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arrow right More Sales - You Must Keep Asking

I bought a second pair of reading glasses from my local Optician recently. I need this pair to help me find the first pair which inevitably go missing. While in the Opticians I remember thinking that I needed to buy some solution and some of those tissues for cleaning my  mucky glasses.However, when it came to the point of paying for my new glasses the cleaning stuff went right out of my head. So why didn't the Optician or his assistant ask me -

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling - Always Go for Top Money

If you've ever flown economy class on an international flight then you've probably noticed that the airline makes you walk through Business or First Class to get to your economy seat. You become very much aware of the wider isles, the more spacious, comfortable seats and  the greater leg room.As you squeeze into your

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 22 Closes For Real Estate Agents To Make The Sale

All closes are not created equal. Top producers realize every homeowner has specific needs and every situation demands its own close. While you may have found a close that works better for you than others, it shouldn't deter you from using a variety of closes depending on

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How Can A Smelly, Hissing Goose Teach You To Be A Business Leader?

In the 1990's we lived on a farm in Iowa. Since I grew up in the country, I thought I knew everything there was to know about country living. Imagine my surprise at learning something life changing from a couple of old geese! When we obtained the farm I wanted to have the  full experience so I began to collect animals. We acquired cats, dogs, chickens, an old horse, guineas and the pair of geese. I recall the wisdom that came from the animals. One such piece of wisdom was on leadership.Leadership can be applied to our families, friends, business associates, co-workers and relatives. True leaders are not born, as we are often taught. True leaders are developed. True leaders find out what others want and then they weigh the best solution to create a win / win situation. Leaders face the challenges head-on and don't whine, 'It's too hard.' They take the time and energy required to develop their character, skills, philosophies, attitudes, and goals and then? Then they allow these things to be their guiding force. Fine leaders understand that others look up to them. They grasp the concept of this immense responsibility and joyfully take on the task. Good, bad or ugly.So, how can a smelly pair of hissing geese teach you more about leadership? Well, on the farm we owned 4 acres of woods and at night it was crawling with opossum, raccoons and coyotes. Of course that meant that each night all the feathered animals would have to be secured in the chicken coop. The chickens and guineas didn't have a problem with going in at night. The geese? Well, they were another story!The geese were stubborn. They had ideas of their own. They did not want to be told what to do.Does this sound like anyone you know?Each evening all five kids, two dogs and I would do the ritual "goose dance" where we would chase the geese with big sticks, brooms and any other intimidating item we could find. We would attempt to forcibly push and shoo them into the chicken coop. At times my husband would strategically suggest some new technique. Yet, NOTHING worked!Barking, yelling and honking were standard sounds during the ritual goose dance. Finally we would manage to circle and herd the geese to the chicken coop door. They would reluctantly jump over the threshold and we would quickly and angrily slam the door shut behind them while shouting angry words and stomping toward the house. I was not happy.The geese began to consume my thoughts. What motivated these stinking, stupid, stubborn birds? Why did they have such a mind of their own and why were they so...well....you know...difficult? Didn't they realize it was for their own protection and we were attempting to do what was best for them? After all, we KNEW what would happen if they stayed out at night. They would be goose dinner for some prowling animal in the woods.I can't say as I blame them. No one likes to be told what to do. Pushing someone never works. No one likes to give up his or her freedom and ideas. Even if you realize something they don't and it is for their own good. Then it dawned on me that perhaps?..just perhaps, the geese were like people. Yeah?.maybe they had a mind and personality of their own. Maybe I needed to find out what they wanted. When I showed them how to get it, they would actually WANT to go into the coop. Maybe I could lead them. It was time to get creative!That evening I opened a bag of corn and spilled a few kernels in front of the geese. They quickly waddled over and gobbled it up. I had found the answer! Woo Hoo!!!I was in front of them?.I was leading them. They were following me! I took the corn and kernel by kernel, they followed me right into the coop! I ran out and slammed the door shut and this time, I smiled! No cursing, no anger. I was happy!I took my stick and danced around with it?you know?John Travolta style. STAYIN ALIVE, STAYIN ALIVE???.AH AH AH AH?.STAYIN ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE. Living on a farm means no close neighbors monitoring your behavior so you tend to be...well, let's say...more?you know?uninhibited. I had just learned the power of leadership from a couple of stupid, hissing, stinking, annoying birds! I was so happy!From that moment on the geese were led in each night. I was even able to teach my children to be "leaders". What a concept. Teaching others leadership.Leadership is a skill. Skills can be learned?you don't have to be born a leader. If you want to become a strong leader, ask yourself, these questions:What motivates your associates, employees and team members?Are you attempting to get what YOU want by pushing or do you take time to find out what THEY want and then show them how to get it?Are you bossing your team members or are you leading them in the right direction?Are you creatively designing situations where everyone wins?You never know, someday they might even thank you. After all?.anything is possible when you develop leadership skills!(c) 2005 Michelle Shelton, All rights reservedMichelle Shelton is a licensed REALTOR with Keller Williams Realty Southeast Valley in Gilbert, Arizona. Michelle specializes in teaching clients the entire process of Real Estate. She believes that the more educated her clients are, the less anxiety and stress they will have when buying or selling their home.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Road to Achieving Training Success: What Holds the Key?

