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arrow right Want to Increase the Amount of Business that Your Firm is Getting?

Business development is important for every business and refers to the action of bringing in customers or clients that are likely to make positive contributions to a company's bottom line. Business Development is all about establishing relevant and subsisting relationships  in the market place.In this article Alex Margarit offers you an introduction into the world of business development and new business acquisition. Utilizing your existing client base to maximise your inbound sales revenue.Your existing client or customer base is the number one most important tool to increasing your firm's business. The most important relationships for any business are those that it holds with its customers. For this reason it is paramount that companies consider their existing customers when identifying ways to increase their market share. Customer service theory tells as that by creating positive experiences with their clients, businesses can often reap big rewards in terms of new business referral with every "raving fan client" avidly promoting the business to others based on their experience.Prospecting & SalesProspecting for clients is an important means to increase market share. Prospecting is a valuable part of the sales process and normally involves identifying a targeted list of potential customers that meet with the firm's marketing objectives. Direct sales campaigns can then be initiated to entice them into becoming a client or customer of the firm.Referral basesIn any given market there will often be a large number of potential referrers of business that may not necessarily be potential clients. Typical referrers can be industry bodies such as associations or clubs or otherwise other opinion leaders in the market. Opinion leaders are generally people in the market that are regarded as having an insight into the market and who have some measure of influence over target markets. Establishing valid relationships with referrers can be a wonderful source of new business.Strategic Alliances and Joint venturesEstablishing strategic alliances and joint ventures can be a great way to maintain a focus on your primary product offering whilst simultaneously expanding your market participation. The basic premise is that there are always a number of firms in any given market who are selling to the same target markets as you are. By creating a strategic alliance with a firm who is not directly competing with you, both parties will be able to collaborate towards the one goal of better servicing their client base. Given that each firm in the alliance has an area of specialization, why re-invent the wheel. An alliance will allow the customer to benefit from a wider product range while both parties can negotiate a referral system for incoming sales.Alex Margarit is an Internet Marketing professional based in Brisbane, Australia. He has written a number of published works on Marketing.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Drop Discounts and Earn Top Dollar

Every dollar you discount is a dollar of pure profit you're giving away. Therefore, your efforts to remove discounts will be richly rewarded.When buyers see list price, they expect discounts to follow. By changing the way you address the relationship between pricing and  discounts, you can stop giving away heavy discounts and escape the commodity pricing pressures in your business.Here are 4 simple techniques that you can use to wring every dollar you deserve out of your next sale.Amplify the PainFirst, find and amplify your buyer's pain. Before any discussion of price, your buyer must be truly motivated to make a change. In other words, make sure the buyer understands just how much it is costing them to NOT implement your solution.The life insurance business has used this approach for years, because nobody wants to think about dying. The agent asks the prospective insured to think about all of the effects of being inadequately insured. Do you have enough money set aside right now to pay for a decent burial? How will the mortgage be paid next month? Who will pay for the children's college? These types of questions heighten the awareness of the buyer to the gravity of their decision, which increases the perceived value of the solution as well as creating a sense of urgency to make a positive decision.But wait, you say, not all buying decisions are pain-oriented. Very true. Many of our buying decisions are tied to gain of some sort, whether financial, power, prestige, or comfort related. Still, these gain drivers can be made even more effective by bringing in the pain elements. All you need to do is consider the flip side with the prospect.For instance, if you are considering a new mattress on the basis of increased comfort, what will happen if you don't get the mattress? Will you, or do you now suffer from back or joint problems? Will you wake up tired, drag through your day, and be unproductive at work? Will you waste more time sleeping than you need to, because of lack of quality sleep time?When you consider questions like these, the new mattress doesn't just become a luxury. Instead, it's a necessary tool that will cost you many productive hours at work and in your relationships if you fail to have it. With pain, we now have a motivated buyer with a sense of urgency.Quantify the ProblemThe next step for maximizing your selling price is to quantify the buyer's problem. Often the buyer will need a little help with this. Some things are easy to quantify. For example, what would it cost if a company's website goes down and visitors can't access company information or conduct transactions? That may be easier to quantify than putting a dollar figure on what a bad night's sleep might cost you the next day.You can quickly quantify any situation by going through a best case/worst case/likely case scenario. For instance, the best case situation for your website to go down would probably be in the middle of the night, perhaps on a weekend. You'd loose some traffic, but only a very small percentage compared to overall weekly traffic. The worst case might be to lose your website right after your company is featured on CNN. While this could happen, the probability is rather small. Now it's easier for the buyer to understand that a likely scenario could be to lose their website during a normally-heavy traffic time, perhaps mid-day or early evening. With such a likely scenario clearly in mind, it's easy to understand how financially painful the loss would be.Package Your SolutionA third tactic for maximizing your selling price is to package your solution. Don't price out components separately, but show a single price for fixing the buyer's problem. The price should include all of your offerings that are necessary to deliver the complete fix.Once you've bundled your solution for a single price, it's hard for your buyer to shop elsewhere. The more of your offerings that your buyer needs, the more difficult it will be to find another source that can duplicate that same set of offerings. Buying them a la carte from multiple sources will almost always prove to be more difficult, if not more expensive.I'm amazed at how many companies believe they have to provide line-item pricing because their buyers ask for it. Of course they ask for it! That's so they can nit-pick each item and squeeze out a bigger discount. Most companies are a little high on some items and a little low on others, but still offer a great overall value. Your prospect will never point out the under-priced items, but you can bet they'll grind you on the ones that are a little high.Pick a Proud PriceAs you set the price for your offering, the last thing to consider is the cost of the problem the buyer quantified earlier. Remember that you're presenting a neatly-wrapped solution package to a buyer who's motivated to solve a painfully-expensive problem. Their problem should be a lot more expensive than the price you want to ask, preferably by a factor of 3 or more. Feel free to name your price, and pick a good one!It shouldn't be exorbitant, but it doesn't have to be the cheapest in town. You deserve to make a good buck relative to the problem you're fixing. This is no time to be shy and leave money on the table. And if you haven't been able to point out how their problem is costing them much more than the price of your solution, don't be surprised when you don't get the order.SummaryTo earn top dollar for what you offer, you'll need to amplify your buyer's pain, quantify their problem, package your solution, and make sure the cost of their problem is always much higher than the price of your solution. It's worth working a little harder to defend your pricing because another name for discount is pure profit. Use these techniques and you won't have to give either away anymore.© 2005 Paul Johnson. All rights reserved.Note: This article is available for reprint at no charge. We only ask that you include our copyright notice in your reprint, along with the About the Author (byline) information we provide at the end of the article.Paul Johnson of Panache and Systems LLC consults and speaks on business strategy for systematically boosting sales performance using Shortcuts to Yes?. Check out more salesforce development tips at http://panache-yes.com/tips.html Call Paul direct in Atlanta, Georgia, USA at (770) 271-7719.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 100% Commission Equals Zero Percent Control

