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arrow right Failed Salespeople Share Similar Traits

We are each responsible for our own success - or failure. Winning at a career in sales is no exception. To ensure a win, you must take a proactive approach. Prevention of failure is an important part of that process. If you find yourself saying "I'm not cut out for sales,"

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales Discipline: Five Steps To Recover From A Lost Sale

Ever lost a sale? Of course you have, we all have. The difference between the average salesperson and the great salesperson is how quickly you recover from the lost sale. When you lose a sale that you thought you should have won, it is often tempting to take it personally  and to become negative. If you give in and allow the lost sale to affect your attitude, then you will be allowing the lost sale to affect your future sales presentations and therefore affect your future sales.There are five steps to recover from a lost sale and to rebuild your positive attitude so that you can quickly bounce back and start making new sales.Step One: Turn To Your Personal FoundationYour personal foundation is made up of those people that believe in you and the people that inspire you to be your best. It is important that you turn to these people as you begin recovering from a confidence shaking lost sale. These people play an important role in your personal and professional life and it is important to use them when you need them the most. Pick up the phone and call them. You will find yourself immediately feeling better.Step Two: Walk AwayWhen you find yourself a bit rattled from losing a sale, walk away and get your mind off of work for a short time. Something as simple as doing a crossword puzzle, working on your hobby, or playing with your kids will give you the needed break from work that is important to getting over your lost sale.Step Three: Talk To The Customers Who Love YouPick up the phone and call those who love to do business with you. Call them to make sure everything is going well for them or to simply chat. They'll remind you of why it is great doing business with you.Step Four: Read Something InspirationalHaving an inspirational book or audio program nearby is always beneficial, especially when trying to recover from a lost sale. You should read a few pages or a few chapters of your book to rebuild your confidence and maintain a positive attitude. By reading a chapter or two you'll find that your attitude will begin to immediately turn around.Step Five: PlanIf the lost sale changes your monthly sales plan, then after you lose a sale it is time to revise that plan accordingly. How can you make up for that lost sale? Most times you should not try to make it up with just one big sale. You will find that it is more effective and realistic to spread the lost sales volume over several smaller sales. By having your revised plan and a fresh positive attitude you can again hit the road and get back on task to hit your monthly sales goal. After all, it is great to do business with you! Go Get 'Em!For more tips and to subscribe to Tom Richard's Free Weekly Ezine, send a blank email to subscribe@tomrichard.comTom Richard is the owner of Tom Richard Marketing and Tom Richard Sales Education.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Emotions That Sell, Part 2

In the last article, we looked at three emotions (besides fear and greed) that you can use to connect with your prospects and enrich your marketing campaigns. This time, we're digging a little deeper into the sales psyche. See if you can "connect" with these  feelings:Nostalgia: Remember how wonderful things were back in the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Choice between Yes and Yes: A Psychological Revelation

