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arrow right Before They buy What You Say - 10 Steps To Selling Yourself

You are the productWe're all in the selling business whether we like it or not. It doesn't matter whether you're a lawyer or an accountant, a manager or a politician, an engineer or a doctor. We all spend a great deal of our time trying to persuade people to buy our product  or service, accept our proposals or merely accept what we say.Most of the time we'll meet with resistance -

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling To Women - Selling To Men - It Isnt the Same

Selling To Women - Selling To Men - It Isn't the SameNow let's not fall into the old style car salesman's trap of believing that men are interested in what goes on under the bonnet and women are only interested in what colours you can get and whether it has a vanity  mirror.Believe me, and I speak as an ex mechanical engineer, I couldn't give a toot what goes on under the bonnet. I'm much more interested in driving a car that matches the rest of my accessories. You know-silver car - silver watch - silver hair. Mind you, I draw the line at one of those little four-wheel drive jobs with the yellow wheels and pink upholstery. I've seen a lot of men driving these fluffy little things and don't tell me they all belong to the wife or girlfriend.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling More CDs at Gigs, Case Study: The Rogues

A few weekends back, the Brobdingnagian Bards performed at the Austin Celtic Festival. We shared the stage with some amazing bands, but at the very top of my list were The Rogues.We first met The Rogues last year at the Texas Renaissance Festival. Since then I've been a big  fan of not only their killer bagpipes and drums, but their phenomenal ability to sell CDs. They work magic on and off stage and sell tons of CDs.What do they do that is so special?Well, The Rogues are very proactive when it comes to selling. While many bands will setup a table and say,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Write Testimonials that Sell CDs Like Magic

"Which is your best CD?"Ever get that question? My band has five CDs that we sell at shows, and I get that question all the time. People rely on the suggestions of others to determine what they are going to buy. They trust the opinions of others to help them make decisions.  So having great testimonials to sell your CDs is essential.The trouble is most fans email you something like this:

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Sell YOU With Your Small Talk (Yes You Can)

Want to build a relationship -- sell yourself for a job -- get ahead -- make a sale?Your 'small talk' is crucial.Everyday conversation can make or break you in personal relationships and in the business world. Sadly, most people don't realize how important small talk is,  nor do they try to do better.That's a shame, because anyone can easily develop great small talk skills.Just how important is small talk?A Stanford University School of Business study showed its impact on business success. It tracked MBA's 10 years after graduation, and found grade point averages had no bearing on their success -- but conversation did. Most successful were those who could make conversation with anyone -- from strangers, to secretaries, to bosses to customers.Small talk impacts your success in 'personal' relationships because it can shape how others see you in terms of intelligence and confidence. People tend to see good conversationalists as more intelligent and confident.Other research -- to find the characteristics of the ideal person -- has shown confidence and intelligence are the most important factors for about 60% of respondents.Despite the importance of small talk, most people don't do it well. Shyness is one reason. Others range from not knowing how to start a conversation to not having anything to say.But all it really takes to be good at small talk is a simple strategy.THINK AHEADYou will never have a conversation in a vacuum. It will always have its own context and environment. Think ahead about conversations you are likely to have -- even those casual encounters that may happen because of where you will be on a given day.HAVE SOMETHING TO SAYMake sure you have 'something to say.' Do a little research. Read the newspapers. Find interesting things to talk about -- serious or humorous -- on the subjects that come up in everyday conversation - careers, sports, the weather, money, kids, politics, etc.ASK QUESTIONSThis is critical. A conversation takes two and questions help BOTH you and the other party. Ask someone a question, and you get them 'engaged.'LISTEN AND UNDERSTANDThis strategy step requires you to, not only listen to how others answer questions, but to 'understand' and adapt.ADAPTLet's assume you are a salesperson and, when you enter the new prospect's office, you alertly notice a picture of him standing in front of a sign saying 'Michigan State University.' You say, 'Oh, I see you went to Michigan State.' The prospect replies, 'Yeah, I went there on a football scholarship.'And you reply, 'Oh, I went to Boston University, myself. What was your major?'Wrong follow-up question! The prospect 'volunteered' information important to him (football scholarship). You should have 'adapted' . . . following up with something like, 'Oh, what position did you play?' This could lead to a whole series of questions, increasingly 'engaging' the prospect.When you successfully apply this simple strategy, you create 'rapport' - a feeling of trust and liking. This can cause others to think of you in positive ways:'Personal' friends or personal friends-to-be:'This is an interesting, entertaining and witty person -- the kind of person I like to have around me.'Employers or potential employers:'This is a person who would fit in here -- a person who can relate well and get along well with others.'Customers:'I'm comfortable with this person. This is the kind of person I'd like to do business with.'Clearly, small talk is crucial to you. You owe it to YOU to do it well.About The AuthorPaul Barton is the author of, How To Be GREAT!!! In Conversation -- Small Talk Techniques To Help You Sell YOU, and an Internet publisher offering personal image improvement and other self-improvement books.http://sellfire.comW. Paul Barton Associates

