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arrow right When the Nose of the Camel is in the Tent

My new job was to sell Commercial Service Agreements. It was a fine company. They were growing. They wanted to expand their Service Base. I had a territory that no one wanted. It was the farthest away from the office. "There is no business there!" was all I heard  from everyone when I first took the job. I also heard, "You're nuts! Why did you give up the security of being a Technician?"I had to. I was stale. I was restless. I was a C+ technician on my best day. But I had people skills. I made friends easily. I liked people. I took the personality profile. I was made for the job. I read a lot. I was curious. I was ambitious. I have always been an entrepreneur. Now I was an Intra-prenuer.Selling Commercial Service agreements in Seattle Washington is tough. The Pacific North-WET. Average annual rainfall, 32 inches. Average annual temperature, 55 degrees. When compressors fail, we switch to Outside Air, Economizer mode, aka, "Free cooling :-)I was calling on people who didn't want to see me and talk about something they didn't care about. Getting the appointment is the toughest part of the sale. I would walk into 50 buildings, to get 40 names, talk to 30 people by telephone, to secure 20 face to face appointments, to close 5 deals. Start with 50, end with 5.One such person was Barb Gregory. She was the facility manager for Bartell Drugs. They had 40 locations. One contractor was serving all 40. They were a good company. I had friends working there. As I listened to her, it was clear she was fairly content with whom she was using. It's a common challenge. How does a salesman (or saleswoman) overcome that one? Then something I had read in a Sales Book by Frank Bettger sparked an idea. "Compared to what or whom?""How do you know you are happy?" I asked Barb. "Pardon me?" she asserted. "How do you know you are happy? Compared to what? You have only ever had one contractor. As good as they are, one thing I do know about human nature. When we think we have it all, arrogance and complacency creep in. Wouldn't it be nice to raise the bar a little?" It was a bold move. I had nothing to lose. I hadn't made a sale in awhile."Where are you going with this?" she asked, leaning forward like the RCA Dog listening to the phonograph for the first time. "Well, I just wonder how much better your service would be from ABC Mechanical if they knew WE were in one of their stores." The silence was deafening. I just smiled and sat back. I knew I had struck gold. Thanks, Frank. It was sound business logic. What could she say? I had established reasonable doubt, a rock in her shoe.Waiting for her to finish her thought process, I finally interjected one more idea. "All I am looking for is one store," I said with a smile curling up slowly from one side like the Mona Lisa. "Just one, the worst one. The one you have the most problems with. It will give us a chance to demonstrate our competency. How do you feel about that?"After another long pause, she said, "Okay. Just one. Here is the manager's name and number. The address is?" I was delighted. It had worked!We went after that store with gusto. Our best tech solved their 'Three compressor failures in six months problem.' There were two problems, liquid migrating back to the crankcase and occasional Brown Outs. We installed a crankcase heater and phase protection. We eliminated the moisture in the system. We made the manager happy.Barb said to me over lunch a month later, "Okay, I am going to give you guys another two stores. But don't get your hopes up. I will never give you more than half the stores." I was speechless. 20 stores! I could hardly contain my glee. Mona Lisa was gone. I am certain I looked more like Ronald McDonald at that point. "Fine," I said with a big grin. I finished my pasta marinara with McChicken. We talked about the Mariners and Sonics.All I could think about was the old proverb, "When the nose of the camel is in the tent, the rest of the camel isn't far behind." Who else could I call?*** Sales are like a four legged chair. The legs are: Trust, Relationship, Competence and Timing. If one of the legs is missing, we don't sit too well or comfortably.***Mark Matteson Pinnacle Service Group Raising the Bar in Organizations Nationwide Mark is a writer, speaker and author of two books.877.672.2001 Fax 425.745.8981 mark@mattesonavenue.comFor your FREE e-zine, go to http://www.mattesonavenue.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Secrets to Buying Without Being Sold

Have you ever asked yourself, now how did I let that guy sell me on something that I had no real need for at the time? Do you ever get a sneaking suspicion that your probably not going to really use whatever it is that your buying in the way that it was presented? If this  is true which is often the case, then why in the heck do we give up our hard earned money for something that until we heard some sales spiel, we really had no need or want to have.Please allow me to expose what marketers do to us on a regular basis in an effort to develop those perceived wants, needs and desires in us which drive us to buy what is being offered.Let me first tell you that My wife Kimberly was at one time a true life consumer protection agent for Pinellas county Florida and I along with her have the same bent attitude towards protecting people as opposed to seeing them being taken advantage of, If you can let your guard down for a minute I think you'll absorb these keys to understanding better and you'll get more out of what I'm about to tell you.Secrets that marketers don't want you to know!