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arrow right Getting People to Buy Without Selling

In my youth I landed a job selling encyclopedias door to door. I worked for commissions. If I didn't sell anything, I didn't get paid. Trying to sell a high ticket item such as encyclopedias door to door was no small task as you might imagine.I was desperate to make a sale  and I'm sure my desperation showed in my rehearsed sales presentation. I told my potential prospects all about the features of the item, but I didn't tell them how the product could benefit them specifically. Needless to say, by using these sales tactics, I didn't sell one set of encyclopedias.Your potential prospect is only interested in what the product, or service can do for them. Sure they're interested in the features, but how will those features "serve them?"The harder you try to sell the less interest your potential prospect will have in your proposition.They will see your desperation and think..."They're not interested in helping me; they're just trying to make a sale." Show your potential customer "what's in it for them."Unless you let your potential prospect know how the product benefits them they will be ready to say "NO" before you have a chance to finish your sales presentation.The 5 fundamental "states of mind" in selling.Curiosity: First you have to get your potential prospect curious about how your product, or service will benefit them.Interest: Next you have to get your potential prospect interested in knowing more about the product, or service.Conviction: You have to convince your potential prospect that your product, or service is something they need and want.Desire: You have to create the desire in your potential prospect to own 'it', or to be a part of 'it'.Decision and Action: You have to get them to make a decision. You have to get them to take action.Is it possible to get people to buy without selling?It sure is. Study your target market. What is there about your product, or service that will appeal to "them?" Just because you are interested in a particular feature pertaining to your product, or service doesn't mean your potential prospect feels the same way about it. Look at it from their viewpoint.Does your potential prospect want to resell your goods, or service for a profit? Are they going to use your goods, or service for their comfort? Will it save them time and energy? Will it save them money? Will it make them look and feel younger? Will it improve their health? Will it make doing their chores easier? Find out what your prospects main interest is in your goods, or service then concentrate on telling them how that aspect will benefit them.Take the vacuum cleaner salesman.Salesman: "Mrs. Howard, how do you normally clean your carpets?"Mrs. Howard:"I use a broom. That's been getting the dirt out pretty well, but it's very tiring."Salesman: "Mrs. Howard, although you get some of the dirt and dust off the surface of the carpet with your broom, you don't get it "out" of your carpet. Do you know how much dust and dirt you sweep into your carpet everyday? When it gets walked on the dust and dirt is trampled into the fibers and in time the dust and dirt wears and ruins the fibers of the carpet.Our power vacuum cleaner will not only get the dirt and dust off the surface of your carpet like a broom does, but it will clean deep down into the pile, loosening and sucking out the dirt and dust that's been embedded in the fibers. This will prolong the life of your carpet saving you the expense of buying a new one.And when you use a broom a lot of dust and dirt is moved into the air. This dust and dirt not only finds it's way onto your furniture and drapery, but into your lungs as well. By using our power vacuum cleaner the air in your home will be healthier and everything will remain cleaner because unlike using a broom the dust and dirt isn't moved into the air, it's sucked into our power vacuum cleaner. Our machine is also lightweight, so it's easy to handle. It glides across the floor effortlessly (he demonstrates the movement of the vacuum cleaner across the floor). You won't have to work hard every day to get out the dirt and dust like you did when you were using your broom. This power vacuum cleaner gets the job done fast and easy."Mrs. Howard: "How much does it cost?

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Top 10 Secrets to Fully Embrace Sales and Exceed Your Goals Forever!

1.- REMAIN VERY CLIENT FOCUSED! Not Company focused. Your clients are what is to be watched, monitored and known inside and out. Ask them questions about your service quality and listen by responding to their answers. They will continue to be your loyal client when they  know you hear them and care.2- IT'S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE! Love your work and show your passion for what you do! Take the lead of Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and many others. Excitement sells! If you aren't thrilled with your product/service offering, why would anyone else be? Share your excitement!3- GOAL SETTING KNOW-HOW IS KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS! Revenue targets should be identified regularly with daily/weekly action plans put in place to ensure goals are met. If you don't have your own goals, you will most assuredly become a part of someone else's. Wouldn't you rather be working on your own goals than someone else's?4- QUALIFY PROSPECTS, IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD, IT PROBABLY IS! Ask questions to ensure there is a genuine need for what you are offering and that the prospect is not simply shopping and/or wasting your time.5- KEEP YOUR EYE ON YOUR SALES PIPELINE (FOLLOW UP WITH PROSPECTS IS ESSENTIAL!) According to Bob Leduc, Sales and Marketing Expert, you can increase your sales by 50% or more if you regularly follow up with prospects. If you give up after the first contact, you will lose significant potential sales! Patience is the key here. Do not be so naive to think that your prospects will be able to decide to move forward with you upon your first meeting. The average