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Set Appointments

The Importance of setting appointments is crucial to running a business. They are the key to a successful business.When making appointments try to make your call between one and two minutes maximum. Practice keeping your calls to this time scale, any longer and you could be  drawn into a full scale presentation. It is like trying to describe a musical you have seen but without the music. Remember to create urgency in your call. Tell your contact that you do not have much time but would really like him or her to hear all about your product.Compliment your contact by telling him or her why you have chosen them to hear about your product. Think about this, if someone says something nice about you don't your ears prick up and listen ti what is being said. Leading a conversation with a compliment opens things up for a good reception. But beware of giving forced compliments as people can normally detect them. Before making your call take a few minutes to think about what information you have on this contact. What special reason is there for sharing this opportunity with them. If the contact is a referral think back to what was said about them and use the positive points as your compliments.You have now got their attention so you can iinsert an approach that you find works for you. Here are some approaches that you could use:Family.Product.Business.It is entirely up to you just remember the object is to get an appointment nothing more.The last part of your conversation should be to confirm the appointment by:Giving your contact choicesGetting a time and placeFor instance, I'm free tomorrow at (insert time) or we could get together on Wednesday or Thursday at (insert time and place) which suits you? Once you have made the appointment thank your contact for the time they have given you and reaffirm the date, time and place of the appointment. Write the appointment in your diary or planner. Give yourself a clap for having made an appointment. Now pick up the phone and do it all over again and again and again.Ordinary people are making EXTRAORDINARY money WORKING FROM HOME on the Internet! Get FREE info by email. Send your request to: affiliate-jastrad@getresponse.com.About The AuthorJim SinclairI am the editor of a daily ezine named Home Business Tips. I have run many business offices and been General Manager of a UK Company. I use experience gained in these areas in my publicationJastrad@mailblocks.com

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Sell Your Products Without Competition

