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arrow right Really WINNING Over Customers

Three qualities are needed to sell anything in life. They are:1. STRENGTH.2. EMOTION.3. CONFIDENCE.If you are in sales or taking customer cancellation calls, exercising these three qualities well can help you be more successful.Your strength will come from the knowledge of  your product and the ability to get back up after a fall.Your emotion will come from your belief, real or feigned, that your product is the best product in its class, and your empathy for the reasons why customers would want to stop using your product and/or to go with a competitor.Your confidence will come from within; it is something you should demonstrate so that others believe in what you are telling them. If you do not sound confident that you can handle what problems come across your desk, then customers will not have confidence in you.These three qualities combined are a powerful force. I have seen even the shyest of people exercise all of them! People can really open up when given all the tools they need to do something, like win over customers. Being outgoing and confident are simply qualities of a professional.Here are some tips that can help you put your strength, emotion, and confidence to work at keeping customers coming your way.Money ISN'T everything. How many times have you bought something you couldn't afford, or shouldn't have, or was a splurge to "treat" yourself? Do you know of any people who have done so? This is an important thing to remember in sales and customer retention: people will buy things even if they shouldn't. Who REALLY needs half of the things everybody owns?Ask questions. Get to the bottom of why people are not buying your service. Don't worry, most people love to talk about themselves, and will answer questions asked of them. If you are afraid, just remember, the worst thing that can happen is that they will say no. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."Keep it simple. Avoid excessively long or complicated sales pitches. That can confuse or inconvenience callers. Few people will be leaning forward hanging on every word, as they probably just wanted to make a quick call. (It also won't help your call times.)Know your company. Know your products, services, and public web pages 'in and out'. Know your company's history, office locations, and who's who in your organization.Feel for real. The sales pitch should many times be part of a natural conversation. It should often be a natural solution or recommendation. Be yourself. Go one level higher: be your BEST self.Listen, listen, listen. Let the customer talk, hear where they are coming from, empathize, break the ice. Consider emulating somebody you know who seems to truly get along with everybody they meet, and vice versa. You'll find they are often great listeners.Everybody deserves a second chance. Make two different offers/solutions, maybe even a third at the last minute, before it's all over.Don't beg for rejection. Be careful of saying

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Sell a Feeling

To be totally in tune with the needs of your customers or prospective customers you have to listen to them. Listen to them ? it sounds easy enough to do but not everybody gets it right. What you must always bear in mind when you are selling something is that you are not  selling an item or object ? you are selling a feeling.I was taught this particular lesson whilst working for a friend who was very much into NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) which studies the structure of how humans think and experience the world. One small part of this vast subject centred on how people can be persuaded to relax and immediately place their trust in you if you use the language they want to hear; how do you know what they want to hear? It's simple, they will supply the clue, and as I stated previously ? you just have to listen to them.The method is simple; there are some people that are audio dominant and will react to what you say to them; there are others that are visually dominant and will respond more to what they see. The crucial point is that you have to get the language right to get either of these two groups wanting to buy from you. The following examples illustrate how this is done.Imagine you are working in a store that sells music systems and your first potential customer walks in and says to you, "I would like to look at a CD player please."The use of the word 'look' suggests that they are visually dominant so your reply must be in the same vein by using 'sight' words such as; "Ok sir/madam, let me 'show' you this one." or "Could you 'see' this in your lounge?" or "The finish on this model 'looks' great."The person may not even switch it on but could still end up buying it because it looks good. Using these types of expressions will create a comfortable feeling in the buyer because they perceive you to be on their wavelength; the probability of them buying from you should increase significantly.For the audio dominant person, the same technique is applied but this time using 'sound' words. This time a person walks in and says, "I would like to listen to a CD player please." "Ok sir/madam how does this one 'sound' to you?" or "Can you 'hear' the difference between this one and the other?" Again, listen to what they are saying and tailor your conversation to suit.If you use 'sight' words with an audio dominant person, it will create an uncomfortable feeling for them that will possibly result in them leaving the store without a purchase. The same obviously applies to using 'sound' words with a visually dominant person; it causes conflicting feelings because the language doesn't feel right to them. This takes us back to the earlier point that you are selling a feeling and not an object.It is worth noting that a vast number of people worldwide regard the use of NLP in business as essential but equally there are those who are not entirely convinced of its effectiveness. I have seen and indeed occasionally used the language technique myself but with only a moderate degree of success. I am sure there are far superior and experienced NLP practitioners out there who cannot only close a sale at nearly every attempt, but make it look easy at the same time.Give it a try and see if it works for you. You may not get any results or you could be a roaring success. Either way, it should be interesting, and with a bit of effort and persistence ? who knows?John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted at: john@textcorrect.co.ukWebsite: http://www.textcorrect.co.ukThis article is the property of the author and may only be reproduced in its original form.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Probe Before You Sell

