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arrow right Reconstrictionism + Dominionism = Warfare Theology

The Christian Church believes that at the close of the age, prior to the coming of the Lord, that Satan and his principalities will mount a full frontal assault on the Church of Jesus Christ, and will make his final bid to bring them into perdition. We have always known  that these deceptions will be aimed NOT AT THE WORLD, CULTS, OR FALSE RELIGIONS, but at the true Church of Jesus Christ. We also know from the scriptures, in the warnings of the Apostle Paul, that these assaults will be on the doctrines of the Church, and on the beliefs of Christians. In the Articles on this site entitled,

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arrow right The Blessings Of God

As discussed in the "The Gospel of Convenience", and "Investing Christian" articles here on this site, American Christianity teaches that money, possessions, stock market holdings, "toys" and all manner of material possessions are "the blessings of God". We too used to  accept this as truth. We have recently been convicted by the Holy Spirit , and instructed by God, to speak out against this principal as a heresy, and a deception of the Devil, that it has taken some 30 - 40 years for our enemy to foster into church doctrine. We have encountered some truly amazing responses in this endeavor, in the form of, in some cases, condemnation from fellow Christians. We have been told we are

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arrow right Spiritual Healing: Jesus Christ in the Flesh

Does Jesus Christ live in heaven today in the flesh as a man? And if so, how does His living in the flesh relate to the physical reality of spiritual healing today?Christians live in faith that Jesus Christ is the Word that became a human being (John1:1,14). We believe that  just as death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also comes through a man (I Corinthians 15:21)...Jesus Christ.As the Son of God, Jesus many times referred to himself as being

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arrow right Ark of the Covenant - Purpose

Hold on to your hat! Here comes one of the most, incredible stories of ancient technology, which ranks alongside the use of atomic forces and the 'Lost Chord'. Needless to say the editors of Scientific American who denied the Wright brothers had achieved airborne flight for  months after Kitty Hawk won't or wouldn't believe this 'doozy'. I think it is a very good explanation that is part of something even more fantastic which explains the existence of accurate maps from over ten thousand years ago. But I also think these maps might have been the work of Mungo Man or the De Danaan they worked with.The other possibility that would explain their existence relates to Lhasa and a spacecraft which Churchward as well as Brugger's The Chronicles of Akakor recounts from such things as the Lhasa Record which may only exist in the Akashic. If you have a better explanation I'd like to hear from you. Is it not important to explain such proven anomalies? Especially when they integrate with things we don't want to admit about man's far more advanced nature in ancient times. If we have blown each other apart before or created hyperviruses such as what killed the Mammoth (A current research underway by the American Museum of Natural History thinks it can be proven such a virus killed many large animals and that humans were the carrier.); does it warrant asking our leaders if they knew these things or why they didn't tell us? We are certain that our knowledge is not exclusive or even complete in these matters. Yet perhaps few people know how many disciplines and areas of how lives are under such oppressive control.The maps themselves are dealt with under the Portolan Maps entry in greater detail and at this point we think it relevant to our discussion of the ARK to bring the Pyramid into the possibility of advanced prior civilizations on earth. Michael Bradley is a map expert and a good scholar whose work we have quoted before.

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arrow right Organized Religion is Great for Humanity; Rants from Lance

