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arrow right The Top 5 Issues Facing VPs of Sales

A recent study of 2,663 sales organizations by Think Training, Nightingale Conant and Trainique uncovered five areas that shed light on what separates the best from the rest (visit http://www.revegrowth.com/free_articles.htm for a copy)Issue one - A poorly defined sales  process. 82% of all CEO's said their sales organization had a process that was poorly defined or a process that wasn't being followed. A sales process is like a road map. If you pay attention it helps you determine if you are in heading in the right or wrong direction. A well defined sales process does the same thing. It should be consultative in nature, have defined steps that allow both parties to develop a better understanding of each other and a set of questions that help you qualify or disqualify.Issue two - Lack of essential skills. 42% of CEO's said their salespeople lacked the essential basic skills needed to do their job properly-ouch. During the 70's and 80's it was common for large corporations to hire new sales recruits and put them through a 12- 18 month intensive sales development program. Those days are gone, leaving a huge skills gap! Odds are if you are younger then 40 you never received the type of training you really needed.Issue three - Failing to focus on the right kinds of activity. 90% of CEO's said their salespeople focused on low payoff activities or called on the wrong people. It is a common mistake to confuse being busy with being productive. Top performers know what they are doing, why they are doing it and whom they are doing it with.Issue four - Allowing "self talk" to sabotage your efforts. 86% of CEO's said their salespeople had negative thinking or self talk that was damaging their sales efforts. There are hundreds of examples but the most obvious has to do with discounts. Over and over again I hear salespeople say they have to be the lowest price to win the business. Every study I have ever read says that there are 4 ? 6 other issues ahead of price but we have been "programmed" to think price is the issue. It is critical to understand how you have been programmed and how some of thoughts are working against you!Issue five - Sales management not developing their people enough. 67% of CEO's said that their sales managers were not spending enough time coaching and developing their salespeople. The job of a sales manager is to coach their people just like in professional sports! Unfortunately if we don't have a sales process, salespeople with undeveloped skills or the wrong people coaching becomes impossible.For salespeople taking responsibility for our own professional development is the key! Have a process, hone your skills, focus on the right kinds of activity, be aware of your thoughts, get some coaching, join a sales mastermind group, or join an association dedicated to your success.Good sales professionals realize their strengths and weaknesses and create a plan that addresses their abilities. Great sales professionals repeat this process over and over.Brian is the Chairman and Founder of the the United Professional Sales Association (UPSA). UPSA is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington DC that has addressed the concerns and challenges of individual sales professionals. Brian has authored the world's first universal selling standards and open-source selling framework for free distribution. This 'Compendium of Professional Selling' containing the commonly accepted and universally functional knowledge that all sales professionals possess. The open-source selling standards have been downloaded in 16 countries by over 300 people. Over 30 people have made contributions.Because UPSA is not owned by one person or any company, it is a member organization and guardian of the global standard of entry into the sales profession.Find out about the membership organization and understand the processes and framework of professional selling at the UPSA Website at http://www.upsa-intl.org. Find out more about Brian at: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Brian_Lambert

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Art and Science of Managing Expectations in Selling

It is very easy to fall into a trap with the customer by extending offerings beyond that of what the company infrastructure is able to supply in a reasonable timeline.As a salesperson, you must manage the quality of the sales process. With this context of "quality deal  management

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Determining Sales Fit; the Key Growth Process for Your Business

Help your organization grow by assessing the right indicators in individuals slated for revenue-generating positions within your company. "Growth Talent", such as sales, account executive, consultant, sales engineer, or other individuals responsible for top-line revenue  growth. The SalesFit processes addresses the individual uniqueness of your organization and the candidate. The power of the methodology is its ability to ensure an objective understanding of where the candidate is a good fit within your company.To find the right salesperson for your team, you must analyze the candidate within the following parameters:Does the Individual's Purpose fit within Your Organization's Future?An individual's purpose is comprised of their needs and personal vision. More importantly the factors that motivate them are the catalyst that fuels their quest to fulfill their purpose. Individual need for achievement and personal goals are analyzed within the context of the client company vision, organizational values, and organization goals. If the individual cannot find the inner motivation to help the organization attain its future goals and vision, then the ability to help the firm grow is hampered and the candidate would most likely not be a good fit.Does the Individual's Character fit within the Your Organization's Culture?The culture of the organization is identified as their team values, norms, and beliefs in how they seek to achieve their corporate (or team) future. The vision of the organization must be embraced by the individual. The Growth Talent profile for character is comprised of their personality traits (such as extraversion, openness, agreeableness, etc) and their emotional intelligence. Finally, a person's beliefs and ethical mindset must fit within the culture of the firm where they will work. Our research and experience has shown that the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Build A Worldwide Distributor Network

When your product is market ready and has a good bargain, it will be no value to you if you don't know who's going to buy it, or how you are going to tell the world about it. Your product will only sell if it has a good wide distribution network.Let's say that you've  written a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 7 Tips for Testing Your Sales and Marketing

One marketing technique may work wonders for someone, but that doesn't guarantee that it'll do the same for you. The only way to really know what works for YOUR products and YOUR target audience is to experiment. Testing and experimentation are crucial to increasing your  profits.1. Try using the occasional pop-up window to get more subscribers to your newsletter. Some people *really* hate these, so use them sparingly. For example, you could have a window pop up only the first time someone visits your site ... or you could have one appear whenever someone leaves your site. Try different scenarios to see what works best.2. Change the price of your product and see what impact it has on sales. Even if your sales drop, you may still come out ahead when it comes to profits. Note: your sales may not drop at all; I increased the price of my own booklet from $12.95 to $19.95 and sales stayed the same. You never know until you try.3. Test different sales copy on your website and in your autoresponder. Should you come on strong, be subtle, be extremely detailed? Does long sales copy do better than short copy, or vice versa? Do you get more sales by spreading your sales copy on multiple pages, or by putting it all on one page? Be sure to make backups of your previous work; if you find the new copy kills sales, you can always restore the previous version.4. Track your advertising. There are a number of commercially available ad tracking packages that can help you see which ads are working well and which aren't. Discard anything that doesn't work, and try to improve on ads that appear to work well.5. Experiment with the navigation of your website. For example, change the number of clicks required to get to your ordering page, or change the flow of navigation so that your visitor always ends up at an ordering page.6. Test different types of links. You might try short ads in the margins of your web pages vs. text links within the context of an article, for example.7. Test response rates between direct links to your sales page and the use of a follow-up autoresponder. Sometimes people just need an extra 'push' or a reminder to order. (make sure your autoresponder has an easy way for your prospect to unsubscribe)About The AuthorAngela runs several successful sites dedicated to helping beginners profit from the Internet. Her new web magazine, Online Business Basics, features step-by-step tutorials for eBusiness 'newbies'. To take the guesswork out of starting and building an Internet business, click over to http://www.onlinebusinessbasics.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Building Trust For Lifetime Success

