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arrow right Create A Killer Product by Writing Your Sales Letter First!

You may not realize this, but when if you are in the early planning stages of developing a product, the best thing you can do is STOP and write the sales letter first! "But wait a minute (you might be thinking)... this sounds totally 'Bass Ackwards' doesn't it?" It sure  does but it REALLY works too... And here's why ... When you envision a product, prewriting the sales letter first allows you to place no limitations on it. You can write more freely as the very things you describe are actually helping you design and create your product's features and benefits.  Now all of a sudden you have an extended blueprint that can add many bells & whistles some of which will actually end up being part of your final product. You'll also find that much of your original inspiration will also give you many great sales copy components that will also end up in your sales letter too. And, in this mode of no barrier mind-streaming, you'll undoubtedly come up with more creative ideas than the restrictive mind we use when analyzing possibilities... Always use your higher logic to harness your creativity into a final workable solution. But don't inhibit your creative process when initially creating your products... Instead try this... Set out for a dream product state-of-mind that is full of features that can be turned into benefits... What you're doing in essence is conjuring up the most unlimited version of your product. One that defies all confines at this stage. Write it out as if this product was right there in front of you and can performed every detail that you promise... You are in effect reverse-engineering your product which is a catalyst to making the product not only better, but also helps it live up to the high expectations you design into it. What you bring into reality is an out growth from using unlimited creativity to logical harnessing of all ideas fused into a finalized product. Writing the sales letter first adds incredible inspiration into your product ideas. This technique helps dictate new avenues of creation and marketing that can add much leverage to a successful product launch.  A good way to get you started in using this principle is consulting a good source on sales copy writing. There are many great ones out there to choose from. I highly recommend, Order Button Triggers. It will help you do this quite effectively as it triggers your sale writing creativity using a unique Trigger Association System not found in any other books on the same subject. You can find it at: http://www.OrderButtonTriggers.com (c) By Michael Nicholas, 2004Michael Nicholas is the author of, Order Button Triggers. His ground breaking ebook focuses on how to get prospects to click the order button to buy. Featuring over 30 years of Internet marketing experience combined, Michael brought in top marketers to tell how they do it. Click for more info==> http://www.orderbuttontriggers.com

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arrow right How To Set Goals and Achieve Them

We use only 5% of God's given potential, 95% of them is not used. Why not tap the 95% of our Creative Intelligence and achieve our desired goals. Our goals are limitless because of our creative imagination. You have to commit to your goals. If you don't have a goal , your  life will be a failure. You are a goal seeking Organism. You can create your opportunity and you can do it anytime. You have to help yourself to achieve your goals.The only way to reach the top is to have a goal. In order for goals to be effective they need to be big, because big goals create excitement once you accomplish. There is no excitement in mediocrity. The excitement comes when you are at your best. You need to see your life as something big and exciting . The only way to do that is through setting goals. Make a commitment and put it in writing. You have to crystalize your thinking so that you will be able to establish an exact direction for your own life. Goals must be realistic and achieveable. Goals must also include personality changes. Once you set goals and start to achieve them you will become successful.Don't have a goal that is so vague that you can't tell, whether you have accomplished it or not. Have a clear statement of your goals. Write them down. Put deadlines on your goals. Have Short term, Intermediate and Long term goals.When you put them on paper they become tangible and you feel more inclined to do them. As you accomplish your goals, add more ambitious goals to your list.Your goals should be clear and definite.Napolean Hill in his book 'Think and Grow Rich' says that your thinking should be crystal clear. You should know your goals. The purpose of those goals. Make a plan how you are going to achieve them. Be persistent and determined. Finally a burning passion and desire to achieve them.You should give a definite period of time within which to accomplish those goals . Successful people are successful because they see themselves as successful.Winston Saga the CEO of www.telesalestips.com and Sales International. He is the author of two best selling books,

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arrow right Planning to Realize Your Goals

Recently, I wrote about about creating specific, compelling goals that pull you towards what you want in your business, career and life. It is important to have a goal written down, and it is equally as important to the write down the reasons why you want that specific  goal. The drive to accomplish your goal is in the reasons why you want it. With a specific goal in mind you have your target, and by being conscious of your reasons, you will maintain the drive to accomplish it. The final thing you need is a plan. Some people are natural planners. They are able to look out over time into the future and visualize the actions and events that need to happen in order to get what they want. For some of us though, this doesn't come as easily. We like to fly by the seat of our pants, or

