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arrow right Branding Your Business To Make More Money

Branding your comapny should be the first thing a company does. You have to convince potential customers to buy from you. Very few people have a monopoly like Microsoft or Ebay, Everyone else need to steer business to their company or product. When people think about your  company, what is their impression. For my company, Solutions Ink, I wanted to portray a fresh, professional, ease of use type of company whoose product meets their quality needs while helping their business. I wanted to portray Solutions Ink as always on the fore front of the printing and promotional product industry's.To achieve this I needed to tell potential customers of new and innovative products for the printing industry. Variable data, large format digital printing, digital printing with pantone colors, label and form combinations, magnet and form combinations and e-commerce ordering systems. How best to show customers then actually devise a campaign where the product you are trying to educate your customers about is sent out to them to give them ideas how to use this product to help their businesses. One campaign I organised was to compile a list of fashion retailers whoose logo's were specific pantone colors that are not reproduced well in 4 color process printing. Today with 6,8 and 10 color presses you can print in 4 color process and 2 pantone colors quite easily. This keeps the integrity of the company's logo intact in their big marketing or flyer campaigns. This is OK for large run printing jobs. The problem is that even for large chains, you tend to have regional sales in a small amount of stores. In store displays usually are done in small numbers and are printed digitally. Today there are certain digital presses that can insert pantone colors on top of the 4 color process printing. After devising a mock up campaign and targetting by variable data the buyers of these retail fashion chains, I was able to secure 2 large accounts for present and future business.This technique can be applied to any industry. The key is to really now your product and the strengths of your company. The next step is to educate your customers on your company's merits. Then you must reinforce your image constantly to stay in your existing customers mind, as well as peak the curiousity of potential new customers.Once you have achieved this, giving out promotional products is a useful way of staying on their minds. The trick is to find a great promotional product, that fits you budget, is useful to the end user and doesn't shout your name too boldly. Humour is a great way to have your customers keep your stuff. The items seen most times for an office person are calendars and coffee mugs. To be different in the Montreal Promotional Product market, Solutions Ink sent out to all existing customers a 14 ounze special mug which was imprinted with thermochromic ink. The ink is heat sensitive and evaporates on heat and returns on cold. With this you can print something underneath the thermochromic ink which is revealed when cold. On the outside we simply put the word STRESS in red over a black background. Most people who work know about stress. The humour side was that when you poured your hot coffee the message turned into stress free at Solutions Ink. A simple inexpensive idea that our customers really enjoyed and every time I stop at one of their offices I readily spot our mugs. On top of this I received 4 orders from these customers for these mugs with a different message for their customers.Another great way for your company to be branded positively is to become associated with a worth while charity. Today we must give back to those less fortunate. Sponsering an event gives your company great exposure but the real treat is in knowing that you've helped others. Money is not the end all, all the time. A funny thing, helping others usually rewards yourself if not immediately some time in the future.The trick is to plan out your actions. Research the market, research your company's attributes and brand your company's image positively and constantly. Following these steps should help your company stand out from the competition and make yourself more successful Best of luck. If you need help you can contact me at 514-337-2238 or visit us on the webb at www.solutionsink4u.comSteven SchneidmanSteven Schneidman has a B.A. in Psychology and an MBA from Canadian Universities. He also served as a professor at a Montreal University and worked for the secong largest Canadian bank. I have owned 2 very successful printing and promotional product companies. My greatest achievement is my wife and 3 kids.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   33 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Role of Nutrition in Martial Arts, Police, Military Personnel

