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arrow right 7 Cold Calling Secrets Even The Sales Gurus Dont Know

More and more e-mails are arriving in my in-box from people who hate cold calling. Here's what they're saying:? "Cold calling terrifies me."? "The phone feels like a 10,000-pound weight."? "Every time I have to make a cold call, I freeze up."?

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arrow right What Level Of Telephone Sales And Customer Service Do You Provide?

Using the telephone as an effective sales and customer service tool begins before you ever pick up the receiver to answer the telephone or make an appointment or sales call. When you reach for a ringing telephone, you need to put a smile on our faces and then greet people  with the same enthusiasm you'd show them in-person. People can hear a smile, can't they? You also need to have music in your voices and an attitude that conveys to a caller that he or she is your top priority. The impression you create on the telephone can help you stand out from other organization If you don't stand out, you lose your competitive edge.Practice these telephone-answering techniques that can help you stand apart from others:1. Say," Good morning or good afternoon.

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arrow right Phone Tips To Get Things Done: Professional Phone Skills

It happens all the time, you hear someone over the telephone and you make a generalization about the person you are speaking with. It may not be fair and it is akin to judging a book by its cover, but it's true nevertheless.Within 60 seconds, people will make assumptions  about one's education, background, ability and personality based on their voice alone.What type of impression is your

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arrow right Telemarketers May Have Ruined Everything

I had to really look at things a little different when I started calling people. Now I am not a telemarketer. I call people only when they request it.The problem is, they usually don't remember filling out the form or they don't remember why I am calling. Most of the time,  I get polite people but on occasions, it's pure hell.It's like these people should think that their phone is off limits to everyone. I even got some people filling out my form with the name "who Cares". What kind of a name is that. How am I suppose to reply to that?Simply put, I just deny getting letters like that. To be in marketing, you sometimes have to have thick skin. I am not one with so thick of skin. I really get my feeling hurt. When my feelings get hurt, my anger shows.People are looking for an opportunity and fill out your form asking you to call them and when you do, it's like they were waiting or better yet daring you to call. When you get them, it's always at the most inconvenient time. Did they forget that they told you the best time to call.One lady told me that it's never a good time to call but call anyway. How do you approach this situation. You can bet, I didn't waste my time with her. I think you are getting the picture here.Now, I really had to think about myself here. When my phone rings, what am I thinking about? I am sure telemarketers have gotten to the most of us. I really hate it. I get called 2 to 3 times a week for donations, sweepstakes, or some kind of gimmick and to be quite honest, since I am in marketing myself, my own phone number is on my web site.Even though I belong to the no call list, people still call.What can you do about it? Nothing. Why? Usually they don't have caller Id show up. That is the bad thing. You would think that caller ID would work in reverse of the way it does.Caller ID should show up for the people you don't know so that you can decide whether to answer or not. Instead, you have to answer those calls to find out it isn't anything important.Are you ready for the good news. Whether you hate calling people or not, you still get more people saying yes by this approach than simply emailing them.I know it's tough to put all your feeling behind you and call that next SOB, but sometimes you really do meet some fantastic people.If you get that SOB, that just happens to be drunk or suppose you just woke him up, then hey, hang up and go to the next client. Just do it.Your going to hear all kinds of stories. I even felt sorry for people. Remember, this is your job. Turn things around. Suppose you were going to get fired if you did not make a certain amount of calls per day. I assure you, you would call. It is a matter of keeping food on your table for your children or living on the street.I have an alternative for you if you just cannot find yourself calling people. Hire it done. Yep. Hire a student that needs to make extra money. Place an ad in the newspaper and have them call everyone you choose and pay them per call or by the hour. Tell them to learn the script and pay them. Simple huh.Still can't find a way to call people. Don't give up. It's a lot harder but you can try having them call you. I doubt most of them will. However, some will. Instead of your ad asking them to fill out a form, ask them to call a number and you make sure you answer it.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Proven Two Minutes Magic Exercise to Conquer the Fear of Phone

