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arrow right Online Sales: Secret To Increase Your Sales By Bundling Your Products

Microsoft has used this online sales secret to become a giant, and the greatest software company in the world.How about you?What are you waiting for?The secret is bundling your products.An effective way to increase your profits and sales is to bundle many products or  services together into one package. This gives people more reasons to buy your products and services.People also have come to believe package deals are a better value. You want all the products or services to be closely related.For example: if you're selling a computer you could add in software, hardware, computer furniture, etc.There are many ways to go about choosing the right products or services to bundle into one package.You could survey your customers and see what products or services they would like you to offer in the future. Spy on your competition and see what products and services they're offering or not offering.If you would like to, bundle unrelated products or services together, ask your customers which ones would be of interest to them.Bundling can also increase your target markets which in return would give you a larger audience to sell your products and services.For example: if you're selling a baseball magazine you could add a free baseball when someone buys a subscription.You're now targeting people who want the baseball magazine and those that want to play baseball out in the yard.Some people buy a package deal just to get one of the products.There are many sources where you can find products and services to create a package deal.You can buy them from wholesalers or drop shippers.You can buy the reproduction/resell rights to other people's products.Team-up with your competition to create a package deal.You could joint venture or cross promotion deal with other businesses.You could also create your own products and services.Be creative!May you succeed in your online sales and make a lot of money.Warmly,I-key Benney, CEOI-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Win Over the Man in the Chair Salesmanship, Repetition, and Direct M

In a classic business-to-business print ad from the late 50's for McGraw-Hill Magazines an imposing looking executive sits in his chair. He has both feet planted firmly on the ground, a scowl on his face. His hands are folded together in front of him and his elbows rest on  the chair; he leans ever so slightly forward. To his right run these eight lines of copy:"I don't know who you are.I don't know your company.I don't know your company's product.I don't know what your company stands for.I don't know your company's customers.I don't know your company's record.I don't know your company's reputation.Now ? what was it you wanted to sell me?"Across the bottom, a single line of copy drives home the selling proposition:MORAL: Sales start before your salesman calls ? with business publication advertising."This ad amplifies and expands on what many, including David Ogilvy, consider to be the single best definition of advertising ever given. "Advertising," said copywriter John E. Kennedy nearly eighty years ago, "is salesmanship in print."

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Hire A Six, To Consistently Produce Sales Success

For many years as a sales manager, I would only hire the stereotypical sales representative. You know the type-on a human relations continuum or scale of zero to ten, with the ten representing a candidate who is totally gregarious and outgoing and the zero, someone who is  introverted with few people skills, I'd always recruit the ten. As an advisor to businesses and professional service firms on how to build an effective sales team, I would also council my clients to hire "tens." Big mistake!Pareto's principle (the 80/20 Rule) is vividly illustrated in most industries by the fact that 80 percent of the sales are closed by only 20 percent of the sales professionals. After 24 years of working with literally thousands of sales representatives and service industry professionals as an advisor, trainer and coach, I have learned an important truth--that the ten personality is rarely found in the ranks of the top 20 percent of the sales professionals who produce 80 percent of the sales. For this reason alone, I now hire candidates that fall about a six on the personality continuum and I council my clients to do the same.Why hire a six? Because the six personality makes up the vast majority of today's top sales producers. And they are successful at selling, simply because they have a six personality. They are a bit reserved and a lot less outgoing than the ten, but they still have the people skills to communicate well. They do less talking than a ten and they listen better, giving them a decided edge in communicating effectively. Although six personalities have less charisma than a ten, they have a much greater ability to deal with the details of the selling process. This helps them to consistently find new prospects and to organize their day to get more done than an eight ro ten personality. Their ability to produce leads, the effective use of time and their systematic approach to presentations, gives the six personality a selling edge. Most sales professionals with a ten personallity absolutly loath prospecting, paperwork and organizing themselves, so they simply rely on their personality and charm to achieve their sales objectives.You have to hire smart to develop a sales team that are all

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Seven Deadly Sales Mistakes That Cost Business Owners Big Money - And What