(When you buy, use logic not emotion)? A good marketer or salesman will always make it as easy as possible for you to buy whatever they are selling, check, cash, credit, fax, phone, mail or on line, That's fine we want that, but almost without question once you have decided that your ready to check out you'll find the up-sell pitch almost preventing you from completing the transaction. The up-sell is where once they have you sold on the least expensive item or package deal, they attempt to upgrade you to a more expensive premium feature, option or package.A Variation of this technique is the cross-sell, this is where they start adding options to the item that you have decided to buy, cars are a good example with undercoating, floor mats, premium sound systems, Sport packages etc? these are things that enhance the desirability of the original product sold.Key: Don't fall for the sale, after the sale.? The next tactic relied upon by many is to prey upon your fears, there is a rule that says people will buy ten times more often to relieve fear then they will to obtain pleasure, insurance companies use this tactic by instilling fear and guilt in you by saying you will be leaving your family broke, destitute and homeless if you fail to provide this protection through the products they sell. Once they have the fear established then you would see the focus put into selling the benefits that would result from your wise decision to buy today.KEY: Recognize when someone is trying to instill or plant fear into you and also remember who initiated the conversation. Did you originally need this protection or has someone made you feel that way through a mind altering sales script.? Their next ploy is the take-away, here they employ the factors of scarcity, greed and time, you often see it used in the following manner; You must act now on this exclusive offer, we only have a limited supply at this price, this won't last long call now! In this case they make it appear there's not many, it's a great deal and it will be gone, you are about to lose the advantage, the edge, the deal, the benefit, the opportunity will be gone.Again the fear of loss and the loss of pleasure are being used to get you to logically make an emotional decision based on fear, they want you to act fast so you don't have time to think!Key: Know that the deal will most often be there tomorrow and think logically when making your decision on whether or not to buy, use time as your ally.The ability to make quick decisions and stick to them is an admirable quality, but you must insure you indeed did make the right decision to start.? You must be aware or beware of savvy salesman, one trademark quality of this type of individual is his or her ability to lower your resistance to their pitch, often you find them criticizing the product or service before you get the chance, this is known as Objection Resolution. Based on their experience they know what often will prevent a sale before they begin, so they bring it up first to effectively remove their biggest obstacle to the sale.Key: Ask yourself if this feature is critically important to the products ability to solve, provide for, or deliver the results that you intend to buy it for, if not? Then you may consider dwelling awhile on the defect to get a price concession or discount based on that fact. Don't allow your resistance to be lowered through dissolving, disabling or disarming sales double talk.? Another orchestrated event you'll often see is the use of the image plant or involvement device these are designed to get you into an ownership state of mind as if the product or service being sold is already yours and the benefit will now be achieved. By getting you to envision some great outcome or result they tout how much better your life will be, IE? Slimmer, stronger, healthier, happier, WEALTHIER! When dealing with hard goods they ask you to hold it, feel it and smell how nice it is, by getting you to investigate further they increase the odds that you will take ownership. How about a free test drive?Key: Remember! A generous offer often comes with a hefty price tag, don't allow yourself to get involved to quickly in what seems to be the deal of a lifetime.? Moving on to the super smooth and accomplished salesperson we find an even more persuasive individual who is adept at patterning and mirroring you yourself! These people will move as you move, adjust the tone and dialect of their speech patterns to your type and style while getting you to respond with as many yes answers as possible, if they can get you nodding and saying yes to obvious questions that evoke that response then you could say that they are conditioning you to continue agreeing with what will come next, that question being: And how would like to pay for that? Will that be cash or charge? Would you like that in red or blue? That is the close or what is called assuming the sale.As you can see these types are very well healed and they actually are using a little acting and showmanship on you, They use scripts to control the sales event and they don't leave much to chance, if your weak and unprepared then consider yourself vulnerable to being persuaded by this professional at work.Key: Ask your own questions to take them out of their script, and when they prompt you for that affirmative yes answer, say to yourself: I'd like to think about that for a moment. Again slow the process down to see what's going on before it's too late.? One last Character and