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arrow right Cake Pans

Cake pans?.the secret behind every successful cake. My husband tells me that if I am the most luscious cake of his life. Well, who am I to disagree with him as long as he is happy being my cake pan?When we were shopping for our wedding decorations, wedding dresses and  wedding cakes, we gave a decent thought to the wedding cake pans. I would suggest that whenever you go for it chose one which has money back guarantee and warrantees. A one stop cake shop online or a retail cake shop will have the best deals in cake pans, with interesting varieties put to effect.We had to choose from a lot of cake pans. Look at the variety we had with respect to the wedding cake pans. We finally chose an aluminum cake pan for long lasting baking performance. If you want to know the size it was 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 x 2 in. deep. It could be used for a lot of things like casseroles, desserts etc. We baked the wedding cake traditionally courtesy our family chef, from the same wedding cake pan.Of course on our wedding Mr. Gillian, (my nephew's friend; he loves cakes a lot and believes that cake pans are more important than cakes) gifted us with a wedding cake pan. It plays a stellar role in the kitchen. It has a smart design and it is non sticky as well. It has a double coating and does not make the food messy. You should check out the long handles for lifting the can without causing any discomfort.I have been intrigued by the subject of wedding cake pans. I recommend most of my friends and people I know to check out the best deals on the web for them. It contains exhaustive information and comparative features of every cake can, that in the end you will feel 'baked' enough. But seriously speaking, I have used some of them, and so has my chef. Our experiences say that we should go for one which is durable, versatile and is easy on your cooking.Check out the words from my chef's mouth: If your wedding cake is what it is, it is because of your wedding cake pan.Would you like to lear more about cakes? See hundreds of wedding cake pictures, read some more cake tips, find cake toppers and other supply at CakeChannel.com See you there!Contact me at: enezok@yahoo.com

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arrow right A Little-Known Secret To Writing Sales Copy, For Serious Copywriters Only!

Have you ever wondered how your copy sounds to your prospects when they're reading it?If you have, here's a little-known trick to making your copy sound as clear as a bell, and feel as comforting as a warm fireplace in the winter.The very best way to figure out how your  copy sounds to your prospects, is NOT to read it, but to read it out loud. And actually, if you can have someone read it to you, preferably a child, that's even better.When I first started writing copy, my 2 sons were in elementary and middle school. They were excited about my new career and were more than happy to read back my copy out loud to me.Fortunately, my career progressed pretty rapidly, and it wasn't long before I was writing 13-page long-form sales letters.Well, needless to say (and understandably so), my kids weren't as excited about reading their dad's 17-page

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arrow right Traumas as Social Interactions

("He" in this text - to mean "He" or "She").We react to serious mishaps, life altering setbacks, disasters, abuse, and death by going through the phases of grieving. Traumas are the complex outcomes of psychodynamic and biochemical processes. But the particulars of traumas  depend heavily on the interaction between the victim and his social milieu.It would seem that while the victim progresses from denial to helplessness, rage, depression and thence to acceptance of the traumatizing events - society demonstrates a diametrically opposed progression. This incompatibility, this mismatch of psychological phases is what leads to the formation and crystallization of trauma.PHASE IVictim phase I - DENIALThe magnitude of such unfortunate events is often so overwhelming, their nature so alien, and their message so menacing - that denial sets in as a defence mechanism aimed at self preservation. The victim denies that the event occurred, that he or she is being abused, that a loved one passed away.Society phase I - ACCEPTANCE, MOVING ON.The victim's nearest (

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arrow right Several Tips to Stop Baldness

Technically known as alopecia, baldness means thinning or loss of hair as a result of illness, functional disorder, or hereditary disposition.There could be many types of baldness, major among these are patches of baldness getting usually grow back, rapid shedding after  childbirth, fever, or sudden weight loss and thinning from tight braids or ponytails. baldness can be found in males and females both, but men are more susceptible to this phenomenon. This has been attributed to male sex hormone called testosterone. Some of the other culprits causing baldness are scalp infection, oiliness or dirtiness of the scalp and hair, and excessive lacquering of hair.Alopecia areata is yet another cause of hair loss or baldness, this dermatological disease is caused by person's own immunity attacking the hair follicles.Hair loss is not a quick fire phenomenon. Hair loss or baldness takes a long time, unless otherwise because of chemotherapy. Not every male will experience baldness, but for sure, he will have thin hair over a period of time. Although lot of research has taken place in this area, nothing exact has been found to arrest hair loss or stop balding process. It is estimated that around 100 hairs are lost in a 24-hour cycle. This doesn't mean baldness.For years wiser people have been discussing effect of diet on baldness. Wholesome silica, calcium & iron rich diet can reduce hair loss or arrest baldness. Studies in the past have shown that silica therapy slowed baldness. Shampoo containing organic silica was found to help prevent baldness, stimulate hair growth and assure beautiful shine, luster and strength. Outer coverings of potatoes, green & red peppers and cucumbers contain silica. Bean sprouts are also high in silica. Eat whole foods including sprouts.Good intake of vegetables can improve your vitamin C score leading to higher iron absorption. Vitamin E is important for healthy hair growth. Eat avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil on a regular basis. If thyroid dysfunction is the cause of baldness vitamin A and iodine food can help prevent baldness. Eat vegetables such as carrots or spinach in unrefined, cold-pressed seed oils such as flax, walnut or pumpkin seed and sea salt. Take turnips, cabbage, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet if there is a deficiency of iodine. Dried fruits, green & leafy vegetables, cherry juice are good sources. Diet should avoid these - cold foods & drinks, sugary foods, fatty foods, animal protein, fruit, especially citrus, tomatoes, tofu, millet, salt and dairy products.Gastrointestinal tract can be the culprit for female baldness. It could be a sign of insufficient stomach acids; It could also mean a deficiency of protein, zinc and other nutrients. Taking two acidophilus tablets after or between meals (four to six tablets per day) for two months will help. Females are greatly affected due to anemic conditions, leading to accelerated baldness.Calviz Versone is the owner of BB Baldness which is a premier resource for baldness information. for more information, go to http://www.bbbaldness.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Guide to Shaving Pubic Hair

