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సంఘము » సందేశాలు - పేజీ 22

arrow right Laser Attack, EA, Scalar Attack on Composite Manufactured Vehicles

More and more future fighting vehicles introduced at the Military Trade Shows in Pakistan, China, Israel seem to contain composite material as integral components to save weight. This composite material is lightweight and has many advantages to the high cost of exotic  alloy. Composite is also free from the corrosive properties of aluminum and rusting properties of iron. It is for this reason we will world fighting vehicles switch to composite components whenever heavy armor is not needed. We will also see a trend towards ceramic-composite combinations in substitute for steel armor. Lighter war vehicles, harder to see on radar, lighter and faster, greater range and longer lasting to deal with seasonal changes on the surface of the planet causing rust and corrosion.These vehicles having these advantages also have a disadvantage of scalar or laser attack. If our weaponry can cause the material to over heat the composite will give off toxic fumes, which will kill the occupants or cause them to flee the vehicle. Thus for every vehicles which is abandoned our forces achieve one more fighting vehicle. Anyone who has ever played "Risk" will realize that it takes a lot less time to manufacture a new modern war-fighting vehicle than to capture one free of charge. We are currently building Future Fighting Vehicles, which contain composite components for the same reason that other arms traders and manufacturers are around he world. Since we all countries capable of fighting a modern war will have these composite made vehicles, it makes sense that any future adversary will make, buy, sell or use such weapons against us. If a partially composite constructed fighting vehicle is to be manned then sending in a laser or scalar wave to super heat the vehicle is a relevant tactic. Overwhelming the human occupants to get them to abandon the vehicles or to help them pre-maturely expire will add one more vehicle to our side and help quickly reduce the threat, thus win the battle.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Flying a Beach Ball UFO

Recently some NASA Scientists were able to fly a MAV; Micro Air Vehicle using a laser to power it and then chase it around the room with the laser beam? Sounds like kids stuff, yet is has some incredible applications for other things. For instance we could use Whispering  Windows and Talking Glass Technologies to propel helium filled beach ball. Here is how I propose we do this. First we put a small whispering windows transducer in the center of the proposed flying beach ball to excite the helium molecules, we then send a directional sound wave (yes this technology exists)http://www.atcsd.com/tl_hss.htmlhttp://www.atcsd.com/pdf/HSS%20Product%20Sheet.pdfto a crystal shaped receiver in the center of the beach ball which focuses the sound on the transducer, which would vibrate the inside walls of the ball and excite the helium molecules. Just turn it on and allow the beach ball to fly like there is no tomorrow when the directional sound wave is turned off the beach ball slowly floats back to earth until you hit it again with the sound beam.Why? Well, because you could put a camera on it to view the ground from an aerial view? You could make a largescale version to lift things or transport things. There are endless applications for this. Just like there are endless applications for the Whispering Windows Technologies See Below:Whispering WindowsTalking glass, which was featured recently in the famous Tom Cruise Movie "Minority Report" where advertising would spring to life and communicate with the actor; is not new science. In fact it has been around since the 1940's and some believe that the ghost of Lincoln, which was discussed in the biographies of Richard Nixon as being in the White House when looking at his picture on the wall was Whispering Windows Technology. In other words unfortunately ghosts do not exist in the white house at all. These technologies where called "Terfonal Devices" and were developed by scientists at the University of Iowa and were primarily used to enhance sonar capabilities. Today you can buy a small personal device for your mirror at home to tell you that you look great or use the mirror as a speaker for your favorite music.The talking glass advertisements to day use "magnetostriction," that of course being a real fancy name for a hockey puck size transducer unit made of Terfonal-D alloy which is a blend of various rare alloys, which is attached to the flat surface via a small inconspicuous wire. This rapid shape changing attached transducer is then hooked up to an amplifier. This allows the glass to vibrate at up to 20,000 times per second producing sound.What is interesting is that marketers of retail stores have found ways to hook this to counter tops, tales, windows, mannequins, shelves and even walls. The company which produces this is Entrema Products in Ames, IA;http://www.etrema-usa.com .This is hardly a new science but it could be used for many other purposes as well. For instance we could hook this up to a heads up display unit and miniaturize it. It could be used for Heads Up Displays in attack helicopters, Racing, Private Jet Aircraft. It could be used to read your airspeed on landing in a corporate jet. It could be used on the space shuttle to read out altitude, speed, heat, angles on re-entry. It could be used on Docking Maneuvers of spacecraft boarding the ISS. It could be used for pilots landing on aircraft carriers. It could be incorporated into night vision systems, combat Army tanks, gun sites. We could use it for satellite controller ground stations. It would work for UAV tele-robotics. Tanker ship navigation in channels, Heavy equipment crane operations, Sea World, teaching in simulated environments. Prisons, funny farm or drug rehabilitation facilities. Schools, universities and technical training learning places.It would well in Virtual Reality Environments, Augmented Reality, or even video games where you turned your windows into elements of a 360-degree sound system. The possibilities are endless. Think about it.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part III