As a trainer, you will be able to see a single change in a single person, out of perhaps a hundred tries, as a success. That is a good percentage. Obviously, the more successes the merrier, and the smaller the number of tries, the more critical becomes the necessity to  increase the possibility and probability of success.How can you achieve this you ask? An important thing to remember is that no matter how he appears or what he says, your safest assumption always will be that the trainee is subjective. They will interpret you, what you are trying to communicate, and most of the things that occur in the interchange primarily in terms of their own experience, language, understanding, etc. Remember, too, that this is just as true of you. You must constantly and consciously remind yourself to be objective.Another problem is that many trainers tend to over-isolate specific interchanges between themselves and other people and ignore these very similarities. As a result, they frequently use the wrong words or language or speak in a tone which is inappropriate to the training situation. They think they have to avoid the use of language which is unfamiliar to the audience, thus possibly oversimplifying what they say.By keeping these two simple things in mind your success rate will definitely increase.Copyright AE Schwartz & Associates All rights reserved. For additional presentation materials and resources: ReadySetPresent and for a Free listing as a Trainer, Consultant, Speaker, Vendor/Organization: TrainingConsortiumCEO, A.E. Schwartz & Associates, Boston, MA., a comprehensive organization which offers over 40 skills based management training programs. Mr. Schwartz conducts over 150 programs annually for clients in industry, research, technology, government, Fortune 100/500 companies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide. He is often found at conferences as a key note presenter and/or facilitator. His style is fast-paced, participatory, practical, and humorous. He has authored over 65 books and products, and taught/lectured at over a dozen colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Anticipating the Audiences Reaction

Obviously, you can not know all of the things that will set off an individual person. But you can know and base your actions on far more specific information about them than you probably now are using. Even if the reaction of the audience cannot be known, try not to do  anything that will directly cause him to react negatively based on what you know to be generally true.Most people are likely to become quite active in their reactions and responses, for psychologically, they are ego-defensive as well as subjective. Either consciously or unconsciously, they will actively try to counteract anything that they find aggravating or threatening. For example, if you seem superior to them in any way, they will attempt to block the imagined or real superiority, perhaps by not liking you or disagreeing with you, as their own internal justification. Something as simple as your looking like someone else they know (who perhaps once did them wrong), a stereotype, or a preconceived idea could greatly affect your attempt to train them.While this may seem to be just simple common sense it is easy for many trainers to lose perspective when speaking to a large group of people.Copyright AE Schwartz & Associates All rights reserved. For additional presentation materials and resources: ReadySetPresent and for a Free listing as a Trainer, Consultant, Speaker, Vendor/Organization: TrainingConsortiumCEO, A.E. Schwartz & Associates, Boston, MA., a comprehensive organization which offers over 40 skills based management training programs. Mr. Schwartz conducts over 150 programs annually for clients in industry, research, technology, government, Fortune 100/500 companies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide. He is often found at conferences as a key note presenter and/or facilitator. His style is fast-paced, participatory, practical, and humorous. He has authored over 65 books and products, and taught/lectured at over a dozen colleges and universities throughout the United States.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales and Closing Techniques