1. LOOKING for a "quick fix" to close more sales ? sales aren't closed, they're opened.Solution: You must learn how to open the sale; build rapport with your prospective customer and develop an understanding of their business or of their lifestyle first. Only when  you have some understanding of where they're coming from can you even hope to advocate a solution that they will be interested in.For years sales trainers have been talking about "closing the sale" and employers still advertise for salespeople who can "answer objections and close the sale". Every week recruitment adverts appear in newspapers seeking salespeople who are "strong closers" to sell products with high consumer demand.OK, so if the product is in high demand, why do you need to be a heavy closer to sell it? If you're using "closing" techniques that come from a manual with a copyright notice more than 15 years ago, you're out of touch! Your buyer is not going to appreciate you using any manipulative tactics to get them to buy.Would you like your accountant to be using 15-year old tax laws to do your tax return?2. DECEPTIVE PROSPECTING TACTICS ? don't sound like a bad network marketer.Solution: before you call a potential new buyer, consider what their reaction to your call might be. People are busy today so calling to ask if you can drop by for a chat or to talk about a mystery is pointless. Why should someone give up their time unless they believe you can do something for them?What are you going to say that will cause them to stop their current train of thought, stop what they're doing and open their diary to enter a meeting with you. You will need to spend some time planning what to say. What you have to do is identify the key product benefits that will apply to this buyer before you call and then use those benefits in your conversation in order to gain the appointment.3. NOT CORRECTLY IDENTIFYING PROSPECTS ? don't bother selling to folk who don't need what you sell.Solution: develop a buyer profile; know who is likely to want what you sell and what their buying process is. Identify the key person or people and look to provide answers to their wants and needs. If you can't reach the key person, whoever you can reach has to become your ally or advocate. Talk in their terms!4. FOCUSING ON THE PRODUCT NOT THE CUSTOMER ? what they're buying is the sizzle not the sausage.Solution: learn to talk about benefits and what that benefit will do to ease their pain or solve their problem; how it will make or save them money. To do this you must be able to relate how each aspect of everything you sell benefits the customer.If people quickly grasp the idea and benefits of your business, it's considered to be infectious. Do people nod knowingly as you describe your company's products or services, or do they look puzzled and quickly excuse themselves? If it's the latter, you're not selling benefits.5. TALKING, NOT LISTENING ? how can you listen when you're talking?Solution: You must learn to ask questions ? use open, closed and "tell me about ?" to gather information and look for pain! Otherwise you're trying to "convince" ? who wants to be convinced? Guaranteed to get claw-backs. Essentially you're getting into a struggle with the customer and this is a struggle you'll never win.6. IGNORING THE CUSTOMER ONCE THE SALE IS MADE ? forgetting service, and back-end business opportunities. (Back-end business is the business you generate from a client after you've made the first sale to them.)Solution: you must understand the lifetime value of a customer. Take two simple examples: The men's hair salon (OK ? Barber's Shop) I go to once a month. Over 15 years, that's a total of 180 haircuts; so over ten years I've spent over $2,500.My Optometrist. My wife and I both wear glasses and over the same ten year period we've averaged one pair of glasses each per year. I guess we've spent over $5,000 with our Optometrist in that time. Plus my mother and my sister shop there.My point? They've created close to $8,000 in business from my family alone, not to mention the dozens of referrals we've generated for them.What value is your customer worth in revenue and referrals over five or ten years?7. IGNORING TESTIMONIALS AND REFERRALS. In other words, always using cold prospecting techniques to find new clients.Solution: develop "warm" enquiries and leads. New business can come from a variety of sources:Cold calls Advertising including Direct Mail and the Internet Loose reference groups like the school P&F, family, friends Tight reference groups such as referral clubs and business associations.Develop a referral strategy for your business. Try a "customer loyalty" scheme such as get one free after paying for five. Offer customers entry into prize draws for referring new customers. I know of a hairdresser who buys you dinner at the Hilton for introducing 5 clients.I know I said seven mistakes but let me make just one more observation?I frequently see businesses spend huge sums of money on marketing ? brochures, adverts, direct mail etc because their belief is that if they increase their enquiry rate, they will make more sales. That only works if their salespeople are capable of converting those enquiries into business.Before you spend money on marketing in the attempt to gain more sales, consider how many sales opportunities you'll miss if your staff can't convert the extra leads you generate into business.Wouldn't you be better to invest in some quality training to make sure you significantly improve your conversion rate? After all, a missed sales is a sale for your competitor?© James Yuille, Brisbane, Australia, 2004.About the author:James Yuille is a sales and marketing consultant and trainer with over 32 years experience. He is based in Brisbane, Australia. His free weekly sales and marketing newsletter provides topical information for business owners and salespeople. Find out more at http://www.jamesyuille.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Hiring--A Vital Key In Sales Management Success

Recently, I was asked to spend some time on the telephone, coaching a client's administrative assistant on how to check out an employment candidate's references. After each in-person or telephone conference, I complete a brief written report going over the information  discussed. The information that I gave this worker was so vital to the company's overall sales management success that I felt impelled to share the report in my periodic client e-mailings, feeling that it might be of value to others that I serve. The information is so vital to the management process, I decided to reproduce it here as well.After over 22 years of advising managers, I'm convinced that the hiring process is the primary key to management success. If you hire right, your job of managing staff is made much easier. Here are the suggestions I made along these lines:Julie:It was good to talk to you yesterday.As we discussed, the assignment you've been given by management to call each sales support candidate's references, is vital to the company's future sales success. As I teach in my coaching workshop, if you work hard at the hiring process, it makes managing staff members much easier over the long term.You were right when you commented that calling references

