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arrow right 8 Procedures to Take Control of Sales and Marketing

The Cash to Cash Cycle Part Three of SeriesWe're sprinting toward that million dollar mark...and we're only a couple strides away?Decreasing inventory carried us over the first hurdle, and last week reducing Accounts Receivable sped us through the half-way mark. We're  making great time, so let's bring on the next mile marker ? marketing and sales.Increasing Overall Sales and Marketing EffectivenessIf you are an organization spending $500,000 or more on marketing expenses (e.g. advertising, trade shows, print materials, direct mail, etc.) then STOP! We found it again. Why you ask?? Because marketing has the greatest potential of being very unproductive. In fact, many marketing programs struggle to break even, and actually frequently lose money. So if we increase the overall effectiveness, then we can eliminate 50% or more of your wasted marketing efforts, which translates into $250,000 in cash.So now, let's see how this actually works in a real-life scenario.Sales and Marketing Company Policy Case StudyAn organization with $500,000 in marketing expenses needed assistance. We examined their sales and marketing process to understand and quantify the lead flow, follow-up, and demand forecasting issues. Then we designed and implemented a process to improve their sales cycle efficiency and tie it closer to their customer's buying cycles. After the marketing reductions, we then reinvested $100,000 back into new processes for public relations and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), both of which were suffering badly.The metrics we developed reduced their marketing expenses by 60% overall and increased their sales cycle efficiency from 40% to 60% within 6 months of implementing the new procedures. With these new processes and reports, the company now tracks sales cycle efficiency and life-time value rather than just sales quota achievement, as the measure of their sales & marketing effectiveness. The result: an extra $300,000 in cash plus a 50% increase in process capability (capacity).As we have seen time and time again, time can be our best friend, if only we let it.Methods to Design the New Sales & Marketing Process? Improve Follow-up. Only about two percent (2%) of sales occur on the first contact. Eighty percent (80%) of sales will require five to eight contacts before the sale closes. This means that if you are contacting the prospect less than five times or more than eight times, then you could have a problem with follow-up.? Sales Cycle Efficiency. Time kills deals. The speed at which a prospect is converted into a customer and the number of prospects required to make that conversion determines your sales cycle efficiency. So ask yourself, are you taking the right steps to measure and reduce lost sales?? Life-Time Value. How profitable a given customer is over time defines your LTV or Life-Time Value. Companies spend ten times more to acquire a customer than to keep a customer. However, existing customers are more likely to purchase again, spend more money, and therefore become more profitable. If you don't know your LTV, then how do you know how much money to spend and on which customer segment?? Demand Forecasting. Every customer buys on a cycle. So this means that you should track cycle times and variance to increase the accuracy of your forecasting and the loyalty of the customer. Do you know when your customers need to reorder?? Improve Lead Quality. Do you have methods in place to measure the conversion potential of each lead? Lead generation activities (i.e. forms) should pre-qualify every new lead so that you can take the right follow-up actions for the marketing offer. Strong leads produce strong sales.? Increase Awareness. To keep the sales pipeline full of good quality leads you must continuously increase the awareness of your company and the solutions that it provides. Public relations is more efficient at building awareness than advertising, yet many companies spend wildly on advertising and trade shows while neglecting to fund public relations efforts much at all. Increase your name recognition, not your budget.? Reduce Discounting. Discounts represent deficiencies in the sales & marketing processes, which means that you should use them sparingly. Instead, determine the root cause and then fix the process that's causing the need to discount. Show customers the added value, and they won't focus on price.? Train Personnel. Provide your sales & marketing personnel with regular formal training. This will arm them with better product knowledge, as well as presentation, negotiating and selling skills that will improve effectiveness. This will boost both employee morale and the bottom line ? a win-win. Control of Sales and Marketing Policy and ProceduresImprove your sales cycle efficiency. Reduce your marketing expenses. Tie it closer to your customer's buying cycles. And take control of your sales and marketing program to let it work for you.Improvement with Well-defined Policies and ProceduresWith well-defined processes and procedures in place, you will increase efficiency by reducing ineffective sales and marketing programs. And, again, we make such improvements to create more cash on hand ? all toward that million dollar goal and to cross the finish line.Next week, we will hurdle the final $250,000 mark with the Accounting Payables function ? so close you can see it.Chris Anderson is currently the managing director of Bizmanualz, Inc. and co-author of policies and procedures manuals, producing the layout, process design and implementation to increase performance. To learn how to increase your business performance, visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Commodity Sales Prospecting - How to Stand Out From Your Competitors