For a considerable amount of time, nutrition has not played a prominent role in the life of many martial artists, police, and military personnel as a means of improving performance. Top athletes are always looking for an edge. Although the martial arts are more of a way of  life and a life style than a sport per se, the needs of the martial artist are the same as that of the elite athlete.Mental aspects not withstanding (i.e. mental awareness, strategy, cunning, etc.), the need for speed, agility, strength, flexibility, and the ability to recuperate from tough workouts (and unforgiving sparing partners) is paramount to the success of athletes and martial artists alike. Police and military personnel can also have unique requirements that require them to perform at peak physical and or psychological levels.Over the past decade our knowledge of sports nutrition has evolved into a science that has swept the athletic world and has been partially responsible for the ever increasing numbers of athletes who are pushing the envelope of human ability and performance. Although a handful of the worlds top martial artists, police, and elite military units have taken advantage of the 'cutting edge' nutrition being used by top athletes, the majority of these communities has not taken advantage of the new science of sports nutrition.The advantage of improving one's performance through nutrition and correct supplementation is obvious for the athlete, but what about the martial artist? Obviously technique, form, and knowledge of one's chosen martial art is essential to the mastery of that art, but what if the person, regardless of skill level, becomes a little faster, stronger, and able to resist and repair from injuries and training better?Will they not be an improved version of their former self? Of course they will! Proper nutrition can make the martial artist, as it has for so many of today's top athletes, an improved and potentially more accomplished practitioner of their art, plain and simple. If a policeman is able to stay alert, has more endurance or strength, etc., will he/she not have an added advantage to the job? Of course.. The benefits to the soldier are obvious. Bottom line? To not take advantage of the science of nutrition and supplementation, is to short change the martial artists, police, and military personnel.As a trainer for many athletes from various sports, police, and, military personnel, and the author of numerous articles on sports nutrition and training, I have come to a few general guidelines that should be of considerable help and interest to the martial artist, police, etc. who want to improve both health and performance. Though nutrition is a complex topic, I have devised a basic guide to the major and minor nutrients that should be helpful to the martial artist, police, and athlete alike who are trying to make food and nutrient choices. Of course this guide is in no way total or complete, and many individual differences may apply, but as a basic guide to examining these nutrients, it could give you the edge you have been looking for.ProteinProteins are made up of amino acids which are the structural units of the protein molecule. There are approximately 20 amino acids. Eight of them are considered 'essential' because the human body cannot make them on its own - which is the definition of an essential nutrient. Link a few amino acids together and you get a peptide. Link a bunch of peptides together and you get a protein. The shape of the individual amino acids (and resulting proteins) is unique and highly specific, so I won't go into great detail about it here.Suffice it to say, proteins are an essential part of virtually every function in our body from the muscles, to certain hormones, to our immune system(s) and a whole lot more. In particular, the amino acids known as the 'branched chain' amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) and the amino acid L-glutamine are of particular interest to active people as they are anti-catabolic (muscle sparing) and immune enhancing, to name only a few functions and benefits of these particular amino acids.Though the RDA for protein is generally sufficient for couch potatoes (with some debate) the majority of athletes and/or highly active people will benefit from higher intakes of high quality proteins. Proteins with the highest biological value (BV) are the proteins that should constitute the majority of the active person's diet, as they are superior for maintaining positive nitrogen balance, reducing recuperation time from workouts, improving immune function, etc.Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and isolates (WPI) have the highest BV of any protein, is almost 50% branched chain amino acids, and is high in L-glutamine, which is why I recommend several servings a day of WPC/WPI to all the athletes/martial artists/police I work with.There are several brands of WPC/WPI on the market. Other high quality proteins such as skinless chicken, fish, eggs, soy, and lean red meats, have relatively high BV values and are good proteins. Another point that is important to know, the higher quality the protein, the less the person has to eat and this allows the person to keep total calories lower by sticking to these high BV proteins.For a person who is active in the martial arts, has a busy job, and probably does some weight lifting and/or aerobics, an intake of .7 ? .8 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight is what I have generally recommended. For high level bodybuilders and competitive distance athletes, the protein intake will be higher, approximately 1g of protein per lb /bodyweight being the most common.In certain situations, amino acid supplementation is useful, but most people will have no problem getting what they need by eating plenty of high quality protein foods. Low grade, high fat, preservative loaded, protein foods such as luncheon meats, hot dogs, etc., should be avoided for obvious reasons.CarbohydratesCarbohydrates are made primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms that cycle into a ring. They can be 'simple' or 'complex' depending on the number of rings that are hooked together and the way the carbohydrate effects blood sugar (1). Though the rings can be slightly different in shape, their common theme is the ring structure. Similar to amino acids that make up proteins, when you link the simple units (the sugars) together you get carbohydrates with different properties.As most people know, carbohydrates are a primary source of energy for the body. The best type of carbohydrates to eat are those that are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.Though foods such as pasta, breads, and white rice are considered 'complex' they are highly processed foods, totally inadequate in fiber, vitamins, and minerals and should not make up a high percentage of a persons carbohydrate intake. Though these foods are often fortified with certain vitamins, in my opinion this does not truly replace what is lost during processing, not to mention the many nutrients that are not replaced.Americans are notoriously low eaters of fiber, and heavily processed foods mentioned above do nothing to correct this deficit. High fiber carbohydrate foods such as brown rice, beans, lentils, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and many others, are the preferred carbohydrate foods for health, performance, steady blood sugar levels, and reduced bodyfat levels.Though the high carbohydrate/low fat diet is all the rage these days, it has not been in my experience the optimal diet for the many athletes, martial artists, and ?normal? people I have worked with (see fats below). Data continues to support the fact that high carb low fat diets are not optimal for either health for weight loss. Eating too much of anything, including carbohydrates, will make one fat (too bad the makers of non-fat foods fail to tell you this) and cause a host of other ills I don't have the space here to cover.There are many researchers, books, and studies using both animals and humans that seriously questions the high carbohydrate/low fat diet as the optimal diet for health and performance. Two grams per pound of lean bodyweight of carbohydrates is more than sufficient to fuel the energy needs of most athletes if other aspects of their diet is adequate (i.e. correct use and amounts of certain fats and proteins). And, as mentioned previously, the source of those carbohydrates is of paramount importance.FatsThe very word sends a shiver down the back of the leanest person. There is not a more misunderstood nutrient in all of nutrition than fats. Many people know there are big differences in how various carbohydrates effect the body and some people even know that different proteins have different properties, but 'a fat is a fat, no'? is what the majority of people would say if you asked them about this much maligned nutrient.Fats have just as many biochemical differences in the human body as do carbohydrates and proteins, and thus have just as many different effects on the body that range from very good to very bad. It really depends on the type and amount of fat(s) we eat(2). Americans tend to get their dietary fats from saturated fats, rancid fats, and highly processed fats ( which contain by products such as trans fatty acids), thus giving fats a bad name.As mentioned earlier, an essential nutrient is anything the human body cannot manufacture on its own and must be obtained from the diet, or the person will become sick and/or perish if the nutritional deficit is not corrected. We know there are a multitude of vitamins and minerals, eight amino acids, and two types of fats that are considered essential nutrients for life itself to continue.You should be aware that there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate, but that's a whole other story. The two fats that are known to be essential to health are Linoleic acid (LA) which is an Omega-6 fatty acid and Alpha-linolenic acid (LNA) which is an Omega-3 fatty acid. Both of these fats can be found in various foods that have not been heavily processed.These two fats are