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arrow right Handshake Intimidation

In some situations, attempting to intimidate the other person will actually increase the amount of rapport you gain with them. CEO introductions, meeting other salespeople (and competitors), and sales job interviews come to mind. Other times its just plain fun to assert a  little power in a situation. Here's the technique for giving a

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arrow right My Competitor Has a Better Product

The topic of this issue's article is a response to a question submitted by one of my newsletter readers. QUESTION - "At the moment, my competitor's have a far better product/deal, due to circumstances out of my control. However, customers go to the competitor and then come  to me to compare. How do I go about convincing the customer that our service/product is better even though on paper it isn't???

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right How to Leverage Your Influence

Why do we get into sales? Typically it is two reasons for most people. One is to make money, and the other is often that we like working with other people. Yes, there are good reasons to be in sales. To be highly effective and win on a consistent basis, we must remember  that sales is a team effort. Its great to have a big ego (of course you would here this from me). A big ego will carry you far. A big ego is also a strong ego in my world. A strong ego is someone who knows when and how to put him or herself aside, and bring whole team along. There are two sales then that we must constantly win to be effective in sales. The first is the one that we talk about all of the time - selling to our prospects and customers. This is where we spend most of our time. The other is the internal sale. To be effective, everyone who supports us in our jobs has to believe that we are as great as our customers think we are (and we that we are). Top salespeople know this. They make sure that their sales consultants, sales engineers, financing specialists, product support personnel, contract administrators, office managers, administrative assistants and receptionists absolutely love them. This is an important way to achieve real influence. When your internal team loves you, you are a force to be reckoned with. You can call resources to bear when you need them most. When a big deal comes up, and you need the extra help for the fight, the support staff will want to give it to you because they like you. Salespeople that behave like raging assholes around their support staff don't get a lot of help when they are in a bind and really need it. Sure, you can have their boss order them to do it. Then their boss will dislike you too. And the first time you stumble, people will be line up to pile on you. And in today's less than certain economic environment, you'll be on high on their hit list. Having been in sales for a long time myself, I admit that there have been times where I have been less than wonderful to some of my support people. Since I've been there, I know how it happens. You're under a lot of pressure. You've got a quota that you gotta make. Maybe you don't know everyone well because you are new. You are not so certain that you are going to get the help that you need before either losing the sale or being fired. The common reaction for some people is to become a little Hitler. We have all this work that has to get done. It has to get done now. There's not enough time in the day or in the week. Yet these people that work with us, they don't seem to share our commitment to doing whatever it takes to getting the job done. Doing whatever it takes to win the deal. So we get strident with them, speaking in stressed out voices with wrinkled faces, repeating over and over just how urgent things are and that they must get done now. Well, these people that work with us and support us, don't for the most part have the financial incentives that we do. They aren't the risk takers that we are. If they were, then they would be in sales too. This is the source then of the stress that comes up at times between salespeople and our support staffs. We have different incentives towards the same common business goals of selling products and acquiring new customers. To be a leader then, one must have perspective. One must remember that while we may be in a risky business, the potential rewards are why we are here. Our support staff do not share the same rewards as we do, nor the same risks.  It is unreasonable then to expect our support people to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Open Your Introduction With A Firecracker Moment

