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arrow right Letting Them Use Plastic

Obtaining merchant status will help to increase your sales. Consumers are becoming creatures of convenience; when dealing with businesses-large or small-they desire ease of transaction. That most frequently translates into the ability to pay for services rendered or product  purchases via credit card. Small businesses are often denied merchant status because they can't prove to the bank that they are good risks. You must establish and demonstrate a track record before a bank or independent sales organization (ISO) will agree to back your business. Even today, some banks also hesitate to provide merchant status to companies without storefronts, to mail order firms or to individuals with a past history of personal or business bankruptcy. Although thankfully, it is getting easier today than it was even 15 to 20 years ago. In this article we will help you to understand the reasons you may not be able to obtain merchant status, so that we can help you find ways to more favorably present yourself and your business as candidates for merchant status.  1. Start with your own bank. When shopping for a merchant account, the first place to stop is your own bank. When banks look at an application, they consider three critical things: the principals, the product and the process. In other words, they need to know about you, what you are selling and how you are selling it. Be sure to take the time to carefully develop your proposal. It can really pay off. Show your bank that you're serious about obtaining merchant status and you take your business very seriously. In spite of your best efforts, the bank may still turn you down. The next step is to approach other banks in your area. If you're still running into roadblocks, there is another option. 2. Investigate ISOs selling on behalf of other banks. ISOs serve as a liaison between banks and merchants. Your odds of getting merchant status from an ISO may be greater than from a bank, but the costs-and risks-may also be greater. Most ISOs are legitimate businesses, but it pays to be wary. The first thing you should ask any service provider is what banks they represent. When considering an ISO, a merchant should know which bank they are working for, and should check with MasterCard and Visa to ensure the ISO is properly registered. Keep in mind that this service you are buying can have a significant impact on the cash flow of your business, and don't be shy about asking for references. A good bank or ISO should provide reliable and trouble-free processing, with responsive customer service whenever you have a problem, all at a fair price. What's fair depends on the risk level of your business and the terms being offered by competing ISOs. Make sure the merchant bankcard provider you choose fully supports you as a merchant with a variety of services, like check guarantee, acceptance of all major credit cards, debit cards, etc. Also make sure they fully support the equipment or software they sell you. If they don't, ask them who does and how much extra this costs. Some programs may be appealing, but require hidden costs for assistance. 3. Clearly understand the costs involved. To better grasp the issue of costs, you must understand how credit card sales are processed. Simply stated, when you conduct a charge transaction, you will receive the cost of that sale, less a previously agreed-upon discount (from two to more than five percent), from the bank or service company. The more stable your business is, the lower your discount rate will be.  Fees are a substantial cost: ISOs typically charge fees for minimum activity, if yours doesn't reach a pre-determined amount; fees for each transaction made, above and beyond the two to five percent discount; and fees for processing customer statements. Another cost is that of equipment. Most merchants today use an electronic draft capture terminal to process sales, which you can lease or purchase. It is more economical to purchase the equipment, but your choices will be limited by the ISO you choose. You might be able to purchase a used terminal from your ISO or buy a new or used terminal from another source. Check with your ISO first! If you have a personal computer and a modem, there are several software packages currently on the market that perform authorization and draft capture. Make sure that any software you buy is compatible with the system used by your ISO. 4. Caveat emptor. As with any other business decision, carefully consider your options and shop around. Research the requirements, costs and services of banks and ISOs offering merchant status, and talk to other business people who are already offering credit card service. There are many reputable companies out there and, of course, there are also bad apples. As a merchant, ask questions about any company you are choosing to use. The company should be willing to answer any questions you might have, as well as to tell you openly if they can't! While the information presented might seen very disheartening to your getting merchant status, listen to this. Many individuals who have filed bankruptcy and have terrible credit have received merchant status.  While you may pay more fees going through an ISO, it is worth it to be able to say, Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover. For those of you doing any kind of consulting it is a big plus. If you eventually sell products, again it is a great convenience for your customers and many times will close the sale. So, GIVE YOUR CLIENTS THE PLASTIC OPTION!  Copyright 2004 DeFiore EnterprisesInterested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Ten Tips for Choosing the Right Direct Sales Company