Trust.One word.One very powerful word that can increase both first time and repeat sales to an unlimited degree.Trust.What is it? Why is it so important? How do you get it?Confidence in you from your cutomers, builds relationships and as a result, more sales, and through  excellent customer service.That's the short and sweet of it.Now, how about a little more meat to it.What is trust and why is it so important?Definition: confidence in a person or thing because of the qualities one perceives or seems to perceive in him or it. (Webster's)The confidence that any visitor or potential customer has about your business, service or product is the foundation of present and future success.Before any potential customer even enters your site for the first time, there's this underlying feeling of distrust. It's automatic.Either they're new to the Internet, received a poor product or service from a competitor or have already been scammed a few times.Your first contact is either in some ad you placed in an ezine, classified, message board, banner, search engine description or some other form of advertising. Was it full of hype or were you honest in what your product or service delivers?Once that customer enters your site and they don't see what was stated in your ad...........goodbye, you just lost a sale and probably a lifetime customer.If you can't be honest in your ad, then you're pobably not going to be with your product or service. So, why should that visitor stick around only to be disappointed or scammed again? Would you?Do you know what happens when that visitor leaves your site? They email an ezine editor, friend, or leave a nasty little post on a message board about their not so wonderful experience with you, and you're credibility is gone.How do you build that trust?Believe it or not, it's not that hard. It does take effort and it's an ongoing process, not something you do once and forget about it.Be Honest.The importance of building trust really shows through here. Honesty should be at the front of your mind when you write up your ads and web site copy. Especially when that advertisement includes something free. Don't use free just to get visitors, your trust and credibility takes a hard nose dive when the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Raise Your Fees Overnight!

Do you want to make more money?Yes, I guess that is a rhetorical question. Everybody wants to make more money, but oftentimes we are not willing to do what needs to be done in order to make it.For example, I'm not willing to work an 80-hour per week job to double my income.  I have a husband and a 1 ½ year old son - I want to spend time with them. I want to take vacations and visit my parents on the weekends and host dinner parties for my friends.I am not willing to swindle little old ladies to make more money, nor am I willing to lie, steal, or be otherwise dishonest. I am not willing to work for a boss that demeans me, nor am I willing to work in an environment that is discriminatory, unfair, or just plain dull.So, putting all those things to the side, what AM I willing to do to make more money?I AM willing to develop products and services that business owners want and need. I AM willing to work regular business hours Monday through Friday with some evening/weekend work when needed. I AM willing to face my fears and try new things to market my business ? like public speaking and approaching big joint venture partners. I AM willing to listen to my clients' feedback. And, I AM willing to ask for what I'm worth.In a service business, that last one is key. Believe me ? if you don't ask for it, you won't get it. So how do you figure out what you're worth?It sounds like a relatively direct question that has a "right" answer, but it is not. Worth is a value judgment that you, your prospects, and your clients make independently.You might think your services are worth $60/hour, and by choosing to hire you, your clients are saying that they agree that you are worth that amount. But, what if you raised your rate to $120/hour? Would they hire you then?How about those prospects who choose to go with someone else, even when you are offering your $60/hour rate? They obviously don't think your services are worth $60/hour. So, who is right?The answer is ? everybody is right. Each one of us has our own unique set of criteria for determining the value of any offering. We evaluate every offer we are made using that criteria whether we are consciously aware of it or not.So, in evaluating your worth, let us start with what you are charging now. How did you come up with that figure? Did you pick it out of the sky? Did you find someone locally who was offering a similar service and find out how much they were charging? Did you do extensive research to determine the national, regional, and local average hourly rate for your industry?No matter how you came up with your currently hourly rate, do not forget that you are the one ? the only one - with the ability to increase it. No prospect is going to say, "I know you usually only charge $60/hour, but I was thinking of paying you more along the lines of $85/hour. Would that be okay?"And, no client is going to call you at the end of the year and say, "I was thinking ? you do such a great job for us. We would like to start paying you $100/hour starting on January 1 just to show you our appreciation." It just ain't gonna happen!I was reminded of the importance of this message when I talked to Alexandra last Thursday. Alexandra owns a leadership development company providing team-building workshops for mid-sized corporations. Instead of charging an hourly rate, she charges a daily rate of $1,500.Prior to starting her own company, she worked for another small firm delivering similar programs. Only when this other company sent her out on jobs, they charged the client $4,000/day.Yep, that is right. Same workshop - $2,500 more.Now, how could this be? A client that would pay $1,500/day for her services might have been willing to pay $4,000/day if only she had asked?Now, perhaps, the firm she worked for had built up some brand recognition that Alexandra did not yet have when she went out on her own. But, the bottom line is, there were companies out there willing to pay $4,000/day for her skills. It was just a matter of who was making the offer and how the offer was being presented.So, the real answer to 'what are you worth?' is a combination of how highly you value your own abilities, how confident you feel in communicating that value, and how well that value meets the needs of a specific market.If somebody is willing to pay $120/hour for your services, you are worth $120/hour ? to them. Are there enough 'somebodies' to generate a sufficient income for you? That's what you need to find out.Take a look around your marketplace. If you market to a local audience, look at your competitors' newspaper ads, press coverage, web sites, etc. If you market to a national or international audience, do your research online. Make some phone calls posing as a prospect, if necessary.How much are they charging for services similar to the one(s) you offer? How do they present the service's benefits? How do they package the service offering? How do they position their company as a whole? What can you learn from the companies that are charging more for providing the same service you provide at a lower rate?After you have done your research, take some time to re-evaluate how you are packaging, positioning, and branding your business. Then, determine if you can deliver the value that warrants raising your rates.If you want to make more, you have to ask for it!About The AuthorKimberly Stevens is the author of the ebook series, *The Profitable Business Owner: A Step-by-Step System for Starting & Running a Successful Service Business*. Download Sample Chapters & get her free MiniCourse, *The 10 Most Common Mistakes Business Owners Make & How To Avoid Them* at: http://www.askthebizcoach.com/ebooks.htmkim@askthebizcoach.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Management From Within