Three year old Kara was throwing a tantrum. She didn't want to go to bed, of that she was certain."Do you want to brush with the red or blue toothpaste?" her dad asked gently."Blue," she says, glad to be given the opportunity to make a decision.Ten minutes later, Kara was  well tucked up, wondering when she'd agreed to go to bed in the first place.You laugh at the story, don't you?The method used to get Kara into bed seems a bit like trickery. And who am I to say that it's not? Yet I want you to pay attention to one thing. Kara was glad to be given a choice between yes and yes.Your clients are not much differentClients come to you every single day asking you to give them a choice. A choice between yes and yes. Instead all you're giving them is a choice between yes and no.Mah friend, your bank account will see far better days if only you'd step back, and use the immense power of the choice between yes and yes.Of course, you don't have to believe that this choice factor works. You don't have to believe your sales will go up. All you have to see is proof. So in the article below I'll demonstrate the psychological factor of choice.How it can work for you and how it can turn against you and bite you in the you-know-where.It all started on one stupid loss-making November's day...We were doing fine with the sales on our website when we made one change. I'm going to demonstrate the change in the article below so it would help for you to have the page opena so you can see what I'm talking about.If you look at this page at http://www.psychotactics.com/hiddenlink.php you'll find that you get the choice to buy two packages. One is the copy of the Brain Audit and the other choice is a copy of the Brain Audit + the Brain Audit Rip.Till the middle of November, we had both the offers up. Then one ego-driven morning we decided to pull the plug on one choice.We gave customers the choice between a yes and um..NO!Almost within 24 hours, our sales started going south for no reason at all. We ignored this sickening slack for about a week. Then we looked back at what was working. And we put back the choice between yes and yes.The customer was back in choice-ville and the sales soared.But here's the curious partAmong the two packages, one has a much higher price. Yet over 97.5% of customers, when given the choice between the two packages, chose the higher priced package.The customer is no dumboNo siree. The customer knows exactly what she wants. And when given the choice between yes and yes, she takes a decision to buy that which creates most value for her. Of course, if there's an enticement to buy, as was in this case, then there's a far greater likelihood of her buying the more expensive product.The customer is no dumbo...but I sure amThink about it. If your revenue shot up. If customers were buying higher-priced products what would you logically do? Wouldn't you take the same concept and use it everywhere you could?You'd think a smart person would do that, wouldn't you? (Which is why I qualified myself at the start of this paragraph). But no! As we speak, the only product that has a choice of YES and YES is the page I've already mentioned above.Don't stop at one point. Take the concept through it's pacesIf you're in consulting, look at the choice between yes and yes. Are you giving the customer a choice between package A and package B. Or do you offer just one package? If you're selling products, the concept of yes and yes choice stays put.And once you've found that the concept works, puh-lease don't do the dumbo bit. Audit every possible thing you sell. And put in a yes and yes factor. Not only will this bring you higher quantity of sales, but also an a much better price on every product/consulting assignment you do.I said yes and yes...NOT yes and yes and yes and yesYou, me, we all crave for choice. But give us too much and we go a little waka-waka in our brains. Because choice is based on rejection. To choose the strawberry flavour ice-cream, you must mentally refuse all the other flavours.(Read article on: The Curse of Choice) http://www.psychotactics.com/artchoice.htm If you give a client too much to choose from, they will end up rolling their eyes, doing a RAM check and shut down their brains before you have time to do anything at all.Keep your options simple. Keep the choice between yes and yes.So that even a three-year old has no trouble choosing!©2001-2005 Psychotactics Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Want to find a secret library of small business ideas? Where can you find simple, yet electrifying ideas, on marketing strategy,copywriting, public speaking, sales conversion, psychological tactics and branding? Head down to http://www.psychotactics.com today and judge for yourself.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right You Dont Need Health Insurance!

Seems almost every situation in our lives is centered on communication. Good or bad, the way we express our thoughts, wants, and needs to each other determines how we live, love, and learn together.As a guy who is a regular on the seminar circuit, does a live radio show, an  HGTV television show, writes books, columns, and articles, and all the while runs a thriving home inspection company, I get to do a great amount of communicating. Some of that communication is by transmitting; some of it is by receiving. After much reflection, I have come to the conclusion that nothing is learned when we transmit, but great gains come from receiving. That is to say, we learn when we listen, not when we speak.Not a day goes by that I am not listening to Realtors. Most days I listen to more than a few, some days more than a dozen, and on occasion, I listen to hundreds at a single seminar sitting. The things Realtors tell me help me get better. Better at home inspecting, better at dealing with customers, better on the radio, just better at every aspect of my professional life! But all that input is not without moments. Those moments range from the amazing to the zealous, sad to humorous, and brilliant to well, less than brilliant!One of my favorite Realtor quotes follow, complete with my thoughts and commentary. A disclaimer before we begin, if this particular quote sounds like you, know that none of what follows is from a single source, but representative of things I hear on a near daily basis.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sales 101: Asking for the Order