Selling your products at shows can be difficult when you have a lot of competition. Although some show organizers are careful to have a good mix of vendors, it's not uncommon for other shows to have 20% or more of the booths filled with vendors in the same niche - which is  a buyer's market and a seller's disappointing show.Before signing up for any show, ask the promoter how many other vendors in your niche will have booths. And if possible, find out what kinds of these items will be represented at the show. Even if you have to dig a little for this information, it's worthwhile to find out in advance whether the show is likely to be profitable for you.For example, my medium is jewelry, which is usually the most competitive field at any show. And because of the overcrowding in this niche, many jewelry artists price the jewelry in their booth so low that it's hard for them (or any of the other jewelers at that show) to make any sales at a worthwhile profit. No one benefits from that kind of venue.But I've found out how I can easily get my fair share of the jewelry market by finding less competitive shows for selling my work. Here are some suggestions for shows where you can find eager buyers for your products and likely no other competing vendors:Local Expos and EventsMany organized events in your area involve wholesale or retail vendors selling their products in booths. These events are usually well promoted and attended, and may be unlikely to have other vendors in your niche. Examples of this type of event include a women's career expo, a home improvement show, a health fair, a business expo, and virtually any trade show.Other unusual events that can be great prospects for selling your products without competition include historic re-enactments, car club shows, gun and knife shows, garden shows, spring or fall fashion shows, motorcycle rallies (motorcyclists are among the best and biggest-spending jewelry customers you'll find!), and music competitions (like a battle of the bands or a bluegrass festival).Club or other organization meetings are also a possibility if your product is interesting - you will likely be welcomed to give a talk about your goods and then sell them afterward. Examples of organizations include a Rotary club chapter, a garden club, an alumni association, or a local newcomers' club.To find out about events like these well in advance, or to locate clubs or groups that would welcome an interesting product presentation and show, call your local tourism commission and chamber of commerce. Ask for their recommendations, and most importantly, request to be put on their mailing lists of upcoming events. When you receive the listings, carefully consider each event for its potential as a show for selling your goods without competition.Your Own ShowsWith a little more work, you can organize your own shows where you can be certain you'll be the only vendor in your niche. Examples of these are home parties, open studio sales at your studio or home, and fundraiser shows where you donate a portion of the proceeds to a designated charity. You can also cooperate with other vendors to set up bigger shows, and profit from each other's customer lists.You might do very well at an event with a ready-made huge crowd, such as a high school football game. Secure permission ahead of time to set up a booth presenting your product, and donate a percentage of sales to the school.The key to success when doing your own shows is to be sure the event is well publicized if it's open to the public, or that you personally phone and remind each invitee if it's a private sale or party. The higher the attendance, the higher your sales.So you see there's no need to sell your products in overly competitive venues. Instead, consider your targeted customers and think creatively about opportunities to present your products to them.About The AuthorRena Klingenberg is a jewelry artist with expertise in displaying and marketing products creatively on a small budget. She publishes two websites, http://www.home-jewelry-business-success-tips.com and http://www.trade-show-booth-display.com, to assist other entrepreneurs in marketing their work successfully.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Packaging Maketh the Person

The multi million pound cosmetics industry is acutely aware of the value of packaging. You'll know this if you've ever bought anything from those glamorous ladies whose counters are always just inside the front door of Department stores.However, from time to time we're  presented with surveys about the creams we rub on our bodies which take years off our age and make our skin as soft as a baby's bottie. The surveys tell us

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Breaking the Ice and Winning Over the Client