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Smart Discounting: The Right Way To Discount Your Products

If a store had a great discount in the middle of the woods and nobody was around to hear about it, would it make a difference?There are two types of discounting. There are arbitrary discounts; these are the type you just make up because you are trying to close a sale or for  some other stupid reason. Arbitrary discounts are not only ineffective, but they can often backfire on you and make you look like a salesman. Then there are legitimate discounts that are in place to move a certain product or for some other acceptable reason.These legitimate discounts work great if you can promote them and use them to bring more customers into your store. Discounts will only eat up your margins if they are not promoted throughout the community. You need to make sure everybody hears about your great discount or else you are doing nothing more than throwing money out the window.You may also use discounts as incentives to buying an outdated product, or a product that you are simply trying to get rid of. Depending on your marketing and your clientele you can also offer cash discounts or discounts for using your 'in-store' credit card. These types of discounts 'make sense' to the customer and are generally accepted. Not everybody responds to discounts. By having legitimate discounts in place, you will be broadening the range of customers that you can effectively serve.The point being, your discounts need to be justified. Arbitrary discounts are dangerous and ineffective, not to mention they upset your current customers who paid a higher price. When you discount a product because it is last year's model, or the product has been discontinued, your customers understand and accept this as a legitimate discount. This presents the customer with a valid decision to make -- saving some money and choosing the less desirable product, or going with the hottest product and paying a little bit more. (This valid decision also becomes a great choice close.)When you take that concept of legitimacy and roll it out into an actual promotion, you have a means to generate more traffic into your retail store. Gather all of your legitimate discounts together, come up with a great way to promote them, and then get the word out. Nothing will upset your customer more than not hearing about a sale that they would have responded to IF they knew about it.The other day I was working out at my local fitness center as usual. I overheard an employee talking about how they had to through away thousands of dollars of supplements because they were outdated. I thought to myself, well? they did not become outdated all of a sudden. I don't think the dates stamped on the bottles snuck up and surprised anybody. Why didn't I have the opportunity to buy some of these supplements at a deep discounts? (Can you tell I am a bit disgruntled?) I would have bought a ton of stuff at the right price and it would have saved them from the trashcan, as well as put money into the register. However, I never had the opportunity to buy these supplements because I did not know they were on sale. I go into the club everyday and walk passed the supplements and not once did anything jump out at me to alert me of any sale. That is just a missed opportunity, and a costly one at that. What types of opportunities do you have in your business that would be similar to my experience at the gym?Discounting can be appropriate when the discounting is done for legitimate reasons. Make sure that you are NOT offering discounts for arbitrary reasons, as that will backfire. Once you establish your discounts, you MUST MAKE SURE THAT EVERYBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT! Get the word out. Your customers will thank you for letting them know as they are handing you money. WOW?handing you the money!Visit Tom's website to sign up for his ezine, receive free products, and buy his new book on guerilla marketing. http://www.tomrichard.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Prospecting: Not A Wild Goose Chase... Its A HUNT

