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arrow right Getting Off The Advertising And Sales Rollercoaster

Seeing the results of advertising your business can be like watching a roller coaster. The day you run your ad you see a flurry of activity; your ph0ne starts ringing, your web site traffic increases and/ or potential clients visit your store. Your hopes soar. sales go up.  Two or three days pass and the response goes down. You look at the bill for the advertising and your jaw drops. Your hopes descend.Nancy called me from Portland, Oregon with just this problem. Every time one of her ads appears in a local publication, customers start walking in the door of her home furnishing store. A few days later the number of prospects and sales goes down. Her advertising gets results, but the thousands of dollars she is paying each month is killing her profits. What can she do?Whether you advertise your consulting business in The Harvard Business Review or your interior decorating service in the Penny Saver, your ad will cost significant dollars.How can you make your advertising pay for itself?How can you use advertising to create a STEADY stream of business?Write Your Ad to Sell and To Generate Leads Of all the people who could benefit from your products and services, what percentage is likely to buy today? Hopefully a few, but the majority are more likely to need your services tomorrow, next week or next month.Write your ad to prompt people to buy and if they're not interested in making a purchase, to contact you. When you write your ad:1. Sell your products or services by selling your solution. 2. Prompt prospects to buy. Include a call to action. 3. Motivate prospects to give you their contact information.For each person who responds to your ad and makes a purchase today, you should be able to get ten qualified prospects to contact you. Once you have their contact information, you can send them a regular email or postcard for far less than it would cost to run your ad on a weekly basis.Follow Up On Your Advertising An ad can be the first step in marketing your products and services but unless you follow up, it may be the last. Its what you do after your ad runs that determines whether you're able to make it pay for itself in the days and months to come.Let's say your ad works in getting people to visit your web site, call you or come into your store. What's the next step? How can you follow up to increase your sales?1. Make sure you get their contact information so you can follow up.2. Whether people stopped by your web site, left a ph0ne message, emailed you or visited your store Ð follow up promptly. Get back to them within the day, if not sooner. A prospect is most likely to buy or start a profitable relationship when he/she is looking for a solution. Let your leads linger and they'll go stale. If you wait prospects may contact other service providers or stores, and you've given them time to make their purchase through someone else.3. Respond immediately. Use a ph0ne call or an email to let them know you understand the problem they want solved and that you can help them. Even a personalized autoresponder message will do the job.4. Market to your in-house list of contacts. If you want people to remember you when they have a need and are ready to make a decision to buy, make sure they think of you as the solution provider. The best way to do this is to regularly provide ideas, tips and information that your prospects want.5. Create opportunities for personal contact, whether through your print mailings, ezine or web site, you want to prompt prospects to contact you to discuss their needs and / or place their order. Ask them what they want, what they are looking for. When they send you an email, follow up with a call. Tell them how to contact you, how to schedule a personal conversation and then follow up with a call.Advertising is an expensive ticket to marketing your products and services. Use these strategies to make sure you get your money's worth and you'll find your advertising paying for itself over and over. Instead of getting your thrills from watching your business go up and down, you'll find yourself enjoying the excitement of watching your profits steadily move up. - 2004 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved.The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals and small business owners attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up for the Free Marketing Plan eBook, '7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business' at http://www.marketingforsuccess.com

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arrow right Increase Your Sales - Accept Credit Cards