When selling a product to a customer, it is very important to find out as much as you can about your customer and their needs before you proceed with your sale.This is commonly referred to as "needs based selling."The most effective way to find out about your  customers needs, is to ask probing, open-ended questions.An open-ended question does not allow your customer to give you a "yes" or "no" answer, it makes them explain to you what their needs are, and why they would need a particular product.Here is an example, if you were a sales associate at a furniture store, and a customer walked in looking for a dining room set, an open-ended question you might ask would be:"Tell me about the particular type of pattern you are looking for," or simply put, "tell me more about what you are looking for"This puts your customer in a situation where they cannot say "yes" or "no," they must go into detail.On a personal note . . .Not to long ago, my wife and I were in a department store looking for a coat for me.I spotted one that I like hanging on a discount rack. It was brown, with a removable liner, and a zipper that ran the length of the collar, to protect your neck.I liked it so much, I took it from the rack and tried it on.As I stood admiring myself in the mirror, a sales associate came over and complimented me on my appearance in this jacket.I smiled politely and thanked her. She than proceeded to tell me that the best part about the jacket was that it smelled like real leather.Taking her word for it, I put my nose to the sleeve, took a whiff, and sure enough, it smelled like real leather.The only problem was . . .I don't like the smell of leather.Needless to say, I put the coat back on the rack, and the friendly sales person lost the sale and the commission.The mistake the sales person made was assuming that I liked the smell of leather. It was a safe assumption on the part of the sales person, because most people like the smell of leather. This doesn't mean it should be taken for granted.The point I am trying to make, is that it is essential that you ask probing and open-ended questions, find out as much as you possibly can about your customer before you present them with a product. You'll end up with a lot more sales. Believe me!Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the Banking and Mortgage Industry, both as a Loan officer and a Sales Manager. He is also the owner of http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource site, and http://www.callprospect.com, a mortgage lead company.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Keep Sales Simple

For those of us working in the exciting world of sales, we are all too familiar with the pressures of meeting our daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly goals. This pressure can sometimes cause us to loose focus on the simple things that made us successful to begin with.When  we make a sales presentation, it is all too essential to look and sound the part. A professional appearance and product knowledge are to very important ingredients involved in sales.But don't ever lose sight of the fact that sales is supposed to be fun!A personal story . . .I can remember a time a few years back, when I was managing a bank branch inside a supermarket, otherwise known as In-Store banking.At that time, we had daily goals that we were required to meet, and those goals were unit and dollar driven. It was a fast paced environment and every technique we could think of was incorporated into our sales. Nothing was taken for granted.Including the simple stuff.One particular afternoon I received a phone call from a woman who informed me that she was new to the area, and she was shopping around for a bank.We had a pleasant conversation, and I explained to her all of our products starting with our free checking, and ending with our more exclusive products.Once the conversation was over, she thanked me and told me she would consider us.I thanked her as well, and ended by telling her my name again, and that she could ask for me, if she decided to come in.The next day, that same woman walked into my branch and asked for me, she reminded me of the conversation we had the day before, and than proceeded to tell me that she came in because I was so nice on the telephone.The fact is, I was really nice on the telephone, I knew I had a potential customer on the phone and I killed her with kindness. Not because I was being slick, but because it was easy, it was simple, and I had fun doing it. And it worked.There was no selling involved in that conversation. I was just being a nice person.Salesmanship is important, but people want kindness to.My point is, take some of the pressure off of yourself and start having fun! Be nice, smile. It is not always necessary to act and speak so professionally, it can come off fake, and worst of all boring. So starting tomorrow, take a load off, roll up your sleeves, smile, laugh out loud, and most of all have fun and keep it simple!Jay Conners has more than fifteen years experience in the banking and mortgage industry as a loan officer and sales manager. He is the owner of http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource site. He also owns http://www.callprospect.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Quiz: What Kind of Sales Shoe Are You?