Inspiration and Management from Within ? Part 2.The more you follow the path of exploration into the mystery of life, the more life becomes revealed to you. Life begins to express its secret, its nature. What is required of us, for deeper understanding, is a commitment to  follow earnestly the laws of life into self discovery. Few things have greater impact on the world, than the study of human nature and this study ultimately is found in the study of self. Through this study of self we come to know, what is really the study of God.IF we could become fully aware of this self, then the search for spirituality would cease, we would no longer pilgrimage to sacred places, as life itself, the very thread of our existence, would become the divine mystery we all seek. Life reveals itself in every atom, on every corner and in every moment, life can be the magic in itself.Everything in this world which appears to be unharmonious is in reality, the limitation of our own vision. The wider the horizon of our perspective, the more harmony of life we enjoy. In the very depth of our being, the harmony and simplistic working of the whole of natures plan exists. It can be heard through inner awareness. It is not the outer sound that plays the music of the soul, it is from within."Every external activity is directed by an inner cause. Every cause has its effect and all effects belong to us. This is our true power, the ability to reach within and temper the steal of causality. In the daily events of life, this capacity is not always obvious. People often see themselves victimized and therefore cannot attain a balance. Yet to the keen observer, awakened to the real world there is nothing but balance. Perfect harmony, exists as a hum, beneath the surface of all activity. It is only the keen observer, steeped in self awareness that it is, however, revealed. This beauty, this order reveals the balance of good and evil, right and wrong, masculine and feminine ? and, when viewed by the keen eye, correspond with a larger purpose, and are therefore harmonious." Christopher Walker.. 2003.1. It's only Natural(exert from Innerwealth; Putting the heart and soul back into work and life. Wiley Uk.)The laws that make self observation possible are not the laws of human morality. Such laws are for the dignity and well-being of the mass, and provide safety for existence. Self observation must be made from a larger perspective from this in order to eliminate the concepts of judgment and worthiness. Here is a small snap shot of those higher laws.HarmonyIn nature, what we appreciate will grow. Human bodies are a composition of trillions of vibrating particles with our total well being reflected in this movement. Our thoughts control this vibration revealing that by developing positive thought patterns, we can personally impact our own lives in a positive way.BalanceNature is pure balance. By aligning ourselves with the simple principles of balance, we can live a mindful existence. Where clear thinking, peace of mind and an open heart will together create a strong sense of centeredness. An imbalance in the body and mind can be transformed instantaneously to help you create and sustain energy and vitality for a lifetime.InterconnectednessIn nature, nothing is ever lost or missing, however it does change constantly. An individual's perceptions can be limited and unhealthy and they are in need of ways in which to let go of the old and move forward with purpose. Once we learn to recognize that everything is changing and evolving for a reason, then we can really achieve our full potential as powerful individuals in this world.EvolutionNature demonstrates to us that maximum evolution occurs at the border of support and challenge. The greatest thing in life is unconditional love and the evolvement of our world depends on this. By understanding that evolution can be achieved by an individual's strength to move through difficulties with love and gracefulness, the quality of one's life will be instantly enriched.InspirationThe greatest gift in life is the experience of being inspired. Nature has intended us to live this way. Leadership is inspiration. Certainty is inspiration. This higher thinking is that whose essence will connect people in groups, create harmony in relationships and move organizations forward in their purpose. Every human being has the right to an inspired life.2. To be in Harmony is the first Goal of life.Each human being has an inner vibration, it is audible and visible. It is not visible to the eyes nor audible to the ears, but it is audible and visible to the heart. We might say,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Spirit Of Change