If we bring the locusts to a feasting area of green cut up bio-waste to allow them to turn that into methane and protein, then we will be able to win the game. We must first limit the areas for egg laying so we do not end up with red-goo syndrome and runaway locust  populations. This can be done by; pancake stacking, similar to bread racks moist sand in trays, about 4 inches thick and ten inches apart. Sprinkled with grass clippings like a light snow or dust upon the ground. Once the Adult females have laid their egg pods they have fulfilled their biological mission and need as per their genetic software code and will of course need to repeat this every six weeks or so. These little fulfilled species will be happy and we as humans get the best of all worlds, protein, energy and solving of a plight upon the earth.So if you cannot beat them, eat them? Sounds like good advice. And while we are taking "Sound" we should remember this is how we will control them by using acoustic frequency energy to create an artificial barrier which the locusts will wish to stay with it's boundary. Just like for the most part humans are bound by gravity, time and distances thru space. We are stuck here on Earth and seem to be most content to fulfill our biological needs, to be born, procreate, create a little controversy and chaos, sound and fury and then die, without really effecting much outside our realm here on Earth.When a swarm erupts we spring into action with aircraft which are equipped with acoustic wave devices which corral the locust swarm into a tighter pattern and funnel them to the nearest dump site with some bio-waste, we then keep feeding the swarm with more bio-waste until we are ready to again move the swarm. Each region of more than 500 miles will have a locust farm for energy and protein food. Each bio waste site will be set up in a pentagon grid pattern throughout regions know to have locusts plagues as per history and known population of adult locusts. The new populations of locust swarms brought into the farms will keep the local populations healthy with bio-diversity and prevent species-specific diseases which might later kill off the locusts in the farm and may eventually jump species and cause a problem in our human food supply.Desert Locusts will fly at speeds of 10 mph to 13 mph, the swarms can travel up to 80 miles per day, Locusts have been known to cross the red sea in swarms (about 180 miles). There is a documented case where swarm migrations in 1954 went from North-West Africa to the British Isles. In one documented case the insects went from West Africa to the Caribbean in about ten days in 1988, 5000 km. Solitary Desert Locusts fly at night and the gregarious adults in swarms fly during the daylight times. With such distances this insect seems to be natures perfect corral able food supply. We will use several aircraft with UAVs in formation as flying barriers with sonic guidance equipment to steer these locusts to the designated point.To get locusts to swarm is really easy, they change behavior when they are in tight density as the population in an area swells they take to travel, becoming highly mobile. They typically act as an individual insect, but have swarming capabilities and behavior patterns as well, so by increasing the populations they will have swarming innate characteristics. The locusts even begin to change colors going from brown to pink or yellow. The pink locusts are the younger and the yellow are the adults. At one time these different colors were thought to be different species and if you look at some of the older encyclopedias you will still see that mistake. By combing the desert with sonic finders we can round up locusts and force them into smaller and smaller areas until they take flight, then we guide their natural migration to a pointed suited to their goal, food supply and procreation points.We will eventually in the future be able to round these locusts up with UAVs using GPS Satellite Way Points.Most weather satellites and GeoSats cannot see Locust Migrations and Swarms, but since this is a World Security Issue; the most advanced and sophisticated Boeing, Hughes and Lockheed Spy Satellites will be used to track the locusts swarms and assist the aircraft and UAVs as they corral the swarms.www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/navigators/plague.htmlAircraft and UAVs can be later replaced with specially designed: mini blimp UAVs with nano-covered skin, which the locusts cannot eat through, but the skin remains light weight for maximum payload (NASA is testing such material now). The Blimp will move relatively slow and can stay with slow moving locusts guiding them around villages, farmer fields, livestock and surface mammals. In studying the different frequencies that farmers use to control pests, this technique is already proven. There are many organic thinking farmers who are trying to reduce pesticides and use sound instead. One interesting program is in Washington State in Yakima where apple growers have been highly successful in keeping insects from the trees. Farmers today are dealing with this problem today in Israel:www.cbc.ca/cp/world/041121/w112118.htmlwww.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=856504&fid=942www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/503999.html

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Hyper Sound Wave Emissions to Quiet Helicopters

It is possible to disrupt the sound waves coming from a flying helicopter and re-direct those sound waves up. This would mean on a day with no clouds you would not be able to hear the helicopter from the ground. If our International Terrorist enemies cannot hear them, they  are much safer from being shot down. The hyper sound waves would be emitted from the skids on the helicopters and face upward like a cone. Careful consideration would be made so the hyper sound emissions would not cause an unbalanced resonance or detrimental harmonic situation to the aircraft. The mixing of the sound waves; the actual sound from the helicopter rotor blades and the aircraft's engines along with the introduced hyper sound waves together would also be studied perhaps at the Boeing Companies Apache Attack Helicopter Center to make sure that the sum of the sounds or the difference of the sound waves did not create frequencies which would screw up communication or cause harmonic imbalance. Hyper Sound Wave Emissions to quiet helicopters might be just what we need. The sound of silence, ah, so sweet indeed.One the hyper sound waves cancelled out or redirected the helicopters sound the enemy on the ground would not hear them coming and have less time to make ready, point, aim and fire a shoulder launched surface to air missile. The element of surprise in offensive operations also holds keys to successful battlespace out comes and kill ratios. Think about the sound, it could save our soldiers lives?

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Einstein Half Dead

100 years ago Albert Einstein developed his Relativity Theory of physics that claimed that the universe is actually based on a space-time-gravity continuum (a non-mechanical version of Rene Descartes' earlier mechanical ether theory) and with time as variable and  relative.Einstein believed that his theory disproved

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arrow right Where Do Insects Go When It Rains?