Many people today simply prefer the convenience of paying by credit card. If you want their business, you must be able to accept their credit-card payments. In part one of this series we will discuss why you should accept credit cards, and the basics of getting merchant  status. Part two will deal with objections you might get, which credit cards to accept, and the check paying option.  Obtaining merchant status, which allows you to accept credit-card payments, might seem like an unnecessary hassle, especially for those in business where the majority of their customers pay by cash or check. But by not accepting credit-card payments, you lose sales. This is especially true if yours is a mail order business, or consulting business. Just look at the majority of business today, all of them accept credit cards, and becoming more and more popular all the time are debit cards.  As many businesses have found, up to 70 percent of people never mail the check, so accepting credit cards is crucial. When the customer places an order, he's excited and eager to buy. Faced with the prospect of sending a check, waiting for it to clear and then awaiting shipment, his interest is likely to wane. In the meantime, you lose sales.  The Basics of Merchant Status In order to accept credit cards, you need to work with a bank that will transfer the money into your account within a day or two of the sale, and then collect the money from the customer. In return, you pay the bank a commission of 1.5 percent to 5 percent for each credit-card transaction; a set, per-transaction fee; and a setup fee. You will also have to pay monthly support or equipment-rental fees for a point-of-sale terminal-the machine used to swipe the card-depending on the contract. The fee is based on two things, the average amount per transaction and the total volume for the year. When you apply for merchant status, the banks evaluate your business based on its sales track record, the type of business it is, your credit record, the business's credit record and your overall financial picture. Apply for merchant status when you get your start-up financing. This accomplishes several things. First, it shows that you've thought ahead. And you will probably have customers that you wouldn't have otherwise. In fact, some people don't pay with anything but credit cards.  Second, you show you're taking steps to minimize the time and expense involved in recovering bad debts. If someone writes a bad check, for instance, it will cost you time and money to recover the loss. If you swipe a customer's credit card through a point-of-sale terminal, you can be sure you'll get paid. The machine contacts the issuing bank to authorize the transaction and runs the account numbers through a variety of fraud-protection procedures. In part two of this series we will deal with objections you might get, which credit cards to accept, and the check paying option. Copyright 2004 DeFiore EnterprisesInterested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our

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arrow right Increase Your Sales Accept Credit Cards, Part 2

In part two we will discuss overcoming objections, which credit cards to accept and using the check paying option. If your business is home-based or has been in operation for less than two years, you're likely to face objections from the bank. If yours is a home-based or a  brand-new company, be sure to meet with the banker to show your business plan, offer collateral and discuss your personal net worth. You are more likely to be able to overcome objections by being open and honest. Even if your bank turns you down, however, you still have options. First, you can always try other banks.  If you don't have any luck getting a bank to back you on your own, consider going through an Independent Sales Organization (ISO). These are field representatives from out-of-town banks who, for commission, help businesses find banks willing to grant them merchant status. Ask your bank to recommend an ISO, or look in the Yellow Pages under credit cards. The ISO may be able to help you simply because it represents dozens of banks, each with their own specialties and criteria. The ISO representative can match your needs with the needs of the banks he or she represents, without requiring you to go through the application process with all of them. Of course, you will pay higher fees because you run a home-based business, which presents more risks to the bank. Some banks will require you pay either a percent of your monthly credit transactions or dollar amount, whichever is higher. You also pay a per-transaction handling fee, a monthly fee and per month fee to rent a point-of-sale terminal.  Which Credit Cards Should You Accept Once you've obtained merchant status, you can accept a variety of credit cards, depending on which are offered by your bank. Some banks issue their own cards, and others act as intermediaries between the credit-card companies and your business.  Different banks offer different cards. Most will likely offer Visa and MasterCard, because these are the cards most consumers have. Many banks also offer Discover and American Express, but not all do. Before you sign on with any bank, consider the costs carefully. If you don't anticipate many credit-card sales, it might not be worthwhile for you to pay the setup and monthly fees. If you're not sure the costs will benefit your business in the long run, call a few banks and find out what kinds of fees they charge. Be sure to call more than one, because fees vary and you won't have a set figure until you actually apply. Accepting credit cards may not be for every business. But if yours is the kind of business where customers are likely to want the convenience, you're only cheating yourself if you don't give them what they want. Remember, your competition will. Check It Out If a lack of a business track record is what keeps you from getting merchant status, consider signing up with an agency that provides checks by phone. This service allows you to accept payment directly from a customer's checking or savings account.  With this type of service clients simply e-mail, fax or send by modem the customer's name and address, the amount of the sale and all the numbers listed across the bottom of your customer's check. These numbers, include the bank routing number and the customer's account number. They use these numbers to draft the appropriate account and pay your business. You can usually request that your payment be sent by overnight shipment, resulting in your getting paid even before the draft has been completed. If you suspect a check might be bad, you can have them check it against its computer database, which includes identification information on banks and their branches in both the United States and Canada. There is a per transaction charge for this additional screening. So, as you can see you have a number of ways to get merchant status. Remember, the name of the game is options and convenience for your customers. If you don't offer it, they will go to someone who does. So what are you waiting for! Copyright 2004 DeFiore EnterprisesInterested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our