A Highly Conscious Approach To Business Management. For more on this topic please link to Innerwealth Web SiteFor many years I have worked with people who are keen to work effectively as possible. The most successful people I have encountered in this time are moved by an  expansive vision. They are fascinated by life and driven to experience it fully. They respond well to change although they do not necessarily like it. They think clearly when information is uncertain and structures of belief are impaired. They see connections between a fast moving world and their vision, and they have open and receptive state of mind that is not paralyzed by information they had not expected. They have mastered the art of working with people and are able to communicate honestly, pursue compelling vision and engage with integrity.A powerful resistance always thrives during times of transition and it is pervasive today. Leaders are struggling to make decisions that are needed, organizations are not developing incisive transition strategies. Employee burnout and ineffectiveness are epidemic at a time when creativity, quality and service are vitally important. Over 50% of all absenteeism in Corporate USA is a result of mental health problems.Such a change will require the disposal of some long held beliefs. Beliefs that separate who we are at work from who we are at home. Beliefs that tend to uncertainty and stress rather than well-being and peace of mind. Solutions are needed that are not pressed from a foil strip or shaken from a bottle. We need solutions that resolve dichotomies at their very source. And this is what Innerwealth aims to achieve. In writing this article I have moved between my head and my heart. I have tried on the one hand to be logical and rational in presenting process for you to improve the quality of your home and work life but equally I have tried to speak from my heart. I guess if I truly achieved this I would be in silence, but I'm not. I truly think it is time for us all to put the heart and soul back into business and life.Putting the Heart and soul back into Work and LifePutting the heart and soul back into business is no distraction from the pursuit of wealth and success, in fact it's synonymous with it. The primary difference is the opportunity to be more present, more fulfilled and more motivated by our inner resources, to live a more balanced life, to get more done in less time, to live longer and enjoy a richer more rewarding lifestyle. You simply cannot get this from a bottle.It's about success, management from the inside out, being healthy at 100 years of age and making a contribution to boot. Here's the test. If you're not more vital, more energized and more relaxed at the end of the day than you were at the start, then you're burning out. That's external management and an investment in personal management education will have an outstanding affect on your life. There is a more productive way of managing yourself and others.You'll live longer, save precious time and make more money. You'll feel better inside and out. Clear head, better decisions, maintain your strength, flexibility and body tone with out leaving your chair.You'll live longer, save precious time and make more money. You'll feel better inside and out.It's only natural.Managing anything is a natural talent. It's not conmplex but has been made so by a conflict between human and material values. The infrence has been that people need to be driven to work harder and that hard work produces best results. But, all psychology and spiritual teaching argues with this. It has been proven that an inspired, healthy and happy individual will produce double the result of a hard working unhappy, emotionally unstable individual. Our inner world truly is, the greatest driver for productivity and profit in the world. So why not harness it? Here's how.The Key ingredients of Management from the Inside Outn Mind power - Stay balanced, make better decisions and reduce stress.Mental Health ? requires a stable, focused and peaceful mind. The key to this is perception, The way we thing is so crucial that it has been the focus of all the ancient spiritual arts, since the beginning of time. Balanced thoughts are the key because lopsided thoughts create lopsided perceptions, emotions. To the extreme, lopsided perceptions and extreme emotions are madness and insanity (psychopathic). To a lesser degree, they are depression, stress and confusion. Now after years of suffering the technologies have become available to instantly balance our mind. Yoga and most Eastern arts have taught these for centuries and are now clearly available in the West. Another, more recent revelation, is the Collapse Process, created by Dr John Demartini. It is a revolutionary process, taught in all Innerwealth Workshops that can center a person in seconds.A centered, balanced mind burns less fuel. Makes better decisions, doesn't react to people, focuses on the outcomes, is essential to longevity and health and builds success. Learn to center your mind and you will learn the single greatest key for inspired leadership. When the mind is centered so are you. When you are centered you make decisions with clarity and absolute certainty. When you are centered your decisions go one step further than emotional highs and lows, you are stable, wise and healthy.Whatever process you elect to follow it must, by it's very nature suffer resistance because it will conflict with your innate tendency, to defend identity and consequently to emotionalize every issue. (ego) Emotions (and illness) come from thoughts. The one true power every human being is blessed with in life, is the ability to change their mind, funny how it's usually the last thing we try). Therefore personal balance is a very deep journey of the self. However, it is the core basis for. Leadership, Healing, Recovery and Inspiration, and therefore of great benefit to us all.Making it personalEvery individual has innate desires, ambitions and dreams. We cannot survive without some degree of hope. When what you do and what you hope to achieve are disconnected, in any walk of life, desperation and sabotage begin. ( in other words, when you can't link what you are doing to what you are wanting your sabotage what you are doing) The optimum performance of any individual is determined by how connected their inner desires and outer goals are. This linking results in Inner Motivation ? or as we call it ? Inspiration. Inspiration improves communication, certainty, motivates productivity and inspires creative and refreshed action. Consequently, the role of an inspired leader is to link the personal goals and motivations of individuals to those of the organization. When each of us has a dream that we would love to achieve, and we feel that by working together we will achieve both our own and others hopes, then this is where a true culture of humanity begins.Aligning your personal goals with those of the team and the organization creates self-motivation. Self-motivated people just can't wait to jump out of bed and rush to work. The LCM process ? is a system that can be implemented over time to manage and develop strong ties and commitment within a company or team.. Based on personal responsibility it develops an obvious and very personal motivation to work. People jump out of bed and just can't wait to get to work in the morning.Well-beingFrom perspiration to inspiration If you have less energy at the end of the day than at the start, experience worry and/or excessive thinking, or have uncertainty about what your future holds, it may be time to make some important changes to your way of life. Aligning the body and mind for perfect health is essential Using stretch routines, breathing practice, diet advice, good posture, relaxation techniques, exercise programs you will enjoy work more, and be more productive and healthier at the end of the day. Sugar is one of the main culprits for depleted health. It robs the body of nutrient and displaces blood sugar balances. But all stimulants, of any description can be thought of as sugar, no matter whether it's a food, a sound, a thought or a picture.Your body speaks. It's doing everything it can to help you live your vision. It's aches and pains are the symptoms of imbalance and a great signal for you to re evaluate your direction. Keep in mind that 90% of the fuel used in space flight is in correcting direction so getting a long way off the path can be expensive. The ancients have told us for centuries that the psyche and soma are one. Using that one simple piece of ancient knowledge enables you to revolutionize your health. You can know that your emotions of anger, aggression, suffering and sadness affect your health negatively. You can treat the cause as well as the effect. Managing your thoughts is a most essential ingredient in good health.Attitude - Working from the Inside OutEntrepreneurs and intrepreneurs listen to their inner voice. They practice daily routines that support their life. Drawing with requires courage, process and understanding. All are capable of it.. To go within requires discipline and practice. To go within requires discerning wisdom, the difference between fantasy and reality. Aim to an experience the wisdom of the inner voice and learn a process to go there any time.Your attitude to life determines your health, vitality and success. An attitude of Gratitude is an inspired way of looking at life. Your personal potential is determined by the degree of gratitude you have. It creates a magnetic disposition, saves lives, cures disease and transforms relationships. Gratitude is the most powerful, focused mind state for both business and personal life that you can create. Whether it's on the golf course, yoga class, with the kids or at work, gratitude is the most powerful inspired state.Inspired individuals build inspired teams. Breaking down the barriers means finding a common language, cutting through the fog that creates uncertainty. You need to create daily space for this to happen. Through this process you will begin to understand yourself better and this automatically creates an amazing willingness to be flexible and adapt to change. You will remove the tensions and worries replace them with an overwhelming focus on future possibilities. It's a new way of Management.Embrace ChangeWe live in revolutionary times and our lives are being altered in ways we cannot predict. Every major institution is being transformed. Our most deeply held values are in dispute and the nature of personal relationships is changing drastically. Our capacity to feed and house ourselves, to live healthy and useful lives, to work productively with one another, and to pass on a decent world to our children is in doubt. so anyone who wants to generate meaningful responses to the events of the times must become a change agent.The most successful change agents we have encountered are moved by an expansive vision. They are fascinated by life and driven to experience it fully. They respond well to change although they do not necessarily like it. They think clearly when information is uncertain and structures of belief are impaired. They see connections between a fast moving world and their organization and they have open and receptive state of mind that is not paralyzed by information they had not expected. They have mastered the art of working with people and are able to communicate honestly, pursue compelling vision and engage with integrity.Continuous improvement is an essential ingredient for future success. We all need to become agents of change. Embracing change is continuous improvement. It's a team sport. We'll make it happen more easily. Of course change was once an annual event. Now it hourly. Flexibility is a key to success in any field. Learning to adapt to others and marketplaces is about playing to strength and not to victim.The life force of organizational change is personal change. People who are changing in order to live productively in this new age can create extraordinary results.The key element of this dynamic is a particular turn of mind. Harnessing the gifts of the human spirit through mind and body development opens the door to this transformation. More than amassed capital or technology or knowledge or connections it is a flexible and inventive approach to life that will determine who recognizes new resources and transforms them into useful goods, services and values.We do not wake up in the morning and wants less of the good things in life. We all want to grow, spiritually, materially affectionately and domestically. There is a way to achieve this without hibernating to a mountain top for the next 30 years. There is a power in your heart and that power has been underestimated for many years. That power can build, create, design and succeed without burnout.To connect to this resource we need tools to overcome the stresses that keep us in overload. The stresses that sabotage our wealth, health and relationships. In short we need to take the time to understand the human dynamic of emotions and self awareness from a whole new and totally valuable perspective. That perspective must be real. Real life spirituality that is not organized or dogma but a way to find and harness our true human potential.Consinuous change is about adaptation. Living and working in tune with natures law. It's about working with the natural laws rather than against them. Discovering that which is already yours and revealing it in productive ways that build and develop a world in which valuing the human spirit becomes a way of life. It is a way to do live in tune, to move beyond competition as the key determinant of the outcome of your life.A Powerful PurposeA purpose or personal vision is more than words, it is a message from the heart of leadership. Developing clarity of vision is by far the pinnacle of success in any endeavor. Whether it's a sports team, a business or a family group vision is the glue that binds individuals to a common inspiring cause. We recommend the first step is for individuals to know their own mind, their unique vision, dreams and inspirations. We've worked with children from the age of 10 who have created a purpose statement that brings tears to parent's eyes. And we've worked with people 70 years and older whose life has taken a new turn of health by regaining a sense of purpose.The size of your vision determines the size of your life. Its clarity determines your destiny. Take the time to step back from the day-to-day duties to develop a global vision. Write it, affirm it and be inspired by it. Putting your heart and soul into something you love is unstoppable.Vision is a powerful goal and an essential motivator. Inspiration is when the inner voice speaks louder than the outer voices. Life purpose is beyond them both. Life purpose is a commitment to excellence and a commitment to a purpose greater than the self. Instead of the fluctuations of transient goals and visions, life purpose creates a transportable theme for a life. Life purpose breaks dependency and provides the true freedom that every individual aspires to.Become an EvolutionaryMoney is just one of your many forms of reward. You need to become an evolutionary, by living from within, breaking the mould, following your passion and listening to your heart. It's no easy road. It requires a clarity of vision, an ability to inspire others, it requires a depth of certainty beyond willpower, but most of all it requires a powerful, heart driven dream.Innerwealth, arose from my own journey. A journey of searching for a way to live in the world, with its stress and strain, to achieve my financial and personal objectives, yet, maintain that deep love of life that I cherish so deeply.I wanted to open to life fully, yet, something in the world of the "new age sciences" was unsatisfying. It forced me to dig deeper than I had expected. None of the fluff or the fundamentalist doctrines of idealism. I chose to be real and I need real answers. I want the freedom to be free sprit in this world yet honor a power greater than myself/ I am passionate about bringing heart and soul into business and life, and I do it through these programs.I offer real, natural concepts to live by. I want to help you, to inspire you, and help you to help those you live and work with to achieve their best. I choose to honor diversity and I achieve this by turning to the natural laws as a guide.Nature was there before us, she'll be there after us. She's a refection of creation and she's not subject to coercive interpretation of factions and myth. She doesn't deal in myth but offers simple honesty as a way to navigate our path to the future. She's old, and wise. She's young and fresh. And as a model for life mastery she offers a grander power than we can hope to comprehend. Life is not the art of war, it's the honoring of natural principles. Each and every one of us is capable of living with Inspiration ? an independent, successful and inspired individual who is living to their fullest potential.SUCCESSFUL PEOPLEDraw no sharp distinction Between their work and their play, Their labor and their leisure, Their mind and their body Their education and their recreation. They hardly know which is which. They simple pursue their vision Of excellence Through whatever They are doing and leaves Others to determine Whether they are working or playing. To themselves, it always seems to be That they are doing both.Management from WithinBrings more heart and soul-into home and work place Adds greater spirit to life Provides distinct leadership advantages Links head and heart together, bringing mind and heart into a joint venture Provides true love which powers up your whole system Eliminates feelings of blame and victimization which disempower Provides continuity between intuition and intelligence Provides the most powerful means for shifting states of consciousness Increases the quality of life Builds confidence and magnetism Allows deeper levels of love Provides greater health Provides new creative insights and perspectives Allows greater intuition and inspiration Neutralizes blocked emotions Dissolves protective shells around your heart Improves cardiovascular function Provides greater energy and vitality Acts as your battery booster Clarifies mental distractions Improves immune system functions Encourages within true and balanced caring Changes self-defeating behaviors into ones building greater self-worth Revitalizes bored or burned-out relationships Transforms worry, anxiety and guilt into healthy productive actions Heightens moral courage Increases mental effectiveness Rebalances emotional imbalances Harmonizes energies Transforms energy draining judgments Clarifies confusions Enhances interpersonal communications Awakens inner motivation Improves financial security and self-worth Inspires to have greater overall appreciation for lifeAbout The AuthorChange Agent, Business Consultant, Author, and Futurist, Christopher Walker is a visionary individual and one of the world's leading facilitators of Personal and organizational change. He is considered a leader in the field of human potential, inspiration and leadership. Christopher's amazing programs unravel the mysteries of human behavior, personal growth and professional development, lead to progressive change and a richer more inspired life.Cwalker@innerwealth.com