we'll rap this thing up, this fellow presents the good ole boy image, the friendly type who spends a great deal of time conditioning you to buy through storytelling, he'll give you examples of others who received extraordinary results, benefits, satisfaction, performance, reliability or a hundred other favorable outcomes from taking his advice.Key: If you find yourself being captivated by good storytelling then you should recognize that your tendency to buy is slowly being increased. Once you recognize the method you should immediately refocus on your specific needs and what the product or service actually delivers. Again you'll need to use logic to avoid the emotional images being conjured and implanted throughout the presentation.There's an old saying that says the more you tell the more you sell, I can agree with that to some extent but I come back to the fact that if something is of great value at a low price, it sells itself! with only enough advertising to get word of mouth to do the rest.By now I probably have you afraid to leave the house after telling you how these individuals go about their craft, fear not educated consumer we have a solution!Simply by understanding and recognizing the simple tactics used in the trade we can effectively neutralize them and continue on our way to getting the best deals on the products and services that we truly need, want and desire.Lets recap and create our own script or methods to counter the professional salesman's effort.How can we neutralize Up-sells, Cross-sells, Fear of loss, Use of guilt and shame, take-a ways, pre-emptive resolutions, Image plants and involvement devices, Patterning and Mirroring, Assumptive closes, and good storytelling? Simply by recognizing that they are being used to stir our emotions in a sales situation!Once you are aware of the tactic and recognize that it is being employed you can defend against it, now you know the rules of the game and can make an effective corresponding move to counter the well thought out strategy of the seller.How can we make the buying events easier on ourselves other than just keeping our guard up for all these different emotional appeals?I believe the #1 way to insure a great deal is to know whom your dealing with! By using referrals, reviewing unbiased testimonials and obtaining proof in cases where you don't actually know the person or company in question you will be one step closer towards feeling as though you will receive more than an average benefit from the transaction. Note: If you can cut out the middleman than I encourage you to do so whenever possible.Try to buy direct from the source through friends or their referrals to people they know, reputations are put on the line and personal service with care is more often rendered, this is where having a large network to rely on will help you to achieve better pricing on guaranteed products and servicesAgain this is the first step in stacking the deck in your favor, once you have come this far its time to interview the seller to insure again that they aren't going to use those classic tactics we've become so accustomed to.They may be friends, acquaintances, or rock solid referrals however we still need to ask tough questions to determine various levels of competence, product knowledge and proficiency to determine their credibility. As they say, actions speak louder than words, do they have integrity are they honest? Can they be relied upon as an authority regarding the business dealings you're undertaking? You need to ask tough questions in order to get the correct answers in these fact finding missions, this pays big dividends in the long run, because you strengthen your resources while gaining the respect you deserve as a paying customer.In the end your not going to be able to use a single script like a person or company who sells the same products or services day in and day out but you can understand how those companies operate and thereby be an informed and educated buyer when your needs arise for the products and services they sell.This report was written to help you buy right without being sold!(By reading this you will become wiser)Dan Auito is a dual-licensed real estate agent and appraisal assistant. Dan is a 20-year veteran of the United States Coast Guard. He has acquired over 1.3 million in real estate assets in 14 years while also founding a non-profit drug prevention corporation, a real estate consulting group and is the author of "Magic Bullets in Real Estate." This 300-page power-packed book comes with a website that further supports its readers.Dan may be reached by visiting http://www.magicbullets.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 10 Mistakes That Reduce Profitability

In my professional experience as a sales and marketing coach/consultant, I've had the opportunity to work with a number of small business owners on various issues related to sales and marketing. The owners who are struggling to keep their businesses afloat tend to engage in  some, or all, of the following mistakes that reduce profitability.Mistake #1: They fail to market or market inconsistently. Once you have committed to owning and running a business you must be equally committed to marketing and selling the products and services of that business. It is difficult, if not impossible, to stay and remain profitable without a commitment to ongoing concerted marketing.Solution: Market all the time, every time.Mistake #2: They hesitate to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Bully Your Prospects Into Buying Your Product or Service