The temptation to use straight (100%) commission plans never goes away: "Let's put our salespeople on 100 percent commission. Then, if they don't perform, we're not out any money." For small, start-up organizations, the lure is irresistible, especially when money is tight  and the company or the products they sell have no track record in the market.Straight commission appeals to salespeople because of the freedom that comes with it. Because they receive no salary, these salespeople are unwilling to allow management to prescribe how they do their work. That includes hours kept, effort made, methods used, or product lines sold. The only real rules they must abide by are ethical. When salespeople are willing to give up salary, management must be willing to give up control.For someone new to sales, finding a straight commission position may be a way to establish themselves as a salesperson. For a proven, effective salesperson, 100 percent commission may be the road to making loads of money by making lots of sales for their company. Unfortunately, most small companies with straight commission plans hope for the latter and wind up with the former. These inexperienced, undisciplined, babes-in-the-woods carry a high likelihood of failure, costing their companies untold sales opportunities during the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Promoting Your Private Label at Industry Trade Shows

So everyone thought you were crazy when you announced 6 months ago that you were quitting your "real job" in hopes of chasing starting your own Private Label Clothing Line. Your house is a disaster, blank shirts and line sheets everywhere, your living room has  been transformed into a makeshift production lab. You've bled and sweat, investing every last of ounce of time, effort and inevitably?your life savings. At last, you're first sample line is complete and your line sheets are nothing short of spectacular. Congratulations! But wait?better take a deep breath as the real work has only begun. What next?Lucky for you, Leisure Trends estimates that in 2004 surf and skate retailers sold $4.87 billion in goods. With those figures continuing to increase in 2005 you only need a sliver of the pie. Most importantly you need to place yourself in front of and meet the right people.Industry Trade Shows: Inundated with retail purchasers in attendance, emerging brands often use trade show appearances to better establish their lines with key accounts from specialty shops such as Huntington Surf & Sport to larger chains including Tilly's. From sourcing wholesale clothing to meeting buyers, these events are your opportunity to get your name out there and begin taking orders.1. ASR ? As a full service tradeshow, Action Sports Retailer (ASR) provides a venue for buyers and manufactures to meet, sell, buy, exchange ideas, market, and network. With 3 events each year, ASR gathers approximately 7000 buyers and decision makers. Visit www.asrbiz.com for more info.2. Surf Expo- Produced twice annually, Surf Expo is the longest running trade show for manufacturers and retailers in the boardsports and resortwear industries (28 years). Visit www.surfexpo.com for more details.3. Magic ? Considered perhaps the most influential business event in the fashion industry, Magic connects a global audience twice per year and attracts over 95,000 attendees including over 3,000 manufacturers. For show information visit www.magiconline.comNow, hopefully you've come up with a unique approach and can afford booth space.Happy selling!Bradley JFashionable Clothing Wholesaler