Direct sales can be your ticket to a profitable home-based business. There's low risk and low overhead - and you'll find lots of conversation, creativity, and cooperation among the company's representatives. But how do you know which company is right for you? Here are ten  things to look for as you research your options.1. Products. Successful direct sales consultants exude a genuine enthusiasm for their products. Before joining a company, you'll need to have the inner conviction that your company brings products and an opportunity that no other company can. It's important for you to get your hands on the products before you sign. Place an order or, at the very least, request a catalog and product samples before joining.2. Passion. Does this company involve a business you are truly passionate about? One of the nice things about a direct sales business is that you can often find one that suits your personal passion...whether it's cooking, home décor, beauty, or scrapbooking & cardmaking. And when you're genuinely enthusiastic about the industry and the product, you'll feel as though you are sharing, teaching, and helping - not selling.3. Initial investment. What kind of cash outlay will your start-up require? Look closely at the company's joining fee and/or the cost of your business starter kit, but also think realistically about how much inventory you'll need to have on hand and what kinds of business supplies or products you'll need to get your business started.4. Monthly minimums. What kind of personal sales volume is required? Are you ready to invest the time and energy that this level of business building requires?5. Compensation Plan. Each direct sales plan is different, and it's important to look over the fine print. What is the commission rate and how is it paid? How are you awarded for recruiting others? How does the company handle breakaways?6. Control. How much control do you have over the way you build and promote your business? Ask to see the company

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why Write a Sales Letter for Each Product?

Authors/publishers are great at getting their books written. Entrepreneurs know their products. But after the initial one-year honeymoon, sales slow down. To counter this make sure your ebook, product, or service you offer will keep on selling from the first day, the first  year, even for life. Write a short sales letter for each product or ebook. Whether you have a Web site or not, you can write a first class, must-buy-now sales letter. Write one for each teleclass, eBook, product, or service. I even write one for my bookcoaching services. If you are like me and have a Web site, it is content driven. Why? Because that's why people come to any site-to get free information. You must also give them a reason to buy. Most home pages say too much about the author or the book instead of intriguing their potential buyers with a benefit-driven headline, which in turns leads them to the benefits of their books--the sales letter. My first Web site had many fine books and kits in personal growth and book writing and marketing. Sales never went over $200 a month. To correct that, I created a new site and paid special attention to its sales language (without hype) for each teleclass, eBook, and book coaching opportunities to suit each income and need. Sales were $75 the first month, and in four months they reached $2265. The next year they went around $3000 a month. What Every Sales Letter Needs to Pull Orders and Profits You can write each sales letter in less than four hours the first time. As you practice, you can write them in two hours. 1. Start the Letter with a Benefit-Driven Headline. Include these headlines throughout your sales letter.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sell More Products and Services with Testimonials

Testimonials are all-important to sell anything. You may already have testimonials for your new book and service, but do you have testimonials for other promotional pieces? Next time you check out a Web site, notice the testimonials. Testimonials imply approval and  recommendation. It's great to have them for your product, even your service; yet, most professionals don't use testimonials for the most important marketing tools--the ezine, the article, and the teleclass. The Ezine Does

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 60 Ways to Increase Your Mail Order Catalog Sales

This article is meant to inform. Please don't construe this as legal advice. Perfection in a mail order catalog is like infinity...you can continually approach it but never quite reach it. In the case of many catalogs it is not necessary to achieve perfectionor even  approach it very closely in order to make the catalog vastly more profitable than it is at present. Relatively small improvements can result in a more-than-proportionate enlargement of that all-important figure on the bottom line of the financial statement. Making as many improvements as possible as quickly as possible isprobably the most profitable procedure. But even making each new catalog a little better than the one that preceded it can produce substantial increases in sales per catalog and in total sales over a period of time. Following are 60 suggestions that should help your catalog do a better selling job for you if you are not already using these ideas. Whether you use all of them in connection with your next catalog or adopt a few at a time in the course of producing several future catalogs, the ultimate result should be very noticeable and very profitable. BEFORE YOU CREATE YOUR CATALOG.... 1. Look at your present catalog with extremely cold, critical andunsympathetic eye. Pick out all the faults-large or small-that you could find if you were no longer the owner of the catalog buta nitpicking customer who has been disappointed in his or her last purchase from you and is still sore about it. Such a review could be very enlightening-even if it should prove slightly embarrassing-and could make your new catalog much more profitable. 2. Put your

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 101 Ways to Improve Your Direct Mail Response

1. Mail to your customers more often. If you are now mailing 4times a year, increase the frequency of your mailings to 6 or 8times. If you increase your mailings by 25%, you shouldincrease your sales by at least the same percentage. 2. Use a P.S. on every direct mail  letter. This is second inimportance only to the headline. 3. Don't forget to thank your customer for their order. Enclose amessage with orders... and include another merchandise offerwith the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why Arent They Buying?

