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arrow right God is God

God is God and besides Him, there is no other. He is the Holy Other, the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Lord of all creation. Those acquainted with Him know that God is above and beyond all our finite minds can grasp and yet, He is our Father who understands us better  than we can even hope to understand ourselves. He is our Creator God and the sustainer of all things and is perfectly holy and just. God has demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, He sent His Son to redeem us and to use us in the full and rich life of His Kingdom.His justice being tempered with longsuffering and mercy; He is concerned with our daily living and that we may find in His companionship the guidance and strength we need in the difficult details and practical problems of our lives.God is the center of His Book which was given to us to learn of Him. In it, we learn of how He revealed Himself to the prophets and made known His character and demands of His people. We learn of His revelation through His Son, Christ Jesus, who so fully revealed the moral characteristics of God that He and He alone could claim deity Himself. Philip said,

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arrow right Saved From Religion

"Religion is the fashionable substitute for belief." - Oscar WildeA recently released study by The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, found that the number of adults who say they subscribe to no religion jumped from 14.3 million in 1990 to 29.4  million in 2001. This represents a 205 percent increase over the time period! According to study directors Egon Mayer and Barry Kosmin, "the present survey has detected a wide and possibly growing swath of secularism among Americans. These are the seculars, the unchurched, the people who profess no faith in any religion." To those who "profess no faith in any religion", I say praise the Lord!Friends, the Scriptures tell us that through the person and work of Jesus Christ we have been saved from many, many things. He has rescued us from our sins (Matthew 1:21), from perishing (Matthew 8:25), from this perverse generation (Acts 2:40), from the wrath of God (Romans 5:9), and from death (Romans 6:23). Amen to that! However, there is something else He has delivered us from as well that seems to have gone unnoticed and unrealized by many for centuries and that is our deliverance from "religion."Webster's Collegiate Dictionary traces the word-religion-back to the Latin word religio meaning "to tie, to bind, to restrain." The word is actually a combination of two words, re and ligare. The prefix re means "to return," and ligare, from which we get our word ligature, means "to bind." Perhaps no word more accurately describes the man-centered, performance-based, reward-punishment systems that men have devised to earn God's acceptance and favor than this word "religion," also known as, "return to bondage."What Jesus Christ came to do almost 2,000 years ago was not bring us back into bondage, but deliver us from it. He didn't come to set up a new system of laws and regulations to live by. He came to blow them all away so that we might now serve Him in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter (Romans 7:6). In fact, it was to the religious and the self-righteous of His day that Jesus had the most condemning things to say. Why? Because they were leading so many away from a true relationship with God through the enticements of the most wicked deception Satan has ever used against mankind ? religion!"The underlying foundation of all religion is performance ? whether it's a tribal dance around a campfire to satisfy the fire god, or a dead religious activity performed week after week by an evangelical Christian with the intent of impressing his God. It's all religious performance, and God isn't impressed by our performance. What impresses Him is faith." - Steve McVey, from the book Grace LandIn Paul's letter to the Galatians, he sternly reminds them that it was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1). Like many still today however, the Galatians were not standing firm in the faith and had consequently returned to the bondage that Christ had rescued them from. They had become subject again to a yoke of slavery. Is it any wonder that Paul says these dear folks had been "bewitched"? After all, who in their right mind would ever want to give up the joy of freedom for the misery once again of bondage? It is only those who have been bewitched, deceived, and confused by something that appears to be the real thing?and that something is religion.Religion is obsessed, first and foremost, with correcting the works of men. The gospel, on the other hand, is obsessed with the proclaiming the correcting work of one Man. Religion places man and what he can do on center stage. The gospel shines the spotlight on the One who has written the play. Goethe once wrote that "for a man to achieve all that is demanded of him, he must regard himself as greater than he is." In the same way, for a man to achieve all that is demanded of him by religion, he must regard himself as greater than he is. This is the lie of all religion, namely that man is powerful and capable enough to make himself right before God. Can Sir Richard Francis Burton be far off when he says, "the more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything else but himself"?Believing the gospel saves you from the tyranny of religion's demands. It puts you in your right mind, a renewed mind nourished in the truth rather than contaminated with lies! It frees you to rest in all that He has done for you rather than enslaving you to the fear of not having done enough for Him. In fact, your moment-by-moment confidence in the gospel of the grace of God is the antidote to the poison of religion and all the symptoms that go with it.The truth of the gospel is that you have been saved from religion and its endless demands, whether you know it, understand it, believe it or not. Jesus has given you that freedom! You now have the privilege of resting from your works so that you might marvel at His. However, it is only through faith in this truth that you will experience and enjoy the freedom that is yours. Tragically, there are many saints today and throughout history who have had everything in Christ for years and yet have wallowed in spiritual poverty because of unbelief.Friend, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy (Titus 3:5). Don't be numbered among those who continue chained to the traditions of men seeking to work their way to righteousness. Throw off that yoke of slavery. Believe the gospel. You are righteous through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works that you have done or not done.If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, "Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!" (which all refer to things destined to perish with the using) ? in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? These matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence. Colossians 2:20-23Do not substitute religion for simple faith in Jesus Christ. Religion offers no hope for the hopeless, no rest for the weary, no peace for the distressed, no deliverance for the captives, and no life for the lifeless. It is in believing the gospel that you are saved from the bondage to religion. The more you confidently rest and the more firmly you stand in the faith, the more clearly you will see religion for what it truly is ? a counterfeit.Friend, through faith in Christ, you have been saved! Saved from your sins, saved from perishing, saved from this perverse generation, saved from wrath, saved from death ? and saved from religion! Now is the time, today is the day, to leave the "fashionable substitute" and its bondage behind for the freedom of the real thing?faith in Jesus Christ!Grace and peace to you always!JohnGospel For Today Ministries' president, John Moneypenny, is an ordained minister with a Master of Divinity degree who has traveled across the country teaching and preaching the liberating message of God's redemption of all mankind through the cross of Jesus Christ. John is the author of numerous teaching articles and the moderator of one of the most popular Christian Discussion Forums (Alexa Ranking: 52,000) on the internet. Visit Gospel For Today's main website at http://www.gospelfortoday.org/ and the Christian Discussion forum at http://www.gospelfortoday.org/gftforum/