Prospecting for future customers can be fun if you approach it the right way. It is not a wild goose chase; it is a wild goose HUNT.Cold prospecting requires you to start from nothing and end up with the name and contact information of the person who can say "yes"  to you. If you are in a situation where you have to use cold prospecting as a way to generate sales, you should go in fully prepared. Your goose hunting gear includes both research and creativity.In order to sell your product to a business, you must first find out who the real decision maker is. This is the fun part.You should start your research on the internet. It is amazing how much you can find out about a person or a company with Google. Typically, if the business is public, you will find all the information that you need to know on their annual reports. If the company is not a public one, or you simply are not having much luck with their financial statements, then you should look for company press releases. As a matter of fact, before you start all of this digging, try their homepage. Between all of these different methods you will come up with a name and some form of contact information.Contact information does not need to include their direct phone line (good luck getting that). There are four acceptable means of contacting your future customers ? email, snail mail, fax, and telephone. Gather as much information as you can.In order to gather enough information you will also need to be creative. This part is more fun than the first part. There are no bounds when trying to engage your future customer and trying to reach the coveted next step ? the appointment. Don't shy away because you feel that your methods might be 'unprofessional.' Salespeople worry too much about professionalism.Instead, you should try and have fun. By having fun and being creative you will not only enjoy yourself, you will get your future customer to smile. Now that is something that your competition was certainly NOT able to do.The best way to get your creative juices flowing is to write down what your objective is. Your objective could be to get the email address of the decision maker. With that in mind, think about all the different ways to get an email address. Start by calling and asking for it. If it sounds too simple, then you obviously have not tried it before.No luck calling, then stop in. If you expertly prepare for a cold call visit, you'll be able to have a hand delivered note to the decision maker accompanying your information. You do not just want to leave you information; you want to get to know the gatekeeper on a first name basis, and ask him/her for the decision maker's business card. This will go smoothly due to the fact that you are already walking in the door with their name. (You should also try and see the decision maker right then on the spot.)Now you have their business card and you are on a first name basis with the gatekeeper. You are now prepared to expertly engage the decision maker and move on to the next step ? getting the appointment.When you are prospecting you need to have the guts to try something new. What do you have to lose? You didn't even know their name before. Have some fun and be creative. If you sound like a salesperson, then you are doing something wrong and chances are you aren't having any fun.Tom Richard is the author of Smart Sales People Don't Advertise: 10 Ways To Outsmart Your Competition With Guerilla Marketing To view this book, or to join Tom's weekly ezine, visit http://www.tomrichard.com/

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Most Underused and Powerful Method of Lead Generation

Are you worried about whom you'll sell today so you can feed your family tomorrow? Are you jealous of the top producers who are getting phone calls from new prospects every day? Wouldn't you love to come to the office and find your mail box full of messages from potential  clients?I'm going to show you the easiest, quickest and most effective lead generation method to grow your business, using word of mouth or referrals.Referrals are the most effective way to create a steady stream of customers for your product or service. In most businesses referrals generate over 70% of their sales. However, salespeople spend the least amount of time, money and energy developing referral sources.Doesn't it make sense to put your focus, attention and resources into the lead generation activities that will reap the greatest benefits?If you aren't currently using a system to generate referrals, you're leaving thousands of dollars on the table and missing out on a golden opportunity to skyrocket your sales.According to statistics, the average person has a relationship with 250 people!In other words when you write a list of everyone you know personally, it will likely add up to around 250 people.What this means is that every client you currently have opens a door to 250 more!So, when you know how to get your clients talking about your business, you'll have a big network you can easily tap into.Could anything be better for lead generation for your business?Developing referral sources begins by creating relationships. Smart sales people will break even or even lose money to create a relationship with a new customer.Why?They understand that once they have a relationship with a client, selling to them becomes much easier. So it makes sense to do whatever you can to create new relationships.Word of mouth is a very powerful tool. When you harness the power of word of mouth, you can build relationships with hundreds of people through the network that your clients have.Since we all trust our family and friends more than we trust sales people, getting a new client by referral is easier than getting a new client by any other means of self promotion.A referral gives you instant credibility with the family and friends of all your current clients. When your clients refer someone to you or your business, they are giving you a personal endorsement. They're saying to that friend or family member they trust you and whatever bond you have with your clients can and often will get transferred to their friends when they're enthusiastically told about you.According to industry sources, customers who come to an individual or business by referral:?Spend more money on each purchase ?Buy more often ?Are more loyal ?Refer more customers ?Trust your adviceSo by seeking out referrals you'll increase your income and have more time to enjoy life.Most of the time getting referrals is free. Even if you do spend money to maximize your lead generation by referral it's the best place to spend your marketing dollars.In order to get referrals on a regular basis and to continue to grow that number over time it's important to have systems in place and a plan for generating referrals.In the next article I want to share with you the first few pieces of "How to Master the Art of Referrals".Jim Klein is the owner of From The Heart Sales Training. He helps sales professionals attract new clients, close more sales and generate an abundance of referrals so they can increase their income and enjoy life more.Click Here Now for free Sales Training. Sign up for our newsletter

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 5 Ways to Increase Business Sales by Contacting Your Existing Customers