One essential criteria of being a successful salesperson is the ability to be able to close a sale effectively. You don't have to be a salesperson to do this, yet you do need to put at least some of your focus on sales to be successful, whether it is yourself doing the  closing or are someone you hire. After you have done the difficult part, which is prospecting, you need to close. This is not really hard but is the singlemost important step. The final close happens when you ask the prospect to make a decision. Selling and marketing, as you may have guessed by now, are actually 2 seperate things completely.Most people don't realize that closing is essentially a process rather than one particular action at the conclusion of a presentation. During the sales process, you should be moving the prospect towards the close step by step. Every time you get a prospect to advance or to agree to take the next step increment by increment (such as a 3-way call, going to your web site, having lunch with you or trying the products, etc), you move the prospect closer to the close. It is a key factor to understanding the whole process, not just one single aspect of it. Many people are so fearful of closing that they never

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Mortgage Leads Are Like a Box of Chocolates

Mortgage leads are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. That is why it is so important to do your research before you invest.When shopping around for a lead company, you want to ask yourself six easy questions about the leads you are going to  invest in.WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, and WHY.Who is the person trying to obtain the mortgage? Are they serious about their purchase, or are they looking to buy six to eight months down the road once their lease is up, and they save some money?Look for lead companies that weed out these types of leads, and will send you only potential customers looking to purchase within thirty to forty-five days.What exactly is it that they are looking for? Are they looking to purchase, refinance, obtain a construction loan, or purchase land?Make sure the lead companies have parameters on their applications to make sure the potential customer can be specific about what they want.For instance, if a customer wants to refinance their home to purchase a new roof, because their existing roof has caved in, chances are, the appraisal won't come in. We all have compassion, but this is not a good situation for a loan officer spending their hard earned money.Where are the leads coming from? If a lead company is buying their leads from other companies, then these leads are considered old or recycled. They will however be very cheap, but remember, quantity is not always as good as quality.When is your customer looking to purchase? If they are looking to purchase thirty to forty-five days from now, great! If not, then you might be waiting a long time for your ROI.How many other loan officers have contacted your customer? Most lead companies sell their leads up to four times if they are being sold non exclusively. Make sure you find out the amount of times your lead company sells their leads to loan officers, and if they recycle them to other lead companies.Why is this person applying for a loan? When you receive a lead from a lead company, there should always be a comment section where the potential customer can state the purpose for the loan and ultimately describe their needs. This way you can do a little research to discuss the programs you can offer that would be suited to their needs.It is important to do as much research as you can about mortgage lead companies before you start investing your hard earned money.Visit their web sites, and check out their return policy. Call and speak with a representative, and ask if they will allow for a free trial.When you are ready to commit to making an investment, do it with a lead company you are comfortable with that has a reasonable minimum deposit to start with.The more research you do, the better return on investment you will receive.Good luck with your leads!Jay Conners is a former loan officer with more than fifteen years of experience in the mortgage business. You can learn more about the mortgage lead industry and how he became involved in it by visiting his site at http://www.jconners.com a mortgage resource center. He also owns http://www.callprospect.com a mortgage lead company.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Shout At Your Customers - Theyre Hard of Hearing!