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right T. L. S. Part I: Tier Level Selling ? A Penetration Strategy

A number of sales "Gurus" have promoted the theory that states, "concentrating strictly on your top level premier accounts (some even quantify that by stating your top twenty) will provide you with as much growth and profit as you can possibly handle."  This is often stated regardless of individual and corporate strategic initiatives. This position is based on the following facts and assumptions.? Your top twenty accounts have tremendous growth potential that you have not taken advantage of fully. It is easier to sell an existing account than to generate new business. It is also less costly.? The total potential of your top twenty accounts equals your S.A.M. (Served Available Market) potential.? Salesmen are too costly to waste time making cold calls and prospecting.? Inside sales can handle all other accounts not listed in your top twenty programs.Although there is some basic truth to those points, there is also some fallacy of assumption in them.1. There aren't many salesmen in all of distribution that handle twenty true premier accounts. By definition, a top account should be in your highest 10% ranking based on annual revenue, profit margin and potential.2. Most accounts will not put 100% of their eggs in one basket.3. Generally speaking, the total volume purchased by an account does not equal your S.A.M. that you specifically can supply.4. It is a fact that accounts have life cycles. You WILL lose some accounts for any number of reasons regardless of who you are or what you do. Lack of prospecting will eventually cause your territory to die a slow painful death.5. Vendor relations can suffer dramatically as your salesmen drive by an account while riding with a manufacturer's representative explaining that he is not allowed to call on that account as it is not on his top twenty premier list.6. What does the salesman do with his spare time ? since most accounts don't want to see salesmen more than every couple of weeks? That means seeing twenty accounts every two weeks gives you an average of only two sales calls per day maximum.7. Salesmen get bored, creativity is suppressed and they even get angry when they have to incorporate too much administrative time into every one of their accounts. The kind of paperwork nightmare associated with this type of program can get out of hand. Unlike the T.L.S. program that differentiates each level of five accounts with regard to administrative time, this type of program requires identical, sophisticated tracking of every account and every activity. That answers the question of what the salesman does with his extra time. Paperwork. Paperwork that often requires trying to document, "What you don't know you don't know." GIVE ME A BREAK! I have actually seen that question listed as a requirement in a program of this nature.A number of years ago, I actually reviewed a program built on these principles. I looked at the top twenty listing of accounts for 167 salesmen. It turned out that over 30% of the accounts I reviewed were on a C.O.D. status established by the credit department. Another 50% fell way short of logical parameters to be included in a top twenty premier program. Parameters such as total revenue and potential. Don't be discouraged. The basic concept still has merit. There is another alternative that takes into consideration the valid assumptions this type of program is based on and negates the invalid assumptions.That program is called:T. L. S. A Penetration Strategy ----------5 + 5 + 5PROGRAM OBJECTIVE:The primary purpose and benefits of this Tier Level Selling program is to become and remain focused on your strategic objective in becoming the Distributor of Choice. This program becomes a flexible guide to successful growth in sales.5 * 5 * 5 CONCEPTFIVEACCOUNTS THAT YOU ARE CURRENTLY VERY SUCCESSFUL WITH BUT YOU HAVE NOT REALIZED MAXIMUM POTENTIAL. (YOU MAY OR MAY NOT BE CURRENTLY CONSIDERED DISTRIBUTOR OF CHOICE)FIVEACCOUNTS THAT YOU ARE CURRENTLY DOING A FAIR AMOUNT OF BUSINESS WITH BUT YOU ARE FALLING WELL SHORT OF THE ACTUAL POTENTIAL OF THAT ACCOUNT.FIVEACCOUNTS THAT YOU ARE NOT DOING BUSINESS WITH AT ALL BUT THEY HAVE SUBSTANTIAL POTENTIAL. (THESE LAST 5 ACCOUNTS ARE LIKELY TO REVOLVE)BASIC REQUIREMENTS----T. L. S. PROGRAM* IDENTIFY SALES POTENTIAL BY PRODUCT BY ACCOUNT* IDENTIFY SALES REVENUE POTENTIAL IN DOLLARS* ESTIMATE POTENTIAL GROSS MARGIN BY ACCOUNT* SELECT A COACH* WRITE SPECIFIC DETAILED ACTION PLANS FOR EACH OF THE 15 ACCOUNTS* FOLLOW PROGRAM GUIDELINESI. KNOWLEDGE COMPONENTThe knowledge components listed are the tendons and the muscles, the heart of the T.L.S. program. Each element becomes a building block in the program's foundation. Without good dialog with your 5 + 5 + 5 accounts, securing the information necessary to formulate a meaningful plan becomes very difficult. To ensure maximum benefit from the information you collect, the questions asked and the answers given should be recorded in the narrative. This allows you to understand the subject and the answer. It reinforces your ability to understand the concept and the T.L.S. account.1. CUSTOMER PROFILE----(HISTORY, OWNERSHIP)This provides an important snapshot of the T.L.S. prospect. It tells you exactly what kind of company you are dealing with. Areas to explore include: When were they founded? How did they get started? Are they private or public? Is their family still involved in the business? Where are they headed? Do they have a strategic plan? What are their