I have received a number of requests for advice from salespeople and sales managers that sell "commodity" products and services. When I refer to commodities, I don't just mean pork bellies or frozen concentrated orange juice. A commodity is any product or service where the  target prospect is likely to be thinking:

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arrow right How Your 60-Second Elevator Script Can Transform Your Staff, Your Sales, &

When attending a Chamber of Commerce breakfast networking get-together, I'm always perplexed by the lack of thought and preparation many business owners display when giving a 60-second overview of their business. These people have spent enormous amounts of time, money, and  energy on their businesses. Yet, when asked to give a quick synopsis, they fumble for the right words, they ramble, they go off on a tangent, the information is disjointed, or the words are boring and seemingly unimportant.Their performance creates a very poor representation of what is otherwise a very good business. Listeners have forgotten the pitch before it's even over!Some people have a natural gift for speaking well extemporaneously, and they manage the process with great self-control. But, for the other 80% to 90%, it's a different story. They muff important opportunities over and over in many daily situations. They frequently miss the chance to make valuable business connections or to develop brand new prospects and customers.Very few business people make the effort to script out a compelling 60-Second Elevator Script (60 seconds is the time you have to meet someone new in an elevator!) that's committed to memory and is able to be delivered at a moment's notice. However, it's so simple to do, and it's one of the most effective marketing tactics you can employ.Everyone knows the importance of first impressions during the first few seconds of meeting someone new - - - whether it's how you dress, the sound of your voice, or the words you use. A concise, well-stated business pitch costs you absolutely nothing to develop, except for a little time, some thought, and, of course, memorization.I use a simple four-step process when scripting these pitches for clients:1. Interrupt2. Engage3. Educate4. Offer.Begin with a sentence or two that achieves the same result as a headline in a good ad. It attracts attention because it Interrupts the listener with information that has emotional meaning, usually something that deals with problems, frustrations, and annoyances of your target market.Follow on with another sentence that Engages the listener by offering a promise of upcoming information that is important and relevant.Next, give a quick overview that Educates your listener about exactly what you do that's unique compared to industry competitors. You could even include a brief example. Keynote the things that differentiate your business.Finally, conclude with a sentence or two that Offers the listener the chance to obtain more information. The offer should be risk-free and uncomplicated.Craft and refine your 60-second elevator pitch (realistically 1 to 2 minutes). Get everyone in your company to memorize it as a condition of employment. (You can even provide small incentives to pass the test.) You and your staff will then be able to give the prefect presentation of your business whenever the time is right: at a business meeting, in front of prospects, on an airplane, at a trade show, as an on-hold phone message, at a party. It's a great conversation starter. When it becomes your universally used marketing tool, you'll have a coordinated staff that's totally at ease with the topic, and the perception of your business by everyone outside your company will soar to new heights!Good luck with your marketing efforts.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ If you would like a FREE 60 Second Script Template that you can begin using immediately for your company, simply email your request to: 60SecScript.About The Author: Marc Gamble, the author, teaches business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals how to acheive bigger, bottom line results from their advertising & marketing efforts without spending more time, effort, or money. Learn marketing strategies and tactics to separate yourself from your competition and become the obvious choice to do business with. To learn more about how to improve your own Marketing Efforts and Achieve Better Results, visit: http://www.MYMOnDemand.com/vpc1_mgnm Email: mgamble@mymondemand.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales & Marketing Plan Strategies