Some people say we live in the Information Age.I call it the Distraction Age.My new hometown is Distractionville. Everything and everybody shouts, "Hey, look at me!": E-mail, Internet, TV, telephone, newspaper, radio, family and friends. The Distraction Faction is as bright  as the midday sun and louder than a freight train in Distractionville.I have had conversations lately with many small business owners about promoting their businesses for more sales. Traditional methods of advertising are more expensive than ever for the results they offer. Newspapers, magazines, radio,TV and Yellow Pages worked well in the past but due to the increasingly shortened attention spans in Distractionville, these methods for getting information to your customers aren't getting results.Business owners tell me they are often exasperated when their regular customers tell them about buying goods or services from another vendor that are readily available from their own businesses. The owners think what kind of customer loyalty is that for all of the service I offer to you? The owners say to the customers,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Seven Keys To Closing More Sales During The Second Half Of 2006

It's not too early to start planning for the sales results you want at the end of 2005. Here are seven things you can do to make sure you're in the Winner's Circle at your Next National Sales Meeting.1. Develop a system for everything. There's a fundamental reason why  companies like McDonalds, Disney, and FedEx do so well. They havesystems for getting things done. You can too. Think about systematizing all repetitive tasks. Quit reinventing the wheel everyday and you'll close more sales.2. Schedule your priorities instead of prioritizing your schedule. Read that line again and let it soak in. Keep two lists. One is thlong view and the other is the short view. The short view is what you should be doing today. These lists should be in writing. If you are creating these lists with an electronic planner - be sure to print it, so you can see it and refer to it often throughout the day.3. When you're in the selling mode keep the A.I.D.A. principle in mind. A-ttention, I-nterest, D-esire, and A-ction. This model has been around a while because it works.4. Rise and shine 30 minutes earlier everyday - especially if you're lagging in the sales quota department. Allocating an additional 30 minutes every day will enable you to plan more effectively, think more creatively, exercise more regularly, read more frequently, and outfox your competitors more profitably.5. Hit the books. There are no excuses for not knowing something. None at all. It doesn't take time to succeed in sales it takes knowledge. For example, doing a Google search on these phrases yielded these results:Sales questions - 56,400,000 Closing the sale - 6,030,000 Negotiating - 13,100,000 Sales tips - 25,900,000 Sales techniques - 16,300,000 Price objections - 1,420,000You'll get a wealth of information just reviewing the first couple of pages created by your Google search.6. Keep track of your success. Measure your success and be sure to measure what matters most. Applying a yardstick to everything you do is the quickest way to turn around your sales performance.Pretend you're Swiss Cheese - and find the holes. Even if your numbers are good right now, they'll get even better when you track all key elements of your sales performance.7. Poofread your work. Actually, it should have said Proofread your work. When you're running fast you're likely to make more mistakes. The more important the communication is, the more time you should spend proofreading and editing the copy. You're always being judged and the customer is doing the judging. Reading your document

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right As They Approcah the Finish Line... The Winner Is?

Recently, right before I was about to deliver a motivational speech at a sales conference, the Director of Sales took the stage and began talking about the importance of teamwork and how all the reps needed to work more effectively together. At the conclusion of his  presentation, he turned to a large flip chart and turned the front page over.On this large chart was a picture of a race track and a bunch of horses. In place of the horses heads were pictures of the sales reps faces. Each horse was at different points on the track. The Director of Sales then talked about the race that all the sales reps are in to hit a specific goal and where each one was standing in the race - and who was closest to winning the prize.I about fell off my chair! Is this the same guy who just a moment ago was talking about teamwork? Well, any thoughts about teamwork flew out the proverbial door.Incentive programs, whether they are for a sales team or any group within your company, can either be productive or counter-productive. In my opinion, the race horse idea is definitely counter productive and is a good example of a close-ended program. A close-ended program has a specific number of winners and will leave the rest feeling demoralized. Many will give up or not even start the program, because they don't feel that they could win.An open-ended program rewards everyone who reaches the goal and everyone else who didn't. Here is how to set-up an open-ended incentive program. I call it the 6 D's:1) Define the goal. What do you want to accomplish? (Reduce absenteeism, improve safety, heighten customer service?) Don't make the goal to complicated and eliminate as many obstacles to success as possible.2) Decide if the program should be set-up for individuals or groups. Groups always work seem to work better; however, it depends on what the goal is and how many people will be participating3) Determine the prize. Will it be cash, gifts, or how about a company wide event where all can attend and have fun and the winners receive something nice, but not "over the top?"4) Develop a system of measurement. How will you measure any improvement? Make sure that everyone who is participating knows the rules ahead of time and that all agree the goal and the system of measurement is realistic. Allowing for participation in the overall decision process is not only effective for morale, but also insures that everyone is in agreement, before the program begins, that the goal is a valuable one, the rules are fair, and the prize is worthwhile.5) Declare a start date. Promote the program a week or two before the actual start date and get people excited about participating. This also gives participants time to develop ideas and strategies.6) Dedicate your time to help everyone. Get other leaders at your company involved and have them provide encouragement to all and keep everyone motivated. If all will be rewarded and the prizes are for the actual winners are not to outrageous, then everyone will have fun and know that no matter who actually wins, the goal will be reached, and that you, as well as other who are "higher up the ladder," have noticed what everyone has accomplished - and that you and "the higher-ups" are grateful for their hard work and dedication to achieving the goal.By following the 6 D's, you will create and open-ended incentive program that will not only allow you to achieve an important goal, but also increase morale, let employees have some fun while they work, and leave the racing to the "real" horses.Bob Garner is the author of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 5 Steps to Selling Anything Technical

