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arrow right How A Dancing Horse Can Increase Your Sales

"Yeah right!" I thought to myself as I started to turn off the TV after hearing that the show was about a dancing horse.I couldn't imagine watching a documentary about a dancing horse and its rocky road to success. I was very skeptical but curious enough to see if this  horse could actually dance. After all, the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction -- and a real life dancing horse beats a fictional talking horse.I was amazed to see the elaborate venue set up for this horse. The audience was dressed as if they were attending an Opera, and the venue was beautifully decorated with an orchestra playing on the stage.Then out comes Brentina, the dancing horse and main attraction. I watched mesmerized as the horse started dancing as soon as the orchestra started playing. They were in perfect harmony with each other.The horse timed her dance moves perfectly and gracefully to match every beautiful note the orchestra was playing. Not only was this horse dancing, but it was like watching animal ballet.My

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Get Clients To Take Immediate Action

Are you tired of excuses? Looking for a persuasion technique to get people to take immediate action? Are prospects saying things to you like: "I'll think it over and get back to you?" "I need to talk it over with my wife." "Call me next week and we'll set up an  appointment.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Build a Repeat Client Base in Automobile Sales

Here is a question I recently received from a young automobile salesperson:"I'm a sales rep just starting off. I am 21 years old and have nine months experience at a (auto dealership) store. It is hard for me because I am very young. The rest of the sales guys are at least  40 with many years of experience. I would like to ask you for some personal tips so I can surpass these guys. I don't have a repeat client base quite yet, but I'm working up to it. I would appreciate if you wrote me back.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Whats Your Sales Training Goal - Exposure or Behavioral Change?

When your company invests in sales training, what is the expected outcome? Is it a change in how your salespeople perform their daily activities - in other words, a change in behavior?Unfortunately, most companies drastically underestimate the amount of time and effort that  must be invested to accomplish behavioral change. Sitting in a class for a couple of hours or days is a good way to expose salespeople to new skills and techniques. However, new skills and techniques often feel strange and uncomfortable. Many salespeople worry that attempting to use the new skills and techniques with real, live prospects or customers will cost them sales and hard-won credibility. So, they abandon the new skills and techniques and continue to rely on

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right It Is Not The Price That Is Keeping You From Making The Sale

Most salespeople are under the false belief that the lower the price, the better chance they have at making the sale. Nothing is further from the truth.The truth is, your customer will not buy at ANY price if you do not have value established. When YOU truly believe in your  product and YOU truly believe that it is worth the price, then the customer will believe as well and the price will become nothing more than a mere detail in the transaction.There are a couple of mistakes you can avoid regarding the price of your product and how you handle it.Price is not a differentiator; do not pretend that it is. Price is the least defensible differentiator in business and also the least effective. Customers understand that a company cannot be the lowest priced and still be the best. Yet companies still proclaim; 'We will beat all prices,' and 'Dollar over invoice.' The only reason they are making those claims is to try to beat their competition, but their competition is saying the same thing. Therefore, if your company is doing the same thing as the competition, how are you any different in the eyes of your customer?Then there are those salespeople who automatically lower the price as a means of trying to add value. When you lower the price as a means of trying to 'add value' to the product or to your company, you are actually doing the exact opposite. You are immediately telling the customer you know the product is not worth what you are asking and you're willing to lower the price.Lowering the price in this manner, you create an uncomfortable selling environment and set up the customer for a bad case of buyer's remorse. If you were so willing to lower the price, what would you have done if they pushed you harder? They will automatically assume you would have gone even lower. This means that even though you gave them a better price, they are more likely to feel like they got ripped off. Seems counterproductive if you ask me.In addition to buyer's remorse, when you start offering discounts, you are telling the customer this is the type of purchase where haggling is necessary. Therefore, by lowering your price as a means of adding value, you actually are taking value away from the product and from your company.When you can eliminate using price as a differentiator and lowering price as a means of adding value, you can focus on what is truly valuable to the customer. By focusing on what the customer feels is truly valuable, you will make price a mere detail in the transaction. The obvious result will be higher margins and happier customers.You can sign up for Tom Richard's Ezine by going to http://www.TomRichard.com/EmailFriend.html

