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arrow right The Holy Spirit is our Teacher

Now that we know God and Jesus want to release Their knowledge direct to us from Their throne room in heaven - how is this knowledge actually transmitted to us? This will now bring us into the next set of Scripture verses.These next three verses will tell us that this  knowledge is given to the Holy Spirit - and then the Holy Spirit, who is already living on the inside of us, will be the one to transmit all of this knowledge to us! The Holy Spirit will thus become your personal guide and personal teacher in this life. It will be His job to impart and transmit all of this knowledge direct to you once you start to seek after it.Here are three powerful verses from Scripture showing us that the Holy Spirit will be the one to transmit the knowledge of God direct to us.

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arrow right All Knowledge and Wisdom Comes Direct From God

These next set of verses are the heart and soul of this entire subject matter. All of these verses are telling us that all knowledge and all wisdom come direct from God and Jesus. The first verse will tell you that all the "treasures" of wisdom and knowledge are "hidden" in

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arrow right Planetary Alignment

Planetary Alignment is said to have magical powers. Some believe during these rare occurrences those living in that time-period have the ability to change things. Other believe that Planetary Alignment can cause catastrophic seismic activity changing gravity waves and  causing hell on Earth with Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We are pretty sure that even a complete alignment of the Planets since they are so far apart will not cause any major shifts here on Earth. Yet many believe that there is some changes of forces during these periods which only last a 1-3 days total.On May fifth of 2000 we had one of the greatest planetary alignments in 1000 years. John Mosley wrote a scary article called "Cosmic Doom in 2000!" and it caused quite a stir. Not quite as much as the Y2K fiasco prediction, but it did make many of the Major Newspaper's headlines. Mosley wrote the planets will align in May of 2000 and the world will end. He called this catastrophic calamity the "Jupiter Effect" and claimed death and doom of Epic proportions. He further went on to connect this impending alignment with Nostradamus' predictions. In 1962 on Feb. 4 all five planets and the moon passed within a 17-degree circle at the same time as an eclipse of the Sun and of course astrological enhanced minds wanted to know what this all meant?The book; "Doomsday 1999 A.D." written by Charles Berlitz in 1980 also sealed the fate of the entire human race on the May 2000 day. Yet again as we know we are all still here and nothing happened at all? No more or less Earthquakes than in any other average May on Earth. The fact is the mathematically due to the distance between the planets the chance of Doom and Gloom just is not there. Scientifically and Mathematically, it does not work. The apocalypse will probably not occur due to a chance meeting of a row of Planets around our Sun.http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/alignment.htmlhttp://www.tkcs-collins.com/truman/conjunct/conjunct.shtmlThe chances of you dying in an automobile accident or being hit by a lightening bolt are about a trillion times more probable. So, then is planet alignment a good thing as many who study astrology believe? Perhaps there is some super spiritual period one might take advantage of during this period? Although as of yet science cannot prove or disprove the astrological powers of such cosmological events, some believe it is so and believe it so strong they often display advice to followers on websites.http://www.spirithome.com/parastro.htmlWhat do you believe? Do you believe your belief is causing these things or do you attribute your astrology to the changes you feel during planetary type or near planetary alignments? If so you may not be alone in such beliefs, as you seem to be in a large group of company and minds, which are focused on such events. So think on this a bit.

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arrow right Gods People Are Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge

These next two verses are extreme - and I mean extreme! These two verses are telling us that God's people are literally, and I mean literally, being destroyed for lack of knowledge. The second verse below says that God's people can literally go into captivity as a result of  not having the right amount of knowledge about something.God the Father is giving all of us a major warning with the ways that He has these two verses worded. A perfect example of these two verses in actual operation are the Muslim suicide bombers. Many of these suicide bombers are young kids. They have been brought up being brainwashed by the extremist element of Islam, and they really do think they are going straight to heaven if they are willing to blow themselves up and anyone else they can take with them.This is a perfect example of these young kids being led into

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arrow right Growing in the Knowledge of God

This first verse completely sets the stage for you to be able to receive knowledge from the Lord. This first verse is literally telling us that God is wanting us to grow in the knowledge of Him and His Son Jesus. "... but GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and  Savior Jesus Christ.

