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arrow right How to Lose the Sale Quickly & Easily

Here are five sure-fire ways to guarantee you will not get the sale;Focus on yourself. I recall meeting several salespeople from a variety of vendors regarding an initiative I was working on for a client. EVERY single person began their presentation by telling me about  their company rather than learning about my needs and wants. I ended up being subjected to information that had little or no relevance to my situation, which meant that 20-30 minutes of my time was wasted in each interview. I understand the importance of providing some background information on your company at the beginning of your presentation but keep it brief. I personally don't care how much your company is worth, how long you have been in business, or what projects you have recently completed. I want you to focus on my needs first. Demonstrate that you care about my particular situation or show that you are interested in learning more about my business needs and I will reward you with my full attention.Don't listen to me. When I worked in the corporate world I gave countless salespeople information pertaining to my business requirements only to have them draft a proposal that did not take these needs into consideration. Don't waste your prospect's time asking questions if you are not going to listen to his responses. The best salespeople ask probing questions, take written notes, and clarify their understanding of the prospect's needs at the conclusion of each meeting. This enables them to create a proposal that addresses the client's specific concerns, issues and situation.Make elaborate claims about your product/service. I once had a salesperson claim that his product was completely unique from anything on the market. When I questioned what he meant, I discovered this "unique feature" was something that several other companies offered as well. This salesperson immediately lost any credibility he may have established and failed to close the sale. Do your research and learn what your competitors offer. Know how to position yourself differently without exaggerating or overstating your product or service.Talk too much. It continues to amaze me how many people think that telling is selling. I have window shopped in a variety of stores and excellent salespeople understand the importance of silence and have learned to become comfortable with it. Unfortunately, too many people talk far too much. I recall listening to a salesperson ramble on at great length about a product I was genuinely interested in purchasing. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a word in edgewise to tell him I wanted to buy it. In fact, when I told I wanted it, he tried talking me out of the sale by stating, "If you want some time to think about it, there's no rush." While I appreciated his low-pressure approach I couldn't help but wonder how many sales he had lost in the past.Do not respect my time. Today's business executives are extremely busy. In fact, I recently read that most decision-makers have just one hour of unscheduled time during a given week. When you are granted an appointment or are talking to someone over the telephone, respect their time constraints. Get to the point quickly and keep your presentation concise and brief.You may think these are pretty basic mistakes and you may believe you don't make them. I suggest that you think otherwise. The majority of people who sell a product or service fall prey to these mistakes on a regular basis. Here is a final example;When I was the manager of training for a large retail organization I was contacted by many sales trainers. One in particular, spoke at great length about the features of his program and how valuable it was because participants would learn how to effectively qualify customers. He told me that this workshop would teach people how to ask the right questions and listen to the answers. In turn, I would see a noticeable increase in sales. While I agreed with his concepts, I seriously doubted his ability to deliver. Why? He did not apply the concepts of his own workshop. In fact, he spent most of the allotted time talking rather than learning about my needs! If he didn't practice what he preached, how could I be sure he would deliver?Pay more attention to your prospect's needs and respect their time. Avoid these common mistakes and increase your sales.Copyright 2004, Kelley Robertson, All rights reserved.Kelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, works with businesses to help them increase their sales and motivate their employees. For information on his programs, visit his website at http://www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com. Receive a FREE copy of "100 Ways to Increase Your Sales" by subscribing to his 59-Second Tip, a weekly e-zine available at his website.

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arrow right How to ASK for Business -- WITHOUT appearing Pushy --