Have you ever wondered what type of saleswoman you are? It doesn't matter if you run your own company or sell for someone else ? it is extremely important to know what your style is. What does The Sales Diva mean here? Well ? let me throw my high heel on my desk here and I  will explain.Are You a "Shoe-In" With Your Customers?The most important aspect of selling is to understand and relate to your customer. And before you can do that ? you have to know yourself. Contrary to popular belief ? you don't have to twist yourself into a pretzel to be a success in sales. You don't have to copy anyone else. You just have to be YOU ? with all your quirks and also understanding your strengths.The sales quiz below will help you determine what type of "Sales Shoe" you are wearing?and what areas of selling you need to improve. Answer yes or no to the following questions. Compare your point total to the scoring key at the bottom.1. I enjoy the challenge of finding new clients.2. I feel the most satisfaction with a client I have known a long time.3. I like most networking events.4. When I am faced with a difficult client I am not afraid.5. I love when there are lots of details to put together.6. Money is a motivator for me.7. I get excited when I am working with a new client.8. I love change.9. I love getting out to networking events and meeting new people.10. Following up with customers is easy for me.11. Goal-setting is really important to me.12. I get excited about unknown opportunities.13. Self-motivation is one of my greatest skills.14. I love people ? that's why I got into sales.15. I rarely feel nervous when I ask for the sale.16. I don't tend to take rejection personally.17. I love exceeding my goals.18. People often tell me that I am a great listener.19. It doesn't matter what I sell as long as I believe in it.20. I love learning and invest yearly in professional development.21. I think that the word "selling" is a fabulous word!22. I am an expert at asking questions.23. I enjoy solving problems.24. Relationships are my middle name!25. My customers see me as an expert.26. I have a clear picture of who my target audience is.27. I know what I need to do to market myself.Scoring Key: What Shoe Are You?22-27 Points: High Heel PumpYou go girl! You are dedicated to helping people and making money at the same time. Just make sure to keep yourself on track ? start a Success Team so you continue to stay motivated.16-20 Points: StilettoGreat score! You can run a block in your high heels and not even get a run in your nylon. Just remember ? to maintain customer relationships ? you have to slow down and pay attention to some of the details.11-15 Points: Mary Jane ClassicYou're doing fine but there is room for improvement. Your shy nature may be holding you back in some areas. You don't have to be behind the scenes ? you get out there and shine! Try taking a public speaking class ? it will do wonders for your confidence!6-10 Points: SneakersYou're busy but not much is happening. You may be feeling a little frustrated at why success isn't coming faster. Dig deep here ? what are you afraid of? It's time to get a mentor and also quit trying to do everything yourself.0-5 Points: Flip-FlopDon't despair! Many of your attitudes about sales can be adjusted ? if you're willing. Use this quiz as a starting point to pinpoint the changes you want to make. Consider reading one professional development book a week and also getting some sales advice for your business.Copyright© 2005Kim Duke, The Sales Diva, provides savvy, sassy sales training for women small biz owners and entrepreneurs. Kim works with clients internationally, showing them The Sales Diva secrets to success! Sign up for her saucy and smart FREE e-zine and receive her FREE Bonus Report "The 5 Biggest Sales Mistakes Women Make" at http://www.salesdivas.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 9 TIPS: Dont Sell Me - Persuade Me