Organized Religion has served mankind well, by uniting civilization and societies for thousands of years. God bless organized religion indeed. More so let us pay tribute to the great religious leaders of our largest and most well organized religions. One cannot think of a  better or higher authority than those who are leaders of religious organizations. For instance the new pope and former Nazi Youth, the BTK murderer who was President of his Lutheran Church or the many Bishops and Priest who molest our innocent children? All in the name of god and organized religion, isn't it so wonderful that these organization help us lowly humans with our questions, self-doubts and inadequacies. What on Earth would we do without such humble and moral leaders of our organized religion.We must also be very proud of our newest in the news figure and member of the organized religion leadership and his tribute to peace. The Lodi Pakistani Cleric is a pillar of his community. The Lodi Cleric with ties to International terrorism incited others to defend your friend and mine Mr. Osama bin Laden to kill infidels, that is Americans for short. Again what would civilization and mankind have done without these fine folks to lead us? Shabbir Ahmed was the head of the Lodi Mosque. He of course he denies making any speech against the United States while in our country and says now that he has moved here he changed his mind. Counsel for the Department of Justice says Ahmed is linked to a terrorist group in Pakistan, and had preached about attacking Americans a few months after the September 11th terrorist attacks. Ahmed is one of five men arrested during a terrorism investigation in Lodi. One of the other men actually attended a training camp of OBL?Since nearly all the problems of our society and problems with peace in the world come from religious leaders of established religions; why not just make it illegal to fraudulently promote works of literature and fiction as truth. Why not simply apply the laws of business advertising to the mix? For instance no false representation is allowed to be made to any individual in order for personal gain or money?Please explain to me again why we allow people to have invisible friends without labeling them mentally problematic and why we even allow such utterly bogus religions to even exist in this present period? Think on this, then give me your answer, your one and final answer please.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Unbelievable Becomes Believable