One of the most difficult things we deal with as tech companies is trying to sell our services or products to prospective clients, would you agree? A major problem we face is conveying why our future clients need our services using terminology they will understand and pay  attention to. One of the sales secrets I am going to let you in on, is that you can make sales without the client even knowing the name of your product or service or ever saying a word like: Search Engine Optimization, gigabyte, meta tags or even computer.The minute anyone finds out that you're not only a sales person, but a sales person looking to sell them a product, they scream and run for the hills, don't they?How many of you have opened a phone call to a prospective with something like "Hello, I was just wondering if you would like to have your website optimized for the search engines?" If you have, you probably got a very quick "No thank you", CLICK. Opening a conversation is tough I admit, it's like sitting at a bar and making eye contact with that really cute someone over there and not knowing what to say to them to get them interested in you. Being too upfront may cost you and you could get the answer everyone seems to fear, "No." Let's look at how to get past this.Step 1: Never ask a yes or no question.So long as someone knows you're a sales person and you're out to take their hard earned money, 90% of the time an automatic "No." will be the response to any yes or no question. If you ask a question where the prospect can not say just a simple yes or no to then it opens a conversation in a positive light, an example of this would be "Hello, My name is Greg and I am calling from Abalone Designs, I was just looking over your web site and was just curious as to what the main purpose of your web site is?"Alright you're in! You didn't get a quick "No Goodbye!" Instead you got an "Uhhh well I use it to promote our bed and breakfast to potential clients" Perfect, you already know your service is going to be able to help increase their potential for finding more clients. There is now no excuse to why you shouldn't be able to help your new future client find a service that your company offers.Step 2: $ervice.Believe it or not people can see when you are being insincere or just trying to make sale deadlines. The exceptional sales people, the ones we all should strive to be, are the sales people that take pride in not only their company but also their clients and future clients. Offering an exceptional service is the way to become a champion at sales. If you want to take one thing away from this article it's that service is what separates the haves with the have-nots. At Abalone Designs, we pride ourselves in a sales force that finds delight in serving other peoples needs. I recommend you make it a policy for yourself that all your clients and potential clients come first.First things first, Do what your mother says and treat others how you would like to be treated. Don't be a pushy sales person. Find out the clients needs and wants and find out how you can best give them exactly what they want. Clients don't care that you have sales quotas and that your boss is riding your back. In fact if you're potential client feels that something like that could be a factor or that you say something that reminds them that you are a sales person, unfortunately your time is up and you can kiss the sale good bye. This brings us to our 3rd tip,Step 3: What not to say.There are plenty of words and phrases that can cost you a sale. If you remind someone that you are a sales person and not someone trying to give them the best service that you can then once again, kiss that sale good bye. Although there are more sales killing words that I can shake a stick at, I am only going to go over some of the majors.Cost or price: When people hear cost or price, they automatically think of money coming out from their pocket and into yours. Instead use: investment or total amount. When they hear the word investment they automatically think that their money is going into something that is worth while and will give them a return. The same goes to a monthly payment, use monthly investment or monthly amount.Buy: No one wants to buy anything in this world; everyone just wants to own it. With the word buy the client thinks of a price and then automatically knows you once again are the evil sales man after their gold. So use the word own. "If you choose to own this product it will change your life" The client will envision your service or