I got a confession to make! The little communication device used to scare me to death!I would pick ip up and dial a prospect and when the phone rings my heart would start pounding wishing that the recipient does, to pick the phone up. When the phone is picked, guess what?My  home business was rationalised and crippled by the fear of phone. The telephone is a very essential tool to expose your business. Some persons have become millionaires due to using the phone proficiently.However, when I discovered the two minute exercise a new world opened converting me into a calling machine. Despite the fact that English is not my first language, I have a commanding personality over the phone.I will show you the magic pill to eliminate the fear of phone in record time. It doesn't matter the level of your fears but be assured that the exercise works.Are you ready? Lets take the ride!First and foremost acknowledge the fact that the phone does not cause fear we talk on it everyday. The potential negative results and perceived failure from the call creates the uncomfortable feelings that leads to avoidance.Here is the simple exercise:List down as many telephone contacts as possible. Your contacts must comprise of warm list[people that you know] and cold leads. You can order a list of telephone leads regardless of the quality. Write down a script in relation to your business.Start making calls to your prospects one by one. Limit your time to two minutes and stick to your script. If the recipient does not pick up the phone leave a message. Do not focus on the result concentrate on making calls.Do you fear playing lotto just because you lost? Play as many as possible phone calls lotto and do not expect to win.What will happen?The fear will take its toll reaching the highest peak! Your prospects will notice present of fear from your conversation. They will sense it in your voice and reject your offer.Now this is the key! Without your knowledge magic is happening inside you. You are targeting fear with a laser beam and melting it away. You are now building little victories on gradual basis. The fear that crippled you will start to subside generating you a momentum that will seem foreign to you.You will not understand how easy it will be to pick up a phone and call a prospect. You will eliminate the nerves and replace it with confidence.You will be astounded by the feelings and the power of two minutes exercise. Go for it! Launch the fear attack campaign to improve your business and better your lifestyle.Peter Benson publishes articles that identifies obtacles that may hinder your business to grow.He provides practicle solutions to anyone looking forward to succeed in business.Grab a free subscription at http://www.HomeBusinessGeneration.com

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arrow right This is a Sales Call: How to Begin Prospecting Calls with Integrity