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Offer Package Deals To Increase Profits And Sales

An effective way to increase your profits and sales is to bundle many products or services together into one package. This gives people more reasons to buy your products and services. People also have come to believe package deals are a better value. You want all the  products or services to be closely related. For example: if you're selling a computer you could add in software, hardware, computer furniture, etc.There are many ways to go about choosing the right products or services to bundle into one package. You could survey your customers and see what products or services they would like you to offer in the future. Spy on your competition and see what products and services they're offering or not offering. If you would like to, bundle unrelated products or services together, ask your customers which ones would be of interest to them.Bundling can also increase your target markets which in return would give you a larger audience to sell your products and services. For example: if you're selling a baseball magazine you could add a free baseball when someone buys a subscription. You're now targeting people who want the baseball magazine and those that want to play baseball out in the yard. Some people buy a package deal just to get one of the products.There are many sources where you can find products and services to create a package deal. You can buy them from wholesalers or drop shippers. You can buy the reproduction/resell rights to other people's products. Team-up with your competition to create a package deal. You could joint venture or cross promotion deal with other businesses. You could also create your own products and services. Be creative!About The AuthorNathan Holland is the owner of BSP Advertising. BSP offers affordable and effective ezine advertising as well as targeted traffic for your website. For more information, please visit: http://bizsourceplus.comwebmaster@bizsourceplus.com

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arrow right Overcoming Sales Objections for Small Business Networks

Do you need help overcoming sales objections? Do you sell computer networks, or other IT-related products and services to small businesses? This article provides tips and hints so you can be overcoming the most common sales objections heard when selling networks to small  business prospects, customers, and clients.The problem generally begins when you start talking about a network upgrade. Around the time, many small business prospects, customers and clients will dwell on cost.These small business prospects, customers and clients often neglect to consider the soft costs of not properly investing in a network? such as lost employee productivity when imprudent corners are cut, downtime when fault-tolerance is an afterthought, and service costs from computer consultants when difficult-to-support or

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Shorten Sales Cycles in Complex Sales Environments

Help buyers discover the answers they need to understand and align all of their decision variables.In complex sales, salespeople often find themselves negotiating their way through a web of decision influencers, conflicting initiatives, and multiple priorities. The time it  takes prospects to align all of their internal stars and planets for a buying decision can create painfully long sales cycles.In the audio book, "Sound Advice on Sales Strategies," Sharon Drew Morgen maintains that conventional sales precepts are the underlying cause for this and the other problems salespeople are experiencing.According to Morgen, we need to rethink effective sales skills. The new sales definition must help buyers make decisions."Buyers no longer need us to sell product, they need help making sense of the ever increasing complexity within their environments," says Morgen. "They need help understanding and supporting all of the elements that will face change when adopting a new solution."When a group makes a purchase, it affects their system of rules, norms, relationships, and initiatives. "It's vital that the inherent systems be maintained or it will fight to keep itself static," says Morgen. "Buyers will wait until they understand how to maintain equilibrium before bringing in change."The solution, says Morgen, is a new sales paradigm called Buying Facilitation. "Buying Facilitation is a sequencing method that supports buyers in managing all of those idiosyncratic variables that make up a prospect's status quo. Its basis is to expeditiously align systems ? the people, the management, the budget, the initiatives, and the partners ? in order to add a foreign element into the system without chaos.""Instead of basing your communications on discovering needs or pitching features to sell, teach buyers how to line up all of their unique decision variables and criteria to create a solution for themselves. In this way, you'll become a true trusted advisor."Sharon Drew Morgen, best-selling author of "Selling with Integrity," offers sales advice each week in the free audio newsletter from What's Working in Biz, http://www.whatsworking.biz/full_story.asp?ArtID=92About The AuthorRichard Cunningham is a principal of What's Working in Biz, http://www.whatsworking.biz, a publisher of business audiobooks and online audio programs on marketing, sales, and small business strategies.

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arrow right 4 Tips for the Summer Slowdown - How To Pick Up Sales

You may have heard about the "summer slowdown". You may be experiencing it right now, or you may not be affected. Regardless it's important to pay attention, and do something this time of year.If sales are slow and weren't in the spring, most likely this means your target  market isn't spending as much time online as they were before (this could be due to vacations, spending time with family/children out of school, etc). There are several different options you have now:1. Do nothing - take a vacation yourselfWhile not the most practical for a growing business, if you need a break - take one while you can. Collect your thoughts and ideas and get ready for your busy season.2. Reorganize and prepare for fallSimilar to the first option, except you are still active and preparing. Clean your desk, organize your files, brainstorm new ideas for all, write new ads, research new markets, redesign your website, finish a few marketing books you've been meaning to read, etc. There are lots of things you can do to keep yourself busy that will also help your business.3. Find where your target market went - and go thereIs your target market the vacationing type? Get offline and go where the tourists hang out. Are there local events near by that you can join (such as business expos, craft fairs, etc)? Sign up! While you're at it, make sure you check into your local Chamber of Commerce and pay attention to local events you can be a part of.4. Start a new project with a new target audienceWhile it may be a little late in the summer to start a new project or idea, it's possible to make up a few of those sales within a month or two. Just make sure you are organized, and can handle the extra work once your normal sales begin picking up again.If your sales haven't slowed down this doesn't mean you aren't completely immune to the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The ACCOUNTABILITY Challenge for Today?s Business Management