The number one requirement, whether you are a business owner or an employee, is to be able to say what you do, and say it with influencing results. Through testing, I have seen, experienced, and received feedback that an elevator speech no longer works. My test results show  that elevator speeches are too slow and too boring. People know what's coming and have mindfully tuned out it out before the first sentence. Elevator speeches don't stop the listener in their moment, which is exactly what you need to do. An introduction that starts with a firecracker impact does stop them in their moment.Pitching what you do needs energy -- energy in your voice and body language. The same energy you have if you're pitching your screenplay to an agent or getting a large crowd's attention. Elevator speeches have become over processed and passive. People only notice if you give a poor one and that is because they measured it against their own. A good introduction, without a firecracker beginning, doesn't stop them in their moment.You want them to remember you and your answer for a long time. Not just 10 minutes, the next day when they call you to pitch you, but next week, next month, when something happens and their pain appear. Better yet, when they are talking to someone else and see the pain-solution results. They see you as the answer. A firecracker stays with people for quite some time. Where were you the last time you saw fireworks? Once triggered, I'm sure you remember the day, the time, and whom you were with quite quickly.You will want to create a memorable firecracker introduction that you can use everywhere -- in any introduction, any situation, as the key point of every presentation, voice- mail message, e-mail signatures, slogan on a business card or even as a headliner on your website home page.Let's learn this process together by beginning with a few examples I created. These examples will also give you hints on how you can open your pitches with a firecracker moment. Pitches that change people's moments ? ignite a firecracker under their assets.Let's assume you are at a networking event and someone asks, "What do you do?" You can open in one of several ways depending on the function and what you thought would intrigue people attending this event. The introduction must always lead to getting them to act on only one call to action. If your call to action is to sell space in an upcoming workshop, you don't promote your consulting services. Multiple action calls will dilute your message. Even worse, they confuse your listener.Consider crafting several, still staying within the single call to action, by changing the wording ever so slightly so that it doesn't sound memorized just in case others are close enough to over hear you. This also works if you are testing to find the best language.Always make the first sentence a declarative statement:

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling Strategy - 5 Ways To Success

Web sites exist for essentially two purposes. The first is to provide information. The second is to sell. If your purpose for being online is to sell products or services, but you don't have tons of sales experience to fall back on, this article is for you!Selling is not  some mysterious process that happens in smoke filled rooms or some gift you are born with. At it's core, selling is really finding out what people want and providing a way for them to get it. And you must take the buyer through a certain logical order before they will buy.Like almost any other skill, selling can be learned. Today we look at the five basic steps of a sale. After you finish reading today's article take a close look at your website, selling letters, ad copy and more to see if they take the buyer through these five steps. If not, take steps to make your copy stronger and measure the results.After going through this 'fine-tuning' process a few times you will have a web site that consistently makes sales and creates a reliable income for you. Now, the five steps of the sale.There are five distinct steps you must go through with a prospect in order to get them to say yes. Write these on an index card and use them as a checklist each time you make a presentation.1) Attention - Without your prospect's full attention, you can't proceed. Make sure that your prospect pays attention to your selling message, not your graphics or hot color combos. Spinning ducks are cute, powerful words sell products.2) Involvement - Once you have their attention, get them involved. Have them do something. Ask them to sign up for your newsletter or take an online survey right from your home page. If they are interested enough to take this step, you're headed in the right direction.3) Conviction - They have to be convinced in order to buy. Make sure your words include the FACTS they need to make a logical decision. Prospects buy on emotional impulse but if they can't defend their purchase with logic you'll lose the sale.4) Desire - This is where the art of selling lives. THEY MUST WANT IT. Include strong emotional 'hooks' for people to relate to. Tell them exactly what's in it for them. Remember that people are usually motivated by the promise of gain (making more money) or the fear of loss (act now before the price goes up).The simple fact is that people will buy on an emotional impulse. They may defend their purchase with logic - especially to their spouse ;) but they buy things because they WANT to.A great example of this is the Golden Gate Bridge. I'm totally convinced the Golden Gate Bridge is a great bridge, but I don't want to buy it. ;) Dry stats won't do the job, emotion will.5) Close - If you've done your job in the four preceding points, closing is a matter of arranging the details. But it is in this step that many sales are lost. Here's the key to closing the sale. TELL them exactly what to do next and keep them laser focused on doing that one thing. Do NOT include links to other products or programs on your order page. Keep their focus on whipping out that credit card and buying now. Make it simple and easy to do.Now that you know the five steps of a sale, examine your website and selling material to see how you stack up. No matter what you sell, the prospect must complete the steps before they will buy. The fact that they visit your site at all indicates interest. Gently guide them through the other four steps and success will be yours!Erny Setyawati is author of Bali Global Market Ezine that give solution of home business promotion and strategy, visit her webiste a:

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arrow right Use Bundling To Increase Your Profits And Sales