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arrow right 4 Marketing Myths Threaten Your Sales

These 4 marketing myths can cause you to lose sales if you base your marketing decisions on them. But the related marketing tips I included with each myth will boost your sales if you act on them instead.Myth 1: People Always Buy Where They Get the Cheapest PriceIf this  was true, only businesses that charge cheap prices would exist. Some people buy where they get the cheapest price. But most people are more interested in getting value for their money than in getting a bargain.Tip: Look for some low-cost ways you can enhance the perceived value of your product or service. Then test raising your price. Don't be surprised if both your sales and your profit margin go up.Myth 2: v Offering Your Customers Many Options Will Boost Your SalesPresenting your customers with options usually reduces your sales. Here's why...When confronted with several options, most customers have difficulty making a clear decision. They often react by procrastinating - and never making a decision. When this happens, you lose a sale you already had.Tip: Try to limit your customer's decision making to either

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arrow right The Sales Carpenter

I remember moving my family to Argentina as Vice President of Sales for Latin America. I was in charge of managing five regional offices, Argentina of course being one of them.In the company's ten year history of selling into Latin America it had never exceeded $14 million  (M) in annual sales. The Argentina office itself had never produced more than $400 thousand (K) in sales. My task was to increase the sales locally in Argentina, but more importantly throughout Latin America.I remember sitting in my office one day, looking out the window and wondering, "How the heck am I going to grow this business with problems in Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico and other hot spots? "How can I grow this business beyond $14M when no one in the past has been able to do so?" Forget the movie Sleepless in Seattle, I was "Sleepless in Argentina," trying to map out a strategy. How would I make "sales" happen?! "A confession to you the reader: I was scared! Please don't tell anyone!One day while on the phone with a customer, I heard loud noises from across my office building. After getting off the phone, I opened the window and looked at the shorter building next door. On the rooftop, I saw several men using a scrapping machine to rip apart the flat roof the size of two tennis courts. This noise went on for days.Then one day I noticed the silence. I looked outside and discovered that the men had finishing stripping the rooftop and were now laying small ceramic tiles. Given the size of the roof I remember thinking, "That's going to take them a very long time."A few days later to my surprise and amazement I looked outside and saw that they were three-quarters of the way complete. "Amazing! How were they able to lay so many small tiles so quickly?"Satori,? a moment of enlightenment.At that very moment, a new mindset was born for building sales. Instead of focusing in on the enormous task of increasing sales for the entire region (the whole roof), I would focus on building the company's sales slowly (one ceramic tile or sales office at a time).It was this paradigm shift, this Latin American version of eating an elephant one-bite-at-a-time that helped me maintain the patience and sanity needed to grow the business. I considered each country in Latin America a "tile." I set out to make sure that each tile I laid was positioned correctly in the marketplace. The result? First year, we hit $14.3M. Second year $45M. By the end of the third year, the region's annual sales had grown to $98M. The Argentina office itself went from $400K in sales to $5M.Success, in sales and in life, starts when you break things up into smaller pieces; you begin to feel a sense of control. And as I began to take action, I began to feel a sense of momentum. Control and momentum became my engine for success. And every time I felt overwhelmed or anxious, I thought to myself, "Victor, let's just lay one tile at a time."Confucius said, "It is not a matter of how fast or slow, but simply a matter of you moving." I learned that progress or success never happens overnight, but over time?one tile at time. I learned how to become a sales 'carpintero' (carpenter who builds things).Victor Gonzalez, top Hispanic motivational speaker and author of "The LOGIC of Success". For more info go to: www.thelogicofsuccess.com or by email victor@thelogicofsuccess.com