Wherever you turn these days you'll find articles covering every business strategy and tactic available to man from how to make a great presentation to strategies for success all the way to negotiations and prospecting and getting a client to commit. But hardly anyone  touches on the subject of breaking the ice with a new client and winning them over.Experts say it takes only three seconds to make a first impression. That doesn't give you much time to dazzle someone with your professionalism and polish, especially since it's so difficult to change a first impression. Naturally that leaves most of us a bit concerned when meeting someone for the very first time, especially if a lot is riding on your presentation.Since your success is based heavily on your approach along with your understanding of the potential client's goals and purpose, it is up to you to plan for that first moment of breaking the ice. If you investigate the approach and attitude of top producers you'll discover that they all use some similar strategies for meeting and greeting a new client. Because they know just how important it is to prepare for the first meeting and how crucial it is to break the ice correctly, they come well prepared.Consequently, whether your communication begins with a simple e- mail message, telephone call or person to person visit, the first contact is the most important. How you present yourself along with the questions you ask determines your success. And while there are no guarantees that any one strategy will work every time, applying the following few techniques will help make an impression that will certainly impact your very next presentation.Make Your First Meeting Count !The first and most important strategy for breaking ice is being fully prepared. And the best way to prepare is by knowing all you can about the company or individual you are planning to address. Prior to making an appointment, conduct some preliminary research about the company and individual so that you feel confident when making the first contact. Bios or articles about the person are often posted on the Internet so it's usually easy to find information. By knowing the company's history or something about the individual, you'll be in a better position to know what the prospect needs. Familiarizing yourself with the prospect opens the way to conversation.To gain the respect of a potential client, there's a lot more to communicating than just words. Your body language and your tone speak as loudly as the words you say, therefore each presentation must be offered with cheerfulness and confidence. Needless to say, your overall appearance is critically important to the way you present yourself. Feeling good about your appearance is critically important to the way you present yourself. In fact the confidence you feel both about yourself and your product might well be the primary ingredient for winning over a prospective client. When it comes to speaking about your product and your service, it is your confidence and belief in your product that does most of the selling. So during the first moment of meeting, greet the person with a firm handshake along with good eye contact. Stand and walk tall, keeping your shoulders back and your head erect. And don't forget to smile.We hear a lot today about the value of connecting with a person, yet what does That really mean? A connection comes when two people meet on common ground. One way you can connect with a potential prospect is by being your authentic self. Allow your personality, integrity and sense of humor to shine through. If the person you're meeting is aloof or hard to connect with, they might just need a bit more convincing. So rather than leaping right into the sales presentation the minute you start talking, speak first about some mutually interesting topics of conversation. If you did your homework you already know something about the company or the person, therefore you might try opening on a light note. After a few minutes, when you've had some time to relax and establish rapport, you can launch into your presentation.There may be times when you meet with a client and you don't feel an immediate connection. Although your first instinct is to run and find someone who's a bit more compatible, perhaps you might consider viewing the situation from a new perspective. Consider it a challenge. Trying to find ways to connect with the person and then achieving it can be very rewarding. After all, your mission is to be the most important resource to your client therefore your goal is to impress the potential client with your ability to solve their problems. Pay careful attention to what the client really needs by actively listening. Don't oversell or try to convince the client that what you have is absolutely perfect for them. State clearly and plainly how you'll be able to help the client. Basically, before quitting on a potential client do your best to gain insight into the client's needs. If it doesn't work, you'll know you gave it your best shot.Listening to what your client has to say is extremely important. It may be basic Knowledge that one should listen and not talk too much, but in our exuberance to sell we often forget to listen. When paying attention to conversation, you learn a lot about the potential client. Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to listen more, talk less and glean the knowledge that will help you understand the prospect's goals, concerns and overall needs. Ask questions, but be sure to pay attention to the answers. Additionally, use common courtesy by letting the prospect know that you understand how precious time is to him. If you requested 30 minutes and the potential client agreed, respect that time frame.Breaking the ice can at times seems like a difficult task, but if you're genuinely committed to helping your potential client, it won't be difficult. Be sincere, respectful and open-minded. Take the time to understand the client's needs and they'll take the time to understand yours. If you plan, prepare and manage the initial breaking of the ice effectively, the potential prospect will soon be considered a well-established business associate.About The AuthorRobert Moment -- Author, Business Coach and Strategist, is the Author of best-selling book, 'It Only Takes a Moment to Score'. Founder of The Moment Group, a Small Business Coaching & Consulting Firm, Robert helps entrepreneurs harness their potential and soar to new heights. Contact: mailto:Robert@sellintegrity.com or visit his web site at: http://www.sellintegrity.com.

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Dress as Though You Mean Business

Could casual Friday be undermining your leadership ability?One of the cool things about working in a home office is that you can do business in torn jeans and a T-shirt because no one sees you but the dog. And Sparky believes in you no matter what you wear. Some people in  traditional workplaces, though, are getting so casual in how they dress for work it can have a negative impact on their leadership ability.It is a fact: people judge books by their covers. Tied to that, I believe we teach people how to treat us by what they see when they see us coming. So when someone shows up for work in sloppy, tired, unprofessional clothes, that teaches me to question what he has to say. Is that fair? No. But does it really happen? Yes. Can what a person wears influence his or her success in business? Yes!For centuries clothes have been symbols of status, credibility and education. Some people want to brush these aside as irrelevant in the 21st Century. But there's a reason priests wear collars, royalty wears robes, and Donald Trump wears suits. These symbols send us information about dedication, experience, and position. Even credibility is impacted by clothing.You can see it in TV news. Since all stations usually have the same stories, their chief commodity is credibility. If a newscaster or reporter doesn't look credible to you, you'll change the channel and get your news from a different supplier. The same dynamic happens when you have new ideas to share with your stockholders, bosses, and customers. People want you to dress the part of a trustworthy, intelligent business person. When I'm hired as a consultant or a speaker, I wear a suit, even if the meeting is at a golf resort. A suit on a businessman says he means business.If you find your ideas are dismissed as childish, maybe you'd better look in the mirror to see whether you're dressed for the office -- or the playground. Don't let casual Friday backfire on you.Doug Smart is the author of Sell Smarter. He is a management development consultant, professional speaker, and host of the daily motivational radio show, "Smarter by the Minute." For more information, email Doug@GrowYourSales.org.Copyright 2005 by Doug Smart