The Path Is Winding:Ever wonder why things that happen in our lives seem so cruel and undeserved? Why do these things happen to me? Why am I being punished like this? What am I doing wrong? All of us have sought answers to these questions dozens of times. Have you found the  answer yet?We all have some sort of dubious answers as to why they happen. Many are good events, and many are bad things. Maybe it's just fate, or just coincidence. Your faith might have something to do with it. But, how could that be? God doesn't torture us, or intentionally lead us astray. Does he?Ten Steps To Find The Inevitable Answer:1.Take a good look inside yourself. 2.Examine in detail how each sudden turn in the path altered your life. 3.List all of the reasons why you think that turn has unexpectedly made your life better in one way or another. 4.Make a list of all of the problems and difficulties that would have taken place if your life had not taken a turn. 5.Compare the lists you just created and discover the hidden connections. 6.Allow you mind to bring those connections into reality. 7.Find the inevitable answer. 8.Notice how unexplainably your life becomes more peaceful and fruitful. 9.Later, take a good look back and it all becomes understandable. 10.Recognize that you don't just think it, you know it! God does walk with you!1. Take a good look inside yourself:We never give ourselves enough credit. You can find out what kind of person you really are. Ask yourself; are you always kind, tolerant, respectful, judgmental, feeling hate, a troublemaker, argumentative, and etc.?Write down all the descriptive words that you believe fit you. If you lie, you lose. You do not need to go to a "shrink" to see what you are made of. Look at the list!OK, so you fudged a little on a couple of the descriptive terms. We aren't perfect. Sometimes we are like "this," and sometimes we are the "opposite," depending on the circumstances.However, most of us are predominantly one or the other personality type as we go through life. It is really a challenge to describe yourself harshly, no holds barred! Knowing how you act and feel about things in life prepares you for the next step.2. Examine in detail how each sudden turn in your path altered your life:Life is never easy for anyone. You never get a free pass. Believe it or not, every event in your life, good or bad, does have a reason for happening. If you don't believe that, then later on you might. For the time being, accept it.Look at the circumstances that led up to what happened carefully. Where were they leading you?Look at what happened after the issue was resolved. Then pay particular attention to what effect it had in the long run. Were you removed from a bad environment? Could you have been forced into a decision that you hated to make, and later you found peace with it? Well, you aren't alone there.Look critically for the positive results. They are there! Every one of these events has a positive spinout even though it doesn't look or feel like it in the beginning.3. List all of the reasons why you think that turn unexpectedly made your life better in one way or another:Have you ever heard, "What you think in your mind will actually cause the future to abide by that?" It's true. Do not think about listing all the negative things that you think was the result.It is amazing how many positive thoughts come up, that you hadn't ever thought about. Give yourself a break! It will blow your mind!4. Make a list of the problems and difficulties that would have taken place if your life had not taken a turn:Surely you know where you were headed, but were just avoiding the issue. You say, "No, I never thought about it." Here's the chance to drum up some negative thoughts that produce a positive result.Hidden in the mind are all these thoughts. But when you sit down to write them out, they are uncovered, like a miracle. Try it! See what happens!What may seem so terrible in the beginning will actually turn out to be a blessing in disguise. It may take time to see it, but eventually you will know it. Don't trouble your soul with doubt.It's a free handout that comes with faith. Take the handout and make a better life for yourself. That in turn will enrich all those around you.5. Compare the lists that you just created and discover the hidden connections:Buried within this pile of words is a revelation. Open your mind so that you can feel it. You will see that the sudden turn in your living path has certainly thrust you into a new and powerful hold on the value of your soul and life. Sounds like a bunch of BS. Right?If you look at the direction you might have been going, that kink in the path that happened, and where you find yourself now, there is proof of the epiphany.6. Allow your mind to bring those connections into reality:Just take a close look around you. What do you see that is there now, and wasn't there before? You can, if you look hard, see that all those things that were leading you down the wrong path have changed.The changes place you in a unique position to grab onto opportunities that would never have existed before. See it and believe it!7. Find the inevitable answer:You can't fight it. Remarkable as it seems, all these things happen for a reason. The reason only becomes obvious with time. Faith in a higher power permits the vision to come into focus. Then you will know the true answer.God walks beside you all the way through your journey. Skeptics will ponder and wander, forever. You won't.8. Notice how unexplainably your life becomes more peaceful and fruitful:Wow! You do feel the peace of mind. You experience the calmness of your soul. No one can convince you to believe anything different. Trying to explain the changes and the emotions that you now feel is easy and unnecessary.What is so exciting about it is that all of those around you see this happening, and brings them closer to you than ever before. Nothing is better than that. Agreed?Your business starts booming, you get a promotion, you don't seem to be in a continuous struggle anymore, or someone special comes into your life. You will see your life expanding into productiveness, compassion, desire to help others, and satisfaction. That's what we call "caring."9. Later, take a good look back and it all becomes understandable:With the maturity of age and the wisdom brought about by experience and knowledge, we are able to look back at our lives with generous regard. There is no criticism, no judgment, no punishment that you previously laid on yourself.You did the best you could under the circumstances, and all you need to do is forgive yourself. Just say out loud, "I forgive me for all those things. God has already forgiven me."10. Recognize that you don't just think it, you know it:Sometimes we just don't stop to think about it. The gains of happiness, love, and faith creep up on us so subtly that it just seems to be a natural occurrence. It isn't! We were being led through life with a guiding hand. And, at the same time, following the plan set up for us at the instant we were born.We do choose the path we want to take to get there. But, if you notice, all the paths are heading in the same general direction. Getting sidetracked here and there is just part of the life-game. Now that you know, make it count!The author, Curtis Graham, is president of L. & C. Internet Enterprises, Inc. For over 38 years in medical practice he wrote articles, medical information products for his patients, a book on infertility, and marketing information for his practice. He has been published in Modern Physician, an elite magazine for physician executives. Retirement from medicine permits expansion of his need to help people by writing articles. Check out his passion website: http://www.CampingOnUs.comCopyright 2005, Curtis Graham, MD, L. & C. Internet Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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arrow right Christian Book Stores are a Great Indicator of the Popularity of the Religi