You've polished your sales page over and over againuntil it's gleaming with benefits. You're gettingplenty of traffic. And still - no sales.What's wrong?It could be the recession (although that's debatable).With thousands of people losing their jobs each week,consumer  confidence (and therefore consumer spending)is down.But on the other hand, if thousands of people arelosing their jobs, there is without doubt a growingarmy of people out there who are looking to theInternet to make their living.But let's leave aside the recession, and look at twoother reasons you may not be getting sales:(1) People very rarely buy the first time.You must have heard the statistics - people have tosee your product an average of 7 times before they buyit. When I cast my mind back to the marketing eBooksI've purchased, in each case I saw those booksadvertised for months - on websites, in newsletters -before I bought them.So if you want to make a sale, you must find a way tostay in contact with your visitors - and bring themback.The easiest way to do this is to offer your visitors afree subscription to your newsletter.Another way is to offer your visitors a freeautoresponder course that educates them about theproduct or service you are offering. Create a seriesof 5 emails about your service or product and put themon an autoresponder that provides automated follow-up.Getresponse is a free service that allows you up to 20follow-ups (you specify the intervals between eachmessage):http://www.getresponse.com/The point here is that if your visitors leave yourwebsite without taking anything away (a free versionof your E-Book, an autoresponder course, yourNewsletter), you've probably lost them for good.(2) Allow people to feel they already own it.If you give your visitors the feeling of what it wouldbe like to own your product or service, they're muchmore likely to buy.Here's a real-life example of this principle (a ratherdisturbing one).It's a well known fact that if a burglar can see intoyour house, they are much more likely to rob you thanif they can't. Why?Because by seeing into your house, the burglar hasalready 'owned' it psychologically.If a burglar can't see into your house, you are muchless likely to be robbed (you can't psychologically'own' what you can't see).Here's another interesting fact. If your house hasbeen burgled, there's a very high probability that thesame burglar will return - 6 or 8 weeks later. Why?Again, it's the same principle. The burglar has seenthe inside of your house - and has psychologically'owned' it.It's because of this same principle that car salesmentry and get potential customers to sit in the new car.Once you've smelt the inside of that new car, you'remuch more likely to buy it. You've imagined owning it.So give your visitors a free download of one or twochapters of your E-Book, or a free trial period ofyour service. Let them imagine what it would be liketo own it.------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to build a successful online business. Click here to find out more: http://ezine-writer.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Tapping The Potential Of Your Customers

