car park on their way to work. I don't use this information as it could be misleading but it is usually spot on. People who do regular exercise know the value of movement for changing the way that they feel and for creating energy. As a sales person you need to use movement to control your emotions and to maximise your sales success.Facial ExpressionsI have recently become a very proud uncle. I haven't had the experience of being around babies before and it is very interesting for someone who is so intrigued by human potential and development. Liberty is nearly 4 months old and one of the areas of her development that has really interested me is watching her use her facial expressions. She seems to have been born with some of them but not others. Certainly, she could pull a screaming face straight away but smiling took a few weeks. I wonder if she knew how to smile already and just couldn't physically do it or whether she copied it. In any case, her facial expressions are now firmly hardwired to the way that she is feeling. How do I know? Because she never smiles and screams at the same time and she never coohs and pulls her pained face! Even at her age she doesn't make mistakes in this ? not any! In fact, if you can get her to smile or laugh when she's screaming she will stop screaming instantly and start cooing again!Surely it's not that easy? Indeed it is! Think of the habitually miserable people in your organisation... do they smile all of the time? Nope. And if you now think of someone who you'd describe as positive and happy I'd like to guess that they smile quite a lot of the time. Would you go around with a friend who didn't smile at you ever? I doubt it. Taking time to be aware of your daily facial expressions is well worth the effort. Interestingly, many of the salespeople I work with are unaware that they don't smile that often and when they do this (silly) exercise they find themselves winning more new clients. Now isn't that strange.PosturePosture is the way that you sit and stand. Our posture says a lot about us. I first became aware of this through an old work colleague who was particularly negative and depressed. He always saw the bad side of everything. His shoulders were forward, his back not straight and his chin down all of the time. When he did telesales he would be hunched up like a weather beaten sack of spuds! When he visited clients he used to shuffle in like an old man. On the other end of the scale thing about how a sales superstar would sit and stand in similar situations.Working with salespeople and telesales teams I often know immediately where they are through their physiology. Once I have built rapport with them one of the first things I do is change their physiology through exercises and games. Not only is this the quickest way to change the way that they feel but it supports the deeper changes that often need to be made.Exercise: Physiology BenchmarkThink of the best telesales call that you've ever made. Remember it in as much detail as you can. Who were you speaking to? Why did you do such a good job? What was so great about it? Now imagine yourself making a call twice as good. Go on! I dare you! You can do it!As you imagine this amazing call I want you to take the time to think about your physiology. In your logbook take the time to describe it in detail or draw a picture (go on ? have fun!). It's incredibly important that you benchmark this physiology so that you know what you are striving for.Top 5 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Telesales Physiology1. Put a mirror on your desk so that you can monitor your habitual facial expressions. I know, I know ? people are going to laugh at you! If you knew this would double your sales would you do it? Of course you would. So how much does it have to help before you do it and why do you care what average performers think anyway? Go get one!2. Keep your head up. When you raise your head and eyes above the horizontal line you will feel much more empowered. Try it. When I work with telesales teams and individuals I often put a banner or a slogan on the wall about two feet above eye level. Make it motivational and make sure that it means something to you and your team. If you're a sales manager and you see a call start to go awry get the sales person to look up.3. Stand up periodically when you are doing telesales, particularly at the start of calls. If you don't like talking on the phone and standing up try standing up between calls occasionally. Standing up changes your whole physiology. It also changes your