In today's 24/7 driven business word, accountability is becoming a more critical issue for every business owner, manager, executive and salesperson. The challenge is to realize that accountability is just not a single issue, but an issue with many supporting elements. To  maintain and thrive as an accountable individual first requires overcoming the fear to embrace these elements and then a plan of Action to ensure that YOU are an accountable individual.Action ? What action or actions did you take or not take and why? Since many individuals have been conditioned not to take action or are stuck in "analysis/paralysis," accountability suffers because no specific action has been taken.Commitment ? Are you truly committed to doing what it takes? As a good friend and mentor once shared that the U.S. has a multi-billion dollar diet food industry. However, he continued "If individuals would engage in walking 30 more minutes each day, drink 8 glasses of water, reduce their daily food intake and avoid known fatty foods, would they or would they not lose weight? The answer is yes there would be weight lost. So, why is there a multi-billion dollar diet industry? The answer for most simply lies within the level of commitment of those individuals.Choices ? Are you making good choices such as prospecting, networking or professional development ? Growing your business is directly dependent upon the choices that you make. Are your choices growing your business or limiting your business?Opportunities ? Are you creating new possibilities for success? With so many ways to build your business, what opportunities will generate for you greater success? Look at each networking event as an opportunity to enhance your business. Set goals for meeting new people. Analyze the outcomes from those events. Consider forming strategic alliances with others to improve your business results.Understanding ? Do you understand yourself? Are you aware of your own strengths and feelings? Do you know how to leverage those strengths? How do you deal with your feelings? By better understanding what you what, what behaviors will help you achieve your goals, how you feel and what values are necessary to maintain your credibility, will bring additional benefits to your business as well as to yourself.Numbers ? What are your weekly numbers? The old adage goes if you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Today's technology provides a variety of tools to help you manage your daily performance numbers. By developing your own baseline for success such as 100 dials equals 20 contacts creating 10 appointments delivering 2 sales, you establish some mental boosters to help you stay focused and motivated.Time ? Are you making the most of your time? Time is a fixed commodity. By using down time, the time between appointments or phone calls, you can greatly enhance your results. For example, you can write 5 more emails, read 5 more pages or file 5 more pages.Alignment ? Are your actions in alignment with your purpose? Do you know what your purpose is? Your purpose along with your vision, values and mission statements act as filters and help you to make better decisions. For if the pending issue is not in alignment with your purpose, why are you even considering this issue?Building Behaviors ? Is your accountability a one time thing? Inconsistency derails many individuals and organizations. "Walking the talk" is critical to building a culture where you are respected for your demonstrated actions. Accountability then becomes your friend and not your foe.Internalization ? Are you working from the inside out? To be truly accountable, means that your actions are coming from your inside convictions and not just from some recent external event. Internalization also helps to strengthen the consistency of your actions.Learning ? Do you view failure positively or negatively? John Maxwell in his book Failing Forward explains how failure is an opportunity for success. If you permit failures to drive your behavior, you have lessened your own likelihood for success. Each day should present to you a new learning experience from which you can grow both personally and professionally.Integrity ? Do you demonstrate your values at all times? For example, will you take action when you know a situation is wrong or will you ignore the situation because you don't want to lose a sale?Team ? How can you help others be more accountable? Today, proactive teamwork is a greater part of American business. Teams help achieve greater success, but sometimes team members lack some of the necessary skills. We often hear of the 20% of the team doing 80% of the work. Are your behaviors helping others to be more accountable or are your behaviors allowing others to shoulder more of the workload?YOU ? Bottom line, it is all about YOU, no buts, no excuses!Leanne Hoagland-Smith is President of ADVANCED SYSTEMS, The Process Specialist. With over 25 years of business and education experience, she partners with her clients to connect the 3P's of Passion, Purpose and Performance to affect sustainable change in 4 key areas: financials, leadership, relationships and growth & innovation with a variety of industries. Her ROI solutions align the strategies, systems and people to develop loyal internal customers leading to loyal external customers. She is the co-author of M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Potential:Living an Amazing Life Beyond Purpose to Achievement due for June 205 release. Leanne also speaks nationally to a variety of audiences. Please call Leanne a call at 219.759.5601 or email leanne@processspecialist.com if you are seeking sustainable results for your business or yourself.Copyright 2005 Leanne Hoagland-Smith, http://www.processspecialist.comPermission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Increasing Sales by Using Coupons - Will it Help Your Business?