We all have something in our past we believe someone "sold" us. It might have been a lemon yellow car, a skimpy skirt or a purple tie. We bought it because -despite our gut feeling - we thought we were doing the right thing. We wanted to please the salesman - and  we believed that person knew more than we did. Until we got home.One of the two major complaints from trade show attendees is about the booth staff that has a heavy sales pitch. You know that pushy salesman stereotype.. (FYI - the second complaint is staff that doesn't know its stuff - i.e. is not knowledgeable about the company products and services..)Trade shows have the disadvantage of compressed time. You might have 30 seconds or 30 minutes but it's not a regular sales call. You can't talk faster. Just listen closely to the attendees and try to persuade people that your firm can solve their problems.Here are nine conversation points, and examples, to consider when speaking with people at trade shows.1. Authority - Why are you important? What gives you the authority to ask for clients? Perhaps it's your firm's expertise in a certain area, or a partner's experience. It's no longer because your company has a long history or is the newest dot.com.TIP - It has to be a proactive, not a reactive, reason. "We've taken the position that e-learning is critical. We developed a great program in-house that improved our sales productivity 45%, and now we're sharing it with others in our industry."2. Conformity - Are you certified? In every industry, some form of certification carries importance and gives you and your firm authority. Knowing that as a consulting firm, half your staff are CPAs, lets me know that you conform to accounting standards.TIP - Don't just tell me why you are ISO9000 certified, tell me why it's important to your company. "We were the first HVAC company in this area to be certified and it really helps us focus our goals to service clients like you."3. Commitment - Is your firm committed to your industry? Are you a leader or just in the middle of the pack?TIP - Don't say you're committed to customer service, tell me how. "We found that 85% of our customer service calls come during regular business hours, but we never want you to have to wait for an answer, so our 800 number and online help desk are staffed 24/7."4. Consistency - Clients want to know you have a track record and that you'll maintain it when they remain with you.TIP - Explain how you maintain the consistency. "We're spending $5million in R&D this year for product improvement, but we'll always stock the MX49 that your firm uses, because we own that mold. "5. Contrast - How are you different from your competitors? Avoid giving your competitor a plug and don't refer to them by name.TIP - Answer questions with a comment that shows your company's leadership. "We're aware other firms are taking the low road, but we've always preferred the high road because the vision is better."6. Like #1 - This is personal - we all like to do business with people for whom we have a good personal feeling, so if there's a twinge of personality clash in your conversation, pass the visitor over to another staff member.TIP - You don't want to blow a deal because he or she didn't "like" you. "You know, I think Sam has a better handle on your concerns, so let me introduce you to him now."7. Like #2 - This is business - In today's fast, competitive world, not everyone is aware of the relationships on the business side, if there is a history your firm has with the visitor's firm.TIP - Be up to date on your company's status, ask about relationship problems before the show. "Yes, I understand we didn't get the bid for the job in Chile, but since we added enterprise software our costs have reduced considerably. I know we'll be more aggressive on your next bid."8. Reciprocate - Is this a potential partnership? Every client should be viewed as a partner. Sometimes, you have to give more in a partnership than you get.TIP - Don't view the reciprocity as a guaranteed 50-50 relationship. "We'll be happy to include co-op advertising in our agreement with you. All we ask is, when the advertising works for you, that you refer other wholesalers like your firm to us."9. Scarcity - How unique are your firm's talents, products and services? What makes me have to choose you?TIP - Be certain of your facts before you boast - "Are you aware we are the only firm to provide secure internet access for coffee grinder repair shops?"Knowledgable conversation leads to persuasion which leads to sales.Julia O'Connor - Speaker, Author, Consultant - writes about practical aspects of trade shows. As president of Trade Show Training, Inc, now celebrating its 10th year, she works with companies in a variety of industries to improve their bottom line and marketing opportunities at trade shows.Julia is an expert in the psychology of the trade show environment and uses this expertise in sales training and management seminars.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Dont Read This Issue: Why Saying No Can Make Your Sales Rate Soar!

Yes, it's true. Saying "No" is a great way of getting people to want what you've got even more.I discovered the power of saying no when our business first got really busy. A potential client approached us to implement quite a large eCommerce project. We couldn't take it on  and didn't want to get any bigger than we already were at the time, so humbly declined the business.What happened? They asked us if we'd be willing to reconsider if they were willing to pay more! That unexpected result left me with a dilemma (but a nice one). It seems that even when you say

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Are You Missing Out On Sales Through Fear of Pain? Improve the Persuasive P

Education plus Motivation is a powerful formula. But how do you ensure the motivation level in your prospective customers or yourself, for that matter, is really as high as it could be? Easy. You make sure to build pain into your motivation strategy. Our basic survival  instincts mean that given a choice between finding pleasure or avoiding pain - we'll usually opt to avoid pain.Once you've persuaded someone to move away from something, it becomes much easier to provide them with something desirable to move towards.7 Tips For Using Pain To Build MotivationThis