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arrow right Finding Christian Love Online

Finding Christian singles online.One of the many types of singles or dating sites on the Internet are Christian singles where you can meet like minded Christian singles for email, chat or potential marriage. As a Christian you have an undying faith in God and live your life  in his eyes, by using a Christian singles website you can meet other people who want to live their life in the same way. There are different types of Christian sites and several things you should bear in mind when hunting for the right one for you.Owned and run by Christians.Nobody really understands the Christian faith like a fellow Christian and by using a website that is owned and run by fellow Christians you can be sure that you are in safe hands.Matchmaking.Some Christian singles sites will still only base their matchmaking criteria on the usual types of questionnaires but there are a few sites, eHarmony to name one notable one, that match you to potential partners based on your Christian beliefs. Pick a site that has a lot of experience in these matters, again paying particular attention to the sites that are owned and run by people who live by the Christian belief themselves.There are other advantages to joining certain sites too. Some offer articles on all aspects of living modern life as a Christian but all Christian singles sites know that Christians look for something more than just good looks and a nice photograph when it comes to picking a partner.The usual suspects.You should check that just because you are signing up for a Christian singles sites doesn't mean you are missing out on the usual benefits that online dating sites offer. Many have chat rooms where you can go for a casual chat about virtually anything, while you should be able to post a free profile including your snappy headline, alluring photograph, sizzling content and selling close. All of these parts make up the whole online ad and will ensure that you get the number of responses you deserve.Some Christian singles sites have an incredible number of marriages to their name; one site called the single Christian network has been in operation since 1991 so has a lot of experience in the field, and they can boast over 1000 marriages in their ranks. That's quite an incredible rate and they must have something that all Christians are looking for to make their search more fruitful.Granny date is a self described lover of lovers her experience with anything dating is legendary. Read more of her inciteful articles http://www.askgrannydate.com