Have you ever wondered where insects go when it rains? We have all seen a poor unfortunate spider washed down the plughole so we know how vulnerable they are to rushing water. Surely then, isn't rain one of their worst enemies?Sorry, but this is one of these "it depends"  things. It depends on the volume of the rain and the insect. If rain is light to moderate, most insects will take this in their stride. Just like us, they will take shelter. You may find insects under leaves or rock crevices. If the rain is light enough they may be quite happy to stay out and even enjoy it a little.If the rain is heavy then things can be quite different. Insects that frequent water more often, like mosquitoes and water skaters will negotiate rising, flooding and flowing water with more ease. Those insects that are more used to dry land will be the most affected. Larger insects will cling to whatever shelter they can find until they are eventually washed along by running water. Depending on the insect, they will configure themselves to float on the water whilst protecting themselves. In general is not common for insects to drown. Many will simply be displaced and found themselves in new surroundings. Some, though, will inevitably perish.Small burrowing insects - like ants - are good at finding air pockets in underground burrows, even during flooding and flowing water. They require very little oxygen and can survive for weeks using air pockets that are always available even in densely flooded areas. Once the waters subside there will be a high rate of survival amongst small insects that have found these air pockets, though ants, for example, will probably go about finding a new drier nest at the earliest opportunity.It is thought that insects can

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Tactile Squeegee for Plexiglas Windows

Cleaning Plexiglas windows is not easy, you have to be careful to apply the right amount of pressure. Too little pressure and you do not clean it very well. Too much pressure and you end up scratching it. For many years I had washed and cleaned aircraft with Plexiglas  windshields.www.AircraftWashGuys.comIt was always a challenge with the bugs on the windows, which even on a private plane will be pelted on at 150 plus knots and then melted in the hot sun. You cannot use too much of certain cleaners for they do nothing more but haze the windscreen and make it less transparent, which can cause issues with being able to see on-coming aircraft traffic. Something the size of a bug on the window could be another aircraft only 5 miles away traveling at you very fast, add that to your airspeed and you can see the seriousness of a clean windscreen.A squeegee sponge unit should be built to deliver a soft creamy fluid to the cleaning tool while operating small actuators of tactile sensors to control the pressure exerted onto the plexigas. Many Plexiglas windscreens on all kinds of high tech toys, aircraft and devices are molded and curved making it tough to clean quickly and evenly. Visibility is important and we need to maintain that on our human tools, which incorporate Plexiglas for windows due to its lightweight and often, flexible attributes over the brittle characteristics of glass.Windshield wipers on a car are made of rubber and the rubber bends with the curvature of the windows, which works well and are incorporated into every car. But cars have glass windshields which do not scratch very easy as the hardness of glass is a "9" on a scale of 1-10. Where as Plexiglas is not even in the ballpark; in the future most likely we will be looking through transparent nano-tubes. The thin and much stronger nano-tube windshields will be designed to display instrumentation on the windshield as well as automatically create shading from direct sunlight. These nano-tubes will be 100 times stronger than steel and some may choose to make their entire houses out of the stuff, allowing light in at times and making them opaque at other times. But for now we need a better Plexiglas squeegee type device to prevent scratches during cleaning. Since we currently have this technology available to us and in use in modern robotics, haptics and tactile sensor research we need to immediately use it to re-design the modern day squeegee. It would sure help window cleaning companies; www.WindowWashGuys.com.The right team of engineers could come up with something fairly quickly and it would be readily marketable to aviation enthusiasts and industry alike. Think on this.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Phishing - Identity Theft & Credit Card Fraud

What is Phishing? Phishing is a relatively newly coined term for a kind of method for harvesting information for identity theft. Phishing is quite simply providing a person with false information or credentials to trick them in to giving you their personal information. This  is done by a form of social engineering, by posing as a different person or organization that you already trust.How does Phishing Work? The most common form of Phishing is done by sending out fraudulent e-mails, that lead back to websites that look legitimate. Normally an e-mail is sent to a huge amount of people stating in very general terms that you should come to their website and update your information, or provide them with some new information they need, or some other similar excuse. When you click on the link in the e-mail it will take you to a website that looks very similar to the one you are expecting, you enter your information, and now they've got you. Another method is to open a popup windows asking information, on top of the real legitimate website.How can I identify a scam e-mail? There are several major things to look out for that will lead you to believe the e-mail is fraudulent. Quite often the e-mails will be HTML based, not plain text, this allows them to put active links that display a legitimate website, but the coding behind it takes you to a different website.Often new websites are registered with altered spellings of major corporations and organizations, or the link will lead directly to an IP address (ie instead of a website domain (ie www.website.com).Another very quick way to identify a false e-mail is to see who it is address to. Normally e-mails that are fraudulent in nature are addressed to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right All About Computer Viruses