Have you ever wondered how exactly would someone find out which parts of a city or even a state is more religious than another? As an Internet enthusiast I always figure there is some help rendered for such research in any walks of life from websites. The one particular  topic I chose to write for this article is how to find out which locality is good for targeting your website advertisements. Here I am taking one Christian Book Store as an example to drive the point. The popularity of books in a particular topic is based on two factors, the segments popularity and the quality of the book. This is based on my own lexicon. The First is how popular Christianity is as a topic to read at this particular time. The second is more of a wider scope as it has the keyword "Quality", some of it is author's popularity (!?), title name, topics covered, the style and language. This is what makes a book, a high quality piece of "Marketing Material". Don't be offended when I tell a book is a Marketing Material. The targeted audience is booksellers and distributors plus you as a person who like to understand how well your community can be gauged against the religious meter.Well how exactly do these online stores help in this aspect? Do you know that this demographics data is the vital marketing tool in the hands of the distributors? Any good store willing to stand on for a long time rather than be a shooting star "Wowed" for a second and then diminishes into the oblivion, would invest time in studying their customers. They are just looking at where you are from, have you seen lately that folks collect atleast your Zip code when you purchase items. This is exactly what I am talking about. They use this information to figure out where the readers are from and where to add more marketing dollars or strategically improve their inventory in the right stores. This is "very very very" localized data, unless you are a big chain you are not going to get this vital stats correctly for a larger demography. This is where the websites are more powerful than their brick and mortar counterparts. They get to see a wider audience, and do you know that the popular item that sells is books through online shops. These are relatively easy to pack and ship without worries about much damage. The online stores also get the information about demographics for free. How you ask? Well you got to provide the shipping address to get the book in the first place and this is what makes the online store powerful than the one in your street corner. There are many uses to this data, which needs a separate book to be written about so let's get back to the core of this article. One of the uses is to gauge the popularity of a religion in particular regions, for example Christianity in bay area. This information is available from any remote corner of the world. This popularity is useful to target the marketing dollars to that zone rather than elsewhere.This is also useful data for the customer, I don't know whether you will be allowed to see the data or you will purchase such data. But you will enjoy much steeper discounts where there are more folks interested in religion and the warehouses are stocking more books of the same type passing on volume discounts for the customers. The point I am trying to make is rather than go to the corner shop you may be well off browsing through the collections offered by online stores. This allows you to comparison shop against your local store. If the offer in Internet is less than your local store then chances are that your religion is not so popular in that locality. This article deals in an interesting topic for doing further research if you are a marketing buff or a savvy customer. I have a sample website in the resource box which can kick-start your research.For good pointers to interesting resources in christian books, christian book store, discount christian books, christian web sites visit http://www.1st-christian-book-store-and-gifts.com.

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arrow right Why do Humans Need a God?

Many have asked why people need a God to cope with life? There must be a reason, because it appears that every culture in recorded history had some belief in some type of god. All the different cultures, tribes, societies and civilization had their Gods, trinkets,  traditions, rituals and temples. But why; we know now, or some of understand that all these stories and myths were nothing more than figments of our imagination. Most all ancient writing has in it; Invisible ghosts, invisible friends and/or Gods. Isn't it amazing that even modern day civilizations cannot seem to shake this and those who wish to lead use it to manipulate us into their created realities. Just look at the Evil Muslim Clerics who twist and turn the people commit atrocities against humanity? Look at the Witch Doctors in Haiti with their Voodoo Dolls? Look at the Catholic Church and their strangle hold on their followers, while they allow their leadership to rape and molest our children?It seems that mankind just cannot get over the fact that there is something more. Something we do not completely understand thru science and it scares us a little, not knowing. We have questions unanswered such as; How did all this come to be? Why am I here? How should I live my life? What happens when I die? When does it all end? Organized Religion has always attempted to answer these questions and our fears, yet it has always done so, without proof.In return it asks of us to follow the leadership of that religion, sometimes into wars, poverty, self sacrifice and of course to give our resources, time, effort and tithing. It is amazing all the people following all these false Gods and Organized Religions. Don't you just laugh sometimes? I mean come on people, think about it, we are suppose to honor one's religion and allow them to worship their choice of God, yet if a child has an invisible friend we immediately help them by seeking psychological help? Don't you think all the other religions are just nuts? Really? And when was the last time your re-evaluated your own? I see? Now my question to you is; Why do humans need a God? What is wrong with all of you? Are you unsure of yourselves, mentally weak or lacking self-confidence? Have you looked into any of this? Do you take Prozac for your condition or are you finding solace in others who are equally weak or should we say meek? Do you yearn to belong and need to be part of something bigger, they say misery loves company; are you sure that you are simply going with the flow and allowing the Organized Religion line of BS to trap you into a false sense of reality? You humans are kind of interesting in that regard really. I mean it is okay if that is what you want and are happy in that regard, but you really are missing a whole lot more. Think about it.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Jesus as a Philosopher