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Quit Talking and Listen! Give Clients and Prospects Your Undivided Attentio

I have found that the best sales people are the best listeners, not the ones that talk your ear off. Listening is a skill that much more than just hearing the words coming out of their mouth. Here are some tips that you can use to see how well you actually listen.Maintain  eye contactThis is more than just starring at them to appear to be interested. It also helps you concentrate on what they have to say.Ask relevant questionsDon't assume that you understand where they are coming from. Be sure to ask a follow up question and rephrase or restate what they have said. This not only keeps you in the conversation but it also lets them know you truly understand what they said.Avoid distractionsYou want to control the setting as much as possible. If the sun is in your eyes, move your seat. If you are outside take off your sunglasses. If you are in a room make sure it is as quite as possible and don't forget to turn off your cell phone. If you are expecting a more important call let them know before hand. It will go a long way on keeping you looking professional. The more comfortable the both of you are the easier it will be to communicate.Take notesUnless you have a photographic memory, carry a pad and pen with you wherever you go. Make sure don't spend the entire conversation looking down at your notes. It's important to write and look them in the eye at the same time it will give them a sense of importance and help break down the barriers between you. Create a short hand if you need to.Multitasking is a No, NoIn the back of your mind you may think you are saving time but you are making them feel neglected and their confidence in you will be shot. Taking the time to stop what you are doing will pay bigger dividends in the long run to pay attention in the short run.Are you really listening to them?Resist the urge to talk about yourself. This is your opportunity to stand out from everyone else and learn what it is that your clients/prospects really want. Take the opportunity to learn about their family, hobbies, favorite sports teams etc. This bonding time will make a big difference if it is between you and someone else.A final tip is to ask someone close to you to rate your listening skills. Listen carefully to what they say - you might be surprised at what you hear!Mical Johson is the publisher of http://www.MyHomebasedBusiness101.com which provides Case Studies, Resources, Tools, Software, Articles And Everything Else You Need To Start And Run A Successful Home Based Business. Home-Based Business Success Toolkit The newsletter all home-based businesses need to optimize their success. The Toolkit includes free interviews, success tips, and more... To see all the free bounuses you get visit our web site. Join today and get started on the right track!

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Sell to the Devils Advocate

There is a car commercial running were a husband is sitting in a car with the salesperson. The wife is standing outside the vehicle looking in on her husband, but unable to hear the conversation inside. Though the husband has a "I'm beating up the sales guy for the best  deal

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Getting Them to Buy: The Two Most Important Pieces to the Sales Pitch