growth expectations? Who are the principals of the company? What are their demographics as it relates to their market, their branch locations?2. MARKET PROFILE----(MARKETS-CUSTOMERS-COMPETITION) This is a critical assessment of the factors that affect the customer's business. You need this intelligence to determine and allocate the necessary resources. Areas to explore include: What types of markets are they in? Are their markets growing or shrinking? What is their market share? Are they exploring new markets? What types of customers are they after? Who are their major customers? How do they generate new business? What is their large to small customer ratio? Who is their competition? What price or profit pressures are they experiencing?3. LEAD TIME FROM THEIR CUSTOMERS----C2This helps you get a better understanding of their business. By understanding their customers you will be able to determine the time lines from order to delivery. What could be done to shorten the cycle time and perhaps determine what your customer's pain factors are? You must know the top five customers of your customer.4. TECHNICAL COMPETENCEWhat type, if any, technical assistance will they require?5. DESIGN CYCLESIf it is an O.E.M.----How long does it take to get a typical product prototyped and designed?6. FORECAST, MRP OR BUILD TO ORDERWhat is their ordering practice?7. VENDOR REDUCTIONAre they implementing a vendor reduction program or any other type of program that has significant impact on their purchasing practices?8. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTSDetermine any and all special requirements such as packaging, receiving certifications or electronic commerce. Are they seasonal?9. CREDIT (ABILITY TO PAY)Do they pay their bills on time? Are there any special terms required?10. PRODUCT CYCLEWhat is their process from the time they receive an order until they ship to their customer? By understanding their process, you can better determine the pain factors and the opportunities to create a hero status.11. CRITICAL COMPONENTSWhat components are deemed to be highly critical in the customer's operation? What if anything has the customer done in the way of preparedness in case of breakdowns or business interruption?These are suggested questions to get you thinking. Don't stop there; be creative. The more you know about your T.L.S. account, the better prepared you will be to shorten the distance required to meet your objectives. There is a knowledge component form available to help you on your fact gathering missions. It allows you and your selected strategic sales team to review every factor that could be significant in developing your action plan for each specific T.L.S. customer. The first thing that should be documented on this form is exactly where you stand as a supplier or potential supplier right now.II. S. A. M. POTENTIAL (SERVED AVAILABLE MARKET)Identify the T.L.S. customers and their actual potential. Total available market, less other channel supply that you do not participate in, equals Served Available Market. This is the actual potential that you have the opportunity to go after. Just because the customer buys a total of $XX does not mean his total purchase is realistically available to you. We have now entered the age of multi-channel distribution. Your S.A.M. must be a big enough potential with a high confidence for success level to warrant engaging the resources necessary to capture the account. This candidate should match the abilities of your company to perform. You must understand and be capable of performing under their "Rules of Engagement."III. RULES OF ENGAGEMENTRules of engagement are simply the criteria that the customer defines as to how you must do business with them. They often involve many if not all of the following factors. ? INVENTORY REQUIREMENTS? CREDIT TERMS? CONTRACT PRICING? QUALITY PROGRAMS? INTEGRATED SUPPLY? SPECIAL SHIPPING AND HANDLING? DROP SHIPS? EDI-INTERNET? CREDIT CARD SALES? TRAINING? STRATEGIC ALLIANCES? CONSIGNMENTIV. FORECASTING (by product, by quarter, by revenue, by margin)This is not "pie in the sky" guessing. You should be able to back up your forecast with solid data and a reasonable thought process to the degree of your anticipated success. In other words, why and how do you feel you can accomplish this goal? A well thought out action plan must accompany the forecast.V. IDENTIFY ALL KEY PLAYERSIdentify key players at the T.L.S. candidate's company as well as prioritizing the key players at your company that must become involved to ensure success. Remember this is a tier level selling program designed to penetrate all levels of the organization. This penetration includes corporate headquarters all the way down to the shop floor. Prioritize each player's involvement on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the highest. The idea is to record the key players you have identified at your target account. List all the individuals by department recording their phone number, fax number and e-mail address. Sometimes obtaining this data can be an adventure. Next, you need to determine the key player value. What are their personal interests? What are their hot buttons? How do they define a good supplier? What is their communication preference? And most importantly:? What keeps them up at night?? What gives them pain?Take away their pain and becoming Distributor of Choice becomes much easier.VI. INTERNAL----Company Key Support PlayersIdentify key players at your company that must support efforts to accomplish the objectives established for this particular