Design and Implementation of a new Sales & Marketing campaign must be carefully thought through from the beginning. What message do you want to send about your company, products, and services? What are the anticipated results? What is the execution strategy? What is the  cost ratio versus expected return?These are just a few of the questions that run through our minds in the early stages of planning. If your goal is revenue growth and expansion, I believe you need to design, develop, and implement your Sales & Marketing plan on that foundation. Here is some criteria to consider while planning:? Identify your markets and your profit potential in the selected markets? Segment your markets by customer, service, etc.? What type of penetration is desired: existing, new, different, or all of the preceding? Design a plan to include procedures and controls to monitor and evaluate market penetration by segment? Determine and build internal and external sales strategies? Evaluate and plan staff training to generate internal monitoring controls, evaluation processes, and customer education if necessary? Plan to control revenue growth with product mix, product promotion, and customer pre-qualification? Evaluate expected sales and then ratio numbers to your sales staff's current compensation package to see if consideration is needed for additional or different wage incentive programs? Design controls to evaluate, monitor, and drive the highest level of profit possible? Determine the type of media and then budget advertising accordingly? Develop a backup plan in case of immediate campaign disasterThe results of a well-balanced and executed Sales and Marketing campaign can be resounding. Constant expansion of products and services, market area, clientele types, etc. all contribute to the continued growth and success of any company. Plan your work and work your plan!Kenny Nau Director of Sales PLUSS Corporation http://www.pluss.net

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales Marketing: 12 Sneaky Tricks To Help You Outsell Your Competition

Business can be like war sometimes.You may have to fight hard to survive.The winner takes all.But that doesn't mean you have to destroy your competition in order to survive and win.But you can do one smart thing: outsell them, with a few smart tricks I will reveal below.One  of the tricks to outsell your competition is to compare your product to theirs.When you find the differences between products, use your findings to improve your product.Below are 12 things you can compare and improve upon to outsell your competition.1. Price- Can you offer a lower price? Can you offer a higher price and increase the perceived value of your product? Do you offer easier payment options than your competition?2. Packaging- Can you package your product more attractively? Do the colors of your package relate to your product? Can you package your product into a smaller or larger package?3. Delivery- Can you offering cheaper shipping? Do you have a high enough profit margin to offer free shipping? Can you ship your products faster?4. Benefits- Can you offer more benefits than your competition? Are your benefits stronger? Do you have believable proof that supports your claims?5. Quality- Is your product built and tested to last longer than your competition? Can you improve the overall quality of your product?6. Performance- Can you make your product faster at solving your customers problem? Is your product easier to use than your competitions?7. Features- Can you offer more product features than your competition? Do your features support the benefits you offer?8. Availability- Is your product always available or do your have to backorder it? Can your product suppliers drop ship to your customers?9. Extras- Do you provided free bonuses when your customers buy your product? Are your bonuses more valuable than your competitions?10. Service- Do you offer your customers free 24 hour customer service? Can you provide free product repair? Does your competition make their customers talk to a machine?11. Proof- Can you provide more proof than your competition that your product is reliable? Can you provide stronger testimonials or endorsements?12 Guarantees- Do you have a stronger guarantee than your competition? Do you offer warranties with your product? Do you provide an easier return policy?Warmly,I-key Benney, CEOI-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of

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arrow right Increase Retail Sales With Meetups

I recently attended the monthly Italian language Meetup here in Little Rock. Meetups are informal social gatherings of people with similar interests in a particular topic. Topics for Meetups range from political to cultural to intellectual to fun.Meetups are usually held in  books stores, coffee shops and restaurants. As Meetups occur mid-week, on what are usually slow nights for many small businesses, Meetups often bring additional traffic and sales.For instance, this time there were six individuals at our Italian language Meetup. The Meetup was held at Boulevard Bread Company, an Italian bakery which also serves full gourmet meals. Among the six of us, three ate full meals and three had light snacks. All had imported Italian beverages. Altogether about $60 in additional sales were generated by this one Meetup. As the Italian language Meetup occurs on only one mid-week night each month, an addditional 16 nights are available for other Meetups at the same location. Potentially, an additional $1,000 or more in sales could be generated simply by hosting nightly Meetups at this one location.While dozens of Meetups take place in Little Rock and much larger cities, smaller communities are largely untapped. All a small business need do to tap into the Meetup network is offer space for small gatherings. Ideally, small businesses should share some affinity with the Meetup group hosted. For example, gardeners might Meetup at a local plant nursery. Our Italian Meetup chose a bakery which carries Italian products and where the owner visits Italy twice each year.Now, if we can only get that Entrepreneurs Meetup goingâ?¦By day, Timothy Lee is a university-affiliated small business extension specialist and national seminar leader in Little Rock, Arkansas. By night, Timothy publishes the Land of Opportunity small business blog, which offers daily news and tips for small businesses. If you found this aricle helpful, please visit http://arkansas.blogsome.com for similar genuinely helpful small business articles.