ability to utilise your whole voice and it's whole range.At the end of a live telesales training I was once running a coaching session where the delegates were ringing live contacts to set up appointments. One of the delegates was on a particularly strong call and was standing up. He was just coming to the point where he was going to close for the meeting and he would have got it. As he realised that this was coming up he pulled up his chair and sat down. As he did so, his whole physiology, tone and confidence fell. It was obvious to even a non-trained observer. He half-heartedly tried to close the client and the client objected. His head lowered and I could see the opportunity slipping away.The client was getting into objection mode and was really questioning the validity of having a meeting. I snapped my fingers above and to the front of the sales person's face to break his pattern and get his attention. As he looked up, I gestured at him to stand up and as he did so I moved his chair away so he had to continue his call standing. His physiology changed again, he rapidly took control of the call and he set the appointment.Results may not be quite so dramatic and obvious for you but they will be there!4. Wear a headset. I heard your cry of horror so I'll repeat it, wear a headset. Don't make excuses, try it. If you're thinking anything about it being uncomfortable, unnatural or weird I will repeat myself again. Wear a headset. I have always recommended the wearing of headsets and it always seems to have been in the top 5 most debated pieces of advice I give! I think this is because we are all conditioned to pick up the phone and it seems unnatural to not do so. Until wearing a headset feels natural you haven't yet experienced the benefits of using a headset. I guarantee that if you try it for long enough it will feel natural and it will improve your calls.If you think about it for a moment it's obvious why wearing a headset will improve both your feelings and physiology and the quality of the call. It's because it frees you up to move and act naturally. You get totally into the call without this little plastic barrier wedged up against your ear.Another spin off benefit of wearing a headset is that in my experience your call rate will go up by as much as 20%!5. Make cold calling sessions a maximum of 45 minutes long! You weren't expecting that were you! I believe cold calling and telesales is something that you should perform at 100% and to do this you need to work in concentrated bursts. Now don't get me wrong, I agree that telesales is a numbers game however you can also explode your performance by making more impactful calls. 100 useless calls is no better than 50 useless ones! Neither are satisfactory. Far better that you make a good number of powerful calls.As an individual or a team leader what you need to do is have a 2 minute session to set mini-objectives for your telesales session. Then you focus 100% on the sessions for 45 minutes. You don't send out literature, take incoming calls, talk to your neighbour or get disturbed. You ring clients. At the end of the session you have a quick 2 minute session to measure your performance, take a short break and then decide what to do next.I sometimes work with clients who "say" that there is no way they could endorse this as their salespeople cold call all day. When we run these high intensity sessions I prove time and time again that most sales people do more in 45 minutes than they normally do in a whole day! In any case, there is nothing stopping the trained professional who has run several empowered sessions and who can stay focused for the whole 45 minutes to run several sessions in a day. The key is to focus on staying at high intensity for the whole of the 45 minutes. I would always prefer that my teams ran two of these at this level in a day than they spent the whole day cruising at 50%.Note: In my experience very few people make anything like 45 minutes worth of high intensity, cold calls each and every day.For the last 10 years, Gavin Ingham has been helping sales people to explode their sales performance by turning self-doubt, fear and lack of motivation into self-belief, confidence and action. With his inspirational approach to sales performance and motivation Gavin combines commercial experience, personal excellence and communications technologies in delivering personal and business sales success.For a free 9-part objection handling course, more articles, free downloads and to join Gavin's newsletter visit http://www.gaviningham.net now.