Your computer is as slow as molasses. Your mouse freezes every 15 minutes, and that Microsoft Word program just won't seem to open.You might have a virus.Just what exactly is a virus? What kind is in your computer? How did it get there? How is it spreading and wreaking such  havoc? And why is it bothering with your computer anyway?Viruses are pieces of programming code that make copies of themselves, or replicate, inside your computer without asking your explicit written permission to do so. Forget getting your permission down on paper. Viruses don't bother to seek your permission at all! Very invasive.In comparison, there are pieces of code that might replicate inside your computer, say something your IT guy thinks you need. But the code spreads, perhaps throughout your office network, with your consent (or at least your IT guy's consent). These types of replicating code are called agents, said Jimmy Kuo, a research fellow with McAfee AVERT, a research arm of anti-virus software-maker McAfee Inc.In this article, though, we're not talking about the good guys, or the agents. We'll be talking about the bad guys, the viruses.A long, long time ago in computer years, like five, most viruses were comprised of a similar breed. They entered your computer perhaps through an email attachment or a floppy disk (remember those?). Then they attached themselves to one of your files, say your Microsoft Word program.When you opened your Microsoft Word program, the virus replicated and attached itself to other files. These could be other random files on your hard drive, the files furthest away from your Microsoft Word program, or other files, depending on how the virus writer wanted the virus to behave.This virus code could contain hundreds or thousands of instructions. When it replicates it inserts those instructions, into the files it infects, said Carey Nachenberg, Chief Architect at Symantec Research Labs, an arm of anti-virus software-maker Symantec. Corp.Because so many other types of viruses exist now, the kind just described is called a classic virus. Classic viruses still exist but they're not quite as prevalent as they used to be. (Perhaps we could put classic viruses on the shelf with Hemingway and Dickens.)These days, in the modern era, viruses are known to spread through vulnerabilities in web browsers, files shared over the internet, emails themselves, and computer networks.As far as web browsers are concerned, Microsoft's Internet Explorer takes most of the heat for spreading viruses because it's used by more people for web surfing than any other browser.Nevertheless, "Any web browser potentially has vulnerabilities," Nachenberg said.For instance, let's say you go to a website in IE you have every reason to think is safe, Nachenberg said.But unfortunately it isn't. It has virus code hidden in its background that IE isn't protecting you from. While you're looking at the site, the virus is downloaded onto your computer, he said. That's one way of catching a nasty virus.During the past two years, another prevalent way to catch a virus has been through downloads computer users share with one another, mostly on music sharing sites, Kuo said. On Limewire or Kazaa, for instance, teenagers or other music enthusiasts might think they're downloading that latest Justin Timberlake song, when in reality they're downloading a virus straight into their computer. It's easy for a virus writer to put a download with a virus on one of these sites because everyone's sharing with everyone else anyway.Here's one you might not have thought of. If you use Outlook or Outlook Express to send and receive email, do you have a preview pane below your list of emails that shows the contents of the email you have highlighted? If so, you may be putting yourself at risk.Some viruses, though a small percentage according to Nachenberg, are inserted straight into emails themselves.Forget opening the attachment. All you have to do is view the email to potentially get a virus, Kuo added. For instance, have you ever opened or viewed an email that states it's "loading"? Well, once everything is "loaded," a virus in the email might just load onto your computer.So if I were you, I'd click on View on the toolbar in your Outlook or Outlook Express and close the preview pane. (You have to click on View and then Layout in Outlook Express.)On a network at work? You could get a virus that way. Worms are viruses that come into your computer via networks, Kuo said. They travel from machine to machine and, unlike, the classic viruses, they attack the machine itself rather than individual files.Worms sit in your working memory, or RAM, Nachenberg said.OK, so we've talked about how the viruses get into a computer. How do they cause so much damage once they're there?Let's say you've caught a classic virus, one that replicates and attacks various files on your computer. Let's go back to the example of the virus that initially infects your Microsoft Word program.Well, it might eventually cause that program to crash, Nachenberg said. It also might cause damage to your computer as it looks for new targets to infect.This process of infecting targets and looking for new ones could eventually use up your computer's ability to function, he said.Often the destruction a virus causes is pegged to a certain event or date and time, called a trigger. For instance, a virus could be programmed to lay dormant until January 28. When that date rolls around, though, it may be programmed to do something as innocuous but annoying as splash popups on your screen, or something as severe as reformat your computer's hard drive, Nachenberg said.There are other potential reasons, though, for a virus to cause your computer to be acting slow or in weird ways. And that leads us to a new segment ? the reason virus writers would want to waste their time creating viruses in the first place.The majority of viruses are still written by teenagers looking for some notoriety, Nachenberg said. But a growing segment of the virus-writing population has other intentions in mind.For these other intentions, we first need to explain the "backdoor" concept.The sole purpose of some viruses is to create a vulnerability in your computer. Once it creates this hole of sorts, or backdoor, it signals home to mama or dada virus writer (kind of like in E.T.). Once the virus writer receives the signal, they can use and abuse your computer to their own likings.Trojans are sometimes used to open backdoors. In fact that is usually their sole purpose, Kuo said.Trojans are pieces of code you might download onto your computer, say, from a newsgroup. As in the Trojan War they are named after, they are usually disguised as innocuous pieces of code. But Trojans aren't considered viruses because they don't replicate.Now back to the real viruses. Let's say we have Joe Shmo virus writer. He sends out a virus that ends up infecting a thousand machines. But he doesn't want the feds on his case. So he instructs the viruses on the various machines to send their signals, not of course to his computer, but to a place that can't be traced. Hotmail email happens to be an example of one such place, Kuo said.OK, so the virus writers now control these computers. What will they use them for?One use is to send spam. Once that backdoor is open, they bounce spam off of those computers and send it to other machines, Nachenberg said.That's right. Some spam you have in your email right now may have been originally sent to other innocent computers before it came to yours so that it could remain in disguise. If the authorities could track down the original senders of spam, they could crack down on spam itself. Spam senders don't want that.Ever heard of phishing emails? Those are the ones that purport to be from your internet service provider or bank. They typically request some information from you, like your credit card number. The problem is, they're NOT from your internet service provider or your bank. They're from evil people after your credit card number! Well, these emails are often sent the same way spam is sent, by sending them via innocent computers.Of course makers of anti-virus software use a variety of methods to combat the onslaught of viruses. Norton, for instance, uses signature scanning, Nachenberg said.Signature scanning is similar to the process of looking for DNA fingerprints, he said. Norton examines programming code to find what viruses are made of. It adds those bad instructions it finds to its large database of other bad code. Then it uses this vast database to seek out and match the code in it with similar code in your computer. When it finds such virus code, it lets you know!©2004 by Kara GloverFeel Free to reprint this article in newsletters and on websites, with resource box included. If you use this article, please send a brief message to let me know where it appeared: kara333@earthlink.netAbout The AuthorKara Glover is a Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter. You can find her articles and tutorials on topics such as Microsoft Word®, Excel®, and PowerPoint® on her website: http://www.karathecomputertutor.comkara333@earthlink.net