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arrow right Billy Graham- America Salutes You

America has had its great share of renowned preachers, missionaries and evangelists but none can hold a candle to the Reverend Billy Graham. His influence is worldwide but for Americans his life and ministry have been both influential and a matter of pride. That is, we are  proud of him, our native son, our pastor at large, our voice of hope in the turbulent and changing American landscape.He has preached the message that is heralded by every believer across all denominational lines. That message is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. One is bound to ponder, why if it is the same message that all our churches put forward, how has Billy Graham succeeded in its promulgation more than any of the churches? The answer is no secret. Graham stayed on course for over six decades; he stuck to the simple but profound message of the gospel. He did not swerve to take part in the new twists and emphasis that we all seem so hungry for, like the prosperity gospel, the dominion teachings, or any other new kid on the block kind of movement. His steadiness is not only his success but it is perhaps one of the greatest lessons America will ever be taught. From Hula Hoops to Elvis to hippies to cabbage patch dolls, beanie babies,MTV, and God knows what is next, Graham has held the course. Americans have a reputation throughout the world for their short attention spans. And we have earned it. But when we are in real trouble, facing attack or threats from without, we don't seek advice from the guy leisurely standing in the party with a dry martini in his hand. We always turn our ears to the steadiest voice we can find. Few Americans would disagree that Graham has been one of the voices.Rick Warren wrote The Purpose Driven Life, but Graham gave us an up front example of it for over a half century. Joel Osteen gave us Your Best Life Now, as Graham showed us his best life continuously for a generation. Tim LaHaye warned us not to be Left Behind, while Graham gave us the details of the evacuation route year by year by year. Hal Lindsey gave us the Late Great Planet Earth, as Billy Graham preached of the doorway out of the coming calamities.We have been blessed with Edwards, Whitefield and Billy Sunday just to name a few, but who will replace Billy Graham after he is gone? Sadly, at this moment in our history the answer is probably, no one. Even sadder is the thought that we may be left to the cotton candy gospel, the prosperity preachers and the pop Christianity proponents that now seem so woefully pervasive on the media. What is touted as Christian diversity provides only more confusion to the lost soul who is looking for a sure word of salvation. Perhaps the best prayer is now truly, God help us.As this era of Grahams ministry comes to its inevitable close it may be hard to know what to expect next. Two things are known and must not be overlooked. One is that we can carry the lesson of Graham's persistence and steadiness on in our own lives. The other is that we must salute Billy Graham with the respect and honor due a true soldier of the cross.Rev Bresciani is the leader of a non-denominational ministry in the New Orleans area. He has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on Amazon.com, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote, Hook Line and Sinker or What has Your Church Been Teaching You, published by PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book about to be released by Xulon Press entitled An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ. Rev Bresciani has his own site at, http://americanprophet.org

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arrow right Freedom of Religion

True freedom of religion must include an individuals right to "no religion." If we are to say that in our country we maintain freedom of religion than we must also respect those who do not wish to believe in any religion at all. Whereas our Constitutional Rights  include these freedoms rarely in our country are Atheists really accepted in our communities. Recently I discussed this with a gentleman at a coffee shop and he was of no religion and whenever the subject came up, a religious person gave him dirty looks or an attitude of disgust. Several have told him that their religion did not allow them to talk with him or associate with him in anyway. In fact one lady had even told him in there is a verse in the Bible, which she quoted, but he did not remember; telling her she must not listen to him and she left his company.If one thinks about it a bit we have a real problem if society wishes to outcast Atheists and any Agnostic unwilling to discuss conversion. In the Christianity faith we are told to spread the word and convert such folks, however if they are not ready yet or do not wish to covert, rather than taking them on as a personal challenge, perhaps we might respect their views and leave them alone. After all they do have the same rights as us of Freedom of Religion or Freedom of "NO" religion. Recently I tried this out and when asked what my faith was as an experiment, I proclaimed; "I am an Atheist" and I was immediately met with as shocked look on the face of my newly found conversationalist who had in his hand a Bible with versus underlined. "Wow;" I thought, it is true, the actual atheist I talked to had told me of this problematic issue? Well then if we are so quick to tell others to have religious tolerance, yet we ourselves are have none for those who believe different or believe in none we are living in hypocrisy and that is wrong.After seeing the look of horror on the man with the Bible, he said "let me ask you a question?" I thought well surely friend. He said "well if you do not believe in a higher power, then how do you remain a moral person?" After this question I was shocked? I thought how arrogant that you would have to believe in his particular religion I think Baptist to be a moral person? After all are those of the Jewish Faith, Islam, Buddhist, Hindu somehow amoral? I told explained this concept to him and said that in fact I was moral than him for I did not judge a man's morality by his beliefs. Although I tried to explain this to him, he did not understand. I personally do not know many atheists, as there are not very many true atheists, but the one's I do know I think are completely trustworthy and even brilliant and I would trust them before most others I know who claim to be good Christian Folks. In fact as a percentage goes, I completely trust 40% of the atheists I know, would trust about 30% of the others and semi trust 20% and only 10% I do not trust. Yet when taking this to those who I know in the Christian Faith, there are only 25% I completely trust and the rest completely question. Have you looked into these percentages with those you know? If we in our country are going to preach religious tolerance and follow our religious doctrines shouldn't we dump the hypocrisy and live our own demands? What do you think about such thoughts?