GIVING Vs "SELLING"Never lose sight of the importance of providing a "reason" to buy BEFORE you attempt to SELL anything to a client/prospect.In the current business climate you have to GIVE first. The very first question from a buyer is.... what is the  BENEFIT to ME? Why should I change from my present supplier?GIVE in advance of asking a prospective client/customer to buy from you. Don't even bring up your service or product BEFORE you have completed your investigative homework.YOUR PROSPECT ASKS --Does my company need your service? Do we need your product? Do you have the QUALITY that we expect (demand)? Can you match your competitors pricing? Discounts? Delivery? Is your customer service better than our current supplier? Why should I change?Your prospect is saying, "what have you done for me lately?" What is your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)? Are you DIFFERENT from the rest of the pack? Give me your elevator speech. 30 seconds! What do you do? Give it to me straight to the point and quick.ADVERTISERS ARE SHOUTINGHuge FULL-page ads fill our local newspapers. TV overwhelms us with the latest fashions. The car manufacturers are "shouting" their best deals. "Infomercials" are "selling" us everything from diamonds to bread-makers. Magazines are bulging with STUFF. Copywriters are telling us we can't LIVE without it. Subtle persuasions are invading our psychic to motivate action.INSTITUTIONAL ADVERTISINGAfter the pretty girls and cute guys, what's next? From the school of mail order and Internet marketing an "Institutional" AD does not compute for us. In advertising "vernacular" (mine) it is known as "NO action" advertising.Name recognition is the game. Accountability is the same. Just LOOK at me. Do nothing! NO suggestions are made for me to take action. By some of the more "astute" promoters it is called "awareness/image" marketing.SALES ASSOCIATESToo many "on the road" salespersons follow the same logic. You, as a business owner or manager, have a continuing imperative to educate. Train. Teach the basics. ASK for the order! When you have done your "homework" it is OK to ask for a response. A commitment to buy.Many don't ask for the order because you might be considered high pressure (pushy!). Once you have earned the ear of your audience (buyer) then it is up to you to "bring home the bacon"? get the order! One way or the other, you have to ASK. Lead to a conclusion.Educate. Inform. Show and tell. Introduce your product through sampling. Try our product and compare it to the competition. Build your creditability with value-added service and NEW offerings in the future.Remember AIDA? Get their Attention. Create Interest. Cause Desire. ACTION!MAIL-ORDER AND THE INTERNETA little background.... I spent 4 years of my early career in the mail-order business. Long before Sharper Image and many others appeared on the scene. A good experience with some unusual turn of events.Mail order and Internet marketing have much in common. Very similar tracking abilities regarding sales and sources. No guesswork allowed. Spend DOLLARS and we expect SALES. No in-between options for the mail order or Internet guru.If an AD fails to pay for itself then you regroup and punt. Try another route to reach your goal. You test the headlines. The "body" copy of the letter. Name lists. Op-in lists. The by-word in mail order and Internet marketing is TEST, TEST and TEST some more.You've heard the 'link' in Real-estate values. Location! Location! Location! If you are in the right place (selling) it can mean increased profit. Buying? You will pay a higher price because of the location.Build your home in the "right" neighborhood. If not, then you may come up a few hundred grand short on "sale" day. Good advice to remember when you buy/build a new home.Every industry seems to have a "connector" to success.You or I will never understand the physic of the marketplace. Trying to find the "trigger" that will make your subscribers (customers) or prospects respond takes constant testing. Asking for the order in many different ways.Action Tip: Good business owners GIVE first. You don't have to shout when you have the goods. Each customer/prospect is different and needs to be understood. Test everything you can. Educating your customer/prospect is primary to your success. Keep an open mind. Ask questions. Learn and grow.Don Monteith spent 32 years in the Staffing Business and built a multi-million dollar enterprise. His firm placed thousands of job candidates in their dream job. Today, he shares from his experiences in building a successful business. Learn more at his website: http://www.HowToGetYourDreamJob.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Web Promotion: 10 Amazing Web Promotion Ways To Jump Start Your Sales

Hello, do you have a website and sell something on the internet?If yes, may I offer you 10 amazing web promotion secrets to jump start your sales at your website!1. Find a strategic business partner. Look for ones that have the same objective. You can trade leads, share  marketing info, sell package deals, etc.2. Brand your name and business. You can easily do this by just writing articles and submitting them to e-zines or websites for republishing.3. Start an auction on your website. The type of auction could be related to the theme of your site. You'll draw traffic from auctioneers and bidders.4. Remember to take a little time out of your day or week to brainstorm. New ideas are usually the difference between success and failure.5. Model other successful business or people. I'm not saying out right copy them, but practice some of the same habits that have made them succeed.6. Take risks to improve your business. Sometimes businesses don't want to advertise unless it's free, sometimes you have to spend money to get results.7. Include emotional words in your advertisements. Use ones like love, security, relief, freedom, happy, satisfaction, fun, etc.8. Ask people online to review your website. You can use the comments you get to improve your web site or you may turn the reviewer into a customer.9. Out source part of your workload. You'll save on most employee costs. You could out source your secretarial work, accounting, marketing, etc.10. Combine a product and service together in a package deal. It could increase your sales. If you're selling a book, offer an hour of consulting with it.May these web promotion secrets help you to make a lot of money.Warmly,I-key Benney, CEOI-key, an "Enlightened" man & Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of

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arrow right Wholesale Secrets Revealed: The Holy Grail Of Wholesale!