Why are some sales pitches more persuasive than others? Are the salespeople just naturally more convincing, or do they know secrets about creating a sales pitch that the rest of us don't?Well, in most cases, convincing salespeople use special elements within their pitches  to help increase their persuasiveness. These elements are not heavily guarded secrets, though they are not commonly discussed in general conversation either.Two of the most overlooked and forgotten elements to an effective sales pitch are:1. The Visualization Step 2. The Call-to-actionEach element is easy to create and incredibly persuasive if done correctly.VISUALIZATION STEP - PUT THE BUYER IN THE PICTUREA Visualization Step is a sentence (or two) which helps the potential customer imagine or visualize what would happen if they did, or did not, do what you are trying to persuade them to do.People think in pictures, not words. It's so much easier to explain something with a picture than it is with a set of directions.Just think about the last time you put together a piece of furniture or constructed a toy for a child's birthday gift. Which was more helpful to putting the item together correctly: the picture of the item on the box or the printed directions? Of course, it was the picture.Let's look at an example of how you could use a visualization step while selling a new product - SuperPrint.>> "If you had an additional two hours a week, what would you do?"=======>>> "If you had an additional $1,000 a month in your budget, how would you spend it?"=======>> How would an additional $1,000 a month help your company?This approach makes it personal to the potential customer and her unique situation. If she uses the new SuperPrint product, she'll have more money and more time. What could be better than that?Let's look at another example, one where you have to persuade someone to give something up for nothing. This tough sales situation is one that non-profit organizations deal with all the time.You work for a charitable organization that works to raise awareness about the need to donate blood. Your job is to increase the amount of blood which is donated every month, and therefore, you obviously want more people to be persuaded to give blood.You need to create a Visualization Step that will cause the potential donors to think about all the wonderful things that would happen if they did give blood, or all of the terrible things that would happen if they did not give blood.The visualization could sound something like:"Think about your mother... brother... daughter... niece.... What if they were in an accident and badly needed blood for a life-saving operation, but there wasn't enough blood available for them to have this operation because too few people donated blood? Donating blood could save the life of someone you care about.""If they don't donate blood, perhaps someone close to them may die. If they do donate blood, someone close to them may be saved."Let's use selling a house as a third example.As the potential buyer wanders through the house, you can use the Visualization Step to get him to begin imaging what life would be like if he were to live in the house.The potential buyer tells you he's a consultant and author and that he's looking for a house where he can set up a home office.As you go through the house with the potential buyer, ask him, "Where would you put your office in this house?"As he answers, he will start imagining where his office will be, where he will put his desk, and where he will set up his filing cabinets.Once he answers you, ask him why he chose that particular room for his office.This will make him think about his office in greater detail, imagining working in the office, looking out the window, and writing his next best seller.How can you use a Visualization Step to help persuade your next audience?CALL-TO-ACTION - TELL THE BUYER WHAT TO DOIn addition to a Visualization Step, you also need a Call- to-action in your persuasive speech. This is the easiest, yet most forgotten part of a persuasion speech.A Call-to-action is simply telling the potential buyer exactly what you expect him to do once you finish your pitch. It should be a simple, unambiguous statement which causes the buyer to act.For example, referring back to the sales pitch on blood donation, a Call-to-action could sound something like:"Go to your nearest blood bank and donate blood today."Referring to the SuperPrint product speech, the Call-to- action could be:"Call the phone number today to order your SuperPrint product and start saving money and time!"Referring to the house sale:"Let's put in an offer now."Each of these elements are effective by themselves but work much more effectively when used together. So many salespeople use only one of these two elements and miss opportunities to sell their product or service simply because the didn't get the potential client to imagine themselves using the item or didn't ask for the sale.Get your potential buyer to visualize what their life would be like if they did (or did not) do what you want them to do, then hit them with the Call-to-action. If you use them effectively and together, your close ratio should increase as well as your commission check!Kirstin Carey is a consultant, award winning speaker, and author of "PowHERful Communications for Women Who Want to be Heard." As a woman business owner, Kirstin fully understands what is necessary for women to be successful entrepreneurs. To find out how you too can love your business everyday and live the entrepreneurial life you want, visit http://www.powherful.com" />

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 3 Ways To Overcome Pricing Challenges

How many times have you had a customer say to you; I've been shopping around and XYZ mortgage company can get me a better rate and won't charge me any points.well . . .The lower rate might hold some truth to itbut lets face it . . .Nobody works for free!Here are three  things you can do too win your customer over when faced with rate and pricing challenges.1. Sell YourselfWhen a customer is shopping around, the information they give you is usually false, because they are bluffing. You can't blame them, they, like all of us, are looking for the best deal possible.With this in mind, tell them what you can offer them based on what limited information they can provide you with.During this process, stick to your guns, and give them all the information you can about as many products as you can, this will let them know just how knowledgeable you are, and you will earn their respect.Don't waste your time asking questions about the programs offered to them by other banks, and telling them the rate they were quoted was probably an ARM, they will find this an insult to their intelligence.Be as courteous and honest as possible, tell them if XYZ bank can get them the rate they quoted you, than they should go with it, they will admire your honesty.Finally . . .Ask them for their name and phone number so you can follow up with them in a weeks time, and assure them that they can call you at any time with any questions or concerns they may have.2. AvailabilityWhen confronted with the challenge of having to deal with your competitor's lower rate, make your customer aware that although you might not be able to match the rate, what you can offer them is superior customer service.If you take this route, you must be committed to it.Let them know that they will be able to call you any time, night or day. You can start by giving them your office number, as well as your cell phone number.Let them know that you will be more than happy to meet them one on one at your office, or you can arrange to meet them at their home at a time convenient for them.Clients like to know that they have an advocate they can trust and depend on. Supplying them with this comfort zone means a lot to them, and more often than not will win them over.3. Buying TimeSometimes you need to buy time in order to prepare yourself.When a prospective customer hits you with the rate obstacle, the challenge can be a tough one!Tell your customer that the rate they have been quoted is a very good one, and that you would like to do some research to see if you can possibly come up with a better one.Take their number and assure them that you will call them in no less than twenty-four hours at the most.When you call them back, you will be prepared with the information you have gathered on the products you are going to introduce to them, along with possible rates. Even if you are unable to come up with a better rate, they will be impressed with your knowledge, and best of all, the effort you were willing to put forth!Jay Conners is the owner of a http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource center for all mortgage brokers,lenders, and loan officers. He is also the owner of http://www.callprospect.com, a mortgage lead company.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Quick Tips On Handling Rejection