highly sensitive and reactive to heat, light, and oxygen (i.e. they go bad quickly), and are totally ruined or lost during the processing of our foods. The reason poly -unsaturated vegetable oils that line the shelves of most super markets can sit there for years on end is because they have been heated, deodorized, and generally processed to the point that they are the nutritional equivalent of white bread and table sugar. I recommend people avoid those oils.Because of all the fat bashing by the popular media and health professionals who should know better, most people have come away thinking that all fat is bad and serves no other purpose than to make our hips and stomach wider while ruining our health. Nothing could be further from the truth. The membrane that surrounds every single cell in your body, the sheath around nerves, various hormones, prostaglandins, and countless other parts of the body (especially the brain) depend on the dietary intake of the right fats.The importance of the essential fatty acids for health and performance cannot be understated. It is true that certain fats, such as, saturated fats, rancid fats, and trans fatty acids (found in margarine, Crisco, and other products), can cause numerous health problems from heart disease to cancer and insulin resistance, to name only a few ills of a diet high in the wrong types of fat.However, the essential fatty acids (especially the Omega-3 fatty acids) are anti-lipolytic (stop fat storage), anti-catabolic (stop the break down of muscle tissue), increase metabolic rate and beta oxidation (burn calories/increase fat burning), improve insulin sensitivity, reduce the chances of heart diseases, and a whole lot more (3).Though early research told us that we need a bit more LA (the Omega-6 fatty acid) than LNA (the Omega-3 fatty acid) in our diet, we find in practice that a diet containing higher amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids (LNA) gets the best results in health, bodyfat levels, and performance.The richest source of the Omega-3 fatty acid LNA is Flax oil, which also contains a small amount of the Omega-6 oil LA (4). Flax oil can be found in the refrigerated section of any good health food store and is derived from the careful processing of flax seeds (5). As a nutritional consultant to various athletes, I have used flax oil with many of the country's top bodybuilders (a group of athletes notoriously fearful of eating fat) to reduce their bodyfat levels and improve their performance and health. Two/three tablespoons a day over a salad, taken straight, or in a protein drink does the trick (6).Another major source of Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in deep water cold fish such as sardines, mackerel, and salmon (7), and I recommend that people eat two to three servings of these fish per week. Good sources of LA are unprocessed vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower, sesame, and many other oils found in health food stores.Fats to avoid are highly processed vegetable oils and other processed vegetable products (such as margarine), rancid fats, and to a lesser degree, saturated fats. The key to health and performance is a proper balance of essential fatty acids (LNA and LA), mono unsaturated oils (found in olive oil, avocados, etc.), and small amounts of saturated fats found in lean meats and other sources combined with the right carbohydrates and proteins.Vitamins/MineralsObviously a full description of every vitamin and mineral and all their functions would take several large text books, so I won't even attempt it here. A good multi vitamin is an insurance plan to make sure we get all the major vitamins and minerals that for what ever reason we failed to get from our food on any given day.There is not a single cell in our entire body that does not require the use, or interaction with, some vitamin, mineral, or biological function that is dependent on the above nutrients in adequate amounts. If you think we get all the vitamins and minerals we need from our highly processed food supply (as some health professionals maintain), then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you. Some (but not all) nutritionists and other health related professionals will often say something like 'vitamins supplements just cause expensive urine'.The last time I checked, chemo therapy, heart bypass operations, and hundreds of other medical treatments cost considerably more than the average multi vitamin. If the intake of vitamins were to prevent any major disease in say one out of a 100,000 people, it would have been worth every cent in my book. In my opinion, the correct use of vitamins, minerals, herbs, essential fatty acids, and many other nutritional based compounds, is the best route to optimal health and performance. Any major brand of multi vitamin from such manufacturers as Twin Lab, Solgar, or Nature's Best, to name only a few good brands, would be fine.Anti - oxidants'Anti-oxidants' and 'free radicals' are the hot buzz words these days on television news shows, news paper articles, and magazine features. Though scientists in the health and nutritional fields have known about them for decades, they have recently been getting a lot of attention by mainstream media and more open minded medical researchers.Anti-oxidants are a special class of vitamins and other non vitamin compounds that neutralize free radicals before they can damage cells in our body. What is a free radical? A free radical is a highly reactive molecular fragment that has a single unpaired electron. The unpaired electron wants to ?pair up? with another electron.The free radical will steal this electron from virtually anything it comes in contact with, including our cells. This reaction, if left unchecked, leads to a free radical chain reaction and damage to various parts of the cell depending on where it takes place. An anti-oxidant can donate an electron without itself becoming a free radical and thus can break the chain of events leading to an uncontrolled free radical chain reaction (8).Free radical pathology is now believed to be linked to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and dozens of other afflictions. Without going into a long (and boring) biochemical explanation, there are many things that cause free radicals to be released, such as smoking, exposure to various toxins found in air, food and water, sickness, exercise, and stress in general.Anti-oxidants such as vitamin E and C and other compounds such as selenium, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), and proanthocyanidins (derived from grape seed extract), to mention a few, will help recuperation from tough workouts, improve immunity, possibly prevent certain diseases, and improve your health in so many different ways it would take another article to explain. A good anti-oxidant formula made by any one of the brands I mentioned previously, should be added to the diet in addition to the multi- vitamin. Whey proteins can also greatly improve anti oxidants status and is recommended.Sports Supplements:The topic of sports nutrition supplements, such as: androstenedione and other ?andros,? Arginine, Colostrum, CLA, Creatine, Ecdysterone, GH Supplements, Ginseng, HMB, Myostatin Inhibitors and Tribulus, to name just a few, is beyond the scope of this article. Each supplement has its potential uses, dawbacks, doses and other variables that need to be examoned on an indavidual basis. People in the martial arts, law enforecement, or military that want to understand these supplements ; whether or not they are worth useing, doses, types, etc., should consider reading my ebook on the topic of sports nutrition supplements, nutrition, and training called Muscle Building Nutrition.ConclusionThe above list of foods and supplements is in no way complete or the entire picture when it comes to additional ways the martial artist, police, and military personnel can improve his or her health, strength, bodyfat levels, and recuperative abilities. However, the information presented here can make for a foundation of health and performance that could add a considerable edge for those who seeks it.(1)The way a carbohydrate effects blood sugar after it is eaten is known as the glycemic response. The glycemic index (GI) is a list of foods and how they effect blood sugar. Some foods we think of as 'complex' actually raise blood sugar much faster than many foods we think of as 'simple'.(2) The health problems related to fats is are far more complex than most people appreciate. The pathology of disease(s) caused by high fat intakes of the wrong types of fat is a complex interaction between certain fats, carbohydrates, a lack of certain vitamins and other nutrients, free radical/anti-oxidant mechanisms, and other factors that are poorly understood.(3) For more information on the many benefits of the essential fatty acids and to find out more information about fats and health in general, read ?Fats the Heal fats that Kill? by Dr. Udo Erasmus published by Alive books.(4) LNA and LA are in a 4:1 ratio in flax oil.(5) Like fresh eggs, milk, meat, etc, all fresh unprocessed oils will spoil (go rancid) if not refrigerated constantly and eaten shortly after opening the bottle.(6) All highly unsaturated oils, including flax, should NEVER be used to cook with as this will change the structure of theses oils making them toxic and of little use for the purpose they are intended for.(7) The 'fish oils' DHA and EPA can be formed in the human body from LNA by desaturase enzymes.(8) It is important to note that free radical reactions are a normal and essential part of metabolism. It is the uncontrolled free radical chain reactions that we are concerned with.Copyright 2005 Internet PublicationsSee more excellent bodybuilding, fat loss, and sports nutrition articles from Will Brink here: http://www.brinkzone.com/onlinearticles.html And see Will's other websites here: http://www.dietsupplementsreview.com http://www.musclebuildingguide.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   31 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Secrets of Laying the Fives and Nines