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Spyware, What It Is, What It Does, And How To Stop It

Spyware is software that runs on a personal computer without the knowledge or consent of the owner of that computer. The Spyware then collects personal information about the user or users of the infected computer. The personal information collected is usually the name of  the user; the users email address, Websites visited, online shopping habits, as well as various other information about the user.Spyware is also sometimes known as Scumware, and Adware. Although Adware is slightly different in that the makers claim that the users are aware that they are collecting information about the user. Sometimes this is true, other times it is not. Many times these terms are used interchangeably because many feel that they present the same problems. This however goes to the definition of what Spyware is, making it sometimes difficult to combat from a legal standpoint. This is generally due to how Adware works in that the user downloads a program that they feel is useful for some reason and, that program also collects user information as described above. Although the government is currently taking steps to protect users from these programs it is a slow process because of the current definitions.Once this information is collected, the Spyware then can send your personal information to advertisers that will then send you targeted advertisements through annoying popups, and spam in your email. They can also hijack your web browser and redirect you to a page that they want you to see with their advertising targeted to you through your personal information. This redirecting is sophisticated enough to notice what you are attempting to purchase on one site and can redirect you to another site with the same or similar products so that you make the purchase through them.In addition to the problems of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Computer Viruses, Worms, and Hoaxes

In recent days, I was one of the unfortunate persons to receive the "Mydoom" worm emails. Not just one, but at least forty appeared in my popserver mailbox. As frustrating as it was deleting all of these nasty little boogers, I realized that some of these "worm" emails even  came from persons I knew - or so I thought I knew.The problem with the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Eliciting Constructive Website Feedback

"It's good.""You've done a nice job.""I don't like it."At some point, you have probably received comments like this when asking for constructive criticism of your website efforts. Unfortunately, the generic nature of these comments does not give specific information on  elements that you need to improve your site.So how do you elicit specific, constructive, targeted feedback from the public in order to improve your website? The seven techniques below, when implemented properly, will give you the constructive feedback you need to make your website the best it can be.1. Ask both closed-ended and open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions, such as

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Fighting Cellulite and Winning