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arrow right Keeping Your Sales Team Motivated

Sales managers frequently approach me for advice on how to keep salespeople motivated, especially when sales reps get into a rut - and seem to keep slipping deeper into it. Telling managers what not to do usually solves the problem. Most managers do things to de-motivate  salespeople without even knowing it.Let's take the idea of funnels and forecasts, for instance. Funnels and forecasts are important aspects of running any sales operation. Both salespeople and managers need to know where they stand in terms of potential opportunities, and funnels serve to track those opportunities. No successful business can operate and properly plan for the future without accurate forecasting. In theory, these are absolutely essential to the success of any operation. In reality, however, few words strike terror in the hearts of salespeople like

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Nine Warning Signs that You Need a Sales Video

Corporate videos are an important sales tool that can often be overlooked in marketing budgets.We look at the top nine tell-tale signs that indicate whether your company is in need of an innovative and effective way to promote itself.1. No strong corporate "look and  feel"You're in a highly competitive industry. Yet, what makes you really stand apart from your competitors is your people and the look and feel of your company.So how do you show your state-of-the-art factory in action or your professional staff working in your appealing office?And what about your idyllic location? What's the best way to show picturesque vision of rolling hills, clean and green countryside or waterside views?The solution is to create a marketing video that paints an appealing picture of those indefinable qualities that make your company unique.2. Unique PresentationsYou need to do a sales presentation and your company is up against some tough competitors.How do you present your company in a way that is different to your opponents?A proven method is to play your corporate video within your PowerPoint presentation.Playing your marketing video at the start of a sales presentation is a great way to relax your audience. Interesting vision and upbeat music can make your audience feel more positive, even before you've spoken a word.It's an ideal way to show the look and feel of your company in a convincing and enjoyable manner.3. Trade Shows/ExhibitionsYour organisation is always exhibiting at trade shows and needs a way to stand out from the crowd.Setting up a television screen and a DVD/VHS player in your stand with your continually repeating corporate video is an easy way to get people to stop and stare. Moving vision and music easily stops people in their tracks.Parents quickly learn that it is easy to distract a child by leaving them in front of a television. Adults are usually no different. It is easy to grab the attention of participants who may feel uncomfortable (or bored) walking around a trade show.Continually playing your corporate video is an easy way for passers-by to learn about you without having to go to the effort of reading through brochures.4. Increasing Export SalesTravelling overseas to market your products or services to international buyers is risky business. Not just for your company, but also for your prospects.Can they really trust you when you tell them how large and reputable you business is and that you have the right quality procedures in place? How can they get a real feel for your company that is located thousands of miles away?Presenting your location, factory or office, production process and your dedicated staff at work is highly regarded by international buyers. It provides an extra a look and feel about your company that is often lacking from brochures and photos.A concise marketing video that gives an interesting overview of your company is a proven method to increasing international sales.5. Showing your Product or Service in ActionSometimes you cannot actually demonstrate your product or service to a client because it is too large to lug around, it is located on the other side of the world or there is only one prototype that cannot be used.New products or services that are suitable for use in a range of different scenarios are also difficult to demonstrate.Using a marketing video that can exhibit how your product works and under what circumstances is a great way for prospects to understand what you are trying to sell.This is a much better alternative than taking the prospect through lengthy operational manuals or worse still, having them rely on their imagination.6. Extensive Product RangeYour product list is extensive. Not only do your clients not know all of the products that you sell, but even your staff have trouble remembering!Studies have found that we are more likely to remember information if it is shown with pictures. The best way to inform people about your product range (and for them to remember) is to show scenarios in which the product can be used.7. Your Production ProcessYour product is made in a time-honoured tradition that takes hours of dedication. Or your product is made from the finest quality materials that are only obtainable from a scenic, rural location. Alternatively, your service was developed from years of research by experienced technicians.Showing your product being made in a manner that is different to your competitors gives you a distinct competitive advantage.This is one area that you do not want to leave to nice words and pretty pictures in a brochure. To do your company justice, showcasing your production process is an extremely important message to convey.8. Believable TestimonialsThere is nothing more potent than having your happy customers raving on about how wonderful you are to camera.Written testimonials are often read suspiciously. We're all guilty of reading through testimonials and laughing about their dubious authenticity.Having a real client talking about you on camera is like having that person tell your prospects face-to-face about how highly they think of you. Of course, the testimonial has to look real. Uncomfortable clients poorly reading from an autocue fools nobody!When done correctly, this is an extremely effective way to promote your business and one that has been used since televisions first appeared in our lounge rooms.9. Winning AwardsMany savvy businesses know that entering awards can be a great way to cost effectively promote their company.Submitting your corporate video in an award submission is also a clever technique to distinguish your company from the pack.An added bonus is that your video material may also be included during any awards ceremony stretching your promotional opportunities even further.Marie-Claire Ross is from Digicast Television Production. Digicast Television Production has helped many businesses win big contracts and projects by increasing more awareness and knowledge of their products and services. To get the FREE Digicast Ezine with marketing tips and the latest information on technology to help busy business professionals visit (http://www.digicast.com.au) to subscribe.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Snowflakes Improve Holiday Sales

