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arrow right Resurrection Faith (Part 1)

At the heart of Christianity is a cross; and one of the most significant things about the cross is that it is bare. Christians down through the ages have been sure that Jesus' disgracing death on the cross of Calvary was not the end of the story. Rather, it was the  beginning.Jesus rose from the tomb and triumphed over death. This was the belief that turned a group of devastated, heartbroken, disillusioned followers of a crucified Rabbi into the courageous witnesses and martyrs of the early church. This was the one belief that separated the followers of Christ from the Jews and turned them into the community of the resurrection. You could beat them, imprison them, stone them or kill them, but you could not make them deny their conviction that on the third day He rose from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the cornerstone of Christianity.But the question is, can 21st century man actually believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. This obviously simple question is one of the most perplexing problems confronting the modern Christian. Is the resurrection of Jesus a postulate of faith or is it a historical fact? This is a question that cannot be easily dismissed. An uncritical view accepts everything the Bible relates as history. However, a moment's reflection shows that there is a valid and necessary distinction between faith and history.Faith has to do with the invisible world of God. History has to do with the visible, empirical world of man and things. God therefore, is not a historical figure. The Christian believes in the God revealed in Scripture, and we believe we talk to Him in prayer and that God talks to us through His Word and His Spirit. But, we have never seen God with physical eyes as we see each other; we have never felt God's hand as we feel the handshake of a friend; we never heard God's voice with our physical ears as we hear the voice of a neighbor. John affirms this by declaring "No one has ever seen God." (John 1:18).In fact, Scripture nowhere tries to prove the existence of God. It doesn't seem concerned with this need as His existence is everywhere assumed. It is not subject to scientific scrutiny or historical investigation. Yet it is precisely at this point that the Bible seems to present us with a difficulty because even though the invisible world of God is distinct from the visible world of man, the central theme of the entire Bible is that God has intervened and acted in the world of man in historical events.The Bible claims God called Abram out of Haran to Canaan. Now, history may be able to prove that Abram did indeed go from Haran to Canaan ? but how can history establish that it was God who led Abram to make this migration? The Bible says God delivered Israel from bondage in Egypt through Moses. Keep in mind that this was no ordinary event in history like the events precipitating the abolishment of slavery or events which befall other peoples and nations. It was not an achievement of the Israelites. It was not attributed to the genius and skillful leadership of Moses. It was an act of God; an act through which God made Himself known and through which Israel was to know and serve God.

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arrow right Religion has Served Its Usefulness for Mankind

As the world becomes closer and closer together, there seems to be a problem with the World's religions. It is time to close them down. The hypocrisy in all religions is unnerving and shows a complete beak down of mankind's mental capacity and inability to cope with the  current projected reality.We see in the news today hate crimes in Muslim world against Christians and Jews. We see the prison uproar over literary books labeled as Holy? A book is a book; that is what it is. If it is a symbol and you worship that symbol then you are a pagan and you are not of the faith your claim to be from. All this crap about flushing Korans down military Prison commodes is hog wash and simply ridiculous? Even if it were true; so what? If flushing a book down a military commode gets a prisoner to tell us information which can prevent Americans or innocent people of any nation from being killed that is water well spent. Whoooosh, bring me another one? Hel,l bring me a dump truck load of them and build some larger toilets.When international terrorists have used the Islamic faith to recruit suicide bombers to kill people it shows that the religion is too complicated for humans to understand who lack the brain capacity to comprehend the real meaning of the story in the book. A nice story indeed; but really let's get real about something. Religions are created to control mankind, nothing more. When all of a sudden an entire nation of humans starts seeing and talking to an invisible friend; well that is when we have a complete problem. When one nation's invisible friend tells them to kill all those humans who have different voice inside of their heads, we have a problem. When entire cultures are afraid of dolls possessing magical powers, we have a problem. When someone tries to tell you that in fact you will be re-incarnated as a cow, well of course you know that has to be true. When your religious beliefs tell you that you must have five living off spring to be considered a worthy woman, we have a severe crisis. Wake up little weak-minded humans, this ain't working.Naming your kids Mohammed is silly. Naming your kids Jesus is ridiculous. There are 1400 Jesus' in Arizona prisons alone. I met Jesus too, although I do not have a relationship with him, he did wait on me at the McDonalds drive thru, I read his name tag. And he did serve me my hamburger, which was someone else re-incarnated but probably not Mohammed? Come on people think? How can you buy into this religious crap? Really human brain can be that stupid without practice.How are we suppose to continue the forward progression of this species while all you silly little humans are running around spouting out your stories and quoting them line by line? This is not working; you folks need to realize there is no Santa Clause. Now stop fighting over semantics and verses taken out of context in modified literary works. Rulers before us made them up to enslave your minds and bodies. The purpose of these religions are only meant to have you surrender your selves to the whims of other men? Dah? Wake up people, what is your problem? I know you are going to go pray on it; so you can have the strength to figure it all out; right? There is no hope for a species, which denies the observations before them? You are all hopeless and you are all going to end up killing yourselves in the name of your God. Then civilization will rise again from the ashes with new names and new gods and start a new? Can't you people see the obvious direction your religions are taking the human race? Think on it; don't pray on it.