Cellulite ? a word most women are very familiar with. Cellulite is the formation of tiny dimples on the skin, usually appearing on the thighs and your bottom.Now dimples were really cute when we were children, but the puffy puckering dimples we find on our body are a curse  to most women. Statistics say that over 80% of women develop cellulite.Cellulite is very difficult to treat. Cellulite is constructed of small pockets of waste and studies indicate is tied to poor circulation and a sluggish metabolism.The most effective treatment involves enhancing your natural cellular function and speeding up your metabolism so it is better capable of eliminating toxic waste from the body.There is a huge selection of cellulite remedies on the market, all claiming to reduce or rid the body of cellulite. It's pretty easy to get caught up in the hype of the miracle cellulite cure.So how does one determine what will or will not help? Below is useful information to help you make an intelligent choice. Up until recently most of the treatments for sale were merely topical treatments which by themselves are not very effective at treating cellulite.It is important to remember that until now very few if any remedies were more than simple topical treatments, which alone are not very effective in treating cellulite. There are many creams on the market the mix combinations of vitamins, herbs, and antioxidants. Some will do no more than make your skin appear smoother and healthier.Although a superficial treatment, it will reduce the appearance of the cellulite areas.The better creams will contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and ingredients that stimulate the flow of blood. Cellulite areas are damaged skin pockets which are normally dehydrated. . Increasing the blood flow and reducing inflammation help the skin repair itself. The best treatment comes from the inside out.We've all heard the commercials or ad campaigns that claim that "their cream" can decrease the size of the thigh and repair cellulite.What these products actually do is draw waste water away from the area, thus temporarily decreasing the size of the thigh and the appearance of the cellulite. This is "not" a cure, but a temporary fix. Any size you lost will be regained as soon as you drink water. Body size is not relevant to having or not having cellulite.Topical cellulite remedies can be beneficial, however they have little effect if they are used alone. Creams reach only the epidermis [top layer] of the skin. They are unable to penetrate the dermis where much of the damage is.Because they are unable to penetrate the dermis layer and fight the skin damage, many of these treatments are not successful. The surface dimpling caused by cellulite is merely a symptom of the underlying cause.To reverse the damage you must go beyond treating the top skin layer. Internal treatments and technological treatments can be very successful in treating the underlying problem. Combine science and nature with your topical treatments for real help.To "really" fight celluloid you need to go within the body. By working inside the body and outside with topical treatments, you'll have a better chance of fighting cellulite.The more of them that you use, the more success you will be in reducing, preventing, and even eliminating your cellulite.It is very important to strengthen blood vessels/increase blood flow. Strengthening blood vessels and increasing blood flow you increase circulation.Increasing circulation will then allow more blood flow to the celluloid areas so the body will better be able to break down the toxic areas.The first stages of cellulite and are not visible to the naked eye. The first stages are the result of blood vessels breaking down. Nutrients reach the skin via blood vessels and when the blood vessels are unable to feed nutrients to the skin damage occurs. This damage is called cellulite.It is very important that the right nutrients are actually able to reach the areas that need them. Feed your body antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, water, and collagen. These will act as reinforcements to help nutrients reach the affected areas. etc., the skin has no way to attain reinforcements. It eventually loses the battle to celluliteIt is important to encourage the Production of connective tissue. This can be done by increasing production of the matrix (GAGs) that make up connective tissue in your body. A strong dermis will help in preventing and repairing cellulite.The connective tissue is the primary water reservoir for your entire body, so it stands to reason if you have healthy connective tissue your body will be much better able to hydrate itself when needed, keep all of your cells, from your liver to your skin, supplied with their ideal component of water, thereby functioning at their optimal level.The most important Internal needed to form GAGs in your body, is glucosamine. Glucosamine is the primary building block of GAGs. Your body also needs B vitamins and trace minerals so that your body can metabolize the glucosamine into GAGs.It is also important to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Your body needs ample collagen and elastin to keep the connective tissue strong. When the dermis is strong, fat cells are not able to break through and appear on the surface, with the familiar dimples.Your need to supply the body with amino acids to build collagen and elastin.Make sure that your cells are fully hydrated. De-hydrated cells become weak and are then unable to hold back the fat from surfacing. By drinking plenty of fluids you keep your body hydrated, which revitalizes your cells.They are then able to push the cellulite forming fat cells back below the surface into the deeper layers of the skin. Keeping your body hydrated has other benefits also, it will keep your skin looking young and beautiful and allow you to better fight disease and infection.By optimizing the health of your cells they will be able to function at peak levels. Your skin will look younger, smoother, and overall more beautiful.It is also important to ensure waste is properly removed from the body. If your body is retaining wasted water it can cause problems such as bloating, weight gain, edema, and puffy eyes. It also interferes with your body's ability to repair cellulite damage.All of us are exposed to the damage caused by free-radicals. Free radical damage occurs from many sources, such as sun exposure, smoking, and a poor diet.Free radicals damage the skin making it more susceptible to cellulite. The best way to prevent and repair free-radical damage is with the use of antioxidants, both topically and internally.Your body responds to damage by rushing defensive nutrients to the affected area. It accomplishes this by dilating the blood vessels and releasing specific chemicals.What you witness is the skin becoming warm and red. This is inflammation. Prolonged inflammation causes the free-radical damage and cell wall deterioration that it is attempting to prevent.That is why it is so important to use soothing ingredients, both topically and internally, to calm inflammation before it begins doing more harm than good. Anti-inflammatories are widely available in a variety of products.Exfoliation is a must. By the time we reach adulthood, the rate our cells turnover has drastically decreased, leaving us with a surface of dead skin cells that not only looks dull, it no longer provides an adequate barrier against the elements and water loss.The most effective way to combat this is to exfoliate. Exfoliation removes the surface layer of dead cells. There are many ways to exfoliate. Chemical formulas use mild agents to dissolve the dead cells.Textured soaps, sponges and brushes strip away the surface cells. When you remove the dead cells from your skin's surface, a message is sent telling your body to create replacements.The dead cells are replaced with strong young cells that look and feel healthy. But more than that, these cells are better equipped to stand up to the onslaught of cellulite.Many effective ingredients include essential oils and botanical extracts. Before using a product is always wise to do a patch test. Some botanicals and antibacterial agents can cause reactions in sensitive skin types.Aloe Vera juice or oil is extracted from the aloe Vera plant. The leaves are made up of water, enzymes, and minerals such as calcium, aluminum, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and sodium.But wait there's more. Aloe Vera juice also contains twenty amino acids. Aloe Vera is well known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties.Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids are used in many cosmetic products. Certain combinations of AHA products increase cell turnover rate and increase the thickness of the epidermis.The effect depends on the product's pH level, the AHA concentration, whether it is a cream or cleanser, as well as how the product is used AHA products make the skin appear smoother and younger.Lactic acid is commonly found in milk, pickles, and other foods made by bacterial fermentation. Lactic acid can help reduce the effects of photo-aging and can play an important role in the treatment of sun-damaged skin.Glycolic and salicylic increase the cell turnover rate and uncovering younger skin.Hydroxy acids unclog embedded cellular debris from pores and shedding the outermost layer of dead skin.Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent fat- and water-soluble antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. ALA penetrates the skin cells the lipid-rich cell membrane and continues to be effective once inside the cell due to its water solubility. ALA works with vitamins E and C, boosting their antioxidant abilities.Basil extract is used to relieve pain and muscular spasms, and to stimulate blood flow. It is also known for its restorative and anti-inflammatory properties.Bioflavonoids' have strong anti-inflammatory powers, and are also a strong antioxidant.Niacin improves the ability of the epidermis to retain moisture. When used topically it produces softer, smoother skin with less dryness and flakiness, and it reduces the appearance of fine lines.Butcher's broom root extract strengthens and tones blood vessels. In Europe it is a popular treatment for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.Carnitine is found naturally in the body. It transports fatty acids to your cells, where they are metabolized. It burns fat and strengthens cells.Cat's-claw is an effective anti-inflammatory, which also increases blood flow throughout the body. Recently is has been successful in stimulating the immune systems of cancer patients.The active ingredient in cayenne is capsaicin. Capsaicin not only increases circulation. It also alters the action of the body's substance P which transfers pain messages to the brain. As a result it is effective in reducing both pain and inflammation by short-circuiting the pain message.Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown its ability to increase resistance to disease and to strengthen the heart. It creates a substance known as ATP in the body's cells which is vital for energy. It also has great antioxidant abilities, as well as boosting the antioxidant effect of vitamins C and E.Peptides are the amino acid, the building block for collagen and elastin. Copper peptide is a trace mineral that helps the body convert amino acids into this connective tissue. Copper peptides are an excellent source of collagen and elastin production.Essential fatty acids are so vital that they have been referred to as vitamin F. They have amazing hydrating abilities in topical creams, and when taken internally they help to build up the cell membranes and attract water to cells.Fennel is a diuretic and an anti-inflammatory that needs more research to find its full abilities.Ginkgo Biloba is an antioxidant, but it also increases the blood flow throughout the body, expanding the reach of any nutrients in the food you eat.Grapefruit oil and extract have been used for muscle fatigue, stiffness, acne, fluid retention, and skin tightening, and as an antiseptic and astringent.Grape-seed extract inhibits the enzymes collagenase and elastase, which break down collagen and elastin. Because grape seed is able to prevent the damage from ever occurring, it is very effective in the prevention of celluloid. Green clay is sometimes reffered to as a cellulite solution but does need more study to confirm this. Green clay contains many of the trace minerals that your body needs to metabolize nutrients into new tissue.Juniper berries extract is high in vitamin C. It is used to treat pain and inflammation from arthritis and varicose veins, and to increase circulation.When Lecithin is taken internally on a regular basis, it aids your body in repairing and strengthening its cell membranes.Kelp is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties on the skin. It is rich in minerals and has been used to supply the thyroid gland with iodine in some instances. Kelp can also be used to hydrate the epidermis, nourish the skin, and protect elastin fiber.Pine oil is used as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, as a diuretic, and to stimulate circulation.Pomegranate is fast becoming recognized for its antioxidant qualitites. Studies have showed the that the topical application of pomegranate extract has an effect on preventing skin cancer. Pomegranate is a very potent antioxidants that work primarily in the skin.Retinoids applied topically over a long period of time temporarily thicken and strengthen the dermis, making it more difficult for cellulite to push its way through.Zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, magnesium, boron, chromium, molybdenum, silica, and vanadium are all trace minerals. Our body needs these minerals in trace amounts to r metabolize nutrients. Trace minerals are vital to cellulite.Vitamin C fights an ongoing battle against cellulite and skin damage. Vitamin C breaks down collagenase and elastinase, two naturally occurring substances in the body that attack collagen and elastin.Vitamin C is also a natural anti-inflammatory and powerful antioxidant with proven studies that it is effective in battling free-radical damage within the skin.Vitamin E, both topically and when taken internally, is a very potent fat soluble antioxidant. Because it is fat soluble it can work its way into the fat-rich cell membranes in our bodies, protecting the cell walls from free-radical damage. Vitamin E is also an excellent hydrating and sealing agent in topical creams.Many popular treatments claim to reduce cellulite. Treatments range from body raps to massage to surgical procedures.Body Spa Treatments are beneficial on many levels. Great for exfoliating, toning, and stimulating blood flow. A terrific skin care regime.Body wraps induce sweating thereby having a temporary diuretic effect. However, fat cells and connective tissue are not affected by sweating.With a body wrap you are covered from head to toe for up to an hour in herbal or seaweed-soaked cloth strips to increase circulation and firm the body's contours. Once you are unwrapped you body is massaged to enhance circulation and send oxygen to blocked tissues.Watch your alcohol and caffeine intake prior to a body wrap as both are dehydrating. Body wraps are not recommended for anyone with high blood pressure, anyone who is dehydrated, or pregnant women.Deep-tissue massage consists of slow strokes to create micro tears at the surface level, making tissue longer and smoother. It also loosens the connective tissue so that it moves more freely and no longer adheres to underlying structures. Deep massage followed by lymphatic drainage can make the surface layer of skin more flexible.Massage can improve the condition and appearance of your skin, however it does not remove or decrease fat cells. It is excellent for increasing circulation and thus moving nutrients to tissues.However, if deep massage is too intense, it can also damage blood vessels, which defeats the benefits for cellulite reduction. Areas with cellulite are already sensitive, so be sure to tell the therapist it it feels like too much pressure is being applied. Deep massage provides relaxation and can stimulate the blood vessels and reduce stiffness.Dermal fillers are expensive. They are a temporary method that improves the appearance of cellulite dimples. The treatment consists of a serious of human fat injections which make dimples less obvious.Other filling agents can be used rather than fat. The dimples appear less noticeable until the fat is absorbed by the body, then the dimples return to their normal appearance. Not only is this procedure quite costly it is a lengthy procedure.Electronic Anticellulite Devices are a few noninvasive, nonsurgical treatments for skin contour irregularities. This procedure temporary reduces the appearance of cellulite.A vacuum type device creates suction to temporarily immobilize and lift the fatty tissue, while dual rollers create deep, subdermal massage to the connective tissue. This stretches the connective tissue, increases blood and lymphatic flow, and exfoliates the skin.A session can take from forty to ninety minutes, and entail from ten to thirty treatments as well as a monthly maintenance treatment. If you stop treatments your skin reverts back to its original condition. Long term results have never been established either clinically or scientifically.The lymph system is the body's waste disposal system. It is the body's natural defense system, clearing away bacteria, cell debris, excess water, proteins, and wastes from the connective tissue and returning it to the bloodstream for ultimate removal by the kidneys.If pathways become congested or damaged fluids build up in the connective tissue, leading to edema, swelling, and inflammation. When this occurs the lymphatic system transports the damaged cells, inflammatory substances, and waste away from the area. The sooner this occurs the faster the recovery.Manual lymphatic drainage is a technique that involves a gentle lymph massage, which enhances and stimulates the lymphatic system to remove wastes more rapidly from around the cells and in the tissues, sending it back into the lymphatic system for removal and ultimate cleansing.For cellulite treatment, the therapist first assesses the condition of the skin: color, texture, temperature, moisture, and elasticity.The next step is to look at the contour of the hips and legs, and hunt for skin thickening, ridges, lumps, and visible scars that run across lymph vessels and may obstruct lymph drainage.The therapist also examines for visible veins, looking for redness, swelling, heat, and pain. Lymphatic drainage is very useful before and after cosmetic surgery to decrease bruising, edema, and inflammation. The effects are only temporary, and it has not been proven to reduce dimpling in the long term.Mesotherapy are micro injections injected into the middle of the dermis at a trouble spot, to deliver healing or corrective treatment to a specific area of the body. They can be made of conventional or homeopathic medication.They are mixed with isoproterenol, vitamins and a diuretic when treating cellulite. Isoproterenol is touted to melt fat although no clinical studies are available to back up this claim. Up to two hundred deep injections are delivered into trouble.The biggest problem with mesotherapy is that there is no standardized mix for the formula. Long-term, chronic cellulite and wrinkles may require at least fifteen sessions before you notice any result.Microdermabrasion is a popular alternative to chemical peeling that utilizes a blast of aluminum oxide or salt crystals to exfoliate skin superficially, by passing the particles through a vacuum tube to gently scrape away the aging skin.The results are similar to a light peel. Microdermabrasion devices are available for home use, although not as good as a professional treatment the cost is significantly less.Nonablative Lasers point the laser beam at the affected area, causing the collagen and elastin bundles to heat up and move closer to the surface. This firms the skin and reduced imperfections. The results are temporary.Peels utilize a strong concentration of a chemical exfoliating agent to resurface the skin. New cells made by the remaining dermis result in a newly healed surface, and healthier, more radiant skin.Chemical peels are very flexible and can be adapted to various levels depending on how deep a peel you want and how sensitive your skin is. Glycolic acid is a common ingredient in peels as it is generally gentler and safer than trichloracetic acidPeels work by damaging the skin to a stage where the body needs to build new collagen and elastin bundles. You might feel a burning or stinging sensation, and there will be moderate swelling of the treated areas for about a week and minimal scabbing, followed by healing and a toughening of the skin Thalassotherapy is rich in sea minerals and nutrients.The therapy combines the sea nutrients with warm sea water to dilate pores and blood vessels, opening the skin to absorb the sea minerals.In the end the best way to cure celluloid is simply to avoid getting it. Eat a balanced diet low in fat, drink plenty of water, eat fiber foods, and plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit.Exercise for 20-30 minutes daily to help keep the body in shape, and avoid smoking, alcohol. A healthy life style will go along way towards prevention.Sher from Estate Jewelry International has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing fashion, jewelry, and wedding help. So stop by and visit us at http://www.estatejewelryinternational.com/ We'll help you make your fashion statement! Remember looking good doesn't have to cost a fortune!