"Ask, and you shall receive", a biblical principal that offers some of the best sales advice for beginning salespeople and experienced sales professionals alike. The best sales presentation imaginable generally will not yield the desired results unless the  salesperson asks for the business.Is this advice just for persons who make their living offering products and services to others for a commission? Yes, of course, but it is actually for all of us. After all, everybody sells! Surprised? Everybody does sell, although many people may not realize it at the time or think of themselves as salespeople. We sell ourselves and our ideas everyday.In the job interview setting, we are selling the potential employer as to why we are the best person for the job. The boy who desires to date the girl he is enamored with must sell her as to the benefits of going out with him. The man proposing marriage to his sweetheart is selling her as to the lifelong benefits of being with him only. We all sell, in one manner or another, although possibly not in the traditional sense.Selling, distilled down to its most basic roots, is simply the matching of benefits to needs and desires. The salesperson acts as the broker who is simply bringing the product or service to the table so that the buyer can be shown the personal benefits of ownership or use. Under ideal circumstances, the salesperson's purpose is simply to help the buyer purchase what he needs or wants. It is a win-win scenario for both. There is no coercion.What is missing in many sales presentations however, is the final close? asking for the order. I have witnessed countless sales presentations during my career where the salesperson has done a magnificent job in making her presentation. She answered all of the objections. She probed and used trial closes along the way. At the peak of the presentation, the crescendo? she says "have a nice day" or "I'll see you next time" or "call me when you are ready" or some other lame comment and then turns to walk away. She never asked for the order!My sales motto has always been, "Ask, or the answer is always no", and it really is. We must always perform the next natural step in the progression of our wonderful sales presentation, after the objections have been answered, and that is to ask the customer to make a buying decision now. This is the reason why there are salespeople. We would not be needed otherwise.After all, an interested potential customer can go to the internet these days and learn just about every fact imaginable concerning our products or service. He can also examine our competitors. The customer is better educated than ever before. The salesperson must be at least as well educated as her customer as to the features, advantages and benefits of her own products and services, as well as those of her competitors. Keeping these facts in mind, what then is the role of the salesperson? Salespeople exist to close the sale. That is all.As salespeople, if we fail to ask for the order, seldom will we actually receive the business and related commissions we desire. So...

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Increase Your Selling Confidence

1. Be on time. In fact, arrive a few minutes early, so you can mentally prepare for your sales presentation. When you arrive on time, your professionalism shows your prospects that you value their time as well as your own.2. Ask specific questions. Find out exactly what the  prospect needs and wants from your company's product. If you get the details early, than you can avoid possible misunderstandings and delays later on.3. Dress appropriately. Your first impression is extremely important, so always dress in a professional manner. A well dressed salesperson with good posture radiates professionalism and honesty. Since certain parts of the country are more relaxed in their style, know your regions style and dress according to it. You don't want to be ostentatious, just obviously successful.4. Listen attentively. Listening is an all-important skill and salespeople often overlook this fact. Focus your attention on what the prospect says. Don't let your mind wander. Listen for subtle clues that may indicate your customer is ready to make the purchase.5. Be concise. Use the

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Three Ways To Get A Prospect To Say Yes To Your Offer

Here are three proven ways that will increase your sales:1. Implement A Risk-Reversal StrategyBefore a prospect becomes a client, they want to be 100% sure that your product or service will work for them. They want to know that you will deliver on your promises. The  prospect has never used your products and services before, so they may be a bit apprehensive. This is because they're taking a risk (whether financial or emotional) to try your product or service.You'll multiply your sales by reversing that risk. How do you do this? By implementing a risk-reversal strategy. This is as simple as having an uncommon money-back guarantee. It's a way of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Focus On The Customer: The Only Secret To Closing