Snowflakes are beautiful!For the Winter Holiday sales season handcrafted snowflakes are the perfect touch. They lend an aura of a mystical winter wonderland to any room, house or office decor.You may ask "What has snowflakes got to do with internet marketing?"A free gift  with every order gives you the competitive edge over your competitors.Everyone likes getting something for free. And what better time for gifts than Christmas time!Reward your customers with the enjoyment of a unique free gift not available in stores. You'll make your customers feel special! And that means more sales! Your customers will know that you have a real interest in them as people, not as mere sales prospects.Include a beautiful snowflake free in your orders and you'll improve your Christmas sales 100 percent!There are two ways you can do this:You can tell your customers that they will receive a free gift with every order. The suspense of not knowing what the free gift is makes it even more exciting and fun! Some people will order just for the fun and expectation of getting a free gift! They wonder what could it possibly be?Or simply send it along with the order. Finding an unexpected gift will greatly enhance your customers appreciation for your first rate service.You don't need to go to any great expense for your free gifts. It's the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Increase The Sales Of Promotional Products

I have searched for a new way to increase the sales of my promotional products. A good way is to start an affiliate-program with a commision for every customer who buy an product and who came to your page from a webpage of one of your affiliate-partners.I thought that this  is not the only way to inrease my sales and there is another problem. You need to have your own online-shop and a webpage.So I started to look for a webpage that will give me some tips and advices on how to increase selling promotional products. I used a searchengine and tried the keywords

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Ten Awesome Ways To Incease Your Sales In Holidays

Everybody thinks that the businesses will slow down a bit in holiday seasons. Ofcourse everybody thinks that people don't want to start new ventures in holidays too.But that is not true. People do spend money... a lot in holidays. On gift items, special discount goods,  coupons etc.The only thing is to know how to do business in the holiday season using this attitude.Here are 10 tips to maintain or maximize your sales in Holidays:1. Put a paragraph on your webpage that related to the particular holiday. Like chrismas greetings for Chrismas, Happy mothers day greetings for Mother's day etc.Then put a picture of your product under it with a discount price for that particular day.Advertise about this discount product on your home page from a month before the actual selling day.2. Send discount coupons to your old customers and subscribers and tell them the offer lasts for one or two days.3. If you use pay per click engines, change your ads a little bit to give the essence of holiday season.If your ad is like -