Pssst...! Wanna know a secret?How about the secret of laying the fives and nines?You won't see a lot of bettors laying the five or nine, as most of the lay bets go behind the fours and tens. Plus, the 5% vig (on winnings) charged on lay bets seems to reserve lay bets only  for the 4's and 10's.Wanna know the secrets that craps pros use to make money laying the fives and nines?Let's find out!The key to profits lie in asking the dealers for something that is not normally available. For example, when you lay the five or nine for $45 you win $30 at 2:3 odds -minus the $2 vig, so you only get $28 back. Since 5% of $30 is $1.50, you might try asking the dealer if you can pay $1 vig instead of $2 for the same bet. That extra dollar is certainly better off in your pocket than the casino's!You can also try to lay the five and nine for $56 plus $1 vig. A $56 bet will return $38, which is $2 short of the $40 limit (bet $60, get $40) which starts the $2 vig. Remember, all you have to do is ask the dealer if you can make a lay bet for a certain amount. The worst that can happen is that he'll say no. The whole purpose of betting this way is to maximize your profits by getting as close to the $2 vig limit while still only paying $1. To do this, you need to get your lay bet payoff in the $35 to $40 range.You have to be careful about the way you word your bets. For example, if you lay the nine for $56 plus $1 vig, you can't say "$57 no nine", as they might charge you an extra dollar. Make sure they know that you want the bet to be for $56 plus $1 vig.You should also be able to split your lay bets. Instead of laying the nine for $54, for example, ask the friendly dealer if you can lay $27 each against the five and nine, and still only pay $1 vig. This will give you an extra chance because you can win both numbers together, but you can't lose them both at the same time.The next time you try laying numbers, try to get a better bet than advertised. You have nothing to lose by trying this. You'll gain extra money, increased comps, and the satisfaction that you are getting the very best bet that you can make!Pssst...! Now you know the secrets of laying the fives and nines!The Crapshooter © 2005 by Larry EdellYou can get a FREE issue of The Crapshooter Newsletter, the only newsletter devoted exclusively to craps! Just send two first class stamps to The Crapshooter, Dept. EZA, PO Box 421440, San Diego CA 92142, or you can subscribe at http://www.TheCrapShooter.com. You'll also receive a FREE catalog and a special FREE offer!