Business owners of long standing know the cardinal rule "take care of your existing customers first". Today especially we see business owners looking constantly for the new customer. Hey, did you forget the customers you have. All of us want our businesses to  grow. However, after a number of years, depending on your business, you might reach a point where your business starts to taper off. You find you are not getting any new clients. Before you throw in the towel, realize that you still have your current customers. Why not try to increase volume and steady revenue with your current customer base.One of the things we have discussed in a number of our articles is to get feedback from your customers. Yes, you might hear about problems. However, this is a good thing, it allows you to fix them or stop selling that product. Ever wonder why some of your customers never buy again, that product with the problem might be the reason. Don't ask, don't tell DOESN'T work in the business world.Send follow up mailings or call your clients and make sure they are happy with their purchase. This also gives you an opportunity to ask if you can be of service to them again. If they are not happy, find out why and fix it. Once you take care of it, then see if there is anything else you can do for them. You'd be surprised. Since so many businesses don't do this, your fixing the problem, gets you a loyal customer, who recommends you to their friends.Another method we have discussed before is the survey. You can find out what your customers need by taking a survey. This can be done informally by asking them when you see them or you could call them. Another way would be to send the survey when you send out your brochure, flyer or if you send discount coupons to your customer. You want to find out how they are using your product, any new ways they are using it you might not have thought of. You also want to find out if there are any related products or services they are also buying. If you do call don't try to get a sale, if one comes, so be it, but the purpose of the call is not to make a sale, but to gather information.Many times, like us, you may come up with another product or service you could offer. For example, from the surveys and questions we asked of our coaching students, we came up with the idea to add video/audio to our coaching program and then after further research to all of our products. This allowed us to offer the videos to current customers at a discount, of course, and it also got us new customers due to the increased popularity of the videos. Customers liked them because it was like having Chuck and I there at home with them.However, for those of you selling concrete products you might want to offer your customers an opportunity to get acquainted with it. For example, let's say a new fragrance or cream. Get a beauty consultant to give a lecture introducing the product and its benefits. Or you can do it yourself. Your business is something you should be expert in, so you could certainly introduce the product yourself.If in your business you meet with your customers on a regular basis, you could bring in a sample of the product for them to try. This way you could get feedback on the product, and if there are problems with it you can fix it or discontinue it.What about how you present your product, could the packaging be changed, would packaging it with another item make it a better seller. Also, around certain holidays are you letting your customers know that your product would make a great gift. For those of you in service businesses make up some gift certificates that your customers could buy for a friend or family member. Example, One hour consultation with life coach, Karen Smith. Could your customers offer their customers your product as a bonus for something they are selling.Another option is to take several of your products and put them into a package. For example, we offer several packages that have manuals, books and tapes combined. You could offer your exercise machine with your book on low calories recipes, and your other book on exercising efficiently.How about offering a discount or price break for a certain number of your products. For example, for orders of 10 or more books we will offer a 35% discount.On the flip side for those of you who sell in quantity why not offer the option to buy just one. Of course, price would be higher for just 1 to 2 as opposed to the larger quantity.Remember, you need to do whatever you have to, to keep your existing customers happy.This last idea is not for all of us, but for those who can, it can really increase your sales. Customization of your items. For example, if you were selling dolls you could put different hats on them, clothes, etc. There is a company that sells teddy bears for all types of occasions and they also have a number of different bears for those occasions. Remember, the more you customize your product the higher the price you can sell it for. I know a guy who makes furniture and offers his customers a choice of decoration on pieces he designs.Again, I can't emphasize enough to get feedback on your ideas from your customers. That feedback, plus your sales will give you a good idea on which ideas are helping your business and which aren't.Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2004Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Nine Keys to Make your Sales Copy Convincing

Would you pay $12,500 to discover the keys to great sales copy? Maybe not, but Brian Keith Voiles did. And he put it to use for Fortune 500 Companies. You may not have that kind of promotion money, so here are the nine keys for FREE. Be sure you cover all of them in the  right order. 1. Attention Write a headline that grabs your reader by the collar. Fear or curiosity are good places to start. For example,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling the Dr. Seuss Way