Like the legendary search for the Holy Grail, the cup that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper, the same "holy crusade" goes on today by veteran and newly anointed business owners for the perfect wholesale, surplus, and drop-shipping resource. They believe that divine

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arrow right How To Profit From Initial Consultations

"I'd love to work with you, but?"How many times have you heard these words? As a professional service provider looking to grow your business, isn't it sometimes frustrating to hold an initial session with someone who you'd love to work with but the potential client has a  whole list of reasons why s/he would love to work with you, but??As in,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 10 Tips To Overcome Your Fear Of Selling

Ahh. Selling. Sometimes, this is a word that is dreaded and feared by all but the most intrepid business owners. It seems that, even though we all know we need to "sell" our products and services, many of us feel fearful or anxious about actually doing so.These 10 tips are  designed to help you shift out of your fear, and into excitement, about sharing your product or service.1) Know the source of your fear. This tip reminds us that it is necessary, first, to know what we're afraid of. Most often, fears of selling come in several forms. Either we worry about not being liked, or being perceived as pushy, we (secretly) worry that our product or service might not perform as we say, or we struggle with the idea of rejection. Knowing the source of your fear (sometimes it can be a combination) is an important part of overcoming your fear of selling.2) Take action to address the source. In this way, you are taking action to overcome your fear. In some cases, this might mean that you improve your product or service (you can use customer feedback for this), or you can find ways to share your product/service in a way that feels more authentic and natural to you. You can also find ways to

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arrow right Selling Skills - How to Handle the Dreaded Question Whats The Price?

I've written previously about how to attract customers and how to manage the sales process. But one thorny issue keeps popping up for my clients? what should they do when a potential customer asks "How much will it cost?" as one of their opening lines.This focus on price is  often a clue to indicate the prospective client may lack knowledge about what you really do. After all, if you were to engage someone else to do your work, you'd want to know more about them than just the price. Sounds obvious doesn't it.So... why do clients ask Conduct an on-site visit.> Meet with the client in person.> Undertake a needs assessment interview or questionnaire. Over the phone or in person.> Speak with the client on another occasion after you have more information.When it comes to price, take a professional approach. Don't shoot from the hip.(c) 2005 MySalesTutor.comStuart Ayling is known as the 'Sales Tutor'. Stuart offers a unique sales training eCourse at http://www.MySalesTutor.com. This 16-day course give you the skills and confidence to handle any sales situation and close more sales. Stuart has developed this eCourse specially for independent professionals, service providers, and business owners, based on sales "best practices" and proven trust-based sales techniques. To get the eCourse visit http://www.mysalestutor.com/ecourse.htm" />

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arrow right How To Make The Most Out of a Business Networking Event

You're not alone. Most people are uncomfortable walking into a roomful of strangers. But networking at business events can help you grow your business, as well as allow you to do hands-on marketing research. Learning to mingle and to follow-up with business networking  contacts is crucial to your self-employment success. The following techniques will assist you in connecting effectively with others.Before the EventCome prepared to network by bringing business cards, a pen and a small notebook. Make sure you eat before you go. If it's a cocktail party, or finger foods are being served during the networking portion of the meeting, it's better to carry only a drink, instead of trying to juggle a plate of food.Know your goals: What is your purpose for attending this particular event? To meet certain people? To find prospective customers? To find a resource you need? Meet a new friend? Nurture existing relationships? Bring 20 business cards and promise yourself you won't leave until you've given out all the cards. Ask for other people's cards if you sincerely want to keep in touch with them. Not everyone you meet will be a good resource.Ask the event host about dress code. Some events are Business Formal and people will be wearing business suites. Some events are Business Casual and there will be a mix of more relaxed styles. By knowing in advance what to expect, you maximize the feeling of being part of the group.At the EventFirst, arrive early. Get there early when the group is small and manageable. Enter the room with a smile. Even if you feel nervous, "act as if." If you have a smile on your face, you will be perceived as approachable, enthusiastic, and friendly. (And you'll feel a whole lot better, too!) Make sure you mingle. Do not isolate yourself with only your friends or colleagues you know. Move around. Spend no more than 5-6 minutes talking with any one person.Ask your host to introduce you to people that you want to meet, or to get you started in a group where you know no one. If they have a Greeting Committee or Ambassadors, find out who they are and ask for help with introductions. Reach out to people standing by themselves, introduce people to each other. (As a side note, if you are part of a group or association that does not have a Greeting Committee, offer to become a one-person Greeting Committee. It gives you the perfect excuse to introduce yourself to everyone who walks in the door!)When you meet a person, shake hands, and repeat their name. This not only helps you remember it, but it shows that you're making an effort to hear the name properly. Wear a nametag that is easy to read and is descriptive of you. Wear it on your right shoulder so that people can easily see it when they shake your hand. Create, practice and use a description of yourself and your work that can be said in 30 seconds or less. Know how to describe your work in one or two sentences. (This is commonly known as an Elevator Speech because it reflects what you can say in the time it takes to get from the ground floor to the top floor in an elevator.)Listen more than you talk. Remember that there is nothing more flattering than someone who listens carefully and shows sincere interest in other people. Ask questions and listen to the responses so that you begin to understand the person. This also helps you to identify who might be a potential client for your own products and services. Take notes to help you remember what people have said. When you get back to the office, put all this information into your contact management software.After The EventOnce you have someone's business card, make sure you follow up with them within 24 hours of the event. If there's an obvious win-win connection with someone you've met at an event, call them up and invite them to lunch to explore the connection further. When you write the networking event into your calendar, also add one or two hours the following day into your calendar for follow-up so that you know you have time to complete the task.When you look upon networking events and business functions as an opportunity to meet new people, do some market research, and find potential clients, it can become a joy instead of a chore. Going in with a game plan makes you feel like you can really make the most of the event.About The AuthorKaryn Greenstreet is a self-employment expert and small business coach. She shares tips, techniques and strategies with self-employed people to maintain motivation, stay focused, prioritize tasks, and increase revenue and profits. Visit her website at www.PassionForBusiness.com