Increasing Sales by using Coupons. Will it help your business? Well, the Promotional Marketing Association's (PMA) "Coupon Council" shows that 3.8 Billion coupons were redeemed in 2003. Consumers saved over 3 billion dollars. 79% of American's used coupons last  year. There are many Coupon Franchises out there with quite a track record. Here are a few of them: Val-Pac; http://www.valpak.com/info/franchise/franchise_faqs_content.jsp.United Coupon Corp. United Marketing Solutions. Adventures In Advertising. Coupon Tabloid, INC. Consumer Network of America. Coupon-Cash Saver. Effective Mailers. Money Mailer. Welcome Host of America.What do all these services have in common? Well, for retailers and service providers they are quite effective at getting people into your franchise to try you out. That means new customers. There are a few things to remember, first; keep the message simple, less clutter is better. Second; Specific Dollar Amounts are more favored by consumers and tend to grab and keep their attention better and are more effective. Third; coupons are great but if you say special savings or special offer, do not keep running the same ad. Forth; You want customers to fall in love with your product and/or service, not the discounts.We have often watched the miss-treatment of those customers coming in with coupons to those without, since the store owners feel they make more money on the ones who do not have discounts, but this misses the point of getting new customers. Also always remember a current customer is 4 times more likely to buy from you again than a first time buyer of your wares. Coupons are such an interesting free market innovation. One of the earliest examples of coupons in the US was with Asa Chandler, who bought the Coca Cola secret recipe; He offered free soda drinks using coupons in 1894. By 1895 everyone was copying this idea in various industries, another early adopter was C.W. Post who offered a 1 cent coupon for Grape Nuts Cereal. Hey back then a penny was a big deal. Another tip in coupons is to put lots of disclaimers all over the coupon so the FTC or some consumer watch group headed by an attorney does not try to figure out a way to hit you with a class action lawsuit, paying millions of people 35 cents, which costs more to mail them out than the amount in the check, while the attorney clears many millions of dollars at your expense.Franchisors who wish to help consumers save money and promote their businesses so they can expand, pay more taxes into the system, provide more jobs and further the economic expansion, will have to pay to play. No we do not mean the costs of the coupons, those are relatively inexpensive. You will have to hire attorneys to protect you from attorneys. Think of it more like the Mafia charging you for protection. Of course all this hurts the consumers in the end. Since it causes higher costs in the market to all Americans and prevents competition in the market place, but we will pretend that this is okay in a free market in the Greatest Nation on Earth. We will pretend that this unbelievable extortion is helping consumers. We will pretend that the loss of economic output, jobs, tax base to governments is fully acceptable and that attorneys are knowledgeable, ethical and without every single one of them the entire country would instantly turn to anarchy? After all Einstein always said a good imagination is favored over good education. So pretend with me will you?Regarding the argument that all those disclaimers clutter the coupons and make them less effective; well, yes that is true, but we had to destroy the coupons to protect the consumer. If this does not work we may have to destroy all the businesses to protect the consumer? Hey, what if an attorney actually produced something for society? Yah, wow, isn't that a great challenge for your imagination, let's also Pretend that too? I wonder if we are protecting the dumbest Jerry Spinger Future Guest Star or the Jeff Foxworthy; "Here's Your Sign Candidates? Oh well, The Darwin Awards are only second to the events described on: http://www.overlawyered.comCoupons work, they bring people into your franchised outlet, so you should consider coupons as a way to increase sales and help you business grow. So we recommend mailer coupons, try it a few times see the new customers it brings in and then work really hard to keep them while you go get some more.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Train a Winning Sales Team: Rounding Third and Heading for Home