"Hello. I'm looking for Sharon Morgen?" "Sharon DREW Morgen." "What? Sharon Morgen?" "No. Sharon DREW" "Um. Hello. Are you Mrs. Drew?" "Ms. Morgen. That's me. Is this a sales call?" "Um. Hello. No. I'm with  XYZ bank and I'm giving you a service call." "Regarding what? I don't do business with you. And you're not supposed to be making a telemarketing call on me. So what type of service are you offering for free?" "Well, it's not for free. But we thought you'd like to know about our new banking services." "Ah. So it IS a sales call." "We're not allowed to say that."This call really happened.Years ago I lost a large piece of business because I advocated telling prospects, "This is a sales call." For some reason, the Sales Director was appalled that I would announce it was a sales call. Who would prospects think they were speaking with? Their wife? Their mother? A relative? A friend? I'm a stranger, obviously. And why would I be calling them? Would I be from their child's school, announcing a problem? Or from the neighborhood, with a report of a house on fire? How about a person from the cleaner's, telling them I'd lost their new suit?What is wrong with telling prospects that you're placing a sales call? They'll guess it anyway when they don't recognize your voice. It will also be obvious because your opening remarks will probably sound uncomfortable - like a stranger placing a call to another stranger.But it doesn't have to be that way.NO NAME, NO TIMELet's start with the name game. Dale Carnegie used to recommend that sales people repeat the prospect's name because he thought people loved hearing their own name spoken. Whether that was because the phone systems in 1937 weren't that great, or because that was a commonly accepted belief, it's no longer the case. When we really know someone, we rarely use their name. Intimacy means never have to say someone's name ? there's just this eye contact people have, or a special way of saying 'Hi. It's ME."Of course you use people's names ? I'm being slightly facetious here ? but not repeatedly during the same conversation, and not often, when you know someone well.When you over-use a prospect's name, it becomes a ploy to manipulate them into liking you so you can fantasize that you're their friend, and convince this person that you want or have A RELATIONSHIP.But it's not true. Hearing their name spoken repeatedly by a stranger makes prospects feel even more detached.And what about the assumption that they're sitting there, waiting for this call, with nothing else to do but take the call ? even if it's a bank they do business with, or a charity they donate to?What is it about a sales call that makes it about the sales person anyway? What makes it about the product? Why is it even about a sale?Why not make a sales call ? even a prospecting call ? an aspect of your brand? A way of showing your prospects that you are supporting them and your product, through a collaboration (rather than a sale)?FEAR OF COLD CALLSLet me back track for a moment. I've trained many thousands of sales people; I can name on one hand the number of people who have eagerly sought out cold calling (and I'm one of them. I LOVE it ? what fun! What a neat way to get to know people!). Why? Because sellers don't want to impose themselves on strangers. Because you believe the prospects don't have the time or care. Because you get rejected. Because your ego says prospects should call you.But none of that has to be true. Let's look at the pieces, and then proceed to understand how they can each be mitigated with Buying Facilitation.Imposing on strangers When you make a call to a stranger (either prospects, or clients who have been handed over to you from a previous sales person) they don't know who you are, naturally, and you have no rapport with them. By definition you are imposing. Additionally, you are placing a call to get something for yourself and actually attempting to take something from them. Whether it's to 'make them' listen to you, or buy something from you, or do something for you. It's not like you're calling to give them a million bucks: you want them to do something, like listen to you, or buy from you, or make a change for you in some way. So you want something from this person.But this person is a stranger. Why should this person give you anything, unless they are already predisposed to want what you have anyway? Remember that before someone does anything (different or otherwise) they must make a decision to do it. And all decisions are based on specific, unique, criteria ? not information. So all the information in the world that you might have to share is immaterial if the person doesn't know how to decide what to do with it.Time Your prospect is obviously not sitting next to the phone waiting for a call from you. S/he is doing something. Whatever it is, s/he's doing something. In order to earn the right to use some of this person's time, you've got to ask for it and announce why you should be using their time. Asking if it's a good time to speak (not the same as saying 'Do you have a few moments?' ? the implication here is, 'do you have a few moments FOR ME.') will help here.Rejection Why do you get rejected? Because you're trying to get something from this person that YOU want to get. And they say no.What does 'no' do? It causes a Stop Action. There is no possibility of forward movement when 'no' is uttered; the person who is the naysayer holds the power in any relationship.As long as you continue to attempt to get your needs met from a cold call, attempt to get someone to listen to what you wish to say, try to get someone to buy something ? even an idea ? you will continue to get rejected by all of those people who don't consciously recognize a need for what you're pushing.When you get lucky and receive a positive response, it will be from those who already have determined a need and you then become a commodity. You better have a 'good price' for those people who will accept your call, because they won't know how else to choose you once you join the ranks of similar suppliers.USE BUYING FACILITATION TO SUPPORT MUTUAL AGREEMENTUsing Buying Facilitation as the basis for the call won't be to take anything, sell anything, push anything, or even find out anything. Your job is to:1. support the other person in recognizing if anything is missing in the category your product can support, and if so, how to start the process of designing a solution that will fix their problem (yes, even on a cold call, you can help the prospect begin the process of a complex sale);2. help them discover their criteria for considering whether it's time to fill in a gap by doing something they haven't done before now.It's not about you, not about your product, and not about what you're offering. Until or unless a buyer recognizes that what they're doing isn't working, and until they are ready to do something different to fix/change the status quo, nothing you say will be heard. Remember: people do not make decisions based on information.Using Buying Facilitation, your job is to help people make the necessary decisions that will support the change they'd need to go through to do something different from what they're already doing.Use your cold call to help people decide. And start the call by getting into rapport and inviting people into a collaboration with you:Caller: "Hello. My name is Sharon Drew Morgen. This is a sales call, and I'm selling sales training. Is this a good time to speak?"By using this opening, you are telling people who you are and why you're calling, telling people you're respectful of their time, letting them know you are an honest person, saying exactly what you're calling for, and not mangling their name (somehow the name you have in front of you is either never the right person or never the right name). And, just something I have found to be true: unless you are calling from a company with a recognized brand name, saying the name of your company is unnecessary ? they won't recognize it or remember it.If the person says it's not a good time, ask if there is a better time to call back. Don't try to throw a quick pitch in ? just ask if there is a better time. If the person says they have a few minutes, say:"I appreciate the time. And if the call goes on longer than you have time to complete, we can end whenever it's good for you and pick it up at another time."In this way, you are giving the person permission to have control over the call. After all, they're in control anyway. By using this opening - actually, it's the first step in the Buying Facilitation Method® - you will have already dealt with the time and imposition issues, and the rejection won't be about you. And remember: make your call about helping them make discoveries and decisions. Don't use your time to push anything. Otherwise, you're wasting a great opportunity to find a new client and introduce your brand of integrity.Sharon Drew Morgen is the author of New York Times bestseller Selling with Integrity. She is the visionary and thought leader behind a wholly original sales model based on the systems of how people change and decide. She has taught this system to 13,000 people in the fields of sales, customer service, negotiating, coaching, and change management. Sharon Drew is a keynote speaker and decision strategist, helping companies change their internal practices to embrace collaborative decision making, ethics, values, and integrity. She can be reached at 512-457-0246 and http://www.sharondrewmorgen.com and http://www.newsalesparadigm.com