People are always looking for ways to close the sale. Often times when you lose a sale, it has nothing to do with your ability to close. The only secret to closing more sales is by focusing more on your customer.Focus on the customer goes far beyond the words coming out of  your mouth. Your focus directly affects your body language, your tone, and your message. These are three of the key factors that customers use to determine if they like you and if your product can solve their problem.Focusing on your customer means that you are actively listening and that you personally care about the customer. These things cannot be faked. You must truly want to listen and you must truly care about helping the customer. That is the only secret to closing the sale.Body language will show you are focused on your customer. Your customers detect your body language even if they are not aware of it. There is no 'secret' way to ensure that you have effective body language. When you are engaged in a conversation with a customer and you remain focused, it can be nothing but positive body language.The same is true for your tone of voice. If you are listening with the intent to understand, instead of listening with the intent to respond, then that amount of personal attention will reflect in the tone of your voice. The tone of your voice, like your body language, plays a role in how well someone receives your message.The content of your message will naturally be in-line with what the customer would like to hear if you focus on the customer and nothing else. When you are in-sync with the customer, then the customer will guide the conversation all the way to the commitment to buy.Here are eight ways to ensure you are focusing on your customer:1. Relax.2. Find out something personal about your customer.3. Call them by their first name often.4. Find out WHY they are interested in your product and refer back to that reason often.5. Listen to understand the meaning of what it is they are saying.6. If you catch yourself formulating a response before they finish talking, this means that you are not listening.7. Look your customer in the eye.8. Get your mind right. Why do YOU want to help this customer? If the answer is just to make the sale, then start here.You need to care about the customer personally and care about solving their problem before you can ask them to buy from you. Many salespeople are well intentioned but lose focus of their customer somewhere during their conversation. It is this ability to maintain your focus that will not only differentiate you from your competition; it will win you more sales.To join Tom Richard's weekly ezine, Sales Muscle; click on https://app.quicksizzle.com/survey.aspx?sfid=7796 and you can visit his website at http://www.tomrichard.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Bite Your Tongue

Most people don't realize how powerful a negotiating tool silence is. I discovered exactly how effective as I recently observed someone discussing a deal with a prospective customer this past week.The customer started describing his situation and after a few moments he  paused ? briefly. It was an opportune time for the sales person to make a comment or talk about her product and service. However, she remained silent, sensing that the customer had more to say. Her intuition proved correct - a few seconds later he continued talking about his needs, and when he had finished discussing his point he paused. The sales person refrained from speaking and her customer began talking again.During this last monologue the sales person learned the exact information that she needed to close the sale without resorting to discounting. If she had spoken during those moments of silence, she may still have closed the sale but not as effectively.I remember watching my wife use silence as a customer several years ago in a retail store. She had brought a few items to the cash desk and when the sales associate rang them in my wife noticed a discrepancy in price. When she questioned this difference, the employee mentioned that the items in question were not available for the price my wife had thought. Instead of complaining or arguing my wife chose to remain silent. The sales associate immediately began talking to fill up the "dead air" space, and before long, had talked herself into giving my wife the discount she had hoped for. The next time you meet with a client or customer ? either face-to-face or over the telephone ? bite your tongue. Resist the temptation to talk immediately after they have spoken. Instead, pause for a few moments. Because most people are uncomfortable with silence they will automatically say something. This is a very effective recruiting technique (called the pregnant pause) and it can be used in the sales process as well.Here are a few other situations when biting your tongue will benefit you: 1. After you ask a question. I've seen more sales people answer their own questions instead of holding back and allowing their customer to talk. Let a customer tell you what's on their mind and encourage them to give you more information. This is extremely easy to do when you refrain from talking after asking someone a question.2. Anytime you ask for the sale. When you ask a person to make a financial commitment (aka a buying decision) you need to give them time to think about their decision and to respond. Too many sales people talk themselves out of a sale by continuing to speak afterwards. I recall one sales person telling me he would give me time to make a decision even though I had told him I wanted his product.3. When you are not sure what to say next. From time to time, I have found myself unsure of what I should say after a comment made a prospect or customer. In these situations, an effective approach is to remain silent. It takes patience and a lot of control. However, in most cases, the other person will fill up that dead air space and give you information you would not have learned otherwise.4. When people express disappointment. In situations of conflict our natural tendency is to explain why something went wrong or to immediately offer a solution. However, allowing people the opportunity to vent gives you the chance to offer the best possible solution. Many years ago I had a disgruntled employee and I gave her time to express her opinions. After several minutes of heated words and angry dialogue, I discovered that all she really wanted from me was the opportunity to vent her frustration. In another situation, my customer actually told me what he wanted done which was less than I had originally planned to offer.I remember reading the following advice from an author some years ago ? spend one day every few months being as quiet as possible and responding only when it adds value to that particular conversation. This will be incredibly difficult for the majority of people but imagine how much you will hear and learn that day.Most people who sell a product or service mistakenly think that they must do most of the talking. However, my experience has taught me that some of the best sales people are also the quietest. And it's because they actually hear what their customer or prospect has to say. They learn what's important to that person. They find out the motivating factors behind the purchase. They allow the other person to dominate the conversation. And let's face it, the majority of people will always talk when given the opportunity.© 2005 Kelley Robertson, All rights reservedKelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. He is also the author of "Stop, Ask & Listen ? Proven Sales Techniques To Turn Browsers Into Buyers." Receive a FREE copy of "100 Ways to Increase Your Sales" by subscribing to his free sales and motivational newsletter available at http://www.kelleyrobertson.comContact him at 905-633-7750 or Kelley@RobertsonTrainingGroup.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Do You Fold Like A Taco?