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arrow right Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 2

Should we be tempted to believe that our system of interpretation is the only system that has ever existed, Ramm makes it very clear in his discussion of the "historical schools" that this is not so. The "Battle for the Bible" may have, in fact, been  born as the second century Christian exegetes, who were influenced by Jewish Biblical scholarship, espoused a literal reading of Scripture which assumed its historical accuracy and included a healthy respect for questions of context. Around the same time these interpreters (referred to by Ramm as the School of Antioch) were not exclusively concerned with the Bible's literal sense; they were equally concerned to interpret Scripture at a level that transcended its historical-literal dimension. This school of thought judged Scripture to be reliable and true on the basis of its conformity to orthodox Christian doctrine. In essence, Scripture judged the church, but it was the church who judged what was scriptural; and at this point the church was still involved in the process of assessing the value and authority of many Christian documents, only some of which made it into the canon.Elsewhere, scholars trained as philosophers and rhetoricians, rejected as non-historical large portions of Scripture while simultaneously conferring total authority and reliability on all Scripture. The truth of Scripture, according to this school of thought, rested in its profound spiritual or symbolic significance. This allegorical method of exegesis is associated historically with those such as Origin, Augustine, Ambrose and Jerome.Centuries later, the church was forced, more or less, to focus its attention of Scripture in a different way as the Reformers sought to alter its relationship to the church. Placing the church completely under the judgment of Scripture, they nevertheless developed their own system for evaluating the authority of Scripture in general and scriptures in particular. Martin Luther for example, considered those portions of Scripture which "preached Christ" superior to those that did not. In practice this meant that Luther granted more weight to Paul's words than to James'. It seems Calvin postulated a more objective authority for Scripture.Even a diminutive exposure to the history of the church's involvement with Scripture gives us reason to pause and re-evaluate our too simple and long cherished assumptions about the nature of scriptural revelation. Before serious study, I was totally unaware of the extent to which disagreements about the nature of biblical inspiration and authority have permeated the church's history. The discovery, however, that some of the difficulties I encounter and must wrestle with are not unique and that some of the greatest minds the Church has ever known had similar problems to contend with is, at the very least, consoling and reassuring. An understanding of and appreciation for the presuppositions of other methods does, indeed, provide a more balanced perspective and a capacity for more meaningful dialogue with those who believe differently.Although our goal is always to understand the meaning of biblical texts we make egregious mistakes if we fail to interpret a passage before gaining a clear and objective sense of what a given passage actually "says" and whether or not it actually "means" what it says. Because the Bible text may not mean what it seems to say due to the ambiguity of language, it is important that we resist the impulse to conjecture about the text's meaning until after careful study. The exegete must first discover the language conventions, syntactical meanings, and dennotative and connotative implications. This requires a study of word definitions and their relationship to one another which facilitates the possibility of accurately coming to the original meaning the author intended to convey.And examination of the historical-cultural conditions is also important for it provides us with information about the text's authorship, dating, place of origin, occasion and purpose for writing, and the milieu in which the author wrote. Clearly, this type of information would greatly enhance our understanding and respect of the text's significance.Any periscope chosen for study is also part of a larger collection of material, and the position it occupies in that collection provides us with a broader framework for comprehending what the passage may have meant originally both to its author and the community for which the writer wrote. Therefore, it is vital that we consider the relationship of the given text to the whole body of the writer's work in general and study the material that immediately precedes and follows the passage in particular. The literary context of a passage helps to focus the text for us and may provide us with significant clues for its interpretation.I'm certain that the problems we encounter in Scripture are directly related to our lack of understanding of the words, ideas and concepts presented in it. Even when the words themselves are clear, the ideas they are attempting to express may seem remote or confusing.Through access to standard reference tools we are supplied valuable information which first-century Christians would have considered common knowledge. Once we have possession of this information, the original meaning of words, statements, the text in general takes on a new significance and regains its power to excite and amaze us and to those to whose we preach or teach as they did the people to whom they were first addressed.An abundance of resources are available to us which facilitates good exegesis. They include: the Bible in a variety of translations; lexicons, commentaries in a variety of languages, Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, study manuals and concordances to name a few. Of course, these tools range from the highly critical variety ? which often assumes a knowledge of Greek and Hebrew ? to the purely devotional and over simplified.(continued in Part 3)Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach.  Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available soon.