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arrow right Create a Magic Connection with Clients, Leads, and Business Associates Part

Part I of this article explored how strategies of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP) can be used to gain instant rapport with clients, leads, and business associates, and more specifically, how to use physiology, matching and mirroring, to create instant magic  communications.Now, how can tonality and words establish rapport?TONALITYWhile physiology accounts for 55% of communication among humans, tonality accounts for 38%. Most people have had the experience of someone saying, "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." While the literal words indicate that this person doesn't have a problem, everyone knows that the tone used can speak louder than the words.Someone yelling "I'm not mad," isn't convincing. If this happens in a sitcom, we laugh. In real life, we dismiss the words and read the meaning from the tone of voice. Often tonality is more subtle than these examples, but it is still a powerful communicator. Boredom, excitement, anger, melancholy, disbelief, questions, enthusiasm, honesty are more often communicated through tone, rather than words.What do you wish to communicate to clients, leads, or business associates? Make your tonality appropriate.Many people do business exclusively over the phone. When talking on the phone, it is crucial to be aware of tonality. In a phone conversation, both people are communicating via their tonality, often unconsciously. Don't leave tonality to chance. Enthusiasm, charm, friendliness as well as boredom, depression, and annoyance are communicated through sound.TONALITYTonality includes:Tone (pitch: high, low)Tempo (speed: slow, fast)Timbre (quality: clear, raspy)Volume (loudness)If you are talking to someone, who has a high-pitched voice raise your pitch a little. Like matching and mirroring, you don't want to imitate. Don't be dramatic, be subtle. Match the last few words someone says.Speed is important. People who talk fast are often impatient with people who speak slower. People who speak at a slow speed are often turned off by people who speak rapidly. For someone who naturally speaks fast, slower speaking people seems to take forever to say something. For someone who naturally speaks slowly, the fast talker seems hyper, insincere. The cliche "fast talking city slicker" captures this idea.I was in New York giving a presentation; the person who presented before I did took more than her a lotted time. My presentation was cut short. I began speaking at what I considered high speed and told everyone that I was talking fast because I wanted to get through my entire presentation. Several audience members laughed and said, "We're New Yorkers. No matter how fast you talk, it won't be too fast." I couldn't match their speed. In contrast to New Yorkers, I visited a friend in Georgia whose southern drawl was slow, hypnotic, and relaxed.Notice timbre and volume! Volume of voice can be very effective with someone who is angry. A few years ago, I unwittingly angered another professor. As he became more angry, his voice grew louder. I kept my voice low and soft, believing that would calm him. I watched rather mystified as he grew more angry as I controlled my voice, trying to sound calm and in control.If someone is angry, try matching the volume of his voice without matching the anger. It might feel strange, but matching the volume creates rapport.There is one other thing to keep in mind for phone rapport. If you are the person calling, you set the pace for the phone call. If you have high energy, excitement, enthusiasm, you will put the person on the other end of the line into a better mood. You can maintain the energy, excitement, and enthusiasm while matching tone, temp, timbre, and volume. This was model for me about a year ago. I wasn't feeling great and was rather down in the dumps. I phoned a business. The woman who answered the phone was energetic and excited. I immediately felt a shift in my mood. When I hung up, I was in a better mood. A few weeks later when I met this woman, I was predisposed to like her. She had immediately established rapport with me.Use your physiology to get you in an enthusiastic mood: sit up straight, smile, and tell yourself you're excited. Then dial the phone.WORDSWords may only account for 7% of our communication, but it is an important 7% and complex than other ways of establishing rapport.When communicating, predicates (verbs), key words, common experiences and associations are vital in establishing rapport. Common experiences and associations are obvious. These areas are often the bases of friendships and business associations. It goes without saying that establishing a common bond with a client, lead, or business associate is good business. Be honest when doing this.Key words sometimes slip by under the radar. Begin to listen for key words or phrases that someone repeats. This is a simple way of establishing rapport. Repeat back key words. Slip them naturally into the conversation. Again use caution.Predicates are more complicated. This is going to be the abridged version. Most people have preferred verbs that they repeat. This is more important than key words because the verbs signal a way of thinking. There are four primary modes of thinking: visual, auditory, kinesthetic (feelings and touch), and audio-digital (self-talk). What this means is that people process information through their preferred mode of thinking. I am audio-digital, so I am in a constant mode of checking things out with myself and talking to myself internally. My son is visual. He thinks in pictures; he sees, visualizes.VISUAL: Someone who is visual will use words like see, picture, clear, foggy, vision, appear, look, reveal, view.AUDITORY: Auditory people use words like hear, clear as a bell, that rings true; harmonize, resonate, tune in, tune out.KINESTHETIC: Kinesthetic people use words like feel, touch, get a handle on, grasp, tap into, hard, concrete, catch on. These people think in terms of feeling and touch.AUDIO DIGITAL: Audio digital people use words like understand, perceive, think, sense, experience, insensitive. These people do a lot of inner self-talk. They are very linguistically cognitiveThis discovery will help you communicate more clearly, using someone's preferred way of thinking rather than your own. If someone is visual and you are talking to her using audio predicates, it's likely that she'll miss your point. Consider how this knowledge could change family dynamics? Or your business environment? Communicating clearly could skyrocket to new levels. As you begin to see and hear how this works, it is easy to come to an understanding of and get a handle on how people connect. Notice that the last sentence used all four modesIf someone is audio, you might say, "I hear what you're saying." or "If this opportunity rings true for you, then . . ." With someone who is visual, you might say, "I can picture that," or "If you can see yourself with this product, then . . ." What you are looking for is their way of processing information, and you are using their preferred mode of communicating to communicate clearly with a client, lead, or associate.I'd suggest practicing one area at a time. Start with matching and mirroring someone's posture, or expressions, or blinking. Take it slowly. It's like learning anything: practice creates ease. Then move on to voice and words. You'll discover that you will become much more observant and more conscious of what you do and what others do. You'll also become a better communicator.Always use these strategies with integrity. You can use magic to make connections with others. Do it consciously and with volition. Make win win situations. If you win and if your client or lead wins, you have created magic.About The AuthorCora L. Foerstner teaches English and composition at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. She is also a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP), and most recently, a network marketer. You may contact her at cora@usana.com or visit her web sites at www.unitoday.net/cora and www.whyresidualincome.com/cora.corausana@yahoo.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Really Benefit from Associations (Part 1 of 3-Part Series)