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arrow right Life as Simulator

Recently I met an interesting Gentleman at a Coffee Shop, Robert V. Ries, was his name. Bob expressed to me that he felt our life experience was nothing more than a really good simulator which put us into organic bodies to experience the Earthlings Realm and to test our  will and strength of character in a variety of situations. He went on to say that we were interacting with many other is the same simulator. We talked for hours and his theories seemed somewhat far-fetched, although he did go into a long scientific explanation of how this might work.He explained our advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, Electronic Gaming, as well as modern day movies such as Vanilla Sky, The Matrix and Fight Club. We discussed the Department of Defense's Net-Centric Battlespaces where your targets came up in augmented reality and how your night vision and eye-tracking systems became human brain-mind-eye interfaces with the silicon world in a 4D world where you could see below, beyond and 360 degrees. He explained paradigms of time, space and mind. Additionally I brought up other concepts which assisted the conversation; concepts of NASA's ten screen Air Traffic Control Simulators, Sci-Fi writer Ben Bova's insights on the future of Mars and space for entertainment tourism, Bill Gate's investment in Six Flags Magic Mountain and DARPA's research with mapping of a human life studying the experiences, emails, movies, conversations and events from birth to death.The discussion in fact went thru all the technologies of simulation from truck driving to first responders. It became apparent to me that even if the life experience was not a simulator, well with the rapidly approaching technology, it certainly could be. We also discussed issues of one in a state of animation where their bodies did not move but they remained in the life simulation event, which they had chosen, and their bodies were flipped over and biometrically watched as to prevent entropy; similar to the movie Coma. We decided that perhaps it would not be such a bad life as you could chose your dream or simulation, rather than facing a reality. Another thought came out of the conversation which is intriguing and that is the use of a human collective of minds of those who were currently in their simulator. Since many parts of the brain would not be used they would be hooked together at a quantum level to work on problems and being fully exercised while the other parts of the brain were fully engaged in the simulator. In fact we determined by lengthening the dreamtime of the participant we could extend their life by ten fold and still borrow some of their brain capacity while idling the body. We further surmised that we could use brain in the simulator during their pretend dream times and take them down to 1-5 Hz frequency for super immune healing of the body, blood filtration cleaning and ion-therapy. Meanwhile while operating at such low frequencies the mind would be straddling what we perceive as time. We could then send others into the simulator for brief visits to ask questions of the participant to see how their life simulator was progressing, interact with them and then report back the findings and possible futures that their brains had picked up on.When the person woke up they would feel younger, be in perfect health, be many years forward in their actual life and then return to society free from psychological issues, health issues and in the future. But who would volunteer for this? Rather who might pay for this. Our thoughts were anyone dying of a disease, anyone who could not cope, anyone who felt that they were living in the wrong time period or anyone who really wanted to experience an extreme in life. Extreme pleasure, adversity or challenge seekers would be worthy candidates, also it would be great for offenders of society or prison rehabilitation as they would be donating brain capacity to the collective for important projects, learn a new lesson, be cured of their disruptive behavior and so on.Our conversation ended abruptly as he noticed he needed to get to the airport top catch his plane back to the UK, although I had not gotten his email address for further dialogue to continue this conversation, perhaps me passing it on to you may be just as good. Think on this for me.

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arrow right What If We Are Getting Paid For Prayer (Salat)...