Although I never met the man, I imagine Lou Boudreau would have made one heck of a field sales trainer. In 1942 the 24-year old Cleveland Indians shortstop was promoted to player/manager of his team, and for the next eight years Boudreau did what we, as trainers, are called  upon to do every day: demonstrate success, inspire success and cultivate success. Think of it as the triple play of sales training.DEMONSTRATEA seven-time All-Star shortstop, Boudreau was only the second manager to take the Indians to a World Series Championship, and no one has done so since. Clearly, he was a man who demonstrated success. As field sales trainers we must similarly make success a habit. A field contact with a trainer may be the first "in situ" opportunity a new rep has to test their impressions of the company, and possibly selling in general. Is what we say consistent with the corporate sales direction? Is what we do consistent with what we say? Most importantly, are we successful at gaining customer commitment and moving the sales process forward?Inexperienced reps may need guidance on effective territory management and specific techniques for gaining access to prospects. Experienced reps are more familiar with the demands of the position, so their concerns are usually more territory-specific. Their willingness to accept us as role models may depend on how well we demonstrate successful resolution of field challenges: "The key thought leader in my area is on the speaker's bureau for Competitor X. How can I compete with that?" "Most of my key decision makers won't see reps. What can I do to impact their decision making process?" Established reps need to know that we have successfully overcome similar challenges and can give them strategies to do the same.Demonstrating success is also vital because as field sales trainers we hold a uniquely dual role in the sales organization. In addition to the time we spend training and coaching sales reps, most of us are responsible for increasing sales and growing market share in our assigned territories. Our ability to manage our time and territory productively is vital in order to reach our own performance goals.INSPIRESelling is fun when sales are good, but experienced reps know that's not always the case. Without any warning you run smack into a competitor's newly expanded sales force. Your blockbuster technology launches with software challenges. You spent your weekend studying a new clinical reprint, but every doctor you see wants to talk about last night's exposé on the cost of prescription drugs.Inspiration is our second wind. It keeps us focused on the big picture when our progress temporarily stalls. It's a safe bet that all sales reps want to succeed? a good trainer will inspire them to succeed. The wanting gives us aim, but it is the inspiration that makes us reach. Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller understood the power of inspiration to drive performance: "I remember in 1948... I was having a rough season, and instead of replacing me Lou (Boudreau) said 'We're going to sink or swim with Feller'. After he said that I won 10 of my last 12 games. He instilled a confidence in his players they never forgot."In the final analysis inspiration is unique to the individual, so figuring out how to inspire our sales reps may be the most challenging aspect of being a trainer. It can also be the most rewarding.One way to inspire success is to celebrate its many forms. Baseball fans illustrate this perfectly. Do they wait soundlessly for the final out in the bottom of the ninth? Of course not! They cheer every solid crack of the bat? every difficult catch? every stolen base, because they recognize that each of these small successes brings them closer to their ultimate goal. The more skillful the play the more fervent the cheer, which motivates the athletes to stretch their abilities to achieve even more.I think the single most inspiring thing you can do is to pay attention to your reps. Don't wait until the bottom of the ninth to commend their progress. Make a point to notice their incremental gains and celebrate their success!CULTIVATEWhen I first started in sales I thought I should be just like Gregg, the most successful member of my team. I stifled my own personality and conducted my sales presentations as if I were Gregg, copying his voice inflections, the rhythm of his speech, and even some of his jokes. It wasn't long before I began to suspect that his achievement was more a matter of luck than skill, because clearly, this selling approach was a failure!In truth, the failure was mine. By rejecting my personal style I had violated one of the fundamental principles in cultivating success: respect individuality. Gregg's approach worked for him because it was his. When I rediscovered my style and trusted my own instinct, that's when I developed success. When Boudreau was promoted to player/manager his team was made up of more than just shortstops. He led his team to victory by relying on each player's unique strengths to overcome the challenges of their position. Whether we are working with new or veteran reps, we must respect that their individual traits and talents have gotten them this far. Our job is to expect more.How can we help our reps progress from expecting more to achieving more? By encouraging risk taking and new behaviors. Too conservative a team culture makes it difficult to raise the bar; few are willing to reach higher, for fear of falling short. As trainers we should be first at bat, risking innovative approaches and new ideas. Boudreau wasn't afraid to think differently. He recognized that teammate Bob Lemon was misplaced as an infielder, so he reassigned him to pitcher, liberating Lemon from mediocrity and helping him achieve MVP/All Star status.BATTER UP!Just as a coach can't swing the bat for the player at the plate, we can't be with our teams every play of the game. We must share our best techniques for sales success, so that when split-second adjustments need to be made, they have the skills to make the right ones."I can't be with you every day" has become something of a team slogan; a reminder that ultimately we each bear responsibility for creating our own success. As trainers our mission is to teach the art of unflinching self-assessment. Perhaps the most important thing we can give our reps is the ability to evaluate themselves honestly and specifically. Once they master that skill set they will be rounding third and heading for home!Copyright ©2004 by Sally Bacchetta. All rights reserved.Sally Bacchetta - Freelance Writer/Sales TrainerSally Bacchetta is an award-winning sales trainer and freelance writer. She has published articles on a variety of topics, including selling skills, motivation, and pharmaceutical sales.You can contact her at sb14580@yahoo.com and read her latest articles on her website.