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Evaluating Your Customer

It is one thing to make a sales presentation, but it is another thing to make a sales presentation without first evaluating your customer. For all you know, you could be selling your customer something that they already have, or something they don't want, don't need, or  can't afford.This is why it is so very important to take your customer in, sit them down, make them feel comfortable, and get to know them and what their needs are. Once you have done this, you can then sell them a product based on what their needs are and not what you think they are.On a personal note . . .I learned the importance of evaluating your customer the hard way. A few years ago, I was a branch manager working in a bank branch. One particular customer of the bank approached me in my office about opening a savings account for her daughter.Once I explained to her the process of opening a savings account, I proceeded to tell her all about a current promotion we were having on our home equity loans. She sat there and listened very politely and patiently as I very proudly went down the list of all the benefits, features, and tax breaks that come with a home equity loan.Once I had finished my rehearsed presentation, she said to me;That all sounds very nice, and it is something that I will consider in the near to distant future. She than went on to tell me that she and her husband rented the house they lived in.So there you have it, I tried to sell a home equity loan to someone without a house.Needless to say, my face turned a deeper shade of scarlet, and I felt like an idiot.But hey, I learned from my mistake. Had I asked some simple probing questions before I went straight for the sale, I would have saved myself a lot of embarrassment.You will be amazed at what you can find out from people just by asking them a few simple questions about themselves. Remember, people love to talk about themselves. Their jobs, their pets, their kids, just about everything.I once had a friend who owned a shoe store, and his inventory was made up mostly of sneakers. One day a man walked into his store to buy a pair of sneakers. As my friend assisted him with his decision, he struck up a friendly conversation with him. As it turned out, this customer ran a basketball camp during the summer and he loved to talk about it. A few minutes into the conversation, my friend and his customer had come to an agreement. All of the boys and girls that attended the customers basketball camp would receive a 10% discount on their sneakers if they purchased them at my friend's store.So, as you can see, my friend increased his sales that summer simply by striking up a conversation with his random customer and asking a few questions. Imagine going to your doctors office with an ailment and having him prescribe you a medication without asking what your symptoms were. Would you take the medication?The same principal applies.It really isn't rocket science, it's just friendly conversation, get to know your customer and watch one sale turn into many.Why service only one of your customers needs when you can service them all.Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the banking and Mortgage Industry, both as a loan officer and a sales manager. He is the owner of http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource site, he is also the owner of http://www.callprospect.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Making Sales is Easy When You Learn How to Make Friends

Friends buy from friends. Why? Because people trust that their friends will go above and beyond the duties of a typical salesperson. They know that their friends will give them friendly, honest help and provide them with the product that is perfect for their needs. In  return, these people develop into loyal customers who are happy to support their friend's business with continued sales and referrals.So how do you take advantage of this wonderful sales cycle? You must change the focus of the sales experience on making a friend rather than making a sale. When you focus on making a friend at all costs, you will find ways to serve your customers beyond the scope of what you do in your business.This type of exceptional service is what will get your customers talking positively about you after the fact. They will enthusiastically tell everybody they know about you, your company and your excellent service. These testimonials are the most effective form of advertising you could ever have for your company. By making one friend, you will create customer loyalty that will boost your sales as they continue to buy from you and recommend you to others.In order to be friends with your customers, you must take the time to revaluate several key aspects of how you interact with them.Do you value your customers?Your customers do you a great service by contacting you. Think about it. If a customer contacts you or stops into your place of business, they have already paid you a wonderful compliment. They likely have heard that you do good business or that you have the solution to their problem.Return that compliment by respecting your customers and letting them know that you are honored that they have given you the opportunity to earn their business. Recognizing the important value of each customer will establish the loyalty that will keep your friendships and sales numbers growing.Do you truly care about your customers?The only way to become friends with your customers is by caring about them as a friend would. You must listen to your customer's concerns and understand the meaning behind their words. Everything from your tone to the product that you recommend for them should reflect your sincere desire to make them happy and to solve the problem that they brought to you.Because this type of attention and service is so rare in business today, you will create relationships with your customers that are just as rare. This unique relationship will be the driving force behind their purchases.Do you treat your customer as you would want to be treated?Your customers come to you because they need help and they trust that you will be able to supply them with the information they need. Do not take advantage of that vulnerability and belittle their intelligence while speaking with them. Avoid phrases that may sound condescending. After all, knowing every intricate detail of your product is your job, not theirs. Your mockery and disrespect will be evident to your customer, and will be sure to end the possibility of their friendship and business.Treating your customer like a friend also means letting go of many of the techniques typical salespeople may use. Do not fall into the trap of trying a manipulative sales trick on your customer. You do not like it when it is done to you, so do not do it to your customer. If you are focused on your customers needs, there will be no need for finding a manipulative way to close the sale.Employing manipulative sales processes and formulaic closing techniques insults your customer's intelligence and paints you in a shadowy light. This is obviously not good when it comes to earning their trust, their respect, and, most importantly, their business.Making friends with your customers is an easy way to ensure a sales experience where everybody wins. Your customers will feel confident buying from a friendly and trustworthy business, and you will enjoy the benefits of new friendships and continued sales.Tom Richard is the author of Smart Sales People Don't Advertise: 10 Ways To Outsmart Your Competition With Guerilla Marketing. You can subscribe to Tom's Weekly Ezine at http://www.tomrichard.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Be Yourself