One of the best ways to increase your sales and one that won't cost you a lot or take a huge amount of time is by selling more to your existing customers. This can be a lengthy process and expensive to win over a new customer between advertising, sales calls, and approvals.  With existing customers the process can be much quicker, smoother, and less costly.Existing customers already know you and what you can do. Your challenge is to learn about additional opportunities within your company ,and go after them.If the cost of sale for an existing customer is so much lower than for a new customer, why don't small companies go after their existing customers more aggressively? You should take care existing customers as good as possible ,so that they never leave you.It's been said before that one unsatisfied customer will go out and tell 10-20 of their friends and family about their unsatisfactory experience, but the opposite doesn't seem to occur. Your customers, vendors, suppliers and associates might think you walk on water, but they won't seem to tell everyone else how great you are unless you show them how and give them an actual reason to do it.There are many ways to get your customers never leave.1. Hold contest for best Testimonials.What is a testimonial? It's a statement, usually written by your customer, saying nice things about some aspect of your business, you, your employees or your products and services. If you want to use the testimonials in marketing efforts, you need to get a written release from your customers who wrote the testimonials giving your business the right to use the testimonial in marketing.There are many ways to get testimonials from your customers. You can actually hold contests for best testimonials. Request letters of endorsements from your customers, vendors, suppliers, and any associates you have. Use those to promote your products and services. When you use testimonials to add credibility to what you do, you're letting your customers do the marketing for your business.Testimonials from your customers are one of the strongest marketing tools available. You don't need to use all of what it says in each testimonial letter. Here are some choices or ways you can use testimonials.¤ You can print the entire letter.¤ You can print one sentence.¤ You can print one word.¤ Print with a picture of the person whose testimonial it is.¤ Print the person's initials only.¤ Print the entire name of the person providing the testimonial.¤ You can actually do video or audio recordings of a person's testimonial.Ideally, you want to use all of these techniques. The benefit of using testimonials on your web site can help link popularity in search engine results as well.Whether you use this marketing tool for both inbound or outbound reasons, you will have an advantage over your competition. Check them out next time you visit their office or web site and see for what people are saying about their business practices. You'll be amazed!2. To build a large sales organization.So if you expect to receive a $10,000.00+ monthly commission check from the sales volume produced by your down line organization of distributors, you first have to build a large organization. To build a large sales organization you must recruit and sponsor people.The people you recruit and sponsor will come from either your warm market (people you know such as family and friends), or your cold market (people you don't know).In all honesty, most people have very little success with their warm market. Which means that if they are going to build a sales organization, then they must recruit from their ........you guessed it.......Their Cold MarketTargeting a little further ,we find two types of people in the Cold Market: the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 11 Powerful Methods of Sales Lead Generation

Are you searching for new and innovative ways of sales lead generation? Are you lacking in sources of good quality leads? Are you tired and bored using the same methods for generating sales leads?If you answered No to these questions you're either satisfied with the income  you're earning ? or you're not interested in earning a 6-figure income in sales. Please stop reading this article.If you answered Yes, then you're going to be very excited to read not only this article but the rest of the series I've written on sales lead generation.Here are the 11 most profitable methods I've found for sales lead generation that have turned hundreds of sales people into 6-figure sales people.Sphere of InfluenceCreate a list of at least 100 people you know. Send out an introductory letter telling them about your product or service. Talk with each person at least every three months. Send them information of interest at planned intervals throughout the year. Consistently ask for and receive quality referrals. Remember, if each person you know also knows 100 people, well you get the idea.Cold callingUsing cold calling effectively for sales lead generation requires five key ingredients. Target the market you are going to call. Know your objective (get an appointment, get a name). Have a memorized script. Smile. Be prepared for rejection. Have fun!Knocking on doorsThis method is much the same as cold calling. I used this very effectively in real estate. I used to knock on doors year round. Do you think people would remember someone who knocked on their door in the middle of winter?FarmingThis is another technique that is used effectively in real estate and can be adapted to any product or service. Pick a market of 200 homes or businesses and become the only person they think of in regards to your product or service.SeminarsSeminars are great for sales lead generation. People who attend your seminar have an interest in the information you are presenting and a need for your product or service.Mass mailingAlso known as direct marketing. Successful used of this method requires mailing a well written sales letter to a targeted mailing list.NewspapersPay attention to the local news, business and announcements sections. Look for the people who get promoted, have babies, buy and sell homes and start up new businesses. There may be leads here for your product or service.Email publicationsGetting email addresses of past and current clients, your sphere of influence and any one else you come in contact with is a great way to keep in touch.HairstylistMost everyone has a barber or hairstylist they use on a regular basis. When ever I'm in the chair the conversation covers a variety of topics.Offer them a $1 for every card they pass out or motivate them even more by offering a percentage of the sale that result from their referral.I've even picked up business myself while getting my haircut. Keep your ears and eyes open at all times.Daily ContactsEvery day when you leave the house take twenty business cards with you and make it a point to give them away. That's twenty cards times five work days. If you're really ambitious, do it on Saturday and Sunday also.When you're looking to generate lots of quality sales leads the more lines you have in the water the more fish you're apt to catch.These are all effective methods of sales lead generation and should be used regularly.The title says 11 methods of sales lead generation, however, if you count there are only ten. That's because I gave the best and most effective method its own page and is the topic of my new book. If you effectively work this method you will soon find you have more business than you can handle.Jim Klein is the owner of From The Heart Sales Training. He helps sales professionals attract new clients, close more sales and generate an abundance of referrals so they can increase their income and enjoy life more.Click Here Now for free Sales Training. Sign up for our newsletter