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arrow right Anointed versus Talented: Whats the Difference?

Talent is defined as: "Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality". The word talent comes from a Greek word that also tells us about something of great value as described in Matthew 25:15-30.Talent for artists is the skill and natural ability to create. It can  be enhanced by training and practice. Being anointed is the very power of God that uses that talent to accomplish God's purpose or plan.In the scriptures the actual practice of anointing was to apply oil to a person or a thing. Anointing did have its uses for ordinary purposes such as with scented oils or protecting leather, and for medical purposes for the sick or the wounded (although not necessarily with oil).Sacred anointing was to dedicate a thing or person to God. The oil symbolized the Holy Spirit, empowering them for a particular assignment in the service of God.

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arrow right Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 3

Instead of being passive consumers of Biblical commentary, we can participate in the forming of a very particular, but no less authentic, commentary of our own. The only thing that should happen between text and commentary is exegesis, not homiletics. In other words, we  should not become reliant on them. Continued dependence on commentaries will handicap or hinder the development of exegetical skills needed to do independent pre-commentary study. This is why it is probably safest to consult more than one commentary and to consult it at the end of the exegetical process and not the beginning.Biblical studies is never truly complete until we have attempted to reflect in a careful and systematic way upon what we have learned, and in reflecting, make creative and responsible applications to the situation of the church universal today.Proper hermeneutics then, play a vital role in the evolution of good homiletics. It not only provides the rule whereby an understanding of the text's original context can be obtained, but it permits the context to be trans-culturally applied to modern times.Sanders' sermons are good examples of sermons prepared in context and reflect skillful exegesis. He utilized the information he learned in study in very thought-provoking, challenging, and creative way. I believe he was successful in bringing the original context to contemporary times and make the truth pertinent to it. I was most impressed and affected by the sermon, "In the Same Night?" (the sermon can be read in it's entirety here: http://www.religion-online.org/showchapter.asp?title=800&C=1048)The Old Testament narratives are not stories about ancient people who lived in ancient times. Neither are they allegories inundated with hidden meanings. Rather, narratives are stories which teach indirectly and have the intent of making only one major point though many may be derived from them.Considered to be "genre within genre," the parables history of interpretation goes back to Jesus, the master Teacher, who extensive use of them betrays the fact that they were one of His favorite teaching tools. Parables come in many forms including true stories, similitude, metaphors (and similes) and epigrams. They function in a manner similar to a joke in that they seek to elicit a response.The goal of parabolic interpretation is to "catch what the original hearers caught" To accomplish this, we must interpret to determine exactly what the original hearers received and how they responded to it. Having done this, we must decide how to go about reformulating the material in such a way that our present audience can be the recipients of what the original audience obtained.The exegetical interpretative process begins by locating the reference points and proceeds to identify the audience. Since parables are used to clarify and emphasize a central truth that was being discussed in a particular historical situation, a thorough examination of the parable in its immediate context is also necessary for understanding its meaning.In general, before interpretation of prophecy, epistles, apocalyptic literature and other unique literary forms can begin; several theoretical, theological and practical issues must be confronted. The basic question we must ask ourselves is whether the literature under consideration can be interpreted using the same hermeneutical principles that apply to other genres, or whether some special hermeneutical method is required.Bottom Line One cannot hope to understand and properly interpret Scripture without the benefit of good hermeneutical and exegetical skills. Hermeneutics is necessary because it closes many of the historical, linguistic, cultural, philosophical and theological gaps that otherwise hinder accuracy in Biblical understanding.Exegesis is a discipline which teaches us to defer judgment until sufficient data have been collected. It teaches us to treat text with great care and respect.Thus, our approach to Scripture is with an ear attuned and a mind open to what the text has to say before leaping in with a response. We recognize the need for approaching Scripture contextually; to probe for, collect, sort, discern, and weigh evidence. Perhaps most important of all, we measure what we have learned from our own faith tradition against the realities of our Biblical learning experience; to subject ourselves to the objective authority of the text before we attempt the mastery of it either as sermon, manuscript, teaching or discussion material.Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach.  Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available soon.