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arrow right How We Build a 90% Failure Rate into the Sales Process

I recently began doing training in the banking industry. Across the board, successful bankers close between 2% and 6% of the prospects they call on, starting from their first prospecting call.Not only are those numbers abysmal, they are considered normal. In other words,  bankers are expected to fail at least 94% of their time. The insurance industry has the same odds.In general, every industry closes less than 10% of the prospects they call (first call to close), with over 90% falling in the 7% category. And, since there is no scientific way of knowing which prospects fall into the 7%, we continue running after all 'hot' prospects until they disappear. And then we make excuses for those we lost while having no earthly idea why we actually lost them.Basically, we are out of control; the only control we seem to have is over product pitch and our ability to chase seemingly hot prospects.While I'm being a bit harsh, these are the realities that are built into the system of selling. Sellers expect failure and work to overcome it.Why is it ok to have such a low closing ratio? Why have we built failure into the sales system? Why do we accept a 90% plus failure rate ? and hire an over-abundance of sales people to make up the difference? Why do we continue to teach sellers the same-old same-old techniques that continue getting them the same-old ratios? And why is it ok to have an entire profession that wastes over 90% of their time?Because we don't know any better.THE PROBLEM WITH SALESFor millennia we have based sales on our need to sell that which we get paid to sell. We have watched buyers disappear and go into some quiet, silent space that remains hidden from us while they ? while they do what?Where do they go when we leave them? Why don't they call us back when it's so obvious they have a problem that our product can solve!We have had this long standing belief that we can fix problems, that our products are the necessary solution, and that we know what a prospect needs (based on what we can see from our vantage point outside of the prospect's environment.But do we know? How do we know for sure? How can we ever know what another person needs in order to solve their problem? How can we know what a group or a team or a company needs? Just because we can see the problem, and just because our product could solve the problem, doesn't mean the buyer needs it, or is ready to buy it, or doesn't have other choices.Or wants to leave the problem the way it is.What makes us think we have the answer?Let's take a good look at what we're doing here:1. We enter our prospect's status quo with a solution, and as a result become a solution looking for a problem.2. Our calls, our questions, our communications ? marketing, advertising, pitches and presentations, needs analyses ? are all biased, and constructed around getting our product sold, even though we profess to be mindful of buyer's needs.3. All of our conversations are based on different ways to encourage a prospect to understand their need for our product.4. We assume that if the prospect has a problem in the area our product solves, that they need us to supply them with our solution.5. We assume that because there is a need, that the prospect just has to be made to understand that they will save time/money or whatever if they use our product ? and of course it's our job to get the prospect to understand they have a problem that we can fix.What is going on? Until or unless a buyer can recognize, align, and manage their own internal variables ? their culture, if you will ? they will do nothing. And we are left waiting in a void with nothing but guesses to make sense of what seems to us to be an obvious decision.BUYING FACILITATION: A WAY TO SUPPORT THE BUYING SYSTEMI'm here to tell you that there is a way to support the buyer on her side of the equation. Rather than sell, we can actually help buyers make buying decisions without selling anything. Not only that, we can close 50% of the prospects that show up, 12% - 15% of the prospects we solicit, and close the sales in ½ the normal time frame.But to do that, we must stop selling. In the mid 80's Larry Wilson wrote a book called Stop Selling, Start Partnering. Even then he knew that sales wasn't the answer. While he didn't have a model to teach us how to do that, his ideas were sound and refreshing. But being the egotistical lot that we are, we assumed that what we had to do was partner in order to sell.I'm going to make a different assertion: I'm going to suggest that we truly STOP SELLING and help people buy instead (and after all, selling and buying are two different activities).Selling doesn't work: it doesn't get us anywhere; we never know when our buyers are going to come back ? or even if they will; and we continue trying to add bells and whistles to the same basic process, hoping to get different results.These are the realities that are built into the system of selling. We actually expect failure and work from there to overcome it.Take a look at Buying Facilitation. It will give you skills to help you help buyers make purchasing decisions based on their own buying criteria. It's a systems view of the buying process; a sequencing system of facilitating decisions. It's got nothing to do with selling, and everything to do with solving problems within a system so the system can remain congruent and not disrupted.Sales is antiquated. It's very possible than better than a 10% success rate. It's very possible indeed ? but it won't be by selling.Sharon Drew Morgen is the author of New York Times bestseller Selling with Integrity. She is the visionary and thought leader behind a wholly original sales model based on the systems of how people change and decide. She has taught this system to 13,000 people in the fields of sales, customer service, negotiating, coaching, and change management. Sharon Drew is a keynote speaker and decision strategist, helping companies change their internal practices to embrace collaborative decision making, ethics, values, and integrity. She can be reached at 512-457-0246 and http://www.sharondrewmorgen.com and http://www.newsalesparadigm.com

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arrow right 5 Secrets to Managing Your Sales Manager Productively