Looking for a way to handle rejection?Edward W. Smith, motivational speaker, author and TV show host, who specializes in quick tips on how to move your life ahead even faster, offers the following advice.The secret to handling rejection is to keep coming back. You have to  be in the game to win it and if you quit, it is over. Remember, success is generally located just beyond the spot you fell. First, find a way to avoid taking the rejection personally, so you can deal with the rejection objectively. While rejections most always seem personal, they rarely are.Next analyze why the rejection occurred. Then look for ways to either change the thing that was rejected or find new places where acceptance is more likely. Most things in life are a numbers game, in that we have to make X amount of tries before we get acceptance. Figure out what the number of trys is required before you get a win. Look at the rejection as bringing you one step closer to hitting that magic number of rejections that will bring you acceptance.Finally, remember that winners lose more than losers lose; winners keep losing until they win.Contact Information Edward W. Smith, 201-568-0019, edsmith@brightmoment.com, www.brightmoment.com, PO box 8106, Englewood NJ 07631-8106Copyright Edward W. Smith 2005Edward W. Smith is the author of Sixty Seconds To Success, he produces and hosts the Bright Moment TV show, is a motivational speaker and is president of the Bright Moment Seminars.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Spend More Time Selling

On average a sales person spends less than two hours per day selling their products. This statistic never seized to amaze me, even though I had often found myself being an active participant of its findings.Lets face it, if we spend so little time in our day selling, why  are we in sales to begin with?There is no such thing as an easy day in the mortgage industry, it is filled with many challenges from follow up phone calls, to problem solving and research, which, in the end, leaves very little time for sales, or so we think.Here are a few tips for increasing the amount of time you spend selling during your work day, follow these simple steps, and I am sure you will find yourself taking quite a few more applications through out the week, and most of all, putting some fun back into your work day.It is understandable that your work day will not be without its set of challenges, such as research, putting out fires, scheduling appointments, retrieving e-mails, and responding to the many phone calls you receive during the day.It is common knowledge in the mortgage industry, that the best time to make your sales calls is roughly between 5pm and 8:30pm, this is true.Try this simple technique if you have not already. From 1pm to 3pm, find a secluded place in your office where you can hide out so you can concentrate on making phone calls, if a secluded place is not available, than work from your desk, however, make everyone in your office well aware that you are making sales calls and that you are not to bothered, regardless of the reason (barring major emergencies of course). Kindly ask them to hold all your messages until you are done.(I have no doubt you will get your boss's approval on this).Once you have started don't stop for anything, don't surf the web or get side tracked by conversations going on in the office. Act as if no one in your office exists except for you, and bang out your phone calls!More than likely between 1pm and 3pm you will be getting peoples answering machines, no problem, this is exactly what you want. Your goal should be to leave twenty to twenty-five messages during this time. On average, two of these prospects will return your call.Think of it this way, it's no different from a mailer or a door hanger, except it's better because it is personalized with your voice!Still reading? Good, here's another hintMake an attempt to spend at least one hour per day to learn something new about sales. Trust me, no matter how much you already know, there is still an ocean of sales knowledge you still don't know.For starters, you can subscribe to a Sales magazine (expense it if you can) and read it regularly, take it with you when you go to lunch, or if you take a coffee break. Better yet, make it as much a part of your work day as checking your e-mails, make it the first thing you do when you come in, from 9am to 10:00 a.m. read about the sales industry, it's a great, and positive way to start your day.If the magazine doesn't suit your needs, find a book on sales, there's only a million of them, many are on the New York Times best seller's list, that alone should tell you something. Commit yourself to reading fifteen to twenty pages per day!Keep readingThese two simple steps alone will add three hours of selling to your work day, and undoubtedly add to increased production.With just a small amount of discipline and commitment on your part, you'll be back to doing what you do best and loving every minute of it. Besides, this is the reason your in sales, to sell! Don't ever lose sight of that! In addition, your amount of applications per week will increase, which will ultimately lead to more closed loans.Best of all, you will be having fun and your day will fly.jay Conners is the owner of http://www.jconners.com, a mortgage resource center for all mortgage brokers,loan officers, and lenders. He also owns http://www.callprospect.com, a mortgage lead company specializing in fresh mortgage leads.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Separating Yourself from the Crowd (Part One of Two)