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arrow right No More Cold-Calling? Well, Almost...

We do not advocate cold calling in High Probability Selling. However, cold calling is necessary at times.You do need prospective clients and customers: If you don't have a customer list from which to solicit referrals, and you also lack an advertising/marketing budget,  cold-calling to a highly targeted list is the fastest route to finding High Probability Prospects.A High Probability Prospect is one who wants, needs, can afford, and is ready to buy your product or service- now. Those who only want, need, and can afford- but are not ready to buy now- are prospects that you'll continue to contact in the future.How does Cold Calling fit into High Probability Prospecting?When you start to call your list, initial contacts will be cold calls: Only first-time calls are cold calls in High Probability Prospecting. A truly effective prospecting campaign requires that you call the same list every 3 to 4 weeks, so after a short period of time, most of your calls will be warm calls. A higher percentage of the people on your list will say

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arrow right 7 Ways to Jump Start Your Cold Calls

Cold calling has to be one of the most feared aspects of every sales person's and business owner's day. With some important key tips, you can make cold calling painless and enjoyable and as easy as calling a friend.Here are 7 key ways to jump start your cold calls:1.  Research Your MarketBefore you start your cold calls it's important that you be prepared so your prospect feels you really do understand their situation. Research the company you are calling, identify what issues they are having based on your other clients in their same industry and ask others in your company the main reasons why people buy your product or service.The better prepared you are about discussing you prospect's issues, the easier it will be to allow the conversation to flourish.2. Change Your Mental ExpectationsTraditional selling has always taught us that our main goal of the cold call should be an appointment or a sale. With that mental focus, what happens is our mind is focused on the end goal before we even have a conversation with the person we are calling.This creates a major conflict because you will be trying very hard not to use words that make you sound like all you care about is the sale. And even more importantly, if your prospect senses you are focusing on the appointment or sale, they will immediately be defensive.So what to do? Change your mental expectations to focus on building a conversation first and then once you have generated a good dialogue, you can then determine if you are a fit or not with your prospect.Be careful not to mentally "jump the gun".3. Understand Your ProspectTake a few minutes to think about your focus of your call. Think about how you are going to approach the conversation. Put yourself in the mind of your prospect.How would you want to be approached? Certainly the last thing you want to hear is a sales pitch from someone you don't know.Instead, begin the conversation diffusing any mystery as to who you are with "Hi, my name is Jim and you and I haven't met yet". This removes the mystery of who you are and allows you to begin talking about how you can help them solve a problem, rather than you having to default to a sales pitch.Think before you speak.4. Build Trust Through ConversationLearning to build conversation is the key to cold calling success. Engaging in a conversation should be as natural as calling a friend. Your objective is to build trust on your call so that your prospect feels comfortable conversing with you rather than trying to focus on getting you off the phone.How do you build trust? You build trust by removing any elements in your approach that connect you to the negative "salesperson" stereotype.5. Ask A QuestionBegin your cold call with "Hi my name is John, maybe you can help me out for a moment?"Yes, that's really all you have to begin with because in the next few seconds you will hear "How can I help you". That is how you can build a two-way dialogue rather than having a one-way talk.The truth is you are asking for help because you don't know if you can help them yet, right? Until you have the information you need about their situation, you can't determine if you are a fit or not.6. Eliminate PressurePressure is the main reason most cold calls turn into a negative rejection-filled experience. It doesn't have to be that way.If you can become aware of things you are doing that is triggering pressure on your prospects, you can turn cold calling into a very productive and enjoyable experience.The key is to never force your sales pitch, engage only in a natural conversation, and most importantly let your prospect talk. By doing all three you will eliminate pressure from the call and your prospect will be more open to the idea of what you have to offer.7. Learn To Determine A FitSo how do you know if your prospect is a fit with what you have to offer? You need to ask them this question towards the end of your problem solving discussion "Is solving your problem a top priority or something that is on the back burner for now?"By determining the answer to this question, you can see if you can decide if your prospect is worth pursuing or not. You will also be able to determine their time frame which helps you better adjust your expectations.Make no mistake about it, if you really want to be successful cold calling you'll need to let go of traditional sales thinking. Try these 7 strategies and watch how cold calling can be fun and productive.Ari Galper makes cold calling painless and simple. Learn his cold calling secrets that even the sales gurus don't know. To receive your 10 free audio mini-lessons visit http://www.Unlock-The-Cold-Calling-Game.com

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arrow right High Phone Bills Can Affect More Than Your Expenses