T.L.S. candidate. You must establish the who's who of your T.L.S. program. There should be enough detail in creating task descriptions for each player to explain exactly what this person's involvement will be in the program. In addition, hierarchy should be noted so that you can mentally put together an organizational chart. This must be kept up to date.VII. PICK AND IDENTIFY A COACHThere is usually one person in their organization (not always the buyer) with which you can develop a special relationship. This person can become your coach. Often times this person can run interference, supply competitive information and even tell you how to become successful at this particular account. Who are they??VIII. T.L.S. CANDIDATEYou must develop a quick numerical snapshot of the T.L.S. candidate. Determine the actual potential of this account as well as historical data relating to past performance.IX. CURRENT ANALYSIS-KNOWLEDGE COMPONENTSThe current analysis knowledge component is the baseline that allows you to understand your current position with the T.L.S. candidate. It provides the starting point of where you are and where you want to go. (Your Goals---Distributor of Choice). This information will help you understand the customer's "Rules of Engagement." Look at all opportunities to prove your value as D.O.C. This includes product related issues, service related issues and even e-commerce. Keep this information current as opportunities come and go.X. MASTER ACTION PLANYour Master Action Plan should develop naturally from the knowledge you gain from your research and customer contact. You should develop one plan for each of the 15 T.L.S. candidates. Of course, your top five may be more extensive than your bottom five. However, your middle five may be the most developed and extensive of the total. This plan must determine how to match your company resources to every opportunity that exists within that account.This plan should encompass the entire year, a twelve-month period, with time lines, action requirements and accountability by assigned responsibility. Keep it manageable. Make sure you have the resources to accomplish each specific assigned task and the time necessary to deliver what you promise. Details are essential for every step. Clearly defined goals containing specific action items with assigned responsibility are essential. The idea of this entire program is to provide focus on your "plus" accounts. Those are the accounts with the most potential. The 5 + 5 + 5 analogy simply points you to the five largest accounts you accountability are a must. Each participant in the plan must acknowledge and accept responsibility for their portion of the plan. Definitive action plans are more than personal account visits once a month. They are more than introductions to upper management and they are more than a commitment to work with management to submit the lowest bid. Action plans must be precise, definitive and measurable. You start by establishing specific objectives for each T.L.S. account and continue with objectives for each personal contact. You must identify specific participants necessary to meet objectives and develop strategies to accomplish those objectives. Each plan should address the questions, Who, How, When, Why and What For. Who should call on whom, etc. Develop entertainment strategies where necessary.XI. MONITOR AND RECORD PROGRESS FOR ALL TO SEEEstablish charts listing all fifteen accounts. Review the progress and the plans monthly. This review should occur openly in monthly sales meetings. Peer acknowledgement can be very motivating. This chart should track forecast versus actual. Each salesman should explain his action plan and his progress to date. Stumbling blocks should be identified and ideas shared.have with the most growth potential without ignoring growth potential from medium sized accounts. Additionally, it allows you to focus on new account development by listing five target accounts that you currently do no business with. The target account list is expected to revolve as you add and delete accounts. This doesn't mean you now only have fifteen accounts. You still must service your entire account base. These are just fifteen accounts that have high growth potential that you have identified to receive proactive, aggressive focus on growth. There are a number of forms (not nearly as many as the top twenty program) associated with tracking your progress in this program, but it's not "Rocket Science," you can create your own. However, you can e-mail rick@ceostrategist.com if you would like copies.Dr. Eric "Rick" Johnson (rick@ceostrategist.com) is the founder of CEO Strategist LLC. an experienced based firm specializing in Distribution. CEO Strategist LLC. works in an advisory capacity with distributor executives in board representation, executive coaching, team coaching and education and training to make the changes necessary to create or maintain competitive advantage. You can contact them by calling 352-750-0868, or visit http://www.ceostrategist.com for more information.Rick received an MBA from Keller Graduate School in Chicago, Illinois and a Bachelor's degree in Operations Management from Capital University, Columbus Ohio. Rick recently completed his dissertation on Strategic Leadership and received his Ph.D. He's also a published book author with four titles to his credit: "The Toolkit for Improved Business Performance in Wholesale Distribution," the NWFA & NAFCD "Roadmap", Lone Wolf-Lead Wolf-The Evolution of Sales" and a fiction novel about teenagers called "Shattered Innocence."