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Clear Up Blurry Communication

One of the top brewing companies in America is a consulting client of mine. However, during a seminar for a brewery management team, we were jolted by a "communication wake-up call." We discovered that even though co-workers speak the same words, they don't attach  the same meanings. Here's what happened. I asked people to write a list of simple words, such as often, sometimes, never, and usually. Then I asked them to put a percentage value next to each. For example, if I say, "He is often late for meetings," what does often mean? 10% of the time? 50%? 75%? Etc.The range of answers was amazing. Often went from 5 to 97%. Sometimes was 20 to 80%. Even never was 0 to 100%, with a fourth of the people saying it was somewhere in-between! We were amazed because we assumed everyone in the room put about the same meaning on those simple, everyday words. After all, this was the management team and they worked closely together. I've lead this exercise with over 200 groups working in offices, factories, hospitals, education, sales situations, even government. Incredibly, the results are wide-ranging, even among well-educated people who communicate regularly with each other.What does this mean to you? It's helpful to keep this communication phenomenon in mind when you speak with customers, make presentations, compose e-mails, memos, reports, instructions, or ask for assistance. Make your communication clearer by using numbers in place of words, illustrating with specific examples, and asking clarifying questions. Define critical terms and spell out expectations. It's smart to recognize that we may speak the same words but not say the same things.Doug Smart is the coauthor of

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right To Sell Successfully, You Have to Be Willing to Be Different

We are complex. We confidently assert that we are independent thinkers but then we can feel uncomfortable -- even embarrassed ? if we break out of "the norm." However, in business the biggest rewards often go to people who are willing to be different.One night, I  was in a mall at suppertime. There were a dozen places to eat at the food court and the crowd was thin. Behind one counter, a middle-aged Oriental woman passionately took action to improve her odds of success. In thickly accented English, she crowed at every potential customer within ten feet,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right No Regrets

Here's a chilling thought. If you were to die tomorrow, would you have the same two regrets that many business people share?According to a study, just before people die, if they express any regrets at all, those regrets tend to fall into two categories. The bigger, by far,  is regret they didn't do better by other people. Such as, they didn't spend enough quality time with their children. Or they didn't end the feud with their sister. Or they let pass too many opportunities to say

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Im A Second-Story Man

Can you say who you are and what you do in two sentences or less?If someone should ask (in an elevator, get it?) what do you do? You should be able to recite the answer as fast as Robin Williams comes up with a quick one liner.Robin Williams can do it because he has  rehearsed every line. He is just waiting for the opportunity to bring up another fully rehearsed blurb. There is no