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arrow right Telsales Just Got Easier!

Your sales structure for outbound calls can be summarised using the well know acronym AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) we will explore at a high level what should be happening during a telemarketing call.Open The Call Then Set Your AgendaThe opening minutes of any  sales call are vital. You must remember that rapport is built immediately so how you sound is important. Everyone makes decisions about who they are talking to in seconds. This is why it is so important to sound great as we are immediately graded and however we do will be the starting point of the relationship. We are now at the beginning of the process of building rapport and developing what we hope will be a long term, profitable relationship ? so sound fantastic.When we meet someone for the first time we typically shake hands, smile and then swap business cards. On a call we also have some definable stages that can be measured and optimised. The opening part of the call is where we ask low risk questions which may, or may not concern their business. We might have a common interest, or even know the same group of people. Working on the phone is not really so different but in many ways is harder as we have no visual clues and can only 'hear' how the prospect is reacting. This is where you learn that, different approaches to different people will get different results.During the opening stage of your telemarketing campaign should keep to a realistic timescale with clear definable objectives. Understand early on that no rapport means no sales regardless of how good your product or service is. The real purpose is to introduce yourself to your prospects establish rapport before moving into the business part of the call. Another tip is to avoid being too familiar with your prospect - it rarely works even if you know them! Asking low risk questions is easier than going for a bulls eye in less than 30 seconds! Be friendly, but not over familiar. We cannot get along with everyone but we can be professional regardless of who they are.The next stage is to set your agenda in your opening statement (prepared earlier please). The purpose of the agenda is to put you in control and establish how the telemarketing sales call will be structured. It also gives you the right to ask questions.Ask Great QuestionsSelling is about identifying and then solving problems. The next stage therefore is to ask questions in order to find and explore customer problems. It usually relates to one or some of the following areas that need exploring including, contact, organisation, current supplier, challenges, needs, decision making process, competition and finance.We ask questions at this stage for two main reasons. Firstly to gather facts and secondly to identify attitudes, problems and needs. Essentially we are taking a temperature check.One important factor here is how we structure our questions and the quality of the questions we ask. Open questions (starting with how, what, where, when, why) encourage the customer to talk and closed questions (those that can only be answered with a yes/no) give us specific information.The sequence of our questions can be very important, especially when a customer is only willing to divulge a little information. We need to listen out for buying signals and ask follow-up questions at the appropriate time.One of the key issues is being able to ask questions, then listening to the answer without interrupting. (Interrupting and speaking over someone will not win you any friends!) This is common sales behaviour and customers find it most irritating sometimes worse. Also, while we are talking we are cutting off the supply of free information coming from the prospect.Identify NeedsThe process of asking questions will clarify the customer's and give you a clear idea of whether a feature or features of your product could solve those problems and satisfy the customers' needs.Usually, we see the need for our products and or services before our customers do. They see problems rather than needs and there could be a range of potential solutions.When people buy they also have a number of buying criteria. This usually means there are a limited number of reasons to buy that are of greatest interest to them. People don't buy for lots of reasons. They have their own buying criteria, which we will need to establish.Also, it has been shown that people buy on only two levels; Logic and Emotion.Their logical buying behaviour wants to know if the solution they are choosing is technically correct. Their emotional buying behaviour is asking for reassurance that their decision is a good one and they are not making a mistake.Present the SolutionHaving clarified the customer's problems and identified needs, present the Features, Advantages and Benefits of your own product in such a way that the solution matches the needs of the customer. An important issue here is timing. We cannot present effectively if we haven't identified their main buying criteria. When we present we must also be aware that we are not just listing a series of features. We must match the feature that solves the problem turning features into benefits.The most common mistakes made by salespeople is to present too much information too early in the sales process. We need to look at the problem from the buyers' perspective. Think about it and ask yourself this question 'If I was in their position, how much information would I need and when would I need it?'Gain Commitment Using A Trial CloseHaving presented a solution that meets the customer's needs the next phase is to gain commitment, to go ahead or else for some future action that will move you nearer towards the sale being made. You will usually meet with objections at various stages of the sales process and techniques will be developed for dealing with objections later in the programme. One of the problems with asking for commitment is that we sometimes lack confidence and fear rejection. It is important that we keep control of the sales process and maintain responsibility for moving to the next stage of the process and taking the customer with us. A trial close will flush out any last minute objection. Once you are satisfied that there are no additional objections you can present your solution.Your Final StepOnce you have presented your final solution you can then close the sale (or move to the next stage). Remember if you break down complex sales into manageable chunks you will be able to move forward far quicker. Gaining commitment for a meeting, a trial or whatever your objective is means that you have created a logical structure and you have achieved your call objectives. With practice everything becomes so much easier. But then if telemarketing was so easy everyone would be a runaway success ? you know just how hard it is and the fact that you may make it look easy is a real skill!© The Sales Academy 2005.You may include this article in your ezine or on your website or distribute it to others, provided you include the copyright statement and the bio information tag line found at the end of this article.Mike Palman, is an International Master Sales Coach and author. Mike helps people and businesses do more, do it better and get the results that they want. Mike had a successful career in sales and sales management for over 25 years and now helps salespeople and organisations get the sales edge. Since starting The Sales Academy in 2000 Mike and his team have helped 1000's of sales people and companies globally achieve outstanding results. For more information about Mike and The Sales Academy visit http://www.thesalesacademy.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 10 Tips for Telephone Success