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 14 Top Lead Generation Tactics

According to former Harvard Business School professor David Maister, typical marketing practices are not only inapplicable for professional service firms, but they may be dangerously wrong.Often professional service firm principals tell me they are frustrated with the  quality of their marketing materials, they are concerned with their firm's low profile or they feel pressure because their efforts are not generating enough new client leads. Are any of these issues for you?Many professionals do not know there is a body of knowledge about what does and does not work in marketing professional services. A review of the marketing recommendations of Maister, Robert Bly, Alan Weiss and other experts reveals a recurring theme of what does and does not work in professional service firm marketing. My own 20 years of practical experience in marketing professional service firms supports these findings. The best marketing for professional service firms is educational in nature. Here are the top 14 tactics that work, in order from the least to the most effective:The inadequate seven14. Cold calling -- This should be done by a business development person, never a principal. Nothing says

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How You Can Raise Your Business Earnings By 50% With An Age-Old Magic Truth

Imagine increasing your business earnings by 30, 40, or 50%. And this just by putting into use a fundamental truth of life. Many great men of history have used this truth in turning around their fortunes.You must understand that our world is governed with basic principles  which if used right can produce amazing results. These are truths that have been since life began. You can also profit with them in anything you choose in life. In this article you'll discover how you can build you home business with one of these basic truths.But what is this fundamental truth? It is this simple truth:

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Never Trust a Silent Customer

Imagine you run a pizza parlour. You have all these neighbourhood families that pop in at least once a week for some pizza, garlic bread and Coke. On an average, one customer spends about $30 per week. But let's assume they spend just $20. Imagine you did something that  bugged this customer, but he or she never told you about it. What would you stand to lose if they left?Its simple math: You lose $20 x 50 weeks. That's equivalent to $1000 a year.If you lost just 10 such customers per month, you'd lose about 100 clients a year.That's $100,000 that could be in your back pocket if you were a little complaint-conscious.That Doesn't Happen in Our Business: The Denial SyndromeOvertly it won't. In a Bain & Company survey of major corporations, they found that on average, U.S. Corporations lose half their customers in five years. Notice, it wasn't 'one year' or 'suddenly'. Clients have a tipping point. They get unhappy bit by bit and then its camel-back-breaking time. So, if you think that all your customers are happy with you-they aren't. It's a basic fact of life.What's really weird is that you can't measure how much business you're really losing. A study was done on a bank, they found they had as many accounts as they had a year ago. What they failed to measure was how most of the people had 'silently' transferred the money out into other banks and the closure of the account was a last measure, somewhere down the line.The same thing applies to your customer. Like a patient Buddha, they will seemingly appear to put up with everything, till suddenly you find they don't use you anymore. This is a classic flight of business. You hear nothing of it, till it's almost gone and it takes a mammoth effort just to hold on to the business.If you look at it from another perspective, you might even be getting equal to or slightly less business from your customer. Naturally this doesn't ring any alarm bells. However, if you've been watching carefully, your customer has probably grown bigger and richer in the past few months or years. If your business with them has not grown exponentially, you are actually LOSING OUT.No matter how successful your business, you will always have scope for improvement. Best of all, you will always have complaining customers. Don't deny the fact. Accept it and then do something about it.The Real Reason Why You Lose CustomersLast month we went to KFC to pick up some chicken and chips for dinner. On the way home we discovered that the chicken and the chips were soggy and tasted terrible.How would most customers react? It would depend on their history with the product, but most people would grumble and simply not go back. We complained. We picked up the phone and called the toll free line at KFC. They asked us to place our order. We said we didn't want to place an order, we just wanted to complain. They said,

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arrow right Snuff Out the Competition Without Leaving a Mark!