Looking for new leads, new contacts, new business opportunities? Do what nine out of 10 adults do, according to a recent article by the American Society of Association Executives. Join an Association. Choose from over 130,000 associations in the United States alone that  represent practically any industry at national, international, regional, state and local levels.How can you reap benefits from association contacts? OhioHelp.net, an Ohio-based company that helps businesses worldwide with their marketing, public relations and freelance writing services, shared tips based on their own client projects and Association affiliations in a 3-part series:Part I: "How to Develop Industry Contacts"Part II: "Tips For Improved Networking in Associations"Part III: "Researching Associations in Your Industries"Part I:HOW TO DEVELOP INDUSTRY CONTACTS1. Keep lists of industry associations that your company and clients are affiliated with handy.2. Bookmark the association websites and place their contact information in separate computer and print folders.3. Contact all associations where appropriate and let them know that as a member and affiliate with your client who is a member, you'd like them to add your personal mailing info & email address to their member lists so that you get their member guides, newsletters, press releases & other announcements, etc.4. Stay in touch monthly or bi-monthly with association contacts you meet either in person or via the phone, fax or email. Attend events when possible and volunteer on committees. When you can't attend, ask for minutes of the meetings or follow up in the next newsletter. Follow up & congratulate speakers & other (workshop) presenters; asked to be placed on their mailing lists, etc. Note that many groups still have difficulties with electronic communications, so reach out with the phone. Note: If emailing, keep your emails in the "Sent" folder until you hear back. If you don't hear back, your email most probably never reached the recipient, so call to touch base.5. Log communications in a notebook or separate online file and follow up.6. Keep hard copy folders for each organization to hold the membership guide, latest newsletter, URL & other contact info. What works well is to use 3-ring plastic page inserts where you can insert a bunch of papers, a brochure & other goodies into one packet, then just insert the entire pack into a 3-ring binder. Or file the plastic packets in a file cabinet for quick retrieval.7. Take advantage of online aids. For example, keep up with the latest info to discuss with group members by joining an ebook club: http://presssuccess.com/wholesale. And share your own company / industry tips, news & other automation enhancements (like electronic downloads of your own ebooks & reports) with http://presssuccess.com/AutoPilot.SPECIAL OFFERFor a 30-day no-cost trial of ProfitAuto, sign up online at http://presssuccess.com/AutoPilot. And download ebooks with loads of information to help with your business from the "Freebies" section of the OhioHelp.net bookstore at http://www.presssuccess.com/bookstore***You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to: diana@ohiohelp.netAbout The AuthorDiana Barnum is the president of http://movingaheadcommunications.com and CEO of http://ohiohelp.net. For more help with marketing, public relations and writing, email diana@ohiohelp.net or call: (614) 529-9459.