Here's the thing... you still have to make every marketing and sales message all about the WIIFM* for your target audience. But it's how you do this ? the words you choose and your behavior ? that makes the connection with the marketplace all about you.Let's look at what  the experts advise. By the way, while these tips sound bizarre -- they're real nuggets, so stay with me:1. Be an authentic liar.2. Be your own valentine.3. Fight bull.Here's how these successful experts connect with the marketplace ? and you can too:Be an authentic liar. In his latest book, All Marketers Are Liars, Seth Godin explains "the power of telling authentic stories in a low-trust world." Mildly unsettling at first, he makes the case that our buyers are actually the ones who are lying. To themselves. About why they want to buy from us.Successful marketers are just providing the stories that our buyers choose to believe. But here's the rub: you have to really live the story you're telling. The second a potential buyer smells anything less than complete dedication to what you're selling, you "cross the line from fib to fraud." It's simply not good enough to have a good story. You have to live up to it as well. If you're a cobbler with no shoes, why should your clients take your advice?Be a role model for what you sell, and nothing less. Then tell a good story about it, to buyers who want to believe.Be your own valentine. In his hot little book, Little Red Book of Selling, Jeffrey Gitomer takes a tough-love approach to helping us be the best version of ourselves we can be.My personal favorites are:? No Whining ("Don't whine to me that the customer won't return your call. Study voicemail. Don't whine to me that your boss is a jerk. Get a new one. Don't whine to me that your company won't give you a laptop. Go buy one.")? Kick Your Own Ass ("Ever have a bad day? Ever lost a sale you thought you had? Ever had someone say yes to you and three days later just evaporate? Wanna know what to do about it?? Kick your own ass. No one is going to hand you success?that's something you have to do for yourself.")The heart of Gitomer's message is put your heart into your work?and if you don't love what you sell, go sell something else. No amount of cleverly packaged marketing spin can camouflage a missing heart. Your clients will see right through it and won't buy from you.Research shows that people buy professional services because of trust. In Gitomer's words, "If they like you, and they believe you, and they trust you, and they have confidence in you?then they MAY buy from you."Let your heart shine through in your words and actions. If you do, your clients will like, believe, trust, have confidence, and buy from you.Fight bull. In their recent book, Why Business People Speak Like Idiots: A Bullfighter's Guide, Brian Fugere, Chelsea Hardaway, and Jon Warshawsky give it to us straight. Stop using words that are meaningless, boring, indirect and obscure. Start communicating with your own voice, personality, and style.How many times have you sat through mind-numbing presentations, meaningless PowerPoint slides, or felt no connection with (no trust in?) the person trying to sell you on their idea, service or product?So stop. Just stop adding to the bull that piles up every day in business communications. Talk and write to your target audience person-to-person. Ask them simple questions that get to the heart of their wants and needs. Tell them that you've thought a lot about their situation and have some ideas that might help them. And do it without the crutch of slides, silly business-speak, or slick messaging.In other words, just be yourself.*WIIFM: What's In It For Me?ReferencesFugere, B., Hardaway, C., and Warshawsky, J. (2005). Why Business People Speak Like Idiots: A Bullfighter's Guide. New York: Free Press.Gitomer, J. (2004). The Little Red Book of Selling. Austin: Bard Press.Godin, S. (2005). All Marketers Are Liars. New York: Penguin.(c) 2004 TurningPointe Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Marketing educator, Kelly O'Brien, is creator of the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Qualifying vs closing

The art of effective question asking (qualifying) determines the effectiveness and the success of the "close".EXAMPLE: Let's assume you're a candy sales rep. You sell both chocolate and non-chocolate candy. I'm your potential customer. You know nothing about me but you're  trying to sell me chocolate candy. You proceed to tell me how great the candy tastes, how exquisite the texture is, how incredible the quality of the chocolate is, and, by the way, how affordable this candy is because your company is doing a promotion on this outstanding chocolate candy. However, you don't sell me a single piece of chocolate candy. WHY?You assumed I liked chocolate candy and I would buy it based on the information you provided. But the most important thing you forgot to identify or ask me is

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Stop Chasing Prospects Forever!