Does the competition drive you crazy? Are they relentless about taking your clients away? Are customer loyalties becoming a thing of the past?In our ever changing world, it seems securing business these days comes down to, who will provide the most services at the lowest  possible price.To add insult to injury your previously served customers have taken on a new militant attitude about obtaining your services. They now believe they have a license to set the pricing, dangle it over your head and threaten to call someone cheaper if you will not meet their demands.It seems the rules have changed and if we are not willing to make the adjustment our businesses will continue to feel the impact from the competition.If the title to this article seems a bit brutal, harsh or to blunt for your taste buds, then take a moment and reflect how your business has been affected by your competition. How that before they came along your were not being hounded about your prices.Think about how every year several more new businesses come from out of nowhere. They don't advertise, won't get the proper licensing, refuse to be properly insured and have shamelessly solicited your customers. I can assure you that the competition, given half a chance, would not think twice about putting you out of business if they knew how.A burr in your britches? I'm thinking,

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arrow right Get Instant Rapport On Sales Cold Calls

Immediately establish rapport on cold-calls by matching your prospect's voice qualities - tone, pace, and emotion. Matching the emotion, or mood, of your prospect is key. If you begin your call sounding excited when she is not, you will be immediately branded as a  salesperson, and the prospect's guard will be way up. By matching her emotion, you immediately get her thinking

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arrow right 3 Simple Rules For Your Next Sales Call

The other day I received a call from a telemarketer selling a website "starter kit" for small businesses. If you are reading this right now, then you undoubtedly know that I have a website. Normally, I would quickly get the telemarketer off the line so I could get back to  showing people how to make more money. But this call got my attention because I thought that this might be a potential service that I could recommend to my clients. So I decided to listen to this sales pitch to evaluate the offering and the approach that the telemarketer used. Well the rep started by going straight into a sales pitch. She was using the age-old technique of trying to complete her benefits-loaded-sales-pitch before I knew what hit me. This technique is very similar to television, radio, or print advertising where if you show your ad to enough people with a pulse, then you will eventually find a few people who actually need the service.  Instead of getting annoyed with the sales rep, I decided to have fun with the call. Once she was done with her somewhat lengthy pitch, I asked her

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arrow right Control Your Sales Calls From The Start

Sales calls that you control are what all salespeople want. I am a big believer that questioning is the most important skill for sales professionals. In order to stay in control of your sales calls, whether by phone or in person, you need to be the one asking questions most  of the time.  To be the one asking questions most of the time, you have to get to questioning right from the start of your sales calls. This issue's tip is about how to make this transition quickly with finesse, whether you are calling by phone or are in person.  To accomplish this, you will need to eliminate beginning your sales calls with long-winded

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Closing That Big Sale With Conference Calling

So you're in business. Whether it is micro, small, medium, or enterprise; you know the one key element you need to succeed in your business ? sales.Now, you have studied and learned many practices on succeeding in your arena, but there may be something still overlooked. You  most undoubtedly have strained to learn every technique possible to gain the competitive advantage for ultimate return on your investment. What you may be missing out on is what you use to communicate during your sales process, more specifically; what communication products you currently use to implement your suave techniques of sale persuasion.Recently a client in Florida phoned me requesting a way to consult with a large potential client and his peers overseas in Africa via telephone. He was a well traveled business man and was used to flying over to leads himself, but he thought he might try something new, something with less overhead; after all, it was still just a potential client. Well that request was a no brainer for me when I talked to him. I automatically suggested conference calling.He was a little skeptical of using conference calling in place of face to face until I mentioned one of the conference calling services we offered. Being he had many international business leads and clients I mentioned CogniConference which offers toll-free conference calling from over 50 countries. He saw the opportunity the service presented and signed up right after we hung up with one another.It was only two weeks later that he called our office to rave how wonderful the service was, and how if it wasn't for the international conference calling he would have never closed the Africa based client, a 4.5 million dollar deal! Expenses totaled under $200.00, a fraction of the cost of just one plane ticket alone.How exactly did conference calling help save the day? Well, beyond increasing ROI and reducing CPL (Cost Per Lead) by saving on travel and lodging expenses, he leveraged a telecommunications product to warm up his potential client that ultimately closed the multi million dollar deal. He showed them that they were important enough to be given a free way to discuss business with his company across the entire globe. Needless to say, to this day he uses conference calling for his international leads.Not in all cases, but in many, it is the options your leads and clients have to contact you that can make or break the initial beginning of a sales process. To convey you care about your client and not just their business may not always be as simple as using a communications service, but there are many services out there that can provide the additional morale boost and incentive your clients may need to get into their comfort buying zone.An example where you might not want to offer toll free conferencing might be if your business is MLM or Network Marketing. Example: Perhaps your offer is good and was advertised well .You might not be interested in paying more money just for the curious. In other words you might want to only attract the "serious ready to go" individuals. The use of a non toll free conferencing solution might make the better option. You're saying to your leads, "I am giving you an opportunity to learn more about this offer in a group environment, but I need to see your level of dedication." That level of dedication being the willingness to pay a little out of their own pocket to learn more about your opportunity. It can be a great prescreening tool on who will be effective in the future for your marketing team.All in all, information is key in virtually all sales processes. Conference calling gives you the ability to get all of your knowledgeable personnel in on the sales call to get questions answered at the most vital point of contact. You may only get one chance to prove your case to win over that client and the voice conversation is your biggest chance over most any other method to win that prized sale. The personal approach is a big winner, ask any successful salesperson and they will agree.Conferencing is the one tool specified in this article, but of course, it isn't the one and only solution. You might just need an unlimited long distance calling plan to do cold calling. Maybe you need a catchy 800 number for advertising and taking in leads. Perhaps you need toll free forwarding to spare your potential client the hassle of leaving a message and playing phone tag. Whatever it is, you might just realize that telecommunications is very much apart of your selling process as is your breath to carry your voice. Be creative in meeting the needs of those who may become your customers as well as in reducing the costs to do so.In closing, the lesson is very general here aside from conference calling benefits. How do you want your company viewed in the eyes of your future clients? Whether it's how you're dressed or what joke you use, be thoughtful of customers needs in advance and plan ahead to leverage your selling power, because as you already know ? selling is business.This article was written by Aaron Siegel of TopSavings.Net which provides online consultive services for communications for home and business.Services available at the website include Conference Calling, Toll Free Services, VoIP, Internet Access, Long Distance, Local Phone Services, Cellular Services, and more.Conference Calling at TopSavings.Net