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arrow right Why Me

Why MeAs a Christian I feel the need to say some things and it may offend some. For one just because I am a Christian that doesn't mean I am never allowed to get mad or upset. It doesn't mean I am always going to be in a good mood, and it doesn't mean you can run over me  and I will automatically forget it. Why do I feel the need to express this to you? Because it seems when I have an issue or problem with some one they are quick to point out I am a Christian and am not supposed to feel?? Ok can you explain this?? I mean I am a human being with feelings, how can I not feel?It blows my mind that so many people think one or two things about the people of faith, the first being that we are stuck up, second that we have no right to the feelings others have. Well I am, as a Christian, supposed to forgive you for your trespasses against me but that certainly doesn't mean I have to like it. I also am supposed to help others as often as I can, treat them they way I would like to be treated, but that doesn't mean I am supposed to allow you to run over me and use me. Got it? I mean I am one of the most helpful individuals you will meet. I will give an apology and accept it readily but don't expect me to say, "well you know you have done this to me over and over again but please go ahead and do it once more", uh NO!I love people, can't say it enough, I do love you but you really drive me crazy with expecting something from me and you refuse to allow me the same respect. Why is it that when I allow, and it is me allowing, you to hurt me not once but twice some times three times, which by the way is a charm with me, you think I am being a horrible Christian when I say that was your last chance?? Explain please I guess I am dumb. How may chances does a Christian need to give before it gets redundant? I will forgive over and over but I am not going to let it go on forever. I mean the ties need to be broken at some time. I can't make an exception. I don't believe It says anywhere that I have to continue being used or what not, when I know it will happen again and again. It surprises me that anyone would think this is acceptable. But it seems to be the daily thing with some. Sorry I love ya, but I can't allow you to do the things that are harmful to my spirit and cause a rift between me and God, just because you think it should be that way. Please remember that when you are dealing with anyone individual not only Christians but people in general, God Bless You really!Vaughn PascalThank God and Jesus for the friends we do have and the ones to come! I love you Bub!

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arrow right Living By the Truth, the Word of God

Let's be honest: Too many Christian books are nothing but fluff or teach a viewpoint that is borderline contradictory of what the Bible actually teaches. Christian publishing appears, to this reviewer at least, to be focused too much on marketing and profits, and not nearly  enough on solid teaching for building up the church.Into this mess, however, comes a breath of fresh air-"Living By the Truth" by Lillian C. Larry. Larry cuts through the clutter of so many Christian books and gives us straight talk, teaching right out of the Bible into our lives.Over forty-two chapters, Larry touches on the necessity of studying the Bible to what to do when God is silent, from the truth about homosexuality to the importance of Bible school, and many serious topics in between. She even includes the text of scripture for such foundational books as 1 Thessalonians, 1 John, and Revelation.Larry hits hard, and this book may not be for those accustomed to reading Christianity-lite. But never is she harsh or rude; she simply speaks what the Bible speaks, sharing her struggles and showing us how to overcome challenges and obstacles in our lives, all the while remaining faithful to God.For example, in "Church Membership," Larry points out the somewhat ridiculous notion of requiring "membership" in a church context. She asks, rightly so, "Why can't I sit amongst the congregation as a sister of the body of Christ? Why do I have to be a member in order to fellowship?" In contrast to this view, she discusses Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 3:17-"?where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (NRSV). Thus, she argues, if we have Jesus with us, it doesn't matter whether we "place membership" or not; what matters is our truly fellowshipping together in the Spirit of Jesus.Another chapter, "Bible School, Is It Really Necessary," is important also. Larry ponders the attitude that finds Bible study "boring," and laments the sad state of some seminaries, where one can take a class on the Bible and leave wondering if the teacher is even a believer him- or herself. Ideally, we should sit around the Word of God and let God address us. Too many Christians rely on teaching they pay money for (i.e., in a college degree) or on the teaching from their human pastors (i.e., Bishop X or Minister Y) when they should rely more on God himself.In short, this book was very insightful and helpful, and very true to the Word of God. Read it and learn, and let the words lead you deeper into your relationship with God.(Contact www.PublishAmerica.com to purchase this book.)Jeremy M. Hoover is a book reviewer and Christian minister. You may request a review by emailing him at jeremyhoover@gmail.com. He also sells a set of 11 ebooks on prayer, which you can find here.