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Reviving Dead Clients

Most consultants I've talked to don't spend any time trying to recover inactive clients and it's a big mistake. We tend to magnify the problem we had or just want to move on, but sometimes a simple apology and offering to make things right will bring you back a client worth  thousands of dollars in billing.Clients can quit contacting you for a number of reasons:They had a bad experience.They no longer need your product or service.As their needs evolved, they believed your company no longer could offer what they need.They just got busy and forgot about you.You can see how important it is to have a communication process to stay in contact with clients as some quit calling for the sole reason of "out of sight, out of mind." Think about all the vendors that you've stopped buying from for no real reason. It happens to everyone.There are clients that you have consciously let go because they are bad clients. I recommend consistently "firing" the bottom 5-10 percent of your client base as a regular practice. But most consultants have an attrition rate higher than that.Make a Target ListGo through your database making a careful list of clients you have done business with in the past but are no longer buying from you. Cross out those relationships that you have no interest in reviving. Next, categorize the remaining list using the following parameters:Don't know why they're inactiveWas a problem but you thought you resolved itWas a problem but you didn't resolve and would like to win them backDetermine how much the client spent with you.Date of last purchase. You'll want to focus on more recent clients first and work through to a point of diminishing return.The first thing you need to do is get excited. With a little diligence you can revive 25-50 percent of these clients and dramatically increase your revenue base. The key is humility, sincerity and resolve.The Disgruntled Client:Understanding What They WantBefore you contact the inactive client it's important to spend some time focused on the outcome. You need to be prepared and anticipate their reaction to your call. Disgruntled clients have certain needs that have to be met before they become active again. Below is a checklist to review before you make each call:They want to be regarded and respectedThey want you to make things rightThey want to be listened to and heard (two different things)They want to insure that the problem doesn't happen againThey want you to understand the problem and why they would be upsetDon't defend yourself or make excuses. Acknowledge that it shouldn't have happened. You should be prepared to make an offer to resolve the problem and communicate your willingness to go great lengths to win them back.Making ContactThe next step is to simply pick up the phone. Call them and ask to meet face to face. Assure them that they are a valuable client and that you'd like to know if there is anything that is keeping them from doing business with you. You must communicate your absolute sincerity and concern.If the client had a bad experience, regardless if it was your fault, try to make it right. Offer to refund their money, correct the problem and give them a discount against future services or whatever would be appropriate in your particular situation.Apologize no matter whose fault it is. The client is always right. They write the checks and in an economy that is driven by customer satisfaction, you have to go the extra mile to stand above your competitors.Be prepared for the fact that you will not resolve every situation. You may get screamed at or abused. Stay the course, be calm and reiterate your sincere apologies. In some cases there will be no possibility of reactivating them or getting a rational response to your call. If you are professional and earnest, the worst that can happen is they will feel better about the situation and won't complain to their associates about your company, which can be damaging. Send the people a sincere letter thanking them for assisting you in identifying problem areas with your company.You're in the Spotlight, So You Better ShineIf they do agree to accept your effort to resolve the issue, whether it's in the form of redoing the work or free products and services, then you must be exemplary in the execution of the promise. Get a clear understanding of your commitment and the timeframe for its completion. You must go the extra mile here.Communicate when you've fulfilled your obligation, thanking them for the opportunity to clear up the problem. Send a sincere letter reiterating your appreciation for working with you to resolve the misunderstanding. Depending on the type of work you do, simply maintain regular contact to inquire if everything is working, and if there is anything you can do to be of service.Getting in Touch with Old FriendsOften you'll find that former clients are having financial or other difficulties that have prevented them from continuing business with your company. Express your genuine and personal response to their problems and find out if there is anything you can do to help. People remember who was around when they were down. A small gesture here goes miles in referrals or when they get back on their feet.There are also the clients that have grown, or changed technologies, and now feel that they need to work with a bigger organization. In a lot of cases it's really just a perception problem. Tell the client that you've grown too and that you're ready to meet their needs.If you truly can't serve them, let them know how much you've appreciated their business and invite them to contact you if there is anything you can do for them in the future. If they were satisfied with your services, don't hesitate to ask for referrals. Be sure and follow-up with a letter.Finally, there are the old clients that simply forgot about you. In some consulting businesses, it might be appropriate to systematically send out a letter to clients to stay in touch and acknowledge that you haven't heard from them. Come up with several that are appropriate for your particular consulting business and send them out at specific times relative to the last purchase.You need different letters because the reasons for a lack of buying vary from client to client. Track each mailing so that you can refine the process based on which letters garner the most responses.If it's appropriate for your business, send clients a coupon for a free hour of services. The perceived value is high and they will be inclined to use it to initiate future work.About The AuthorBryan Brandenburg has published 5 books as well as a number of articles both in print and on the internet. He has published almost 30 software programs both for consumers and business. More information can be found at www.vmmg.net.b.brandenburg@vmmg.net

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...