Have you ever eaten a soft taco? The shell isn't hard - it is soft - and folds over really easily. They are delicious! In business, however, I see too many people fold like a taco when they are negotiating with a customer.It's not pretty.The customer may not even be asking  for a discount/added value but at the slightest sign of hesitation a.k.a silence - the salesperson drops the price or keeps throwing in extras

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Successful Selling in 21 Steps

1. Dependability was chosen as the most important.2. Integrity was next. With this trait the salesman is incapable either of being false to the trust his company places in him or to the real interests of his customer.3. Knowledge of product is one of the three fundamentals  of success in the field of selling.4. Self-management. Perhaps no vocation gives a man a greater degree of latitude. He must be a good

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling Yourself - Its Not About You

I recently found myself suffering from a lousy cold; all the coughing, snuffling and sneezing symptoms which send other people running for cover.I also found myself apologising to people I'd come into contact with - "You must excuse me, I'm suffering from the cold" would be  my obvious statement.However, instead of any sympathy all I heard was -

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Customers - Always be Focused on Them

I was looking at some promotional literature and web sites the other day and it was interesting to note the number of times the words - "We" and "Our" was used in this material.Lots of statements such as: "We are a leading supplier of__" "Our products do__" "We research__"

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Its All in the Questions

Contrary to many of the books on how to be an effective salesperson, selling in today's market place is just the same as yesterday's. Goods and services are still being bought and sold. Success is still measured by how many sales you close and the profitability within each  sale.So what separates successful sales personnel from not so successful? The answer to this question lies in the ability to ask questions that help the potential buyers better understand their needs while demonstrating the value you bring by asking good questions. Remember, being a good salesperson begins by focusing on the needs of the prospect and not your needs.Good questions don't need to be hard. Simplicity is sometimes the better route to take. Simple questions allow the prospect better comprehension and provide opportunities for them to share even more information.For example, the word "and" can be used as a question after a particular experience has been shared to keep your prospect talking. "And?"Continuing to listen to the prospect will allow you to ask, "What happened next?" As the dialogue continues, you build a relationship through active listening while discovering additional needs or as some say "pain."Another question "Could you please tell me more about that?" allows further exploration into the current need. Again, you are demonstrating real concern about your prospect.As the conversation continues, the prospect may share some other solutions that may or may not have worked. At this time, you may wish to ask "Specifically, how many?" Upon hearing the response, two follow-up questions that achieve great results are "And how did that work for you?" and "How did that make you feel?"Additional questions might be "What other result or results were you expecting?" and "How can you be sure of that?" Finally, before you end your meeting, a final question of "Is there anything else?" might prove beneficial.Good salespeople understand that no one likes to be sold, but everyone likes to buy. Your ability to ask questions that create an emotional desire to buy will help you reach that next level of sales success.Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S. President of ADVANCED SYSTEMS, is the Process Specialist. With over 25 years of business and education experience, she builds peace and abundance by connecting the 3P's of Passion, Purpose and Performance through process improvement. Her ROI driven process solutions affect sustainable change in 4 key areas: financials, leadership, relationships and growth & innovation with a variety of industries. She aligns the strategies, systems and people to develop loyal internal customers that lead to external customers. As co-author of M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Potential:Living an Amazing Life Beyond Purpose to Achievement due for June 2005 release, Leanne speaks nationally to a variety of audiences. Please call Leanne a call at 219.759.5601 or leanne@processspecialist.com if you are seeking amazing results.Copyright 2005(c) Leanne Hoagland-Smith, http://www.processspecialist.comPermission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  קטגוריה: חברה   »   0 קורא   »   תאריך: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   על ידי: Mouhamadou-bamb ...