Use Bundling To Increase Your Profits And Sales An effective way to increase your profits and sales is to bundle many products or services together into one package. This gives people more reasons to buy your products and services. People also have come to believe  package deals are a better value. You want  all the products or services to be closely related. For example: if you're selling a computer you could add in software, hardware, computer furniture, etc. There are many ways to go about choosing the right  products or services to bundle into one package. You could survey your customers and see what products  or services they would like you to offer in the future.  Spy on your competition and see what products and services they're offering or not offering. If you would  like to, bundle unrelated products or services together, ask your customers which ones would be of interest to them.   Bundling can also increase your target markets which in return would give you a larger audience to sell your products and services. For example: if you're selling a baseball magazine you could add a free baseball when someone buys a subscription. You're now targeting people who want the baseball magazine and those that want to play baseball out in the yard. Some people  buy a package deal just to get one of the products.  There are many sources where you can find products and services to create a package deal. You can buy them from wholesalers or drop shippers. You can  buy the reproduction/resell rights to other people's products. Team-up with your competition to create a package deal. You could joint venture or cross promotion deal with other businesses. You could also create your own products and services. Be creative!Article Written by John Smith of www.10BestEcommerceHosting.com - Need a webhost? Avoid hosting headaches and mistakes, read informative reviews of top rated web hosting companies from a trusted source. Visit us today for a free personalized recommendation based on your specific web hosting needs.

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arrow right Six Steps to Creating Online Presentations for Telephone Selling

How much extra money could you make by closing just one or two additional sales a day? You can double, or even triple, the effectiveness of your telephone selling by showing prospects why they should buy from you, instead of just telling them.Clients and prospects are  visually oriented. They process and retain 75% of the information they see, compared to about 15% of the information they hear. There are six steps involved in preparing online visuals you and your prospects can look at online during telephone conversations and teleconferences.Step 1: Desired resultStart by identifying what you want to accomplish during each phone call. Ask yourself:? What is the primary message I want to communicate?? What action do I want my client or prospect to take?? What information can I provide to convince them to take the desired action?Your answers to these questions will provide the framework you need to begin preparing for your upcoming calls.Step 2: BenefitsNext, translate your product or service into benefits they will enjoy if they take the action you want them to take. Identify as many different ways as possible your product or service can benefit your client. Be as specific as possible.Step 3: FrameworkOpen your presentation program and create an "empty" set of visuals to support your upcoming calls. This will provide a framework for developing your telephone sales presentation.Don't be concerned the contents of each visual. At this point, don't stop to fill in the details for each visual. Simply create an empty presentation visual and title for each of the points you want to cover in your upcoming telephone calls.Hint: You may want to create a template with placeholder visuals to help quickly prepare future presentations.Step 4: Provide proofNext, go through your presentation framework and complete each of the visuals by adding appropriate text and graphics. As you complete each visual, strive to make your benefits as specific and as visual as possible. Translate your products or services into added dollars and cents revenue, reduced costs, or time savings.Whenever possible, show, rather than tell. Translate words into information graphics, like tables, charts, and graphs, to emphasize:? Comparisons, i.e. before and after revenues or expenditures of time and money.? Trends, i.e. growing market share.Add photographs to personalize and reinforce case studies and testimonials. Use logos, rather than words, to emphasize case studies and satisfied clients.Step 5: Contingency visualsNext, prepare to respond to objections that prospects may bring up during your calls.Start by identifying the possible objections that prospects might come up. Determine how to respond to each one. Then, prepare visuals that will only be used if your prospect brings the specific objection up.Typical objections concern price, competitive features, ease of use, and economic uncertainty.Step 6: Upload and rehearseAfter reviewing your work, use your presentation program's Save as... command to save your presentation in the appropriate online format.Then, upload your presentation to the server where you and your prospects can access it online during calls.Rehearse your presentation, until you can comfortably proceed from point to point, and easily access the contingency visuals, (if needed).Consider your web-based presentations a "work in progress" that you continually update and refine. Prepare additional visuals as new objections come up. And prepare personalized slide titles and visuals for specific clients and prospects.Let Roger C. Parker help you harness the latest technology to promote your expertise. For more information, please visit www.onepagenewsletters.com

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arrow right Persuading Learners to Buy: 7 Groups