Why does every one believe that Jesus is the son of God? That sounds completely silly indeed. The Bible has some interesting literary concepts and ideas worthy of mention and Jesus is said to have said some really philosophical things on the Sermon on the Mound. Why can't  we just leave it at that? Jesus makes for a great historical philosopher in mankind's recent history only 2000 years ago. Not very long ago seeing as modern man from fossil records appears to over 160,000 years old, maybe older, although we do not have proof yet.The Bible much like the works of Shakespeare is a wonderful literary work, which one living in nearly any period could use as an "Information Manual" to help guide them during their life experience. It is a bit confusing and very ambiguous, yet seems to have some darn good advice in some places. A person who wishes to spend their life experience deciphering such works as Shakespeare or the Bible should do so in an academic setting and probably not as part of any Organized Religion. Organized Religion seems to interpret such a work in a way which best suits there motives and not necessarily in your best interest; this is obvious on simple observation. My question to you is why do you bother to participate.It seems rather silly to take all the good ideas and concepts in the Bible and argue over it and divide into sects or various religions, as it leads us to fight over the means. The whole of Christianity has become embroiled in controversy and divided. Why would humans do that? Why destroy the excellent concepts, which have been handed down thru the ages in this work? It is unfortunate to ruin all we have been given in that regard by the great character in history; Jesus the philosopher. Why can't we just leave it at that and work on the forward progression of mankind?

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Signs and Symbols

In the year 2005, the American Constitution has put into law that the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed legally unless there is a historic theme to the display. I say what a joke.If you really think about it the whole Bible is Historic from the beginning of time. I ask  this question does science displays show any historic meaning, or furthermore does the nakedness of Greek Mythology displays show any historic facts.I guess it depends on what historic fact is being emphasize or whom is in control. We have many structures in America that have everything from reptiles to who knows what. I ask why is that it we can put up with others signs and symbols, but they can't put up with ours. Does it hurt them so much when they see the Ten Commandments displayed. If so why? What is the underlining cause of your hurt or contempt. After all if you can except the in God we trust symbol on the American dollar, why can't you accept the viewing of the Ten Commandments.Let's see what the Bible says about Symbolization. In the book of Ezekiel 41:18 it says were carved cherubim and palm trees. Palm trees alternated with cherubim. Each cherub had two faces; the face of a man toward the palm tree on one side and the face of a lion toward the palm tree on the other. Now the NIV Bible dictionary states that the Cherub means this.A winged, angelic being who exists primarily to glorify God and to vindicate God's holiness against the presumptuous pride of fallen humans. Symbolic attendant marking the place of God' enthronement in his earthly kingdom (Exodus 25:18) The plural co cherub is cherubim.If people were really trying to enforce their belief on others, wouldn't they create a cherubim. I think the Ten Commandments is a very good way of showing the historic fact not only of the Biblical sense, but also in the American sense for which this country was founded. It's like back in the 1950"s when they insisted that the teaching of the Bible not be included in the school criteria. Now look at what we have today in America's public school system, we have drugs, guns, gangs, pregnancy, rape, cheating of school grades by teachers and students. Yes I guess it was a good idea to remove Christ from school. But good for whom I wonder, think about it.It is written in 1Timothy 4:13 it says Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Now I ask when will we get back to basics, if ever? When will we reserve the right to uphold the fundamentals on which this country was founded? Can someone tell me if it has change if so where is it written?To conclude in the book of 2Thessalonians 2:15 it says So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.Love Always, Your Sister in Christ, Mellody DavisEnjoy more reading at http://www.hostinghelps.com/allaboutjesus/AboutJesus.html

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arrow right What is Love?