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arrow right Balancing the Apple Cart

About forty women squatted in small clusters on the floor in the room. They had assembled for a special meeting of the self-help groups that would be led by their supervisor. The poor women, whose husbands were marginal farmers, depended on the loans they could secure from  the banks through their groups.The meeting concluded as Mangala, the supervisor and project coordinator of Bhoruka Charities, thanked the participants. As Mahadeva Swamy, her assistant, rose to distribute tea and biscuits, a group of women excused themselves and left, without having any refreshments.The women, who were either Vokkaligas, Lingayats, Kurubas or Gollas, considered themselves too

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arrow right New Orleans is only the Beginning as Prophecy Unfolds

We are all very well aware of the tragedies occurring right now in the United States; particularly New Orleans. Yet, Bible Prophecy never leaves us to chance what is happening. In this issue I would like to bring your attention to two things the Bible states about America  in Bible prophecy. First of all, is America identified in Bible Prophecy? Yes, indeed!If you have a Bible, turn to Revelation 13:11. The Bible reads,

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arrow right Cut Off Your Hand!

Cut off your Hand!Arguably the most bizarre command of Christ is found in Matthew 5:29-30, where he tells us to pluck out our eyes or cut off our hands if they cause us to sin. "It is better to enter heaven blind and lame," he says, "than to have a healthy body and be cast  into hell.

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arrow right In the Wake of Katrina: For Mature Christians Only!

One reason the rescue and relief effort regarding Katrina has been handled the way we're seeing it is because of the Spirit of Confusion that has settled over that region. As you know, we battle not against flesh and blood (Eph, 6:12). But we cannot expect the government  and law enforcement agencies to understand this. Heck, most Christians don't even have a handle on this truth.Over the centuries, there's been a whole lot of witchcraft practiced down in the Gulf Coast, not to mention the mockery of what is commonly referred to as

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arrow right A Comparison of ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY

Hi,(Salaam to You: Peace be Upon you) (What a great greeting Muslims possess that whenever they meet one another, they greet peace and comfort to others.)I am Syed Waqas from Pakistan. This is an Email to open your eyes with the flashing truthful light of Islam. Mr. You  know, you Christians are living with disillusions. Your faith is but wishful thinking. Your claims are not supported by the reasonable arguments. You talk like biased people who only know but to insist.You know, you must go on thinking on the facts, which a practical life conveys. Just go through the facts what I am providing you with.First of all, I wish to draw your attention on the birth of your Prophet (Which of course is a Prophet of Islam. (Read "Jesus A Prophet of Islam"), who was born without a father. You know very well (since you have at least a bit of common sense) that what is called a son without father? But our Prophet came to the earth through the accurate natural order that no one can object His birth.Secondly, would you tell me that has your Christ accomplished his goal of life (i. e. establishing the Kingdom of God)? No and not at all. He was crucified so cursedly according to you that He said to His Father "Oh Father, why have You forsaken me"? But our teachings tell us that a Prophet never complains since He is always a mercy for humanity. (Read "Crucifixion or Crucifiction?")On the other hand, Muhammad (PBUH) completed the whole of His task within His life. It seems to be a pre-planned schedule of God who took Him back after the last revelation i. e. "Today, We have perfected Your religion and completed Our blessing for You". (in April 632 AD)So we can claim that our Holy Prophet set a Kingdom of God where no other than Allah was worshiped.Thirdly, your Prophet is not an historical personality, whereas our Prophet has been approved as an historical personality even by your Christian historians and authors. You can't even prove that there was a living Jesus in the world.The charge of Jews also proves very sound-affecting when they say, if he were Christ, why had he been crucified in such a detestable manner?Lastly, we compare Bible and Qura'n (In the light of Science, archaeology and Sociology). You know the language of Bible is a dead language whereas Quran's language is used by more than 1 billion people even today. The recitation of Quran is conducted daily by almost half a billion people and five times in a day while praying. What is Bible in contrast? Every Sunday, which is a Pagan day "Sun-Day", you recite Bible. So, the bases of Christianity seem to be derived from Paganism.Historically, Bible is filled with blunders and archaeologically, it has been proved erred. I must prove my view from Torah: In Torah it is written about Amra'feel (A supposed king in the era of Ibrahim Prophet (Abraham) that he fought with another king. But if we see archaeologically, we will find that Homoraby was the king ruling in the era of Abraham and there is no such a person of the name of Amra'feel. So the amendment of Torah has been proved. (This is quoted from the Book of Genesis) Quran on other hand is not so.Quran even speaks about those people who were hidden to the writers of Bible. Naturally, due to their ignorance, the writers of Bible couldn't include such people whom they didn't know. Quran says in one of its chapters i. e. Ka'f, " Our torment destroyed the nations of Noah ??. And the People of Wells." You know sir, who these people are? These people are the forgotton people of a mighty civilization called "Indus Valley Civilization". (Situated in Pakistan) Our team of archaeologist has proved that in history, such great number of wells never existed except in Indus Valley. The excavations in this area unveiled that all of the characteristics quite suite them what Quran tells us. You can easily imagine that how superior Quran is in its truth of archaeology. Do you know the name of "Copper Nachos"? I hope you know who charged the Bible to be wrong since Bible says that earth is stationary whereas he claimed it to be moving. He was imprisoned by the contractors of Christianity in Padua, Italy (The word Christianity itself is a false word).About the beginning of this Universe, Bible says that there was a "Chaos" (Book of Genesis). Just ponder upon the word and reply me that what does the word "Chaos" stand for? It means "Disorder", so according to the Bible, there was something which was in disorder form and then God ordered it in the form of universe. In this way, in fact, Bible falsifies the omnipotence and ability of God being Creator. He is only the manager of this universe. But on the other hand, What does Quran say about all of this. "Why can't these deniers see that the Earth and Heavens (Galaxies) were merged together in a minute cosmic egg. Thus, we burst them separate to form a new universe." (21:30) Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) I'm sure that you very well know about the "Big Bang" theory of physics. It tells us that in beginning, universe was united in the form of a little egg of energy. Later, the event of big band (great explosion) occurred. How beautifully Quran has uncovered the truth that science could know after 1300 years.One thing I must add here, Quran is very strong in its views upon biology. No one could challenge them till today except those who misunderstood or mis-interpreted it. One of the Canadian doctors has admitted the biological truths and he mentioned the truthful theory of Quran about the development of embryo in the preface of his book.Quran is Mount Everest and Bible is a thumb. Quran is sun and Bible is moon. Christianity is a lantern and Islam is bright Sun.Thanks my dear for reading it and accepting the truth.Syed Waqas

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arrow right Christian Universalism, Calvinism, and Arminianism: Where Do You Fit In?

All of the various denominations of professing Christians may be classified as either Calvinists, Arminianists, or Universalists. While fancy titles are very impressive, the bottom-line behind these titles is unveiling the details of what these groups actually believe about  the gospel of Jesus Christ. The following will give you those answers and also provide you with the insights you need to determine which camp you fall into as well.Here are the agreements and the differences between these three perspectives as it relates to the plans and purposes of God through the cross of Jesus Christ:CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALISM- There is one God.- There is one Mediator between God and men, and that Mediator is

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arrow right Universal Salvation: Gods Love and Grace Will Overwhelm All Men!

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service; even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. And yet I was shown mercy, because I acted ignorantly in unbelief; and the  grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus. It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am the foremost of all. And yet for this reason I found mercy, in order that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience, as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. - 1 Timothy 1:12-17The more feedback that I receive on my opinions about the gospel, the more I typically hear people defending their position against universal salvation as the following:

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arrow right Housing Katrina Victims!