There are seven major reasons why adults continue their pursuit to learn. Each of the reasons play into the way you want to present your sales information. Studies completed by the United States Department of Education (USDOE), Commission on Nontraditional Study and surveys  conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) show little change in why learners keep wanting to learn since 1964.  Since the 21st century the statistics have shown a small increase only. In 1964, U.S. Dept. of Education reported that only 37% of the U.S. population took an assertive role in their learning. The latest report, 2002, only shows a 3% increase. Why is this information important for selling learning opportunities? These statistical reports show exactly what language to use to get their attention and what it takes for them to open their wallets.  Phrases, words, ideas, and thoughts, if conveyed appropriately to the group of choice can make the difference between survival and thriving. 1. The highest, 40%, choose to learn to become a more-informed person and like having knowledge in their tool bag.  Language that grabs learners attention and persuades them to buy is: opportunity, advantage, timeless, chance, essential, treasure, priceless, rare, gateway, treasurer, growth, and wisdom.  Phases included: A unique opportunity; Be prepared; Free opportunity (actually any phrase with opportunity included); If you pass this up you'll be passé. 2. Adults who are preparing themselves for a career transition ? new job or new occupation follow close behind the first group. And in a few of the results, this group jumps to the top and the other takes second place. Yet, always very close to each other. In the USDOE reports they were 1% behind and in the NCES, 2% ahead.  Words that attract and persuade this group include: winning, motivate, clear-headed, clear-sighted, excellence, gets you noticed, perceptive, potential, sharp, jump obstacles, performs effectively, goals, standards, staying on track, excels, leader, leadership roles, takes the initiative. 3. The next group of learners expands their training just what pertains to their current job run slightly below the top two, approximately 32-34%. A high majority, yet not all, will only attend if the employer compensates for their attendance. This is a tough group to sell too. It usually isn't until they lose their job and begin seeing what their laissez faire approach is now costing them. Attractive language to this group is: winning attitude, envy, self-confidence, team work, wants, desires, quiet confidence, risk, self-discipline. Other words and phrases include finding a better paying job. 4. Fourth group percentage drops to low 20s. They attend learning-type seminars, workshops, and other events for the sheer joy of it. It doesn't matter if it's on window washing or dog bathing. Language: inspired, energy,, joy, fun, knowledge about, look at what you can learn, what type of other people are going to be attending, make new friends, bring a friend, a friend can attend for (discount or free), discover, passion, boundaries, shoot for the stars, control, future, adventure, imagine the fun you will have. 5. With a percentage only a few digits behind the fourth, people attend just to meet new people with similar interests. If one event was successful for them one year, they will most likely return without much persuasion. Language: Meet new people, plenty of time to network, popular, team activities, interactive, pleasure, sold out early last year, don't wait, laugh, enjoy, carefree, playful, festive, entertaining, amusing, curious. 6. In the low teens, approximately 10%, these learners just like to expand their everyday lives. They want a simpler, easier, way of living day-to-day. They like the shortcuts, appliances and tools that they use regularly that are new, faster, and easier to use. They will toss out a two year old still working appliance to have one that makes their life just a little bit easier. Use words and phrases that save them personal time or money always works well. Things that help fix things easier, decorating like a pro, cook in less time, and discount travel. They prefer group events rather than single family or solo pursuits. They want to learn only the bare information that applies to now and 100% to what they need at the moment. Language: Now, current, inexpensive, lowest, terrific value, compare, affordable, gain, best buy, best bet, cuts, brief, compact, slim, minute, a dash of, condensed, compressed, anywhere, diminutive, versatile, safety, popular, special features, durable, useful, new. 7. Tied with #6 around 10%, this group of learners attend because they are bored, thought it would get them out of their rut, so they will not be alone, and if it helps them finish outside the home tasks faster and easier. Language: Speedy, easy as 1-2-3, effective, efficient, fun, team, buddy, group, play, easy [anything], intimate, usual, exercises, joint, together, jointly, give, share. Knowing what type of learner you want to attract to your seminars, workshops, TelePrograms, conferences, expos, or other type of learning events. To find similarly attractive words, phrases to sell to your chosen group of learners, use a synonym finder. Begin a list of words and phrases that attract your market before you create any marketing material -- printed or electronic. Add this invaluable information to your target profile. Also know that the percentages don't indicate the amount of revenue possibilities. For instance, just because a type of learner you choose to market to falls into the lowest percentage doesn't mean that they don't have enough discretionary revenue to pay for learning.  The most important key to all this is to learn to address each group separately. For example, if part of your marketing campaign included e-mail marketing announcements. You would create a separate e-mail (or more) for each group and not try to roll all the groups into one e-mail. Please take heed in this last statement. Trying to put everything into one marketing piece is the most common mistake that new business people fall into and the biggest culprit to no success.Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com