product as if they had already bought it.Problems and objections: If you think that something is or could be a problem you are already scaring yourself out of buying a product or service. Reassure that this is not a problem but a Challenge. When a client has an objection, let them know that you understand their area of concern and that you assure them that it won't be a problem.Finally only birds go Cheap: Never refer to your product or service as cheaper than something as that is exactly what your client will think, that this product or service is cheap and nobody wants to be sold something cheap. Instead let them know that it is more economicalStep 4: Tickle their Emotions.I said at the start of the article that you can sell anyone anything without them knowing anything about the product or service, which I swear to you, is the truth. People never seem to buy on just facts alone, they need to be to be enticed.Find out what the clients emotional attachments are and then use them to find the best service or product based on their wants and needs. A perfect example is Search Engine Optimization for a Bed and Breakfast web site. Most likely they have a web site to find more potential clients for themselves. If this is the case ask them what they would do if they had 150 more people wanting to stay at their B&B. They would start thinking how wonderful it would be to have their rooms booked for the next year. "I would love that!" they would say. Already they are excited and their emotions are telling them and I quote "Buy! Buy! BUY!" You have not said one word of what your service is and they are already getting ready to own your service. Find out what the client wants and needs and help them dream up a fantasy around those, and then help them achieve that fantasy by using your services. If you can get them dreaming of how their life will be better with your service you have them sold, if not the worst they can say is "No!"Step 5: Learn to Love "No!"Trust me on this one. Not everyone is going to say yes, in fact most people will say no. The beautiful thing about this is that I am going to show you a way to love the word no.How many clients do you speak with before usually getting a sale? On average at Abalone it's around 1 in every 20 people we speak with. Let's just assume that every sale we make we make $200 from the fee of our services.Now this may blow your mind and get you excited for calling more clients even if they say "NO!"There is a formula we can use here and it goes a little something like this: If 1 sale = $200. 20 contacts = 1 sale. Therefore, 1 contact = $10There you have it, it is that easy. For every one contact you have called you have gotten 1 contact closer to making that sale, therefore you have just made yourself $10. Now don't get me wrong you still have to qualify and actually try to close the sale on every contact, but if they say no, well hey you just made yourself 10 bucks. If you look at it this way we will be able to psyche ourselves up for making the calls needed to make that 20th call and get the sale.There you have it folks, the 5 basic steps to selling anything technical. Step 1, never ask a yes or no question as you will always get no. Try asking a question that allows them to give you more information about themselves without having the chance to say no. Step 2, $ervice. Service is the way the pros make the money when it comes to sales. Find the clients wants and needs, and find the best way to accommodate them. Do not worry about your wants or needs as believe me the client does not care! Step 3, what not to say. Refrain from using those sale killing words as that's exactly what they will do, kill your sales. Study and imbed those comfort words into your head use them over and over until the words come naturally and you will notice a giant difference. Step 4, tickle their emotions. If you make them dream it, you can sell it. Last but not least, step 5, learn to love no. You're going to hear it more than you hear yes, learn to love it and know that it is just a stepping stone to the big pay off you want.If you follow these steps and make them yours you will have no problem becoming a champion at not only sales but life in general! Now that you have read this, you remember that special someone you made eye contact with at the bar? Why not go say hello.Greg Harrison is a web strategist for Abalone Designs Inc. - One of the World's leading Search Engine Optimization firms. More of Greg's articles can be found at http://www.abalone.ca/resources/