"I am Sam. Sam I am. Do you like green eggs and ham? Would you like them here or there? Would you like them in a box, would you like them with a fox?"I think most people have read this Dr. Seuss tale either as kids or to their children. What is interesting is the  relevance this story has to selling. First of all, Sam is selling a product and although his prospect is not initially interested, Sam doesn't let that deter him from asking. Secondly, Sam consistently offers the prospect a choice when trying to close the sale. Thirdly, he refuses to give up. No matter how many times his prospect says 'no' Sam keeps offering alternatives. In fact, he offers fourteen options before he finally closes the sale.Now, I am not suggesting that you pester your customers or prospects but I do believe most people give up too early in the sales process. We hear a few "no's" and decide to turn our attention elsewhere. It is your responsibility as a sales professional to ask the customer to make a decision - you cannot expect a customer to do the work for you. If you have been effective in learning about their specific needs and current situation and presented the appropriate solution to your prospect then you have earned the right to ask them for their money. Here are a few ideas that will help you reach this point:Avoid launching into a lengthy discussion of what you can do for your client until you thoroughly understand what business challenges they face and the problems, concerns or issues they need resolved. Use open questioning to gather this information and avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions too quickly. Instead, listen carefully to what they say and clarify anything that is not clear. Ask them to elaborate by using prompters such as "uh-huh," "tell me more," and "what else?"When it comes time to present your product or service, try not to limit the prospect to one option. Provide a choice of solutions that meet their specific concerns. Explain the benefits of each option, and when necessary, also discuss the drawbacks of each alternative. However, do not present so many options that the decision becomes overwhelming or difficult. Be prepared to tell your prospect which option best suits their needs if they ask.Speak in terms they can understand, avoiding the use of terminology they may not recognize. A case in point; as I developed my web site, I found myself talking to people who were extremely knowledgeable but they used terminology that sounded like a foreign language to me. I found myself getting frustrated, and in some cases feeling a bit dumb, because I had to keep asking them what they meant. Be very cautious how much jargon you use in your presentations and make sure your customer understands what you are saying.Recognize that objections are a natural component of the sales process. It's common for a customer express several objections before she makes the decision to commit to the purchase. Don't take these objections personally and do not assume that it means the other person is not interested. Understand that your prospect will likely have specific concerns about making a decision particularly if they have never done business with you. Clarify their objections to uncover the true hesitation ? do not hesitate to probe deeper to explore the real issues preventing them from making a decision. In most cases, your prospect will give you the information you need providing you keep your approach non-confrontational and neutral. Learn to handle objections in a non-argumentative manner. When you uncover their true objection keep your response brief and to the point. Talking too much will seem that you are trying to justify your product or price. Plus, you can sometimes talk yourself out a sale if you aren't careful.Ask for the sale. In many cases, your prospect expects you to ask for the sale. And as long as you do not pressure or try to coerce them into making a decision, they won't be offended by your request. Develop the confidence to ask for the sale in a variety of ways and begin asking every qualified person for their commitment. Recognize that many people want to be given permission to make a decision and look to the salesperson for that permission.Lastly, take a lesson from Sam and learn the importance of polite persistence. The most successful sales people ask for the sale seven or eight times and don't give up at the first sign of resistance. Research has shown that these individuals consistently earn more than their coworkers and peers.Copyright 2004, Kelley RobertsonKelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. He is also the author of "Stop, Ask & Listen ? Proven sales techniques to turn browsers into buyers." Visit his website at www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com and receive a FREE copy of "100 Ways to Increase Your Sales" by subscribing to his 59-Second Tip, a free weekly e-zine.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Two Mistakes That Will Cost You Money