Perhaps the biggest challenge faced by salespeople is the problem of chasing prospects. In this article I'll explain exactly why that happens, and how you can avoid it entirely and make prospects chase you instead.I once heard Donald Trump say, "In selling, you must never  appear desperate. As soon as you look desperate, it's over.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Catapult Your Business?How to Get Customers to Chase You Instead of the Oth

I was thinking about the statement:The Small Business Administration tells us that 80% of all small businesses will not make it more than 2 years, and by 5 years 90% will have gone out of business. If that is the case, then why does every business out there try to be like  the others? Most copy everything right down to the way everyone else in the same industry lays out their office.The reasons I get from clientsThey don't want to reinvent the wheel. They want to learn from those that have done it because it will save time and money.Can we then assume that they are all wrong? Yes! At least 80% of them!Finding How to Be Different Will Bring More Success Faster Than Trying to Be Like Everyone ElseFor most companies there is someone just like you on literally every street corner in the world. Isn't it a little hard to get noticed standing in a crowd that all look alike?If you want to be noticed, don't you have to look different, do something that would make you stand head and shoulders above that crowd?I'm going to give you two points here that, if you decide to follow them, will make your business so visible that people are chasing you to buy from you instead of the other way around. It will make your business a magnet, pulling customers in.Find what makes you unique (we'll discuss that later). Find what is different about the 20% of businesses that are succeeding. (I'm not saying copy them and look like them either. I'm suggesting that they have something we can learn from). Learn what the other 80% of all business are doing so we can avoid it.Finding Your Unique Selling Proposition, That Thing that Makes you so visible above the crowd that they are chasing youWhen I'm working with my executive business coaching clients I spend a significant amount of our time trying to find what would make my clients different. This one idea alone can make you super successful if you find your powerful unique selling proposition.List your products/services/featuresLet's start a worksheet on a piece of paper. On the far left create a column called Products/Features/Services, and list all of your products, your features, your services down that column. List each on their own line down the left side.Benefits--Why Buy the Product/Service?Next to that create a column, label it, "Benefits, What would a client get from buying my product or service. This is an answer to "Why buy my product (service)."Don't worry about perfection here. This is a thought process that will get better the more you think about it, and until you start writing down your thoughts it isn't going to get better. So start now. This is a process. You'll find that your early answers will be rather weak and wishy washy. You might not think so when you first write them down, but I'll guarantee that the more you review this each time you'll look back and realize how far off target you've been when talking about your product before, and probably still are in the early phases of what we are doing right now.Make sure that, as you write the answers in each column to the right, that they line up with a product or service on the same line of the first column. So, answer the same question for each product or service.Why Buy It From Me?The next column to the right is "Why buy it from me?" In other words, if someone has already decided to buy the product based on the benefit you just wrote in the 2nd column, and IF there really is someone just like me on every street corner, then give a reason why they should buy from you, or even better, why should you be noticed above that crowd on every street corner. A quick suggestion: Before you go where everyone else goes-your answer shouldn't have anything to do with being less expensive. If you go there you'll lose. Everybody else is already there. You'll just be looking like everybody else anyway. Take your best shot at this, we'll come back and get it better later.Make the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Unleash Your Inner Sales Superstar & Win More Business Right Now!

It's a rainy afternoon on a typical mid week afternoon and the telesales team isn't firing on all cylinders. Cedric really isn't pulling his weight at all. He's been pushing papers around his desk for most of the afternoon and is having a miserable time. His sales figures  are below target, his call statistics are below average and he knows that winning the lottery is as likely as him turning it around before the end of the month. John the sales manager also knows that Cedric isn't performing and decides to run a coaching session with him to try and sort things out. So far so good.John and Cedric sit down and start to chat. John has read a few books on management and he knows that it's important to empathise and listen to John. After a bit of preamble and a few good questions the two of them actually begin to get quite honest with each other. We pick the conversation up about here?C:

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...