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arrow right Transforming Your Sales Force by Creating Specific Expectations

I just finished a phone call with a potential client who had called to discuss a problem. His 18 person sales force was paid on straight commission. All had been with the company for 8 - 15 years and were earning healthy incomes. His problem was that he couldn't get them to  do what he wanted them to do. Here's the example he shared.He wanted the salespeople to call on new prospects to expand the company's base. Instead of just seeing established customers, he asked them to call on prospects, and report back to him on the progress they were making.There were almost no results. Instead he got comments like:

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arrow right Raise Concern About Sales Competition, Not About Yourself

As you are reading this sales article, read very carefully. Because I wouldn't want you to think of a pig right now. No, do not think of a fat, brown, smelly pig right this moment. What are you doing? Do you have a picture of a smelly, fat, brown pig in your head right now?  I thought I just told you not to do that. What are you doing then? The mind can only process positive statements directly. In order to process a negative statement, one must first create a positive representation of the negative statement in the mind. To *not* think of a pig, you first had to see a fat, brown, smelly pig. Only then could you attempt to tell yourself not to think about it. Gee, by now though you've already thought of the pig, so what good is it to tell you not to? So how does this relate to sales and persuasion? Let's think for a moment. Have you ever said something to a prospect like this:

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arrow right Speed-up Your Sales Cycle

This week's article is my response to a question by David Cohen of Bridge-Soft. "Quite a few prospects have told me that business is stagnant at the moment, but they are hopeful towards the 4th quarter. How do you approach the sales cycle where the cost of the product is  relatively high and the sales cycle is lengthy, sometimes six months or more, in good times. I have little trouble generating interest in our products during my cold calls, but the relationship of a slow economy, long sales cycle, in combination with the cost of the software puts a few road blocks up. Any ideas on how to either avoid or breakdown these road blocks?

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arrow right Sales Tactics to Beat Your Competition

This month I want to share a success from a friend and customer of mine. You'll find in this story two important sales tactics for beating your competition. From Chris Chalmers of Quova Inc: "We sell a commodity product (geographic data) that is available from a variety of  competitors and public sources. Recently, we lost a major account to a competitor, and based on our long-standing relationship with them, they consented to debrief us on what went wrong. Obviously we had an account management issue, and there had been a service problem or two. But the clincher was our competitor was perceived as

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arrow right Discounting Your Way Into Sales Oblivion