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arrow right Sales Pipeline Forecasting Is There A Better Way?

To put it mildly most companies sales forecasting just isn't delivering, a staggering 90% of the deals do not close as forecasted even when the close probability is 75% or over. Even more astonishing is that 54% of forecasted deals are lost to competitors or to a no  decision.This is a trend that both senior management and sales management is aware of. And with the visibility now at executive level, sales is creating a demand for more accountability. Interviews with MD's and sales directors indicate that companies can no longer stand idly by hoping the sales team delivers as indicated. Visibility and accuracy need to be improved. And if sales cannot do this we found that the Finance Directors would!Here is another shared dilemma where we see projected sales are actually a trailing indicator ­ by the time you know if a deal will actually be won or lost the game is over! To this end Sales Directors and MD's are turning to leading indicators in the sales process (e.g. ability for prospect to own product or service, timescale - is it on track, sales team ability to gain access to power etc). Every single metric available is playing an increasing role here as senior management grapple with the challenge of improving forecasting of sales more accurately so they can reap competitive and operational advantage ­ and avoid problems associated with not knowing the true position of the pipeline and just relying on 'gut feel'.But it's not the same for every organisation; many have used these challenging times to not only clear out dead wood but to build team strength. They are also starting to instil more team discipline. Today we can see Sales Directors & MD's reasserting themselves in their demands for activity, pipeline reporting and adherence to their sales processes. During better times, experienced and even junior sales executives often balked at providing visibility into their activities. 'It's not my style', 'I really don't have time for it', 'I don't believe anyone can tell me what's going to happen' were more easily accepted when sales executives were exceeding targets. But those times for most are now gone. Time and again we found that Sales Directors & MD's have stiffened their resolve. One Sales Director even said:"We are not dealing in the halcyon days. We are now going to have to do things differently. At the end of each week, you're either doing the things we require or your not. If you are not then you should go somewhere else, because we are going to insist on this and more importantly than insisting on it, we don't want you here if you are not a team player. That's all there is to it. After that, we are going to measure the hell out of this stuff because the fact of life is that we have every right to inspect everything that you are doing and that you are not doing"To support all of this we are now seeing a noticeable up turn in the number of companies adopting formal methodologies. Whether they create these themselves or licence a commercial offering they are committed to making sure that all their sales staff, start to sell the same way, and that they apply rigor to what they do. In comparing the performance of companies who adopted a formal process versus those that don't, on virtually every metric used to judge success, the processed focussed teams outperformed their less structured competition. In regards to some aspects of selling the differences were absolutely mind boggling.What we do understand today is that you simply cannot rely on 'gut feel' or any type of 'feel good factor', you have to enforce a practical measurable no nonsense sales process. As a good start you could take a look at your sales funnel and measure key information, however the reporting process seen with many CRM packages will only give you a very basic picture and in certain cases the wrong picture. You should look for a system that is customisable that has multiple 'touch points' within each 'sales indicator'. For example it's no good speaking with a prospect if they do not have an available budget. You usually have to speak to the budget holder and also understand what conditions must exist before they can release the budget. Given this example is it any wonder that many companies don't find this out until it is too late? Lastly it must be easy for sales to complete and sales management to digest so that they can all focus on the areas that still need attention.Once you have implemented and customised what works for you maybe you can then start enjoying life as you will be able to understand what you work on and what may be worth leaving alone. Now take a look at your pipeline and hold your head up ­ it's so predictable when you know how.© The Sales Academy 2005. You may include this article in your ezine or on your website or distribute it to others, provided you include the copyright statement and the bio information tag line found at the end of this article.Michael Palman, a global Master Sales Coach and author. Mike helps people and businesses do ore, do it better and get the results that they want. Mike has had a successful career in sales for over 25 years and now helps other salespeople get the sales edge. Mike lives in both the UK and South Africa.For more articles by Mike Palman, visit http://www.theaalesacademy.com

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arrow right Is Sales Process & CRM Stopping Sales?