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right France Car Hire

Here is a quick summary of the different French wine regions you can visit with some idea of what you'll be tasting and the airports where you can conveniently pick up a rental car.Champagne RegionWhat to taste: bubbly, of course! From the twin champagne-making centres of  Reims and EmpernayWhich Airport to pick up your Champagne rental car? Paris Charles de Gaulle car hire or Paris Orly Airport car hire.Alsace RegionWhat to taste: sweet and scented white winesWhere to get your Alsace car rental? Strasbourg Airport car hire or Mulhouse-Basle car rental both within a reasonable range of this wine region.Burgundy RegionWhat to taste: Pinot Noir for the red, Chardonnay for the white and Beaujolais Nouveaux for the fun of it.Where to get your Burgundy hire car? Lyon Airport car hire (Lyon Satolas ? Saint Exupery) is the closest.Loire ValleyWhat to taste: great white wine from the Chenin Grape and lusty, fruity reds from the Cabernet Franc.Where to get your Loire Valley hire car: Tours Airport car hireBordeauxWhat to taste: a huge region with a great variety of wines with great aging potential - Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cab Franc and dessert wines from the Sauterne grape.Where to start your Bordeaux car hire tour: Bodeaux Airport car rental.RhoneWhat to taste: red wine from Syrah and white wines from Marsanne, Roussanne and Viognier.Where to get your Rhone region car hire: Avignon Airport car hire,or Nimes Airport car hire.ProvenceWhat to taste: historians agree that this is where wine production started. Most of the wine produced here is Rose.Where to get your Provence Region car hire: Avignon Airport car hireSouth-West RegionWhat to taste: a veritable carnival of wines from a number of different grapes, the likes of which are rarely found elsewhere in the world, let alone France.Where to get your South-West region car hire: Toulouse Airport car hireLanguedoc-Rousillon regionWhat to taste: mostly reds but some very interesting whites from the biggest continuous wine growing region in the world.Where to get your Languedoc-Roussillon car hire: Nimes car hire and Perpignan car hire.So there is plenty of variety to suit anybody's wine tasting needs. Flying to a particular airport and renting a car once you get there is a great way to explore your taste buds. If you are looking for a car hire deal, check out Vroom Vroom Vroom to get the best deal on your airport car hire. Happy hunting!Peter Thornton is the CEO of Vroom Vroom Vroom which compares global brand car hire prices from Hertz, Avis, Thrifty, Alamo, Sixt and Europcar.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Millionaire Mind - Secret Of The Millionaire Mind Revealed

Hey Future Millionaire,There's so much value in reading about the successes of other people.You can get so much from it.I was reading a recent edition of Forbes Magazine and the theme was "the best advice I ever got" and I want to share one story with you.The magazine was  interviewing billionaire Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways, and he said something very interesting.Talking about his mentor, Freddie Laker, Branson said:

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  వర్గం: సంఘము   »   4 పుస్తకాలు   »   తేదీ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   ద్వారా: Mouhamadou-bamb ...