I don't even like saying the word d---------g. I have literally obliterated it from my dictionary with a black marking pen. I'll bite my tongue until it bleeds, before I say the word.Earlier this week Bernadette, my wife, and I went shopping . . . something I love to do.  Just kidding! We were looking for a 3-piece plant stand for our deck. We found one in a catalog and went to the store to check it out.Bernadette always asks the sales person if he can do better on his price. You'd be surprised how much you can save just by asking.Sidebar! The word ASK is the most powerful word in a sales person's vocabulary.Back to what happened. We debated over two different pieces and made a decision. The piece we didn't select had a 30% discount tag on it.According to the sales person the 3-piece set we decided on was not on sale. Our sad faces didn't seem to move him. He said he could get into trouble for giving us a discount.Another sidebar. The GNP of the United States would increase by a staggering amount (Probably hundreds of billions) if all salespeople got into trouble with their organizations for giving discounts.Back to the store. The salesman said the display unit was the only one available. Bernadette asked for a discount if we took the floor display.He caved in and finally said I'll give you a 10% discount.Here's the math: The list price was $178. 10% equals $17.80.He could have said, after doing the math, I'll take $15 off because it's a display unit. The $15 is 8.4%. We would have been thrilled. And you can bet the ranch, we would not have reached for a calculator to see what the percentage discount was.In my opinion dollars off always sounds more impressive than a percent discount.Because it was a display item the salesperson had to remove some things before he could bring the 3-pieces to the cash register. Bernadette inspected each piece. They were painted black and one had a sizable and noticeable scratch on it.Bernadette once again asked if he do any better on the price because of the damage on the 3-piece plant stand.It's time for more math. Remember he first offered us a 10% discount.If he increased the 10% discount to 12% the increase is 20%.If he increased the 10% discount to 14% the increase is 40%.If he increased the 10% discount to 16% the increase is 60%.If he increased the 10% discount to 18% the increase is 80%.If he increased the 10% discount to 20% the increase is 100%.Without any hesitation he said I'll give you 20% off.He doubled his original discount. It doesn't sound like much but in reality it is. The plant stand list price was $178. For other products, perhaps even yours, it could have been $1,788, $17,888, $178,888, or even $1,788,888.Don't be too quick to give discounts, especially big ones. Use your head and do the math before you offer additional price concessions.Forget about defending your price and do your best to explain your value.Here are a few more things to keep in mind:If you offer genuine value - don't give it away, charge for it.If you absolutely must offer a price incentive, never start with round numbers. Make sure there's a decimal point included.For example, any professional sales representative offering 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% off etc. should have to listen to seven straight hours of Lawrence Welk Music. If you must offer a concession try 3.9%, 8.9%, 13.6%, 19.3% etc. Once you calculated the discount % convert it to dollars because it always sounds like more.Never offer a price concession without getting something in return - NEVER.Finally, a small disclaimer. Please don't think I'm violating my pricing strategy when you see me offer special incentives for my products. My speaking and consulting fees are at list price and I seldom offer any discounts.I have negotiated very good pricing for all my products. And I'm happy to offer you a price break from time to time if it helps you to invest in your self-development. See the end of this letter.In a nutshell - anybody can offer a discount.If profitability is the applause of a happy customer you should be raising your prices, especially if your customers are happy.Jim Meisenheimer is the creator of No-Brainer Sales Training. His sales techniques and selling skills focus on practical ideas that get immediate results. You can discover all his secrets by visiting his website: http://www.meisenheimer.com

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arrow right Sales Plan? Whats a Sales Plan?

In the past, if you said the word "plan" to me, I would bolt and run. I'm the "creative type," a former ballet dancer and choreographer-I'm terrible with details. When I was dancing professionally, all the details were taken care of; all I had to do was  show up and dance. Even when I was choreographing, as long as I met my deadline for when the dance needed to be complete, I could go with the moment, go with the impulse and see where the dance led.A hearty dose of reality hit when I began to run a dance company. All of a sudden, I had people-employees, volunteers and dancers-waiting. I had to know where we were going and how we were going to get there. It was a different world. Every decision had impact down the line. If we were going to have a spring season, I needed to know what we would be performing and where we'd be performing it. How many dancers would I need? What about costumes? Were we going to commission music? What would it cost? How would we pay for it all?It took a long time for me to grasp the impact of having a plan. Because I was running a small, grass roots organization, there never seemed to be enough time, people, money or resources. I was always putting out fires. Every plan I developed changed the moment I keyed in the last sentence and printed it out. Plan-who has time to plan? Especially when the plan keeps changing!Over time, I began to see the planning process as a road map. You know your ultimate goal. You figure out the best way to get there. Your plan needs to include contingencies and have enough space that you can deal with fires and still move forward. And sometimes, the plan changes; it might need some adjustment or "tweaking." As long as the goal remains the same and as long as you keep taking steps forward to achieve that goal, your plan will help you get there.In sales, your goal is revenue-driven. How much money do you want to make? Or a better question: How much profit do you want to make? Then, how are you going to achieve that?Your basic plan should start with a dollar amount and work backwards. If, for example, you want to gross $500,000 in sales this year, on average, how many sales would that be? What is your average sale? On average, how many prospects do you have to see or speak with to close one sale? So, how many prospects would you need to see or speak with to close the number of sales you would need to reach your goal of $500,000? What steps do you need to take to see or speak with that many prospects?Wow! What a mouthful! Here is a mathematical formula:First: Value of average sale =______________ How many prospects to close one sales: _______________Then: Gross sales ¸ average sale = total number of sales neededNumber of prospects to close one sale x total number of sales needed = total number of prospects(This formula is from a dancer who counts up to 8 and starts over again! If I can do it-you can do it!)© 2004 Wendy WeissWendy Weiss, "The Queen of Cold Calling & Selling Success," is a sales trainer, author and sales coach. Her new program, "Cold Calling College," can be ordered by calling: (866) 405-8212. Contact her at wendy@wendyweiss.com. Get her free e-zine at http://www.wendyweiss.com.