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   31 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right All About Links -- Interview With Link Building Expert , Bob Gladstein

Julia: Welcome Bob. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions about link building. I'm going to jump right in ask you why Web sites need links?Bob: There are a number of reasons to have links pointing to your site. But let's start with the reason they were  created in the first place. The original purpose of the Internet was to enable the sharing of information. For example, if a scholarly paper existed on a server at the University of California, and a professor at Oxford wanted to read it, the Internet made that instantly possible. Now, if the Oxford professor had a paper that referenced information from the UC paper, they could link directly to that other document rather than just quoting from it. So a hyperlink was intended as a way of connecting data, ideas, and references together. It's like saying, "if you'd like further information on this topic, here's a place to find it."When the Google search engine was created, its developers took this into account. And drew the conclusion that a link was an indication that the page being linked to was relevant to some particular subject-matter.So that's a rather long introduction to a short answer to your question. Web sites need links because they send traffic that's already targeted to their subject matter to other sites, and because they help the search engines determine both their theme and what the web as a community deems their importance to be. Basically (although not absolutely), the more links that point to a page, the more relevant that page is determined to be. In addition, links are now considered the most reliable way (apart from paying) to get a site into the search engines in the first place.While both Google and Yahoo allow you to submit a site to their index, it's clear that the best way to get the search engines to pay attention to your site is to get a page that their spiders already know about to link to yours. The spiders then follow that link to your site, and add it to their index.Julia: Thanks, Bob. But there are different types of links aren't there? Can you explain differences?Bob: As we discussed in the previous question, there are text links from other sites. Some of these are reciprocal (that is, they link to you and you link back to them) and others are one-way (the owner of the other site decides, for whatever reason, to link to your site and doesn't expect you to link back).There are also image links: banners, buttons, etc. These have the advantage of standing out visually from the rest of the page, but many people have become immune to the standard banner ad and just ignore them, because it's assumed they're just advertisements, and as such, not necessarily relevant to the page on which they appear.Then there are directory listings, where a link to your site appears on a page containing links to numerous other sites in what the directory editor has determined to be your particular niche.An important thing to consider regarding getting a link is the code behind it. If your primary concern is to send traffic to your site, this isn't important. In that case, what you need to think about is whether the link is going to send the right people to you. But if you want the link to be recognized by the search engines and to contribute to your ranking in searches, you need the link to be in simple HTML, without JavaScript or other code that will hide the link from search engine spiders.There are also links that won't help you at all, or will put you in danger of losing your position on the search engines. Guestbook spam, the practice of going to a site's guest book area and posting a message like "Nice site. Come visit mine, at?" will do you no good. The search engines know that such links carry no value, and just ignore them. The same is true for free-for-all links pages, on which you can immediately add a link to any site, without any editorial oversight.Link farms are a far more dangerous subject. These are networks of sites that are heavily cross-linked and offer to link to you as long as you link back into the network, or host a page on your site that serves as a directory of sites that the link farm has linked to. The idea here is to abuse the power search engines give to links by exponentially increasing the number of links to your site, without regard for theme or value. You link into the farm, and you have hundreds, perhaps thousands of links pointing back to you. But the links are only there to increase link popularity. The sites on which the links reside are not intended to actually be viewed by people; they're just intended to give search engine spiders the mistaken impression that your site is extraordinarily popular.Julia: So, what's the best way to get legitimate and relevant sites to link to yours?Bob: Before you can get a site to link to yours, you first have to find it. You need to do research on the subject-matter of your site by searching on the keywords you hope people will use to find it. The results of those searches will give you a list of sites that are already performing well for those keywords. You should then study those sites, so that you can write to the webmaster and request a link in such a way that demonstrates that you understand the purpose of their site. And give reasons as to why you think their audience will find your site of interest.You can buy links from sites as well, sometimes on a single page, and sometimes all across the site. These are just like any other form of advertising. So before you part with your money you need to determine if they're worth the purchase price by deciding if they'll send you enough of the right traffic. That's why sites that offer the opportunity to buy links will make claims about how much traffic they get and how their audience is made up of "decision makers."Finally, there are directories, which normally require you to drill down to find the most relevant category for your listing. You can then (depending on the directory) either contact them with your information, or fill out a form on the directory itself and request a listing.Julia: What would you say to Web site owners who are reluctant to use links because they think it will take people away from their site?Bob: For one thing, a Web site without any off-site links is a dead end, and there is some evidence to suggest that search engines view sites that don't link out as being less valuable.Unless you're willing to pay, you may have a hard time convincing people to link to you if you're not planning on linking back to them. But it's still possible, especially if you've got content that's so good people will want to link to you anyway, but it's definitely harder to get one-way links than reciprocal ones. I'm not suggesting that people link directly to their competitors. The idea is to link to sites that complement the content that you're providing. By doing so, you're contributing to the impression that your site is an authority on your theme: not only do you have great information, but you have links to other sources of information. That's another reason for people to come back to your site more often. And if you're still worried about sending people away from your site and never seeing them again, you can set your off-site links to open in a new window, by adding target="_blank" to the code for the link. If you do this, however, it's a good idea for usability purposes to let people know that the link will open in a new window. Otherwise, people who have their browser windows maximized may not realize what's happened, and should they try to get back to your site by hitting their back button they're likely to be confused when it fails to take them anywhere.Julia: We often hear the term