Getting the decision to start shaving your pubic hair is easy. Doing it is a bit more difficult.Using the guidelines in this article, you will find that pubic hair shave can be a simple task.First, is your pubic hair shave decision final? Make sure you are aware of the  possible consequences and side effects of pubic hair shave. Remember, you can not stop shaving your pubic hair once you start doing it.We suggest that your partner will help you with your first pubic hair shave. However, you can do it yourself.Follow the following steps in the guide to shaving pubic hair:1. Buy the proper products. You must get a razor and a shaving cream before going on with the other steps.Do not use a male shaving cream or soap. You can easily find specialized creams for female shaving suitable for your skin type.Likewise, you must not use switch blade razor or a disposable razor. You should buy a female safety razor which can be used to pubic hair shaving.2. Cut off your pubic hair. The worst step people do is shaving their pubic hair without clipping it first. Doing so will damage the razor and cause unnecessary pain. Clip your pubic hair using a pair of sharp scissors. Your pubic hair should be as short as possible.Notice that you will have to do this step only on the first time.3. Get ready for pubic hair shaving. Clean the area to be shaved. In order to avoid irritated skin and pimples afterwards and for the most effective pubic hair shave, prepare yourself.Get a hot shower or bath, splashing a lot of water on your pubic hair. After the shower dry yourself properly and make sure your pubic hair is dry and clean before moving to the next step.4. Now you are ready to shave. Apply shaving cream generously on your pubic hair. Straighten your skin with one hand and gently shave with the other hand. Move the razor in the counter direction of your hair slowly.You can shave the same area more than time but make sure you have enough cream on the pubic hair area.5. After you are satisfied with the outcome of the pubic hair shave, wash generously with warm water the shaved area until it is clean.6. Aftercare ? Use baby oil or aloe vera gel to protect your skin.Follow those steps in order to make pubic hair shave easy and effective. Good luck.911 Corp. executed an independent research to find the best method for removing pubic hair. The results were clear. Find out more on pubic hair shave and removing pubic hair. All about hair on stop hair loss treatments.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Love and Laughter ? Celebrating the Gift of Life

Only you can call me into aliveness. Each time you try to understand and because you really care, my heart begins to grow wings, very small wings, very feeble wings, but wings. With your sensitivity and sympathy, and your power of understanding, you can breathe life into

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Security Risks and Ways to Decrease Vulnerabilities in a 802.11b Wireless E