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arrow right 10 Things to Help Your Business When Sales Are Slow During the Holidays

Twiddling your thumbs and waiting for some business to come in? Why not use this downtime to set yourself up for greater success in the new year? Here are my 10 picks, but you don't have to do them all. Even doing just one will get you another rung higher on your business  ladder.1. Evaluate your virtual team and make changes if necessary.Are administrative tasks taking up most of your time and keeping you from working ON your business? Then hire a virtual assistant. (See my article on this topic at www.EzineQueen.com/everything.htm.) Are you paying too much in taxes? Meet with your accountant to talk about getting more aggressive with write-offs, or make appointments to interview new accountants. Same goes for your lawyer -- do you love him/her? If not, take this time to ask around for referrals.2. Learn how to get more business via your Web site.Would you like to be getting business leads and sales 24-7? Then look at how your Web site could be working better for you. For help in writing copy that sells, sign up for Red Hot Copywriter Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero's e-zine at www.Red-Hot-Copy.com. To get more targeted Web visitors, sign up for Marc Harty's free e-course at www.StrategicTraffic.com. It gave me tons of new ideas!3. Revamp your e-zine or launch an e-zine.Remember that having a ready list of warm prospects is your goldmine, and having an e-zine positions you for more sales on a regular basis and for the LONG-TERM. The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to release your first issue! If you're not publishing yet, get ready with all the great free resources at www.EzineQueen.com.4. Clean out that e-mail inbox once and for all!Unanswered e-mails, people to follow up with, information not recorded or filed in the proper places --- need I say more? Delete e-mails that are more than a few months old. Set up e-mail folders to help you stay more organized in the future. And if your program allows, set

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arrow right 3 Steps To Getting A Sales Meeting

The best way to get a new customer is to clearly identify who you want to do business with and then get in front of them. They can then see what you look like, possibly see what your product looks like and also examine any data or statistics you might have. It gives you the  ideal opportunity to start building a positive working relationship with your potential customer.Advertising, direct mail, web sites and telesales all have their place but nothing beats the face to face interview. The first challenge is, of course, getting to speak to your prospect and arrange a meeting.When you phone your prospect's organisation it's highly possible you won't get through initially even if you have their direct number. There's always an assistant, a colleague or voice mail to deal with.# 1 Deal with the other person1. Always be pleasant and polite. Use the person's name as soon as you know it but not over familiar.2. Use your prospects name and your name; say -

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Use A Powerful Leadership Tool To Step Up Sales Results