Standard metrics and KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) are created usually between The Sales Director, The Financial Director and The Managing Director. These KPI's tell the sales teams what they should be doing. For example, 'Your pipeline should be at least three times  of your annual sales target'; 'Your conversion ratio of opportunities to closed orders should be 60%', and so on. Nothing like a bit of statistical analysis from the bean counters to motivate the sales team is there? Remember that old saying?'You can prove anything with statistics'. Here, we see it applied for real, albeit on an unconscious level.In some extreme cases these so called sales processes and form filling exercises have to be followed, otherwise the sales teams' commissions will be withheld! This is usually dressed as a 'best practice', whereas the reality is that the sales team is being treated like a spoilt child. No explanation is given as to how the information will be used and of what value this will be to the sales team or, indeed, how it is supposed to help the sales team close more sales which after all is their ultimate function. This is a simple threat that is applied to the sales team in an effort to force them to follow internal processes. This type of behaviour is not only destructive, unprofessional but it is also extremely de-motivating and more often results in reduced sales productivity rather than more productivity. However without lambasting Finance and Administration too much do have a role to play here, but should they be defining the sales processes? So long as their requirements are realistic and without the analysis/paralysis syndrome, they will actually complement the sales process and the result will be positive.More to the point were sales teams ever consulted when the company decided to invest in the implementation of the CRM or asked about their requirements? For the vast majority they were never consulted or, if they were, only in a superficial way. Salespeople are viewed as disposable commodities in the race to increase the companies share price. So this cycle of procedural development continues and not surprisingly becomes regarded as 'the way things are done here'.Then some very strange things happen. New forms and documentation are circulated to the sales team and they are forced to complete them. The sales team become ever more suspicious of why all of this 'inappropriate' information is needed and begin to lose trust in the company. Now the fun starts - marketing discovers that they can't use any of the information because it is incomplete and start issuing their own set of requirements - yet more forms and documentation for the sales teams to complete. And so the cycle continues to a point where the CRM application becomes viewed as a hindrance and not a valuable sales tool. Sales management will also find it increasingly difficult to get the sales team to provide the information about the status of their opportunities. Typically, sales people will come up with a standard reply angrily such as 'I'm supposed to be out there selling, not doing admin!'Unfortunately this is an all too common incident in corporate sales these days and one that you might recognise. On one hand you have the senior executives who made the CRM buying decision and are determined to see some tangible return from their considerable investment. On the other hand, you have the sales and marketing teams believing that 'big brother' is now watching their every move so that the information can be used to criticise them and possibly even get them fired - a recipe for reducing productivity rather than adding value. Furthermore, only very rarely does any review process exist. As the requirements of the company evolve, there is no means of accommodating these changes in the CRM application and even when sales suggest a better way of doing things they are told that the you can't do it with the CRM system. What you end up with is a company that runs for the benefit of the internal sales processes as opposed to addressing the needs of the customers and the employees. In addition, the company and its employees forget why certain sales processes even exist and, worse still, nobody questions why.Trusting Your Sales TeamProcesses are important, but they must add value to both the sales teams and the company. If we get down to basics, why do we need all of these sales processes anyway? Quite simply, to generate a sales forecast and hence, to accurately predict the revenues in any given period. In reality this is actually not that hard to achieve.The key to it is TRUST YOUR SALES TEAM.Now consider the Sales and Sales Management team. They have been recruited, trained and developed at enormous expense to the company (check it out and add up all the money that has been spent to develop these people) - perhaps they even represent the single largest overhead for your company. Your have hired these people because they know how to do the job. Shouldn't they be allowed to do it and remove all of the obstacles to productivity? They are the vehicle for the company's products and services and the means of communicating the 'go to market' strategy. These are skilled executives whose income potential is in the top 5% of the company and they are surely by definition, trustworthy!So why do companies insist on imposing such pointless processes on their sales teams? If anyone knows about sales processes surely it must be the sales teams themselves. Companies also need accurate sales forecasts. This is a sales management task. Focus on these processes to establish the probability of the revenue opportunity rather than just getting sales teams to input information that, in some cases, may never even be used. By ensuring that the sales team has the responsibility and accountability for sales forecasting and setting their own objectives, you may be surprised by the results - These people will often set goals for themselves that are far greater than those you would set for them.Sure, other departmental functions have their specific requirements, but this must be put in context. The most important characteristic is to ensure that everyone is clear on exactly why the process is there and feedback must be provided to the sales teams on a regular basis.What you should be looking for?Creating an environment addicted to imposing sales processes for sales process's sake is particularly destructive. If sales teams believe that their ability to do the job is restricted with administrative tasks, their morale will be impacted. Sales people do require motivating on almost continual basis and they also need lots of feedback. If companies insist on demanding information and adherence to processes without offering feedback, they should not be surprised at the outcome, which will include reduced productivity, low morale, cynicism and high staff turnover throughout the sales and marketing function.A view I recently heard from one employer was that, with the current unfavourable economic conditions, they can do more or less what they like with the sales team. Some companies believe there are currently more sales people available than there are jobs to go round. This is very arrogant and this particular type of narrow-mindedness will only promote further staff turnover and a higher cost of sales. Remember that the economic conditions will change and that sales people who have been subjected to this negative culture will resign at the first opportunity in other words as soon as the economy picks up and the offers start to come some of your most valuable assets will disappear. This will cause the company to endure more unnecessary costs and will further limit success.Another company I know has a culture of compliance requiring that the sales teams follow processes with blind obedience. Failure of a single sales person to do so will result in them receiving warnings and eventually dismissal. This is the most unfortunate culture I have ever encountered. The sales teams have all of their natural creativity and individuality suppressed and their opinions are ignored, which merely serves to create a sales team filled with mediocrity, where below average performance is the norm and so often seems to be accepted.What companies should do is to cultivate creativity and encourage individuality - rather than just talk about it. A process of constant improvement may not be the most fashionable management theory these days, but it does work. Rewarding team successes serves to increase morale and promotes high levels of staff retention. This open culture will come across to customers and strong, enduring business relationships will follow - yielding solid and conventional business performance.What should you take into consideration?The main things to consider when you have complex sales processes are:1. Does the process genuinely add value to the sales team? Only if it does will you get what you want from the sales teams.2. Will you stifle creativity with your CRM product?3. Has the value of the process been communicated to the sales teams?Do they know why other departments may need the information and how will it help them to increase sales? If the process has no context it also has no meaning.4. Is the process necessary? Why is that particular process in place and who benefits from it? If the answers to these questions are in the negative, eliminate the process now.5. Provide regular feedback to the sales team. This feedback loop will ensure that everyone is involved in the sales process and that you will gain commitment to move forward. You may also generate a cycle of continuous process improvement.6. Cultivate an environment of openness and trust. Welcome new thoughts and ideas and manage this effectively with full disclosure and feedback.7. Get the sales teams to own their sales forecast. By making the sales teams part of the process you will increase your chances of success. Remember to demonstrate your respect for their professional skills.8. Does your CRM product allow you to create winning strategies?Taking a closer look at your internal processes and ask yourself 'Does this make sense?' if you cannot answer yes get rid of it and start again. If you are able to answer yes then congratulate yourself ? you already are winning more business than your competition and you have probably a better sales team that enjoy working for you!I fundamentally believe in the value of CRM systems and there are many choices available but be cautious when implementing such a system, keep asking yourself 'does this make sense for us' ? you know the answer, you know the people and you know the success achieved to date by your company. Don't throw everything away and remember 'we all have choices' make sure the choices you choose add value.© The Sales Academy 2005. You may include this article in your ezine or on your website or distribute it to others, provided you include the copyright statement and the bio information tag line found at the end of this article.Bio Info: Michael Palman, a global Master Sales Coach and author. Mike helps people and businesses do more, do it better and get the results that they want. Mike has had a successful career in sales for over 25 years and now helps salespeople, sales management & business owners get the sales edge. Mike lives in both the UK and South Africa. For more articles by Mike Palman, visit http://www.thesalesacademy.com