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Rock and Ripple Effect: 3 Ways to Splash to Sales Success

Imagine you've just thrown a rock into a pond. SPLASH! Ripples begin extending around the point where the rock hit the water. An interesting observation is that the ripples closest to the rock are actually the smallest ones. Then each ripple creates another larger  ripple?until finally it disappears.Welcome to the world of selling!Contrary to popular belief ? it's not just the big things you do that create interest. Sure we get attention when we get a new customer or project ? but the ripple effect doesn't stop there. In order to attract customers we need to be doing 3 activities on a consistent basis.KNOW THE ROCK YOU ARE DROPPINGGuess what? You have to know who your perfect customer is. If you don't ? your company will attract a hodge-podge of customers, a few drips or none at all. Clarity is critical in developing a consistent stream of sales.Which target audience bests suits your product?  Where are they located? What motivates them to choose your product? Why should they choose you instead of your competitor?SKIPPING STONES DON'T WORKSkipping stones may go the distance but they have very little impact. I am much better at dropping rocks ? plus I won't break a fingernail! In order for you to create a ripple effect for your business ? you have to be continually dropping rocks.Take a tip from the advertising world ? top of mind awareness is always their goal. How do you achieve this? By constantly ensuring you are in front of your potential perfect customer. You also don't need a big budget to do this!Attend association meetings your perfect customers would join. Have marketing materials that create the WOW factor. Absolutely DO NOT ? I repeat ? DO NOT CREATE A BUSINESS CARD ON YOUR COMPUTER. Homemade business cards are not rocks ? they are little pebbles ? and they don't make a positive impact on your future or existing customer.NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF THE RIPPLESReferrals are one of the ripples you want to see in your business. This only happens by treating ALL of your customers with care and attention ? ALL the time! One ripple method is using thank-you cards. If someone gives you a lead, helpful information, or buys from you ? you MUST send them a thank-you card within 7 days. The faster the better. Handwritten and not just with your signature. Show appreciation to customers and to those who help you! It creates ripple effects beyond your wildest imagination!Copyright© 2005Sales Diva, Kim Duke of The Sales Divas helps women biz owners and entrepreneurs attract amazing clients and customers, effortlessly! To learn more about increasing YOUR sales - and to read her FREE how-to-articles, visit her website http://www.salesdivas.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right What You Can Learn From The Movie Business

Maybe everything you need to know you can learn from the movies. A friend of mine is a screenwriter in Los Angeles. Over a glass of wine, we were discussing his business and the nature of the beast in Hollywood. He's a boy from Canada who gave up his much-loved Honda, his  life savings, and his broadcasting career to move to Los Angeles to attend the American Film Institute. Not an easy feat in your mid-30s. After 8 years of hard work he is now becoming the new discovery of LA. He said the most difficult thing to adjust to was all the talking.Collin slouches into his chair.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Golden Week of Selling