The telephone is an often under-appreciated and much maligned piece of office equipment. Have you stopped to consider how much business you conduct over the telephone? These 10 tips will help you improve your telephone presence and presentations.1. You are the "Manager  of First Impressions" for your business. Whenever you pick up the telephone, put a smile on your face first. It will enhance your vocal quality and you will sound pleasant and relaxed.2. Listen attentively to the person you are speaking with. Recall why your dog is such a good listener: listen actively and in the moment. Multi-tasking is the enemy of effective listening.3. Let other people talk! Make sure your caller has completely finished speaking before responding. Remember: sometimes they aren't done talking; they are just coming up for air.4. Use open-ended questions to get people to speak more freely. You should always talk less than the person you have called. It makes others feel more comfortable, particularly if you are asking them to make a decision. The more they talk, the easier it is for them to "buy into" what you are proposing.5. To create affinity with your callers, speed up or slow down your speaking voice to better match theirs. They won't realize why they feel comfortable, they just will.6. Use your words for best results. Keep in mind you can phrase anything positively, negatively or neutrally. Phrasing your words positively will help you get better results more easily.7. Voice mail can be your friend. Avoid leaving voice mail messages but if you must, think of it as a 30 second commercial on a highly rated radio program. You have the opportunity to get your message into the "ears" of your most desired audience. Your message should reflect this.8. Plan your telephone presentations in advance. Think out all the various scenarios you might be faced with and write it out. This is called pre-call planning.9. Tape yourself for self-improvement. Listen to yourself carefully and decide what areas you want to improve.10. Make an action plan. Focus on only one area at a time. When you feel comfortable, move to your next area and repeat.We use the telephone as our primary form of personal communication. People who are good with this medium increase their opportunities for success.Jo Ann Kirby is president of KRG Communications Group. She has 20 years experience in sales, telephone sales and sales management and an extensive background in training and development. Her background also includes extensive b2b telesales management experience. Jo Ann has been published in The Toastmaster, NAPPS Network and Commerce magazines. More can be found at http://www.krgcommunications.com