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arrow right Business Career, Executive Coaching Article - Perfection vs. Excellence

"(Howard) Hughes never learned how to convert his knowledge to practical application. Instead he sought a perfection that assured failure." - From Empire: The Life, Legend and Madness of Howard Hughes by Donald L. Bartlett & James B. SteelHow many times have you heard  someone (it may have been you) proclaim or complain that he/she is a perfectionist? You may have noticed that going for perfection is a fool's game. You simply cannot win when you set perfection as your standard.There may be rare and unusual situations where perfection is assumed to be an appropriate standard. Frankly, I can't think of one - no, not even life and death situations such as heart surgery demand perfection in the process. Each stitch does not have to be sewn perfectly in order to affect the outcome. Perfection is present in the ultimate result, as evident in the patient's survival or death, not in the process.When

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arrow right The Surest Way to Boost Sales

If you have a small business and you are looking to boost your sales and make the public aware of your business, how do you going about doing this? There is one sure way that I know to boost sales and create awareness. It may not be sexy, but it WORKS!The best way to

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arrow right The Achilles Heel of Management Coaching

While heading home at day's end, you begin reflecting on a coaching meeting you had earlier that day with an employee, Chris. You hope that, this time, you finally succeeded in getting her to understand the importance of spending less time in disruptive socializing in the  office and more time elevating her performance. If not, you feel that your only remaining alternatives are to give her a poor performance evaluation or demotion or may even fire her. You're reluctant to do either of the first two things because you know these would disrupt the positive work relationship you've had with Chris. And you don't really want to fire her. On the other hand, you're running out of patience; this is the fourth time you've said something to Chris about the situation. Admittedly, the first few times, your comments may have missed the mark because you gave her only some casual feedback. But about a month ago, you held a formal coaching meeting with Chris, in which you discussed the situation in depth and came away thinking that she understood the need to change her behavior. In fact, she did change. But after a week or so, she was back to her old behavior.Sound familiar? The most critical step in the management coaching process ? getting an employee to agree there's a need for improvement ? is usually not well understood or well executed. Without that, there's little likelihood of any permanent change.Not a chewing outAs the use of coaching rises, so does the confusion over what it is and isn't. I define management coaching as an interpersonal process between a manager and an employee in which the manager helps the employee redirect his or her performance while maintaining mutual trust. Coaching differs from feedback, although feedback is part of the management coaching process. Feedback is given by a manager or supervisor in response to a specific event or situation; coaching focuses on a pattern of behavior along with strategies for growth and development. Coaching is all about the art of turning situations and events into learning and growing experiences. Examples include missing several deadlines in a short period despite being reminded that meeting deadlines is important, continuing to arrive late for work after being told tardiness is not acceptable, and continuing to interrupt others in spite of receiving feedback that such behavior isn't appropriate. Management Coaching is not "chewing out", taking to task, or threatening employees to try to improve their performance. Those tactics can work, but the results may be worse than the original problem. Such approaches tend to make employees passive-aggressive. They will walk the line and do nothing more or less than what is asked.In general, a management coaching meeting should take place only after an employee understands clearly what's expected and has received feedback at least once that his or her performance is not what it could or should be. However, in some cases, certain significant events may be the focus of a coaching meeting, before they develop into a pattern of behavior. For example, a manufacturer decided that any safety violation ? no matter how minor ? would be addressed in a coaching discussion and, if significant, could lead to formal discipline.Coaching involves these critical elements:   A two-way dialogue  A series of interdependent steps or objectives  Specific coaching skills and strategies  Courage and conviction  A personal sense of humor  The management coaching process has two primary areas of focus: helping an employee recognize the need to improve his or her performance and developing an employee's commitment to taking steps to improve performance permanently.While all of the steps in the C.M.O.E coaching model are important, the most critical one is often not understood or carried out effectively ? getting an employee to recognize and agree that there is a need to improve his performance. That step is equally important whether an employee has a specific performance problem or an employee is an average performer who could do better. Without a felt need for change and greater self awareness, there's little likelihood that any improvement will occur or that it will be permanent.The Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness (CMOE) seeks to improve individual leadership and team member skills within organizations.For professional information on management coaching, visit CMOE.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Retail Operations - Effective Branch Manager Support and Guidance