What will be the effect on general public if the constitution of our country pass a rule as:Section #___It is hereby submitted that from 10, July, 2005 , everybody will get 27 rupees for saying his prayer , provided , he must have to say his prayer (Salat) in the main  mosque of the living area.Provided further that he must have to come on his feets by walking.Provided further that he must ask five times of his prayer daily in the Ja'mia Mosque.Every other person will not be able to get such earning.You will see that after 10, july, 2005, there will be an increasing number of people who will be seen in the mosques.Why is this so? Because more and more peoples are thinking subconciously or conciously that money can do everything.Don't do this. Let the money thrown out of your lives.Money is one of the top most deceivement which shaytan show us to divert us from the right path. Its ok that money is a necessity in this costly world. Earn money but don't let money to take control of your lives.We must first think about religion then life then intellect then precreation and after all of them about money or property.Our faith must take us to Mosques.If the section in the constitution tell us as follows:Section # ___It is hereby submitted and make the rule, from 10, July, 2005, that everyone must not go to mosques to say ones prayer. This section must be strictly checked and followed by all the peoples of this country.And the person who will not obey will be punished to stay under heavy bricks made of iron for the whole day.It must be our faith and belief that will take us to mosques even in these situations. Our faith must not be diverted in any circumstance.Usman Zafar Paracha, B-Pharmacy, Final Proff.,This article has been taken from http://www.zafar-paracha.blogspot.com

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arrow right The Warped Psychology of Islam

The London Bombings are just the beginning. Londoners are probably wondering what they did to deserve it. After all, Great Britain has proven to be a place of refuge for Muslims. Parliament to the BBC has been united in their continued attacks and twisting of truths against  Israel and in favor of the Palestinians, even when Israel has been the victim of a thousand days like the one London just faced.So why would Islamic terrorist want to bomb their friends and allies? It just doesn't make sense. Unless you realize that Islam doesn't have any friends or allies, only infidels to be conquered and brought into submission. In fact, for the most part they don't even want converts, they want the world to be subjugated to Islam, with Jews, and Christians considered the lowest rung on the ladder in their scale of classes.The influx of Muslims into western societies, both throughout Europe and in America, has been no mistake, but a carefully planned insurgence, like a cancer spreading through a lung until the seemingly bigger more powerful host can't breathe and keels over dead. This bombing today is the opening blow in what will become Britain's initiation into the battle of Islam vs. the world. The purpose is to play upon the fears and weaknesses of western society, and use terror to alter the mindset, from one of freedom and self-determination to one of fright and surrender in order to gain some promise of safety. But that safety will never come!As Yassir Arafat once said about the Jews "We will win the war because the Jews love life!" This telling statement explains the thinking of the terrorist infrastructure, they do not value the lives of their own people, and use them as pawns in their evil scheme to dominate cultures, and they certainly don't value the lives of the infidels, not even the women and children. There is no sanctity, no lines that can't be crossed, no twisting of truth that won't be exploited, no lie to big, and no act of treachery to base.The Muslims will move into your neighborhood and lead you to believe they are harmless, oppressed, and even will offer themselves as benefactors to a good cause, all in order to disarm you and sway your opinion to their side, and then when you are soft and vulnerable, they will strike. Ruthlessly. And then they will use your laws of freedom and equal protection to complain about discrimination when you start to target and profile their members. They will blame the ones that were attacked, and accuse the innocent victims of the very acts of brutality that they themselves have just committed. Think I am making that up? It happens to Israel every day.But good liberals and peaceniks everywhere will take up their cause and fight for their democratic rights while the Muslims work even harder to destroy the democracy that is protecting them. And all the while the liberals in their humanistic self-righteousness will continue down their blind alley taking everyone else with them until there is nothing left.Islam will never make peace with Israel, and they will ultimately never make peace with you! Theirs is a religion of hate, and conquest, and subjugation, and humiliation. The word Love never even appears in the Koran. WAKE UP!!!This is the tactic of Islam, to terrorize your mind until you give up. Period.Allah is NOT the same God as the God of the Jews and Christians. Allah was a moon god, one amongst thousands of gods that Muhammad declared to be the one true god, whose origins go back to Baal worship. He is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that the Holy Bible declares to be the one true God. No? Allah is none other than Satan himself, and to compare the hateful religion of Islam to the revelation of the loving God of the Jews and Christians is simply ludicrous.I live in Israel, I have been stoned by an angry Arab mob for absolutely no reason, and I have seen the brutality up close as has every Israeli, and I am telling the world, your time is coming. If you turn from the Jews and curse them and embrace these deceivers, then you have been deceived and you will pay the ultimate cost for it. The loss of western civilization, the loss of all freedom, and more importantly, the loss of the lives of someone you love very dearly, very possibly the loss of your own life, these are the costs of capitulation. If you don't have the backbone to fight this war full out, you will lose, because the Muslims will fight you until they either win, or die trying. Are you so committed to your beliefs?Israel does not have to answer to a separate and higher standard than does the rest of the world. I hear President Bush making all sorts of statements about attacking terror where it lives, and yet he never mentions the injustice that has been perpetrated upon Israel, and he under girds the very terrorist organizations he claims to fight when it comes to forcing Israel's hand. It is hypocritical, and oh so dangerous. God will not be mocked, and His word says that when the world proclaims peace and safety sudden destruction will rain down upon them. That prophecy is moving closer to fulfillment with every tick of the clock.I pray for the families of the injured and dead in London, just like I do for all the injured and dead in Israel. Having worked personally with several families and victims of terror over the last several years, I know what these people are going through, and the difficult days that face them. I pray for the Arab peoples to be freed from the bondage and evil that is Islam. And I pray that the people who have been blessed with freedom and abundance will understand the nature and the scope of the enemy that has invaded them. I pray that they will finally understand why they must stand with Israel, and not against her.There is a gnawing feeling inside that tells me the world won't get it however. They won't wake up and take action. They won't repent and seek the one true God who can actually help them, they will instead continue to curse Him and assure the destruction that is about to come upon their own heads. Oh Lord have mercy, forgive us our stubborn and rebellious spirit, turn us from darkness to light.Tom Cooper The Israel Report http://theisraelreport.comSubscribe to our news update at: http://theisraelreport.injesus.com/Subscribe.cfmOr by e-mail: mailto:theisraelreport-subscribe@myinjesus.comNews, Commentary, Intercessory Prayer, Ministry to bless the believers in Israel. Look for the soon coming book