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Method to the Madness of Training Seminars

I arrive with about 350 other guys. We smile at each other but really don't talk much. I guess we all feel that we are too good and too proud to be at a sales-training seminar.The trainer/speaker/guru promenades into the room and starts glad-handing everyone. He is dressed  in a $1,200 suit with a sequined T-shirt underneath.He lets us know right away that he just never wears a tie. (Suddenly all of us are loosening our ties, slipping them off, and stuffing them into our briefcases.)"OK fellows, get up!" he tells us. "Put down your pens and pads; you won't need them today. I am going to make you a successful sales rep by changing how you think, not how you write. I want everyone to push away the chairs. Open up the room so that we can open up your minds."Reluctantly, we start pushing the chairs and table into the corners. Are we supposed to be in nursery school? I thought I was finally going to learn how to close more deals.The lights are dimmed. He begins with a whisper. "Close your eyes? think back to when you were a small child. Remember that story your mom would read to you. The one that you already knew by heart but wanted to hear again and again. The story that shaped you hopes and dream. What was it?"He must be pulling our leg, I thought. But then someone screams out, "The little engine that could."Mr. Guru jumps on it. "Great, now I want you to really get into the story." He starts pretending he is a train and huffs and puffs around the stage."Those of you who want to get on that train of success, what are you waiting for?" He is imploring us to join him.To my disbelief, within 20 seconds 100 guys are snaking around the tables and chairs in a long conga line. Then I start hearing music that sounds like an engine that is racing faster and fastrer. The guys are loving it.After a few minutes of pure pandemonium, Mr. Guru cuts the music, and everyone quiets down. "OK, OK, I want everyone to get that favorite story of their very own into their karma and act it out. Also look around the room to see if anyone else has a similar dream."The noise level goes right back up, and yet I am still standing in the corner doing nothing. These guys are a bunch of jerks, I tell myself.The guy next to me is starting to take off his jacket, and even his shirt. "What are you doing?" I ask."My favorite story was the emperor's new clothes," he says with some embarrassment. "You remember, everyone pretends that they see stuff that is really not there to please the emperor. Well I am tired of pretending at work that all those ideas from my boss are so great. I think most of them are foolish."This guy is right. I start pulling off my shoes and socks, even my toupee. I see contact lenses popping out, and women pulling off their high heels and pulling out running shoes from their purses. We have at least 30 to 45 people around us. We are not alone.What are we going to do with this newfound community? I jump onto the stage and tell Mr. Guru about our group. To my disbelief, he asks me to speak to the entire convention about what we are doing."When?" I ask."Right now," he responds and sticks the microphone in my hand.I begin telling our story, To my amazement the "little engine guys" stop huffing and puffing. They stand still. They are listening to me. They start removing their jackets. The few remaining ties are gone too.I am into this. I tell the crowd, "Next time your prospect asks you for the benefits of your product, don't just repeat the garbage in the fancy brochure. Tell me how you, yes you, how you can really help them."Listen to your client, he is the emperor. Find out what he really wants. No one has ever honestly asked the question." I am on a roll, wow, and I am loving it.The room is hopping. This is how my kids must feel at a rock concert. Do they still have mosh pits? I am ready to jump. I am sweating from exhilaration. I see Mr. Guru standing just off stage, grinning.The music comes on. He runs out, thanks everyone for coming, and tells us to buy his book and sell, sell, sell.With one hand, he envelops me with a huge hug. His other hand turns off the microphone. He whispers in my ear. "Hesh, good job as always. See you out back. Don't forget the limo is waiting for us."Hesh Reinfeld writes a syndicated business humor column. You can read additional examples of his columns on his website: http://www.heshreinfeld.com Or contact him at hesh1@comcast.net

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Practice Building: Create a Powerful and Targeted Call to Action for Your P