Information many have been looking for!On Franklin Graham's website for his Samaritan's Purse ministry, he challenges all the churches in the southeastern United States to take in 10 families each. Likewise, I broadcasted a few nights ago that, with nearly 350,000 churches  in the nation, we could each take one family each. Poof! The burden's over. Already today, I've heard of several instances where churches were taking in families. These were located in Madison, Mississippi and El Paso, Texas.Also, according to a friend in Kentucky, when he contacted Samaritan's Purse regarding how to apply for taking a family into his home, he was directed to Talia Barnes of Adventures In Missions. E-mail her at: taliabarnes@adventures.org. Explain who you are, why you're writing and what your offer is. Only 148 families have written her as of Sunday night.Give her the following details:Name E-Mail Home Ph. Cell Ph. Wk Ph. Address City, ST, Zip Name of your Church Can you provide transportation? Describe your family and homeThe largest displacement of Americans since the Civil War reverberated across the country from New Orleans yesterday, as more than half a million people uprooted by Hurricane Katrina seek shelter, sustenance and are facing the uncertainties of starting some sort of new lives.Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and his wife Shonda paid to fly a New Orleans family of nine to Boston and pledged to provide them with housing for a year. The Fields family, with seven children between the ages of 5 and 12, fled New Orleans just before Hurricane Katrina struck.

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arrow right Surely Not ALL Evils!

Surely, Not All Evils!(circa 2000)St. Paul wrote a letter to a young Christian, and said that the root of all evil is the love of money. (I Timothy 6:10) This is an amazing claim.Perhaps too much love for too much money we could go along with, or perhaps we could agree that  it is the cause of some evils... maybe even a lot of evils. But to just come right out and say that all love for any amount of money is the cause of all evils is a bit much for most people to take.You only need to quote the verse as it is written, to get a reaction from the average churchgoer. Try it, and see if they don't say something like,

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arrow right Cloning: Is the Human Being Unique?

I am not discussing here whether cloning is evil. [I think it is a dangerous attempt to play God]. What I want to say here is that also cloned humans are unique like anybody else. We are not material machines without a ghost. God gave us the breath of life. Also it says in  the Holy Bible that God is forming (present participle) our spirits within us (Zech. 12.1). {For the theologians among us: the human being is born neither in accordance with an Aristotelian Thomistic 'creationism' [the idea that God creates the spirit apart from the body and somehow 'puts' it into it (as it were through a 'backdoor'; Aristotle: thurathen)], nor according to a traducionism à la Tertullian and the Apollinarians [the idea that essentially in Adam all humans were contained]. There must be a very intertwined work between both the breath of life given to Adam and the genetic material on the one hand and the life of a human spirit as it develops over the course of a lifetime through the workings of God}. Cloning is not as unique as some probably think. God has been making clones from the beginning of time. For identical twins are more or less clones of each other. The only difference is that an artificial clone is younger than her twinsister, (who is also her 'mother'; except in the case of a male clone).God forms our spirits within us in interaction with us. We are responsible on the one hand and God is gracious on the other. This holds also true for a cloned human. The Bible exhorts us 'to work out our salvation with fear and trembling; for (!) God is the One that is working both the willing and the working.' And elsewhere it says that although we do not know what we should pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with unfathomable sighings.Scientists will never be able to clone a male from a female. The zygot (cell that makes us either male or female) that determines whether a person is female, consists of two x gametes (a gamete is a cell that comes from either the mother or the father to combine with the gamete from the other parent). A male zygot however consists of an x and a y gamete to become the unique diploid of malehood (read: male chromosome).Women only carry double x chromosomes and men have chromosomes that consist both of the y and the x gametes. So that means that from women only can come women and from men (in combination with women) both men and women.In the book of Job the question is asked whether anything clean can come from the unclean. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was just as fallen as anybody else. Yet the Holy Spirit could make a 'holy thing' and that male! {Never call Mary the mother of God. 'All generations will call me blessed' she said, but do not go beyond that. To call her the mother of God actually implies that she supplants God's unique divinity. It makes her more . . . Women would do good to think of the pious Jewish virgins that were wondering whether she or she would become the mother of the Messiah.}This all makes the miracle of the virgin birth only an even greater wonder. No matter to what height mad scientists will climb, we follow Jesus Christ.born 11 June 1957 BAH Acadia University MA Dalhousie University working on my Ph.D. [see http://www.is888.info]