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arrow right What Did I Do To Deserve This?

"You must have done something awful for this to happen to you." Has anyone ever said that to you? Have you said it to yourself?Job had been through a lot. He'd lost his children, his home, his possessions, and his health. All he had left was his wife, and that was not  necessarily a good thing. She wasn't much help to him during his troubles.Job needed some encouragement. He needed to know somebody cared and sympathized with him. He needed friends.His friends came to see him, alright. But they didn't provide what he needed. Instead, they told Job that he must have committed some horrible sins and that God was punishing him by sending all these calamities.Many people think this way. They believe anything bad that happens must be punishment from God. Let's see what God has to say about that.In Job 1:8, God said there was nobody else on earth like Job. He was

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arrow right Amy Grant Cashes in Once Again on Jesus Coat-Tails

Jesus made her famous, now Amy Grant cashes in one more time.In case you hadn't heard, singer Amy Grant is hosting a new "reality TV" series for NBC called "Three Wishes." It's slated to air beginning September 23. In the show Amy travels to a town and  finds people wanting a wish fulfilled-think Pseudo-Christian Pop Star meets Aladdin's Magic Lamp.I'm sure she is getting a nice paycheck for her hosting duties.Why am I so tough on lil 'ol Amy?She has become the typical "Christian" celebrity?she can divorce her husband of 16 years, decide (despite Biblical prohibition*) to remarry Vince Gill, parlay her Christian notoriety into a lucrative endorsement deal with Target, decided to "cross over" from singing about Jesus to singing about "whatever".In an interview with Christianity Today**, Grant talks of her detractors:"Some day, this is all going to play out in heaven, and everybody will see the full picture, and it won't even matter."While I agree that it will all be sorted out in heaven, I suspect that a healthy respect for Jesus and morality here probably will pay off there too. Maybe Amy sees Jesus as her "big buddy" who just overlooks all our willfulness.Plastic Dashboard Jesus.Amy and Vince, it's time to repent. Surely someone will quote the adage: "You can't unscramble scrambled eggs." True, but you can repent and return to celibacy. Isn't it time a famous Christian actually took responsibility for their hedonism?I won't be holding my breath.*http://bible.gospelcom.net/passage/?book_id=53&chapter=7&verse=10&end_verse=12&version=31&context=context**http://www.christianitytoday.com/music/interviews/2003/amygrant-0803.htmlKevin Scott is the owner of http://www.WhoreChurch.com exposing the luncacy going on in the name of Christ. Visit now for a whole new perspective on your faith. You might get mad, but it will surely make you think.