A "Call To Action" is an invitation for your prospective clients to actively engage you in some way- directly or indirectly.Most prospective clients, even if they are very interested in working with you, often need a way to build a relationship with you in bite-sized pieces  to work up to engaging your services.Effective marketing will ALWAYS include a SPECIFIC, EASY, TARGETED, COMPELLING, and usually FREE, call to action.Everything you send out can and should include a call to action; e-mails (in the signature line), web site, flyers, business card, advertising, announcements, newsletters, even the outgoing greeting of your voicemail system.Three Types of Calls TO ActionRequests-Please forward to your interested colleagues-Your feedback would be appreciated!-Please reply and let me know what you think-If you find this valuable, please pass it on to someone you care aboutProvide Value-For free e-book-To register for my free e-program?-Visit my web site for-To schedule a complimentary sample session-For free assessment-Subscribe to my free monthly newsletter-Listen to free audio program-For your free copy of "5 Steps To Success"Toward Closing-Register by ? to qualify for early bird rate-Bring a friend for 50% discount-100% satisfaction guaranteed-Let me show you how?-For more information?-Contact me and start your new life now!When a prospect acts on any of the above, they are interacting with you and become a warmer lead.The three types of calls to action have different purposes and timing, and your marketing efforts should include a combination.What can you invite your prospective clients to do, what can you offer them, that they would be likely to act upon, that would build your relationship with them?California-based Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Relationship Coach, David is founder and CEO of Relationship Coaching Institute.com and BuildingYourIdeal Practice.com, and the author of How To Build Your Ideal Practice In 90 Days and the How to Get Clients Toolkit. You can visit his website at http://www.BuildingYourIdealPractice.com and subscribe to the free monthly Getting Clients Newsletter, and get access to our f'ree monthly Practice Building tele-seminar, and 3 other great bonuses.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Acquired Expertise: Attitude and Confidence

"I recommend the 5.8 GHz Digital Phone, because it suits your needs well, provides adequate service for your area, and has the additional capabilities you requested." The sales clerk spoke with confidence, implicating she knew this to be true, and bringing the  client into focus with her needs. Her attitude of confidence presented the product well, and the sale completed.As the client agreed to the purchase, the clerk smiled, offered other services, recommended the service package with the product, and completed the sale, earnestly convincing the client she was meeting her need. At the check out, because the clerk had quoted regular pricing, discount pricing was available so the client saved an additional significant amount of money on this product.Another client enters the store, met by another sales clerk. The client describes his need and the clerk says, "I think this 5.8 GHz Digital Phone will do what you're asking. It says here on the box that it works everywhere, stops interference, and has places to store your important numbers." The client responds, picking up another box and reading the side of it. None of them promise significantly different promises from any other, and the clerk appears unsure of his product. The client finds a cheaper 5.8GHz phone and purchases it, refusing the last minute offer of a service package, and walks out of the store feeling let down.Two days later, he comes back to the store, the phone not out of the package and returns it, saying he isn't sure its what he wants, and leaves with the phone the first clerk attempted to sell, but after talking to a different clerk. The more confident clerk also sold him the service package and the second handset.The client leaves happy, knowing he got the deal he wanted because the clerk he spoke with was an "expert" on phones. The place is Radio Shack, both clerks received the same sales training, had the same knowledge behind them, and had a good solid understanding of the way all cordless phones work, and which areas of the community work best with specific phones. It does make a difference, because various phones have power variations making them work better under specific conditions.Both clerks knew this. One portrayed confidence, understanding of her product, and solid knowledge of the area, presenting all information in a way that led the client to believe she knew what she was talking about. The other clerk counted on the product packaging to sell the product for him.All things being equal (though we know they are not), knowledge, confidence, and attitude bring a sense of power to the person resulting in expertise projected to others. In the words of the Assistant Manager of a local Radio Shack, Brenna VerHoeff, "It's all in those two little words 'I recommend', a customer will buy what you recommend, if you present the product in a manner that tells them you know what you are talking about. I make a point of knowing my products, knowing the value of any additional products the customer needs to meet their needs, and listening to the customers so I understand their needs."Brenna, a college student, has moved up steadily since her employment at Radio Shack nearly a year ago, because she listens to the sales training offered, presents her product to her clients with confidence, and is willing to go the extra distance to meet the customers needs offering additional Radio Shack services.Jan Verhoeff combines 27 years of service in the Free Enterprise domain and a lifetime of education in business development to bring expertise and understanding of basic business principles to new business owners. An expert in the field of business development, Jan presents conceptual information through publications, live presentations, and Power Launch, a weekly live conference chat for business developers. For more information see her site at: http://wahopportunity.blogspot.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...