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arrow right Belonging to Jesus Christ

In the name of Jesus, what shall we do in the time of grief. We do know that the failing of the Louisiana dams must be corrected. I like to know what the world thinks about this so call great country that have people so poor or disable that they can't even afford a bus  ticket out of a city that is drowning, and the government wouldn't even make any provision for them to leave. This land so great a free, where were you in our time of need, that's right I forgot you were so greedy. You take our money and line you and your buddies pockets, and then say we don't want or fit the bill for it. We made your country what it is today. We paid for it with force labor, low wages and long sufferings, from war's past and present. Well let's see what the Bible says about this. First look at 2Corinthians 1:3 it says Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any troubles with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation, if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.Look at 2Corinthians 10:7 it says You are looking only on the surface of things. If anyone is confident that he belongs to Christ, he should consider again we belong to Christ just as much as he. For even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than pulling you down, I will not be ashamed of it. Now look at verse 12 it says We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the field God has assigned to us, a field that reaches even to you.Now look at Ephesians 1:17 it says I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.Look at 2Timothy 1:8 it says So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life-not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.In closing look at 2Corinthians 4:13 it says It is written: I believed; therefore I have spoken. With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak, because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. All this is for you benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.Love Always, Your Sister in Christ, Mellody DavisEnjoy more reading at: http://www.hostinghelps.com/allaboutjesus

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Not Enough Fresh Sales Leads? Marketing is the New Sales

Your sales are down and leads are rare. The phone's not ringing. Let's blame marketing!If you join this band wagon to rationalize your poor sales results, you need to step up and take responsibility for your own fate. It's amazing how often sales teams play the victim here.  They blame the marketing department, team or an individual, for their lack of sales.Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side. Often, in a typical, let's say "traditional" organization, there is disconnection between marketing and the sales organization. There is a lack of communication, team work and common goals. Sad but true.Often, the larger the company, the less marketing serves the individual sales professional. In corporations, it seems the norm for marketing is to concentrate on selling "the brand" and not products and services. Corporate marketing sells 'the logo' to trigger trust and positive emotions when people see it. Not all, but most, traditional marketing leans on advertising which fails to work directly for you in attracting new prospects and leads.In small to medium-sized companies, there is usually a very small marketing team or a single very, over-worked marketeer. Worst, as a business owner or independent professional, you don't have a budget and you do everything! Again, marketing is absent or not good enough to generate enough new opportunities.The most important and singular point I'm making is that you must recognize and deal with "what is," to improve your situation.Recently, I turned 40 years old. A friend said to me, "Don't worry, 40 is the new 30." If you want to improve sales and your commission, guess what? "Marketing is the new Sales!"Understand YOU are your own marketing department. Accept it and take action.Just like the decline (if not extinction) of personal assistants, sales administrative assistants and secretaries to support sales teams or individuals, there is less marketing support too. You type your own sales letters and other correspondence and keep your own schedule.Today, you need to work on your own public awareness, lead generation and sales support materials and communications. With tighter budgets, less staff and more responsibility, it's up to you.Any way you look at it, as a sales professional you must take charge. Sales superstars and expert managers know this. They devise a strategy and implement their own marketing systems, in addition to the brand-like corporate, marketing efforts. Marketing is continual communication to influence someone to take an action. Marketing departments do it through various means and on a mass scale, via print and media advertising and public relations. Single, sales people can market effectively through personal contact and working in the field. You can source new deals and increase lead generation within your existing sales process without as much pain or work as you think.If you don't accept that you have to take action yourself and keep looking outside for leads and prospects, you're going to continue to fail to reach your sales objectives. The good news is that the technology and tools available today are powerful, affordable and effective for solving this challenge.Keep an eye out for future Customer Catcher? articles, where I'll give you strategies, tips and tricks for creating a profitable, Personal Marketing program to drive your sales skyward. You'll get the sales you want and become your own marketing machine with bigger, better and more immediate results.Until then, think about evolving into your latest role because?"Marketing is the new Sales."Get free help and advice at

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...