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arrow right Revealing

It is written in Revelation 1:1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw-that is, the word of God and the testimony of  Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the word of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.It is also written in Revelation 22:16 I Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.It is written in 2Peter 1:16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory saying, This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For Prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.Now take a look at Galatians 1:11 it says I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.Look at what Paul said in Ephesians 1:17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God place him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.In the book of Deuteronomy 29:29 it says The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. In Isaiah 40:5 it says And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.Look what Jesus said in Matthew 11:25 it says At that time Jesus said, I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven the earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes Father, for this was your good pleasure. All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for you souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.It is written in Romans 1:16 it says I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith.Now look at Romans 8:18 it says I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberate from bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.We know that the whole world has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved.. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.Love Always, Your Sister in Christ, Mellody DavisEnjoy more reading at: http://www.hostinghelps.con/allaboutjesus/AboutJesus.html

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arrow right The Scrolls and the Grail

DEAD SEA SCROLLS: - Dr Norman Golb is a top scholar who makes a plea for the de-politicization of the Dead Sea Scrolls. His plea is not related to the current argument that Palestine will own or control the Scrolls but to the Generals and politicians who piecemeal and with  apparent deceit are doling out access to these important documents for the examination of scholars. The original involvement of the Catholic scholars and the Scrolls being housed in a Museum named for the Rockefellers is of more concern to me. The management of the life of Jesus and his brother James ('the Righteous) who led the group at Qumran that some are calling Essenes is why the concern exists for myself and others who know the ways of the Christologists. They have blamed the Jews for 'killing our Saviour'.The documents discovered at Dag (or Nag) Hammadi in the same decade were fully translated by 1971 and they are of equal if not greater insight. The life of Jesus as a 'Therapeutae' or Gnostic with a 'Source' of learning in a large family of adepts is contrary to all sorts of proselytes and his involvement of an equal partner and wife puts a lie to a lot of 'only begotten' or other Divine appellations sought by the Popes who have claimed to be the only representatives of the Lord on Earth. This 'Source' is described correctly by Barrett as the very Grail that the Dag Hammadi scrolls represent from the verbal tradition or Qabala. If you consider that there was no name or actual Christians at the time of Jesus we will be starting at a fair beginning. The Copper Scrolls that made coded references to the site of Solomon's treasure were found here as well. That is of import to our continuing effort to know what trade and designs exist (ed) in the Templar to Benjaminite or Merovingian lineage. It is more important to start with this 'Source' as many Biblical scholars are calling it. They call it this rather than a pagan tradition of Bardic and nature worshippers or Phoenicians, as the Father of Biblical Archaeology assures us that even the Bible itself should be seen as being. We are of the opinion that all documents and related things that reflect on the life of Christ are part and parcel of the 'Holy Grail'; and the churchians were crusading and killing to get them and control the truth that might upset their marketing and other plans. Thus we should provide a little proof of the actual religions and politics of the time that Jesus was alive upon this earth.

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arrow right Whose Land?

It is interesting that everyone is so hung-up on the debate regarding who has official rights to The Land known historically as "The Land of Canaan."If we go back far enough, we discover the near Middle East was settled by descendants of Canaan, thus the region  was referred to as

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arrow right Resurrection Faith (Part 2)