IntroductionThis document explains topics relating to wireless networks. The main topics discussed include, what type of vulnerabilities exist today in 802.11 networks and ways that you can help prevent these vulnerabilities from happening. Wireless networks have not been  around for many years. Federal Express has been using a type of wireless networks, common to the 802.11 networks used today, but the general public has recently just started to use wireless networking technology. Because of weak security that exists in wireless networks, companies such as Best Buy have decided to postpone the roll-out of wireless technology. The United States Government has done likewise and is suspending the use of wireless until a more universal, secure solution is available.BackgroundWhat is Wireless?Wireless LANs or Wi-Fi is a technology used to connect computers and devices together. Wireless LANs give persons more mobility and flexibility by allowing workers to stay connected to the Internet and to the network as they roam from one coverage area to another. This increases efficiency by allowing data to be entered and accessed on site.Besides being very simple to install, WLANs are easy to understand and use. With few exceptions, everything to do with wired LANs applies to wireless LANs. They function like, and are commonly connected to, wired Ethernet networks.The Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance [WECA] is the industry organization that certifies 802.11 products that are deemed to meet a base standard of interoperability. The first family of products to be certified by WECA is that based on the 802.11b standard. This set of products is what we will be studying. Also more standards exist such as 802.11a and 802.11g.The original 802.11 standard was published in 1999 and provides for data rates at up to 2 Mbps at 2.4 GHz, using either FHSS or DSSS. Since that time many task groups have been formed to create supplements and enhancements to the original 802.11 standard.The 802.11b TG created a supplement to the original 802.11 standard, called 802.11b, which has become the industry standard for WLANs. It uses DSSS and provides data rates up to 11 Mbps at 2.4 Ghz. 802.11b will eventually be replaced by standards which have better QoS features, and better security.Network TopologyThere are two main topologies in wireless networks which can be configured:Peer-to-peer (ad hoc mode) ? This configuration is identical to its wired counterpart, except without the wires. Two or more devices can talk to each other without an AP.Client/Server (infrastructure networking) ? This configuration is identical to its wired counterpart, except without the wires. This is the most common wireless network used today, and what most of the concepts in this paper apply to.Benefits of Wireless LANsWLANs can be used to replace wired LANs, or as an extension of a wired infrastructure. It costs far less to deploy a wireless LAN than to deploy a wired one. A major cost of installing and modifying a wired network is the expense to run network and power cables, all in accordance with local building codes. Example of additional applications where the decision to deploy WLANs include:Additions or moves of computers.Installation of temporary networksInstallation of hard-to-wire locationsWireless LANs give you more mobility and flexibility by allowing you to stay connected to the Internet and to the network as you roam.Cons of Wireless LANsWireless LANs are a relatively new technology which has only been around since 1999. With any new technology, standards are always improving, but in the beginning are unreliable and insecure. Wired networks send traffic over a dedicated line that is physically private; WLANs send their traffic over shared space, airwaves. This introduces interference from other traffic and the need for additional security. Besides interference from other wireless LAN devices, the 2.4 GHz is also used by cordless phones and microwaves.Security Issues of WLANsWar-drivingWar-driving is a process in which an individual uses a wireless device such as a laptop or PDA to drive around looking for wireless networks. Some people do this as a hobby and map out different wireless networks which they find. Other people, who can be considered hackers, will look for wireless networks and then break into the networks. If a wireless is not secure, it can be fairly easy to break into the network and obtain confidential information. Even with security, hackers can break the security and hack. One of the most prevalent tools used on PDAs and Microsoft windows devices is, Network Stumbler, which can be downloaded at http://www.netstumbler.com. Equipped with the software and device, a person can map out wireless access points if a GPS unit is attached. Adding an antenna to the wireless card increases the capabilities of Wi-Fi. More information can be found at: http://www.wardriving.info and http://www.wardriving.com to name a few.War-chalkingWar-chalking is a method of marking wireless networks by using chalk most commonly. War-driving is usually the method used to search for networks, and then the person will mark the network with chalk that gives information about the network. Some of the information would include, what the network name is, whether the network has security, and possibly the contact information of who owns the network. If your wireless network is War-chalked and you don't realize it, your network can be used and/or broken into faster, because of information shown about your network.Eavesdropping & EspionageBecause wireless communication is broadcast over radio waves, eavesdroppers who just listen over the airwaves can easily pick up unencrypted messages. These intruders put businesses at risk of exposing sensitive information to corporate espionage. Wireless LAN Security ? What Hackers Know That You Don't www.airdefense.net Copyright 2002Internal VulnerabilitiesWithin an organization network security can be compromised by ways such as, Rouge WLANs (or Rouge Aps), Insecure Network Configuration, and Accidental Associations to name a few.Rouge Access Points ? An employee of an organization might hook up an access point without the permission or even knowledge of IT. This is simple to do, all a person has to do is plug an Access point or wireless router into an existing live LAN jack and they are on the network. One statistic in 2001 by Gartner said that, "at least 20 percent of enterprises already have rouge access points." Another type of attack would be if, someone from outside the organization, enters into the workplace and adds an Access Point by means of Social Engineering.Insecure Network Configurations- Many companies think that if they are using a firewall or a technology such as VPN, they are automatically secure. This is not necessarily true because all security holes, big and small, can be exploited. Also if devices and technologies, such as VPNs, firewalls or routers, are mis-configured, the network can be compromised.Accidental Associations ? This can happen if a wireless network is setup using the same SSID as your network and within range of your wireless device. You may accidentally associate with their network without your knowledge. Connecting to another wireless LAN can divulge passwords or sensitive document to anyone on the neighboring network. Wireless LAN Security ? What Hackers Know That You Don't www.airdefense.net Copyright 2002Social Engineering ? Social Engineering is one of the most effective and scariest types of attacks that can be done. This type of attack really scares me and can be done for many other purposes besides compromising security in wireless networks. A scenario: Someone dressed up as a support person from Cisco enters the workplace. The secretary sees his fake credentials and lets him get pass the front desk. The impersonator walks from cubicle to cubicle, collecting user names and passwords as he/she goes. After finding a hidden corner, which seems to be lightly traveled, he plugs an insecure Access Point into the network. At the same time he configures the Access Point to not broadcast its SSID and modifies a few other settings to make it hard for the IT department to find this Rouge Access Point. He then leaves without ever being questioned by anyone because it looks like he just fits in. Now, all he has to do is be within 300 feet from the access point, (more if he added an antenna), and now has access to all kinds of secure documents and data. This can be a devastating blow to any corporation and could eventually lead to bankruptcy if the secrets of the company were revealed to competitors.Bruce Schneier came to my classroom and said the following about Social Engineering, "Someone is just trying to do their job, and be nice. Someone takes advantage of that by targeting this human nature. Social Engineering is unsolvable."Securing Wireless NetworksAccording to Bruce Schneier and others such as Kevin Mitnick, you can never have a totally secure computing environment. What is often suggested is to try and control the damage which can be done if security is breached. One can try many different tools on the market which can help prevent security breaches.WEP ? WEP supports both 64 and 128-bit keys. Both are vulnerable, however, because the initialization vector is only 24-bits long in each case. Its RC4 algorithm, which is used securely in other implementations, such as SSL, is quite vulnerable in WEP. Http://www.infosecuritymag.com/2002/jan/cover.shtml Wireless Insecurities By Dale Gardner. Different tools exist to break WEP keys, including AirSnort, which can be found at www.airsnort.net. Although this method is not a secure solution, it can be used to help slowdown an attacker if other means are not possible financially or otherwise.VPN and IPSec- IPSec VPNs let companies connect remote offices or wireless connections using the public Internet rather than expensive leased lines or a managed data service. Encryption and authentication systems protect the data as it crosses the public network, so companies don't have to sacrifice data privacy and integrity for lower costs. A lot of VPN's exist on the market today. An important note about VPNs is, interoperability does not really exist, and whatever you use for your server has to be the same brand as your clients most of the time. Some VPNs include:BorderwareBroadConnex NetworksCheckPointCiscoComputer AssociatesDMZ ? Adding this to your network enables you to put your wireless network on an untrusted segment of your network.Firewalls ? Firewalls are all over the place. Firewalls range from hardware to software versions. By adding a firewall between the wireless network and wired network helps prevent hackers from accessing your wired network. This paper doesn't go into specifics about different firewalls and how to set them up, but there are many. Some of the firewalls include:ZoneAlarm (an inexpensive based software firewall) Zonelabs.comSymantec has many different firewalls depending what you require.PKI - Public-key infrastructure (PKI) is the combination of software, encryption technologies, and services that enables enterprises to protect the security of their communications and business transactions on the Internet. What is PKI? http://verisign.netscape.com/security/pki/understanding.htmlSite Surveys ? Site Surveys involve using a software package and a wireless device to probe your network for Access Points and security risks.Proactive ApproachesSince wireless technology is insecure, companies or anyone can take a proactive approach to try and identify hackers trying to gain access via wireless networks.Honeypots ? are fake networks setup to try and lure in hackers. This enables administrators to find out more about what type of techniques hackers are using to gain access. One product is Mantrap created by Symantec."ManTrap has the unique ability to detect both host- and network-based attacks, providing hybrid detection in a single solution. No matter how an internal or external attacker tries to compromise the system, Symantec ManTrap's decoy sensors will deliver holistic detection and response and provide detailed information through its system of data collection modules."http://enterprisesecurity.symantec.com/products/products.cfm?ProductID=157Intrusion Detection ? Intrusion Detection is software that monitors traffic on the network. It sounds out a warning if a hacker it trying to access the network. One such free product is Snort."Before we proceed, there are a few basic concepts you should understand about Snort. There are three main modes in which Snort can be configured: sniffer, packet logger, and network intrusion detection system. Sniffer mode simply reads the packets off of the network and displays them for you in a continuous stream on the console. Packet logger mode logs the packets to the disk. Network intrusion detection mode is the most complex and configurable configuration, allowing Snort to analyze network traffic for matches against a user defined rule set and perform several actions based upon what it sees." http://www.snort.org/docs/writing_rules/chap1.html#tth_chAp1Network Monitoring- Network Monitoring would be products such as snort that monitor the flow of traffic over the network.Quick tips and tricksWhen setting up wireless networks and access points there are a few quick steps that can be taken to immediately secure the network, even though it does not make it secure. Some of these ways include:Change your default SSID: each router or access point comes with a default SSID. By changing this it can take longer for an attacker to know what type of device he is trying to hack.Change the default password ? generic default passwords are assigned to access points and routers. Sometimes the password is admin. By changing this password, the attacker cannot modify settings on your router as easily.Disable broadcasting SSID: By default AP's broadcast their SSIDs, if you shutoff this setting it is harder for outsiders to find your AP.Enable MAC filtering: WARNING: this can only work in smaller environments where a centralized access list does not need to be maintained. You can enable only specific wireless cards to access the AP by only enabling those MAC addresses.Turn off shares: If security is important, scanning for shares and turning off the shares on the network can help. Also encrypting sensitive data can prevent hackers from accessing the data.Put your wireless access points in a hard to find and reach spot.Keep your drivers on all wireless equipment updated. This helps patch existing security vulnerabilities.Read current press releases about emerging wireless news.About The AuthorRichard J JohnsonNetwork+ CertifiedRJ Computer Consultinghttp://rjcomputerconsulting.comRichard@johnsorichard.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Maybe This Christmas Will Be Different....