You've met a new prospect, accurately assessed their needs and determined that you can provide the product and service she is looking for. You've presented your information in an engaging manner and the prospective customer appears interested. Many salespeople now make one  or two very fatal mistakes that cost them the sale.1. They don't ask for the sale.2. They talk the customer out of the sale.You may scoff and think these don't happen. After all, how can salesperson or business owner NOT ask for the sale or talk the customer out it? Let's first address the issue of asking for the sale.My experience has taught me that the majority of salespeople fail to ask for the sale. Instead, they wait for the customer to say, "I'll take it." However, in many cases, the customer doesn't say this. She may be thinking that the machine will enhance her operation and, hopefully, drive more revenue to the bottom line. She may see that you offer something your competitors do not. She may also want to act quickly and have the equipment delivered and installed in the next few days. But she may not tell you that.This is your responsibility! If you've worked through the sales process and done everything properly up to that point then you've earned the right to ask for the sale. Remember, the prospect expects you to ask for the sale. You ask you get. The more you ask, the more you get. If you leave the prospect's business without asking for the sale you run the risk that a more assertive competitor will present their equipment and service, ask for, and get the sale! Then your work, effort and energy have been for nothing. I'm not suggesting you will close every sale by asking but I will guarantee that you will generate more business by consistently asking people for their business.In the last few months I have had at least three situations where I've been ready to buy a product or service but the salesperson failed to ask me. One of these involved membership in a networking group and during the meeting I announced I was ready to join if someone wanted to take my money. To my surprise, no one approached and signed me up. It's little wonder this group is not experiencing growth in its membership.Unfortunately, many salespeople are afraid of the rejection that comes with selling. By not asking for the sale, they avoid the possibility of the customer saying no. Other salespeople are concerned they will appear pushy and risk offending the prospect. Here are a few simple statements and questions you can use to move the sale forward:"What are the next steps?" "What do you think about what we've discussed so far?" "What would be the best day to arrange delivery and set-up?" "Is there any reason we shouldn't get started on the paperwork?"The next biggest mistake salespeople make once they do ask for the sale is to talk the customer out if making the decision. A few years ago, I was considering an activity for one of my training sessions. After listening to the salesman's presentation and seeing the product I told him I wanted one. He proceeded to say, "If you want some time to think about it, that's okay, there's no rush." I again told him I wanted to purchase the activity and he responded by saying that many of his customers like to consider the purchase before making a final decision. Finally, I reached across the desk and took the activity out of his hands and said, "I'll take this one. Here's my card, send me a bill." I couldn't help but wonder how many sales opportunities this business owner missed.If you want to increase your sales, IMMEDIATELY, remain silent once you ask for the sale. Here's why this simple technique is so powerful.In every sales situation, the customer or prospect has a mental checklist of conditions that must be met before they will be prepared to make a purchasing decision. Remaining silent allows them time to mentally tick off each item on that list. Talking interrupts this process and does not give the customer time to review what, if any, conditions remain unfulfilled. The longer a customer takes during this process the greater the likelihood they will make the purchase. Yet, most salespeople get so nervous during this period of silence they end up blurting out something like, "Have you been offered a better deal by someone else?"Don't give the customer a possible objection! Ask for the sale and remain silent until they respond, regardless how long it takes. I recall reading a story about a salesperson whose prospect took almost two minutes to say yes after being asked to make a decision. By remaining silent she closed the sale. Avoid the risk of talking your customer out of the sale by keeping quiet after you ask for the sale.If you're serious about building your business get serious about asking for the sale and develop the discipline to stay silent afterwards.You are welcome to reprint or use this article providing you include the following information.Copyright 2004, Kelley RobertsonKelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. He is also the author of "Stop, Ask & Listen ? Proven sales techniques to turn browsers into buyers." Visit his website at www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com and receive a FREE copy of "100 Ways to Increase Your Sales" by subscribing to his 59-Second Tip, a free weekly e-zine.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Pinging for Success: Creating Search Patterns

One of my first internship jobs as a college student was working for a defense company who, at the time, developed a highly sophisticated torpedo for hunting down submarines and destroying them. The operation of the torpedo was pretty fascinating. The torpedo was launched  from the deck of a ship or dropped from a helicopter into the water.The torpedo would then turn on and initiate a search mode, where it would make circular patterns while constantly "pinging." Pinging is the sound the sonar device makes when it wants to bounce sound waves off objects underwater. The torpedo had what was called an underwater signature recognizer, a device that compares the echo outlines of each incoming sound wave with a database of other outlines. The goal, find a submarine outline.Once it detected something that "might" be a submarine, the torpedo would then go after the target. As the torpedo got closer to its potential target, it would continue pinging and comparing each echo (outline) in order to be sure the object was indeed a submarine. The closer the torpedo got, the better the definition of the echo.The torpedo would break off its "attack mode" if, as it got closer to the acquired target, it realized the silhouette did not match; if the object was a false alarm, it would steer off course. For example, the torpedo was able to discern a submarine from let's say a whale, a school of fish or an underwater rock formation. So, as the torpedo got closer and discovered the object wasn't a submarine, it would break off and terminate its attack mode. It would then begin a new search pattern all over again in another area. Take a lesson from the torpedo's behavior. Right now, many of you are in the search mode looking for your target. You're trying to find something-something that will fulfill you, something to look forward to everyday."In order to find success, we need to create search patterns."But a recent survey confirmed that 53% of people in the workforce are unhappy and over 75% would rather be doing something else. Unfortunately, many are afraid to search for something new or have simply given up "pinging" for their true calling. Don't be a statistic. Continue pinging until you find what it is you truly love to do. Only then, will you be successful and more importantly, happy. Remember, the toughest road to success is the road back to you?the real you!Victor Gonzalez, top Hispanic motivational speaker and author of "The LOGIC of Success". For more info go to: www.thelogicofsuccess.com or by email victor@thelogicofsuccess.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling: an art of a skill?