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arrow right Telephone Sales Basics for Start-ups

Everyone picks up the telephone to do business. Yet the word "telemarketing" has many negative connotations for people. However, telemarketing is merely a term for conducting business over the telephone. Whenever you pick up the phone at work to make or receive a  call you are "a telemarketer". Over the years telemarketing has evolved into the following applications:1. Business to Consumer2. Business to BusinessWithin these classifications, there are two separate functions: inbound and outbound. Inbound is generally thought of as customer service, and outbound is used for sales or surveys. CSR is telemarketing shorthand for Customer Service Representative. TSR is telemarketing shorthand for Telemarketing Sales Representative.In order to increase response rate, many firms use a combination of direct mail and telemarketing.Generally the telemarketing call follows the mail piece. If the client or prospect requires additional information, a follow up first class mail piece, fax or email is sent.A soft sell works best for long term buyer -seller relationships. Each prospect call begins by letting prospects know the organization might be able to solve problems/fill needs. We then ask a series of questions to determine what their situation is and how the products can best help them. The offer is made and we ask for agreement - also known as the close. Rep's are expected to overcome objections and show how close a match the products are to the prospect's needs.The steps in a sales presentation:1. Opening2. Offer3. Trial Close4. Objections5. CloseMost Telemarketing units use a "script", a written, planned presentation. Actually, all salespeople use planned presentations; but as no one can see the telemarketer, these can be written down. A good script is used as a guideline as opposed to a verbatim speech. The presentation should inject some of the rep's personality and be flexible enough to personalize each call.During the course of an "average" day a Telephone Sales Rep will:? Dial the telephone 200 times? Reach voice mail 80 times (out of 200)? Reach a decision maker to make a presentation 20 times (out of 200)Telemarketing is no longer the stepchild of company's marketing efforts, in many cases telemarketing has become the focal point for dynamic expansion. As the cost of field sales endeavors continues to rise, more and more firms are using telemarketing to cost effectively increase their business. In 1988, US News and World Reports published a report citing 8 million telemarketing jobs by the year 2000. At a time when most telemarketing employment seemed to be part time (targeted for housewives, students and retirees)or hard sell boiler rooms, this number seemed tremendous.Today when most telemarketing positions, particularly in the business to business arena, are being held by experienced full time professionals, perhaps 8 million just scratches the surface.Jo Ann Kirby is president of KRG Communications Group. She has 20 years experience in sales, telephone sales and sales management and an extensive background in training and development. Her background also includes extensive b2b telesales management experience. Jo Ann has been published in The Toastmaster, NAPPS Network and Commerce magazines. More can be found at http://www.krgcommunications.com

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arrow right Choosing a Phone Dialer that Works