Now many confuse love with admiration and most commonly sexual lust, now days the younger generation driven by their wild hormones more often than not confuse their sexual desires with love, even some of the older generation fall into the same trap, I suppose everyone at  some stage or the other confuses love for what it actually is.There is only one place in the world where you will actually find out what love is and that is in the the word of God, the bible.Lets have a look at what love really is.Taken from the message bible1Co 13:4 -7 Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self.Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, Doesn't have a swelled head,Doesn't force itself on others, Isn't always

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arrow right Muhammad

FAITH THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS:The Way of the Peaceful Warrior is a great book that would allow people to see how they can cause change. It is written by Dan Millman who brings us the following from another of his books that are all worth contemplation."On an otherwise ordinary  day, an angel appeared to a young merchant and former camel herder, known by all in the city where he was born. The angel's words filled him with awe and dread--it told him that he was to defy his people's ancestral religion, to denounce 360 deities carved in stone and worshipped for centuries, to declare himself the prophet of a single God, to abolish a way of life upon which countless lives and beliefs were founded--and establish a new religion out of nothing. Surely, he would be met with incredulity, rejection, violent persecution, and exile. Could his seemingly mad quest bring anything but failure--or at best, a martyr's death?Or would this mortal, obedient to the divine command of an angel, achieve a victory beyond any that reason could have foretold?He was born in Mecca in A.D. 570. His father died before his birth. His devastated mother, unable to nurse him, named Muhammad and gave him to a nursemaid--a shepherdess in a band of Bedouins. Muhammad spent his first five years with these nomads, living a hardy open-air existence following the grazing flocks through desert grass and scrub, sleeping in tents beneath a vast desert sky. Once weaned, he drank camel's milk and ate mostly rice, dates, wild birds, and locusts fried in oil. From the beginning, the desert claimed Muhammad as its own. He would always be a Bedouin at heart.At age six, he returned to his mother, but she died later that year. He ended up living with an uncle, a caravan merchant. In the years that followed, Muhammad traveled throughout Arabia with his uncle's caravans, learning the wisdom of the desert, the ways of business, and the art of war as they fought off bands of marauders. His travels took him into close contact with various tribes and religions--Judaism, Christianity, and the Arab sects who worshipped hundreds of gods and goddesses in the form of stone idols. These experiences made a deep impression on this thoughtful, introspective youth. From these early threads, the tapestry of his fate was woven.He grew into a handsome young man admired for his strong character, moral integrity, and sharp mind. But he had come to a merchant's life more by chance than choice. Disinterested in money and drawn to solitude, he left the caravan to work as a shepherd in the desert for months at a time.When he was 25, Muhammad took a position in a trading company owned by a beautiful woman 15 years his senior. Her name was Khadija. For two years, he led Khadija's caravans throughout Arabia, rising to the position of company manager. Not surprisingly, Khadija fell in love with him. Finally, she proposed to him through an intermediary. Their marriage, which blessed them with six daughters, would last until Khadija's death 21 years later.But almost as soon as the wedding ceremony had ended, Muhammad's mind again turned inward. His encounters with so many cultures and religions had planted hidden seeds within him that began to grow. He found himself pondering how the 360 stone gods in the temple of Mecca could save souls. Such questions drew him to once again search his own soul in the solitude of the desert.Muhammad began spending his days in a cave in the hills outside Mecca, fasting, praying, and meditating. Sleeping little, he began to enter altered states {Seems a man away from a woman having visions who is a shepherd and poor person, might have begun to prove appealing in the literary tradition.} and have waking visions--to experience the inner life of a mystic. At times, violent trembling seized him and he lost consciousness. A practical man of robust health who had endured many grueling journeys across the desert, he found these phenomena strange and disturbing. But these inner quakes {Buddha's story includes lots of this kind of thing. What would happen to them today?