Warren Buffet says that insurance is a commodity and price is the main factor in the market place. It seems that nowadays, lowest price wins, regardless of the other factors. More and more people are turning to direct writers because they believe that 15 minutes and a  catchy commercial with a dancing lizard can save them some money. Forget the relationship, forget being able to actually see your insurance agent and forget you if you are $0.01 higher than the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Objections Are Buying Signals? Usually!

How well do you handle objections?The fact is, most people think they handle objections with ease. The reality paints a different picture. I claim that you could have closed as much as 25% of last year's lost sales by simply understanding why the customer is objecting.  Oh?and by keeping your noisy trap closed for a minute or two."I really don't understand why this upgrade costs extra when Acme doesn't charge for it." Right off the bat you want try to get across to your customer why that is not a valid objection. Often times you will go into a puke session about why your product is better or why your company is better than that of the competition. Whoa, easy there. You need to slow down and take a step back before you start puking all over your future customer. Who cares that the people down the street offer that spec for free but then charge the third world's gross domestic product for delivery and assembly. They do not need to know this right now. Good news ? your customer is interested!Objections are usually a good thing; your future customer brings them up because they are interested in buying. If they were not interested in buying they would just ask for a brochure or ask you to leave them the information.Since they are interested in buying, you need to make sure that your tone and your demeanor reflect the positive attributes of the objection. Do not become discouraged or become defensive about your product or your company. They ARE INTERESTED in buying from you. They simply want to know more.The secret lies in understanding exactly what they want to know more about. When the objection is in the form of a question, you must decipher what it is that they are truly asking and what it is that they truly would like to know more about.Let's take, "Is that the best price you can offer?" This has to be my favorite objection and one that is most often fumbled by the salesperson. How would you respond to this question? What are they truly asking you? When a customer asks if that is the best price that you can offer, it does not automatically mean that they are objecting to the price. Think about it; they asked you if that was the best price you could offer. What are the possible motives for asking this question?Yes, of course one of the motives for asking this question could be that the price is too high and that they are interested in that product. So be it. However, a more likely motive for this question is that they are interested and they want to make sure that they are getting the best deal. Or they may be testing the waters to see if this is the type of buying situation where they are expected to haggle. Which type of motive prompted the question becomes very important at this point if you are going to answer the question correctly.If you immediately offer a lower price and the true reason that they asked was because they wanted to find out if this was a buying situation where haggling was expected, then you may have instantly turned them off and pushed them further away from pulling the trigger on the sale. I realize that it seems strange to think that by sticking to the higher price, you may have had a better chance at getting the sale. However, that is usually the case.When you get a question about a product feature, you need to be careful in how you answer the question. If they ask you about a certain spec, they may be asking because they heard a different feature on a competitor's model was more appropriate for their specific use. However, they could just be asking about the feature because they are curious about it. Again, it is important to understand which type of question it is.Using treadmills as an example, a customer could ask, "Are those small rollers?" A salesperson can respond in a variety of ways. They could respond with a puke session about roller size and why it is or is not important in the operation and enjoyment of the treadmill. Or they could respond with "Yes, they are." In either situation, the "yes, they are" response is more effective because it will allow the customer to further explain their question.If you naturally assume that your customer's question was an objection that could prevent you from making the sale, you may end up talking them out of the sale by the inappropriate response. This is why you need to be sure that you understand the nature of the objection before you start blabbing about nothing.Then there is the objection that is completely unrelated to you or your company. A customer may have other factors in their life or in their business that would prevent them from making a decision about your product. You need to understand that this objection has nothing to do with you and respond to it in a way that solidifies the relationship and the rapport that you have built with them. If you respond inappropriately, you will diminish any rapport that you have built up to that point with the customer.For example, "I really need to check with my spouse before I make a decision." There are many sales books out there that teach you to try to close the sale anyway, but there may be circumstances that you are unaware of that may make your hard close completely inappropriate. What if there was a personal and legitimate reason that they needed to check with their spouse? I know I would never, on this green and blue Earth, make a thousand and some odd dollar purchase without my wife giving the go-ahead. Make sense? Point being, you do not know the circumstances behind the objection so you should instead make a friend at all costs and try to gain agreement on something that furthers the process without having to make a decision. If you try to hard close you may be pushing them further away from saying yes to you.All objections are unique and must be treated differently given the circumstances. You will never go wrong by asking more questions and by keeping your responses short and sweet. The best outcome of a response that is too short is another more specific question from your future customer. These questions will lead you and your customer closer to agreement and closer to a completed sale. "Is this the best price you can offer?" "Yes."Tom Richard produces a weekly sales training ezine titled: Sales Muscle. You can subscribe to this ezine by visiting http://www.tomrichard.com/EmailFriend.html or by visiting the website at http://www.tomrichard.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales Training - What Is a Disguised Implied Need?