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arrow right How to Eliminate Objections to Price

Have you ever stepped your way through the sales process only to be disappointed by your prospect's objection to your price?This situation unfolds all too regularly for many small business owners.The other day I was talking to Joan who was lamenting how she'd spent a ton of  time developing a relationship with a new prospect, but in the end wasn't able to make the sale. Over the course of six sales meetings her prospect seemed like a slam dunk. He was very enthusiastic about her product (inventory control software for the food service industry), he hadn't seen a similar product on the market (Joan's software has a unique and easy to use interface) and he and Joan seemed to have a great rapport (they both are avid snow boarders and each loves jazz) . But when it came time for Joan to ask for the business the answer was 'no'. Her hot prospect was cool on her price.Where did Joan go wrong? She was quite befuddled with her collapsed deal and wanted to know what she could do to prevent such future failings. Not only did she not get the business, she ended up wasting her valuable time which could have been better spent developing a lead that turned into a sale.Does this sound familiar? Have you ever spent time developing a great lead only to have the deal fall apart because your prospect objects to your price?If so, you may have made the same common sales mistake Joan made: she tried to make the sale without having enough information to make her prospect the right offer, despite her six positive sales meetings.What Joan neglected to do was to ask her prospect about his accounting needs with respect to inventory control. Unfortunately for Joan, she learned this important fact only after our conversation when she called her prospect back to find out where she went wrong. Her prospect had already decided to use the software of one of her competitors. Even though Joan's software features a nice accounting package, her offer included nothing with respect to accounting. Her prospect assumed that her software didn't feature the accounting functionality he required because Joan didn't mention it. She talked a lot about the software's innovative, easy to use interface and its great database functionality but she never mentioned the accounting features because her prospect didn't ask. Her price would have been fine if her prospect had known about the accounting capability of her software!During your sales process be sure to ask all the questions you need answered to understand your prospect's needs. You can then use the information you've acquired to shape your pitch around exactly what is going to solve your prospect's problems.Before you tell your prospect your price make sure the time is right by asking questions like:· Does this sound helpful?· Is there anything I haven't mentioned that would be helpful?· What do you like best about our competition's product or service?By obtaining answers to these questions you will be able to gauge whether or not you have enough information to make an offer that your prospect would be ill-advised to decline.If you don't have enough information go back for more; schedule another meeting and then go through another probing round of questions.If you do have enough information, make your prospect the best offer they've ever heard. If you've done enough homework you'll make the sale.The author, marketing coach, Jeremy Cohen, helps small business owners and professional service providers attract more clients, grow their business and be more successful with his marketing guides and coaching service. Get his free guide at: http://www.bettermarketingresults.com/marketing-services.asp.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right The Truth Behind Linear Selling: Why It Can Make Prospects Run The Other Wa

Sean works for a major telecom company.During one of our coaching sessions, he told me, "I've been diligent about following the sales process that my company believes is required to make a sale -- but, for some strange reason, my prospects don't want to fit into that  process.What am I doing wrong?

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right 10 Important Things To Tell Your Prospects

Hello everyone, hope your day is going well! I know this one is short but it is very helpful!1. Tell your prospects that you offer free delivery. This may cost a little money, but, you will gain the extra customers to make up for it.2. Tell your prospects that you offer a  lower price. If you can't afford to offer a lower price you could always hold the occasional discount sale.3. Tell your prospects that your product achieves results faster. People are becoming more and more impatient and want results fast.4. Tell your prospects you've been in business for a longer period of time. People think if you've been in business longer you have more credibility.5. Tell your prospects that your product tastes, smells sounds, looks, or feels better. When you target the senses you're triggering human appeal.6. Tell your prospects your product is compact or light. People may want to take the product on a trip or don't have much room where they live.7. Tell your prospects that your product lasts longer. People don't like to spend more money purchasing replacement products all the time.8. Tell your prospects that your product is easy to use. People don't want to buy a product that they have to read a 100 page instruction manual.9. Tell your prospects that your product has better safety features. People want to feel safe when they use your products.10. Tell your prospects that you stand behind all your products. People want to know that you back- up any claims you make about your product.Warm regards,Andrew Cantrell http://www.zipzoombiz.comP.S. Try his eBook: http://www.zipzoombiz.com/ebook.htmlAndrew Cantrell, the founder of ZipZoomBiz.com has helped thousands of ordinary people succeed with their internet/online businesses. Make sure to visit his site and sign up for a 365day free newsletter on how to earn residual income!