} that he feared might be the harbingers of failing health were actually the premonitory tremors of a great awakening.One night in the holy month of Ramadan in his 40th year, while fasting and praying in his desert cave, Muhammad heard a voice calling him with great urgency. Looking up in the darkness of his cave, he saw an angel standing before him, emanating a dazzling light. Muhammad fainted with fear, when he awoke, he found the angel still standing there.'Read, thou,' the angel commanded him in a voice of stern authority.'I cannot,' Muhammad stammered, for he could barely read.'Read, thou,' the angel commanded him again in verse, 'in the name of the Lord who created all things, who created man from a clot. Read in the name of the Most High who taught man the use of the pen and taught him what before he knew not.'In awe, Muhammad repeated these words, memorizing each one. Then the angel said, 'Muhammad, thou art the messenger of Allah and I am his angel, Gabriel.'With that, the angel vanished.In stunned exaltation, Muhammad went and told Khadija what had happened. She embraced him and unequivocally expressed her faith in his vision and his mission, saying, 'Rejoice, dear husband. He who holds in His hands the life of Khadija is my witness that thou wilt be the messenger of His people.'But Muhammad could not accept his own vision. How could he, an ordinary man so far from perfection, be such a messenger? He feared that he might be deluded or perhaps insane. Days passed. He waited for another sign, for further confirmation so that he might believe in himself and know how to proceed. But no sign came.At last, he returned to the cave on Mount Hira, seeking the angel Gabriel. He waited and prayed, but to no avail. In despair, haunted by terrible doubts and assailed by fears of madness, Muhammad climbed onto a precipice and prepared to leap to his death. At that very moment, the angel appeared before him again and, raising his hands, repeated, 'I am Gabriel, and thou art Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.' Muhammad froze on the edge of the chasm in a spellbound trance. Hours passed. That night one of Khadija's servants came and found Muhammad still perched on a crag, lost in ecstasy, and led him home.After that event, Muhammad began to quietly spread the revelation of his new faith among only a few close friends and family members. But in this tightly knit culture, word spread quickly. Before long, his persecution began--gossip, brutal beatings, plots against him, and attempts against his life. Over time, his honesty and virtue, the words of scripture revealed through him, and the mysterious workings of fate brought about the conversions of several of Mecca's greatest warriors. All this greatly strengthened the fledgling faith of Islam and drove fear into the hearts of its enemies.People demanded that he perform miracles as proof of his divine mission. Muhammad answered that he had not come to perform miracles; he had come to preach the word of Allah. Challenged to move a mountain, he gazed toward it but it did not budge, so he spoke the now-famous words demonstrating his wisdom, humor, and humility: 'If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad will go to the mountain.'From beginning to end, Muhammad acknowledged himself as an ordinary man, full of faults and limitations--a man chosen by God, for reasons he did not understand, to deliver a new revelation of Islam, which means 'submission to God.' Islam required faith in God, charity, purity, and a life free of idols, lived with the courage of a warrior in battle, with prayer as a cleansing immersion in His spirit.The citizens of Mecca were roused to fury by Muhammad's attack on their cherished idols--and by his declaration that there was but one God, named Allah, and that he, Muhammad, was His prophet. Forced to flee across the desert to the city of Medina, he began his mission anew, once again a lonely prophet with a handful of followers in a city of unbelievers.Over time, the angel Gabriel revealed scripture to Muhammad, which he recited aloud and which Khadija and others wrote down. This scripture became known as the Holy Koran (Quran). The Koran was Muhammad's defining miracle--the writing of this masterpiece of poetic religious scripture by a simple, semiliterate man might in itself have earned him fame as a prophet. But this feat was only one chapter in the life of Muhammad.Persecuted as a heretic for nearly two decades by the people of Mecca {How was Khadija still alive if he spent almost two decades there? The math doesn't work, but perhaps the semiliterate don't worry.}, including many of his own relatives and former friends, the once young Bedouin became in old age a fearless military general. More than once, Mecca's army laid siege, seeking to destroy Medina, where Muhammad and his followers lived--their war would not end until Muhammad or Mecca fell. In the final battle, while outnumbered three to one, but filled with the power of Allah, Muhammad and his followers descended like a storm upon the Meccan army and destroyed it. This battle turned the tide." (1)The people who ridicule the legends of Indians and natives aren't funny and it isn't right for me to do it either. Still it seems a poor role model to win followers by the sword of Allah or Yahweh (Yahu) or Shiva. We are all paying the price these story-tellers have wrought since the day of Caliph Omar and Constantine who took the fledgling new beliefs and built empires under their spell of ignorance. Omar said there was no need to read anything other than the Koran as he commanded one of the raids to destroy the great library at Alexandria that housed all knowledge; we need to really know about our roots. Islam has much good and is less intolerant than other Ur Story based religions. The Caliphate still has its stranglehold on the souls of people. It does not want people to have knowledge ? so it encourages reading old books with limited meaning, as I see it.Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Gay Marriage Hitting Resistance