If you own or operate an outbound call center, you've probably heard quite a bit about various phone dialer systems. In fact, it's likely you're using one of the many systems currently on the market. While your current phone dialer may be adequate for your business needs  today, you'll probably grow out of it shortly. Even if you're not anticipating high levels of growth in the near future, just staying competitive in the call center business means having the latest technology.These days, most phone dialer systems come as part of an all-in-one CRM system package. This is usually the most cost effective way to get a phone dialer. In addition, by purchasing everything from one source, there's the added benefit of smooth interfacing between the phone dialer system and other portions of the CRM package.If you're not already using a phone dialer, not familiar with how they work, or if you're already an expert, but just don't have the time to spend on optimizing your current system, it may be a good idea to invest in a web-based CRM system. You'll need three things to get one up and running: a PC, an internet connection, and a phone connection. With some of today's more advanced web-based CRM systems, all the mundane, time wasting aspects to running a phone dialer-equipped CRM system are handled for you by the company from which you purchased the system. This results in a higher number of calls, leads, and revenue for you, not to mention more time to handle other critical aspects of your business.Most quality phone dialer systems also come bundled with several other features designed to make your sales force more effective. Some of these timesaving features include voice messaging systems and automatic faxing and emailing capabilities. The more time your sales agents can save by automating their busy work, the more time they will have to follow up on leads generating by the other CRM applications.By increasing out-bound calls by as much as 400%, some of the more advanced phone dialer systems help prevent busy signals, answering machines, and wrong numbers from wasting your sales agents' time. The best phone dialer systems also include a "power dialer" feature. The power dialer feature is designed to optimize business-to-business (B2B) sales calls, where secretaries and voice mail are likely to present more of a time drain and obstacle to closing sales than no one being home at a residential lead.Whether you're already using a phone dialer system, or looking into making an investment in your business, the latest dialers have what you need to boost revenue and save time.Cameron Brown is an internet marketer specializing in ranking automation. For more information about what a phone dialer system can do for your business, visit InsideSales.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Cold Calling Does Not Generate Sales Leads

It is a fact of life for most new sales people; they get the dream sales job with unlimited earning potential and expect to earn so much money that they can now enjoy the fruits of their coming wealth. Everything seems perfect until they realize that before closing a sale  and earning the big commission, they must first prospect for new customers (read, cold calls). Cold calling is hard to do. People hate to make cold calls and people hate being on the receiving end of them as well.Prospecting is the most difficult part of the sales job. There are many ways to go about it but, for some reason, sales managers preach cold calling as the only way for young sales people to generate leads. As someone who has been through it, I wish that these attitudes would change.I recently read one of the best selling books on cold calling. In this book, the author stresses persistence. He uses the 15-3-1 rule. That is, you need to make fifteen cold calls to make three appointments with prospects. Out of these 3 appointments you will close one sale. By being persistent and making fifteen cold calls a day, this will translate to, on average, one sale a day, five sales a week, twenty sales a month, etc. Further, the author explains that he doesn't mind the rejection that he gets when he cold calls. The reason is that since it takes fifteen calls to get an appointment, that means that he will hear the word

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Dos and Donts of Cold Calling

Having your fingernails removed!Many salespeople would rather have their fingernails removed slowly than make a cold call. And it's no wonder; with the abundant number of resistance-inducing techniques out there, salespeople set themselves up for failure. However, New  Business Development is a major key to a company's long term survival. Ask yourself, what would happen if your number one client stopped buying from you today! Well, I think we all know the answer!Here are some common sense