Have you ever heard of the Golden Hour? I live with a paramedic ? so I am always learning about medical terminology (whether I like it or not!) The one that caught my attention was Rob's reference to "The Golden Hour."The first 60 minutes after someone has been  injured are critical in EMS. This is when they can offer the most support in saving someone's life. Paramedics, doctors and nurses call it the Golden Hour.In selling there is also a Golden period. 7 days! One of the biggest factors in why someone doesn't CHOOSE your product or service is they didn't get what they needed FAST ENOUGH. Hey ? we have all been there ? flat tires (I have had 2 in one week!), orders to fill, e-mails to respond to. We get busy and sometimes a customer or potential customer can slip through the cracks. A good friend of mine, Wayne Cotton, is an international speaker. I love his quote "If you have a problem then create a process. Good-bye problem!"7 Point Diva Checklist:Once you have had any interaction with a potential or existing customer go through the following 7 point checklist:1) (Insert the date) info is required to be in front of client.2) Thank you card sent within 7 days of meeting. The earlier the better!3) E-mail follow-up within 24 hours advising them the info will be delivered by the date they need.4) Delivery of the info BEFORE the deadline if at all possible.5) Follow-up phone call to ensure they have received the material ? as well as to set up a date to discuss the proposal.6) Another thank you card once they have purchased your service/product.7) Insert them into your e-zine/database for additional follow-up for the next 12 months.Your Mom Was Right!I really want you to listen to your mother. If she is anything like mine ? you were told a looooooooooooooong time ago that first impressions count. Along with "wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident!" Make sure you are doing your best to create a positive first, second, and FOREVER great impression. Having a structured follow-up strategy is the best way to make this happen. Print off the list for each client ? attach it to their file and make sure you go through it at the end of each week. It stops a customer from falling through the cracks ? which of course, also means that revenue isn't falling through the cracks either!Listen to your mom, listen to my paramedic boy and also listen to the Sales Diva! Create a Follow-up Process and then you can also spend A Golden Hour in the shoe store of your choice!Copyright© 2005Sales Diva, Kim Duke of The Sales Divas helps women biz owners and entrepreneurs attract amazing clients and customers, effortlessly! To learn more about increasing YOUR sales - and to read her FREE how-to-articles, visit her website http://www.salesdivas.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The ?Shocking? Sales Strategy of Saying THANKS!

I would like you to begin thinking of mailboxes in a new way. Contrary to popular belief ? it isn't a symbol of an inept postal service. In fact- it is one of the Best ways to communicate with your customers. And I am not talking about sales flyers either!Are You Saying  Thank-You To Your Customers?Here is one of the shocking basics of selling.If you don't THANK YOUR CUSTOMERS for choosing you ? you are average ? perhaps even less than average.I want you to consider the thousands of dollars you have spent in the last month. Mortgages, car payments, groceries, advertising, marketing ? and yet ? I would bet a Diva Dollar that very few ? IF ANY ? thank you cards have hit your mailbox.Saying Thank-You Is Being RespectfulRemember ? your customers have options. They could have chosen someone else. They could have waited and done nothing at all. Instead ? they chose you.So what have you done to thank them?Here is a Diva Rule ? E-mails Don't Count!Why? Simply ? they are boring. And if you look in the Sales Diva Dictionary under the word BORING, you will find this phrase: Losing Money.I Lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve Getting Fun-Mail ? Don't You?I don't know about you ? but I will open a personal card with handwriting much faster than I would open a bill. Your customers feel the same way!Five Sales Diva Rules of Saying Thanks:1. Show attention to detail. Send a personal thank you note in the mail within 7 days of receiving business from a customer.2. Don't send a cheesy corporate card. Instead ? find something that represents your customer!3. Handwriting Rules. If you slap a cursory "Thanks for your business" and signature ? you are wasting a stamp. Write a short note directly to the person as well.4. Don't Pre-Write The Card. As tempting as it may be to pre-write cards ? don't do it. It will come across as vague and "canned".5. Thank ANYONE that helps you. If someone gives you a lead, a phone number, some Free Advice ? anything that makes your life a little easier ? pop a card into the mail saying Thank You!Don't let another week go by without thanking your customers as well as the many people that help you. We all remember those who are appreciative of our business and help ? and we quickly forget those who don't. Where do you want to be?copyright 2005Sales Diva, Kim Duke of The Sales Divas helps women biz owners and entrepreneurs attract amazing clients and customers, effortlessly! To learn more about increasing YOUR sales - and to read her FREE how-to-articles, visit her website http://www.salesdivas.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The 7 Deaths of a Salesman