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arrow right Sales Therapy 101: Breaking Your Fear of Cold Calling

Almost every day, visitors to my Unlock The Game? website click on my live instant-messenger chat button, which invites them to "Ask Ari a selling question."And do you know what their most common question is?Yes, you guessed it: "Is there any way I can break through or  overcome my fear of cold calling?

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arrow right Sales Call Success - Turbo Charge Your Sales Calls

Do you want to be a sales champion? There are a few small secrets that will help you achieve these goals.Commit to your goals. Write down your sales goals for this week, this month, this quarter and this year. I urge you to use specific numbers that challenge you, but are  attainable. Post these goals in your office, commit yourself to meeting or exceeding those numbers. Commitment is the foundation that enables you to proceed with the remaining steps.Ask involvement questions. Your No. 1 goal is to find the prospects' need and then fill it. Sales champions use their time to find out what potential clients really need. This encompasses two purposes: one that you are interested in helping the prospect; two that you keep them interested in your presentation.Maximize your time. Many amateurs spend a large percentage of their time prospecting. Sales champions develop systems that maximize their time and enable them to spend time doing what earns them money.Ask your current clients for referrals as you close the deal, so you're striking while the iron is hot. Ask for referrals from prospects that do not buy from you. It is a simple idea, but it yields great rewards.Prepare for objections. The most common rejections will be related to time, money, and fear. Fear of rejection is normal for human beings.Here are a few simple steps for handling objections:Receive the objection. Allow your prospect to complete his or her train of thought before offering a rebuttal. Never interrupt.Acknowledge and clarify the objection. Endorse the fact that your prospect has offered a great idea and valid point. Ask some questions to make sure you understand the objection, which also allows the prospect to explain his or her idea completely.Answer the objection. This is where you address the objection. Many salespeople lose the sale here. Amateurs dance around the issue and usually never get back to asking for the commitment. You need to not only answer the question, but focus on following up with a closing question.Create a win-win close. Sales champions create value in their product or service to move forward with their proposition.Here are a few strategies they use to close the deal:Trial close: Give the client a few choices for moving forward to purchase your product or service.Assumptive walk-through close: Let me walk you through this so you get a complete understanding of how this is going to work for you.Then walk your potential client through the steps of your process, getting him or her to visualize a simple, effective means to move forward. Finish with: Most important, if you have any questions, I want you to call me so I can either help you answer them or put you in contact with the right people who can. I want to save you time and money. So please feel free to call me anytime.Method of payment close: Are you going to use a credit card or check to purchase today?Give unlimited follow-up: Implement strategies to communicate with your clients regularly so you can build trust, loyalty, and additional selling opportunities. Champions use thank-you cards, emails, voicemail messages, birthday cards, holiday cards, newsletters, and personal phone calls. They stay in touch at least once every three to four weeks.About The AuthorDerrick Pizur runs High Quality Multiple Domain Hosting, which specializes in high quality web hosting services. Need hosting contact us today!

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...