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arrow right Jesus Our King: Priest Forever After The Order Of Melchizedek

Much confusion surrounds the person of one "Melchizedek" found in the book of Genesis, mentioned only briefly in the Psalms, and expounded upon enough to raise many more questions in the New Testament book of Hebrews. It is my hope that this brief exposition will help clear  the air on this very important topic. For Christians need to know about Melchizedek, as the Bible ties Him to the very important biblical teaching of the resurrection from the dead, as we shall see.First, let us go upon a brief fact-collecting mission by examining the OT and then NT texts that tell us what we wish to know. First we turn to the Older Testament.Genesis 14:17-20 reads:And the king of Sodom went out to meet him [Abram] after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he [Melchizedek] blessed him [Abram], and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he [Abram] gave him [Melchizedek] tithes of all.Here, we glean the following helps:1. Melchizedek is king of Salem, which city later inherits the name

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. Blows the Whistle

L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. Blows the WhistleWhen L. Ron Hubbard actually died there was a different air of open investigation that American media was involved with. The Church of Scientology had not adequately proven they had the goods on other religions and nations using mind  control against their flock and so they had not been granted tax free status. Germany and France are still engaged in trying to tell the truth about them. Time Magazine did a lot of good work around this time and they were backed by the likes of the FBI but now anyone in the media who tells any truth about Scientology will have a lot of legal expenses and they are also blackballed by the members of this church just like the Baptists have done to Disney and Catholics or others do all the time. I have chosen a little of a Penthouse Magazine article for your consideration.In the Penthouse interview with L. Ron Hubbard Jr. we have the following starting with them asking about the supposed research done to make the book Dianetics which I had recommended to my younger brother before he got involved with them:"Penthouse: 'Did he write the book off the top of his head? Did he do any research?'Hubbard: 'No research at all. When he has answered that question over the years, his answer has changed according to which biography he was writing. Sometimes he used to write a new biography every week. He usually said that he had put thirty years of research into the book. But no, he did not. What he did, really, was take bits and pieces from other people and put them together in a blender and stir them all up - and out came Dianetics! All the examples in the book - some 200

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Witnesses, Mormons, Masons and More

The founding of the United States went along with the formation of many new denominations and cults run by the same people. I will present an argument from a fundamentalist type of site that seems to equate Luciferianism with Satanism. This is a common mistake.  Heliopolitanism or a science of the Harmonic of Light is what the Druids studied and the Masons are derived from this sun (light therefrom and the Transit of Venus that tells us a lot about the sun) worship which also allows people to think of it in terms of being the 'son' of God. We are indeed all part of God as John 10:34 does indicate. I present this excerpt from the work of Fritz Springmeyer so that my readers will see more of what I cover in many books as I demonstrate how the elite have used all possible tools of social engineering to get their form of government in place. This is not to suggest that I am averse to a one world government. I just want it to be honest."Freemasonry then teaches people about the symbology of the mystery religions. The lodges bring in female Monarch slaves for some of their Egyptian sexual-magic rituals. If the reader were to get up in the morning and your mother, sister, and brother were in the kitchen and said that your mother had just drank a cup of coffee, you would be able to tell from their faces if they were telling the truth, and you would know that your mother had drank a cup of coffee. This is the way it is for us.We know these witnesses know the truth, and we know they are not making it up. But if people don't believe that, then they need to go scrounge up their own witnesses, and risk their own hide in doing the contacting. The material we presented here is not frivolous work. As pearls of value, we hope that this research is not taken and allowed to become pearls given to swine. Because Billy Graham is such a key person for the Illuminati and the Satanic plan to bring in the Anti-Christ and the One-World-Religion, key parts of Graham's life have been intentionally shrouded, When he joined the masonic lodge c. 1948, they intentionally kept his membership more secret than others. Why?They are secret about their membership in general, but even more so if the person is a key Illuminatus and a big key to their religious control, This is why they have kept the membership of Charles T. Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society quiet. This is why they keep the memberships of the Mormon prophets secret, It has been a consistent pattern by the Masonic Lodge to keep these key people's membership very quiet. It would be much easier if we had a membership certificate, but for people who don't want to believe no amount of evidence would suffice.In terms of a paper trail we have the following: Billy Graham's books consistently refer to basically only Masons. Billy Graham endorsed the Masonic DeMolay program for youth as God's work. This endorsement by Billy Graham is in a Masonic book that is used to educate people about

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...