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Conference Calling Evolved

Originally the conference call was limited to businesses paying exorbitant fees to the telcos. For business, it still made sense economically because the costs were less than the travel costs involved in bringing the people together. Additionally, significant time savings  are involved, both in terms of travel time and in being able to communicate fairly rapidly to an extended group.Telcos then extended their market by providing conference calling services to home consumers for an added fee. For some, it made sense to be able to bring a family or group with common interests together easily, usually to plan some physical event.With the expansion of the internet, and in particular, the increasing availability and decreasing pricing for high speed internet access, conference calling has expanded far beyond its original uses.For business, it remains a vital tool and has, actually, become far more useful as prices fall and the ease of use increases. Real time audio/video conferencing is already in use (and in some organizations has been for quite some time). As the cost of bandwidth decreases and the technology underlying audio-video transmission over networks improves, true real-time video conferencing will increase dramatically.With the growing sophistication of the typical surfer and the expansion of internet marketing, audio and video have become hot items. Within the internet marketing community, conference calls - usually known as teleseminars, have become a standard feature. Offering the opportunity to reach a large group of interested prospects in a relatively simple and inexpensive format, teleseminars also offer the marketer an opportunity to create an instant product. A recording of a teleseminar can either be sold as a stand-alone product or used as a marketing tool for back-end products.Marketers are using both free and paid teleseminars. Generally there is a higher level of injected sales content in free teleseminars, but it does vary a great deal.Solutions available now range from the rather expensive to essentially free. Your choice is going to depend on exactly what level of service you require. There are a number of providers which offer an introductory pricing scheme (I've seen it as low as a $1 for the first month), which gives you the opportunity to see firsthand how their service works at a very modest cost. You do need to make sure you understand just how your users will access the conference. Solutions which use telephone call-ins are generally more restrictive and/or expensive than those utilizing an internet connection or VoIP softphone connections.True real-time audio/video conferencing hasn't arrived yet for most. The bandwidth requirements remain excessive and the quality of the video, in particular, is fairly low. If you ever done live chat with audio and a web camera, you've seen the limitations.Most online presentations which involve both audio and video generally use static images which change either rarely or slowly, such as charts, website images, topic outlines and so on. This can be extremely useful for teleseminars, of course, because it makes it easier to demonstrate certain points and provides a visual as well as an audio focus for participants.The combination of audio and visual elements is particularly useful in training situations where one can reinforce the other. Plus, you have the advantage of reaching those who learn better through visual means, as well as those partial to audio.For those of you doing eCommerce the evolved conference call can be an incredible tool. Consider how much impact regular teleseminars about your area of expertise could have on future sales. You can provide buyers with instructional teleseminars. You can introduce new products. And in each instance you'll be generating recordings which you can either sell or make available on your sites, or use as added viral marketing tools.With the increasing sophistication and usability of the tools for conference calling, the possibilities are virtually unlimited and well within the reach of every entrepreneur. You'll be hard pressed to find another tool that offers you the impact and potential of the conference call.Copyright 2005 Richard KeirRichard writes, teaches, trains and consults on business and professional presentations and eCommerce related matters. For more on conference calling, web conferencing and related subjects visit http://altaglobal.com - for wireless and cellular subjects see http://www.altaglobal.org and for networking and security check http://www.altaglobal.net

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Know Youre On A Winner

The catchword today for business is flexibility.With changes in suppliers, customers, and the processes connecting them altering almost daily (or so it seems) the future clearly belongs to the organisations which can adjust to change quickly and effectively.The good news  for Call Centres is that, unlike more traditional sales organisations, the modern Call Centre has the equipment in place to measure this easily.Instead of doing a sales training course and then waiting some weeks or months before you can reasonably evaluate the effectiveness of the course, the Call Centre can institute any change regarding CRMs and measure its effect on sales on a frequent, regular basis.In the traditional face-to-face small-scale operation, the manager can make the change but not be sure of its effectiveness or whether the change is due to the changes instituted as things change anyway.How do you know the improvement in sales is due to the new processes or due to something else? Or what if it is successful - how long does it last?And what does this mean in practice?At CustomCall, in line with its company Core Value of Continuous Innovation, this issue was dealt with in the following way: 6 CRMs from 4 different teams were brought together for 2 hrs for a workshop to improve their sales.Then the sales conversion rates were measured over a one month, two month and three month period.These results were compared with their results for one two and three months preceding the workshop.This produced an improvement ofone month + 11.43% two months +22.04% three months +22.66%Looks good but maybe everyone else changed too without any training.So the same comparison was done with the whole campaign. Comparing Campaign After-workshop-date to Before-workshop-date sales gave the figures:one month –1.37% two months +05.80% three months +05.71%Removing the changes which happened anyway for the whole Campaign, the final difference for the effect of the workshop on the training group was:one month +12.80% two months +16.24% three months +16.95%Over three months the workshop produced a 16.95% increase in sales conversion rates.Then the workshop was repeated for another 6 CRMs and after only one month the change (minus Campaign change) was 16.30% improvement in sales conversion rates.Getting CRMs from different teams means the change is not due to one Team Leader for some reason bringing about a special improvement. Comparing the test group with the whole Campaign means they're not undergoing an improvement which is happening anyway, as the full Campaign serves as a control group for the test group.This makes measurement a no-brainer.Interestingly when I told one of the CRMs his sales had gone up 45% over the three months he said

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Feel the Fear

It sometimes surprises people when I tell them I get slightly nervous before a speaking or training event. They seem to think that because I've been doing it for years, nervousness would no longer be an issue.However "nerves" is a normal human emotion and as I often say -

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...