Have you ever been in the position where you are getting, what you think to be, close to concluding the deal only to find your client comes up with objections?Some would argue, as salespeople, we have not handled all the possible objections upfront, in other words we have  not demonstrated our value proposition fully. However, in the real world objections at the last minute happen to all of us regardless of what we think we have done to conclude the deal.What objection?It is what we see as an objection and how we manage that objection that will give us the edge in closing the deal. I have been asked many times about how to handle objections and my initial stock answer is usually, "Have you fully demonstrated your value proposition to the client?" However, this does not serve a great deal of good if the salesperson feels inclined to think, "Of course I have."It may be true that the salesperson has indeed not identified some of these objections when going through the sales cycle, but that does not mean the end of the deal. The prospect is talking to us because they have a need and I would suggest that any objection is in fact an "Implied Need."Whilst the majority of objections are 'Implications of Need,' there are some that will be described as real; the 'price objection' and the 'product objection'. These real objections are handled by reducing their impact with the value argument. Set them against the benefits that have been agreed already and their affect is minimised.So, get into our minds that there are only two "real" objections behind why a prospect may not buy and you will find that any other objections can be handled - which will allow you to further demonstrate your value.Prescriptive Reflex!Many training courses promote the use of prescriptive reflex responses to the typical objections that a salesperson will encounter. Unfortunately such methods preclude us from seeing the objection as a positive contributor to the sale. As we have discussed, objections are really needs in disguise and by using the 'reflex statement' we are in fact ignoring the prospect's views and needs.Before we go on, let me give you an example. Read the statement below and consider the reflex response from the salesperson.Prospect; "Right now we do not have the resources internally to manage such a complicated solution." Salesman; "If we could show you how easy it could be to make this possible would you buy from us."The prescriptive response from the salesperson will only harm the sales cycle. This is a wasted opportunity. There are real needs behind the prospect statement. In fact it is not an objection at all but a series of 'implied needs' which, if explored and developed, would enhance our chances of addressing all the customer's requirements. Can you name all the "implied needs" in the prospect's statement? Could you turn these "implied needs" into "benefit statements" which will help close our deal?If you can't see the implied needs, it does not mean you are bad at selling, it usually means that you may need to improve or hone your skills. Why not write down some of the "objections" you have encountered in the field over the last few months. Look at them and see if you can pull out the implied needs. If you want, email them to us and we will reply with the implied needs.You could also read about BlueEskimo's sales methodology, Real Value Selling©. It is all about the value proposition. This primarily describes the only reason, motivation or justification for an organisation or company to purchase any product or service. These values are also described as the 'Buying Criteria' ? the reasons for choosing a particular product or supplier over another. These justifications are commercial and can only be described in financial terms, or the payback but not the price!And if nothing else, next time you encounter an objection, remember it is only an implied need in disguise.Kevin McLaren - Sales Trainer and business development http://www.blueeskimo.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales and the City