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   31 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right un besoin de savoir

Il est Voyance par telephone vrai que ça t’arrange pour aller vivre avec « l’autre » en ne te sentant responsable de rien. PIERRE : Mais enfin, je ne te comprends pas. Brigitte est elle, ma fille ? Oui ou voyance paris non  ?

	CAROLINE : Tu me traites plus bas que terre.

	Il n’y a horoscope aucune raison pour que tu me croies.

	Que je dise une chose ou son contraire ! Alors, à quoi bon ?

	PIERRE : Je suis certain d’une chose : c’est que tu numerologie veux te venger.

	Maintenant, m’as-tu dit la vérité ou non ?… Je l’ignore… J’ai besoin de savoir.

	CAROLINE : Tu astrologie as besoin, tu as besoin… Moi aussi j’ai besoin de savoir ce qu’il y a entre cette femme et toi !

	PIERRE : Moi, je t’ai dit la vérité, rien que la vérité, toute voyance gratuite la vérité.

	Maintenant, je sais que les menteurs ne peuvent admettre que d’autres disent la vérité, et c’est pourquoi tarots gratuits tu ne me crois pas.

	CAROLINE : Moi aussi je t’ai dit la Vérité !

	PIERRE : Quand ? Quand durant 15 ans, tu m’as laissé penser que Brigitte était ma fille ou quand tout à l’heure, tu m’as dit qu’elle ne l’était voyance audiotel pas ?

	CAROLINE : Ne perds pas de vue, que c’est toi qui as commencé à me flanquer une pépée et tes deux fils dans les jambes.

	PIERRE : Je voyance en direct constate qu’il n’est pas possible d’avoir une discussion sérieuse avec toi ! Je sors !

	CAROLINE : Tu vas les retrouver ?

	PIERRE : Je ferai comme voyance gratuite immediate toi.

	Je ne répondrai pas.

	Pierre voyance serieuse sort.

	Caroline s’écroule  sur un fauteuil en pleurant.

	Le rideau tarot tombe.
		Lorsque le rideau se lève, de décor est le même.
		Brigitte est seule en hebergement audiotel voyance scène.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   31 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/02/2012 10:24   »   توسط: extravoyance

arrow right The Path of Least Resistance

I spend a bit of time on airplanes. So, I was surprised by what I observed on a regional jet. Yes, it was holiday travel. Yes, the flight was overbooked. Yes, infrequent and tired travelers were creating challenges for the only stewardess. Still, she saw the small boy, no  more than eight, seated in the exit row next to his grandfather. She chose to ignore him, wishing and hoping her safety message stating a person must be over fifteen to sit in the exit row would fix it. Maybe she didn't want the hassle of trying to reseat passengers on an already late flight. Maybe she was tired, too. Who knows?What I do know is that despite the safety implications of her decision, she chose the path of least resistance that day. And she's not alone. Many people take that path at work. They choose the easier way rather than doing what needs to be done. But, the path of least resistance leads away from winning at working.You'll be on that path if you turn a blind eye to something you know needs solving but you don't want to address it or

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   30 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Leadership, Self-Development, and the Committment to Growth

There is a common phrase that says: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." I know that most of us have heard it. The problem is that we all too often take it, and other so-called "conventional wisdom" as truth.Read that phrase again: "You can't teach an old dog new  tricks.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   30 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right L'infirmerie

Ses traits voyance fins, ses longs cheveux blonds encore mouillés descendaient bien au-dessous des épaules. Elle était admirablement proportionnée et les deux cousins voyance en ligne se sentirent gênés devant tant de  beauté.

	Jusqu’à cet instant, elle avait été une blessée, en large état d’infériorité vis-à-vis d’eux et là, ce sont eux qui se Voyance par telephone sentaient intimidés devant elle.

	Pourtant, elle n’était pas encore dans une forme olympique.

	Elle marchait lentement et souffrait manifestement  tarots gratuits de sa blessure.

	- Brigitte, retournez dans votre chambre.

	Nous voyance gratuite allons voir où en est votre blessure et nous parlerons un peu.

	Docilement, elle se dirigea vers le petit pavillon où les deux cousins vinrent la rejoindre quelques minutes plus tard.