Selling is as much an art as it is a skill. The basics of the selling process can be learned by anyone, but the practice of selling is something that the super star sales people have brought to an art level.What gets them to that level?1. Superstars develop their own style.  They know who they are and are comfortable with it. They watch the masters, but don't copy the masters. They know whether their humor delights people or turns them off. They know how aggressive they can be and when to back off. They are great readers of people and people's reactions.In the business of speaking I think of Tom Peters who is one of the biggest management gurus of our time. He commands tremendous fees for speaking and is booked constantly. But when I watch him I am fascinated by the rules he breaks when speaking. He paces like a lion, he shouts to the point of straining his voice, he uses notes ? all things that we are taught not to do. But it works forhim. In contrast you have Maya Angelou who stands in one place and delivers in melodious tones and hold her audience riveted just as Tom Peters does. Different styles ? both work.In the field of acting you have Jim Carey who practically turns himself inside out to get his point across and you have Sir Anthony Hopkins who can get his point across with the raising of his eyebrow. Different styles ? both work.I have seen waitresses interact with customers. Some are brash and funny, others are sweet and accommodating. Both types make good tips because they've developed their own style.I have bought from sales people who have been persistent and I have bought from another who let me go at my own pace. I've been comfortable with both because they didn't try to be someone they aren't.2. Superstars know their strengths. Superstars are constantly evaluating themselves. They work at developing their strengths. They know what works for them and will repeat it over and over. They get better with each sales call.Although they capitalize on their strengths, they don't ignore their weaknesses. They monitor their weaknesses and work on improving in those areas ? but not in front of their clients. They find opportunities to practice on their friends, family and strangers. When they feel they have improved, they will then start incorporating those new behaviors into their sales presentation.Because what had been a weakness is now under their control, they begin to use them as their strength. Thus, they constantly work to use their strengths to their and their customer's benefit.3. Superstars have confidence in their ability. Just like great athletes, they have practices their craft over and over again. They know what works for them. They are confident in their ability. When it comes time for them to close the prospect, they are able to deliver with a confidence that the prospect believes in.4. Superstars don't leave it to chance. They are practiced, well prepared people. They use winning phrases, they remember past successes. They write down and memorize anything that has worked in the past.5. Superstars use a proven formula that is just right for them. All the techniques that are taught by sales trainers work. It is finding one that works for you and using it. Jumping from one to another does not give you the opportunity to hone your skills. Find one that works for you and use it all the time.The basics of selling are Prospecting, rapport building, question asking, presenting, question answering, closing and follow up. There are variations on these basics, but it all comes down to these 6 skills.6. Superstars don't use gimmicks. Gimmicks work one time, but the prospect is apt to feel manipulated. If your customer feels manipulated they won't give you referrals, they won't want to buy from you again and you can be sure they'll tell all their friends not to buy from you.Margo Chevers, author of the book STOP the BS (bad service), has been providing sales and customer service seminars and consulting to a diverse cross-section of industries for the past 15 years. For information about Margo Chevers' speaking or training schedule call (800) 858-0797 or Margo@MargoChevers.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Warming Up To Cold Calls

Will you do just about anything, including sending out hundreds of letters, to avoid making cold calls to your potential customers/prospects? If so, you're not alone. Millions like you have started their own businesses, only to find that the thought of making calls to  potential customers/prospects leaves them paralyzed with anxiety. Believe me I was one of them. For those of you who know us and have read

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Why There Will Always Be High Paying Sales Jobs