Have you always dreamed of a Norman Rockwell Christmas - where everyone is singing Christmas carols and there is joy in the house? Alas, your Christmas memories are often filled with Uncle Joe getting drunk and your parents ending up in a fight. By the end of Christmas day  family members are mad and no one is talking to one another.Christmas can be very difficult if you grew up in a dysfunctional family and you choose to go home for Christmas. Often the holidays bring out the worst in families instead of the best. Old arguments that have never been resolved are reignited. Old wounds that you thought were healed are ripped open once again.Is there anything you can do to truly make this Christmas different?Here are a few suggestions:1. Pray that God will give you the wisdom to know when to speak and when to stay quiet. Many times you won't win the age old argument. Is it worth the fight?2. Have realistic expectations about what will happen at your family gathering. Often we dream and envision things will be different and our dreams are crushed once again.3. Limit your time or choose not to place yourself in toxic situations. If you will be putting yourself or your children in physical or emotional danger you may need to choose to stay home.4. Remember and be with your "adopted family". Often people from dysfunctional families have extremely close friends who feel like family. I have had several people tell me about a friend who is like a sister or a mother to them. You may choose to spend Christmas with your "adopted family".5. Remember your heavenly Father loves you unconditionally and that he can meet your needs, even when your earthly family does not meet your needs.6. Recognize that there is a difference between forgiveness and acceptance of actions. You can and should forgive family members and others who have hurt you. That does not mean their actions were acceptable. Also, you can be cautious of putting yourself into situations where you could be emotionally or physically harmed once again.7. Don't be too hard on yourself. You may have made great progress in your own spiritual and emotional growth and find when you go home you are right back where you started. Dysfunctional family patterns have a tremendous pull. You can realign yourself when you return to your own home.8. Make a conscious choice to raise your own children and live your life in a more healthy family. Decide what new Christ honoring traditions you want to start for your family.9. Be open to and aware of other people who come from hurting families. You have a story you may choose to share of the healing that has occurred for you. You can give others hope.10. Be aware that your own addictions may resurface. Those could include overspending, overeating, drinking, or drug use. Often we try to soothe our emotional pain by overspending or overeating.Above all I pray you will be kind to yourself. Have realistic expectations of what Christmas will be for your family. Create your own good memories with your own family or your "adopted family". Remember Mary's first Christmas was probably not what she expected. She probably did not plan on delivering Jesus in a barn, but what a blessed and glorious night. May God be your peace and joy this Christmas.© 2004 Kimberly ChastainAbout the AuthorKimberly M. Chastain, MS, LMFT is the Christian Working Mom Coach and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in helping Christian women make the most of their lives. She is the author of the on-line course, "I Can't Say No" and Pearls of Encouragement for Christian Working Moms, a free e-book. If you suffer from "I Can't Say 'No" Syndrome, visit Kimberly's site today for the details on an exciting email course that's sure to set you free! http://www.christianworkingmom.com/online.htm. The Text Information Box above MUST be included for reprint privileges. You may reprint this article in it's entirety with the attached text box.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Happy New Year for 2005