Many people believe that the main reason for representatives leaving their organisation is that of money in that they leave for a bigger salary. In fact, the biggest reason why people leave organisations is that the role they are doing is no longer offering any challenge or  excitement. The second reason is due to the behaviour and capability of the immediate line manager. More often than not, the two are strongly linked with the manager taking little interest in the representative's development and as such the representative feels under valued and bored due to the lack of attention and challenge.Often the blame is laid at the manager's door, but the representative must take a share of the responsibility also. The trouble usually arises when expectations are not laid out "on the table" with both parties unaware of each other's needs, motivations and expectations. The end result is often a lack of trust and respect between the representative and manager which leads inevitably to conflict. A good manager will ensure that a "contract" is created between the manager and the representative and that this contract is "two-way" but unfortunately this rarely happens and if any contract is put in place it is 2one-way2 with the manager outlining what he or she expects from the representative and not the other way around.So how can you avoid this conflict and start to work productively with your manager? Act on these five secrets and watch the relationship with your manager grow.Secret 1: Learn about behavioural styles and find out what your own is and your manager's. Compare the two and if there are differences then work on these differences by matching your manager's body language very discreetly. Match their tone and volume of voice, remembering not to mimic only discreetly match. Look at their eye movements and do similar. Again, do similar with body movements. When you start to discreetly match their body language you will be amazed that they start to match yours also. This is the start of the rapport building process and this goes a long way to start the building of trust.Secret 2: Contract with your manager by getting agreement about how best the two of you are going to work together. Ask questions such as:"What are your specific expectations of me as your representative?""What are my specific objectives and how am I going to be measured?""What behaviours annoy you?""What motivates and de-motivates you?""What reports do you want? When do you want them? What content?""How often do you want to visit me in the field?"Contracting is all about managing expectations. A good manager will always outline his or her expectations and will ask you about yours. Once you both are clear about what each other's expectations are, then this is another building block in the foundations of trust and respect.One of the hardest lessons I learned was when I did not contract with a senior sales manager. We had completely opposite behavioural styles, which meant that we didn't get off to the best start. He thought I was too energetic, flighty and too much of a risk taker and I though he was too detailed with no personality and constantly stuck in front of spreadsheets. We were in constant conflict because he asked me for reports that I could see no reason for and I was frustrated when he ignored my pleas for more training budget. If we had contracted and discussed our similarities and differences and how best to work with them, we may not have had the conflict that we did have. The result of this "personality clash" was that there was little trust and respect between us and very little communication. Meetings between the two of us were, to say the least, fraught!Secret 3: Ask for regular feedback on your progress. Ask your manager to coach you. Be pro-active and do not wait for your manager to come to you. On the other hand do not always be seen to be reliant on your manager and give them space. Agree this area of support in your contract. A great time to enlist this support is on field visits. Ask your manager if some time can be "protected" during the field visit to discuss your progress and for them to coach you through any ideas and, or, challenges you have.Secret 4: Be seen to be a support for your manager. Management can be lonely and stressful particularly if the manager isn't managing their boss particularly well or if the company and/or team results are not doing as well as expected. Be supportive and offer to take on extra tasks. These tasks will not only make space for the manager to work more productively and strategically they will also enable you to develop your own capabilities. Be careful to ensure you manage your team-mates expectations here too. Being seen as supporting the manager can be taken the wrong way by some of your colleagues and on occasion, the less enlightened representatives can see this behaviour as threatening.Secret 5: Go with your instincts! If you feel that the relationship with your manager is starting to go sour, then immediately call a meeting and openly discuss your feelings. To make this easier than it may sound, again build it into your contract right at the start. Something like, "If I feel our relationship is not what it should be, can I address it immediately as opposed to letting it linger?" Do not where possible discuss your feelings with all of your sales team. You will find some people very supportive and helpful but you may also find that some may go out of their way to reinforce the feelings you have thereby making it more difficult to address with the manager. Always best to tackle these feelings head on without referring to your team mates. If you have a coach, then they are often the best people to enable and support you to handle these situations.Relationships between managers and representatives usually deteriorate because there was little trust in the first place and as a result openness is not usually achieved. Follow the five secrets and you will go a long way to ensuring a lasting and productive relationship with your manager.Allan Mackintosh is a professional management coach who after 19 years in the pharmaceutical industry started his own management coaching consultancy, Professional Management Coaching. He is a successful speaker and has recently turned author, having had his first book, "The Successful Coaching Manager" published in August.Allan can be contacted on 01292 318152, e-mail allan@pmcscotland.com or visit his website at http://www.pmcscotland.com

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arrow right The Four ?D?s of Sales Management

Recently I stumbled across some notes that I had kept from a project I had been involved in which involved looking at manager behaviours. The aim of this project was to identify "preferred behaviours" in sales managers when they were working closely with their sales  representatives. The outputs were interesting and helped my colleagues identify four main types of sales managers and the differences between effective and ineffective behaviours.Four Types of Manager.A few years ago when working as a coach for a multinational Pharma company my colleagues and I were given the task of designing a framework that enabled managers to work more effectively with their sales representatives out

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...