In sales, you can work one of two ways. You can either do the things you should do or you can do the things you want to do. Sometimes these are one in the same, but more often they are at odds with one another. However, this article isn't about doing the right things, it's  about showing you what things to avoid. If you can figure out how to control each of these 7 things on a daily basis, you'll be well on you way to selling success.Eternal EmailEternal email can occur several different ways. The most common of these is checking your email every five minutes in eager anticipation of something new. Another way to waste your day with email is by relying on it for long messages or conversations that last longer than a few sentences.To control your email instead of the other way around, set aside two or three scheduled times a day to check it. Also, never have a conversation over email that could ever be misinterpreted because of the rigidity of writing instead of speaking. Embrace your telephone for communication with your clients, prospects, and colleagues. In the age of information overload, a friendly voice on the other end of the phone can greatly separate you from your competitors who are taking hours of their client's time with excessive emails.Personal Phone CallsHow many people do you know at your office that take at least a dozen personal phone calls a day? I bet at least one or two people came to your mind almost immediately. Do you know why? Because taking personal phone calls is one of the most distracting and unprofessional things you can do in a corporate environment and is immensely irritating to co-workers. If you're concerned with productivity, this should be one of your most irritating pet peeves.If you don't think that taking personal phone calls at work is such a bad thing, then you may be the very person at the office that everyone is complaining about.In sales, if you're having problems with personal phone calls, I recommend putting a little note on the receiver of your phone that says "Can this Wait Until Later?" Most of the time, when you take a personal call at work, it's because you think it has to happen right now. Ask yourself this question before taking any personal phone calls at the office and you'll quickly start to take less time each day with distraction.Unplanned Internet ResearchA killer for sales people is surfing the internet for hours at a time and justifying it as prospect research. Should you do research every day on your clients and prospects? Of course you should, but only if it doesn't interfere with your more important tasks such as meeting with clients, following up with prospects, and asking for referral business.The key to overcoming unplanned internet research, as well as many of these other distractions, is planning your day the night before. Lay aside a reasonable amount of time each day for research (probably between 30 minutes to an hour) and make sure you don't go outside of that time the next day. Try to keep this philosophy for your sales research, only do research that you plan to act on in the next 24 hours. That will prevent you from doing any research that you might forget before having the opportunity to use it.Running Personal Errands on Your Sales RouteWhether it's dry cleaning, grocery shopping, buying shoes, or anything else, keep your personal errands out of your business life. Why? Because you have a limited number of hours each day to sell and you can't afford to spend that time on things that aren't making you any money.In sales, everything should be weighed according to its opportunity cost. You probably remember this from your economics class in college. Basically, opportunity cost means the cost of something in terms of an opportunity foregone (and the benefits that could be received from that opportunity). Whether the cost is time, safety, or money, nothing is ever totally free. So when you're picking up your dry cleaning during time that you could be making phone calls, the opportunity cost of doing that is the amount of money you would be making if you were making calls instead of picking up your dry cleaning. Measure everything in sales by looking at the opportunity cost and you'll find that making decisions about what to do first becomes much easier.Running Your Day Without a PlanIf there's anything on this list that probably kills more sales people that any other, it's trying to function without a daily plan. Study the life of any successful sales person throughout history and you'll quickly see that planning is a common thread that runs through all of their careers.The worst thing I've seen that happens to dozens of sales people is that they manage their day according to how they feel. When this happens, you can work for an entire day without ever accomplishing anything significant. Don't let this happen to you, make a plan and follow it every day.Some of the things you should plan into each and every day are new prospect development activities, follow up activities, research, and planning. Everything that moves a sale from beginning to end should be planned into every day.Long Term Marketing During Work HoursThis one may not hit home if you're not responsible for the branding and marketing of your product on a more national or long term basis. But for those of you that are selling for a small business, or own a business, this one is just for you.Long term marketing includes writing articles or books, working on your web site, putting together marketing material, and any other similar activity during business hours. If you're in the very first steps of developing your business model then this material has to be created before you can really selling, but for those of you that just aren't convinced that your marketing material is top quality, or your brand positioning needs a little work, you've got a constant temptation to do this during work hours and it will kill your sales if you give in to it.You've got to strike while the iron's hot and that mean selling during normal business hours and working on long term projects after or before business hours. If you think that sounds too difficult for you, guess what, you're in the wrong profession. When you decided to go into sales, you agreed to a whole different lifestyle than your computer programmer friends.Non-Business Work During Business HoursThis is the catch-all for all those other things that you do at work that don't make yourself or your company any profits. This includes paying bills, reviewing your 401K, balancing your checkbook, writing poems to your girlfriend, playing video games, watching movies, and so on. All of these things have a time and a place in life, but it's not at the office when you need to be selling. If you find yourself gravitating to these activities every day, I recommend getting some professional help. A great way to start would be to sign up for my Nacke Gazette where you'll find encouragement and success tips in your inbox every couple of weeks.Overcoming non-productive activities in sales is probably something you'll struggle with your entire career. By being mindful of what you're doing and fighting against distraction, you'll see greater and greater success throughout the years.Mike Nacke is a speaker, author, and consultant to business owners, managers, and recruiters. He has helped companies make millions of dollars by developing unique hiring processes that turn hiring into a measurable science. He is also the publisher of The Nacke Gazette. Visit http://www.mikenacke.com for more information on reducing labor costs and increasing workforce productivity. Mike is currently the Director of Development for PrideStaff, a national staffing and recruiting firm.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 3 Tips to Get Clients Now