It is 7:45 a.m. in Port Moody, British Columbia Canada, and the first day of a new year. I have just started up my computer and I am waiting for the kettle to boil for my morning tea. I look past my window to a scene that is painted on a back drop of silent night not yet  melding into daylight.I am looking for change, for something different than it was last night something that screams out at me "this it is 2005." There is the flickering light across the bay that was winking at me last night. The ocean below my window is tearing itself from the beach drawing itself back into its body as it has done twice a day for centuries. Seagulls fly aimlessly around in circles watching for an opportunity at breakfast. Covering the cool earth and trees beneath it, fresh blankets of snow on the hills remain as they were last night.What is out there that is 2005? Does the earth know it is one year older? The background of my existence for all purposes is on autopilot. It is cold, uncaring, emotionless, and unrelenting. It is the playground that only I can give meaning to. The meaning of life comes from my room, it comes from me. I am the silent observer that is saying this is 2005 it is my choice to give it meaning. The truth lies within the one that is observing the body move through a three dimensional matrix of physical objects.The world is a stage; I am the actor/actress. I am the director and give meaning to this brand new year. Without the actuality of my own awareness 2005 will have no meaning for me. It will fade into nothingness and blend into the background that I am watching through my window. If it is just another day, it is my choice and so be it.A canvas is patiently waiting in front of me, a theme already etched into it which I chose three months ago. It is now my time to paint my body onto the foreground to give the landscape Roy meaning, Roy purpose and Roy life.Every one of the more than 6 billion individual aspects of soul will do the same thing today. The stories that we will create and read about at the end of this year will come from the colours and the strokes of the brush that we make individually on the canvas over the next year.It doesn't matter were we are at this moment, how we are living our lives and in what relationship we are in. From this moment on it will always be a choice as to how we will experience it. The stroke of the brush and the colours are ours, no one else's. The notes that we choose to create the song of our life will be ours. The choice to give up our power to another, to leave or come into this world is always ours. The choice to believe what others may say about us or the way we are to live our lives is always ours. No soul can force another into doing anything that they want without the permission of that other soul at some level of consciousness.Humanity has absolute authority and freedom to create from choices all that it is to experience. In communion with others of his kind, individuals answer to the community. Ultimately man being an individualized piece of the creator, answers only to himself, there is no other. For unconditional love to exist there can be no punishment or reward, no good or bad no conditions for existence other than the natural laws of cause and effect. Freedom will not allow it or it looses its individualism and its meaning.Concepts are human, they are not absolute and actuality moves within natural laws. Truth is abstract and is as fluid as the tide that is now moving out below my window.This year will exist only in my mind as I will create it. Every day I must choose whether to move into a relationship or out of it. Every day I will make a choice as to live within my concepts of honesty or dishonesty, truth or lies. Every day I will make a choice to live or to die as I choose. Everyday that I live and become more aware of whom I really am: I will know that there is no running away from myself. I know that death is not an escape; I will bring my thoughts and memory with me. I know that unconditional love will allow me to live my experiences over and over again as I see fit, until I reach a point of awareness that they are no longer working for me and that I have freedom or choice to choose something else. I know that any change comes instantly with a thought about changing.No one can destroy my soul or rape my mind. The body is expendable and I can get another. I am always free to accept my life on my terms or those of another. Life is always moving, life is who I am. My body is not life; life has given movement to my body.I now see myself in the first few hours of 2005 the canvas is bare and the paint is fresh, the choices are infinite.What is it that I am going to do differently from last year? I have last years picture hanging from the walls of my memory. I have a choice to copy it stroke for stroke. Wisdom would allow me to stand back and see what works and does not work. I can make changes, add things, and take things away. It all starts over again with my first stroke. Hmm? which colour do I choose?Roy E. Klienwachter is an ordained minister,light worker, writer and author of Spiritual New Age Wisdom books written in simple language with the eloguence of Zen wisdom. http://www.klienwachter.com

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arrow right Saint Nick to Santa, the MOST extreme makeover?

It's the holiday season, and the first thing that comes to so many minds is presents, and who better to deliver these presents than Jolly Saint Nick himself. Chris Cringle, Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus, etc. etc. But who is this roly poly elf that sneaks around the living  room each year? Where did he come from? And -watch out kids- is he real!? In this article you'll see how Santa went from thin and worshiped to pudgy and present-giving.The first Europeans brought with them to the new World Saint Nicholas, and Columbus even named a Haitian port for the saint in 1492. Even the city now known as Jacksonville, Florida, was once known as Saint Nicholas Ferry. However, during the sixteenth century, there was a protestant reformation which took a low liking to saints. Although everyone tried to get rid of Saint Nick-related activity and custom, only the English traditions of Christmas were permanently altered. Since so many common people still liked Saint Nick, 'he' continued to place nuts, apples and sweets in any shoes left on the hearth, windowsill, or beside a bed.The colonists coming to America in the 1500's were mainly Puritans, and Protestant reformers who didn't bring Saint Nicholas with them. And although many think that the Dutch brought Saint Nicholas to New Amsterdam, scholors have little evidence of this. Germans in present-day Pennsylvania, however, held the feast of Saint Nicholas and several accounts tell that Saint Nick Himself visited the feast.In 1773, another Saint Nick-based occurance happened with the forming of the Sons of Saint Nicholas by the patriots. This, however was not to honor the bishop, but to blow a raspberry to the English St. George society. After the American Revolution, New Yorkers thought about their proud Dutch roots. John Pintard promoted St. Nicholas as the patron saint of Society and City. St. Nicholas as mentioned in

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arrow right Children?s Birthday Party Locations and Ideas

While most children's birthday parties are held at home, you may want to consider an offsite location.For starters, you won't have to be concerned about the current state of order and tidiness of your house. Plus using the cultural and recreational resources of the  community will broaden your child's horizons and introduce him or her to some wonderful experiences.Ask your child what she would like. Usually the party theme will reflect her interests, hobbies or sports.Here are some ideas to jumpstart your creativity.If your child loves sharks, what better place to be than the local aquarium where he can see sharks up close and personal.Then, there's the zoo, if he or she loves elephants and wants a jungle theme. Or maybe the local museum of natural history.Local history museums can make history real.The local art museum is a great place for the budding artist, a concert for the budding musician, the planetarium for the budding astronomer... you get the idea.The best part is that many such institutions have activities designed especially for children. Ask.There are entire institutions, like the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia, designed for children.Other cool ideas: Have a Pottery party: Facilities have opened up that allow you to paint on pottery. When you are finished, the staff will put it into a kiln for you. Most will host parties and many have special children's birthday party packages.A Day of Beauty: Recently, our local newspaper had an article about the popularity of makeovers as a party idea for preteens. Mom arranges with a local beauty school or beauty salon to have the group come in for an afternoon, where they have the run of the place.Roller skating rinks have packages where you can rent the use of a private room for an hour to enjoy light refreshments and cake. Then they are free to enjoy the facility. Keep in mind that rinks are very strict about scheduling.Ice skaters might enjoy a trip to the ice rink.Facilities like Chuck E. Cheese cater to birthday parties for young children.A group of girls may enjoy a luncheon in a neighborhood Chinese restaurant.Little Ladies' Tea Party: Many hotels will host teas. And they are happy to accommodate children. The kids can dress up and be princesses for the day. Many invite their favorite stuffed animals to the festivities and they can get important lessons in etiquette.In the summer, you may want to use your back yard for your children's birthday party. But if you don't have a large yard or you don't wish the event to be held there, check out neighborhood parks and playgrounds. Many will allow you to reserve a pavilion.Where else can you go for ideas?Try your city or town's local visitor or welcome center. Another source is the local library ? especially the children's department. These days, the internet is an invaluable resource. Local newspapers and magazines often have sections that feature local events and activities. Last, but not least, there is always word of mouth.Enjoy.About the Author:Ellen M. Zucker owns http://www.faces-and-fortunes-partytips.com a site where you can find advice on party and event planning from Party Pros. It includes tips, interviews, and advice on putting your event together from professionals who make parties and special events happen.For more information about planning your kid's party, go to http://www.faces-and-fortunes-partytips.com/childrensbirthdayparties.html