	Pierre défit le pansement qui avait été  horoscope 2012 mouillé par la douche.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   28 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 17/02/2012 13:01   »   توسط: purevoyance

arrow right sensation de pur bonheur

Le regard tarot était vide et lorsque Charles, bêtement demanda Ça va La tête retomba sur le lit. Pierre et Charles se regardèrent, puis vinrent vers le voyance gratuite immediate lit pour redresser la femme voyance serieuse qui, inerte, se  laissa mettre en position assise. Vous êtes blessée demanda Pierre qui aussitôt se rendit compte que sa question était, elle aussi, idiote Une tache de sang s’étendait sur le couvre lit. La femme était sans voyance en direct doute très jeune et avait recommencé à gémir. Madame, Madame, dites-nous où vous êtes blessée. Nous sommes là, vous êtes voyance audiotel sauvée. Pour la première fois l’inconnue eut dans le regard un éclair de lucidité. Jambe murmura-t-elle, et les deux cousins virent en effet que le mollet droit était couvert de sang.  Cherche dans l’armoire s’il y a des tarots gratuits serviettes.


	Moi je vais  voyance gratuite chercher de l’eau dit Pierre, en revenant dans l’entrée pour chercher la salle d’eau... Fort heureusement, les plombiers avaient branché l’eau et, après l’avoir laissée couler un moment, il remplit une cuvette. En fouillant dans une astrologie petite armoire à pharmacie, il trouva du coton hydrophile, des bandes de gaze et une petite bouteille d’alcool à 90°. Il revint rapidement hebergement audiotel voyance dans la chambre avec tout son nécessaire. Charles, moins heureux que lui, continuait à fouiller mais n’avait trouvé que des vêtements. J’ai ce qu’il faut. Viens Doucement avec du coton mouillé, Pierre nettoya la plaie. Elle numerologie semblait assez profonde et s’étendait sur une bonne dizaine de centimètres. Il faut que je désinfecte la plaie, Madame, je horoscope vais être obligé de vous faire mal. L’inconnue semblait avoir pleinement repris conscience et de la tête elle fit oui. Lorsque Pierre posa sur la plaie, un coton imbibé d’alcool à 90°, elle hurla de douleur, ce qui prouvait qu’elle reprenait  voyance paris un peu de force. Pierre continua à nettoyer la plaie qui ne semblait pas s’être infectée.

	Il demanda à Voyance par telephone Charles d’aller  chercher une nouvelle cuvette d’eau propre et de ramener si possible des serviettes et un gant de toilette pour passer sur le visage de la jeune femme.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   27 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 07/02/2012 14:34   »   توسط: purevoyance

arrow right Gerald Hawkins

There is something about the Hawkins clan that I like. My most adept and austere teacher was a Hawkins related to Black Jack the Privateer and I wonder if this man who died recently while happily flying his model airplanes is one of them. I think it is very possible that  genetic information transfer is real. Mathematics and astronomy was his forte but he also had a gift for Public Relations when he ran the contest to pay a large sum to anyone who could do the math in Crop Circles.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   24 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right You Know Youre a Mom When....

1. Your feet stick to the kitchen floor.....and you don't care.2. When the kids are fighting, you threaten to lock them in a room together and not let them out until someone's bleeding.3. You can't find your cordless phone, so you ask a friend to call you, and you run  around the house madly, following the sound until you locate the phone downstairs in the laundry basket.4. You spend an entire week wearing sweats.5. Your idea of a good day is making it through without a child leaking bodily fluids on you.6. Popsicle become a food staple.7. Your favorite television show is a cartoon.8. Peanut butter and jelly is eaten at least in one meal a day.9. You're willing to kiss your child's boo-boo, regardless of what body part it happens to be on.10. Your baby's pacifier falls on the floor and you give it back to her after you suck the dirt off of it because you're too busy to wash it off.11. Your kids make jokes about farting, burping, pooping, etc., and you think it's funny.12. You're so desperate for adult conversation that you spill your guts to the telemarketer that calls and HE hangs up on YOU!13. Spit is your number one cleaning agent.14. You're up each night until 10 PM vacuuming, dusting, wiping, washing, drying, loading, unloading, shopping, cooking, driving, flushing, ironing, sweeping picking up, changing sheets, changing diapers, bathing, helping with homework, paying bills, budgeting, clipping coupons, folding clothes, putting to bed, dragging out of bed, brushing, chasing, buckling, feeding (them, Not you), PLUS swinging, playing baseball, bike riding, pushing trucks, cuddling dolls, rollerblading, basketball, football, catch, bubbles, sprinklers, slides, nature walks, coloring, crafts, jumping rope, PLUS raking, trimming, planting, edging, mowing, gardening, painting, and walking the dog. You get up at 5:30 AM and you have no time to eat, sleep, drink or go to the bathroom, and yet ... you still managed to gain 10 pounds.15. In your bathroom there is toothpaste on the light fixtures, water all over the floor, a dog drinking out of the toilet and body hair forming a union to protest unsafe working conditions.16. You buy cereal with marshmallows in it.17. The closest you get to gourmet cooking is making Rice Krispie bars18. You count the sprinkles on each kid's cupcake to make sure they 're equal.19. You want to take out a contract on the kid who broke your child's favorite toy and made him/her cry.20. You have time to shave only one leg at a time.21. You hide in the bathroom to be alone.22. You child throws up and you catch it.23. Someone else's kid throws up at a party and you keep eating.24. You consider finger paint to be a controlled substance 25. You mastered the art of placing food on a plate without anything touching.26. Your child insists that you read