It's all about relationships!Here is how a popular TV show looks at it:In a city filled with more than its fair share of players, predators, losers, and creeps, these people need all the help they can get in order to find the one thing that eludes them all - a real,  satisfying and lasting relationship. Is such a thing possible in New York City?Here's how your customers may be seeing things:In a vocation filled with more than its fair share of players, predators, losers, and creeps, these customers need all the help they can get in order to find the one thing that eludes them all - a real, satisfying and lasting relationship. Is such a thing possible in Sales City?Relationship selling, you always hear that, "it's all about the relationship". But relationships, like people come in all shapes and sizes, yet most sales people have a very singular approach. Regardless of whom they may be talking to, or more accurately at, they approach things the same way with everyone. Rolling through the same questions, hoping for the same old answers, and ignoring answers they are not prepared for or don't fit their agenda.Often it's not just the sales reps' fault, but their managers'. They go back to the office and are greeted by: "Did you ask him?..?"; "Did you find his pain?"; "What'd he say to that?"; "Really, what did he mean by that? What'd ya say then? Ah, he doesn't get it! So, when's he gonna close?"As a result some sales reps focus on getting the "right answers" for their managers, account plans and CRM fields, rather than focusing on the prospects' answers, and what's right for a long term relationship.Relationships in life vary from person to person, and to make them work, you have to realize this and constantly adjust. Depending on the people involved, different things will advance and enhance the relationship, while other things will impair them. How many times have you found that after an initial encounter with someone, things really don't progress? The other person just doesn't seem to be in tune with your view, needs or interests. No effort is made to understand how to engage you or stimulate you by focusing on your interests or desires. Soon, you realize that the other person is only able to view, understand and value things from a single perspective: theirs. Nothing else counts or is taken in to the equation. Same with sales, each sale has its own characteristics, pace, rhythm, etc. Each interaction between you, the sales person, and the prospect will be different. Sorry, there is no magic bullet, not everyone fits into a magic quadrant; it's not as easy as "once you know the 'type' you are dealing with, all you have to do is??".Like your social relationships, each prospect is different. In your personal life, people may have similar characteristics, but they are each different. Each sale is a relationship, in fact with some customers, you'll have a longer relationship than with some in your non-business life, just ask any successful financial advisor. You can't afford to take a cookie cutter approach to prospects/clients. Each requires an understanding of what makes them unique. Yes this will require greater effort than pigeon-holing individuals into a "quadrant".Take the time getting to know what makes each prospect different, what their unique values are, how to specifically sell to each. Invest a little time and energy in questions that will help you understand the prospect and questions that will help you sell your prospect. Using the answers to shape the interview and work with the prospect. You will find that it is an investment that will continue to pay off in a steady and growing fashion.After all not all your sales relationships need to be like an episode of Sales and the City! Just ask our clients who are seeing returns from our "Asking Questions, Winning Sales" Program.For more information on helping your team sell better, write to: info@sellbetter.ca, visit http://www.sellbetter.ca or call 416 671-3555.Tibor Shanto, is a Principal with Renbor Sales Solutions Inc., with over 20 years of sales experience, from telemarketing to leading a global sales team focused on providing top end solutions. He worked with and helped to improve performance for sales professionals in a wide variety of fields, from financial services to on-line B2B specialists.Renbor Sales Solutions provides a total approach to managing sales and prospecting activity; building profitable relationships. Helping organizations sell better by effecting measurable improvements in the most critical aspects of the sales process. Programs focus on: Real Prospects ? Real Sales ? Real Measurable Results.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...