Christ died. This is a historical fact not to be denied. But it is the claim of the apostle Paul that God showed His love for us through Christ dying for sinners; this is interesting. It is interesting because we wonder what was it that encouraged Paul to believe that  Jesus' death was for sinners. He could not "see" the love of God at work. Jesus had been stabbed in the back and abandoned by His disciples. His mother and a few women, together with John stood by watching Him die. Near the cross, soldiers gambled. One thief cursed God and man. The other prayed as he died. But who of those around the cross watching Jesus die was suddenly overtaken with a great sense of God's love? Who testified about how much God loved them?The crucifixion to all outward appearances (i.e. historically) was a bloody, revolting, cruel disaster. Here was a "good man" who became the pawn of power politics ? who got caught between the millstones of the church and state ? the Sanhedrin and the Roman Prefect ? and was deliberately sent by Pilate to an innocent death. Historically, the death of Jesus can only be described as sheer tragedy.When we pursue further the question of the resurrection and history, we note immediately that nobody actually saw Jesus rise from the dead. Mark and Luke and John merely report that the women found the tomb empty. Matthew reports that there was an earthquake and an angel came and rolled the stone away. But none of the four Gospels say, or even intimate, that the stone was moved to let Jesus out. As a matter of fact, Jesus was already gone when the stone was removed. The stone was rolled back to show that Jesus was not there. Exactly when Jesus rose we do not know. So, getting back to my earlier question, how then can Jesus' resurrection in any sense be called a historical event, when there were no witnesses? How can we validate something that cannot be validated?If there were no witnesses to the resurrection; if our Gospels do not purport to give us an eyewitness account of the resurrection, we are faced with the question, is the resurrection a necessary conclusion to the empty tomb? In other words, how do we know that Jesus rose from the grave? If history cannot prove it, then why did the early church believe it and why do we still believe it today? What gave rise to the resurrection faith?Theological scholars have made several interesting proposals. For the purpose of this article, I will focus on the two I find most compelling.First, we cannot evade Jesus' constant reference to His own death in Scripture. All through the Gospels Jesus is represented as being acutely aware, early in His career, that an untimely death awaited Him. When the people approached Him making inquisitions as to why His disciples did not fast like John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees, "Jesus answered, '

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arrow right Philippians 2:1-18 -- Seek Unity Through Humility

This passage begins (2:1-4) with a call to unity that includes basic tenets of Christianity. This passage links with 1:27 and the concern for how the Philippians live. Again, Paul draws on his relationship with them. It is because of that relationship that he can correct  their behaviour and attitude.The questions are rhetorical: among Christians there is, objectively if not subjectively, encouragement, consolation, sharing, etc. If there is any doubt about this, Paul includes the spiritual presence of Christ and the Spirit to tie these together. Where these are present, there should be unity and the same love, which manifest themselves in humility that looks to "the other." This is, in fact, what Christ did.In saying they should have the same mind as Christ, Paul draws their attention beyond service to Christ. Many serve Christ and boast of making great sacrifices for Christ, but will not bend their knee to sacrifice for a fellow brother or sister. This attitude, which runs contrary to the traits listed in v. 1-4, cannot be held in tandem with the "mind" of Christ.Christ's mind is centred on humility and serving others. He did not regard his position with God and his own deity as something to hold over others, but he "humiliated" himself by becoming a servant. He was even humble (and obedient) to the point of death. It was because of his humility that Christ was exalted and given "the Name" Lord (the same word used in the Septuagint to translate YHWH ? LORD).Christ is Lord. Sooner or later all will bow. Christians know *now* who we serve. Thus, they are exhorted (commanded?-cf. Paul's language in v. 12) to "work out [their] own salvation with fear and trembling." Sanctification (the process of being saved or being made holy; our earthly, human point-of-view and struggle) is in view in these verses (12-13), not justification (salvation from God's end-time point-of-view; the finished/completed act). "Work out" does not mean earn; instead, it means to carry out to completion. Since it is God who IS working within them (presently), they should carry out their salvation to its conclusion-the faithful life that will be rewarded. God enables them (and us) to both desire and carry out obedience. Verse 12 emphasizes the human responsibility and verse 13 emphasizes the divine enablement; together there is mutual co-operation.When there is murmuring and complaining, though, the divine will is not being carried out, they are not blameless and innocent, and they are not holding fast to the word of life. It is destructive behaviours like these that mar the Christian message and make it ineffective. But Paul's hope is that their faithfulness to the gospel will vindicate him: It will prove, when Christ returns (or on judgment day), that Paul did not labour in vain. Paul's life, combined with their faithfulness, is a pleasing sacrifice to God, and he encourages rejoicing in such a matter.Jeremy M. Hoover is a writer and book reviewer in Ontario, and the owner of a website that teaches you how to pray.