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   23 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:38   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right A New Choice for Home Financing: Correspondent Lenders

When you begin your search for a new home loan, one of the first things to consider is where you'll get the money. Your basic choices will be mortgage brokers and banks.Your first instinct may be to go with your local bank, who you know from doing business with them for  other things, such as your checking and saving accounts. But you've probably also heard that mortgage brokers can get you a better interest rate, since they deal with hundreds of lending sources. It can be confusing, but there's a third source of funding that combines the best of both--the correspondent lender.In order to understand the differences, let's look at how the lending process works in each case. Mortgage bankers are given rate sheets by their institutions, telling them what interest rates they can quote to their clients on any given day. There's only so much a bank can do, with regard to interest rates, because it needs to remain profitable in order to stay in business.Mortgage brokers have an advantage in that regard. They're not loaning their own money, and are free to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   23 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Chris Top 7 Favorite Leadership Books

1. The West Point Way of Leadership.GREAT book by a man who taught leadership at West Point for 20 years.2. Developing the Leader Within You.All around book. Follow-up book is Developing the Leaders Around You.3. Lincoln On Leadership.Looks at the Life of Honest Abe and the  lessons of leadership he exhibited.4. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.A classic on everybody's list5. Servant Leadership.Reminds us we serve those who follow.6. Leadership Jazz.Lots about shaping the values of an organization.7. Oh The Places You'll Go.(Okay, it is a Dr. Seuss Book, but I kid you not, this could be subtitled Leadership Lessons for Kids... And Big Kids Too. I read it to my kids often and am reminded of what it takes to have a successful journey.)About The Author:Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams.To see Chris

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   22 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Mortal Kombat 2 - GameBoy

Fight Against JadeWin the stage immediately before the "?" stage using only kick attacks without blocking.Fight Against SmokeContinuously use the uppercut move against your opponent on the Bridge stage until the "Toasty" face appears. Immediately hold Down and press  Start.Play with only One CreditAt the Choose Your Destiny screen, press Down, Down.Random FighterAt the Character Selection screen, hold Up and press Start.Kombat KodesPlayer 2 at 25% power 000-707 Player 2 at 50% power 000-033 Enable Reptile 192-234

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   22 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 03/01/2012 08:14   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Resources to Help You Learn About and Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

There is a new bill that is being passes, it is a very weak bill but if passed, it will prohibit using a social security number for identification purposes. This bill should take affect in 2006.If you feel you have been a victim of identity fraud, contact the Department of  Justice, consumer protection division. They offer mediation with identity theft; they also have a hot line for consumers that is available 8-5 Monday ? Friday. They maintain a database of written complaints that goes back to 1998. They offer seminars to school, seniors or your group.Be aware that 40 million crooks obtained credit card numbers this past year, "Be Suspicious". Also be aware that most identify theft is not reported, especially when it involves family members, so the statistics are off. These statistics show that consumers lost $5 billion last year when in actuality it is closer to $50 billion. There have been an estimated 9.9 million victims in America.U.S. Postal Inspection Service www.usps.com/postalinspectorsFederal Trade Commission www.consumer.gov.idtheft 877-IDTHEFT or TTY ? 202-326-2502U.S. Secret Service www.secretservice.govDepartment of Justice  www.usdoj.gov/criminal/fraud/idtheftFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation www.fdic.gov/consumersEquifax www.exuifax.com 800-525-6285Experian www.experian.com 888-397-3742Trans union www.transunion.com 800-680-7289Social Security Administration Fraud Hotline PO Box 17768 Baltimore, MD 21235 800-269-0271 www.socialsecurity.govNorth American Securities Agency Administrators (NASAA) www.nasaa.orgBetter Business Bureau www.search.bbb.org/search.htmlUnited States Postal Service www.usps.comNational Do Not Call Registry www.donotcall.gov 888-382-1222Direct marketing Association Consumer Assistance http://www.dmaconsumers.org/consumerassistance.html Registering by mail is FREE and registering online is $5.00. To remove your name from national mailing lists by mail:Mail Preference Service Direct Marketing Association PO Box 643 Carmel, NY 10512Identity Theft Resource Center www.idtheftcenter.org 858-693-7935International check service 800-526-5380Telecheck 800-927-0755Certegy Check Services 800-437-5120Internet Fraud Complaint Center http://www.ifccfbi.gov/index.aspFight Identity Theft  http://www.fightidentitytheft.com/Michelle Dunn has over 17 years experience in credit and debt collection. She is the founder of Never Dunn Publishing, LLC, is a writer, consultant and the Editorial Advisor for Eli Financial Debt Collection Compliance Alert Newsletter. Michelle started M.A.D. Collection Agency and ran is successfully for 7 years. She owns and runs Credit & Collections.com a free online community for credit and business professionals.She has written 5 books in her Collecting Money Series and is currently writing a book for the Streetwise Series, part of the Adams Media Corporation. For more information on Michelle's services or to order any of her books please email her at michelle@michelledunn.com or visit http://www.michelledunn.com & http://www.credit-and-collections.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   22 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...