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Powerful Words

Hi, I'd like to discuss the most powerful words you can use during the selling process.Quote: Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind. Rudyard Kipling.Plainly, THE MOST POWERFUL WORD is YOU. You should be looking to use the word You in your sales meetings a lot  more than you use the word I. As I've mentioned before the idea is to be focused on your client's needs but I'm sure this is restating what you already know.I want to discuss words that you can use in your speech that will make your language more effective at controlling the thoughts of your prospect.OK, let's assume you have established Rapport with your customer or prospect and you have identified a problem they have where a product you offer could be useful to them.The idea then, at this point in the sale, is to control the internal representations that your customer is making in their head. What I'm about to offer is a linguistic pattern that focuses your client's mind where you want it to focus and just about forces them to accept your concepts and ideas as true. Now, STOP ? and just image how useful it would be if you could easily do that.The Power Words are:Naturally Easily UnlimitedAware Realise ExperienceBefore During AfterAmong Expand BeyondAnd As Causes BecauseNow StopNow you may be thinking what's so special about these words?Well, they become much more powerful if you follow the rule below.Rule: Always put adverbs before the verb and adjectives before the noun! (Truthfully, the words above are only examples of the types of words you can use and I have produced this abridged list merely to help you focus on the learning task at hand, i.e. how to incorporate these words into your sales language. Once you have done that you'll find that you just naturally start to use other similar words in your speech.)So let me go straight into some examples of how to use these words to good effect.Have you ever found yourself saying? "Could you make the change from your current supplier to us?" Well, that is just a question and your prospect could just as easily say "No! I can't"What about, "How could you make the change from your current supplier to us?" Now, that is focusing your client on what you want them to be thinking about (i.e. how they could change to using your product or service) but you're leaving a door open for them to say that they don't know how.What about the sentence below? "How easily could you make the change from your current supplier to us?" Now where is your customer's mind focused? Not on whether they could make the change, nor on how they could do it, but on how easy it could be. They could still say "it would not be very easy" but notice that they are still likely to use the word "easy"Also, notice that I did not say, "How could you make the change from your current supplier to us easily?" Because, the first thing that would enter your client's mind is how they could make the change and they would already be considering the answer to this question before they ever heard the word easily (if they heard it at all).It's subtle and it has a profound effect.Let me give you some more examples of sentences using these words."Have you discovered how easily you could make a consistent product if you used our improved raw material?""Naturally, you'll find more than enough reasons to go ahead today even if you can only see a few of the unlimited benefits that our product provides."These "power words" become even more powerful when you stack them into a sentence. The more of these words you use in a sentence the harder it is for your prospect's conscious mind to filter out the inferences these words are forcing them to make."Once you begin to easily absorb this information, you'll naturally discover the unlimited potential it has for readily making your communication infinitely more effective." (Perhaps this sentences is a bit over-the-top?)"Have you become aware yet of the many ways that our product could help in your production?" (The inference being there are many benefits and you will become aware of them at some point in time.)"After you experience our product , by using it in your plant, you will realize the many ways in which it will easily improve your end product" ( infers you'll try the product and there are many ways this product can benefit your production )Here are some more examples for you."Naturally, as you start to realize the unlimited ways you can easily become aware of how using our product will help you to rapidly and effectively accomplish your goals, you'll start imagining the success you can really achieve with our help" ( Phew ! )"After you use our product you'll understand it's many benefits" (the inferences being that they will use the product and it has more than one benefit)"Before you decide which of the many benefits that our product offers is the most important in relation to your purchasing decision let me tell you a few things that might help." (The inferences are that they will decide on a benefit that is important to them and that our product offers many benefits.)"During the first few months of experiencing our service you'll likely become more aware of the many ways in which we offer substantially more than our competitors." ( The inference being that they will use the service and it is more than a little better than the competitors in a number of ways.)Before I go any further how much of this have you grasped, so far? Can you see how this will naturally make your communication more vital and alive and can you guess how much more effective your communication will become once you have mastered the use of these words. Does this sound like something you need to practice?"From among the many positive benefits that you are starting to realize our service offers, which ones are likely to give you the most benefit? ""As you expand the range of products you buy from us and our business collaboration moves beyond it's current boundaries what do you see as the best way we can easily move forward to the next level?"I already discussed the power of the word "because" in YourSalesSuccess edition #2.The word "cause" can function much like "because" in many situations. Along with "As" and "And " they are example of "cause and effect statements". Here are some examples."Simply making that statement causes you to understand why you already don't believe it." (Every time they make that statement they'll doubt it.)"As you start to assimilate the information we have provided you will begin to recognize the many ways that our product can help in your process."The last two words on our list "Now " and "Stop" are really commands that can be used to great effect. These words work better if you speak them louder and in a deeper voice tone. It also helps to actually stop speaking when you utter the word "Stop". Like below. (Emphasise the words in bold.)"You may be considering the effort you need to switch to our product. May I suggest that you just STOP? NOW consider the many advantages our product will easily bring to your production process and all the positive effects that will have on your bottom line.""We've been back and forth a lot with this agreement and perhaps it's time-- NOW ? to consider how we can most easily finalise this deal to our mutual benefit. Now, that seems reasonable, doesn't it ?"How do you go about talking like this and utilizing these powerful words?You practice by writing out sentences employing these words.Here's how to practice. First, think about a specific sales call you have coming up. Then think about some of the comments you are likely to make during that meeting. (Use your imagination and run through the meeting in your mind.) Write down the things you would say. Now, rewrite the sentences inserting the powerful words. You'll notice the power words are grouped in the list above. Take one group at a time and try to incorporate the power words into the sentences you would have spoken. (This may seem clumsy at first like the process you went through acquiring many new skills in the past and wasn't that momentary discomfort back then well worth the eventual progress you made?) Don't add the words in, actually rewrite the sentence. Write up to a page on each group. Then rewrite the sentences again allowing you the freedom to use any of the power words in any of the sentences. Really pack them in!Repeat this process for one sales call a day or just do the exercise once a day for a month and you'll likely notice how naturally and easily you can speak using the power words.You may have been wondering where this issue was heading. How useful these words would be. And, as you consider just that, you may find yourself just naturally beginning to experience excitement about what the future holds for you as you begin to understand how easily you can incorporate these words into your sales language, allowing you to enhance your sales results and move beyond the past sales limitations you had before you mastered the skill of using language to direct the thinking of your customer. Now, as the realization begins to sink in of how easily and rapidly your sales results will improve, that will cause you get excited about practicing the use of the power words. Now?Happy practicing. Here's to YourSalesSuccess.If you are interested in learning more about selling, please feel free to contact me via the coaching page on my website.Greg is a salesman. He's been selling for 23 years and has negotiated supply contracts in the USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore and Japan.He has sold as much as $7million in a year. His worst result over 23 years was 94% of budgeted sales at 99% of budgeted profit. He's now semi-retired at 46.He has a desire to help other salespeople live a good life, free themselves of money worries and retire early.OK. Greg can sell but teaching and coaching is another matter.He has been trained in one-on-one coaching skills acquiring a "Professional Development Certificate in Coaching Practice" from the Psychology Department of the University of Sydney. He is a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming ( NLP ). Naturally, he has attended many sales training courses at home and overseas and is an avid reader of sales books.Over the years Greg has become more interested in helping people that helping companies.More info: Click Here