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right SALOME and HERODIAS, A Curious Mothers Day Story, Part 1 of 2 Parts

First, a disclaimer:This article requires information about John the Baptist, whose life and works and words are holy, divinely inspired, to Christians. The sources I've accessed are religious, historical, literary, exegetic, and anecdotal. In order to avoid disrespect for  the sacredness of the words and concepts with which Christians hold The Gospels and with which Jews hold The Torah, I've renamed both 'translated redactions.' I also use the euphemism, monotheistic god, to avoid any disrespect to any deity and religion. This is an essay designed to entertain and inform you, Dear Reader, not to cause any religious discussion or foment.Second, a thank you:To friend Pam and friend Vanessa, both of whom got my research juices going on Salome, whom, I believed, was trivial, too trivial even for our newsletter. It boiled down to "Who did she do the belly dance for?" I hadn't a clue, because I didn't think she was real. They both assured me she was a real person. I checked it out. Yup, she was real and...?she may have danced or may not have danced. But, if she did dance, it wasn't a belly dance that she did, nor was it a tap, the tango, or the quick step. The belly dance aspect was imagined in the late 19th century by some artistic guy, and we'll get there, later, when it's timely. She did perform, that much is true, and she performed for the host, her stepfather, at the instigation of the hostess, her mother, and their banquet guests.It was an entertainment interlude, and it occurred about the 1st century AD in a castle located in area called The Galilee. She may have performed in a play about some Greek mythological character or she may have been the one non-Bedouin ( a guest) in a troop of Bedouin entertainers who did folk dances that non-Bedouins enjoyed seeing. If it was the former, the structure of the play was rigid: it was a pantomime, with stringed instrumentals to keep the story line going, mime actors of both genders, all adults, and young children acrobatics of both genders. Everyone was masked. This was a troop of professional entertainers on the payroll of biggies, not a traveling group (a type not yet invented). They were probably on the payroll of her stepfather and she had time to practice with them before the banquet.If it was the latter, it was a dance, one with a lot of whirling and head tossing, by females in heavy blue robes with cowls, and there was a flute accompaniment. The company did not live in The Galilee, but were nomads from the desert between The Galilee and Arabia, who had come by request of the biggie. It is unlikely that Bedouin dancers were involved in this banquet, for they had to walk a fine line in their desert migrations, land that abutted both The Galilee and Arabia. at that time There was bad blood between Aretas IV King of Arabia and Antipas, stepfather of Salome, Tetrarch of The Galilee, the place where the banquet and the entertainment took place and the place where Salome lived. And, Salome would not have had time to practice the whirling and head tossing before the banquet.So, it was a Roman style play about Greek mythology that was probably performed as the intermediate event between courses or the closing event of a posh banquet. The host, her stepfather, was a Herod we'll call Antipas, (not as high as a King) and the hostess, her mother, was named Herodias (a former Queen, divorced from her 1st husband, Phillip, a King, and now married to a mere Tetrarch, making her a Tetrarchess, I guess). The guest list contained: nobles visiting from Rome, Roman nobles stationed in The Galilee by Rome, aristocrats from The Galilee and maybe Judea, and Antipas' Steward, Chuza. Some sources say the banquet was thrown by Herodias because it was Antipas' birthday, an unnecessary embellishment, to my way of thinking. Most sources are silent about the reason for the banquet, so I tend to go with most when it's a fact such as this kind. Any banquet takes preparation, whether you're a Queen, a Tetrarchess, or merely the wife of a mope. So, along with the food and seating plan, Herodias prepared for the entertainment and decided that Salome's participation in the entertainment would be the thing to do before the banquet took place. Herodias is described as a savvy kind of gal by the benign tellers of the tale (she's vilified by most) and Salome was her only child (by Phillip), so she probably made time to watch Salome rehearse. A lot was riding on Salome being real real good. Nothing anywhere says whether Salome wanted to be a part of the entertainment or was unwilling to be a part of the entertainment.Herodias planned a staid, Roman affair. It could not have been a bacchanal type banquet (similar to the present Wild On's on E!), as some sources suggest. There were stringent Roman rules about highborn women and what they can attend and do in while in attendance. Herodias was high born and from Judea. (Antipas, her second husband, was not as high born, coming from an Idumean father and possibly a Samarian mother.)Salome was just a kid at the time of the banquet. Some sources say she was a teenager, but they have to in order for other parts of the legend to fit. (We'll get to the other parts later.) I doubt if she was a nubile teenager. She was royalty, a Princess, in fact, with very good blood on her mother's side, Maccabean blood, which was respected even by Rome, who, by the way, had conquered Judea (and The Galilee) long before this time and made this area a part of their Empire. Modesty and chastity were required for this type female from a Roman standpoint and a Maccabean standpoint (her bloodline was matriarchal). She had to be dutiful, respectful, and learn at her mother's knee, an important custom amongst the Maccabean women. She was a good kid. So, she couldn't have been a teenager and allowed to perform. It would diminish her future value in the marriage market, Roman or otherwise, and it would have been a sin. I would opine she had to be less than Nadia Comaneci's age when she blew away the Olympic judges in 1976, but she was probably just as agile.It's probable that Herodias recognized her daughter's agility long before the banquet, for kids have a tendency to display what they're good at long before there's a use for the tendency. It could have been a genetic throwback to the time before the Maccabees were promoted to highborn, the time when the men were just about the best guerilla fighters in Judea and found the mountainous regions around Judea excellent terrain to entice their foes into combat. She was probably proud of this tendency and savvy enough to see a utilization for her own good. This also pre-supposes that Herodias might have had more contact in Salome's upbringing than Roman highborn mothers or that there was a lot of contact between highborn mothers and their daughters at that time. In either case, Herodias planned the banquet and the entertainment and included her agile daughter in the entertainment, making sure Salome rehearsed and would do a good job in the acrobatic kid part of the troop?a multi-tasking woman for sure.Protocol at posh and formal banquets where Roman mucky mucks were invited was stringent. This would have been very important to Antipas, also. He had been raised in Rome (maybe even a hostage child) and the land he administered at the time of the banquet had been bequeathed to him by Rome. Augustus (of the Cleopatra story) had handled the apportioning of Antipas' father's enormous estate when he, known as Herod The Great, died. Antipas was not happy with the way Poppa's estate was apportioned, felt he had gotten the short stick amongst his four brothers. (He had.) He would have been very, very Roman at this Roman banquet in order to make nice and have this get back to Rome.The men would have reclined on the equivalent of 1st century Barco-Loungers and ate lovely things and drank lovely wine moderately, while trading amusing stories and quips and bantering amongst each other. I'm not sure just what bantering is, but I am sure they bantered. They would have been arranged in a horseshoe pattern. The women guests and their hostess would have sat on chairs and I couldn't figure out where the chairs were placed, within the horseshoe in a line or outside the horseshoe in a line. But in any case, they would have sat on fancy, but hard backed, chairs in a line and would not have eaten, drunk wine, but I suggest they may have bantered. Their job was to just sit, all gussied up and smellin' good. (They would eat and drink, later, when they got home or when the guests left, depending on your perspective.)Salome could not have been invited. If she had been invited, she would have left her fancy, hard-backed chair vacant in order to get into costume and perform. Antipas would have noticed the empty chair and have asked someone, "Where did the kid go?" And, someone would have said, "She's going to perform." That would have taken the drama out of this next part of the story. Let's agree; she was not invited to the banquet.At the proper time, the play was performed, and the audience clapped after it was over. Antipas complimented the performers, then singled one out. Because it was Salome that was singled out, I believe she was one of the masked acrobats. It only makes sense. Antipas apparently didn't recognize the stepdaughter he had raised since infancy as the excellent acrobat in the play. Rather, he thought her one of the professionals, for if he had recognized her, he wouldn't have offered the giftreward. He just would have said, "Good job, sweetie. Go get