With the dot.com revolution crushing once solid business models on an almost daily basis, the question surely crosses one's mind "am I next?". Selling is one of the oldest professions on the planet. We get paid to have fun doing what others find difficult, confusing, or  just plain hard. Everyday someone's life is being made easier by new a technological innovation. And everyday another company figures out how to sell its product directly to its customer's through a web browser. It's tempting for our minds to see this pace of innovation, and wonder if professional salespeople will be innovated out of their jobs. I assert that the answer to this lies within each individual salesperson. Because the answer to this question is both a challenging Yes and secure No. The challenge is and has always come from new innovations. You will be challenged by more, new, and greater innovations coming at you and your customers everyday, every hour, and every minute. What was good enough to get you where you are today, is no longer enough to keep you there. There are things that you can be very secure in knowing. One thing is that everything is changing. Master that, and you have secured the future. A salesperson serves two masters - the customer and the producer. Once we accept that things will always be changing as a constant in our lives, it is easy to see the constant need for professional salespeople. Our role in serving our dual masters is simple - create more value for them than can be provided through a web browser. And we will rightly get paid handsomely when we add significant value. A salesperson has always played two primary roles that add tremendous value. One is convenience. Convenience for the customer is helping the customer get her exact needs met when she wants them. Taking all of the potential ways, ideas, options, components, products, services, or properties that could meet her needs, and showing her which ones will now. Convenience for the company is getting the 8, 27, or 335 customers that she needs that year to grow the business and make a profit for the owners and shareholders. If the owners were to wait for the phone to ring without a salesperson, the company would be out of business in a flash. The other role that the professional salesperson has always played is that of an advisor, or a broker of expertise. Helping a customer to understand complex applications of new products, new technology, new business service models, cannot be easily communicated through text, pictures, audio, or video. It is rightly a relationship grounded in face-to-face human dialogue and interaction. It is a give and take of the needs and desires of the customer and the capabilities and products of the producer. What we do then is provide value to our customers and producers by providing convenience and expertise. As long as there are complex products being dreamed up by bright-minded innovators, and human beings with needs whom make purchasing decisions, there will be professional salespeople. So who's most at risk? Industries for which the information about a product is relatively known and stable have progressively seen the need for the professional salesperson disappear. Today you go buy your groceries at a large supermarket, or maybe you have them delivered by WebVan. Years ago you would have gone to a market or bazaar in the center of town and haggled over the price of a few eggs or chickens with owner selling them. Now many producers of products and services with a stable knowledge components are going delivering that knowledge directly to the buyer, and bypassing the salesperson. Car buying is a prime example. People have despised the process of buying cars for years. The whole caricature the car salesman in our society has created a burdensome image that the professional salesperson has had to bear in all his social dealings with others. The major car companies are already planning on new business models where you shop for your car on the web, pick colors, features, and negotiate a price and financing. The dealership of the tomorrow is simply a place for taking a test drive and later picking up the completed custom built vehicle. If your business has a stable knowledge component, it will go directly to the customer. The only question is, how soon? Constant change is a major source of security for us then. If we master change, we are in a position to offer tremendous value to people. There will always be new ideas, new products, and new services. When ideas, products, and services are new, they are often raw or seemingly complex by their very nature. In this environment the professional salesperson can be a real hero. What about face-to-face sales calls? Will broadband Internet capabilities eliminate the need to visit our customers or for our customers to visit us in person? Have you noticed that a dog knows when you are scared of him? If you act scared, a barking dog will become more aggressive towards you. If you act unfazed and unafraid of that barking dog he will most often try to intimidate you from a safe distance. 55% of all communication comes through in our physiology. How we breathe, gesture, sit, stand, move, twitch, and blink all serves to communicate to another person, or even an animal. 37% of our communication is in the tonality of our voice. How fast or slow you speak, the pitch of your voice, the volume?.. You may notice that you can read this sentence aloud as a statement or as a question, can't you. And the tonality is different in either case, imparting a very understandable meaning to whom you are speaking with. The words that we choose to communicate with, represent only 7% of all communication. Only 7%. This is why many people have a difficult time with the traditional classroom based teaching style of the American school system. With 93% of human communication coming through nonverbal forms, can broadband eliminate the need for in-person meetings? (look at all of the dot.com entrepreneurs congregating along US 101 in Silicon Valley) When we succeed in recreating the fine sensory awareness of human sight, hearing, feeling, smell, and taste, then we will no longer need to go anywhere to meet anyone. We will be able to stay plugged into in our little pods, providing resources for the machines to feed off of, like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. Until that day humans have a high need to use their full sensory awareness, receiving and communicating 90%+ of their thoughts and emotions through nonverbal means. We still have sales calls to make, and we still have customers who want us to make them. Just as the telephone made the job of selling easier, so will the Internet for those who learn how master it, and not let it master them.Shamus Brown is a Professional Sales Coach and former high-tech sales pro who began his career selling for IBM. Shamus has written more than 50 articles on selling and is the creator of the popular Persuasive Selling Skills CD Audio Program. You can read more of Shamus Brown's sales tips at http://Sales-Tips.industrialEGO.com/ and you can learn more about his persuasive sales skills training at http://www.Persuasive-Sales-Skills.com/

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...