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Benefits of Catalog Sales For Your Business

Things to watch out for when selling your product in catalogs.Giving away the farm.Many catalogs will ask for a multitude of discounts and concessions before they even place one order. You give them a set price for your product. But they insist on a lower price. They expect  you to pay freight. They want an

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Finding A Sales Force That Pays For Itself

The elements involved in building a sales force, especially one that pays for itself and also adds value to any business, are many and varied. The whole purpose and direction of a sales manager needs to be directed to creating a sales force that causes the employing company  to expand through increasing sales.This is done by the following general steps: Training sales staff to be able to sell the company product in large volume; correcting how sales presentations are made; handling any customer flaps his sales people make; and then testing and hiring more sales people, to create an ever increasing sales force. This is a continual process that a sales manager must be doing to justify his existence. If he doesn't, the company cannot expand.Training to make a good sales person"Training them to be able to sell the company product in large volume." A very wise American philosopher once stated that all a salesman had to do was to continue to try to interest the customer and the customer would eventually buy, if the sales man continued to try to interest the customer! Like all great truths, they are 'obvious' once stated.So, what does it take for a sales person to continue to try to interest a customer, no matter what objection the customer raises and despite the sales person's own impulse to 'give up' after a while? Lets look at the elements:The sales patter: The first of these would be a successful sales patter. Here we are talking about getting a hold of someone or several people who are successful, at selling to customers, in the target industry, or a similar industry. Once such person(s) are found, you need to interview them to find out what they DO that made them a success. We are looking for the actions they take and the things they do, not what they think.The best person to interview for this information is usually the most successful sales person, right there in the company, if one exists. Notes should be carefully made of the actions they take to get a sale and these notes should be very exactly written up and turned into a patter that can later be drilled on new and old members of the sales force.Advertising and preparation: Next, a series of sale recruitment advertisements need to be created for the local newspaper. The receptionist of the company needs to be briefed on what to do when calls come in. The adverts need to be big enough to attract attention and have enough mystery in them so that people actually call in to find out what its all about.The receptionist should understand that all she is doing with calls from the advertisements is routing them to the person doing this project. She does not answer questions about what the company is and what is being offered. She simply arranges for them to come in for an interview at a scheduled time or collects their phone numbers so that they can be called back and scheduled to come in, by someone else.The interview: When applicants for the sales position come in, their interview is very specific and to the point. There are certain very specific criteria that are being looked for in a good sales person. The two main one are, (a) can they persist along a given course? (b) Are they are interested in people?That is an easy statement to make, to be sure. However, to find such people requires very exact interview procedures. The first step is testing. We use a series of 3 tests. One of these provide a detailed look into the 10 most important job related traits such as Stability, Goal attainment, Composure, Certainty, Activity level, Aggressiveness, Responsibility level, Correct estimation, Appreciativeness and Communication level.The other 2 tests measure an applicant's ability to solve problems and how well they are able to following instructions ? a vital test for anyone operating machinery where understanding and following instructions are very important!With the results of the 3 tests, one only needs to ask the applicant questions regarding his past job failures, past job successes and when they first decided that they wanted to be in sales. These answers, compared to the results of the 3 tests tell the whole story and can really make it very easy to select applicants most likely to succeed as sales people.How the compensation is done: For this project to be successful and actually pay for itself, the sales applicant needs to be hired under very specific financial conditions. They need to be hired on a draw + commission. This means that they get a low amount of money weekly for a certain period of time and if they do well, they should be producing enough sales to repay their draw and start making money quickly, for themselves as well as the company. How this is worked out is key to the success of the project. If this is not worked out correctly, sales people will either not start, not produce and stay too long and drain the company or quit before their training is effectively completed.The mastery of the conversation: A successful sales person requires one skill above all others. This is the ability to guide and control a conversation. If he or she can guide and control a conversation, it is then possible to continue to try to interest the customer and be successful at it.For a salesperson to do this one action well, an in-depth 3-day training on the basics of conversation and how to guide and control a conversation, is vital. Communication between people (conversation) have very certain and definite laws, which if followed, puts a sales person in total control of a conversation without making the other person feel like they are being controlled!Drilling the sales patter: After the sales applicants have successfully mastered the art of controlling a conversation, they now need to be drilled on the successful sales patter. If a full day is devoted to drilling them on this and they are drilled to a point where they easily and smoothly deliver their patter, without referring to notes or becoming tongue-tied or embarrassed, then and only then, will they be ready for the next step.Get them out selling: After the above steps are completed and your sales people are ready to 'hit the streets', they should be divided up into groups of 3 to 5 people with one of them being the sales manager of the group. They are then sent out to find customers and deliver their pitches (sales patter).This should be done in such a way that there is not great pressure on the sales people for the first few days. Tell them to go out and practice on any customer they find. The objective is to get them comfortable delivering their patter.They are given realistic targets to achieve and when they flub and do not get results, they are corrected and sent back out by the person that is overall in charge of this project.Failures: Not all will make it through this line-up. Correct them as much as possible and if they cannot make it, turn them loose and concentrate on the others that are making it. As the sales manager you also need to work on starting new groups through the process. Continue these steps until you have all the sales people you need to really boost the company sales.Personnel: The number of sales force trainers required to train the company sales manager on this procedure and help him build his sales force is only 2 people. They will need to work in the company for 30 days. One of these would be the person overall in charge of the project. He or she creates the sales advertisements, get the people in, does the tests on them, interviews them and decide which ones to hire. This person also does the corrections. The assistant does the conversation-control training; the successful sales patter drilling and help the lead trainer with the corrections of the sales teams.Summary: An effective sale teams can be built that pays its own way, enhances the company sales and increases the value of any business. The key to it all is having a hiring method and training program for the sales people that follows the exact laws involved in guiding and controlling a conversation.About The AuthorWillard Michlin is an Investor, Business Broker, California Real Estate Broker, Accountant, Financial Distress Consultant, Well known Public speaker and Administrative/Business Consultant. He can be contacted at his Ventura, California office by calling 805-529-9854 or by e-mail at kismetrei@earthlink.net. See other articles by Willard at http://www.kismetgroup.com; kismetrei@earthlink.net