washed. You'll catch cold." Therefore, because he didn't recognize her, he made a magnanimous gesture (It's not unlikely that he was showing off for the guests, for Antipas was a doodle-head, didn't think things through. We'll get to that, later.), and he offered the acrobat-Salome anything she desired as a gift from him for her fine performance. This is exactly what Herodias had planned to happen. She knew her guy pretty well and she knew her little girl real well. The benign tellers were right: she was a savvy gal.Since all sources attribute what comes next as engendered by Herodias, the acrobat-Salome had to have asked him to wait a minute and had to have gone to the chair line, where her mother and the other women were sitting, otherwise Herodias would not have been associated with what comes next. (It would have been only Salome who would have been associated with what comes next.). So, the mother and daughter had to have conferred quietly, while Antipas (and the guests) watched. Perhaps, Salome said, "Euwww," as kids do when they hear something revolting; or perhaps, not. She was a 1st century kid and they may have been different from 21st century kids. I think not. Kids are kids. She said "Euwww." Dutifully, she listened closely to what her mother told her and she probably repeated it back to Herodias, so that she got it right and straight. Then, she, the acrobat-Salome, came back to Antipas with the gift idea: the head of the long time prisoner John (who later became John the Baptist, but who was merely the prisoner John at this time) on a platter (which was probably not a platter, but a charger).It's possible that he recognized Salome at this point. It doesn't really matter. I do know he knew he had been set up by his wife, Herodias, via this acrobat-Salome, when he heard the performance reward. And he was startled and embarrassed and in a public quandary. It's possible he questioned the acrobat-Salome with an 'are you kidding? kind of question, while looking in Herodias' direction, who either shrugged her shoulders or nodded 'yes.' From a legal standpoint, he did not have to honor this acrobat-Salome's request, for it wasn't hers. It was Herodias.' But that's not how it went down.Everyone at the banquet knew there had been a big mad between Herodias and Antipas regarding John for a long, long time. She had wanted him killed outright for talking often and badly about her and her marriage to Antipas to everyone and anyone who would listen to him. John had labeled it incestuous and it was, kind of, but by only a technicality, like the small print in a big long contract. Herodias' first husband, the Herod we're calling Phillip, was Antipas' half brother. They shared the same father, Herod The Great, but had different mothers. Phillip was still living in Judea where he was King (Rome gave him a large portion of his father's estate, larger than Antipas..) and as long as Phillip lived, Herodias and Antipas had an incestuous marriage. As soon as he died, it would be an okay marriage. But, he hadn't died, yet.Although it was the gossip that bothered Herodias (A good spin doctor would have helped, but they were 2000 years down the road in development.), it was the religious twist John put on the technical incest that bothered Antipas. John attributed all the stuff that had gone wrong in The Galilee since they married (and stuff had gone wrong, for Antipas was a doodle-head) to the marriage. And, John said that the monotheistic god was angry with her, more than Antipas, because of her good Maccabean blood (a mix of Idumean and Samarian blood results in a person that the monotheistic god doesn't expect much from), and would stay angry with her and get more so, so the anger would spill over to the whole of The Galilee, until she and Antipas split (or, I guess, until Phillip died, a factor that was out of her hands).People listened to that kind of stuff at that time and in that place and they got real scared. A monotheistic god's anger was a terrible thing. Famine, drought, disease, pestilence, flood, invasion, even eclipse ? anything could happen when a monotheistic god was angry. While there hadn't been famine, drought, disease, pestilence, flood, invasion, or even an eclipse in The Galilee, Antipas had lost a war, his first, with Nabatea, their neighbor in Arabia.Herodias could have been a vulnerable position should important people have listened to John's predictions. Luckily for her, the important people had other things on their mind. Antipas said 'no' to killing John and 'yes' to imprisoning him, believing that would shut John up. Some sources said Antipas had a feeling that John's predictions were true; others said he had a feel for the monotheistic deity. Still others say he was merely acting like a political animal, notably, a fox. At any rate, John was not killed, but imprisoned, and he had been languishing in the prison for many years at the time of the banquet.Now, killing a local prisoner was no big deal anywhere in the 1st century world of the Roman Empire and having a prisoner killed to reward an agile acrobat was stretching the reward idea, but... it could work. The thing is that the head on a plattercharger was the note that made it a bigger deal. This touch was a gruesome, certainly barbaric, dramatic thing and would cause a scandal and gossip all over Judea and in Rome, what Antipas did not need if he were to ever get any more land from his dead father's estate from Rome. (And it did, for Flavius Josephus in his book, "Antiquities," writing to and for Rome about 100 years after the event ,included the event for it was still so juicy. This, by the way, is how we know about some parts of it.) (An important question occurs to me and that is this: How and where did Herodias get this notion? The very best I can come up with is the Greek myth of Perseus and Medusa and their fight to death. Perseus won. He decapitated Medusa and waved her head around and took it a bunch of places as a talisman. It must have been awful after a time. Maybe that's where she got it, for she was well educated. Perhaps, she then pragmatically adapted it to the opportune situation at hand. Beheading was a popular type of death and an honorable type of execution for criminals and warriors amongst the Romans and the Maccabees and the Arabians. This, I discovered, from plunking around on the Internet to some very weird websites. I don't recommend you check this out for yourself. Truthfully, I cannot imagine where she got this embellishment. One of these weird websites calls her talented.)The doodle-head complied.A messenger was sent to the fortress named Macharerus (now called Mukawir) in an area called The Perea (now part of Amman, Jordan) where John was imprisoned. A nameless guard cut off his head, and got a messenger to convey it to the castle somewhere in The Galilee, where the banquet guests were waiting, the males still bantering with one another, I guess, to pass the time; the females still sitting quietly on their hard chairs, smellin' good. The acrobat-Salome probably went off somewhere to bathe and change clothes, then returned to the banquet room to stand next to her (talented) Momma or stand with the performers. The guards put the headless body somewhere, waited for further orders.I couldn't find out how far away the area The Parea was from The Galilee, for I couldn't pin down exactly what city the castle was located in the area known as The Galilee, then, the area where the banquet occurred. Let's believe it wasn't terribly far, so the messenger conveying the head could get from there to there quick. He arrived and a kitchen servant brought a plattercharger (No one knows if it was a platter made out of silver, gold, porcelain, or stoneware. In fact, no one cared. Furthermore, it may not have been a platter, but a charger, which is larger than a plate and smaller than a platter and rested under a plate at a table service and was often of precious metal. Since it's a Roman banquet, people took morsels of this and that from servant-held chargers, didn't have a table service at all. They were reclining.) where the head was placed. Another servant, a serving type, brought the head to the banquet hall and stood in front of Antipas. It's possible he directed the servant to acrobat-Salome, who took the plattercharger and gave it to her Mother. One redactor source makes Herodias even more gruesome stating: she got a sword and stabbed the tongue. This is an embellishment that even Flavius Josephus didn't believe, so he doesn't mention it. What she really did with it, I don't know. (People who thought John had a direct line to the monotheistic god requested his body and his head from Antipas, who released both parts to them. They took it to an area called Samaria, which was close to The Perea, and buried it.)What happened after this part of the banquet took place, I don't know. I imagine some guy yawned and said, "It's been quite an evening. I think it's time to get going." And the guests all went to their lodgings. It's probable that Antipas and Herodias had a long conversation, after the guests left. When they were alone in their private rooms, he probably opened the conversation with: "We never talk anymore, Herodias. Tell me what's going on with you." Salome, who had been up long past her normal bedtime, was probably overtired and went to sleep or was put to sleep immediately.And there you have it. Salome didn't dance, didn't wear veils, and had a strong bond with her Mother.End of Part 1Barbara Nell, publisher of The Perspicacious Woman OnLine (C), a bi-monthly fashion magazine now in its 10th year of publication, has been a closet bug on history all her life.