I got a phone call today from a gentleman in Arizona. He wanted to talk to me about a report I downloaded from him about network marketing. I wasn't interested in network marketing, and I told him that.But consider this.I live in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. So  that call was an international call for him. I'm guessing at least 10 cents per minute. Even though we only talked for about 30 seconds, that call still cost him 10 cents.Imagine, for a moment, that this gentleman had 1000 people download his report, and give their telephone number. The telephone call costs 10 cents per minute. If he calls everyone who downloaded his report, can you guess how much that would cost?Yes, $100. One hundred dollars to make maybe 3 or 4 sales of $20 each. Will he break even? No. But will he keep doing it? Of course!What this fellow marketer did is highly effective. Calling up prospects and talking to them can get a much higher response than just sending an email ? because you can determine on-the-fly what they really need!The problem though ? at $100 per thousand leads, this marketer is probably spending $500+ each month for his telephone bill. I sure hope the sales he makes covers that?Now I want you to put this story into your own life. Imagine you had 5000 phone numbers of people interested in your products. You would be ecstatic! But? You don't have $500.Now consider all of the invitations you get into your inbox every week for free teleconferences. Some of the world's best marketing minds hold free teleconferences and give away some of their best ideas. Problem? At 10 cents per minute, on an hour long call, each call actually costs you $6. Doesn't sound like much, but like everything else ? it adds up. 10 free teleconferences each month and suddenly you owe your phone company $60 you don't have.Do you see it? $560 in telephone bills just to call your prospects and learn from marketing mentors. Not to mention calls to friends, family, co-workers, JV partners and others.Even making $20,000 each month, $600 is still a pretty big chunk of change to spend on regular business essentials. And it can actually prevent your business from growing!I've done it. I've gotten an invitation to a conference call that I wanted to attend so badly I would have given my first born child. But I didn't have the money for the long distance call.I've had prospects email me, telling me they were willing to pay me $3000 for an hour long consultation with me about their businesses. And I had to turn it down, because I couldn't afford the long distance call. Can you see how this hurts business?Telephone companies have been running this monopoly for years. Up until recently, there has been no alternative. And even with the advent of VoIP (voice over internet protocol) companies like Vonage, you're still limited in minutes, and they don't serve your business needs at ALL.I remember one month, back in my early internet days, where I was calling up prospects in the U.S. Remember, I'm in Canada. I was calling up 10, 20, even 30 people each day. Each call lasted about 10 minutes.I wanted to save money, so I used a 10-10-1234 type number, at 99 cents per call under 20 minutes. I was paying $1 each call. For 30 calls. That's $30 a day to call prospects. My phone bill that month - $856.43.I personally think that is crazy. I wanted a company who could provide me with what MY business needed ? but none of them did. There wasn't a single company in all of Canada and the U.S. who cared about people like you and I, except when we grudgingly paid our $900 phone bill.Just remember - those contacts are some of the most valuable you can ever have!There is a company that does this though. And if you want to know more, go to http://cpsnetworks.com/survey.html, and fill out the survey there. This company is still in top-secret pre-pre-launch, so if you want more info you have to fill out the survey and wait. But if you fill out the survey, you get a free copy of affiliate defender! How can you lose?

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arrow right 4 1/2 Steps for Doubling Your B2B Appointments

Cold calling. Most people hate to do it and there is a cottage industry of people making a profit by selling ideas on how to generate business without cold calling. They're making money because they are using a basic marketing tactic that most of us have forgotten how to  use - give your customer what they want! Tell a salesperson that they can get appointments without making cold calls, tell them to buy your book, and you'll make money hand over fist. Why? Because it's a solution that fits what that market wants.The fact of the matter is that there are many things you can, and should, use to help generate leads. However, business-to-business cold calling will always be an effective basic tactic that will help you get an appointment with your prospect.Effective appointment setting begins with 4 1/2 simple steps that will help you get back to the basics of giving your prospects what they want.The steps are so easy and basic that you might have a tendency to be suspicious of them. But if you just follow along you'll be on your way to doubling your sales appointments in record time.½ Step) Put yourself in the place of your prospect. Think about what it will be like to get a call from you. You know your product/service inside and out and are hopefully excited about and believe in it. Your prospect isn't excited about your product/service and doesn't believe in it yet. You have set aside time in your day to make calls but your prospect hasn't set time aside to take your call. That's why it is very important to make the call all about them. Give them what they want out of a cold call ? hint: the solution to what they worry about at work.Step 1) Identify your ideal customer and their critical wants and needs. At the very least you should have some generic information about the markets that you serve and the obstacles that they face from industry magazines, trade associations, or industry analysts to help you target your cold call message.Step 2) Ask the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...