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales Coaching... Fact or Fiction?

The old adage in selling has always been, "Find out what they want, then, give it to them." The fundamentals of selling are clearly that elemental. The application thereof, however, continues to be the litmus test that quickly separates the skilled from the  rest.In the past, the selling profession relied upon its own bullpens crowded with accomplished journeymen to assume the role of mentor or coach to guide the up-and-coming. But sadly, those days are gone.Statistics show the average tenure in today's typical sales force is only two to three years. For many reasons like downsizing, smaller margins, and fewer incentives, experienced salespeople now find it necessary [easy] to move on. Some get entrepreneurial and open small companies of their own. In their wake, younger and far less tenured people fill the ranks - quickly becoming the less experienced mainstay of frontline selling.There is still another challenge. Due to the evolution and ever-changing complexities of products and solutions, heavy employment emphasis over the last decade in particular has and continues to be, placed on technical skills over selling skills. No one will argue the importance of knowing one's products inside and out - especially when they are complex. Nevertheless, without experience, training and a natural aptitude for selling, any sales person is more a "Teller, not a Seller."That is to say, a salesrep today can be quite adept at providing correct technical answers for customers but can often lack the sales aptitude and education to do what they need to do ? 'Close Deals'. In practice, now armed with the right solution, customers are free to shop it to other "Tellers" for price. The result? Dwindling margins, unhappy salespeople and high turnover? Huge Costs for the Corporation!So what's the answer? In a word, "Coaching."At a time when companies outsource for strategic expertise like legal, accounting and payroll services, professional speakers / trainers / consultants - most of whom with decades of distinguished sales and marketing experience - are in demand to meet the need for coaching, mentoring and trainingThe sad reality is today's overworked executives and small business owners often find themselves engaged in a delicate balancing act between the needs of their inexperienced sales force and the demands of fundamental day-to-day business survival. Something inevitably has to give and it usually does. For this reason, outsourcing for needed coaching [not available in-house] makes so much sense.Professional Coaches with 'proven' experience work directly with companies and individuals to put 'proven' programs into place expressly focused on sales/motivation and success-strategies integral to personal and corporate long-term goals in today's more Unique Value-Driven marketplace.Successful companies know:  Coaching programs work.Coaches drive greater sales and profitability.Coaches are an Investment ? Not a Cost. and,Coaches are far less expensive than the status quo.  Fact: Government sources purported the cost of recruiting, hiring, benefits/salary and training the average sales rep is approximately $50,000.00. "No small investment for even a large corporation."Fact: "Without proper training and attention, sales aren't made, reps move on and - the Investment Cost Doubles!"??????????????..About The AuthorPaul Shearstone aka The 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' is one of North America's foremost experts on Sales and Persuasion. An International Keynote Speaker, Author, Writer, Motivation, Corporate Ethics, / Time & Stress Management Specialist, Paul enlightens and challenges audiences as he informs, motivates and entertains. To comment on this article or to book the Pragmatic Persuasionist for your next successful event we invite to contact Paul Shearstone directly @ 416-728-5556 or 1-866-855-4590.www.success150.com or paul@success150.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Product or the Sale