Performance and behaviour management is by far the most difficult aspect of any manager's job and the reluctance to 'grasp the nettle' when performance or behaviour issues emerge is certainly a concern in many organisations. But at the end of the day that is what managers  are paid to do and not doing so will certainly affect service, team morale, sales and ultimately the bottom line.Why does this reluctance exist, why do so many mangers back away from confrontation? The problems and challenges that need to be overcome are many and the common reasons and 'excuses' for not doing so are as follows:It is Risky ? There is a worry in the back of the manager's mind that discussions could turn into heated arguments and that they may open themselves up for harassment or bullying accusations. There is also a concern that team moral and motivation may be damaged by tackling an under-performer and that the team may even turn against the manager.It is Complicated and Difficult? Performance and behaviour management is not straight forward, it is very seldom clear cut or black and white. It is 'grey area' stuff and often involves opinions, perceptions and subjectivity. As managers feel they cannot quantify and then justify their concerns clearly enough they do not attempt to do so.It is Hard Work and Time Consuming ? Many managers feel they do not have the time to sort out under-performers and that it is low on the priority list. "It is not worth the hassle" is a common comment to be heard.Denial ? Many managers are either blind to the fact that a person is under-performing or behaving unacceptably or they do not see it is a serious enough issue to address. There are even managers who believe that it is not their job to tackle performance and behaviour issues and that some day, someone will come along and do it for them.Many of the aforementioned points tend to be excuses rather than reasons but there are a number of more important points that need to be taken into consideration:Lack of Training ? No new manager has any previous experience of performance and behaviour issues when they move into a manager role for the first time. New managers often inherit performance or behaviour issues from the previous manager and yet are not given relevant training for tackling these issues from the onset. Giving managers basic employment law training and the company procedures to read is not the 'practical' training they need and is certainly insufficient on its own. All managers need a thorough grounding in the use of the performance management tools and practice in their use. Job specs, probationary periods, reviews, counselling sessions, appraisals and the disciplinary procedures are all useful performance and behaviour tools when used correctly and at the right time. Yet this vital training is not made on someone's appointment, often it is made later in their careers when much damage has been done.Courage and Confidence ? Doing something risky, difficult and complicated requires both courage and confidence. Unfortunately many branch managers lack both. Even if managers are given the knowledge and skill to tackle performance or behaviour issues, they will not do so without these essential qualities.The problems and challenges are undoubtedly great and many may see the issue as un-resolvable however there is someone available to branch managers who can help them overcome many of the problems and challenges and that someone is their boss the Area Manager.Guidance, Coaching and Support The area manger is the only person who can guide, coach and support branch managers in the addressing of performance or behaviour issues. They can un-complicate the issues and help managers build a strong case for presenting to an employee. The area manager can also help the manager minimise the risk of harassment or bullying claims by ensuring the correct procedures are being used and that the managers say the right things in the correct way.More importantly a good area manager will 'encourage' and give the manager much needed confidence. The area manager is the only one who can do this but unfortunately in many instances this is not happening and by not doing so area managers are unconsciously (or consciously) influencing a reluctance to tackle performance or behaviour issues within their branches.Why is this happening?Asking for support and guidance ? Many branch managers are certainly reluctant to approach their area manager when they experience performance or behaviour issues within the team. If the matter falls into the gross misconduct category then managers will contact the area manager (and HR function) in the first instance. But for 'grey area' performance or behaviour matters they tend to keep the issues to themselves. The reasons for this are as follows:Many branch managers feel:* The area manager may see it as a trivial matter and not important enough to bring to their attention.* That seeking advice and guidance will be seen in a negative way by the area manager.* The area manager will go into fault finding mode rather than helping find solutions.* The area manager may start questioning the branch manager's ability to do the job.Many managers have in the past gone to their area mangers for advice and support on team performance issues but received such a negative, unhelpful reply that many were put off from ever doing so again, even when they changed to a different area manager.There is also a feeling that area managers themselves do not know what to do either. "Bring me solutions not problems" is a common comment heard by branch managers when they have taken a 'people' issue to their area manager.Offering support and guidanceIt is a fact that very few area managers actively encourage branch managers to talk about their 'people' issues or are prepared to probe below the surface to identify possible performance or behaviour problems that may be affecting the business. There are many examples where area managers have placed managers in 'problem' branches without preparing them for the issues they will face or helped or supported them once they have taken up the position. Basically they throw them to the wolves and then leave them to get on with it.Another common issue is when the assistant manager of the branch is turned down for the manager position. Very few area managers are competent in explaining why an individual was not appointed and give excuses rather than valid reasons. This results in the new manager having to experience considerable hostility and resentment from not only their deputy but from many of the team also.Why do many area managers not offer support or guidance or dig below the surface looking for performance issues? There are a number of reasons for this.Unconscious CompetenceThere is a saying that "Good Management will result in good people staying and not-so-good people either improving or leaving. Where as Bad Management will result in good people leaving and not-so-good people staying and possibly getting even worse".During their time as branch managers, many area managers did not experience risky, difficult or complicated people issues. If they did, they often resolved them unconsciously. They just acted as good managers should, which resulted in the issues being resolved quickly. Ask any manager who is competent in performance or behaviour management "how do you do it or what do you do?" and you will probably receive a shrug of the shoulders and a comment like "I don't know specifically, I just do it" (Unconscious Competence)Unconscious competence is not acceptable at area management level as a key requirement of the job is to coach and train branch managers in performance management. Area managers can only fulfil this critical function if they know exactly what is to be done and how to do it. (Conscious competence)Conscious IncompetenceUnfortunately there are area managers in existence who 'know' they are not personally competent in dealing with performance and behaviour issues and will go to great lengths not to expose this weakness to others. (Conscious incompetence) These area managers tend to encourage branch managers to not make waves, maintaining the status quo and to tolerate rather than develop. They certainly do not dig below the surface in a branch seeking 'people' issues that may be affecting the business.One of the most disappointing comments I heard from a seasoned area manager when asked why he was not supporting his managers was "I am not allowed to get involved as I am the next step of the appeal process".A good measure of an area manager's competence is to look at the performance and behaviour of the area manager's branch manager team. It is pretty certain that if they cannot coach and encourage branch mangers in the tackling of performance and behaviour issues then you can be sure they themselves are not tackling branch manager performance or behaviour issues.Possible SolutionsIf a retail organisation needs to tackle performance or behaviour issues at branch levels, I believe they need to develop the skills and competence of performance management at area management level first as area managers alone have the authority and are the biggest influence on branch manager effectiveness.Unconscious competent area managers need to become consciously competent so they can not only develop others but also develop themselves further. Conscious incompetent area managers need to admit that they are not effective in performance or behaviour management and be prepared to learn and develop the necessary skills. If they are not prepared to do so then they themselves need to be performance managed by the company. After all, Executives cannot demand that branch managers tackle performance and behaviour issues one moment and then not do so themselves when they need to. That isn't leading by exampleAnthony Dance is managing director of outlook management development, a retail performance management and management development organisation. He is also an accomplished speaker on the topic of tackling performance issues and has over 15 years experience within senior operational roles. Anthony can be contacted through his web site http://www.outlookretail.com

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