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arrow right Seeking after the Knowledge of God

As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this article, God the Father places an extremely high value on the pursuit of knowledge - especially spiritual knowledge. He says that gaining knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold and material things of this  world.The Bible tells us we have to grow in the knowledge of God. Once you get saved - that is just the beginning. From there, God expects you to grow in the knowledge of Him, His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and all of Their ways. As I mentioned in the article I did titled

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arrow right Resurrection Faith (Part 3)

During His ministry, Jesus often made references to His impending death but the disciples, apparently so consumed with their own agenda for Jesus, missed the meaning of Jesus' words. Thus, when He was crucified, it caught them totally off guard. They could not comprehend  what had happened. They were confused, hurt, utterly discouraged, depressed and defeated. All the Gospels testify to the depressed, unexpectant mood of the disciples after Jesus' death.The women who went to the tomb prepared to embalm Jesus' body were obviously expecting Jesus' body to be there and were thoroughly discombobulated when they discovered He was not there. Two men appeared to them and reminded them that Jesus had risen just as He had foretold. Luke tells us that when the women told the disciples of their experience at the tomb and that Jesus had risen, the disciples thought they were talking foolishness (24:11). Matthew states that on the occasion of Christ's meeting with His followers in Galilee, they saw Him and some still doubted (18:17).Yet, it is exactly because the disciples did not understand Jesus, confused by His death and not expecting the resurrection that we know that something dramatic and earth shattering had to have taken place to create in them a faith that believed Jesus was alive ? resurrection faith.Christians everywhere believe and affirm that what happened was the disciples personal eye witness of the risen Lord. Even though the disciples (and others) did not actually see Jesus rise from the tomb; they did not see His mortal physical body transformed and rise as immortal and spiritual and they do not make this claim. But, what they do claim is that they did see Him after He had risen. And it is because they saw Him as the risen Christ that their lives were changed; so much so that they were willing to sacrifice their lives in His name and for His sake.The apostle Paul hangs the entire corpus of Christian truth and eschatological hope on the factuality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some disbelievers in the resurrection suggest the plausibility of one being able to doubt the historical actuality of the resurrection and still believe in God as the creator and sustainer of the world. However, Paul fiercefully maintains that if Jesus in not raised, we are misrepresenting God; in fact, the entire Bible is misrepresenting God.If Jesus is not raised:? Redemptive history ends in a cul-de-sac.  ? God is not the living God, nor is He the God of the living as Jesus said in Mark 12:27. ? Death is stronger than God and stronger than His word. ? God's acts are futile in the face of man's greatest enemy ? death. ? The claims Jesus made during His ministry are blatant lies and His entire message is negated. ? The heart of the New Testament Christology is a delusion because the central confession of the early church was not Jesus as Savior but Jesus as Lord. ? Jesus did not conquer death, death conquered Him. ? Jesus cannot defend His people in judgment and the whole doctrine of justification is a figment of the imagination. ? Those who have died believing have perished and God's promises with them.Without the living Jesus Christ, the Christian faith would have been destroyed by the crucifixion and in the return of the apostles to the synagogue and to Judaism all of His teachings would have been buried under the rubble of oblivion.But as people witnessed the resurrection, something happened to them. Something happened to create a faith so strong that men and women were willing to devote their lives to preaching Christ Jesus, by any means necessary and whatever the personal cost.Peter, who denied Him three times, stood outside the upper room preaching Christ boldly. James, the skeptic, assumed a position of leadership in the Jerusalem church. He was transformed from a non-believer to a believer. Nicodemus who approached Jesus at midnight desiring to know what he must do to be saved, now proclaims, "This must have been the Son of God." Thomas, who refused to believe unless he saw Jesus for himself, after seeing Him cried out, "My Lord and my God."Lives were and are changed by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus stepped forth from the grave, leaving the grave clothes behind. He stepped out in new life, in new strength, and in new power.Christian believers accept the Biblical witness to the resurrection, not because of logical proof; not because of historical reasoning but because of an inner testimony of the gospel. Our faith is not in history ? but in God who acts in history. The Christian faith is resurrection faith.Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach.  Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available in July.

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arrow right God is not a Homicidal Maniac

One day on the listserve for my support group it got posted that it was all part of God's plan that we got HSP, so it was okay because God wills it. Bull! Somewhere along the way the genes got goofed up and that is why we have HSP. A mutation developed and is unfortunately  passed on to fifty percent of the offspring of anyone affected.When I hear someone say,

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