Selling is a tough job, and sometimes you may need to appear tough in order to get the sale.As a salesperson (whether in person or in print) you don't have to appear to the customer as being needy of the sale. Many times, the opposite can work quite effectively, that is, to  make the customer think of purchasing your product or service as a special privilege.Here are a number of ways that you can "bully" the customer into buying from you.1. State that only a LIMITED number is available.This is a commonly used technique to push the customer over the finish line. Presenting your offer as limited in quantity nudges the prospect to act now since the offer may not be available later. Companies that manufacture luxury line vehicles often use this technique by manufacturing only in small batches. Think of Harley Davidson motorcycles for example. Only a limited number is manufactured so as to keep the price high.A limited time offer works just as well, even though it is less compelling since the buyer may still procrastinate depending on the time window that is given. On the other hand, a limited number offer may go at any time. This places a bit more pressure on the prospective buyer.2. Place pre-qualifications on the prospect before they can buy.Many business opportunity type offers normally indicate that the company is looking for a "few top leaders" in a particular geographic area. You are then required to call and listen to a recorded message that will further 'qualify' you to work with the company. In this way the rejection is placed on the side of the customer not the seller.Another slant to this same technique is to simply state that this offer is not for everyone. And only a few special people will recognize the offer for what it is. This of course appeals to the person's ego and pride. Again they are placed in the defensive position not the seller. They are the ones on the rope.3. Show how most people will grab this offer.This appeals to the "band-wagon" or "herd instinct" that is common to us as humans. We don't want to be left out of the new trend or crowd. It's all about 'keeping up with the Joneses'. Show how thousands have already ordered and how your operators cannot keep up with all the calls coming in. Any statement which can show that other people are flocking for this offer will work here.4. Demonstrate very strong credibility in your copy.By showing all the years of experience you have under your belt and the many authority figures that recommend your products, you can bully the customer into submission. The customer feels that it will be very foolish not to trust you when all these other top authorities do. Having someone whom the potential customer admires and respects endorse your product can create the magic here.5. Show that you are not desperate for the sale.This is another technique that can place the customer at ease or on the defensive. Here you want to indicate that you're already doing so well (mostly from the benefits you've derived from the product) that the small investment they are making will make no big difference to you. This may seem at first to be counterproductive but it works! Again if the prospect ever senses that you're just dying to get that sale you can scare them away.Another way of stating this is to show that you're actually creating competition for yourself by sharing this product with them.6. Tell them what will happen if they don't get your product.Most likely your product is satisfying a need or solving a problem otherwise you'll not be selling it. So you can heighten the prospect's awareness of the problems that they'll continue to have if they choose not to purchase your product or service. Here is where you really want to 'rub their faces in the mud'. Spell out, in no uncertain words, the pain they'll endure and the loss they will suffer.These six approaches are all based on a deep psychological principle that controls us all - Our desire heightens for whatever is denied us or just appears to be denied us.This reminds me of the story I read some time ago of a small hotel that had problems with guests fishing from the balcony despite clear warning signs to the contrary placed in all the rooms. In a simple experiment, the hotel management removed the "no fishing" signs and the problem practically disappeared overnight! I guess that the thrill of fishing from the balcony vaporized with the signs-fishing was no longer denied.Try making your product or service appear 'denied' to the casual prospect and see what happens to the dollars 'fished' out of your advertisement account.It's about time to go out there and be a respectable "bully"!(c) Copyright 2004 by Chris CoffmanAuthor Bio: Subscribe to Net Marketing Weekly today and receive free enrollment to the entire 27 lesson Internet Marketing Success Course!http://www.netmarketingweekly.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Write Effective Selling Proposals

Depending upon how much you enjoy writing, writing sales proposals can be a joy, purgatory, or something in between. However, if you sell a complex product or one that involves the delivery of professional services, learning how to write effective selling proposals can be  critical to your success.Some proposals are written in response to an RFP (Request for Proposal) or RFI (Request for Information). Organizations that go to the trouble of writing RFP's want to receive highly structured proposals, as this makes it easier for them to compare responses from various bidders.Some proposals are

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...