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arrow right Mommy...Daddy...Is There Really A Santa Claus?

Is there really a Santa Claus? Any parent who hasn't been faced with this question most likely will at some point. But how do you answer this? No one wants to crush a child's dreams of Santa and holiday magic.Some kids, like me, are crushed at school when they hear from a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Ill Be Home For Christmas

Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 29, 2004I have been married 25 years. We come from completely different backgrounds. I grew up in a large family in a small town, and we were poor. My husband is an only child, privileged, and he was given everything by his  parents. This continued throughout all our married life.The house we moved into, against my wishes, is theirs. It was

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arrow right Virtual Assistants... Even Santa Needs One!

Trying to fit all the planning and preparing and celebrating of the holiday season into an already busy schedule can bring a lot of stress to a time of year that's supposed to be full of peace. These days, even Santa needs help making his list and checking it  twice!Fortunately, help is available. Virtual Assistants, or VA's, offer a wide range of services designed to save you time and lighten your workload, which is more important than ever at this busy time of year. Here are a few ways a VA can help make your Christmas merry:Research gifts onlinePlan work for the new yearOnline Christmas shoppingSend e-greetings to your contactsMake holiday travel arrangementsPlan your Christmas event or partyAdd special holiday content to your websiteSend out announcements of your holiday promotionsSend out

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   3 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...