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How To Get Face To Face Over The Phone

One disadvantage of selling by telephone is the lack of face to face contact.When you are sitting with a prospect it is much easier to read there body language. You can see the look on their face when they are confused about something you said. You can see the delight when  you hit a hot button for them. You can read the shifts in their body as they respond to your every word. All of this non verbal communication is missing when you are selling by phone.Selling over the phone puts you at a huge disadvantage because numerous studies have shown that 55% of what we communicate is non verbal. This technique will give you back that advantage you might have lost.Ask The Right QuestionsBy asking questions that solicit a response from your prospect you will get an idea of what is going on inside the prospects mind. Normally these questions are asked during your presentation or while answering objections.Let's say you are describing how your product or service will benefit the prospect and you haven't gotten any kind of verbal response from them. This is the time to ask a question like:Does that make sense to you?How does that sound?Are you with me so far?If you are answering a question or concern you should ask a question that verifies that you have handled their objection, such as...Does that answer your question?What you are looking for is feedback from them so you can see what they are thinking and so you know how to proceed.Let Your Ears Become Your EyesIn any sales situation it is important to listen carefully to responses to your presentation and to your questions. When you ask a question, shut up. The first person, who speaks, looses. You have two ears and one mouth; you should listen twice as much as you speak.Listen for two things. First what they say. When you get a response listen very carefully to the words they use and analyze and question them until you are clear what they are saying. Second, listen to how they say it or the tone of their voice. Approximately 84% of what we communicate via the telephone is through the tone of our voice. If they answer a question one way, however the tone of their voice indicates something else. Stop and question further to get clarification until moving forward. Say something like...It sounds like you still have a concern?This will show them that you are indeed paying attention and will get them to further clarify their position. If you get a very positive response with an I'm with you tone in their voice, you have a buying signal and should move forward with confidence.By asking the right questions and letting yours ears become your eyes you will find your closing ratio on the phone will increase and so will your sales.Jim Klein is the owner of  From The Heart Sales Training. He helps sales professionals attract new clients and generate an abundance of referrals so they can increase their income and enjoy life more. He provides professional sales training and sales coaching. Lots of free tips, techniques and articles. Find more articles to sharpen your sales skills  here.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...