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arrow right Ten FAST Ways to Sell Your Products

Always give a reason for the sale for credibility. 1. If you have old Inventory, give a closeout sale. 2. Return sales. Sometimes called a scratch and dent sale. Offer any less than perfect inventory at a special discount. Always mention the character flaw with the product  -- the corner's bent, label glue scratch somewhere. 3. Only one or two left. Sell them for half price. Post on eBay. Combine them with another product, change the price to cover half of the orginal price. 4. Discount sale. You could create one or two-time seasonal discount sale. Use Ikea's model of a sale only once a year. How about holidays, the President's birthday, or the company's X year sale. Auto dealers have over used this and people don't pay much attention to them any longer. Be careful not to do the same. 5. Use Amazon's model and offer free shipping for orders over $X. Alternatively, offer free shipping with limited dates or if they upgrade. 6. Have higher priced items for sale? Offer a special payment with automatic billing to their credit card. 7. Add ways to provide samples. Free trials, free previews, with automatic delayed payment after X days if they don't return the product by that date. To screen customers, charge a small fee like a delivery fee, postage, or an amount you pay for processing their credit card. 8. Offer a pre-sell price. Product not ready...book at the printers or currently in the mail to Amazon, sell it anyway. Offer a pre-production price. Just be careful on your dates. 9. Has someone purchased a similar product or smaller version? Offer them a

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Top 10 Ways to Sell your Product or Service While you Sleep - Part 1

Have you wasted valuable time and money on promotion that doesn't work? Have your announcements and news releases been ignored? Have you been too quiet about getting the word out how your product or service will help solve people's problems? Most of us are passionate about  our work. We put a lot into coaching training; we know that we want to help others to create a better life or business. If only people would just know that we are the right choice.  The message? Be willing to put consistent time, passion and creativity into ongoing promotion that works.  Follow these ten promotion steps to bring new clients and sales: 1. Take personal responsibility for online promotion.  Online promotion works well for those of you who are bashful or reluctant to

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Top 10 Ways to Sell your Product or Service While you Sleep - Part 2

Part one of this article is available at www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles/article-31.shtml. Have you wasted valuable time and money on promotion that doesn't work? Have your announcements and news releases been ignored? Have you been too quiet about getting the word out  how your product or service will help solve people's problems? Most of us are passionate about our work. We put a lot into coaching training; we know that we want to help others to create a better life or business. If only people would just know that we are the right choice.  The message? Be willing to put consistent time, passion and creativity into ongoing promotion that works. Think of your Online audience, other small business people, who want and need your expertise, how to's, and wisdom. Write articles your audience want and watch your Web site contacts skyrocket. Follow these ten promotion steps to bring new clients and sales: 6. Write how-to articles and submit to opt-in (no spam) ezines. When you subscribe and submit to ten of these, your message will go out to 15,000 or more online business people and others who want your free information. Each article should be 100-800 words. Include your powerful

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...

arrow right Selling Is Not A Dirty Word

Selling--a word that strikes terror in writers and professionals. We love to write. We love our work. We love to speak. We hate to SELL. Our print and eBooks may go unread because we don't get the word out. Our products and services don't sell because we don't include  enough benefits to give our buyers a reason to buy. Maybe that's because we imagine the used car salesman or the vacuum sales person. They annoyed us because they didn't listen, they pushed, and we felt attacked. We defended our position, and that's what we think others do when we share our books or eBooks. When you think of selling, think of sharing the love that went into your book, product, or service and the unique, important benefits it delivers. Think,

Bandu2 - Herit.gif  دسته: جامعه   »   0 بار مطالعه شده است   »   تاریخ: 02/01/2012 05:46   »   توسط: Mouhamadou-bamb ...