Gay marriage is hitting significant resistance in Washington D.C. where a huge Gay contingency exists. Some homosessual men have been seen in the streets of our Nation's Capital protesting our country's laws against gay marriage. They have been seen on TV marching in  protest in Gay Pride Parades carrying on. Many of these gay couples work in Washington D.C. and are running our country and have infiltrated many government agencies. Many are Lawyers and Lobbyists. A few have found Churches willing to endorse gay marriage in order to receive the homosexual citizen's rich tithing.Unfortunately graffiti has also found its way into Washington D.C. by taggers and this graffiti has found its way onto the very church buildings that these homosexuals attend. In fact although these are most likely isolated incidences many homosexuals have alerted the media in order to play the victim cards. What many do not understand is that they already run Washington D.C. and are running many agencies there. They work as lobbyist and also often use their sexual prowess to get in bed with those decision makers who can promote their personal agendas. Some say that homosexuals vindictive and petty and are quite problematic since they are such a small minority of our nation. This simply is not true of all the homosexuals in Washington D.C. One gentleman we talked to who is involved as a Washing D.C. insider said he know hundreds if not thousands of homosexuals in the political inner circles of Washington D.C. and know of at least two that he had heard about that were not vindictive at all.So who are the graffiti taggers who are writing homosexual slurs and pointing out these issues in Washington D.C.? The gay contingency wants you to know that they are homo-phobic non-open minded thugs and these are hate grimes? Are they? Or are we, the people, all hated by the homosexual contingency that wants to teach society a lesson? Some believe that the homosexual contingency in Washington D.C. is slowly reshaping our nation and using their relationship building to grow alliances against all people who dare to maintain heterosexual relationships. I wonder who is right? I wonder what should be done about this? You are well advised to wake up and look at what is happening and then decide for yourself how you feel about these issues and your future as a heterosexual. You are a homo-phobic, close-minded scum, which does not deserve to have your voice heard. Hate crime, indeed? Think on this

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Rock of Ages

William Jennings Bryan said: "Christians desire that their children shall be taught all the sciences, but they do not want them to lose sight of the Rock of Ages while they study the age of rocks."It may seem incredible to those who do not know that the Churchians created

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Rapture, A Coming Event; Part 1

Daniel 2:44-11:35To begin with, what is prophecy? It's the study of future events. There are those who think that the rapture has already taken place, and that Jesus has already set up His kingdom on earth. I'm here to show that this type of thinking was the same in Paul's  time.Lets look at 2nd Thessalonians, 2:1-5. A letter had been forged in Paul's name and was sent to the Church stating that the rapture had already taken place. 2nd Thes 2:1-5

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   0 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...