This is a quandary not unlike the chicken or the egg question, "Which comes first?". Do you focus on creating a superior product and continue to develop superior products or do you shift focus from the product to the sale prior to fully developing the line, or  schedule of services?In the study of business start-ups there are a tremendous number of entrepreneurs who created, or found marvelous products and yet were unable to crack the marketplace. How many programs have you seen on TV that show warehouses of goods, that just sit and are never introduced to the consumer?Without demand, there are no sales. Without sales, there is no success. It is easier to create for the sake of self-expression, than it is to find a way to effectively share the creation.The current, most visible example of the power of marketing is the throng attracted to New York by "The Gates" in Central Park. Recent travelers, when asked why they are going to New York, invariably say they are going to see The Gates. But, once viewed, visitors and New Yorkers alike have said that they resemble short shower curtains the colour of pale Velveeta. Looking down from a plane or one of the tall buildings that surround Central Park, the saffron coloured winding trails bring to mind a flow of sorts that is totally lost when viewed from the ground, but people continued to flock to Manhattan in droves to see the work.How to create your own buzz?.1. Develop one core product with a great name.2. Look around and see if there are other businesses or events you can attach your name to, to launch.3. If not, write and send out your own Press Release. http://www.notable-marketing.com/get_press_info.php4. Once you have started to court the Press, keep sending out Press Releases on a regular basis, but make sure you have something worth saying. It's often the perspective or the timing that works to capture the spotlight. Be merciless in your presistence but keep your sense of humour!5. Call on your most successful competitors and see if they will share with you how they got started. They may even refer clients, if they have moved to the next level.6. Call up a company you want to work with and ask them for their buying criteria. Make an appointment to go in and ask for their advice on your product/service.7. Go big or go home! Don't hold yourself back through lack of confidence in your own sales ability. If you believe in the greatness of your product/service then call on businesses you know would benefit.8. Don't get so excited by a positive response that you start to manufacture enormous amounts of product or make commitments to buy a large volume of supplies before you have a contract that guarantees a sale.9. If someone recognizes the uniqueness of your product and sees the value of doing business with you, they will make a commitment. Make sure the terms you agree to are ones you can meet and still make money.10. Your product/service does not have to be perfect. It just has to find it's niche and be marketed to that niche continually as it evolves.The product may come first but if sales don't follow right away, don't give up. Persistence is a key element in any venture and marketing to a clearly defined niche makes it easier for your customer to find you.Nancy Fraser is the President of Nota Bene Consulting. She has been helping clients improve their advertising results and grow their businesses for over 20 years. Free advertising and marketing information in Notable News http://www.notable-marketing.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...