"I need more clients!" wails Steve, a 32 year old Boston-based financial planner, echoing a familiar refrain. Poised and well spoken, Steve is after the same high net worth individual as others in his field. How can he rise above his competition?One of the more  innovative yet inexpensive ways of building buzz for your business is to consider inviting members of your target audience to a complimentary talk. For example, Steve could invite people to his nicely furnished office for a brief talk on financial planning, and follow up with complimentary consultations.To Steve's delight, the idea worked.Why is public speaking such a great promotional tool?First, it reinforces the perception that you are an expert in your field. Second, advance notice of your speaking engagement brings you free publicity as hundreds of potential clients will see your name and picture on postcards, glossy conference brochures, in the newspaper, and on the Internet.Many professionals speak for the publicity alone. Diane Darling, CEO of Effective Networking, Inc. and the author of The Networking Survival Guide, likes to speak at the Los Angeles Learning Annex because her picture, company name, and the cover of her book jacket goes out to a mailing list of 100,000 and offered free in hundreds of locations around the city. "It's the best form of free advertising you can get," she says.Public speaking is also valuable in terms of creating top of the mind awareness of your services among existing clients and colleagues, helping generate referrals and further establish you as the expert of choice.Speaking to Generate and Refine Book IdeasAttracting clients is just one reason to consider public speaking.If you are thinking of writing a book, you can use public speaking as a way to test the market for a new book or product, or refine the development of a book in progress. Penny C. Sansevieri gives talks related to publishing, and used her class at the San Diego Learning Annex to refine the manuscript that turned out to be her book, Get Published Today.Ken Lizotte, CIO (Chief Imagination Officer) of Emerson Consulting Group, Inc., speaks before a variety of associations as members are in the position to use his article writing and book development services.How to Find speaking opportunitiesSpeaking opportunities are all around you. Just look in the Calendar section of your local business journal and city newspaper to see the various events hosted by local chapters of national associations, business and civic organizations (Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, etc). Also, check your mail, email, and trade association publications for announcements of industry meetings and conventions.The next time you hear yourself saying you need more clients, look no further than the nearest podium.Complimentary articles and ebooks available at http://www.BuildingBuzz.comThis article is adapted from Marisa D'Vari's book Building Buzz: How to Reach and Impress Your Target Audience.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Art of Backend Selling

The art of backend sellingThe backend sale can be more rewarding than the original sale. And it can also be much easier.What exactly is a backend sale? After you have sold something to somebody you are in an excellent position to sell them something else which complements  the first sale. You already know the customer has an interest in a certain type of product or service, so they are prequalified leads for a backend sale. Take a store selling fishing tackle, as they have just sold you a rod, reel, and line they know you are going fishing, so they also offer you the bait you will need.The customer who has just bought is also in a buying mood, and has his wallet, credit card or cash out. While he/she is there, there is a good chance they will be open to another purchase from you, as they already trusted you once.Here is a story of a backend sale I once had which illustrates how it can work for you. I had a customer purchase a membership to a safelist I was running, but he then decided that it didn't work for him. He requested his money back, which I happily supplied, but added to the end of the email that he may like to try a different way of advertising, and I was an affiliate for a company which could offer him an alternative. I received an affiliate payment for 50% of a $60 sale, on the back of returning the $5 membership fee. Now that was good enough for me to realise the value in the backend sale.Try it out for yourself, on your thank you page add a link to a complementary product your customer can purchase on his way off your site. Your bank manager will love you for it.Douglas Titchmarsh owns the website at http://www.cashinonline.info and also offers an informative newsletter which you can subscribe to by sending an email to douglastitchmarsh@getresponse.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Closing the Sale - It Doesnt Have To Be Uncomfortable

"The Close" is sales jargon for the bit where you ask the customer to make a decision or to place an order. However, it doesn't always relate to sales. Many people feel uncomfortable when they ask someone to make a decision.The reason people find it difficult is that they  hate the word

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...