Good sales people can close, but few "step up" for even more sales from that close. Yet stepping up should be one of the easiest accomplishments in sales - that is if you know how to build the staircase.Do it by applying a leadership tool I have taught thousands of leaders  worldwide during the past 20 years. The tool is simply to foster a particular viewpoint, which is this: Challenge people not simply to do a task but to take leadership of that task.The difference in results-producing effectiveness between doing a task and taking leadership of a task is the difference between the lightning bug and lightning.This change in viewpoint may seem simple even simplistic; but when put into action many times daily, it can work wonders.For instance, I worked with a manufacturing leader whose workers were constantly falling short of productivity goals. I told him he was leading the workers in the wrong way; he was ordering them to get productivity advancements. I told him that he should have the workers sign on as leaders of productivity advancements. When the workers began seeing themselves as such leaders, they started hitting the goals consistently.Now, let's apply this leadership tool to the sales process. I'll show you how to get step-ups in results that go far beyond the results achieved from closes. Here are three ways to do it.(1) Don't Just Sell Products, Get Cause Leaders: Salespeople often fail to get step-ups because they have a short-sighted view of the customer. They view the customer as only a customer! Whereas, if we want to get step-ups, we must see the customer not just as a customer but as a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Art of Sales (And Tips On How To Manage Your Sales Team)

Selling. Cold calls, introductions, interviews, appointments, proposals, referrals, call cycles, building rapport, listening, asking for the order, overcoming objections, closing the sale, and rejection. There's a lot to know about the business of selling. No wonder many  people are a bit overwhelmed when they are asked to do it.And it's not a job for the faint-hearted. Selling is a communication-rich activity, with lots of verbal and non-verbal clues to simultaneously recognise, understand and respond to. It's a tough job looking after the interests of the customer and the company at the same time. Especially when you have to do this many times a day, every day.The sales process does not usually proceed in a linear, one-way direction. The participants will often meander along paths filled with associated ideas, go back to items already discussed, find answers for problems (overcome objections) and explore the features and benefits offered. An effective selling style will display a relevant and appropriate personal manner combined with a strong focus on the required outcome.On many occasions handling a sale is much like steering a boat across a strong current. There is a need to constantly assess the amount of 'drift', making minor adjustments to stay on course for the destination.A skillful sales person can handle these diversions and carefully guide the prospect to recognise why they should make the decision to purchase 'this' product from 'this company'.For those working outside the field of professional selling, it's common for the sales process, and sales people, to be misunderstood. Indeed, there are those who think of sales staff as being universally pushy, overbearing, and making the customer feel ill at ease.However this type of behaviour is usually the result of inexperience or poor sales training. Over recent years the art of selling has been transformed into a process now often referred to as 'consultative selling'.More than just a buzzword, consultative selling refers to the process of developing a clear understanding of your customers needs and following this with a logical presentation of how your product or service can help your customer be satisfied. In effect consulting with your client to determine their needs and develop a solution.Modern, effective sales people have mastered the skill of identifying the needs of individual prospects, matching those needs with benefits offered by their product or service, and closing the sale by ensuring the customer can see real value in the deal being offered. It's a win-win result.Throughout the process an experienced sales person will generate a level of trust with the customer that can stand the test of time.Here are a few tips to help you manage your sales team:* Respect the personal barriers they must overcome on a daily basis.* Have a territory management plan in place.* Provide appropriate supervision to ensure good sales practices are maintained.* Ensure the customer has regular contact with other people (or departments) within your business other than the sales person.* Comprehensively train your sales people on company procedures, their responsibilities and your expectations.* Have a procedure for listening to, assessing, and acting upon feedback from people in the field.* Avoid involving sales people in non-sales activities such as deliveries and collecting account payments. These tasks will undermine the sales relationship and will adversely impact on your sales results. Keep your sales person as the 'good guy'.Selling is an art - the art of guiding the sales process to a mutually satisfying conclusion.(c) 2005 MySalesTutor.comStuart Ayling is known as the 'Sales Tutor'. Stuart offers a unique sales training eCourse at MySalesTutor.com. This 16-day course give you the skills and confidence to handle any sales situation and close more sales. Stuart has developed this eCourse specially for independent professionals, service providers, and business owners, based on sales

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...